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Full text of "Genealogy and biographical notes of John Parker of Lexington and his descendants: Showing his earlier ancestry in America from Dea. Thomas Parker of Reading, Mass., from 1635 to 1893"

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Showing  his  earlier  ancestry  in  America  from 



From    1635  to   1893. 



A  descendant  in  the  ninth  generation  from  Dea.  Thomas  Parker. 





^OVOfc  UTAI4 


Ever  feeling  an  interest  to  know  more  regarding  my  ances- 
tors and  their  connection  with  the  progress  of  the  times  in 
which  they  lived,  I  undertook  during  the  summer  of  1888  to 
prepare  a  small  pamphlet  publication  sfiowing  the  genealogy, 
if  possible,  of  my  own  immediate  relatives.  This  attempt 
only  brought  to  view  the  necessity  of  a  wider  scope  and  a 
more  complete  work.  Encouraged  at  this  stage  by  the  interest 
and  entreaties  of  relatives  to  extend  the  work,  and  feeling  the 
great  need  of  preserving  in  printed  form  the  historical  and 
genealogical  records,  which  might  otherwise  be  lost  forever 
in  the  course  of  time,  I  finally  determined  to  procure  the  gene- 
alogy of  the  Lexington  branch  of  the  Parker  family. 

The  compiler  realizes  the  fact  that  no  genealogy  is  complete 
or  perfect,  and  the  present  volume  doubtless  has  its  share  of 
errors,  although  accuracy  has  been  the  watchword.  It  is  not 
laid  in  the  critics'  path  with  any  idea  of  rhetorical  excellence 
or  fine  writing  ;  neither  is  such  a  work  a  pecuniary  advantage, 
as  its  completion  requires  years  of  deep  research,  correspond- 
ence and  expense,  but  it  is  given  to  the  family  with  the  com- 
pliments of  the  author  for  what  use  and  service  it  may  be  to 
those  of  the  living  and  future  generations  whom  it  does  and 
will  concern'. 

May  it  ever  serve  to  help  us  cherish  the  memory  of  those 
devout,  sturdy  and  industrious  generations  to  whom  we  are 
indebted  for  our  progress,  our  freedom,  and  our  very  existence. 

T.  p. 

"Children's  children  are  the  crown  of  old  men  ;  and  the 

GLORY    OF    children    ARE    THEIR    FATHERS." ProVerbs^  Xvii.,  6. 

"If  any  one  OF  us  could  trace  our  ancestral  stock  back 

TWO     hundred     years    we    should    FIND    THE     PROXIMATE    CAUSE 

OF  THE  DISPOSITION  BORN  IN  US." — Rev.  Theodorc  Parker. 


The  Lexington  Parker  Homestead,    -         -  faces  title  page 

Col.  Amos  Andrew  Parker,          -         -         -  faces  page  195 

The  Princeton  Parker  Homestead,   -         -  faces  page  219 

Columbus  Greene,           .         .         _         -         -  faces  page  241 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Isaac  Parker,        -         -         -  faces  page  243 

Rev.  Theodore  Parker,        .         -         -         -  faces  page  245 

Dea.  John  Parker,         .         _         -         _         _  faces  page  295 

Mrs.  Mary  C.   (Brown)   Parker,          -         -  faces  page  376 

Edward  H.  Parker,       -----  faces  page  377 

Charles  W.  Parker,      -----  faces  page  409 

Edgar  Parker,        ------  faces  page  410 

Walter  E.  Parker, faces  page  440 

Family  Group:  Arthur  A.,  Clarence  E., 

Edward  H.  and  Theodore  Parker,       -  faces  page  441 



Even  farther  back  than  the  commencement  of  English 
history  we  can  trace  the  origin  of  the  Parker  name.  It  is  as 
old  as  parcarius,  park  keeper  or  shepherd,  and  from  which 
employment  it  was  derived,  thus  extending  back  through  the 
ages  unbroken  to  the  origin  of  the  Roman  language.  It  is  a 
name  not  made  from  location  or  invented  by  lord  or  knight 
for  himself  and  descendants,  but  is  one  of  the  names  of  occupa- 
tion, of  active  out-door  life,  that  life  which  made  useful,  inde- 
pendent, hearty  men,  w^ho  caused  the  name  of  Parker  to 
multiply,  making  it  one  of  the  common  names  of  to-day. 

The  Danes,  Saxons  and  Normans  had  their  representatives 
of  the  name  ;  they  were  men  of  hardy  and  strong  physique, 
were  hunters  and  warriors  as  well  as  tillers  of  the  soil,  and 
romance  made  up  a  part  of  their  pastime.  A  keeper  of  the 
king's  hunting  grounds  must  necessarily  be  active  and  enter- 
prising. He  must  be  a  good  hunter  and  as  well  informed  as 
the  civilization  allowed, — a  typical  man  of  the  early  ages. 
The  name  is  well  associated  with  the  history  of  England,  a 
general  usefulness,  good  social  standing  and  spiritual  progress 
have  been  the  characteristics  of  this  ancient  family  name. 
From  its  great  age  the  name  is  necessarily  a  common  one  in 
England,  ranking  eleventh  in  the  kingdom  in  point  of  numbers. 

The  word  Parcus  meant  a  picketed  enclosure  for  domestic 
animals  and  also  a  preserve  for  game.  Parcus  and  DeParco 
are  mentioned  in  the  Doomsday  Book.  They  are  found  in 
Liber  Feudorum  and  one  Geoffrey  Parker  is  noted  in  the 
reign  of  Edward  I.,  who  ruled  from  901  to  925.  He  lived  at 
Bexley  on  the  eastern  coast  of  England.  From  him  there 
probably  descended  a  numerous  posterity.  We  afterward 
hear  from  Johannes  le  Parker,  a  Norman,  who  followed 
William  the  Conqueror  (1066-1087),  and  was  the  keeper  of 


the  Royul  Parks. ^  The  Taxicio  Ecclesiastica  yields  the  name, 
and  we  find  the  following  in  mediaeval  Latinity  of  1205  : 
"Johannes  le  Parker  tenet  dimid,hidam  terrae  per  servantium 
costodiendi  Parcum  Domini  Regis  et  Riesam  forinsicum  et 
valet  hoc  annus  dimidiam  marcam."  "John  the  Parker  holds 
half  a  hide  of  land  for  the  service  (sergeantry)  of  keeping  the  _ 
King's  park  and  pasture  ground  and  receives  this  year  half  a 
mark."  Fifty  acres  and  6s.  8d.  per  annum  for  folding  the 
royal  sheep  and  driving  them  to  pasture. 

James  le  Parker  turns  up  in  Norwich  in  1261,  and  one 
Samuel  Parker  is  noted  in  the  reigns  of  Henry  III.  and  Edward 
I.,  which  would  place  it  at  about  1275.  It  would  be  ditficult 
to  ascertain  from  which  of  the  foregoing  Reginald  le  Parker 
was  descended.  He  accompanied  Edward  I.  to  the  Holy 
Land  and  received  a  royal  grant  of  land  for  his  efficient 
services.  A  ver^"  ancient  family  record  which  was  at  Park 
Hall,  Stafl^ordshire,  but  which  was,  many  generations  since, 
destroyed  by  fire,  accredited  Reginald  le  Parker  as  the 
common  ancestor  of  the  Norton  Lees  branch,  and  in  turn 
of  the  Park  Hall,  the  Earl  of  Macclesfield  line.  The  reign 
of  Edward  I.  embracing  from  1272  to  1307,  it  follows  that 
Reginald  le  Parker  was  necessarily  ancestor  of  the  Lan- 
cashire Parkers,  whose  descendants  were  the  founders  ot  the 
Browsholme  and  Norton  branches.  The  family  was  early 
located  in  Lancashire  and  it  is  in  this  part  of  the  kingdom 
where  we  find  their  records  connected  from  generation  to 
generation,  and  the  mystery  so  characteristic  of  the  mediaeval 
ages  here  gives  way  for  fact.  \Yilliam  le  Parker  was  seated 
in  Extwistle,  Lancashire,  in  the  time  of  Richard  II.  The 
land  which  he  purchased  has  a  history  also.  Its  first  recorded 
owner  was  Adam  de  Preston,  who  conveyed  in  the  reign  of 
King  John  (at  about  1200),  and  again  in  that  of  Henry  III., 
the  lands  which  he  held  in  Extwistle  to  the  monks  of  St. 
Mary  of  Kirkestall.  In  the  reign  of  Richard  II.  John  De 
Bardesay,  Abbot  of  the  Monaster}'  of  the  Blessed  Mary  of 
Kirkestall,  conveyed  these  lands  by  a  deed  dated  13  of  that 
reign   (1398)  to  William  le  Parker,  a  monk,  who  at  the  time 

'  His  name  was  spelled  many  ways  in  English  records,  varying  from  Parker 
to  Parchour,  Parkre,  Parkerre. 


of  Henry   IV.    (1399-1413)    is    styled    "  de    Monk    Hall    in 

He  had  four  sons.  The  eldest  was  Lawrence  Parker.  He 
heired  the  estate,  and  from  him  in  direct  descent  is  pre- 
served in  Burke's  Landed  Gentry  the  male  line  almost  com- 
plete from  William  le  Parker  to  the  living  Parker  families  of 
Extwistle  and  Cuerden,  which  places  are  side  by  side.  It 
comprises  about  twenty  generations  of  father  and  son.  The 
Lancashire  branch  has  an  interesting  history,  and  they  appear 
to  have  flourished  from  its  earliest  time.  Emigration  becoming 
necessary  the  sons  helped  settle  the  surrounding  counties,  and 
in  turn  added  honor  to  the  name.  Browsholme  is  located  just 
across  the  county  line  from  Cuerden.  The  family  here 
appear  respectable  and  flourishing  early  in  the  sixteenth  cen- 
tury. It  is  here  we  find  at  about  1470  Robert  Parker,  a  name 
common  among  the  descendants  of  William  and  who,  in  Eng- 
lish records,  is  styled  Robert  Parker,  Esq.,  in  the  Forest  of 
Holland,  Yorkshire.  His  daughter  Elizabeth  heired  the  estate 
and  by  marriage  became  heir  of  Redmaine  (also  spelled  Red- 
mayn,  an  ancient  Yorkshire  family),  and  had  an  only  daugh- 
ter, Jennet,  who  was  heir  to  both.  Then  Edmund  Parker, 
younger  son  of  Parker  of  Horrockford,  married  Jennet  and 
thus  continued  the  Parker  name  upon  the  Browsholme  estate. 
He  was  a  descendant  of  the  Lancashire  family',  as  is  shown 
by  this  family  connection  and  b}^  similarities  in  coats  of 
arms.  They  had  with  two  daughters  a  son  and  successor, 
viz.  : — 

Robert  Parker,  Esq.,  of  Browsholme,  who  m.  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Edmund  Chadderton  of  Nathurst,  father  of  William 
Chadderton,  Lord  Bishop  of  Lincoln,  and  had  issue.  Robert 
Parker  was  still  living  in  1591. 

I.     Edmund,  drowned  at  Cambridge,  unm. 

II.     Thomas,  his  heir. 

III.     Roger,  D.D.,  Precentor  and  Dean  of  Lincoln,  and  d. 
29  Aug.,  1629,  aged  71. 

IV.  William,  of  Blisland  and  Warligon,  in  Cornwall,  I 
D.D.,  Archdeacon  of  Cornwall,  living  in  1620,  and  from  him, 
was  descended  in  the  female  line  John  Anstis,  Garter  King  of 


The  eldest  surviving  son,  Thomas  Parker  of  Browsholme, 
Bow  bearer  of  the  forest  of  Holland  in  the  Duchy  of  Lan- 
caster, m.  Bridget,  dau.  and  co-heir  of  James  Tempest  of 
Raj^ne  in  Craven,  and  had  by  her,  who  d.  in  1610,  a  numer- 
ous family  of  children,  a  son  and  successor. 

His  heir  and  successor,  Edward  Parker,  Esq.,  of  Brows- 
holme,  b.  3  Aug.,  1602,  m.  28  Jan.,  1629,  Mary  Sunderland, 
dau.  of  Richard  Sunderland  of  High  Sunderland  in  York- 
shire. This  Richard  Sunderland  for  wife  had  Mary,  sixth 
dau.  of  Sir  Richard  Saltonstall,  Knight.  Lord  Mayor  of  Lon- 
don. This  would  make  Mrs.  Edward  Parker,  the  niece  of 
young  Richard  Saltonstall,  prominent  in  the  early  settlement 
of  America.  The  portrait  of  Edward  Parker  as  Bow-bearer 
of  Bolland  forest  is  preserved.  It  is  a  fac-simile  of  a  large 
rare  folio  etching. 

Norton  Lees  is  an  attractive  portion  of  the  parish  of  Norton, 
County  Derby,  which  adjoins  Lancashire  and  Yorkshire. 
The  first  of  the  name  which  we  find  there  is  Adam  Parker, 
who  in  the  year  1352,  Sept.  17,  was  witness  to  a  grant  of  land 
in  Norton  from  Sir  Thomas  Chaworth,  knt..  to  John  and 
Isabell  Tynet.  Thomas  Parker  appears  in  1384,  and  in  1402 
John  Parker,  both  acting  in  similar  positions.  Thomas  Parker 
of  Grenehill  and  John  Parker  of  Norton  purchased  in  the  year 
1423  of  Robert  and  Margaret  Fletcher  all  of  the  land  and 
tenements  formerly  occupied  by  Richard  Peyne.  Here  their 
history  becomes  more  defined  and  interesting.  A  direct 
descendant  of  the  Little  Norton  and  Park  Hill  Hnes  is  the 
Hon.  E.  T.  Parker  Vwroig  of  Aston  Hall,  Sutton  Coldfield, 
Birmingham,  Eng.,  who  very  kindly  assisted  in  this  English 
research,  and  who  contributes  the  following  :  ''  According  to 
the  pedigree  which  was  at  Park  Hall,  the  Norton  Lees  estate 
was  granted  to  a  Roger  de  Gotham,  who  attended  Edward  HL 
at  the  siege  of  Calais  and  had  an  augmentation  of  arms  for  his 
services.  The  above  Roger  had  a  son  Thomas,  who  had  a 
son  Adam.  This  iVdam  had  an  only  daughter,  Elizabeth, 
who  m.  Thomas  Parker  of  Bulwell,  Co.  of  Nottingham." 
This  is  the  first  of  the  line  that  any  family  records  mention. 

In  a  pedigree  of  Moore  in  M.  S.  Gg.,  3,  34,  in  the  Cam- 
bridge University  Library,  England,  said  to  be  written  by  the 


hand  of  James  Gresham  of  Fulham,  Co.  Middlesex,  is  the 
following  :  "  Memorand,  that  one  Booth  sometimes  was  Bishop 
of  Yorke  [23  H.  6-1445]  beeing  before  his  promotion  to  that 
See  Arch  Deacon  there  and  lay  at  Rotheram  in  the  same 
county  had  two  sisters.  The  one  of  them,  then  hee  being 
Archdeacon,  married  he  unto  one  Mr.  John  Parker  of  Bulwell 
in  com.  Nottingham  esq're  which  Parker  had  by  hir  diverse 
children  and  was  of  a  Cli  land  b}^  the  year  or  thereabouts  .  .  . 
Memorand,  that  the  aforesaid  John  Parker  had  a  sister  whose 
name  was  Elizabeth  and  was  married  to  one  Thomas  More  of 
Grenhill  in  com.  Darby,  grandfather  to  Christopher  More, 
that  is  to  say,  son  of  John  More  son  of  the  aforesaid  Thomas 

Thus  it  appears  probable  that  the  above  named  Thomas 
Parker  was  son  of  Thomas  Parker,  once  of  Grenehill,  but 
then  of  Little  Norton.  The  father  Thomas  was  in  all  proba- 
bility son  of  the  Thomas  of  1384,  and  he,  possibly  the  son  of 
Adam.  And  it  is  certain  that  the  progenitor  of  the  Parkers 
of  Little  Norton  was  descended  from  the  Lancashire  stock. 
This  is  shown  by  marked  similarities  in  the  coats  of  arms  of 
the  two  families  and  by  tradition. 

This  places  the  marriage  of  Thomas  Parker  and  Elizabeth 
at  about  the  middle  of  the  fifteenth  century,  providing  he  was 
brother  to  the  above  named  John.  From  him  is  traced  his 
son  and  heir,  Thomas  Parker  of  Whitley  and  Ecclesfield. 
He  was  a  "  scithesmith"  and  a  "yeoman."  His  will,  as  copied 
from  the  Journal  of  the  Derbyshire  Archaeological  and  Natural 
History  Society,  15 10,  August  20. 


^tt  the  name  of  6otl,  %m(\\,  the  xx*''  day  of  August  the  yere  of  o, 
Lorde  a  thousande  ccccc"'  and  x,  I  Thomas  Parker,  of  Whitley, 
make  and  ordeyn  my  testament  in  maner  and  fo''me  folowyng.  First 
I  bequeth  my  soule  to  Almyghty  God  o""  blessed  Lady  seint  Mary  and 
the  copany  of  hevyn,  my  body  to  be  buryed  w'in  my  pish  chirch  of 
Ecclesfeld.  Itm  I  bequeth  to  my  mortuary  my  best  beest.  Itm  I 
bequeth  to  the  seid  chirch  of  Ecclesfeld  for  my  tythes  necligently  for- 
gotten vj^  viij**.  Itm  I  will  that  of  all  my  goodes  my  detts  be  paid, 
and  all  wrongs  by  me  doon,  and  trewly  proved,  be  resonably  recom- 
pensed   spially  in  discharge    of   my  soule.      Itm   I   bequeth    to   the 


making  of  the  rode-lofte  and  stalles  in  the  seid  chirch,  xl*"  Itm  to 
the  reparyng  of  Seint  Mychels  chapell  w'in  the  seid  pish,  iij*-  iiij*^- 
Itm  I  bequeth  to  Elyn  Parker,  my  doghter,  xl  mrc  to  her  mariage,  if 
it  may  be  born.  Itm  I  will  that  Thoms  Shirclift',  of  Ecclesfeld,  John 
VVilkynson,  of  the  same,  and  John  Grubbe,  of  Netherhertley,  or 
their  heires  imediatly  aff  my  decesse  surrender  in  to  th'ands  of  my 
lorde  of  Sherusbury  according  to  his  custome  w'in  the  lordeship  of 
Halomeshir,  all  and  ev  such  meses,  landes,  tents,  meadowes  and 
pastures,  w'  their  app''tenncs,  as  I  have  in  Whitley,  or  in  the  felds  of 
the  same,  purchased  of  William  Whete,  in  Woodsetts,  purchasid  of 
William  Houlle,  holden  of  my  seid  lord  as  of  his  lordeship  of 
Halomshir,  by  copy  of  court  rolle,  to  the  use  of  John  Parker,  my 
Sonne,  and  the  heires  of  his  body  laufully  begotten  for  ev.  And  for 
defaute  of  such  issew  of  his  body  laufully  begoten,  the  remaynder 
therof  to  Richard  Parko"",  his  brod"",  and  to  the  heires  of  his  body 
laufully  begotten  for  ev.  And  for  defaute  of  such  issew^  of  his  body 
laufully  begotten,  the  remander  therof  to  the  right  heires  of  me  the 
forseid  Thomas  Pker  for  ev.  Itm  I  will  that  the  same  Thoms  Shir- 
clift',  John  Wilkynson,  and  Robert  Grubbe,  their  heirs  or  assigneis, 
imediatly  aff  my  decesse  surrende  into  th'ands  of  the  prior  and 
covent  of  Coventre  charterhouse  all  such  meses,  lands,  tents,  wodds, 
medows,  lesues  and  pastures,  w'  their  app''tenncs,  as  I  have  in 
Nether  Hertley,  late  p''chased  of  Thoms  Barmley*  holden  of  the  seid 
pV  and  covent  by  copie  of  co''t  rolle,  as  of  their  lordeship  at  Eccles- 
feld to  the  use  of  Richard  Pker,  my  Sonne,  and  heires  of  his  body 
laufully  begotten  for  ev.  And  for  defaute  of  such  isshew  of  his  body 
laufully  begotten,  the  remand''  therof  to  John  Parko'',  his  brod'",  and 
heires  of  his  body  laufully  begotten  for  ev.  And  for  defaute  of  such 
isshew  of  his  body  laufully  begotten,  the  remander  therof  to  the  next 
heires  of  me  the  seid  Thoms  for  ev.  Itm  I  will  that  the  said  Thoms 
Shircliff,  John  Wilkinson,  and  Robert  Grubbe,  or  their  heires, 
immediatly  aff  they  be  required,  surrende  into  the  hands  of  the  p''o'' 
and  Covent  of  the  Charterhouse  of  Coventry,  according  to  his 
custome,  a  mese,  lands,  medows,  wodds,  lesues  and  pastures,  w' 
their  app''tenncs,  as  they  lye  in  Neder  Hertley,  unto  the  use  and 
behove  of  Ric.  Pko"^,  my  sonne,  and  to  the  heires  of  his  body  laufully 
begotten  ;  and  for  defaute  of  his  body*  laufully  begotten,  the  remander 
theroffto  John  Parko'',  his  brod"",  in  like  estate,  the  remander  thereof 
to  the  right  heires  of  me  the  forseid  Thoms  Parko""  for  ev.     Also  I 

*Sic  t'ti  reg,  forsati  Barmby. 

t  Probably  the  words  "  such  issue  of"  omitted;  but  it  stands  so  in  the  copy 
in  the  Register  at  York. 


will  that  immediatly  after  the  seid  surrend""  maid  unto  the  seid 
Richarde  Pko%  that  the  seid  Richard  shall  make  to  Agnes  Pko%  my 
doghter,  a  sufficient  surrende  of  a  yerely  rent  of  xx'-,  to  be  taken  and 
paid  out  of  all  the  landes,  medows,  wodds,  lesues  and  pastures,  w* 
their  app''tenncs  in  Ned'  hertley  aforeseid,  to  have  and  holde  to  the 
same  Agnes  and  hir  assignes  during  hir  liff  at  ij  termes  in  the  yere, 
that  is  to  say,  at  the  feest  of  Penticost  and  Saint  Martyn,  by  evyn 
porcions,  w'  clause  of  distresse  for  noon  payment  of  the  same  in  the 
aforeseid  mese,  lands,  wodds,  medows,  lesues  and  pastures.  Itm  I 
will  that  if,  as  God  forbede,  hit  happen  that  the  seid  Agnes  be 
decrepyd,  or  in  such  case  that  she  may  not  stere  herselff,  or  come  to 
a  grete  necessite,  then  the  seid  Richard  Parker,  or  his  heires,  shall 
pay  yerely  during  the  lif  of  the  seid  Agnes,  ov  and  above  the  seid 
xx^-,  vj'-,  viij''-,  that  is  to  say,  if  the  seid  chaunce  happen,  xxvj^-,  viij**- 
Itm  I  will  that  Richard  Parker,  my  sonne,  shall  have  the  takke  of 
my  water-whels  after  my  decesse.  Also  I  will  the  seid  Richard  shall 
have  a  mese  in  Brokehouse,  w'in  the  pish  of  Laghton,  w'  th'  app''- 
tenncs.  Itm  I  will  that  the  seid  Richard  shall  have  an  annuall  rent 
of  ix*-  lyyng  in  Dennaby,  in  the  holding  of  Wynter.  Itm  that  the 
seid  Richard  shall  have  my  right  in  ij  closes,  w'  a  medow  called 
Horbury,  w'  a  close  called  Longlands,  and  a  croft  callyd  Ryfarecroft. 
Item  that  the  seid  Richard  shall  have  at  Neder  Hertley  a  fournes,  a 
fourmelede,  a  wort  stoon,  a  kneding-trough,  a  mulding  horde,  a 
stepefatte,  ij  grete  arkes,  ij  chayres,  a  mete  horde,  a  folding  borde,  a 
chymney,  ij  bedds,  an  arke,  a  long  chist,  a  saing  borde,  ij  bedds  in 
the  new  chambre,  oon  in  the  plo"",  and  an  awmery  in  the  new  plo"^  at 
Whitley.  Itm  that  the  same  Richard  shall  have  ij  stythes,  ij  bare 
bales,  all  od"'  smythy  gere,  ij  stoones  troughed  coultroughed  (sic). 
Itm  I  will  that  John  Parko',  my  sonne,  have  at  Whitley  ij  stones 
troughed  called  coltroughes.  Itm  at  the  whele  a  stythy  and  a  pair 
of  bellows.  Itm  at  Whitley,  a  chayr,  a  chymney,  iij  mete  bords  in 
the  chechyn,  a  kneding  trough,  a  moldyng  bord,  a  fournes,  a  wort 
stoon,  a  lede  in  a  fo'"me,  all  the  bedds  in  the  plo"^,  ij  yronbonde 
coffers,  an  arke,  an  awmery  in  the  chambre,  an  arke  and  a  bedde  in 
the  new  chamber,  iij  close  bedds  in  the  malthouse,  a  stepefatt,  a  close 
bedde,  and  the  iij  close  bedds  to  stand  still  for  the  svntes.  Itm  I  will 
that  out  of  the  meses,  w'  th'  app''tenncs  in  Dalton  my  seid  feoftes 
shall  suffer,  aff  my  decesse,  the  profetts  yerely  to  be  taken  in  fo'"me 
folowyng.  First  xiiij"  vj''-  to  find  a  preist  at  Ecclesfeld  to  sing  yerely 
Ix  messes,  that  is,  ij  tymes  Seint  Gregory  trentall,  w'  svyce  therto 
belonging.  Itm  of  the  seid  mese  yerely  iiij''-  to  the  vicar  of  the  same 
chirche  to  pray  for  the  soules  of  me,  my  ij  wiffs,  my  fad'  and  mod', 


and  all  myn  aunceto'"s  and  child''  soules,  on  the  Sonday  in  the  chirch. 
Itm  for  an  obijt  evy  yere  to  be  made  for  Thorns  Pko%  Elsabt,  and 
Agnes,  his  wiffs,  his  fad""  and  mod""  soules,  out  of  the  seid  mesa  v** 
yerely  to  be  takyn  and  paid.  Itm  to  the  clerc  for  v  mynnyngs  yerely 
to  be  paid  v**-  of  the  said  mese.  Itm  that  the  residew  of  the  mese, 
that  is  ijs.  iiij^',  that  my  childer  ther  being  shall  have  yerely  j"*-,  and 
the  residew  to  poore  folkes  having  most  nede.  Itm  that  seint 
Mychell  warke  if  it  may  be  shall  have  vj^-  viij**-  Itm  in  likecase  to 
the  p'o""  and  covent  of  the  charterhouse,  vj'-  viij**-  Itm  I  ordeyn  to 
be  ovseers  of  this  my  last  will  M^  Herry  Evinghm,  esquier,  to 
whome  shalbe  geven  xx^-  Thorns  Evynghm,  sonne  of  the  seid 
Herry,  to  whome  shalbe  giffen  x^-  Sir  Thorns  Thorley.  pson  of 
Thorley,  to  whome  xx'-  Robert  Pko"",  my  sonne,  Robert  Gilberthorp, 
Willm  Crofte,  to  evy  of  the  seid  Robert  and  William  for  rewarde 
vj'-  viij''-,  and  the  costes  of  all  my  seid  ovseers  wher  or  whed''  so  ev 
they  be  called  to  be  borne  at  all  tymes  of  my  goodes.  The  residew 
of  my  goods  before  not  bequethed,  I  will  that  mv  wifl'  shall  have  hir 
thirde  parte  therod'and  the  seconde  pt  to  be  disposed  and  spendyd  at 
my  buriall  and  after warde  for  the  well  of  my  soule.  And  the  thirde 
pt  therof  I  giff  and  bequethe  to  Richard  Pker,  my  sonne.  Itm  T 
will  that  Robert  Pker,  my  sonne,  shall  pay  unto  Agnes  Pker,  my 
witf,  yerely  during  hir  liff,  xiij^-  iiij*^-  Itm  I  will  that  John  Parker, 
my  Sonne,  shall  pay  unto  the  same  Agnes,  his  mod"",  evy  yere  during 
hir  lift",  xxvj^  viij*^-,  in  mony  of  hir  thirde  and  dowery.  Itm  I  will 
that  Richard  Pker,  my  sonne,  shall  pay  unto  the  same  Agnes,  his 
mods  every  yere  during  hir  lif  xxvj*  viij**'  in  mony  for  hir  thirde  and 
dowery,  if  the  forseid  my  childer  may  their  landes  peasably  enjoy 
w'out  trouble  or  recovy.  Also  I  ordeyn  and  make  Agnes  Parker, 
my  wift',  John  Pkar  and  Richard  Pker,  my  sonnes,  myn  executo'^s  of 
this  my  psent  testament. 

ifn  U'itnCSl  Whcrof  herunto  I  have  set  my  seale,  thes  being  witnesses, 
sir  Thoms  clerc,  vicar  of  Ecclesfeld.  Thoms  Robt  Grubbe,  and 
Shircliff',  John  Wilkinson,  od""  moo,  the  day  and  yere  abovesaid. 

Probatum  fuit  p  vicariu  de  Shefteld,  p  comissionem  [15 lo].  Reg. 
Test.  8  fol.  55A.  ^ 

His  son  Robert  had  a  son  Thomas  of  Little  Norton,  "yeo- 
man." This  Thomas  had  a  son  John  Parker,  also  a  "yeo- 
man," and  who  lived  in  Little  Norton.  A  deed  relating  to 
this  member  of  the  family  contains  the  name  Ryddinge, 
which  is  certainly  interesting  considering  the  connection  this 
location  (Reading)  has  borne  with  the  Parkers  of  Massachu- 
setts.    This  is  its  copy  : 


"  Deed  between  John  Bullocke  of  Darley,  in  co.  Derby,  Esq.,  and 
John  Parker  of  Little  Norton,  co.  Derby,  yeoman.  Being  tenants  in 
common  in  several  closes,  &c.,  in  the  parish  of  Norton,  called  the 
Lea  Maskers,  Johnsett  wood  field,  Ryddinge,  Johnsett  noil,  the 
Mawe  land,  the  Hie  field,  and  Howl  storthe  land,  a  piece  of  wood 
ground  called  Johnsett  wood,  and  other  lands  in  Little  Norton  mea- 
dow, the  yard  in  the  holding  of  Wm.  Mawer,  Norcroft,  Shipley 
Lowage,  and  Lowage  gate.  Hie  Storthe,  Lyarde  land,  the  Lea,  being 
parcel  of  the  land  of  Wm.  Rawly nson,  they  had  agreed  to  make  a 
division  in  severalty  as  therein  named.  Witnesses,  Henry  Tayler, 
James  Bullock,  Robert  Boothe,  Willm.  Simpson,  James  Bayte, 
William  Rawlynson." 

This  John  Parker  had  a  son  John,  baptized  4  Sept.,  1575, 
m.  1601,  Dyonysia,  dau.  oi  Thomas  Bright  of  Bradway,  and 
aunt  of  Sir  John  Bright.  He  m.  second,  2  July,  1605,  Jane, 
dau.  of  James  Bate  of  Jordenthorpe,  Co.  York,  and  by  her 
had  John,  his  heir,  12  Aug.,  1607;  Thomas,  baptized  31 
March,  1609;  William,  23  July,  1614 ;  Jane.  Of  the  children 
of  the  above  named  famil}',  John  Parker,  b.  1607,  heired  the 
estate  of  Norton  Lees ;  WilHam,  b.  161 4,  m.  Bridget  Carrier, 
granddau.  of  Thomas  Parker,  Esq.,  of  Browsholme,  Bow- 
bearer  of  the  forest  of  Bowland.  She  was  also  niece  of 
Edward  Parker  of  Browsholme. 

It  is  thus  evident  that  our  Puritan  ancestor,  Thomas  Parker, 
who  came  from  London  to  the  New  World  in  the  year  1635, 
could  belong  to  the  Norton  Lees  branch  and,  through  Bridget 
Carrier,  become  well  acquainted  with  the  Browsholme  branch, 
and  through  Edward  Parker's  marriage  connection  with  the 
Saltonstalls.  Sir  Richard  Saltonstall,  Jr.,  had  been  to  the 
New  World  several  times,  had  lived  for  years  in  Water- 
town,  and  had  successfully  transported  ship-loads  of  pilgrims 
to  their  haven  of  refuge.  In  1635  he  was  again  raising  a 
company  for  transportation. 

William,  the  aforesaid,  removed  to  Park  Hall,  Staffordshire, 
and  was  the  ancestor  of  that  illustrious  line.  He  commanded 
a  company  of  exparte  regis  and  took  part  in  many  military 
actions,  including  Hopton  Heath,  Marston  Moor.  Naseby 
and  Worcester,  was  taken  prisoner  and  suffered  much  for  his 
loyalty.      He  d.   12   May,   1703.      By  wife    Bridget    he  had 


tvvo  daughters  and  three  sons,  the  latter  being  :  I,  George 
Parker.  Esq.,  of  Park  Hall,  who  heired  the  estate  and  was 
high  sheriff'.  II.  Thomas  Parker,  Esq.,  who  studied  law, 
removed  to  Leeke,  was  a  diligent  practitioner  of  his  profession 
and  whose  son  Thomas  Parker  by  his  own  wonderful  dili- 
gence and  perseverance  in  study,  and  the  use  of  a  most 
retentive  memory,  became  a  most  powerful  lawyer  and 
a  man  of  invincible  influence  at  the  bar.  He  was  known 
as  the  silver-tongued  orator,  instituted  many  reforms  in  Eng- 
lish laws  and  was  created  Earl  of  Macclesfield,  an  honor 
which  is  still  held  by  the  family.  III.  Robert,  cup-bearer  to 
Queen  Catharine. 

Another  illustrious  line  of  the  Parker  family  has  been  living 
for  several  centuries  at  North  Molton,  Co.  Devon,  near  the 
southwest  shore  of  England.  Their  histor}-  is  interesting  and 
their  emigrative  growth  has  been  rapid.  Some  of  this  branch 
removed  to  Castle  Lough,  Ireland,  and  became  the  founders 
of  the  Parkers  of  this  portion  of  the  island  (Tipperary  Co.). 
where  many  of  the  name  reside.  They  are  characterized  by 
being  strongly  Protestant  in  faith.  The  Irishmen  in  America 
by  name  of  Parker  are  mainly  descended  from  this  line. 
Another  earlship  was  attained  by  the  early  founders  of  the 
Molton  Parkers,  the  Earl  of  Morley  being  the  title  which 
descends  from  father  to  son  in  like  manner  with  the  Earl  of 
Macclesfield.  Sir  William  Parker,  standard-bearer  to  King 
Richard  III.  (1483),  was  the  first  of  the  Morley  and  Mont- 
eagle  Parkers.  Molton  Parker  issues  emigrated  to  :  I.  Petterell 
Green,  Co.  Cumberland.  II.  Warwick  Hall.  III.  Plympton, 
IV.  Whiteway,  Co.  Devon.  V.  Homington.  Co.  Warwick. 
VI.     Melford  Hall,  Co.  Suftblk. 

Extwistle  and  Cuerden  Parker  issues  emigrated  :  I.  to  Brows- 
holme.  Co.  York  :  II.  Norton,  Co.  Derby  :  III.  Whiteley  Hall, 
Co.  Lincoln.  The  Browsholme  lines  spread  out  to  :  I.  Hare- 
den,  Co.  York.  Later  those  of  Norton  found  their  way  to  :  I. 
Park  Hall :  II.  Woodthrope,  Co. York  ;  and  from  the  Park  Hall 
family  descended  the  Earl  of  Macclesfield,  lately  represented 
by  Thomas  Augustus  Wolstenholme  Parker  (b.  1811),  Shir- 
burn  Castle,  Tetsworth,  Carlton  Club,  S.  W.  ;  94  Eaton 
Square,  S.  W.     His  heir  is  George  Augustus  Parker.  Vis- 


count.  The  Park  Hall  family  is  now  represented  by  Thomas 
Hawe  Parker,  Esq.,  son  and  heir  of  the  late  Thomas  Parker, 
grandson  of  Sir  Thomas  Parker,  Chief  Baron  of  the  Ex- 
chequer, while  the  occupant  of  the  ancient  Cuerden  estate, 
Lancashire,  is  Thomas  Townley  Townley  Parker,  Esq.,  of 
Cuerden  Hall. 


The  early  coats  of  arms  of  the  Parkers  of  Extwistle  were  : — 

Gu.  a  chevron  between  three  leopards'  heads,  with  arrow 
in  mouth  of  each  leopard.  Crest,  a  buck  trippant  ppr.  trans- 
pierced through  the  body  with  an  arrow  point  downwards, 

That  of  the  Browsholme  line  was  very  similar  and  the  fol- 
lowing was  used  by  Edward  Parker,  son  of  Thomas:  Vert., 
a  chevron  between  three  stags'  heads,  caboshed  or.  Crest,  on 
a  chapeau  a  stag  trippant  ppr.  Motto,  "-JVonJluctu  necfatti 
movetur  -Parkers  of  Browsholme."  (Unmoved  by  either 
wave  or  wind). 

This  coat  of  arms  was  granted  to  the  Parkers  of  Norton  Lees 
and  used  by  them:  Gu.,  a  chevron  between  three  leopards' 
faces,  or.  Crest,  a  leopard  head  aftrontee  erased,  or,  ducally 
gorged,  gu.  Supporters,  two  leopards  regardant  ppr.  ;  each 
gorged  with  a  ducal  coronet;  gu.  Motto,  '•'•Sefre  Ande''' 
(Dare  to  be  just).  The  same  coat  of  arms  has  descended 
through  the  Park  Hall  and  Statfordshire  lines,  and  is  now  used 
by  Sir  Thomas  Parker,  Earl  of  Macclesfield,  England. 

The  arms  of  Earl  of  Morley  :  A  stag's  head  caboshed  be- 
tween two  flaunches  ar.  Crest,  an  arm  erect  vested  az.  slashed 
ar.  cuft'of  the  last,  the  hand  grasping  the  attire  of  a  stag  gu. 
also  stag,  greyhound,  horse's  head,  etc.  Motto :  Fideli 
Certa  Merccs.     (The  reward  of  the  faithful  is  sure). 

Arms  of  Cambridgeshire  Parkers — A  buck  trippant  betw. 
three  phoens  ar.  within  a  burdure  rugr.  of  the  second  hurtee. 

Arms  of  Essex  Co.  Parkers — Or,  three  inescutcheons  sa. 
charged  with  as  many  phoens  ar.  Crest — A  lion's  gamb. 
erased  or.  grasping  an  arrow  gu.  headed  and  feathered  ar. 


Park  Hall  (Stafford,  Derby) — Chev.  betw.  3  leopard  faces 
and  leopard's  head  guard,  erased  at  neck  or,  ducally  gorged. 

Macclefield — Chev.  betw.  3  leopard's  heads,  and  leopard 
head  guardant,  erased  at  neck  or,  ducally  gorged. 

Woodthorpe  (York) — Ar.  a  chevron  pean  betw.  three  mul- 
lets sa.  on  a  chief  az.  as  many  buck's  heads  caboshed  ar. 
Crest,  a  talbot's  head  couped  ar.  ears  and  tongue  gu. 




It  has  not  yet  been  positively  ascertained  from  which  Hne 
of  Parkers  our  ancestor  descended.  From  tradition  and  clues 
we  can  base  our  own  judgment.  By  records  it  is  known  that 
he  was  born  in  the  year  1609.^  What  success  seemed  to  have 
crowned  the  genealogists'  efforts  when  the  family  of  John 
Parker  of  Little  Norton  was  reached,  showing  a  son  Thomas, 
baptized  March  31,  1609!  But  upon  searching  the  father's 
papers  dated  1632,  and  also  his  will,  bearing  date  of  1637,  ^^ 
mention  of  a  son  Thomas  is  made.  That  leaves  us  to  suppose 
one  of  two  things,  ist,  that  he  died  young  ;  or,  2nd,  that  he 
went  to  live  with  his  Browsholme  relatives  or  early  removed 
far  from  home.  Tradition  helps  the  case  along  from  its  state- 
ment that  our  ancestor  was  connected  by  marriage  with  the 
Saltonstall  family.  We  know  that  the  Browsholme  Parkers 
were  so  connected.  In  this  manner  he  could  have  easily 
become  interested  in  the  work  which  Sir  Richard  Saltonstall, 
Jr.,  was  doing  toward  the  colonization  of  New  England.  It 
is  also  traditioned  that  Thomas  Parker  was  one  of  three 
brothers  who  came  to  America  at  an  early  day  and  settled 
finally  in  three  different  places,  viz.  :  Reading,  Chelmsford 
and  Groton.  In  fact  this  tradition  is  so  common  among  the 
Parker  family  in  general  as  to  make  it  worthy  of  much  reflec- 
tion. One  of  the  brothers,  Abraham  Parker,  settled  in 
Chelmsford,  and  in  his  family  there  descended  an  heirloom, 
the  Parker  Coat  of  Arms,  which  his  descendant,  Dr.  Wm. 
Thornton  Parker,  describes  in  heraldry  as  follows:  **Gu. 
a  chevron  between  three  leopards'  faces  or.  Crest,  a  leopard's 
head  affrontec  erased,  or,  ducally  gorged,  gu."  This  seems 
to  be  the  copy  of  the  arms  of  the  Parker  family  of  Little 
Norton,  and  shows  genealogical  connection.      The  name  in 

'  He  died  in  Reading,  Aug.  12,  16S3,  "aged  about  74,"  so  savs  his  grave- 



Norton  and  Little  Norton  was  characterized  with  intelligence 
and  industry.  They  were  well  known  families  and  lived  well 
for  the  times.  Thus  Little  Norton  is  supplied  with  a  majority 
of  evidence  toward  claiming  our  ancestor.  But  the  descend- 
ants of  Abraham  Parker  of  Chelmsford  have  the  universal 
tradition  that  their  ancestor  came  from  Wiltshire  County, 
England.  In  fact,  Mr.  Cutter  in  his  history  of  Jaftrey, 
N.  H.  (where  an  illustrious  family  of  Abraham's  descendants 
settled),  states  that  Abraham  Parker  was  born  in  Marl- 
borough, County  Wilts,  England.     This  might  easily  be  so. 

From  Newbury,  County  Berks,  there  came  to  Newbury  in 
New  England,  Joseph  Parker,^  brother  of  one  Nathan  Parker, 
who  soon  followed.  They  remained  in  Newbury  a  few  years, 
when  they  removed  to  Andover,  Joseph  being  one  of  the 
founders  of  the  Church  there  in  1645.  From  Wiltshire  there 
came  Rev.  Thomas  Parker,  a  man  characterized  by  his  gener- 
ous teachings  of  intellectual  improvement  and  spiritual  prog- 
ress. He  was  the  only  son  of  Rev.  Robert  Parker,  who  was 
called  "  Rev.'*  in  the  English  Nation  at  the  age  of  22.  The 
son  Thomas  was  born  in  1595,  and  while  in  England  pub- 
lished a  treatise  on  repentance,  also  several  on  the  prophecies. 
Rev.  Thomas  Parker  came  to  Ipswich  in  1634,  then  in  1635 
to  the  first  settling  of  Newbury  and  taught  school  as  well  as 
preached.  He  died  in  Newbury  unmarried,  April  24,  1677. 
He  was  a  finely  educated  man,  a  speaker  of  ability  and  was 
properly  appreciated  and  well  beloved  It  is  said  that  he  was 
born  in  Newbury,  Eng.,  which  is  in  Berkshire.  He  was  a 
most  prominent  man  of  early  Newbury,  Mass.,  his  good  influ- 
ence was  widely  felt  and  it  was  in  his  honor  the  town  was 
named  Newbury,  which  verifies  the  tradition  that  he  was  born 
in  Newbury,  Eng.,  thus  in  memory  of  his  native  home. 
Parker  river  in  Newbury  was  also  named  in  memory  of  him. 

Doubtless  Rev.  Thomas,  Joseph  and  Nathan  were  brothers, 
and  descended  from  the  family  seat  at  Newbury,  Eng.  The 
Puritan  minister  had  no  issue,  but  the  children  of  Joseph  and 
Nathan  bore  the  names  of  Joseph,  Stephen,  Thomas,  Samuel, 
John;    John,  James,    Robert   and    Peter.      There   is   such   a 

'Joseph  Parker  also  owned  an  estate  in  Ramsey,  eight  miles  from  South- 
ampton, which  by  will  he  gave  to  his  wife  Mary. 


Striking  similarity  of  names  herein  shown  with  the  names  of 
the  five  brothers  who  settled  in  Billerica,  Chelmsford  and 
Groton,  and  their  children  and  of  our  ancestor,  Dea.  Thomas 
Parker  and  his  children,  that  there  seems  to  have  been  strong 
family  connections.  This  method  of  naming  in  honor  of  rela- 
tionship was  in  olden  time  more  universal  than  at  present. 
Our  ancestor,  Thomas  Parker,  was  of  the  same  name  as 
the  preacher  of  Newbury,  and  the  name  of  Thomas  occurs 
in  two  lists  of  children.  Joseph  of  Andover  was  himself  of 
the  same  name  as  one  of  the  five  brothers,  furthermore,  our 
ancestor  had  in  1642  a  son  whom  he  named  Joseph,  but  who 
died  in  1644.  His  next  child  was  a  son  whom  he  also  named 
Joseph,  but  who  also  died  young.  Then  again,  the  name 
Nathaniel  occurs  among  his  children,  as  well  as  sons  Thomas 
and  John,  and  grandsons  Stephen  and  Samuel.  A  Samuel  is 
also  found  to  be  one  of  the  sons  of  James,  one  of  the  five 
brothers.  One  of  the  five  was  John,  and  this  name  occurs 
among  the  children  of  Joseph,  James  and  Abraham,  and  this 
James  had  a  son  James. 

Abraham  Parker  might  easily  have  been  born  in  Marl- 
borough, Eng.,  which  is  situated  near  Newbury,  and  have 
been  connected  with  the  Newbury  line.  So  far  as  the  tradi- 
tion goes  that  Dea.  Thomas  was  one  of  three  brothers,  he 
could  be  brother  of  Joseph  and  Nathan  of  Newbury  and 
Andover,  but  the  remainder  of  the  tradition  would  not  thus 
apply.  If  he  was  not  a  brother  to  the  five  he  must  have  been 
related  as  near  as  cousin.  The  coat  of  arms  just  mentioned 
shows  that  the  brother  belonged  to  a  junior  branch  of  the 
Norton  Lees  family.  There  was  a  difference  of  14  years 
between  Rev.  Thomas  Parker  of  Newbury  and  our  ancestor, 
Dea.  Thomas  Parker.  Thus  they  could  easily  have  been 
uncle  and  nephew.  Further  research  toward  this  end  in 
Newbury,  Eng.,  may  bring  to  light  the  proper  records  which 
will  clear  away  all  lingering  doubts  and  present  us  with  this 
much  sought  information  of  the  past. 

Mr.  John  L.  Parker  of  Lynn,  genealogist  of  the  descend- 
ants of  Abraham  Parker,  thus  writes  upon  this  subject : 
"Abraham  Parker  was  born  in  Marlborough,  Wiltshire. 
The  exact  date  of  his  birth  cannot  at  present  be  given,  but  it  is 


believed  to  be  1612.  The  Parker  brothers  were  probably 
young  fellows  who  saw  a  chance  in  the  New  World  to  better 
themselves,  and  embraced  the  opportunity  to  come  over  and 
join  the  settlers  at  the  mouth  of  the  Charles  river,  where  they 
first  settled  and  where  they  found  employment  in  the  first 
buildinuf  of  the  town.  The  men  who  settled  Charlestown 
were  of  a  sturdy  sort,  possessing  the  true  spirit  of  the  pioneer, 
and  endowed  with  courage,  independence  and  perseverance.'' 

This  work  does  not  take  up  the  descent  of  these  Parker 
brothers ;  it  has  not  the  room  to  follow  complete  all  the  fami- 
lies descended  from  Dea.  Thomas  Parker,  but  takes  up  in  full 
only  one  branch  of  the  Dea.  Thomas  Parker  tree.  Imagine, 
then,  the  necessary  research  to  make  his  genealogy  complete, 
and  what  a  vast  amount  of  genealogical  matter  would  be  the 
collection  of  that  relating  to  all  of  the  Parker  brothers.  But 
it  is  hoped  the  completion  of  this  genealogy  will  make  it 
a  less  troublesome  task  for  the  succeeding  historian  to  take  up 
other  branches  of  the  family,  and  that  some  day  the  records 
of  each  branch  will  be  preserved  in  suitable  book  form. 

In  the  great  work  of  reclaiming  the  grand,  unbroken  forest 
from  its  wild  state  ;  in  founding  this  greatest  of  nations,  and  in 
planting  for  the  benefit  of  succeeding  generations  the  many 
blessings  of  our  good  government, — the  public  schools,  the 
freedom  of  speech,  worship,  and  all  things  that  are  right, 
how  much  are  we  indebted  to  our  ancestors  !  Can  anyone 
who  brings  these  subjects  into  account  say  as  many  do,  that 
this  matter  of  genealogy  is  of  no  sense  or  importance?  Is  it 
not  disgraceful,  yes,  even  wicked,  to  so  decide?  Every 
patriotic  son  of  America  should  feel  proud  that  his  ancestors 
took  part  in  the  American  Revolution,  Having  once  obtained 
full  knowledge  of  this  do  we  feel  like  parting  with  it?  No, 
indeed,  not  for  wealth  I  True,  genealogy  is  an  interesting 
study,  and  the  deeper  we  go  into  it  and  contrast  old  times  with 
the  present  the  more  it  teaches  us  and  the  more  interesting  it 
becomes,  Daniel  Webster  once  said,  "There  is  a  moral  and 
philosophical  respect  for  our  ancestors  which  elevates  the 
character  and  improves  the  heart."  It  is  just  this  spirit  which 
prompts  the  genealogist  and  fills  him  with  zeal  to  carefullj'- 
gather  all  important  matter,  and  in  the  face  of  financial  loss 


in  his  undertaking  to  finish  his  publication.  It  is  that  worthy 
love  for  our  ancestors  and  an  effort  in  the  writer  to  preserve 
those  records  and  make  so  accessible  to  the  family  that  should 
cause  all  to  share  a  proper  interest  in  those  of  their  family 
who  have  gone  before. 

To  illustrate  the  part  in  this  great  task  which  the  Parker 
name  has  performed  would  make  a  most  exhaustive  work  and 
many  volumes.  This  work  is  confined  mainly  to  the  family 
in  Lexino-ton  and  their  issue.  In  that  town  the  scene  is  inter- 
esting.  Connected  with  the  outbreak  of  the  war  for  independ- 
ence will  be  always  associated  the  name  of  Capt.  John  Parker, 
the  commander  of  the  first  organized  company  of  patriots  who 
so  nobly  opposed  by  his  guidance  the  advance  of  the  British 
troops  into  our  country.  Near  the  Common  there  lived  Jonas 
Parker,  a  martyr  of  that  morning  and  who  so  faithfully  kept 
his  avowal  that  he  would  never  run  from  an  enemy.  A 
grandson  of  the  captain  was  the  Rev.  Theodore  Parker,  the 
world-renowned  theologian  and  founder  of  the  Parkerism 
faith,  the  most  noted  man  which  Lexington  ever  produced. 

The  Parker  families  of  early  times  were  universally  pros- 
perous and  flourishing.  In  their  characters  we  find  a  con- 
stant fire  of  devout  Christian  spirit,  and  they  were  in  short 
very  religious.  They  prayed  often  to  the  Father  of  us  all  and 
the  Giver  of  all  mercies.  In  their  letters  to  each  other  they 
always  desired  the  blessing  of  God.  They  all  belonged  to 
the  Church  and  vigorously  supported  it.  As  early  as  1720 
there  were  in  Reading  18  adult  persons  by  name  of  Parker 
who  were  in  full  communion  with  the  Church.  They  took 
no  part  in  crime  or  intemperance  of  any  kind.  No  evil  or 
disgraceful  act  recorded  against  the  early  Reading  or  Lexing- 
ton Parkers  has  been  found.  Up  to  1834  forty-one  by  name 
of  Parker  had  graduated  from  Harvard  and  thirty-eight  from 
all  other  New  England  colleges.  This  strong  New  England 
teaching  brought  forth  some  of  the  most  worthy  men  of  our 
land  ;  supporters  of  principle,  well  educated  and  thoughtful, 
firm  minded  and  conscientious,  while  they  seldom  allowed  their 
public  ambition  to  extend  but  little  beyond  their  own  home. 

A  general  view  of  the  early  genealogy  of  the  five  Parker 
brothers  is  taken   up  in   the  Appendix,  together  with  other 


Parker  trees  of  America.  There  has  heretofore  been  no 
printed  genealogy  in  full  of  any  one  branch  of  the  Parker 
family  ;  the  researches  for  this  work  have  required  the  writer's 
spare  time  for  five  years,  and  everything  available  concerning 
the  earliest  generations  has  been  obtained  so  far  as  known  ; 
hence  may  this  volume  be  of  some  interest  to  all  of  the  Parker 

The  following  is  a  fac-simile  extract  from  Horton's  Copy  of 
the  London  Records,  from  Chapter  entitled  : 

[Regi]ster  of  the  names  of 
all  y^  Passinger  w""^  Passed 
from  y^  Port  of  London  for 
on  whole  yeare  Endinge  at 
Xp^^'    1635. 

1635 — Passinger  wch  Sailed  From  ye  Port  of 
London — 1635. 

\n  the  Suzan  &  Ellin  Edward  Payne  Mr  for  New  Eng- 
land. Theis  pties  hervnder  expresed  have  brought 
Certificate  from  the  Minister  &  Justices  of  their  Conformitie  & 
that  they  are  no  Subsedy  Men.* 



Husbandman  John  Procter  40 

Tho  :  Wells 


with  family 

Peter  Cooper 


Alice  Street                              28 

Wm.  Lambert 


Husbandman  Walter 

Samuel  Podd 


Thornton  44 

Jeremy  Belcher 


with  family 

Marie  CHftbrd 


John  North                               20 

Jane  Coe 


*  The  term  that  thev  were  "  no  subsedy  men"  implied  that  they  were  not  at 
that  time  connected  with  the  English  army. 



Francis  Pynder 


Marie  Riddlesden 


with  family 

Jo  :  Pellain 


Richard  Skofield 


Matthew  Hitchcock 


Edward  Weeden 


Elizabeth  Nickols 


George  Wilby 


Thomazin  Carpenter 


Richard  Hawkins 


Ann  Fowle 


Tho  :  Parker 


Edmund  Gorden 


Symon  Burd 


Tho  :  Sidlie 


Jo  :  Mansfield 


Margeret  Leach 


Clement  Cole 


Marie  Smith 


Jo  : Jones 


Elizabeth  Swayne 


Wm.  Borrow 


Grace  Bewlie 


Phillip  Atwood 


Ann  Wells 


Wm.  Snowe 


Dyonis  Tayler 


Edward  Lumus 


Hanna  Smith 


Husbandman  Richard 

Jo  :  Backley 




Wm.  Battrick 


with  wife  and  child 


r ^0  Ixy^cA  <^y^\/'^2^J^^ir^    The    ships   Suzan  and  Ellen, 
^  y  I  in   which    our    ancestor    sailed 

from  London,  March  ii,  1635,  were  fitted  out  by  Sir  Richard 
Saltonstall,  with  whose  family  it  is  traditioned  that  he  was  con- 
nected by  marriage.  It  is  probable  that  one  ship  carried  the 
major  part  of  the  passengers,  while  on  the  other  was  placed 
their  wherewithal  with  which  to  begin  life  in  the  new  land. 
From  the  articles  still  in  preservation  of  those  things  which 
our  ancestor  brought  over  from  England,  it  is  evident  that  his 
outfit  was  large  and  of  the  best.  Sir  Richard  Saltonstall,  Jr., 
had  already  been  assistant  governor  of  Massachusetts.  It 
was  his  son  who  accompanied  the  voyage  and  who  afterward 
settled  in  Ipswich. 

At  this  time  a  passage  across  the  Atlantic  was  a  perilous 
and  tiresome  journey  of  several  months'  duration.  Would 
that  we  knew  all  about  the  circumstances  which  caused 
Thomas  Parker  to  bid  farewell  to  relatives  and  friends,  to 
brave  the  dangerous  ocean  voyage,  and  to  enter  upon  the 
hardships  of  life  in  a  wild  unsettled  country.  But  we  find 
that  our  ancestor  was  a  devout  follower  of  Christ.  He  shared 
the  Puritan's  desire  for  a  freedom  of  worship.  Fettered  as 
this  was  at  home  he  was  obliged  to  share  the  fate  or  fortune 
of  his  fellow  Puritans  in  the  new  country  and  new  govern- 
ment of  New  England.  In  spiritual  matters  he  took  a  deep 
interest,  being  one  of  the  founders  of  the  twelfth  Congrega- 
tional Church  in  Massachusetts. 

It  seems  that  Thomas  Parker  was  still  an  unmarried  man 
when  he  embarked  in  the  Suzan  and  Ellen,  March  31,  1635, 
for  no  Amy  Parker  appears  at  a  later  or  earlier  date  upon  the 
emigration  records,  and  no  mention  of  his  wife  is  made  in 
the  list  of  passengers,  neither  is  there  the  name  of  an}-  one 
whose  first  name  was  Amy.  It  was  customary  in  those  days 
of  faithfulness  and  toil  for  the  young  men  to  emigrate,  find  a 



proper  settlement,  erect  a  house,  which  was  made  generally 
of  logs,  and  start  cultivation  in  the  thin  settlement.  He  would 
then  either  return  home  and  there  be  married,  or  send  for  his 
bride  and  marry  her  soon  after  her  arrival.  But  the  majority 
of  the  early  unions  came  from  the  daughters  of  our  sturdy 
Puritan  ancestors  who  were  already  settled  in  the  colony, 
together  with  those  young  men  who  had  proved  themselves 
most  worthy.  The  peculiar  arrangement  of  dates 'almost 
prove  this  the  case  with  our  ancestor.  From  his  union  with 
wife  Amy  their  first  child  was  born  some  time  in  1636.  As  he 
sailed  from  London  in  March,  1635,  and  arrived  at  Boston  or 
Lynn  in  the  latter  part  of  the  same  year,  it  seems  that  it  re- 
quired five  or  six  months  to  make  the  voyage.  His  wife  Amy 
must  have  been  in  America  with  him  by  the  early  part  of 
1636,  and  probably  had  the  first  records  of  Lynn  been  saved 
from  an  ancient  fire  we  would  find  it  recorded  that  Thomas 
Parker  was  married  at  about  Christmas,  1635.  Be  that  as  it 
may,  it  is  certain  that  she  made  a  true  and  happy  companion 
for  him  through  life,  and  proved  a  kind,  christian  mother  with 
her  large  family  of  children.  He  probably  arrived  in  time  to 
escape  the  greatest  storm  then  known  on  the  Atlantic  coast. 
It  occurred  in  August  of  1635,  and  many  ships  and  lives  were 

A  very  small  portion  of  the  old  records  of  Lynn  are  pre- 
served. The  part  saved  were  jottings  of  public  interest  and 
called  "They  Lynn  Annals."    Therein  we  find  the  following  : 

"1635.  Came  this  year,  Thomas  Parker,  a  farmer,  who 
embarked  at  London,  March  11,  1635." 

In  the  Mass.  Records  we  find  the  sumptuous  prefix  of  M7'. 
to  his  name  in  the  list  of  freemen  ;  that  was  decidedly  more 
charily  pronounced  in  1637  than  to-day.  On  May  17  of  that 
year,  with  scarce  two  years  passed  in  America,  he  was  made 
a  freeman  in  Lynn.*  This  was  the  lawful  acceptance  of  his 
allegiance  to  the  colony,  the  grant  of  full  suffi-age  and  the  right 
of  holding  public  office.  It  was  a  very  highly  appreciated 
right  and  was  very  often  withheld  to  the  settler  for  four,  five  or 
SIX  years.     Following  this  in  the  first  division  of  land  made  by 

♦  It  is  recorded  in  Vol.  I.,  page  195,  of  the  Colonial  Records. 


the  town  in  1638,  40  acres,  a  high  average  for  this  division, 
was  allotted  to  him.  But  L3"nn  seems  to  have  been  only  a  re- 
cruiting-ground for  our  ancestor,  as  at  this  time  he  removed  to 
an  inland  habitation,  being  the  first  or  one  of  the  very  first  set- 
tlers of  what  is  now  the  town  of  Reading.  It  was  first  known 
as  Lynn  Village.  This  was  the  abode  and  hunting-grounds 
of  the  Indians,  whose  arrow-heads  are  still  found  along  the 
Saugus.  The  land  was  purchased  from  the  Indians  at  a  very 
early  date.  Mr.  Parker  was  soon  active  in  the  establishment 
of  a  church.  It  was  built  about  1644  and  stood  upon  the 
Common.  He  was  ever  active  in  spiritual  matters  and  taught 
his  large  family  that  fear  of  God  which  he  himself  possessed. 
He  was  made  deacon,  and  it  seems  was  later  honored  as  chief 
deacon,  as  certain  documents  bear  the  title  "Thomas  Parker, 

In  Sept.,  1639,  the  inhabitants  of  Lynn  petitioned  the  General  Court  for  an 
inland  plantation  at  the  head  of  their  bounds.  The  "plantation"  was  called 
Lynn  Village  urtil  1644,  when  it  was  incorporated  as  a  town  and  named  Read- 
ing. It  is  said,  but  has  not  been  proven,  that  Dea.  Thomas  Parker  was  con- 
spicuous in  naming  the  town,  and  if  he  chose  the  name  it  proves  his  con- 
nection with  the  Parker  family  of  Little  Norton,  Eng. ,  who  owned  land  by 
name  of  Ryddinge,  as  is  spelt  in  the  deed  of  1591  of  John  Parker  of  Little 
Norton,  and  which  name  Dea.  Parker  would  naturally  hold  in  fond  remem- 
brance. Moreover,  in  many  of  the  town  records  the  name  continued  to  be 
spelt  Reddhig-  for  half  a  century. 

The  location  of  our  ancestor's  home  in  I..ynn  has  not  been  fully  known, 
but  Alonzo  Lewis,  the  Lynn  historian,  is  credited  with  placing  the  original 
homestead  of  Thomas  Parker  in  the  part  which  is  now  Saugus,  where  is  now 
the  house  of  Mr.  Albert  Parker.  This  is  but  a  short  distance  to  the  north  of 
the  town  hall  and  about  80  rods  south  of  the  very  ancient  iron-works  which 
flourished  at  about  1630.  This  is  a  very  pleasant  spot.  The  view  comprises 
that  of  the  Saugus  river  and  valley  as  far  as  Lynn  itself.  An  allotment  of 
40  acres  in  this  part  of  Lynn  would  necessarily  have  been  a  part  of  the  land 
upon  which  is  now  situated  Saugus  Centre.  This  theory  may  be  doubted, 
however,  on  the  ground  that  the  family  now  residing  upon  the  place  have  no 
records  or  traditions  pointing  to  such  a  history,  and  the  first  records  of  Lynn 
have  been  lost.  But  Mr.  Lewis  further  added  that  the  place  has  never  passed 
out  of  the  Parker  family  but  has  been  in  the  family  for  seven  generations, 
which  would  now  be  eight  and  even  nine  generations.  If  this  be  the  case  it  is 
one  of  extreme  rarity. 

He  was  one  of  the  signers  of  the  Armitage  petition,  spoken  of  at  length  in 
the  history  of  Lynn. 

During  the  256  years  which  have  passed  since  the  arrival  of  Thomas  Parker 
in  America,  the  goods  which  he  brought  from  England  have  been  thoroughly 
distributed  among  the  ever  increasing  number  of  descendants.  Among  the 
number,  however,  are  two  ornamented  jars  and  a  hard  wooden  mortar  still  in 


splendid  preservation.  One  of  the  jars  is  in  possession  of  Mrs.  Rhody 
Sj'monds  of  Wakefield,  and  the  mortar  is  in  possession  of  Mr.  Henry  Boynton 
of  Andover.  It  has  long  been  stated  that  the  jars  or  vases  contained  tea  when 
brought  from  England.  They  were  made  of  earthenware  and  were  selected 
from  the  best  quality  the  times  afforded.  The  ornamentation  is  neat  and 
pretty.  Further  interest  in  this  line  ought  to  reveal  many  valuable  heirlooms 
now  unknown  to  the  writer. 

Deacon  of  Redding."  He  was  selectman  in  1661,  and  con- 
tinued irregularly  for  five  years  more.  He  with  Deacons 
Thomas  Kendall  and  William  Cowdrey  was  appointed  com- 
missioner for  trying  and  defending  "small  causes."  We  find 
his  signature  in  several  places  among  the  archives  of  the 
State  attached  to  the  petitions  of  the  town  to  the  General 
Court.  In  the  four  divisions  of  land  made  by  the  town, 
wherein  all  had  a  share,  large  tracts  of  land  were  added  to 
his  estate,  by  one  of  which  he"  received  over  200  acres  on  the 
north  side  of  Ipswich  river,  which  land  he  mentioned  in  his 
will.  He  was  a  gentleman  of  property,  but  had  some  diffi- 
culty in  establishing  the  bounds  of  his  large  tracts  of  land. 

The  following  agreement  well  represents  the  mode  of  divis- 
ion between  the  first  settlers.  Rev.  Samuel  Haugh,  Read- 
ing's talented  minister,  and  whose  land  bordered  Dea. 
Parker's,  died  in  1662,  which  made  the  necessity  of  a  definite 
division  : 

Know  all  men  by  these  Presents  that  whereas  there  hath 
bene  a  division  betwene  the  overseers  of  the  estate  of  the  late  desesed 
Mr  Samuel  Haugh  of  the  one  side  and  Thomas  Parker  of  the  other 
side  about  a  side  and  hedd  line,  both  partis  above  mentioned  have 
therfoure  chosen  Lieut  John  Smith  and  Johnathan  Poole  to  run  and 
stake  the  line  and  end  the  diferans  between  them,  and  gave  them 
power   to   choose  a  thurd   man    to   them    if  they   saw   needed   have 

therfoure  chosen  Thomas  Kendall  to  be  the  thurd  man.     Who 

have  therefore  thus  laid  out  a  strait  line  for  them  both  which  we 
have  run  and  marked  according  to  our  best  understanding: — rand 
shown  both  parties  together  which  line  is  to  be  the  continuous  and 
stated  line  between  them.  And  as  for  the  fense,  the  said  Thomas 
Parker  is  to  have  one  poale  of  the  stone  wall  made  by  the  afore^*^ 
desesed  Mr.  Samuel  Haugh  by  the  ould  well  and  to  have  it  next  his 
own  land  and  he  is  also  to  have  that  poale  of  stone  wall  that  was  also 
made  by  the  abovesaid  Mr.  Haugh  that  now  falls  in  his  own  grounds 
at  the  lower  end  of  the  lot,  and  in  consideration  whereof  the  said 


Thomas  Parker  is  to  mark  out  a  half  of  such  fense  as  he  does  reservee 

for  Mistris  Brock  betwene  her  pasture  and  her  forest(?)  at  the  west 

end  of  the  lot  and  the  said  Thomas  Parker  is  to  sett  the  fense  into 

the  line  between  the  pastures  at  the  lower  end  of  the  lot  and  to  give 

to  the  said  M''  Brock  four  shillings  for  what  is  run  in  this  papur. 

This  is  our  agreement  in  wittness  whereof  we  have  hereunto  set 

our  hands. 

John  Smith, 

Airi — 2 — 1663.  Thomas  Kendall, 

Jonathan  Poole. 

To  ascertain  the  location  of  our  ancestor's  home  has  caused 
much  painstaking  research.  As  a  matter  of  ancestral  respect 
it  is  our  duty  to  know  as  near  as  possible  what  part  of  the 
town  of  Reading  constituted  his  farm,  his  homestead  and  the 
scenes  with  which  he  was  most  familiar.  The  historian  of 
Reading,  Mr.  Lilley  Eaton,  himself,  seems  to  have  been  in 
error  in  regard  to  the  original  homestead.  Thomas  Parker's 
farm  bordered  a  part  of  the  east  side  of  the  Common  and  also 
the  north  and  east  sides  of  the  estate  of  Rev.  Samuel  Haugh. 
Mr.  Haugh  was  the  second  minister  of  Reading  and  his  house 
stood  where  now  stands  the  Wakefield  town  hall.  Our 
ancestor  being  among  the  very  first  settlers  secured  good  land 
in  the  centre  of  the  town,  where  it  is  now  thickly  settled. 
Thus  it  is  safe  to  estimate  that  the  oldest  Parker  homestead 
was  inside  of  a  radius  of  30  rods  north  or  east  of  the  spot 
where  is  now  the  Wakefield  town  hall.  The  location  is  a 
pleasant  one,  and  the  choice  made  by  our  ancestor  is  credita- 
ble to  his  judgment. 

His  intimate  neighbors  were  men  of  sterling  worth  and  all 
whom,  like  him,  had  lived  first  in  Lynn.  The  most  friendly 
and  social  relationship  seems  to  have  existed  between  them. 
These  were  the  men  with  whom  Dea.  Parker's  name  is  found 
almost  invariably  connected:  Dea.  Wm.  Cowdrey,  the  most 
prominent  citizen  of  the  town ;  John  Poole,  the  father  of 
Reading's  manufacturing  industries ;  Nicholas  Browne,  a 
native  of  Inkborrow,  Eng.,  whose  land  was  near  Dea. 
Parker's;  Dea.  Tho.  Kendall  and  Dea.  Zachary  Fitch,  whose 
son  Benjamin  Mr.  Parker  called  his  "well  beloved  and  trusty 
friend."  Each  of  these  families  intermarried  with  our  ances- 
tor's  children,   except  that  of  Mr.   Fitch.     Other  neighbors 


were  John  Weston,  "a  man  deeply  interested  in  religious 
matters";  Rev.  Samuel  Haugh,  the  first  minister  of  the  town, 
a  "very  pious  man,"  and  Rev.  John  Brock,  who  succeeded 
Mr.  Haugh,  and  who,  it  is  recorded,  "dwelt  as  near  Heaven 
as  any  man  on  earth." 

His  will,  made  Aug.  3,  1683,  preceded  his  death  only  nine 
days.  It  seems  that  he  was  sick  and  called  in  his  friend  Wm. 
Cowdrey,  for  it  was  made  hastily  and  is  in  Dea.  Cowdrey's 
handwriting.  Being  too  weak  to  write  he  made  his  mark  to 
the  will.  The  original  document  is  on  file  in  Middlesex 
Probate  Records.  His  widow,  Mrs.  Amy  Parker,  died  in 
Reading,  Jan.  15,  1690. 


The  Laste  will  &  testament  of  Thomas  Parker  of  Reddinge  this 
third  of  August  16S3  ;  although  weake  in  Bodey  yet  of  Set  in  Minde 
&  Memorey 

1  I  give  My  Soule  to  God  that  gave  it  and  My  Bodey  to  be  buried 
by  Christian  frennds  In  hope  of  A  Joyfull  Resurextion  at  the  last 

2  I  give  unto  My  Dear  wife  Amy  My  house  &  homstead  with 
two  Akers  of  Medow  at  the  Mill  two  Akers  in  the  Reedy  Medow 
And  two  Akers  in  the  great  Medow  And  three  Akers  in  the  saw 
Mill  Medow  next  to  the  Medow  of  Edward  Taylors,  And  Also  the 
Improuvment  of  All  my  Cattell  &  houshold  goods  with  the  Im- 
prouvment  of  All  the  Land  And  Medow  during  her  natural  life 

3  I  give  unto  My  son  John  Parker  all  the  Land  he  lives  upon  Be 
it  More  or  Less  with  five  Akers  of  Medow  In  Bear  Medow  and  two 
Akers  of  Medow  by  Jonas  Batons  Medow  And  two  Akers  in  Reedy 
Medow,  And  also  a  quarter  parte  of  My  great  Devidend,*  And  two 
Akers  of  the  wet  Swamp. 

4  I  give  unto  My  sonn  Thomas  Parker  all  the  Land  he  now  lives 
upon  &  five  Akers  of  Medow  in  bear  Medow  :  &  the  Slodge  of 
Medow  Leying  near  Bursham  Medow 

5  I  give  unto  My  sonn  Nathaniel  Parker  all  the  Land  he  now 
Lives  upon  and  the  Remainder  of  My  Medow  In  Bear  Medow  And 

♦"Bear"  and  "Reedy"  Meadows  are  familiar  terms  in  Wakefield  at  the 
present  time.  They  lie  along  the  Saugus  river  between  the  old  Parker  farm 
and  the  Great  Pond.  The  "  Wet  Swamp  "  was  divided  among  the  early  settlers 
in  1666.  His  "  Great  Devidend  "  was  his  grant  of  1658,  about  200  acres  on  the 
north  side  of  Ipswich  river. 


the  Round  hole  of  Medow  at  Dustins  Bridge,  And  tow  akers  of 
Medovv  in  the  great  Medow  he  paying  three  pound  within  one  yeare 
after  the  Death  of  My  wife  Amy  :  unto  his  Brother  Thomas  Parker, 
And  I  also  give  unto  sonn  Nathaniel  Parker  one  halfe  of  My  great 
Devidend  and  Also  My  Ceador  Swamp,  and  three  Akers  in  the  Saw 
Mill  Medow 

6  Furthermore  I  give  unto  my  sonn  Thomas  Parker  two  Akers 
of  the  wet  swamp,  And  the  Reste  of  the  wet  swamp  I  give  unto 
my  son  Nathaniel  Parker 

7  Furthermore  this  is  to  be  understod  that  the  three  Akers  In  the 
Saw  Mill  Medow  &  the  two  Akers  in  the  Reedy  Medow  &  the  two 
Akers  in  the  great  Medow  John  &  Nathaniel  are  not  to  have  untill 
the  Death  of  their  Mother 

8  I  give  unto  my  two  Daughters  Maxey  &  Martha  fortey  shillings 
a  year  to  be  payd  them  one  yeare  After  the  decease  of  ther  mother 

9  I  give  unto  My  grand  children  Samuel  and  Sarah  Parker  three 
pound  apease.  Samuels  at  twenty  one  years  old  and  Sarahs  at  her 
day  of  Marrige  provided  they  live  with  thear  grandmother.  Sarah 
while  she  is  eighteen  year  old  :  and  Samuel  while  he  is  twenty  one 
year  old  provided  that  the  over*  seer  doo  see  that  he  hath  som  Trade. 

Furthermore  the  sayd  Thomas  Parker  shall  not  sell  Any  of  his 
Land  or  Medow  without  the  advise  of  his  Brethren. 

10  I  give  unto  my  grandchild  Samuel  Parker  my  gunn  and  my 
Reste,  but  is  to  be  parte  of  the  three  pound  that  is  to  be  payd  him 

11  I  give  unto  my  Sonn  John  Parker  A  great  Bible  that  Boniface 
Burton  gave  to  Me  in  Case  It  Com  Into  my  hands 

12  Lastly  I  make  my  Sonn  Hannaniah  Parker  My  full  &  sole 
Executor  of  this  My  laste  will  &  testament ;  further  More  I  Doo 
Desier  my  well  beloved  and  trusty  freind  Benjamin  Fitch  and  my 
sonn  John  Parker  to  bee  the  over  seers  of  this  My  laste  will  &  testa- 

Witnes  William  Cowdrey  The  Marke  of 

Thomas  Clarke  Thomas  -|-  Parker 

Decon  William  Cowdrey  subscriber  to  this  Instrument  testifieth  & 
saith  that  the  testator  Being  in  perfect  mind  &  memory  maid  the 
within  and  above  Ritten  instrument  as  his  Last  will  &  tesament 
Taken  upon  oath 
Before  us, 

Jn"  Brown  [Brown]  J 

December  i8  :  83  :  Thomas  Clark  appearing  in  court  made  oath  as 
a  witness  to  the  above  sd  will  Jonathan  Remington  Clerk. 

William  Hazy  ,  >^      ,    r      r>    1  r 

Com  s  for  Redding-. 



An  Inventory  of  the  Estate  of  Thomas  Parker  Decon  of  Redding 
this  first  of  October  16S3. 
First  the  house  &  homstead  with  tow  Akors  of  Meddow 

at  the  Mill 
More  for  seventy  five  Akors  of  land  and  Medow 
More  for  housing  &  39  Akors  of  land  &  Medow^ 
More  for  94  Akors  of  upland  &  Medow 
More  In  Stock  In  Cattel  &  Swine 
More  In  Land  five  Akors 
More  In  husbandry  Impliments 
More  one  fetherbed  &  Boulster  &  bedsted 
More  one  flock  bed  &  bedding  &  bolster 
For  one  bed  more  wth  bedding  thereto 
For  a  Truckle  bed  &  bedding 
For  eight  paier  of  sheets  &  an  od  sheet 
More  for  eight  paier  of  pillow  Beers 
More  for  tabal  Linnan 
In  puter  in  Brass  and  Iron 
More  for  Chests  Boxes  and  Chairs 
More  for  Bibols  and  other  Bokes 
More  for  Barrels,  Tubs,  &  other  lumber 
More  for  horse  accoutrements 
For  his  waring  aparell,  stockings  &  shoes 
In  Credit  to  the  Estate 
And  no  Debts 

More  in  wolen  &  linnen  &  coton  yarn  &  bages 
Arms  &  Amonisshon 

180 — 00 — 00 
96 — 00 — 00 
103 — 00 — 00 
102 — 00 — 00 
26 — 10 — 00 
I  o — 00 — 00 
03 — 09 — 06 
07 — 00 — 00 
02 — 10 — 00 
03 — 10 — 00 
02 — 00 — 00 
07 — 10 — 00 
01 — 05 — 00 
03  —  00 — 00 
oS — 14 — 06 
02 — 07 — 00 
02 — 09 — 08 
01  — 19 — 00 
01 — 05 — 00 
1 3 — 00 — 00 
03 — 00 — 00 

02 — 17 — 00 
01 — 15 — 00 

586 — 01 — 00 

The  total  sum  is 
This  Inventory  Aprized  by  us — 

William  Cowdrey — Jn°  Browne — Jeremiah  S\vayne, 

For  the  first  half-century  the  burial-place  of  Reading  was 
on  the  east  side  of  the  Common  which  was,  originally,  of 
larger  area  than  at  present.  Here  our  ancestor  was  interred, 
but  in  process  of  time  the  enclosure  was  allowed  to  go  uncared 
for  and  many  of  the  old  stones  were  broken  or  covered  up. 
Finally  no  trace  of  the  old  burial-ground  remained,  but  in 
1834,  in  building  a  town  house  which  stood  until  recently,  the 
graves  were  broken  into  accidentally,  and  the  stones  thus 
recovered  have  been  preserved.  They  were  removed  to  the 
present  cemetery  where  they  stand  in  a  row  by  the  side  of  the 
Great  Pond.     That  of  Deacon  Thomas  Parker  is  a  worthy 



memorial.  It  is  of  excellent  stone,  very  thick  and  in  perfect 
preservation,  notwithstanding  its  age.  Upon  this  the  follow- 
ing inscriptions  were  well  chiselled  : — 

xm:  ixi  .  WA 

hERE  L/ETi  WmiN 


WHO  WAS  WON  or 

EDy  /<?  OF/\UGUST 
IG8^   AGED  ABOUT /^ 


had  nine 

Children  : — 
Thomas  Parker,  b.  in  Lynn,  1636  ;  m.  Deborah 

children  ;  d.  July  17,  1699.     See  Appendix. 
Hananiah  Parker  (2),    b.   1638;    m.  Sept.  30,    1663,   Elizabeth 

Browne  of  Reading. 
John  Parker,  b.  in  Reading,   1640;  m.  Nov.   13,   1667,  Hannah 

Kendall  ;  was  Sergeant ;   had  13  children.     See  Appendix. 
Joseph  Parker,  b.  1642  ;  d.  1644. 
Joseph  Parker,  b.  1645  ;  d.  1646. 
Mary  Parker,  b.  Dec.   12,   1647;  m.  Samuel  Dodge  of  Beverly, 

son  of  Richard  ;  she  had  n  children  and  d.  1705.     See  Appendix. 
Martha  Parker,  b.  March  14,  1649. 
Nathaniel  Parker,  b.  May  16,  1651  ;  m.  Sept.   24,  1677,  Bethia 

Polly  ;    removed  to   the   West  Parish,    now   Reading   town,    was 

Ensign  ;  had  13  children,  and  was  ancestor  of  illustrious  and  very 

numerous  descendants.     See  Appendix. 


Sarah  Parker,  b.  Sept.  30,  1653  ;  d.  Oct.  26,  1656. 

Jonathan  Parker,  b.  May  18,  1656;  served  in  the  Indian  wars; 

d.  June  10,  1680.* 
Sarah  Parker,  b.  May  23,  1658. 

*  The  military  spirit  was  very  strong  among  our  ancestors  when  fighting 
was  the  final  cause  of  training.  They  always,  from  the  time  of  landing,  kept 
a  musket  for  the  frontier,  against  Pequod,  King  Philip,  French  and  Ojibways; 
they  never  shrunk  from  pain  nor  fainted  at  the  inevitable  blood-lettings  of 
discomposed  times,  and  always  made  a  solemn  business  of  military  drill,  as 
old  family  almanacs  and  account  books  attest,  in  which  the  phrases  of  field 
manoeuvres  and  words  of  command  alternate  with  the  price  of  hay  and  lum 
bar  and  the  settlement  of  a  neighbor's  bill.  Jonathan  had  passed  through 
perils  of  the  field  in  King  Philip's  War;  perhaps  he  was  one  of  the  150  volun- 
teers under  Turner,  or  one  of  Lathrop's  picked  company.  This  was  in  1675-6, 
but  he  was  spared  to  die  at  home.  The  following  seems  to  have  been  written 
by  his  nephew  John  Parker,  son  of  Hananiah,  and  who  was  in  16S0,  at  the  age 
of  16.  A  discolored  sheet,  which  has  long  been  treasured  and  preserved, 
bearing  the  date  of  16S0,  is  a  most  tender  and  God-fearing  document : — 

"There  was  heard  to  say  that  he  desiered  that  if  it  wear  the  will  of  God, 
that  this  cup  might  pass  from  him,  but  if  not  he  did  desier  to  submit,  allso  he 
desiered  that  God  would  soport  his  parents  and  make  them  wiling  to  submit, 
if  he  must  dey,  that  God  would  be  Pleased  to  make  his  pasedg  easy  into  glory 
&  if  that  he  did  dey  he  hoopt  to  go  to  a  heavenly  Father.  Lord  let  my 
prayers  com  before  Thee  as  ensence  and  lifting  of  his  hands  as  erning  sack- 
erifice  he  did  entreate  his  father  and  mother  to  forgive  him  all  his  ofencis 
telling  of  them  that  he  would  entreate  them  to  submit  to  the  will  of  God  in 
parting  with  them  saying  that  he  had  cometted  his  case  to  God  :  and  if  it  may 
make  most  for  Gods  glory  and  youer  comfort  I  desier  to  live,  if  not  I  am 
wiling  to  dey:  he  was  ott  whither  or  which;  was  wiling  to  doo  what  might 
make  most  for  God. 

"  My  afflictions  wer  great  yet  the  love  of  God  was  greater  :  for  he  would  live 
to  sinne,  that  he  did  believe  that  God  would  provide  for  his  parents  so  that 
they  should  never  want :  he  begd  of  his  mother  to  be  wiling  to  part  with  him 
and  his  mother  sayed  that  she  would  have  something  when  he  was  gone;  and 

[he]  said  that  he  hopt  he  was  going  to  Jesus  Christ Beeing  asked  if  he 

were  not  afraid  of  death,  he  sayed  noe,  for  Christ  had  taken  awaj  the  sting  of 
death — the  sathon  had  thrust  at  him  to  make  him  fall  but  sayed  he  had  no 
foothould  and  had  not  yet  prevailed  &  he  hopt  that  he  never  should  for  he  was 
a  coward.  Then  his  mother  sayd  that  it  was  a  great  merci  that  God  did  coop 
him  in  the  sins  of  the  wars  and  brought  htm  home  to  dey  by  his  Parents.  I 
had  but  a  litol  grace  then  but  I  had  so  much  that  I  didn't  fear  Evil  or  Death — 
There  was  notice  taken  of  him  that  he  prayed  for  he  had  nothing  els  to  doo  : 
— he  did  desier  to  be  remembered  to  his  two  Sisters  and  tell  them  that  if  they 
do  see  him  no  more  they  should  not  see  him  sinne — XhonX  " 

In  the  lower  corner  is  written  in  the  same  hand  : — 

"Diference  betwene  kings  of  thrones  then  John  Parker;  his  exampl  to  you 


Of  the  II  children  of  Dea.  Thomas  Parker  we  pass  on  now 
to  the  second  son* — 

Lt.  Hananiah  Parker,  b.  in  Lynn(?),t  1638,  son  of 
Dea.  Thomas  and  Amy.  He  m.  Sept.  30,  1663,  EHzabeth 
Browne,  who  seems  to  have  had  a  twin  brother  Joseph,  and 
born  in  Reading,  Dec.  10,  1647,  dau.  of  Nicholas  and 
Elizabeth. I  The  father,  Nicholas,  was  a  native  of  Inkberrow, 
Worcestershire,  England,  the  son  of  Edward  Browne.  He 
was  a  man  of  property.  He  lived  in  Lynn  ten  years,  during 
which  time  he  was  her  representative  to  the  General  Court 
from  that  town.  Hananiah  Parker  settled  on  land  which 
bordered  his  father's  farm.§  The  assessors'  list  of  1667  credits 
him  with  a  house  and  farm.  He  was  made  a  freeVnan  Oct. 
15,  1679.  He  belonged  to  Reading's  militar}-  company,  of 
which  he  was  chosen  ensign  in  1680,  and  lieutenant  in  1684. 
It  is  evident  that  his  Puritan  townsmen  had  confidence  in  his 

*  See  Appendix  for  the  history  of  the  remaining  children  of  Dea.  Thomas 

fit  is  uncertain  whether  he  was  born  in  Lynn,  as  the  earliest  records  of 
both  Lynn  and  Reading  are  lost. 

J  Savage  says  she  was  a  dau.  of  Jonathan  Brown  of  Reading.  His  authority 
is  most  excellent,  but  other  records  makes  it  more  probable  that  she  was  dau. 
of  Nicholas.     Savage  describes  this  Jonathan  Brown  as  "  a  man  of  substance." 

§  This  it  seems  was  situated  about  a  half-mile  east  of  Dea.  Thomas  Parker's, 
on  the  main  road  from  Lynn  to  Lowell,  now  Lowell  Street  in  Wakefield,  and 
upon  which  place  Hananiah's  descendants,  through  his  son  Ebenezer,  occu- 
pied and  lived  for  five  generations  in  the  Parker  name.  The  last  one  of  these 
was  Thomas  Parker,  a  namesake  of  the  original  ancestor,  and  a  deacon  also. 
He  is  remembered  by  some  of  the  old  residents  of  Wakefield,  formerly  Read- 
ing. From  Thomas  it  passed  into  the  hands  of  his  niece,  Mrs.  Obed  Symonds, 
lately  deceased.  Since  sold  by  her  it  has  passed  through  many  hands,  and 
the  large  house  was  destroyed  by  fire  in  1880,  while  owned  by  a  Mrs.  Rogers. 
Now  only  a  cellar-hole  and  well  remain,  which  is  noticeable  a  short  distance  to 
the  east  of  Samuel  Parker's  on  the  north  side  of  the  road.  This  place  is  cred- 
ited by  Lille}'  P^aton,  historian  of  Reading,  as  the  original  homestead,  that 
of  Dea.  Thomas  Parker.  This  is  incorrect,  howe\'er,  as  is  proved  by  close 
examination  of  the  will  of  Lt.  Hananiah  Parker.  Hananiah's  three  brothers 
settled  as  follows:  Thomas,  Jr.,  succeeded  upon  his  father's  homestead  in  the 
centre  of  the  town;  Sergt.  John  settled  on  Cowdrey's  Hill;  and  Ensign 
Nathaniel  removed  to  the  West  Parish,  now  the  centre  of  modern  Reading. 
This  explains  to  us  why  Dea.  Thomas  Parker  in  his  will,  1683,  forbade  his 
son  Thomas  to  sell  any  of  his  land  or  meadow  without  the  consent  of  his 



ability  and  character  at  an  early  date,  for  in  1679  he  with  two 
others  were  given  charge  of  building  a  new  Meeting-house. 
He  was  then  chosen  b}'  the  General  Court  one  of  the  Com- 
mittee to  "rectifie  and  settle  the  highway  between  Woburn 
and  Reading."  Consider  the  energy  and  industry  of  our 
ancestor  when  w^e  say  that  in  addition  to  the  great  work  of 
changing  the  primeval  forest  to  a  fertile  farm  he  performed 
the  duties  of  selectman,  town  clerk  and  representative,  each 
for  a  long  period.  The  military  affairs  required  much  of  his 
time,  if  not  active  service  at  certain  periods.  Trainings  were 
frequent  and  an  absence  cost  a  heavy  fine.  Every  Sunday 
found  him  at  church,  to  which  he  and  wife  connected  them- 
selves very  soon  after  marriage.  The  Church  records  mention 
his  name  with  respect.  As  a  representative  of  Reading  to  the 
General  Court  at  Boston  he  served  seven  ^^ears.  He  was  a 
typical  Puritan  yeoman,  the  father  of  a  rugged,  honorable 
family  of  children.  He  gave  thought  to  the  education  of  the 
young.  In  1707  Lt.  Hananiah  Parker  and  Capt.  John 
Browne  were  appointed  committee  "to  provide  a  Scool 
Master  for  the  towne  school."  They  reported  that  John  Webb 
of  Braintree  "be  chosen  to  teach  reading,  writing,  casting 
accounts  and  the  Latin  and  Greek  tongues"  for  the  three 
months  next  ensuing.  His  wife  Elizabeth  died  Feb.  27, 

He  married  2nd,  Dec.  12,  1700,  Mrs.  Mary  (Bursham) 
Bright,  dau.  of  William  Bursham  and  wadow  of  Dea.  John 
Bright  of  Watertown.  She  survived  him.  He  died  March 
10,  1724,  aged  86.  She  d.  Jan.  4,  1736,  aged  87.  Thus  she 
was  II  years  younger  than  he.  Hananiah  Parker  had  no 
children  from  his  second  marriage. 


Ifn  the  Stamc  of  6ort  g^mcn  the  20*  of  May  1703  I  Hananiah 
Parker  of  Reading  in  the  county  of  Middlesex  in  the  province  of  the 
Massachusetts  Bay  in  New  England  ^'eoman  being  aged  and  weak 
in  body  but  of  perfect  mind  and  memory  (thanks  be  unto  God  there- 
for) calling  to  mind  my  own  mortality  as  knowing  that  it  is  appointed 
for  all  men  once  to  dye  do  make  and  ordain  this  my  Last  Will  and 
Testament  that  is  to  say  principally  and  first  of  all  I  Give  and  recom- 



mend  my  Soul  into  the  hands  of  God  that  gave  it  and  my  body  to  the 
Earth  from  whence  t'was  taken  to  be  decently  buried  in  a  Christian 
manner  by  my  Executour  heafter  named  hopeing  that  at  the 
Resurrection  of  the  Just  I  shall  receive  the  Same  again  by  the 
mighty  power  of  God.  And  as  touching  Such  Worldly  Estate  as  it 
hath  pleased  God  to  endow  me  with — all  I  do  bequeath  and  dispose 
of  the  same  as  here  followeth 

I  Will  that  all  my  Just  Debts  and  funeral  charges  be  duly  dis- 
charged in  convenient  time  after  my  decease  by  my  Exec^^  hereafter 

I  Give  unto  Mary  my  well  beloved  Wife  the  use  of  the  west  End 
of  my  house  from  the  top  to  the  bottom  with  the  back  Lean  to  and 
Cellar  with  the  use  of  the  Buttery  and  also  a  sufficient  garden  Spott 
to  be  kept  well  fenced  and  in  good  manner  for  her  use  as  she  shall 
see  cause  to  improve  it  for  planting  of  roots  beans  squashes  and  also 
the  keeping  of  one  Cow  Summer  and  Winter  during  her  life  or  so 
long  as  she  shall  remain  my  Widow,  also  an  horse  to  Ride  on  when 
she  shall  have  occasion,  also  the  going  of  one  or  two  swine  summer 
and  winter  if  she  see  cause  and  [also]  a  liberty  keep  fowls.  And  I 
do  give  to  my  said  wife  firewood  sufficient  to  be  brought  ready  cut 
for  her  use  and  laid  conveniently  near  her  door  by  my  Executour 
also  I  do  give  to  her  so  many  apples  as  she  shall  need  to  lay  in  for 
Winter  :  also  one  Barrel  of  Cyder  to  be  placed  in  her  Cellar  annually 
by  my  Executour  so  long  as  she  shall  live  and  remain  my  widow — 
My  Will  is  that  her  garden  and  part  of  housing  be  kept  in  good 
Repair  for  her  and  all  taxes  lawfully  set  thereon  and  demanded  to  be 
paid  by  my  s*^  Executour — Moreover  I  do  give  and  bequeath  unto 
my  s*^  Wife  all  such  Provisions  as  I  shall  leave  at  my  decease  as  also 
such  woolen  and  Linen  Cloth  that  shall  remain  not  made  up  into 
garments — also  I  give  to  her  fifty  shilling  to  be  paid  her  annually  for 
so  long  as  she  shall  remain  my  Widow  by  my  Executour  herein- 
after named 

I  do  give  and  bequeath  to  my  son  John  Parker  and  to  his  heirs 
and  assigns  forever  that  house  and  land  that  was  his  Grandfather 
Parker's  which  is  that  housing  and  Lands  that  he  now  occupieth 
and  liveth  upon  ;  as  also  that  three  acres  of  Meadow  which  I  bought 
of  Edw**  Taylor  and  those  Dividends  which  did  of  right  belong  to 
the  land  abovesaid. 

Moreover  I  give  to  my  said  son  John  that  three  acres  of  meadow 
which  was  his  Grandfather  Brown's  Gift  to  his  Mother;  also  I  give 
unto  him  five  pounds  in  passable  money  to  be  paid  unto  him  by  my 
Execu''  afternamed  within  two  years  after  my  Decease 



I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  son  Samuel  Parker  &  to  his  heirs 
and  assigns  all  that  Tenement  that  he  now  dwelleth  on  the  which  I 
bought  of  Edward  Taylor,  all  which  I  gave  to  my  s*^  son  Samuel 
Parker  by  a  Deed  of  Gift  formerly  and  do  now  confirm  the  same  to 
him  by  this  my  Last  Will  and  Testament  which  is  the  whole  I  intend 
him  as  his  Part  and  Portion  of  my  Estate 

I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  daughter  Mary  Poole  over  &  above 
what  she  hath  already  had,  one  brass  pan,  and  my  best  feather  bed 
with  all  the  appurtenances  thereunto  belonging  ;  and  also  I  will  and 
bequeath  to  her  that  six  acres  of  meadow  called  Reedy  meadow  or 
else  thirty  pounds  in  passable  money  to  her  by  me  Executour  within 
three  years  after  mine  and  my  wife's  decease — 

I  Give  and  bequeath  to  each  of  my  Grandchildren  five  shillings  to 
be  paid  unto  them  out  of  my  Estate  by  my  Executour  when  they 
shall  come  to  full  age — 

I  do  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  son  Ebenezer  Parker  all  my 
housing  and  Lands  where  I  now  dwell  together  with  that  thi'ee  acres 
of  meadow  called  the  Wiggwam  meadow  together  also  with  all  the 
Rest  of  my  Estate  whatsoever  or  wheresoever  it  may  be  found  that 
is  not  herein  willed  or  otherwise  before  this  legally  conveyed  :  more- 
over I  do  herein  Nominate  and  Appoint,  Constitute  and  ordain  my 
s*^  son  Ebenezer  Parker  to  be  sole  Executour  of  this  my  last  will  and 
Testament  and  to  see  it  fulfilled  in  every  part  according  to  my  true 
Intent  therein  :  and  if  my  said  Executour  fail  or  ixfuse  to  pay  to  my 
wife  Mary  according  to  this  my  Will,  Then  my  Will  is  that  my 
brother  Nathaniel  Parker  shall  have  full  power  to  make  Sale  of  any 
part  of  my  lands  for  payment  of  the  Same — 

And  I  do  hereby  utterly  revoke,  make  Null  and  void  all  and  every 
other  former  W^ill  or  Wills  by  me  heretofore  made  and  do  own 
allow,  Ratifie  and  Confirm  This  to  be  my  Will  and  my  last  Will  and 
Testament — 

In  Witness  whereof  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  Seal  the  day 
and  year  first  above  written. 

^Ur\  cx/n  a(^     ^Pa/^/i^i^h, 

Their  children  were  : 
3.     John    Parker,  b.    Aug.  3,    1664;    m.   Deliverance   Dodge  of 

Samuel  Parker,  b.  Oct.  24,  1666  ;  m.  Martha  Brown  of  Cambridge. 

See  Appendix. 
Elizabeth   Parker,  b.  June,    1668;   m.   Nov.    17,    1685,    Samuel 

Cowdrey,  son  of  Nathaniel  Cowdrey  of  Reading.     See  Appendix. 


Mary  Parker,  m.  Samuel  Poole  of  Boston. 

Sarah  Parker,  b.  Feb.  20,  1672  ;  d.  Oct.  2,  1673. 

Hananiah  Parker,  b.  Nov.  2,  1674;  d.  Jan.  3,  1677. 

Ebenezer   Parker,  b.    Feb.    13,    1676;    m.   Rebecca    Newhall    of 

Reading.     See  Appendix. 
Hananiah  Parker,  b.  April  30,  and  d.  Aug.  7,  16S1. 

Of  the  above  children  only  one  is  taken  up  in  full  in  this 
genealogy,  that  is  the  eldest,  John  Parker,  who  removed  to 
Lexington,  and  was  the  ancestor  of  all  the  Lexington  Parkers. 
This  volume  was  originally  designed  for  the  posterity  of  John 
Parker  only,  but  much  relating  to  other  branches  has  been 
added  as  an  Appendix.  In  the  Appendix  can  be  found  a 
brief  history  of  the  other  children  of  Lt.  Hananiah  Parker. 

3.  John  Parker  (Hananiah,'^  Thomas^),  son  of  Lt.  Hana- 
niah and  Elizabeth  (Browne)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Reading,  Aug. 
3,  1664.  His  life  covered  the  period  of  the  earl}^  growth  of  the 
colonies,  the  hardships,  wars  and  rugged  life  of  the  times. 
A  preserved  record,  now  at  Lexington,  is  in  his  own  hand- 
writing and  reads:  "John  Parker  and  his  wife  Deliverance 
were  Married  the  2  :  of  October  1689."  She  was  Deliverance 
Dodge  of  Beverly,  dau.  of  John  and  Sarah,  and  b.  10  or  15 
March,  1661.*  The}'-  settled  soon  after  marriage  on  a  part  of 
the  original  Dea.  Thomas  Parker  place  in  the  centre  of  the 
town,  which  farm  adjoined  that  of  Lt.  Hananiah  Parker. 
Three  of  John  Parker's  deeds  made  at  this  period  are  pre- 
served at  Lexington.  In  1699  he  purchased  of  John  Poole 
land  on  the  north  end  of  the  Great  Pond,  "Lake  Quana- 
powit."  In  1705  he  added  21  acres  to  his  estate  by  a  purchase 
of  Mr.  Francis  Smith  "for  a  valuable  sum  of  money."  This 
land  lay  upon  the  bounds  of  Lynn  and  Reading.  He  sold  to 
his  cousin   "Nathaniel   Parker  of  Redding  Jr.   Cooper,"  11 

*The  grandfather,  Richard  Dodge,  must  have  been  well  known  bv  Dea. 
Thomas  Parker.  He  was  in  Salem  in  1638,  removed  to  Beverly,  where  he 
was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Beverly  Church.  He  had  son  John,  b.  in  Eng- 
land, who  by  wife  Edith  had  children  Deliverance,  i66i,John,  1662,  Josiah, 
1665,  Sarah,  1667,  Ebenezer,  1670,  Mary,  1672,  and  Andrew,  1676.  This 
accounts  for  the  introduction  of  the  names  Andrew,  Josiah  and  others  into  the 
Parker  family,— from  the  brotherly  affection  which  the  wife  Deliverance 
Parker  cherished. 


acres,  "which  land  was  laid  out  to  Dea.  Thomas  Parker  of 
Redding  and  now  in  possession  of  John  Parker."  We  observe 
by  the  deed  that  it  was  "in  the  fourth  year  of  the  Reign  of  our 
Soveraign  Lady  Queen  Anne." 

John  Parker  was  constable  of  Reading.*  The  following  is 
a  copy  of  one  of  his  preserved  receipts.  In  these  olden  times 
the  constable  was  a  prominent  factor,  holding  the  same  posi- 
tion of  power  as  the  deputy  sheriff  of  to-day,  except  that  his 
powers  were  confined  to  his  own  town.  The  people  were 
very  careful  whom  they  chose  for  this  honorable  position,  and 
the  fact  that  John  Parker  was  constable  of  Reading  is  a  strong 
voucher  for  his  integrity,  force  of  character  and  popularity  : 

"Charles  Towne.  y^  ii  May,  1693. 
"Then   Reed,   of  Mr.   John   Parker,  Constable  of  Reading,  the 
sums  of  Fifty  Nine  pounds  Twelve  shillings  in  full  of  s*^  Townes 
Last  Assessments.     I  say  Received 

by  me  Hump^  Parsons." 

It  must  have  been  a  hard  blow  to  the  family  to  learn  of  the 
death  of  the  son  Hananiah,  who,  a  promising  lad  of  18,  was 
in  the  Annapolis  expedition  of  1710,  and  died  of  the  prevailing 

*  Before  removing  to  Lexington  he  sold  his  homestead  estate  to  his  neighbor 
and  friend,  Jonathan  Poole.  The  record  is  at  Lexington  in  the  form  of  a 
simple  agreement,  as  follows  : — 

"This  draft  of  bargaine  made  this  twentieth  day  of  May  Ano.  Dom.  1712 
betwene  John  Parker  of  Reding  in  the  County  of  Midd'^.  in  New  England. 
Joyner  on  the  one  part  and  Jonathan  Poole  of  y"  same  towne  yeoman  on  the 
other  part  witnesseth  that  y"  s''  John  Parker  hath  sold  and  doth  promas  to 
make  alination  of  to  s''  Poole  all  his  whomsted  with  building  on  it  consisting 
of  23  acres  more  or  less  of  upland  and  medo  land  bound  west  by  y"  land  of 
Capt.  Herbert  decesed,  northardly  by  Thomas  Weston,  southardly  by  s''  Capt. 
Herbert  decesed  and  e  s''  Jonathan  Poole,  estardly  by  Timothy  Willard,  s'' 
Poole  and  also  3  acres  of  medo  joining  to  y-'  south  side  of  s''  Jonathan  Pooles 
and  called  y"  cranbery  meddo. — And  the  s''  Jonathan  Poole  doth  ablidg  him- 
self to  pay  for  s'  Land  two  hundred  and  ninety  five  pounds  in  mony  or  bills 
of  credit  of  this  province." 

This  record  is  very  valuable  in  more  than  one  way.  It  shows  to  us  where 
John  Parker  lived  in  Reading,  which  proves  the  location  of  the  first  Parker 
homestead,  that  of  Dea.  Thomas  Parker  — see  Hananiah  Parker's  will.  Capt. 
Herbert  lived  on  the  spot  where  now  stands  the  Wakefield  Town  Hall,  where 
Rev.  Samuel  Haugh  and  Rev.  John  Brock  preceded  him.  Jonathan  Poole's 
house  was  where  is  now  the  Wakefield  Rattan  Factory.  Thus  we  find  the 
true  location  of  our  Reading  ancestors,  and  from  the  above  record  we  know 
into  whose  hands  the  homestead  passed. 


sickness  171 1.  But  with  the  remaining  three  sons,  Andrew, 
Josiah  and  John,  Jr.,  the  parents  removed  to  Lexington  (then 
called  Cambridge  Farms)  in  the  spring  of  17 12.  He  settled 
upon  the  same  homestead  still  occupied  by  his  descendants. 
The  history  of  the  town  of  Lexington  makes  mention  of  him 
by  saying  :— 

"John  Parker  was  chosen  fence  viewer  in  1714  and  tythingman  in 
1715  and  '21.  He  must  have  been  a  man  of  dignity  of  character,  for 
in  seating  the  meeting-house,  1731,  where  they  had  reference  to  age, 
honor  and  property,  they  placed  him  in  the  second  seat  below  with 
Ensign  John  Mason,  Thomas  Mead  and  other  highly  respectable 

The  following  is  the  copy  of  a  precept  used  by  John  Parker 
and  is  still  preserved  among  the  old  family  papers  at  Lexing- 
ton : — 

"  To  the  Constable  of  Redding  which  was  in  the  yeare  1692. 
Whearas  James  Ribboe  and  Samuel  Merrow  do  refuse  or  neglect  to 
pay  their  proportion  of  the  Rate  Committed  unto  you  which  was 
made  the  25  Novem  :  1692  which  was  the  first  part  of  the  thirty 
thousand  pounds.  Therefore,  this  is  in  the  Majestys  names  to  re- 
quire you  to  make  Distrese  upon  the  goods  of  James  Ribboe  for  his 
refusing  or  neglecting  to  pay  his  proportion  of  the  above  s''  Rate 
which  is  twenty  shillings,  and  of  the  goods  of  Samuell  Merrow  for 
his  refusing  or  neglecting  to  pay  his  proportion  of  the  above  s*^  Rate, 
which  is  ten  shillings,  which  goods  are  to  be  apprized  as  the  law 
directs  and  to  be  Sould,  and  to  return  the  overplus  to  the  owner  if 
there  any  be,  and  if  goods  cannot  be  found  to  pay  the  above  s**  sums, 
then  you  are  to  seize  the  body  of  James  Ribboe,  and  the  body  of 
Samuell  Merrow,  and  commit  them  to  the  County  Goal  there  so  to 
be  kept  without  bail  or  mainprize  until  payment  shall  be  made  with 
all  due  charges 

Witnesseth  our  hands  and  seals  in  Redding 
this  first  of  March,  1693/4 

John  Browne        j  selectmen" 
John  Bacheller  ) 

The  ancient  deeds  of  purchase,  still  preserved  at  the  Lexing- 
ton homestead,  show  that  "John  Parker,  Sen%  Joiner,  of 
Redding,  purchased  in  Cambridge  Farms"  one  small  mansion 
house  and  sixty  acres  of  land,  bounded  southerly  on  Water- 
town  line,  elsewhere  by  Daniel  White,  John  Stone  and  Thomas 


Cutler,  and  of  Thomas  Cutler  he  bought  "a  certain  messuage 
or  Tenement  lying  and  being  scituate  in  Cambridge,  In  the 
Farms,  containing  one  mansion  house,  barn  and  about  one 
hundred  and  ninety  acres  of  land."  These  aggregated  250 
acres,  and  the  total  cost  was  four  hundred  and  sixty  pounds.* 

Mrs.  Deliverance  Parker  died  in  Lexington  March  10, 
1 7 18.  The  records  concerning  his  second  marriage  have  not 
been  found,  but  we  know  her  name  was  Sarah.  All  the 
children  were  by  the  first  wife. 

John  Parker  was  a  joiner.  He  built  a  shop  in  which  he 
made  from  wood  necessary  farm  implements,  furniture  and 
useful  things.  This  trade  he  taught  his  sons,  and  they  in 
turn  from  generation  to  generation.  The  Parkers  in  Lexing- 
ton were  all  skilful  woodworkers. 

John  Parker  made  the  following  agreements  with  his  sons  in  place  of  a  will  : 

"  Know  all  men  bj  these  presents,  that  we  John  Parker  and  Andrew  Parker 
Do  fully  &  freely  Consent  and  agree  that  Josiah  &  John  Parker  Jr.  or  their 
heirs  or  assigns  shall  have  full  Right  and  Lawfull  authority  to  Take,  Emproove 
&  Enjoy  for  Ever  all  y"'  Moovable  Estate  Belonging  to  John  Parker  my  Hon"'''' 
father  of  what  kind  or  nature  soever  it  may  be  and  we  likewise  promise  that 
we  will  not  either  directly  or  indirectly  keep  or  Conseal  a.ny  thing  or  things 
that  shall  or  may  at  any  time  appear  to  be  y"  s''  John  Parkers  movable  Estate 
upon  Penalty  of  Paying  all  Damages  that  may  arise  by  our  withholding  any 
of  y"  Goods  ofy*  nature  above  s''. 

"Except  all  such  movables  as  are  needed  for  house  keeping  which  at  y« 
Decease  of  our  Hon""^"' :  Parents  :  John  Parker  &  Sarah  his  wife  are  to  be 
Equally  Divided  Betwen  Andrew:  Josiah  &  John  Parker  or  their  heirs. 

"  as  Witness  our  Hands  and  Seals  this  fourth  Day  of  January  1739-40 
David  Mead  John  Parker 

Jabez  Kendall  Andrew  Parker." 

"Know  all  men  by  these  Presents  that  I  John  Parker  of  Lexington  In  the 
County  of  Middlesex  in  his  Majesties  Province  of  y  Massachusetts  Bay  in 
New  England  Joyner  Have  assigned,  ordained  &  made  &  in  my  stead  and 
place  have  put  &  Constituted  my  dutifuU  Sons  Josiah  Parker  of  said  Lexing- 
ton yeoman  &  John  Parker  of  Framingham  in  the  County  &  Province  afores'* 
yeoman  to  be  my  true  &  Lawfull  attorneys  for  me  &  in  my  name  &  to  my  use, 
to  all,  sue,  fee,  levey,  require,  recover,  &  receive  of  all  &  every  person  or 
persons  whatsoever,  all  &  every  such  debts,  rents  &  sums  of  money  as  are 
now  due  unto  me  or  which  at  any  day  or  days,  time  or  times  hereafter  shall 

*  In  1728,  however,  John  Parker  sold  a  farm  of  one  mansion  house,  one  barn, 
two  outhouses  and  100  acres  of  land  to  Mr.  Joseph  Brooks  of  Weston.  Amount 
paid,  600  pounds.  It  bordered  the  Watertown  line  and  was  in  part  the  land 
formerly  bought  from  the  Cutlers. 


John  Parker  died  Jan.  22,  1741,  aged  78.  The  record  of 
the  death  of  Mrs.  Sarah  Parker  has  not  been  found.  All  the 
children  were  born  in  Reading,  although  their  record  of  birth 
is  found  upon  the  town  records  of  both  Reading  and  Lexington. 

Their  children  were  : 

Sarah  Parker,  b.  July  5,  and  d.  July  9,  1690. 

Hananiah  Parker,  b.  Oct.  10,  1691  ;  d.  171 1,  on  service  of  Qtieen 

Anne's  War,  while  in  the  Annapolis,  N.  S.,  Expedition.     See  his 

letter,  page  40. 

4.  Andrew  Parker,  b.  Feb.  14,  1693  ;  m.  Sarah  Whitney  of  Lex- 

5.  JosiAH  Parker,  b.  April  11,  1694;  nri.  Anna  Stone  of  Lexington. 
Mary  Parker,  b.  Dec.  4,  1695  ;  d.  1709,  aged  14. 

John  Parker,  b.  and  d.  1696. 

Edie  Parker,  b.  Aug.  19,  1697  ;  d.  1709,  aged  12. 

6.  John  Parker,  b.  Nov.  8,  1703  ;  m.  Experience  Clayes  of  Fram- 

The  following  letter,  well  written,  is  among  the  family 
papers  at  Lexington.  Hananiah  was  but  eighteen  when  he 
wrote  this  letter.  It  shows  his  sturdy  bringing  up,  and  we 
can  well  imagine  the  parents  anxiously  awaiting  the  return  of 

be  due  owing,  belonging  or  appertaining  unto  me  by  any  manner  of  ways  or 
means  whatsoever :  Giving  and  Granting  unto  my  said  attorneys,  by  the 
tenner  of  these  presents,  my  full  &  whole  power,  strength  &  authority  in  & 
about  the  premises  &  upon  the  receipt  of  any  such  debts  rents  &  sums  of 
money  afore  S'  acquittances,  or  other  discharges  for  me  &  in  my  name  to 
make,  seal  &  deliver,  and  all  &  every  other  act  &  acts,  thing  &  things,  dence 
&  dences  in  the  Law  whatsoever,  needful  &  necessary  to  be  done,  in  or  about 
the  premises,  for  the  recovery  of  any  such  debts,  rents  &  sums  of  money 
goods  or  chattels,  for  me  and  in  my  name,  to  do  execute  &  perform  as  fully, 
largely,  and  amply  in  every  respect,  to  all  Intents,  Constructions  &  Purposes 
as  I  myself  might  or  could  do  if  I  were  pei'sonally  present  ratifying  allowing 
and  holding  firm  &  stable  all  &  whatsoever  my  said  attorneys  shall  lawfully 
do,  or  cause  to  be  done  in  or  about  the  execution  of  the  same  by  virtue  of 
these  presents  thereby  Revoking  all  former  powers  by  me  given  to  any  person 
or  persons  whatsoever.  In  Wittness  whereof  I  have  hereunto  sett  my  hand  & 
seal  the  sixth  day  of  August  Anno  Domini  1740 
"Signed  Sealed  &  Delivered 

In  Presence  of  A        P  ^  f  a  ,,n, 

James  Clayes*  /j  0  h'Tl        ^  (^  l\  ^^ 

John  Jones  "  -^ 

*John  Parker  of  Framingham  had  married  Experience  Clayes,   niece  of 
James  Clayes  of  Framingham,  whose  signature  appears  on  the  deed. 


their  strong  and  promising  son,  and  with  him  to  remove  to 
Lexington.  But  their  hopes  were  never  realized,  for  he  died 
of  the  prevailing  sickness  sometime  in  171 1,  having  been  kept 
in  garrison  after  the  capitulation. 

"  From  Annapolis  Royal  March  y^  S'**  1710. 

"  Ever  Honored  father  and  mother  after  my  Deuty  Remembered 
to  you  and  to  my  Grandfather  and  Grandmother :  and  my  Love  to 
all  my  brothers  and  all  my  friends — Hoping  theas  few  lines  of  my 
Love  Will  find  you  in  as  Good  health  as  I  am  at  this  present  Writt- 
ing,  Blessed  be  God  for  it.  And  this  is  to  let  you  understand  that  I 
Recived  youer  Second  Letter,  and  that  is  a  verey  sickly  time  with  us 
and  we  have  Lost  above  Three  Scor  men  that  belong  to  New  Eng- 
land and  thear  is  above  fifty  men  sick.  Barnabas  Cook  is  sick  ; 
Daniel  Dove  is  sick  ;  William  Hopkins  is  sick  ;  Benjamin  Johnson 
is  amost  well  of  his  wounds  but  he  has  had  a  verey  bad  sweling  upon 
his  thigh  above  his  wounds  but  we  hope  he  will  doe  well. 

S''  Charles*  has  lost  11  men  out  of  his  Redgement.  Coronal 
Whiting  has  lost  16  or  17  and  he  has  24  men  sick'.  One  man  Dyed 
out  of  our  company  :  he  belonged  to  Wobone,  his  name  was  Robert 

Johnathan  Eaton  is  verey  sick.  But  we  hope  to  see  you  in  a  little 
time,  they  that  are  living,  but  if  we  stay  hear  much  Longer  their  will 
but  few  of  us  see  New  England,  but  S'  Charles  sales  he  will  carrey 
us  home  as  soon  as  y^  govenur  corns  :  we  hope  to  see  you  in  a  month 
or  six  weaks  If  we  Live — for  Sir  Charles  is  a  wearey  of  this  place 
and  amost  Discouraged  and  wants  to  get  hom  as  much  as  we  do. 

Out  of  all  New  England  men  thair  is  but  40  men  fit  for  Deuty,  and 
thair  is  hardly  men  Enough  to  berrey  y^  dead  and  look  after  y*  sick 
for  we  berrey  2  or  3  men  Everey  Night :  for  we  berrey  them  in 
Night  becaus  y*  french  Should  not  know  how  many  men  we  loos  and 
we  berrey  them  out  of  y^  buring  place  down  by  y*  water  side  below 
y*  fort  and  spread  y"^  ground  leavel  over  them  that  they  might  not  be 
seen.  I  have  had  a  verey  Easey  time  this  winter  for  I  have  been 
freed  from  Deuty  to  Look  after  Benjamin  Johnson  and  I  have  had 
my  health  as  well  as  ever  I  had  in  my  life  for  which  I  have  caus  to 
be  thankfull. 

I  would  not  have  you  be  Discouraged  nor  Discontented  nor  think 
y^  time  Long  for  I  hope  to  see  you  Quick,  for  as  soon  as  the  Govenur 
coms  hear  S""  Chas'les  sayes  he  will  carrey  us  home.  We  hear  that 
thair  is  men  a  coming  from  New  York  to  Releave  us. 

*  Four  regiments  were  raised  in  New  England,  two  of  which  were  com- 
manded by  Sir  Charles  Hobby  and  Colonel  Tailer  of  Massachusetts. 


But  No  mor  at  Present  for  I  have  No  News  to  send  you. 
So  I  Remain  Youer  Deutyfull  Son 

Hananiah  Parker. 

But  I  desier  youer  prayers  for  me  that  I  may  be  kept  from  sin  & 
sicknes  beeing  in  a  dangerous  place  for  them  both:  for  thair  is 
nothing  but  wickedness  carried  on  hear,  cursing  and  swearing  in 
everey  mans  mouth." 

4.  Andrew  'P2iT\iQV  ( yohn^^ Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of 
John  and  Deliverance  (Dodge)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Reading, 
Feb.  14,  1693  ;  was  at  the  age  of  19  when  he  removed  with  his 
parents  and  brothers  to  Lexington  in  17 12.  He  was  favored 
with  a  sound  and  vigorous  training  in  his  youth.  He  was  well 
bestowed  physically  for  the  mammoth  task  of  the  early  pio- 
neer, and  he  entered  into  the  work  heartily.  He  married  in 
Lexington  at  the  age  of  27,  Aug.  2,  1720,  Sarah,  bap.  April 
22,  1703,  dau.  of  Isaiah  and  Sarah  Whitney  of  Lexington.* 
She  was  third  in  order  in  a  family  of  seven  children.  Nov.  4, 
1724,  they  made  their  peace  with  the  Church,  when  three  of 
their  children  were  bap.  They  were  admitted  to  the  Church 
in  1728. 

He  was  a  husbandman  and  woodworker,  thus  succeeding 
his  father  in  the  occupation  which  soon  became  well  known 
as  a  characteristic  talent  of  the  Lexington  Parkers.  He  was 
energetic  and  industrious.     He  was  a  man  ot  strong  physique, 

*The  grandfather,  Eleazer  Whitney,  was  settled  at  Cambridge  Farms  in 
1693,  where  he  d.  in  1697.  The  Whitneys,  however,  did  not  long  remain  in 

"Although  the  Whitney  name  has  become  common  in  almost  every  town 
in  the  country,  most  of  this  family  are  descended  from  John  and  Elinor 
Whitney  of  Watertown.  The  children  of  this  ancestor,  though  eight  in  num- 
ber, were  all  sons,  six  of  whom  had  families  of  their  own.  Five  of  the  children 
were  b.  in  England  before  he,  John  Whitney,  aged  30,  embarked  from  Lon- 
don, in  April,  1635,  for  N.  E.  in  the  ships  Elizabeth  and  Ann,  Roger 
Cooper  master.  His  early  admission  as  a  freeman,  his  early  elections  as  a 
selectman  by  the  town,  and  constable  of  Watertown  by  the  court,  show  that 
he  occupied  a  respectable  social  position." — ,lVaferfo-,.vn  Genealogies. 

Our  Eleazer  Whitney,  father  of  Isaiah,  was  doubtless  the  one  given  in 
Watertown  Genealogies  as  son  of  Thomas  Whitney  of  Watertown,  and  b. 
April  7,  1662,  twin  brother  of  Elnathan  (as  recorded  on  page  643).  This 
Thomas  was  son  of  John  and  Elinor  Whitney  and  was  b.  in  England  1629, 
and  m.  in  Watertown,  Mary  Kedall  (or  Kettle),  dau.  of  John  of  Watertown. 
Therefore  Sarah  Whitney's  ancestry  ran  thus :  Sarah,''  Isaiah,*  Eleazer,^ 
Thomas,^  John." 


as  tradition  claims  that  he  was  of  very  large  size  and  power- 
fully built.  He  was  a  kind  father  and  was  attentive  to  the 
physical  and  spiritual  needs  of  his  large  family. 

Andrew  Parker  was  chosen  fence  viewer  of  the  town  at 
"the  meeting  of  y''  freeholders  and  other  inhabitants  orderly 
convened  on  y""  9th  of  March  1725,"  as  the  Lexington  records 
attest.  Soon  after  this  he  was  honored  with  the  rank  of  con- 
stable. He  thus  rendered  his  town  the  same  public  service 
which  his  father  had  served  in  Reading.  It  was  a  position  of 
much  higher  dignity  and  social  standing  then  than  now.  His 
wife  Sarah  died  Dec.  18,  1774,  ^g^d  70.  She  was  the  mother 
of  12  children.     He  survived  her. 

Andrew  Parker  lived  in  the  reigns  of  five  English  sover- 
eigns, was  seven  years  of  age  when  the  year  1700  came,  and 
yet  lived  to  see  the  first  armed  expedition  of  British  soldiers 
against  the  colonists  put  to  rout  at  Concord  and  Lexington, 
June  17,  1775,  and  this  accomplished  partly  by  his  own  family. 
As  he  on  occasion  gathered  his  children,  his  ever  increasing 
grandchildren  and  inquisitive  great-grandchildren  at  the  old 
homestead  around  that  open  fireplace  filled  with  blazing  logs, 
what  a  story  he  must  have  oft  related  concerning  the  hard 
struggle  for  existence,  but  final  development  of  the  colonies 
together  with  that  of  their  own  allied  families  !  He  must  have 
remembered  events  before  1700,  knew  all  about  Queen  Anne's 
War  against  the  French  and  Indians,  1702  to  17 13,  and  the 
capture  of  Port  Royal,  N.  S.,  from  the  French,  in  which  war 
his  brother  Hananiah  served  and  died.  It  was  in  his  time  that 
the  devout  colonists  were  obliged  to  carry  their  guns  to  Church 
and  into  the  fields  when  at  work,  and  have  them  ever  ready 
to  fight  off"  the  prowling  savage.  He  could  tell  all  about  the 
Georges,  the  Louisburg  expedition  of  1744-48,  and  the  last 
great  French  and  Indian  war  of  1754  ^^  '63.  At  the  time  of 
his  death,  which  occurred  April  8,  1776,  his  great-grand- 
children numbered  over  a. score.    He  thus  died  at  the  age  of  83. 

G^njrc^  jai7t^^ 

Their  children  were : 
7.     Sarah  Parker,  b.  Feb.   9,   1721  ;    m.  June   21,   1739,  Jabez 
Kendall  of  Woburn. 



8.  Jonas  Parker,  b.  Feb.  6,   1722;    m.   1745,  Lucy  Monroe  of 

9.  Amos  Parker,  b.  July  27,  1723  ;  m.  1745,  Anna  Curwen  Stone 
of  Lexington. 

Elizabeth  Parker,  bap.  Aug.  22,  1725  ;  d.  young. 

10.  Thomas  Parker,  bap.  Dec.  24,   1727;    m.  March  8,   1750, 
Jane  Parrot,  then  of  Chelmsford. 

Abigail  Parker,  bap.  July  27,  1729. 

11.  Lucy  Parker,  bap.  April  4,  1731  ;  m.  May  24,  1750,  Joshua 
Mead  of  Lexington. 

Elizabeth  Parker,  bap.  June  22,  1735. 

12.  Andrew  Parker,  bap.  April  16,  173S  ;    m.  Nov.   29,  1759, 
Abigail  Jennison  of  Weston. 

13.  Keziah  Parker,  bap.  June  i,  1740;  m.  June  i,  1759,  Joseph 
Wyman  of  Lunenburg. 

Ebenezer  Parker,  bap.  Feb.  28,  1742  ;  probably  d.  1743. 
Mary  Parker,  bap.  Oct.  21,  1744. 

By  a  deed  from  father  to  son,  dated  30th  April,  1728,  it  is 
evident  the  Lexington  estate  was  then  located  as  the  following 
plan  shows  : 

'        JoHNPAfiKcirs  Land 

•^  A 





Josi«H  PiRHEB's  Law) 


"?v.s^t'"«is  VMa^  —  \4o\a  U\e  'VycoA . 





JOMII  Pm«I*» 








1, 1, , 



5.  Lt.  Josiah  'Pdct^^r  (John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  b. 
in  Reading,  April  11,  1694,  son  of  John  and  Deliverance 
(Dodge)  Parker.  He  seems  to  have  inherited  the  sturdy 
qualities  and   industry  of  his   father,  the  assessor,  constable, 



joiner  and  farmer  of  Reading.  He  was  i8  when  his  parents 
and  three  brothers  removed  with  him  from  his  native  town  to 
Lexington  in  1712.  He  worked  with  his  brothers  upon  the 
new  farm,  also  in  his  father's  shop,  where  the  latter  taught 
his  sons  in  making  all  kinds  of  wooden  implements,  wagons 
and  furniture.  He  was  of  use  to  his  father  in  many  ways, 
notably  in  surveying  and  proving  the  bounds  of  his  estate, 
and  in  the  same  manner  to  his  neighbors  and  townsmen, 
who  needed  such  service.  When  he  had  been  but  two  years 
in  Lexington  he  was  one  of  the  three  chosen  by  "y^  free- 
holders" of  the  town  to  "estimate  and  fix  the  boundary  line" 
between  Lexington  and  her  mother  town,  Cambridge. 

He  of  course  belonged  to  the  military  company,  in  the  days 
when  soldiers  were  scarce  and  the  Indians  and  French  some- 
times too  common  for  the  comfort  of  the  English  settlers. 
Hananiah  Parker,  his  brother,  of  much  promise,  had  already 
perished  in  the  Port  Royal  Expedition.  Loving  memories  of 
him  doubtless  inspired  the  three  remaining  brothers  to  more 
active  training  and  in  anticipation  of  coming  troubles.  Josiah 
Parker  soon  became  "dark"  of  the  company.  His  duties 
were  to  call  together  the  soldiers,  keep  the  attendance  and 
"fine"  records  and  post  notices  of  the  coming  drill  day.* 

Among  the  preserved  records  we  find  such  slips  as  the  fol- 
lowing, which  were  required  to  be  published  in  a  public  place 
a  certain  time  before  the  occurrence  of  the  event  named 
therein  : 

"  Lexington  Sep'™  :  y^  16"" :  1729  :  Was  Appointed  &  Observed  as 
a  training  Day  By  Cap' :  Joseph  Bowman  &  y*  Major  Part  of  his 
Company  :  &  Before  s*^  Captain  Dismised  his  Company  he  ordered 

*An  authority  writing  upon  this  subject  says  : 

"The  'clarke'  of  each  company  knew  everybody,  and  was  an  important 
functionary.  He  kept  account  and  saw  that  soldiers  were  supplied  with  one 
pound  powder,  20  bullets,  one  fathom  of  match,  priming  wire,  worm  and 
scourers,  muskets,  sword,  bandeleer  and  rest,  and  that  live  coals  Avere  ready 
at  all  times;  he  watched  after  the  pikeman's  spear,  that  it  was  bright,  that  his 
headpiece  and  corslet  were  well  cared  for.  Should  a  man  come  to  his  notice 
who  was  without  a  musket,  he  would  take  him  to  the  surveyor-general,  where 
arms  could  be  procured  with  a  ticket,  which  the  surveyor  would  turn  over  to 
the  town  treasurer,  who  would  pay  for  the  purchases  and  charge  them  to  the 
man,  and  make  him  work  it  out.  Every  man  must  be  ready  at  the  alarm  and 
should  any  fail  to  respond  it  was  his  duty  to  so  report  and  the  excuse  for  the 
same,  which,  if  not  deemed  important,  the  delinquent  was  heavily  fined." 


&  Appointed  tuesday  y*  twenty  first  Day  of  Octo'"' :  Next  Insuing  to 
Be  Observed  &  attended  as  a  training  Day  in  s*^  town  &  also  Pub- 
lished &  Declared  y*  Same  at  y*^  head  of  his  Company. 

"  Attest  JosiAH  Parker  Claik  of  y*  Company  above  s**." 

He  m.  in  Lexington,  Dec.  8,  1718,  Anna  Stone,  one  of  the 
four  daughters  of  John  and  Rachel  (Shepherd)  Stone  of  Lex- 
ington. She  was  b.  in  Lexington,  Nov.  27,  1694.  Her 
father  was  a  corporal ;  was  the  son  of  Dea.  Samuel  and  grand- 
son of  Dea.  Gregory  Stone  of  Cambridge,  who  came  from 
England  in  1635  and  was  the  ancestor  of  a  large  issue  of  his 
name  in  America.* 

With  which  to  begin  his  married  life  his  father,  John  Parker, 
Esq.,  gave  him  "  towards  his  portion"  55  acres  of  land.  The 
deed  of  gift  also  reads  :  "for  diverse  causes  and  considerations 
me  hereunto  moving,  and  more  especially  for  the  good  affec- 
tion I  bear  my  well  beloved  son  Josiah  Parker  of  Lexington." 

They  were  admitted  to  the  church  Aug.  13,  1719.  His 
first  service  as  assessor  of  the  town  of  Lexington  originated 
from  the  choice  of  "  y*"  freeholders  in  meeting  assembled," 
March  6,  1726,  they  granting  him  besides  the  honor  and  work 
of  his  position  a  yearly  salary  of  2  pounds,  8  shillings,  4 
pence!  Chas.  Hudson,  Esq.,  in  his  History  of  the  Town  of 
Lexington,  says  : 

"  Lt.  Parker  was  one  of  the  most  popular  men  in  town  for  many 
years.  He  filled  almost  every  town  office.  He  filled  the  office  of 
town  clerk  four  years.  He  was  an  assessor  19  years  from  1726  to 
175^,  with  occasional  intermissions,  and  selectman  seven  years." 

He  discharged  the  duties  of  these  offices  with  ability.  He 
was  an  excellent  penman  and  good  grammarian,  and  his 
accurately  and  neatly  kept  records  are  of  great  historical 
value.  At  his  old  homestead,  descended  five  generations 
down,  are  still  in  perfect  preservation  some  of  Lt.  Parker's 
interesting  papers  and  in  fact  some  town  records  besides. 
"Josiah  Parker's  Book,  1738,"  is  worth  perusing.     Take  for 

*Dea.  Samuel  Stone  was  the  fourth  child  of  Dea.  Gregory.  He  m.  June  7, 
1655,  Sarah  Stearns  of  Watertown,  dau.  of  Isaac,  an  original  proprietor  of 
Watertovvn.  They  had  eight  children,  the  fourth  of  whom  was  John  Stone  as 
before  named. —  Wateriown  Genealogies. 


instance  this  specimen,  showing  the  terms  used  in  manual  by- 
all  the  fighting  men  of  Lexington,  somewhat  out  of  date  at 
present,  but  showing  the  process  necessary  to  wield  the  flint- 
lock orun  : 

"Joyne  your  right  hand  to  your  F.*  Present  your  F.  Rest  your 
F.  Cock  your  F.  Present — Fire.  Recover  your  F.  Half  cock 
your  F.  Handle  your  primer.  Prime.  Shut  your  pan.  Cast 
about  to  charge.  Handel  your  carthrige.  Open  your  caithrige. 
Charge  with  carthrige.  Draw  your  rammers.  Shorten  your  ram- 
mers. Put  them  in  the  barrels.  Ram  down  your  carthridge. 
With-draw  3'our  rammers.  Shorten  your  rammers.  Return  your 
rammers.  Cast  ofl'  your  F.  Your  right  hand  under  the  Lock. 
Poise  your  F.  Shoulder  your  F.  Rest  your  F.  Ground  your  F. 
Take  up  your  F.  Rest  your  F.  Club  your  F.  Rest  your  F. 
Secure  your  F.     Shoulder  your  F." 

May  y^  first,  1744. 
Then  settled  y"  Dignity  of  OflScers  in  Colonel  Phipps  Ridgement. 
Captains.  Lieutenants. 

Saml.  Green.  John  Tainter. 

Benj.  Reed.  Saml.  Hendly. 

Saml.  Livermore.  Josiah  Parker. 

Capt.  Hayes.  John  Beal. 

Capt.  Codman.  Thom,  Symms. 

Capt.  Fuller.  Wm.  Hide. 

Capt.  Kendrick.  Jos.  Bryant. 

Capt.  Brooks.  Robert  Mordock. 

Capt.  Dana.  Benj.  Blany. 

Stephen  Hall. 

This  was  the  year  previous  to  the  Louisburg  Expedition  of 
1745.  It  is  very  probable  that  he  and  his  company  saw 
service  in  this  war,  and  perhaps  accompanied  his  son  John, 
who  went  all  through  this  expedition.  And  here  is  a  note 
made  by  the  painstaking  captain,  ambitious  of  perfecting  his 
company  drill : 

"  Reare  half  files,  double  the  depth  of  your  right  flank.  Left  half 
files  of  left  flank  face  to  the  left  about.  Front  half  files  of  left  flank 
face  to  the  left.  Reare  half  flies  of  right  flank  face  to  the  right — 
march  10  paces — the  whole  face  to  the  right — march  10  paces — face 
to  the  rig^ht." 

*ln  the  corner  of  the  page  is  written  :  "  N.  B. — that  F.  stands  for  firelock.' 


Such  matter  as  this  lies  mixed  with  charges  made  for 
mechanical  labor  and  farm  produce,  for  all  the  family  knew 
how  to  wield  a  good  many  kinds  of  tools  : 

"  1752.  To  a  harrow  and  axeltreeing  your  cart — to  mending  your 
Cvder-mill — to  a  chees  mill — to  making  3  keelers  and  a  churn — to 
making  a  coffin — to  6  pair  of  Bed  Screws  at  JE7-10S  a  pair  old  tenor 
—to  a  beetel  and  how  handle  and  sithe  snath — to  my  oxen  to  Cam- 
bridge and  3  Cartouch  Boxes. — to  my  oxen  to  plough  in  your  Rie." 

Lit.  Josiah  Parker  must  have  possessed  a  strong  constitution, 
physically  as  well  as  mentally,  which  enabled  him  to  victorious- 
ly combat  as  he  did  the  many  obstructions  in  the  road  of  pro- 
gress of  his  day.  In  addition  to  his  varied  abilities,  he  was  a 
successful  farmer  and  the  honored  father  of  a  large  and  noble 
family  of  children.  He  d.  in  Lexington,  Oct.  9,  1756,  aged 
62.  His  widow  Anna,  who  survived  him  four  years,  made 
her  will  May  i,  1760.  She  d.  Sept.  8  of  the  same  year.  She 
bequeathed  a  part  of  her  estate  to  each  surviving  child,  men- 
tioning "My  Beloved  Sons  Josiah,  John,  Thaddeus  &  Joseph 
Parker,"  and  "My  Beloved  Daughters  Anna  Smith  and 
Deliverance  Monroe,"  and  made  her  sons  John  and  Joseph 
Parker  executors. 

ycrftcUh    JcmJl 

Their  children  were  : 

14.  Anna  Parker,  b.  Sept.  9,  1719  ;  m.  Benjamin  Smith  of  Lex- 

15.  Deliverance  Parker,  b.  May  28,  1721  ;  m.  Marrett  Monroe 
of  Lexington. 

Mary  Parkeh,  b.  July  3,  1723;  was  living  March  2,  1738,  when 
she  placed  her  signature  on  her  uncle  John  Parker's  bond.  But  as 
no  family  records  exist  which  give  any  further  mention  of  her  il  is 
practically  certain  that  she  died  in  early  life. 

16.  Josiah  Parker,  b.  April  11,  1725  ;  m.  Mary  Monroe,  then  of 

Lois  Parker,  b.  Aug.  20,  1727;  d.  July,  1735. 

17.  JoHNT  Parker,  b.  July  13,  1729  ;  m.  Lydia  Moore  of  Lexington. 

18.  Thaddeus  Parker,  b.  Sept.  2,  1731  ;  m.  Mary  Reed  of  Lex- 

19.  Joseph  Parker,  b.  Nov.  28,  1733;  m.  Eunice  Hobbs  of 


6.  John  Parker  CJohn^^  Hananiah,^  Tkofnas^),  son  and 
last  child  of  John  and  Deliverance  (Dodge)  Parker,  b.  in  Read- 
ing, Nov.  8,  1703,  removed  in  1712  with  family  to  Lexington  ; 
removed  about  1730  to  Shrewsbury;  m.  in  Shrewsbury,  Feb. 
18,  1731,  Experience  Clayes  of  Framingham,  dau.  of  Peter  and 
Mary  (Preston)  Clay es.  Her  parents  came  from  Salem.  She 
was  b.  in  Framingham,  Nov.  19,  1702.  John  and  Experience 
Parker  were  admitted  to  the  Church  in  Shrewsbury  1732. 

"  The  only  surviving  brother  of  Mrs.  Parker,  Peter  Claves,  d.  in 

1736,  and  her  father  desired  them  to  return  to  Framingham  and  take 

the  home  place  (the  Col.  David  Brewer  place,  now  James  Fenton's), 

and  Jan.  6,  1737,  gave  them  a  deed  of  the  same,  conditioned  that 

said  John  and  Experience  should  support  said  Clayes  and  wife  dur- 

insf  their  lives  and    give    them    christian    burial.      The  estate  corn- 
to  o 

prised  the  home  lot  of  8|  acres  and  buildings  and  55  acres  lying  on 
both  sides  of  the  road  from  Caleb  Bridges  to  the  meeting-bouse. 
Peter  Claves  d.  1739,  and  John  Parker  sold  part  of  the  home  lot  and 
buildings  to  James  and  John  Clayes  and  built  where  is  now  the 
house  of  the  late  Dr.  Peter  Parker." — Temple. 

The  ancestral  line  of  John  Parker  is  clearly  proved  b}'^  two 
weather-stained  sheets  at  the  homestead  in  Lexington  of  Mr. 
John  Parker,  "'joiner  of  Lexington,"  in  which  he  makes  men- 
tion "My  dutiful  son  John  Parker  of  Framingham,  yeoman." 
K  treatise  on  religion,  in  book  form,  is  now  in  preservation  and 
contains  on  the  inside  cover  sheet  these  words:  "From  John 
Parker  of  Lexington  to  John  Parker  of  Framingham."* 

He  and  his  wife  Experience  were  admitted  to  the  Church  in 
Framingham  1738;  he  was  selectman;  was  a  member  of  the 
Framingham  company  of  alarm  soldiers,  commanded  by  Capt. 
Henry  Fames  ;  was  an  overseer  of  the  workhouse  and  of  the 
poor  ;  d.  in  Framingham,  Feb.  23,  1783.  His  wife  Experience 
d.  Oct.  13,  1780.  He  was  unfortunate  with  his  family,  as  it 
seems  onlv  two  out  of  seven  children  survived.  His  will  is 
preserved  among  the  Cambridge  Probate  records.  In  it  he 
mentions  son  Peter  Parker  and  dau.  Submit  Bent. 

^  ^ofi/n.   joi/yxt 


*  '■  Mrs.  Fay  of  Framingham  has  a  Bible  which  once  belonged  to  John  Parker 
of  Lexington.  It  bears  his  name  and  the  date  1709." — Barry  s  History  of 


Their  children  were  : 

John  Parjcer,  b.  in  Shrewsbury,  Jan.  28,  1732. 
Experience  Parker,  b.  in  Shrewsbury,  Oct.  S,  1733. 
Hananiah  Parker,  bap.  in  Shrewsbury,  Sept.  21,  1735. 
Abigail  Parker,  b.  in  Shrewsbury,  Dec.  i,  1736. 

20.  Peter  Parker,  b.   in  Framingham,  Oct.  3,  1738;   m.  Ruth 
Eaton  of  Framingham. 

21.  Submit  Parker,  b.  in  Framingham,  Dec.  3,  1742  ;  m.  Thomas 
Bent,  Jr.,  of  Framingham. 

Nathan  Parker,  bap.  in  Framingham,  March  2,  1746. 

7.  Sarah  Parker  (Andrew,^  yokn,^  Hananiah^^ 
Thomas^),  dau.  of  Andrew  and  Sarah  (Whitney)  Parker,  b. 
Feb.  9,  1721,  m.  June  21,  1739,  Jabez  Kendall  of  Woburn, 
b.  Nov.  26,  1717,  son  of  Jabez  and  Rebecca  Kendall  of  that 
town,  but  who  later  removed  to  Framingham. 

The  first  ancestors  of  this  family  in  America  were  Francis 
and  Mary  (Tidd)  Kendall,  to  whom  19  births  are  recorded  on 
the  Woburn  records.  Their  son  Thomas  had  son  Jabez,  who 
with  wife  Rebecca  were  the  parents  of  the  above  Jabez. 
Thomas,  son  of  Thomas,  removed  to  Lexington,  and  his 
family,  living  there  at  this  time,  doubtless  introduced  the 
Parker  family  to  the  Kendalls  of  Woburn.  Thomas  Kendall 
later  removed  to  Framingham,  whither  John  Parker,  Jr.,  had 
settled.  She  was  17  years  the  elder  of  her  brother  Andrew 
Parker,  who  lived  in  Barre,  and  in  whose  pocket  diary  we 
find  these  words  :  "  Sister  Kendall  Departed  this  life  the  12  of 
March  1774."  He  does  not  tell  us,  however,  where  she  had 
resided.  She  thus  died  at  the  age  of  53.  Few  records  have 
been  found  regarding  this  branch  of  the  Kendall  family. 

8.  Jonas  Parker f^^lw^r^^zy ,4  yohn,^ Hanamak^^  Thomas^ ), 
son  of  Andrew  and  Sarah  (Whitney)  Parker,  b.  Feb.  6,  1722, 
m.  in  the  summer  of  1743  Lucy  Monroe  of  Lexington.  At 
the  Lexington  homestead  there  is  a  large  record  book  contain- 
ing a  portion  of  the  old  town  records  in  Lt.  Josiah  Parker's 
handwriting.  It  is  therein  entered:  "Jonas  Parker  and  Lucy 
Monroe,  both  of  Lex.  were  published  June  30,  1745."  This 
is  all  that  has  been  found  concerning  his  marriage.  Being 
one  of  this  worthy  Monroe  family,  it  may  be  taken  for  granted 



that  she  was  a  lady  of  ability  and  independence,  and  that  she 
probably  assisted  him  at  a  later  period  in  his  remarkable  de- 
votion to  the  American  cause.  They  made  their  peace  with 
the  Church  Sept.  15,  1745^  which  must  have  shortly  followed 
their  marriage.  They  removed  to  Holden,  where  he  pur- 
chased a  farm  and  saw-mill,  but  returned  to  Lexington  after  a 
few  years.  It  is  very  fitting  to  state  and  very  creditable  to  the 
physical  standing  of  the  Parker  family,  that  Jonas  is  credited 
b}'  tradition  as  being  the  strongest  wrestler  in  the  town.  He 
was  a  woodworker  and  farmer. 

Jonas  Parker  was  a  typical  Lexington  minute-man.  He 
was  tall,  well  built  and  possessed  great  strength.  In  the  cele- 
brated painting,  "The  Battle  of  Lexington,"  which  hangs  in 
the  Lexington  town  hall,  he  appears  as  the  central  figure. 
As  he  there  stands  in  an  erect  position  awaiting  the  British 
charge,  the  look  of  determination  is  well  depicted  on  his 
handsome  face. 

He  lived  in  the  centre,  next  house  to  that  historic  residence 
where  lived  Rev.  Jonas  Clark,  the  patriot  minister,  and  which 
was  the  destination  of  the  ride  of  Paul  Revere.  Mr.  Parker, 
had  evidently  imbibed  a  double  portion  of  the  Doctor's  lofty 
spirit.  When  war  with  England  was  imminent  he  was  often 
heard  to  say  that  be  the  consequences  what  they  might  and 
let  others  do  what  they  pleased,  he  would  never  run  from  the 
enemy.  He  was  as  good  as  his  word, — better.  On  the 
morning  of  the  17th  of  June,  1775,  having  loaded  his  musket, 
he  placed  his  hat  containing  powder,  wadding  and  bullets 
between  his  feet  in  readiness  for  his  second  charge.  As  the 
first  fire  from  the  British  was  harmless  the  Americans  did  not 
reply.  At  the  second  volley  he  was  wounded,  and  sunk  upon 
his  knees ;  in  this  condition  he  discharged  his  gun.  The 
company  of  patriots  dispersing,  his  nephew,  Ebenezer,  who 
later  removed  to  Princeton,  approached  Jonas  that  he  might 
assist  his  uncle  in  retreating,  but  whom  he  saw  was  fulfilling 
his  pledge.  He  insisted  that  he  better  retreat  with  him  and 
thus  save  his  life.  But  Jonas  very  forcibly  replied  that  he 
would  never  run  from  the  "redcoats."  Thus  badly  wounded, 
but  striving  to  reload  his  gun,  he  was  the  next  moment  trans- 
fixed by  a  bayonet  upon  the  spot  where  he  first  stood  and  fell. 


Too  much  pluck  had  caused  his  death,  but  what  an  example 
he  set  for  his  fellow-citizens  I 

"History,  Roman  history,"  said  Edward  Everett,  "does 
not  furnish  an  example  of  bravery  that  outshines  that  of  Jonas 
Parker."  It  was  his  most  sacred  wish  that  America  should 
be  free  and  like  brave  Arnold  of  Wilkenried,  history  will 
never  forget  him.  The  names  of  the  eight  martyrs  for  Ameri- 
can Independence  are  cut  deep  in  the  granite  monument  which 
stands  upon  the  green  ;  and  still  deeper  in  the  admiration  of 
the  American  people.  He  thus  died  at  the  age  of  53.  April 
20,  1835,  t^^  remains  of  these  eight  soldiers  were  removed 
from  their  former  resting-place  in  the  grave-yard  and  deposited 
in  a  vault  prepared  for  the  purpose  near  the  base  of  the  monu- 

Their  children  were  : 

Lucy  Parker,  b.  in  Holden,  Oct.  9,  1745.  She  was  both  deaf  and 
dumb.  After  the  decase  of  her  father,  she  chose  Joshua  Mead  of 
Waltham  guardian,  but  soon  afterwards  her  uncle,  Thomas  Parker, 
Esq.,  of  Princeton,  took  her  into  his  family  and  providec  her  a 
home.  She  lived  in  Princeton  until  her  death,  which  occurred 
Sept.  16,  1813,  aged  68.  She  was  buried  at  the  head  of  the  row 
in  the  family  burying-ground. 

Jonas  Parker,  b.  in  Holden,  March  29,  1747;  d.  young. 

Sarah  Parker,  b.  in  Holden,  Aug.  29,  1748;  bap.  Sept.  4,  1748; 
m.  Jan.  4,  1768,  Ebenezei  Morse  of  Newton  ;  residence  unknown. 
They  had  one  son,  Ebenezer  Morse,  Jr.,  of  Randolph,  Vt. — Morse 

Nathan  Parker,  m.,  had  dau.  Abigail,  and  it  seems  he  d.  soon 
after,  as  in  the  settlement  of  Mr.  Jonas  Parker's  estate  we  find 
these  words:  "Abigail,  only  dau.  of  Nathan,  the  eldest  son,"  for 
whom  Simon  Blanchard  became  guardian.  It  is  not  known  what 
became  of  her,  but  she  probably  removed  to  Billerica,  and  may 
have  been  the  Abigail  Parker  who  m.  in  Woburn,  Sept.  23,  1795, 
Wm.  Barnes  of  Woburn. 

22.  Eunice  Parker,  m.  June  9,  1772,  Asa  Morse  of  Newton. 

23.  Jonas  Parker,  b.  July  10,  1753;  m.  Aug.  15,  1776,  Martha 
Hosley  of  Billerica. 

24.  Philemon  Parker,  b.  1755;  m.  Su/.an  Stone,  and  removed 
to  Princeton  and  later  to  Vermont. 

Prudence  Parker,  bap.  April  37,  1757;  was  living  in  1778,  but 
no  more  is  known  of  her. 


Elizabeth  Parker,  b.  1758;    bap.  March   iS,  1759;    chose,  1778, 

Joseph  Farmer  of  Billerica  as  her  guardian. 
Polly  Parker,  b.  Jan.  4,  1761  ;  chose,   1778,  Dr.  Joseph  Fisk  of 

Lexington  as  her  guardian. 

Owing  to  the  premature  death  of  Mr.  Parker,  the  lamily, 
largely  of  girls  as  it  was,  were  taken  into  different  families, 
and  probably  some  removed  from  tow^n,  making  it  extremely 
difficult  to  follow  them.  May  future  research  bring  to  light 
the  history  and  descendants  of  these  missing  connections. 

9.  Amos  Parker  (Andrew,^  'John^^  Hananiah,^  Thomas')^ 
second  son  of  Andrew  and  Sarah  (Whitne}')  Parker,  b.  in 
Lexington,  July  24,  1723,  was  the  first  of  the  family  to  bear 
the  name  Amos,  which  has  since  been  common  among  all  the 
descendents  of  Andrew  Parker.  From  the  town  records  of 
marriage  intentions  kept  by  Josiah  Parker,  we  find  that 
"Amos  Parker  and  Anna  Stone  were  Posted  December  y*"  16, 
1744."  This  shortly  preceded  their  marriage,  for  they  made 
their  peace  with  the  church  Jan.  27.  1745.  A  romance  is 
connected  with  Anna,  which  is  thus  preserved  for  us  by  her 
grandson,  Amos  A.  Parker,  Esq.,  who  is  still  living: 

"Before  the  Revolution  an  Englishman  came  to  Boston  and  en- 
gaged in  trade.  He  belonged  to  an  aristocratic  family  in  England 
and  was  successful  in  business.  In  time  he  married  a  widow  with 
three  children.  Two  children,  a  boy  and  a  girl,  were  born  unto 
them.  When  these  two  children,  who  were  named  Christopher  and 
Anna,*  wei'e  eight  or  ten  years  of  age,  the  Englishman,  whose  name 
was  Curwen,  fell  heir  to  a  large  estate  in  England  by  the  death  of  an 
elder  brother.  Thereupon  he  sold  out  in  Boston,  took  the  three 
children  of  his  wife,  and  left  the  two  children  of  his  own  and  returned 
to  England.  Why  he  abandoned  any  of  the  children,  or  took  those 
of  his  wife,  does  not  appear.  What  became  of  the  boy  Christopher 
I  know  not,  but  the  girl  Anna  has  a  history. 

"A  man  in  Lexington  by  the  name  of  Isaac  Stone,  a  well-to-do 
farmer,  took  much  of  his  produce  to  market  at  Boston,  especially 
milk.  In  his  rounds  he  saw  this  girl  Anna,  and  as  she  was  a  bright, 
intelligent  girl  about  13  years  old,  and  he  having  no  cljikhen,  infor- 
mally adopted  her  as  his  daughter.  She  then  was  called  Anna 
Stone.     She  soon  became  a  favorite  in  the   family.     In   process  of 

*  Born  Oct.  21,  1726. 



time  my  grandfather,  Amos  Parker,  married  her,  and  after  three 
children  were  born  unto  them,  came  to  Shrewsbury.  This  was  about 
1750.  She  died  in  1799.  I  remember  seeing  her  once  at  my  father's. 
She  was  then  rather  under  size,  but  a  brisk,  bright,  intelligent 
woinan.  She  talked  with  me  much  and  I  long  remembered  what 
she  said.  This  visit  was  when  she  was  a  widow  and  not  long  before 
her  death.  I  remember  when  my  father  went  to  her  funeral  at 
Shrewsbury  and  quite  a  number  of  things  he  brought  home  with  him. 

"It  is  said  that  Curwen  had  no  children  in  England,  and  why  he 
left  his  own  children  and  heirs  and  took  those  ot  his  wife  who  were 
not  his  heirs  is  a  mystery.  It  would  seem  he  did  not  wish  to  have 
any  heirs  in  England  ;  and  how  a  mother  could  consent  to  abandon 
any  of  her  children  when  abundantly  able  to  support  them,  for  they 
were  all  hers,  is  a  problem  difficult  to  solve.  Perhaps  our  familv 
are  heirs  to  a  large  estate  in  England,  but  I  shall  not  trouble  myself 
about  it.  These  facts  I  learn  by  tradition  in  our  family,  and  also  by 
a  diary  kept  by  my  uncle  Frederick,  which  has  lately  fallen  into  my 
hands,  and  which  is  now  before  me.     In  it  I  find  these  words  : 

"■'Widow  Kent,  born  in  Boston,  married  an  Englishman  who 
died  leaving  her  3  children — after  which  by  Mr.  Curwen  she  had 
Christopher  and  Anna,  then  left  these  3  children  and  went  with  the 
3  to  England  to  heir  a  large  estate — Curwen  of  high  extraction.' 

"This  extract  is  under  the  date  of  January,  1791." 

He  was  aged  12  and  she  10  when  adopted  by  them.  She 
was  a  charming  girl,  naturally  attractive,  and  modest  and 
graceful  in  her  manner.  She  and  Amos  became  well  ac- 
quainted at  school,  and  as  her  home  was  not  far  from  his 
he  learned  to  appreciate  her  worth.  She  had  a  most  charm- 
ing voice,  and  would  sing  to  the  great  delight  of  the  family 
and  friends.  But  when  urged  to  sing  in  the  choir  it  was  to 
no  avail,  as  she  felt  it  would  make  jealousy  in  the  end,  and 
she  closely  guarded  against  it  when  at  Church.  The  Stones 
had  no  children  of  iheir  own  and  so  at  first  they  opposed  the 
marriage,  as  in  this  arrangement  their  rainbow  of  sunshine, 
that  she  was,  would  be  gone  trom  them.  But  as  Anna  insisted 
they  joined  Mr.  John  Parker  and  gave  them  a  grand  wedding 
for  the  time. 

They  removed  from  Lexington  in  1745,  in  which  year 
"Amos  Parker  of  Lexington,  joiner,"  bought  of  "William 
Nichols  of  Holden,  tanner,  a  tract  in  Holden  of  65  acres  with 
the  buildings  thereon."     Thus  he  and  brother  Jonas  were  to- 


gether  again  for  a  few  years.  It  seems  that  they  remained 
here  until  1750,  when  he  purchased  an  estate  in  Shrewsbury 
of  Mr.  Isaac  Stone  of  Lexington.  This  deed  dated  20  of 
Decem.  1750,  granted  Mr.  Parker  a  farm  of  100  acres,  in 
part  the  same  place  later  owned  by  Dr.  Amos  Parker.  The 
amount  paid  was  £206.  To  the  deed  are  also  attached  the 
signatures  of  John  Hancock*  and  Benjamin  Muzz3\  Jr.,  both 
of  Lexington.  Again,  by  a  deed  dated  "  in  the  twenty-second 
year  of  our  Reign  of  George  y®  Second,''  he  purchased  seven 
acres  of  Nahum  Ward  of  Shrewsbury.  They  were  admitted 
to  the  Church  at  Shrewsbury  in  1753.  His  brother,  Andrew 
Parker,  Jr.,  although  living  at  different  times  in  Lexington, 
Weston  and  Barre,  visited  frequently,  and  we  find  his  signa- 
ture attached  to  his  brother's  deeds,  In  addition  to  rearing  his 
large  family  he  accumulated  a  goodly  estate,  very  creditable 
to  his  characteristic  industry  and  prudence.  At  his  decease 
his  personal  estate  alone  was  appraised  at  £129. 

He  was  a  man  of  mind,  ver}^  energetic  and  of  strong  phy- 
sique. Very  conscientious,  with  a  strong  firm  mind  of  his 
own,  and  a  moral,  unimpeachable  character,  he  well  repre- 
sented the  type  of  the  Parker  family  of  Lexington  at  and 
before  his  time.  He  gave  his  children  a  careful  and  sturdy 
bringing  up  and  they  followed  in  his  paths.  While  at  work 
he  allowed  no  talk  except  such  as  pertained  to  the  work  itself, 
for  he  said  "Work  and  play  cannot  go  together, — one  spoils 

Although  there  is  not  a  Parker  resident  of  Shrewstury  at  the  present  time, 
there  were  others  of  the  family  who  settled  in  the  town  much  earlier  than 
Amos.  His  uncle,  .John  Parker,  was  settled  in  1730;  later  removed  to  Fram- 
ingham.  He  was  followed  by  a  distant  relative,  Stephen  Parker,  a  native  of 
Reading,  who  in  1735  bought  the  Robins  farm  of  71  acres,  which  adjoined  the 
land  of  John  Parker.  Stephen  remained  in  Shrewsbury,  and  of  his  children, 
Nehemiah  Parker  graduated  at  Harvard  University,  and  in  1770  accepted  a 
call  as  pastor  from  the  first  settlers  of  Hubbardston.  Stephen  and  Amos 
Parker  were  aware  of  their  relationship  and  were  also  intimate  friends.  Amos 
in  1770  purchased  of  Edward  Parsons  of  Berwick,  Me.,  295  acres  of  land  in 
Hubbardston,  and  two  years  later  he,  with  Mr.  Nathan  How  of  Shrewsbury, 
purchased  Great  Farm,  No.  i,  in  Hubbardston,  which  made  him  an  exceed- 
ingly large  landholder  there.     He  thus  provided  farms  for  his  sons. 

*  He  must  have  been  Rev.  John  Hancock,  the  second  minister  of  Lexington, 
a  minister  of  high  ability  and  influence,  and  the  grandfather  of  Gov.  John 
Hancock,  of  Revolutionary  fame. 


the  other.  There  is  time  enough  for  each."  Thus,  when 
not  engaged,  the  boys  joined  all  the  more  hearty  in  their 
sports,  much  to  the  satisfaction  of  Mr.  Parker. 

Amos  Parker  was  a  home  man,  quiet  and  undemonstrative. 
She,  however,  was  not  only  an  angel  in  her  family,  industri- 
ous, careful  and  attentive,  but  was  a  blessing  to  her  neighbors 
and  the  town.  She  was  here  and  there,  assisting,  helping  or 
comforting  all  who  were  needy  or  afflicted.  She  was  rever- 
enced by  every  person  in  Shrewsbury,  and  when  her  funeral 
occurred  in  December,  on  a  warm  Indian  Summer's  day,  the 
church  held  only  a  part  of  the  great  assemblage.  A  multitude 
escorted  the  body  from  the  homestead  to  the  church. 

Shortly  before  her  death  she  travelled  horseback  from  Shrews- 
bury to  Fitzwilliam,  60  miles,  when  at  the  age  of  72  !  She 
Stopped  one  night  with  her  son  Amos  Parker  in  Hubbardston. 
Her  grandson,  of  Fitzwilliam,  who  is  now  living,  remembers 
her,  and  well  recalls  her  visit.  What  a  grand  satisfaction  it 
must  have  been  to  her  to  take  into  her  lap  the  children  of  her 
many  children  and  sing  to  them  the  sweet  songs  of  her  child- 
hood !  Her  grandson  also  states  that  she  had  then  the  best 
voice  he  ever  heard,  and  remembers  some  of  the  stories  which 
she  told  him. 

The  family  homestead  in  Shrewsbuiy,  situated  in  a  very  excellent  locality 
for  scenery  and  health,  may  partially  account  for  his  large  family  of  strong 
and  rugged  children,  whose  descendants  are  so  numerous.  The  selection  of 
this  locality  throws  credit  upon  the  Shrewsbury  ancestor,  Mr.  Amos  Parker 
of  Lexington.  It  was  a  large  farm  of  fertile  land,  situated  just  north  of  the 
town  centre.  A  view  of  30  miles  is  distinctly  seen  and  seven  distinct  towns 
meet  the  eye,  Marlborough,  Northborough,  Southborough,  Westborough,  Hop 
kinton,  Framingham  and  Shrewsbury.  Amos  Parker  was  also  a 'joiner,"  a 
trade  which  he  learned  of  his  father  in  Lexington.  A  part  of  the  front  side  of 
his  original  Shrewsbury  home,  built  in  1750,  is  still  well  preserved.  It  includes 
the  front  door,  the  large  antique  latch  and  door  cap,  and  is  doing  service  as 
the  front  part  of  the  continuous  row  of  sheds  which  runs  from  house  to  barn. 
The  house  was  rich  in  old-fashioned  furniture,  much  of  which  still  exists, 
scattered  among  his  descendants.  Around  the  open  fireplace  we  can  well 
imagine  the  times  past  at  this  homestead  where  halted  many  who,  emigrating 
westward,  sought  the  advice  and  knowledge  of  Mr.  Parker.  Here  his  brothers 
Thomas  and  Andrew  often  visited,  before  and  after  making  their  final  settle- 
ments in  Princeton  and  Barre.  The  farm  is  now  smaller  than  formerly, 
houses  having  been  erected  on  the  east  part.  The  appearance  of  the  build- 
ings is  as  they  were  when  the  estate  was  owned  by  Mr.  HoUis  Parker.  The 
place  is  now  carried  on  by  Mr.  Samuel  Allen. 


The  following  is  taken  from  an  interesting  letter  written  by 
his  youngest  son,  Rev.  Frederick  Parker,  at  Canterbury,  N. 
H.,  1798,  regarding  the  famil}^  It  also  related  to  the  death 
of  his  brother  Isaac  Parker. 

"At  Portland,  Bro.  Isaac  (with  Br.  Hollis,  who  accompanied 
him)  walking  with  me  feelingly  observed  the  cause  of  gratitude  for 
the  prosperity  of  our  family — he  recounted  to  my  fixed  attention  from 
what  small  beginnings  the  estate  arose,  the  difficulties  of  dry  years — 
a  broken  leg — and  Sir  I.  Stone — but  notwithstanding  both  our 
parents  live  with  their  9  children — the  brothers  especially  all  pro- 
vided for  well  to  live,  men  of  a  pretty  good  share  of  sense  and  sound 
constitutions  and  '  no  very  mean  one  he  said  among  them  all,'  that  a 
xvhole  family  should  make  out  so  v\^ell  and  be  so  creditable  and  pros- 
perous he  thought  rather  singular.  I  know  not  why  I  write  these 
things,  unless  because  I  intend  to  write  not  a  short  letter  and  'tis 
much  easiest  to  write  upon  those  things  which  fancy  is  most  busy  in 
conjuring  up  to  view. — Well  do  I  remember  the  scene  when  I  first 
knew  sorrow,  viz  :  at  the  death  of  our  honored  Father — to  Isaac's 
lot  it  fell  to  be  sitting  by  him,  wiping  from  his  brows  the  damp  of 
death  when  he  died — that  night  I  slept  or  rather  talked  with  him  for 
late  it  was  before  we  closed  our  eyes — He  believed,  he  said,  that  our 
honoured  Father  was  a  man  of  real  Religion^  and  one  reason  he 
particularly  mentioned  his  often  having  overheard  him  in  secret 
prayer ;  a  hearty  strong  man  in  his  day  ;  went  forward  in  his  work 
and  said  'Come  boys'  or  at  other  times  'Follow  me.'  In  a  work 
infinitely  more  important  we  must  sooner  or  later  all  'follow'  him  to 
that  land  of  spirits  from  which  there  is  no  return." 

Out  of  ten  children  nine  grew  to  maturity,  the  oldest  and 
youngest  being  daughters,  while  all  of  the  seven  sons  were  in 
the  Revolutionary  War,  more  or  less,  except  the  youngest. 
He  was  the  common  ancestor  of  very  numerous  descendants, 
and  these  have  won  worthy  laurels  for  themselves  and  their 
ancestors.  He  d.  Dec.  23,  1790,  at  the  age  of  68  years. 
The  widow  x\nna  d.  Nov.  18,  1799,  at  the  age  of  73. 

Their  children  were  : 

25.  Anna  Parker,  b.  in  Holden,  Oct.  6,   1746:  m.  Dea.  Jonas 
Stone  of  Shrewsbury. 

26.  Amos  Parker,  b.  in  Holden,  Sept.  26,  174S  ;  m.  Lucy  Robin- 
son of  Barre. 


27.  Isaac  Parker,  b.  July  15,   1750;    m.  Margery   Maynard  of 

28.  HoLLis  Parker,  b.  Oct.  2,  1752;  m.  Louisa  Bragg  of  Royal- 

29.  Elisha  Parker,  b.  Dec.  31,  1754;  m.  Sally  Baker  of  West- 

30.  Ephraim  Parker,  b.  Oct.  4,  1757;  m.  Abigail  Baker  of 

31.  Nahum  Parker,  b.  March  4,  1760;  m.  Mary  Deeth  of  Gerry 
(now  Phillipston). 

32.  Frederick  Parker,  b.  March  4,  1762;  m.  Susan  Foster  of 
Canterbury,  N.  H. 

Betsey  Parker,  b.  March  iS.  1764.  When  but  a  child  of  towards 
three  years  of  age,  she  one  day  went  into  the  field  wherein  her 
father,  Amos,  was  mowing.  She  stepped  towards  him,  and 
speaking,  picked  some  wild  flowers,  saying  "  Pretty  flowers,"  and 
then  went  into  the  house  and  died.  This  occurred  Aug.  20,  1766. 
This  was  a  sad  blow  to  the  family,  who  loved  their  daughter 
dearly,  and  it  also  touched  a  tender  chord  in  Mr.  Parker's  nature. 
Ever  afterward  in  mowing  and  coming  to  this  spot,  he  Would  stop, 
lean  on  his  scythe,  and  with  downcast  countenance  shed  a  tear,  then 
turn  around  and  leave  that  corner  of  the  field  to  grow  as  it  would. 
He  held  too  sacred  a  feeling  for  those  flowers  to  ever  disturb  them. 

Betsey  Parker,  b.  March  23,  1769;  m.  Amos  Whitney  of  Wor- 
cester. They  were  farmers  and  lived  northwest  of  the  village. 
They  had  no  issue. 

10.  Thomas  Parker  (Andrew,^  John,^  Hananiah,^ 
Thomas^),  third  son  of  Andrew  and  Sarah  (Whitney)  Parker, 
was  baptized  in  Lexington,  Dec.  24,  1727  ;  m.  in  Lexington, 
by  Rev.  Ebenezer  Bridge,  March  8,  1750,  Jane  Parrot,  then 
of  Chelmsford,  b.  1729.  Toward  the  opening  of  the  Revolu- 
tionary War  many  records  are  found  regarding  him.  He  took 
an  active  interest  in  his  country's  welfare,  being,  like  all  his 
name  in  Lexington,  firml}^  patriotic  to  the  American  cause. 
He  lived  upon  a  part  of  his  father's  homestead  in  the  south 
part  of  the  town,  neighbor  to  Capt.  John  Parker,  his  cousin. 
He  was  quartermaster  of  the  Lexington  military  Co.  1774.* 

In  the  years  1776  and  1777  when  the  duties  imposed  upon 
the  town   officers    were   arduous   and    responsible,  in   conse- 

♦This  is  proven  by  the  assessors'  sheets  of  the  highway  tax  rate  of  1774, 
Capt.  John  Parker  being  then  assessor. 


quence  of  the  peculiar  situation  of  atfairs,  Mr.  Parker  was 
chosen  each  year  selectman.  What  the  town  regarded  as  an 
important  movement  was  the  Lexington  Declaration  of  Inde- 
pendence, which  they  drew  up  at  this  time.  Thomas  Parker 
was  one  of  the  26  signers  of  this  document,  thus  placing  him- 
self in  open  defiance  against  English  rule,  and  pledging  his 
assistance  and  future  prospects  to  the  Colonies.  These  patriots 
fully  realized  their  responsibility  in  this  act,  knowing  the  fate 
which  would  await  them  in  case  King  George  should  ever  be 
able  to  punish  his  Colonial  children.  It  seems  that  he  was  not 
with  Capt.  Parker's  company  at  the  Lexington  fight.  Tradition 
says  he  was  ill  at  this  time  and  was  confined  to  the  house. 
The  British  wantonly  ransacked  houses  on  and  near  their  line 
of  march.  Two  "redcoats"  broke  open  the  entrance  to  Mr. 
Parker's  house  and  demanded  of  Jane,  his  wife,  to  be  shown 
through  the  rooms.  He  had  but  one  son  and  he,  Corp.  Ebene- 
zer  Parker,  was  doing  service  with  his  company.  Thomas 
Parker  was  a  tall  and  very  large,  broad  shouldered  man  ;  he 
had  great  vitality  and  strength,  and  although  sick  was  not 
helpless.  He  was  of  a  strong  family.  Jonas  Parker,  who 
had  been  murdered  by  the  British  the  morning  of  that  day, 
was  the  strongest  wrestler  in  the  town.  Amos  Parker,  the 
eldest  brother,  who  was  settled  in  Shrewsbury,  is  said  to  have 
been  a  remarkably  strong  man  in  his  da}^  Mr.  Parker's 
family  was  equal  to  the  emergency.  Apparently  complying 
with  the  soldier's  demands,  she  presently  brought  them  into 
her  husband's  room.  It  seems  that  the  daughter  had  mean- 
while brought  her  father  strong  cord  and  he  had  quickly  pre- 
pared himself.  He  seized  them  both  and  with  ropes  bound 
them  tight.  The  tradition  also  says  that  he  turned  them  over 
to  the  Colonial  authorities.  He  was  48  years  of  age  at  this 

The  Parkers  of  these  early  times  were  industrious  and  pru- 
dent. By  his  characteristic  foresight  he  dealt  successfully  in 
real  estate  and  accumulated  a  respectable  property.  He  sold 
his  land  in  Lexington  to  his  cousins  there,  also  bought  timber 
land  in  Shrewsbury,  and  new  land  in  Hubbardston,  formerly 
owned  by  his  brother  Amos.     In  1777  he  made  the  purchase 


of  the  estate  in  Princeton,*  whereupon  he  with  his  son  settled 
and  made  it  their  home.  The  grantor  was  Elisha  Hedge, 
then  of  Marlborough. 

"  For  and  in  consideration  of  the  sum  of  Thirteen  Hundred  and 
Thirty  pounds  [over  $6,000],  well  and  truly  paid  by  Thomas 
Parker  of  Lexington,  gentleman,  one  certain  tract  or  parsal  of  Land 
situate  and  being  in  Princeton  containing  Four  Hundred  Acres, 
together  with  the  Road  passing  through  the  Same,  it  being  the  Black 
Grove  farm,  so  called,  and  it  being  all  the  land  which  the  sd  Mr. 
Hedge  ownes  in  Princeton." 

No  buildings  are  mentioned  in  the  deed.  He  located  the 
home  upon  the  beautiful  spot  so  familiar  to  the  family  as  the 
old  homestead.  Here  Mr.  Parker's  descendants  are  still 
living.  This  place  was  then,  as  now,  a  charming  locality. 
It  is  an  elevated  region  overlooking  water  close  at  hand  and 
the  West  Sterling  valley  toward  the  east,  while  at  the  west 
Mount  Wachusett  stands  noble  and  distinct,  and  picturesque 
Princeton  centre  lies  nearly  in  the  same  direction.  He  soon 
added  a  few  more  hundred  acres  to  the  estate,  a  part  of  which 
he  later  sold  out  to  his  friends,  thus  regulating  who  his  neigh- 
bors should  be.  Other  Lexington  families  setded  in  Princeton 
in  this  way.  The  beautiful  rich  valley  here,  miles  in  extent, 
is  a  rich  farming  district.  It  was  originally  a  part  of  the 
"Black  Grove"  farm  ;  it  now  contains  many  valuable  farms, 
and  as  many  more  dwellings.  Thomas  Parker's  estate  ex- 
tended from  Sterling  line  to  Rutland  line,  and  also  more  than 
a  mile  to  the  north  of  the  homestead. 

The  small  red  house  which  was  first  erected  upon  the  place, 
was  after  a  number  of  years  partially  superseded  by  a  large 

*It  is  said  that  previous  to  his  selection  of  the  Princeton  estate  he  thought 
very  favorably  of  buying  a  large  tract  at  "Valley  Village,"  now  West  Boyl- 
ston,  including  the  valuable  water-power  there.  A  century's  development 
has  highly  prospered  this  locality,  and  we  may  be  apt  to  judge  that  his  finan- 
cial prospects  at  least  would  have  been  better  had  he  selected  this  site.  But 
this  was  not  al)-sutTicient  in  Mr.  Parker's  esteem.  He  was  a  farmer,  not  a 
manufacturer,  and  the  water-power  at  Princeton  could  run  a  saw-mill.  He 
must  attend  constantly  to  his  spiritual  needs,  and  the  Church  at  Princeton 
was  favorable.  Again,  the  land  in  Boylston  was  less  in  area^and  more  in 
price,  while  the  fact  of  its  adjacent  location  to  Worcester  was*  of  no  weight 
then,  as  railroads  were  not  thought  of  and  Worcester  was  no  more  populous 
than  the  average  town. 


brick  house  adjoining  the  red  one.  This  was  used  as  a  tavern 
by  Thomas  Parker  and  later  b}^  his  son  Ebenezer,  while  the 
original  house  continued  duty  as  kitchen  only.  He  purchased 
land  in  Rindge,  N.  H.,  in  1790,  which  he  rented  from  year  to 

Thomas  Parker  was  50  years  of  age  when  he  came  to 
Princeton,  Upon  settling  he  purchased  the  meeting-house  pew 
which  was  long  used  by  his  descendants.  The  deed,  under 
date  of  1788,  shows  that  he,  "Thomas  Parker  of  Princeton, 
Gentleman,"  bought  of  John  Bradley  and  wife  of  Holden,  the 
one  undivided  half  of  a  pew  in  the  meeting-house  in  Prince- 
ton, situated  in  the  southwest  part  of  the  body  seat.  He  d. 
July  3,  1799-  His  widow  Jane  d.  Aug.  17,  1814,  aged  85. 
They  were  both  interred  in  the  pleasant  family  grave-yard  at 
the  homestead.      His  children  were  all  b.  in  Lexington. 

^^ur?ia/  (/h^A^^ 

Their  children  were  : 

33.  Ebenezer  Parker,  b.  Aug.  13,  1750;  m.  Dorcas  Monroe  of 

William  Parker,  bap.  Dec.  29,  1751  ;  d.  young. 

They  buried  two  infant  children,  probably  b.  between  William 
and  Mary. 

34.  Mary  Parker,  bap.  July  13,  i76o;  m.  Jonas  Smith  of  Wal- 

11.  Lucy  Parker  (Andrew,^  John,^^  Hananiah,^ 
Thomas^),  dau.  of  Andrew  and  Sarah  (Whitney)  Parker,  bap- 
tized in  Lexington,  April  4,  1731  ;  m.  March  24,  1750,  Joshua 
Mead,  b.  Nov.  9,  1715,  son  of  David  and  Hannah  (Smith) 
Mead  of  Lexington.  This  David  was  b.  in  Cambridge,  1678, 
son  of  David  and  Hannah  (Warren)  Mead,  and  m.  in  Water- 
town,  Hannah  Smith,  in  w^hich  town  he  lived  before  coming  to 
Lexington.  They  were  admitted  to  the  Church  Dec.  8.  1751. 
Though  Joshua  Mead  united  with  the  Church  in  Lexington, 
and  a  part  of  his  children  were  baptized  there,  he  resided 
within  the  limits  of  Waltham.     His  uncle  was  Hopestill  Mead, 


whose  dau.  Abigail,  bap.  Aug.  30,  1713  ;  m.  Oct.  23,  1729, 
Nathaniel  Jennison  of  Weston,  and  whose  dau.  Abigail  m. 
Andrew  Parker  of  Lexington.  Joshua  Mead  d.  in  Waltham, 
March  31,  1794- 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Lucy  Mead,  bap.  Jan.  19,  1752  ;  d.  Dec,  1752. 

2.  Mary   Mead,   b.    May    i,    '753;     in.  Dec.  3,   1772,  Abraham 


3.  Moses  Mead,  b.  Dec.  2,  1754;   m.  May  22,  1777,  Lizzy  Viles, 

last  of  the  13  children  of  John  and  Suzanna  (Beinis)  Viles  of 
Waltham.     He  was  in  the  Revolutionary  war.     Children  : 

I.  Moses,  b.  March  7,  1778. 

II.  David,  b.  Oct.  23,  1779. 

III.  Suzanna.  b.  March  22,  1781. 

IV.  Elizabeth,  b.  Feb.  20,  1783;  d.  Sept.  28.  1800. 
V.     Jacob,  b.  Jan.  20,  1785  ;  d.  Jan.  9,  17S6. 

VI.     Abner,  b.  March  19,  1787. 

VII.  Nathan,  b.  March  29,  1789. 
viii.     Sophia,  b.  Feb.  20,  1792. 

IX.     Watson,  b.  March  14,  1794. 
X.     Clarissa,  b.  Aug.  27,  1796;  d.  Oct.  3,  1800. 

4.  Lydia  Mead,  b.  May  17,  1756  ;  m.  June  i,  1775,  Joseph  Adams 

of  Newton. 

5.  Elijah  Mead,  b.  Sept.  30,  1758  ;  m.  Abigail .     Children  : 

I.     Polly,  b.  Sept.  25,  1779. 

II.  Betsey,  b.  July  30,  1781. 

III.  Isaac,  b.  May  7,  1783. 

IV.  Samuel,  b.  May  14,  1785. 
V.     Lydia,  b.  June  20,  1787. 

And  perhaps  Nabby,  bap.  July  i,  1787. 

6.  Jacob  Mead,  b.  Oct.  30,   1760;  d.  Sept.   14,   1816.     By  wife 

Polly  had  : 
I.     Jacob,  drowned  Jan.  9,  1796. 
II.     Jacob,  b.  Aug.  10,  1797;  d.  Sept.,  1800. 

III.  Child,  d.  April  5,  1799,  aged  4  weeks. 

IV.  Jacob,  b.  May  3,  1802. 

V.  George  Murdock,  b.  Aug.  22,  1804. 

\i.  John,  b.  April  17,  1807. 

\'ii.  Charles,  b.  April  4,  1810. 

VIII.  Mary,  b.  Oct.  3,  181  2;  d.  1813. 
IX.  Jesse,  b.  Sept.  20,  1815. 


12.  Dea.  Andrew  Parker,  Jr.  (Andrezv,^  John,^  Han- 
am'ah,^  Thomas^),  3'Oungest  surviving  son  of  Andrew  and 
Sarah  (Whitney)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Lexington,  April  ii, 
1738;  bap.  April  16,  1738.  His  diary  is  in  preservation  at 
Worcester.     In  it  he  inscribed  these  words  : 

••I,  Andrew  Parker,  was  born  in  the  year  1738,  in  April,  the 
eleventh  day  thereof — my  wife  born  in  April  22  day,  1737,  one  year 
older  than  I,  lacking  eleven  days. 

"  I  moved  from  Lexington  to  Weston  about  y^  middle  of  April, 
1763.  then  Last  Week  in  August  I  came  to  work  at  Rutland  District 
&  Prepared  to  move  my  family.  I  went  down  &  brought  up  my 
family  the  last  week  in  November. 

"  I  took  possession  of  my  house  at  Rutl''  District  y'^  8  day  of 
December  1763. 

'•  I  Andrew  Parker  was  given  in  marriage  in  y^  year  1759  on  the 
29  day  of  November." 

His  wife  was  Abigail  Jennison  of  Weston,  dau.  of  Nathaniel. 
She  was  twin  sister  of  Sarah.  Her  mother  was  Abigail  Mead. 
See  Mead  family,  page  61.  Her  father,  Nathaniel  Jennison, 
was  b.  April  5,  1709,  son  of  Samuel  and  Mary  (Stearns) 
Jennison  of  Watertown,  the  fifth  of  their  family  of  11  children. 
He,  Samuel,  was  son  of  Ensign  Samuel,  and  the  latter  was 
son  of  Robert  Jennison,  one  of  the  earliest  proprietors  of 
Watertown,  and  who  was  the  common  ancestor  of  the  name. 
The  intention  of  marriage  of  Andrew  Parker,  Jr.,  of  Lex- 
ington, and  Abigail  Jennison  of  Weston,  was  entered  upon 
the  records  of  Weston  April  8,  1759.  They  made  their  peace 
with  the  Church  in  Lexington,  April  20,  1760,  and  were  dis- 
missed to  the  Church  of  Rutland,  May  10,  1765.  "Rutland 
District,"  then  a  part  of  Rutland,  was  what  is  now  the  town  of 
Barre,  it  being  incorporated  as  a  separate  town  in  1774.  We 
find  that  her  brother  had  previously  removed  to  the  district, 
as  on  Aug.  4,  1763,  Nathaniel  Jennison,  then  of  Rutland 
District,  sold  to  "Andrew  Parker  of  Weston,"  63  acres  of 
land  in  said  district,  bounded  at  length  upon  the  west  "from 
an  upper  to  y'  lower  fording  of  Moose  Brook,  and  is  a  part  of 
Great  Farm  No.  XXVHL"  He  later,  in  1777,  purchased  of 
Ichabod  Robinson  ^6\  acres  of  new  land  "  lying  at  the  North- 
west of  the  Meeting  House  Lot."' 


Favorable  mention  is  made  of  Andrew  Parker  in  Mr.  Edwin 
Woods's  Historical  Discourse  of  Barre,  in  which  he  says  : 

"  There  soon  came  to  be  associated  with  the  town  Dea.  John 
Mason,  Nathan  Sparhawk,  Asa  Hapgood  and  Dea.  Andrew  Parker. 
The  last  named  came  from  Lexington,  and  possessed  many  of  the 
traits  exhibited  by  his  blood  relation  of  Revolutionary  fame,  Capt. 
John  Parker,  and  also  the  late  distinguished  reformer  and  preacher, 
Theodore  Parker.  Under  the  management  of  these  men  the  district 
advanced  rapidly  in  population  and  prosperity.  Forests  were  felled, 
roads  were  opened,  streams  were  spanned  with  bridges,  saw-mills 
turned  out  lumber,  houses  went  up,  harvests  ripened  and  on  every 
hand  were  signs  of  thrift  which  made  all  hearts  glad.  In  the  im- 
portant convention  at  Cambridge,  1777,  for  the  purpose  of  framing  a 
constitution  of  government,  Barre  was  xepresented  by  those  clear 
sighted  and  trusted  men,  always  foremost  when  any  grave  and  public 
service  was  to  be  rendered,  John  Mason,  Esq.,  Lieut.  Andrew  Parker 
and  Lieut.  Asa  Hapgood." 

Subsequently  Mr.  Parker  served  upon  an  amendment  com- 
mittee. He  was  one  of  the  five  chosen  Committee  of  Corres- 
pondence for  Barre  during  the  year  previous  to  the  outbreak 
of  the  Revolution.  A  full  account  of  his  public  service  would 
be  too  tedious.  But  his  able  assistance  was  given  at  the  time 
it  was  most  needed  ;  it  was  when  our  ancestors,  with  cool 
heads  and  stout  hearts,  dared  to  be  their  own  masters,  and 
unitedly  risked  all  in  the  common  cause.  Then  they  laid  the 
foundations  of  government  of  this  now  greatest  of  nations,  and 
"built  better  than  they  knew."  He  was  selectman  1783,  1787, 
town  clerk  1787.  moderator  of  town  meetings  15  times,  on 
committee  to  remonstrate  against  loan  by  bills  of  credit,  Dec. 
10,  1777  ;  on  committee  to  enlarge  common  and  draw  plan  of 
new  meeting-house.  May  9,  1785  :  on  Shays  rebellion  griev- 
ance committee,  Jan.  6,  1787  :  on  school  district  committee, 
Jan.  25,  1790. 

He  was  very  intimate  with  his  brothers,  Thomas  Parker 
who  lived  in  Princeton  and  Amos  Parker  of  Shrewsbury.  He 
visited  often  and  his  name  is  found  attached  as  witness  to  his 
brothers'  most  valuable  papers.  In  his  pocket  diary,  already 
referred  to,  is  a  reference  to  a  transaction  with  his  brother  in 
Lexington,  he  probably  little  thinking  that  his  odd  statement 
would  be  preserved  for  centuries — 


"Oct.  y*  25,  1768..  I  bought  two  heifers  of  brother  Jonas  for 
which  I  was  to  give  four  pounds  eight  shillings,  and  broke  my  shins 
a  coming  home  with  them." 

Our  ancestors  for  many  generations  have  possessed  a  good 
knowledge  of  that  important  trade  in  their  day,  woodworking. 
A  woodworker  was  called  a  joiner.  All  farm  implements 
and  most  of  the  common  machinery  were  then  made  of  wood. 
Thus  a  very  extensive  and  thorough  knowledge  was  required 
to  rank  well  in  this  art.  In  Barre  Dea.  Parker  continued  this 
vocation  during  his  spare  time.  He  made  wagons  and  all 
farm  implements,  house  furniture  and  was  expert  in  making 
spinning  wheels.  Probably  most  of  the  spinning  wheels  used 
in  Barre — that  indispensable  machine — were  made  by  Dea. 
Parker.  One  of  his  make  has  been  preserved  b}^  the  family. 
It  was  made  at  an  early  date,  perhaps  in  Lexington,  and  he 
gave  it  to  his  dau.  Abigail  in  her  outfit  for  marriage.  It 
remained  at  the  Allen  homestead  after  Mrs.  Allen's  decease, 
passing  into  the  possession  of  the  dau.,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Carter. 
It  is  in  perfect  preservation,  although  it  was  used  by  mother 
and  dau.  for  over  80  years,  and  its  age  necessarily  exceeds 
100  years.  It  is  fondly  cherished  as  a  souvenir  of  Dea.  Andrew 
Parker,  as  it  properly  deserves  to  be. 

Dea.  Andrew  Parker  was  a  devout  man.  It  is  said  that 
before  he  removed  from  Lexington  he  was  an  officer  in  the 
Church  there.  When  in  Barre,  for  several  years  he  and  his 
family  were  obliged  to  go  to  Rutland,  ten  miles,  in  order  to 
attend  church.  This  he  traversed,  probably  horseback,  until 
sufficient  families  had  settled  in  Rutland  District  to  build 
a  church.  Dea.  Parker  helped  build  the  first  church  in 
Barre.  He  was  made  its  deacon.  He  was  a  conscientious 
man  and  entertained  views  of  his  own  accordingly.  In  one 
instance  he  warned  the  minister,  it  is  said,  that  he  would  not 
pay  him  anything  for  preaching  doctrine  in  which  he  did  not 
believe.  In  his  diary  he  made  notes  of  many  of  the  first  ser- 
mons preached  in  Rutland  District  (now  Barre),  and  in  its 
midst  is  a  treatise  on  religion  of  great  length.  His  homestead 
was  in  the  northwestern  part  of  the  town.  As  his  farm  ex- 
tended south  from  Petersham  line  to  the  "lower  fordway  of 
Moose  Brook,"  it  seems  that  his  house  must  have  been  situated 



on  the  road  from  Barre  to  Petersham,  a  short  distance  south 
of  the  junction  of  this  brook  and  the  Petersham  road. 

One-sixth  of  the  population  of  the  town  of  Barre  served  in 
the  Revolutionary  war.  In  1774  Dea.  Andrew  Parker  was 
chosen  lieutenant  of  the  first  company  of  militia.  He  must 
have  seen  some  service,  although  no  records  are  known  to 
exist.  He  was  one  of  the  committee  who,  previous  to  the 
Revolution,  officiated  for  the  town  in  changing  its  name  from 
Hutchinson  to  Barre.  The  name  of  Hutchinson,  the  Tory, 
was  very  disgusting  to  the  patriots  of  this  town  of  liberty. 

"The  committee  who  had  the  petition  in  charge  was  made  up 
from  the  best  minds  in  town — men  commanding  respect  for  their 
attainments  and  force  of  character." — History  of  Worcester  County. 

It  seems  that  his  wife  Abigail  d.  soon  after  1766,  thus  living 

but  a   few  years  in   Barre.     He  m.   (2)   Mary  .     By 

Mary  he  had  son  Artemas  Parker,  born  20  years  after  the 
birth  of  his  previous  child.  Andrew^  Parker  died  in  May,  1791. 
The  widow  Mary  m.  again,  this  time  to  Aaron  Chamberlain 
of  Chelmsford,  who  was  a  gentleman  of  education  and  means. 
They  lived  in  Chelmsford  until  1816,  when  they  removed  to 
Swanton,  Vt.  Mr.  Chamberlain  was  deceased  before  Nov.  4, 
1822.  She  may  have  spent  the  remainder  of  her  days  with 
her  son  Artemas. 

"This  inventory,  apprized  at  the  present  true  value  in  Lawful 
money  all  the  Estate  whereof  Dea"  Andrew  Parker  late  of  Barre, 
Deceased,  died  seized  and  possessed  of  that  has  been  shown  to  us  by 
M''  Abel  Loring  Ad'  of  s''  Estate  viz  : " 

Among  the  items  were  the  following  : 

"The  Farm  with  the  Buildings  thereon  £270-00-0 

One  Pew  in  the  meeting-house  8-02-0 

One  horse  stable  at  the  meeting-house  3-00-00 

One  old  horse  X'2-8,  one  mare  &  Colt  £12.  14-0S-00 

Four  Cows  and  a  Calf  i!;«iS-oo 

One  three  year  old  heifer  3-1^-00 
Two  heifers  two  year  old — Two  Yearling  heifers  and  two 

Calfs  S-02-00 

Nineteen  Sheep  and  Lambs  and  three  Swine  9-06-03 
Three  suits   of  clothes,   one    gown,    cap,   shirts,   stocks, 

stockins,  mits.  two  pears  boots  6-07-03 



One  pear  Shoe  Buckels  2s.  6d,     One  peai-  Knee  Do.  & 

Shock  buckels  5/  7-06-00 

One  pear  Spectacles  9-00 

Four    beds,    bedding,    bedsteads,    furniture,    coverleds, 

blankets,  etc.  15-09-01 

One  Timepiece  i£i-i6.    One  Desk  and  Bookcase  20/  and 

one  Case  of  Draws  15/  3-11-00 

Old  chests  and  tables  1-02-00 

One  Candle  stand,  three  armed  chairs,  and  twenty  seven 

small  Do.  3-02-10 

18  Puter  Plaits  15/  old  Puter  Dishes  5/3  four  Platers  and 

eight  Plaits  13/8  i-13-n 

Two  Brass  Kettles  JCi-10  old  Brass  ware  3/  handirons  14/ 
fier  Peals  &  tongs  7/  Crains  &  hooks  8/  tosting  & 
Grediron  4/6  Case  knives  &  forks  3/  Candlesticks 
2/  Snufers  /6  Stilerds  1/  Two  pear  of  bellowses  4/ 
Two  Seves  1/6  two  brushes  and  brooms  2/4  2-13-08 

Glass  Bottles,  tea  Canester,  warming  pan,  teapot,  cups, 
saucers,  brown  Earthen  ware,  five  silver  tea  spoons, 
plates  and  small  vials  30-13-00 

One  honed  Razor  and  Box  i/io  Gun  and  Bagnut  12/ 
and  Sword  1/6  Two  woolen  wheels  8/6  one  Lamb 
and  tackier  £2  One  flaxconib  24/  3-12-06 

One  Cradle  and  Scales  3/8  two  Cheese  tubs,  one  churn 

and  six  pails  12/10  16-06 

Thirteen  Barrels  of  Cyder  £3-18.  twenty  one  barrels  36/ 

three  meat  tubs  4/6  and  four  meal  chests  10/  6-08-06 

A  Lining  wheel,  30*'  of  wool  40/  and  six  baskets  6/  2-13-00 

One  womans  saddle  30/  one  mans  Do.  12/  Pillion  6/ 
Saddle  bag  12/  Bridles  and  Sirsingle  12/  and  three 
mealbags  4/  3-16-00 

Three  old  Bibles  with  a  number  of  other  Books  JC2-36/  3-16-00 

Timber  on  hand  £3-4-6.     The  one  half  of  a  Cyder  mill 

£2-5-0.  5-09-06 

Meet  in  the  tub  £2-10-0  Grain  on  hand   12/4.  Malt  T/^)-         3-09-10 
seven  wheels  partly  made  27/  four  Sets  of  Irons  for 
Linen  wheels  8/  and  three  Sets  of  Screwcutters  with 
the  other  Shop  tools  £11-12-0  13-07-00 

Carts  &  wheels  30/  two  plows  2^/  ox  yoke  5/  horse  3-00-00 
tackier  19/6  Sled  2/  Sickels  2/  Iron  forks  5/  Raks  1-08-06 
3/10  Grass  Cythes  and  tackier  10/2  Grindston  6/  1-00-02 
and  Crosscut  Saw  4/6.  4-06" 


Other  items  accompany  the  inventory,  among  them  being 
a  score  of  notes  receivable,  making  a  sum  total  of  £468-135.- 
id.-3far.,  a  verv  respectable  estate  for  his  time.  It  was 
appraised  by  Isaac  Toby,  Joel  Bent  and  Timothy  Hastings. 

From  a  family  record  is  copied  the  following  : 
"The  Division   of  the  Estate  of  Dea.  Andrew   Parker  of  Barre. 
I  St — The  widows  thirds  to  Mrs.  Mary  Parker.     The  remainder  to 
be  divided  into  five  parts — 

One  Part  to  Capt.  Smith. 
One  Part  to  Mrs.  Tobey. 
One  Part  to  Capt.  Nathan  Allen. 
One  Part  to  Sally  Mayhevv. 
One  Part  to  Artemas  Parker." 

The  first  two  children  were  born  in  Lexington,  remainder 
in  Barre.  The  following  is  copied  from  the  deacon's  diary 
verbatim  : 

"  My  Daughter  Rhoda.  born  on  y"  19  day  of  June  1760,  about  eleven 

oclock  forenoon. 
"  My  Daughter  Abigail,  born  on   the  29  day  of  January   1763,  about 

r2  oclock  davtime. 
"  My  Daughther  Sally,  born  y"  17  day  of  March  1765,  at  one  oclock 

"My  Daughter  Bettey,  born  the   13  day  of  January,  1766,  about  4 

oclock  afternoon.'" 

Artemas  Parker,  by  his  2nd  wife  Mary,  b.  Aug.  5,  1786,  thus  20 
years  junior  to  his  last  sister. 

His  five  children  all  lived  to  maturity  and  married. 

35.  Rhoda  Parker,  m.  Capt.  Joseph  Smith  of  Barre. 

36.  Abigail  Parker,  m.  Nathan  Allen  of  Barre. 

37.  Sally  Parker,  m.  Jonathan  Mayhevv  of  Phillipston. 

38.  Bettey  Parker,  m.  Paul  Tobey. 

39.  Artemas  Parker,  m. Spaulding. 

13.  Keziah  Parker  (Andrew,*  yohn,^  Hanuniah,^ 
Thomas'),  dau.  of  Andrew  and  Sarah  (Whitney)  Parker,  bap. 
in  Lexington.  June  i,  1740;  m.  June  21,  1759,  Joseph  ^Vyman 
of  Lunenburg.    Her  intention  of  marriage  is  recorded  upon  the 


records  of  Lunenburg  with  date  "  May  y®  4th  Anno  Domini 
1759,"  ^°  Silas  Wyman,  brother  of  Joseph,  but  she  m.  in  June, 
Joseph  Wyman.  She  removed  to  Lunenburg,  where  her 
husband  was  an  active  man.  He  was  a  farmer,  and  she 
lived  in  Lunenburg  until  her  death,  which  occurred  Aug.  7, 
1776.  He  was  b.  in  Woburn,  Oct.  27,  1734,  son  of  John  and 
Rebecca,  who  with  their  family  settled  in  Lunenburg.  This 
John^  was  son  of  Johns  and  Rebecca  of  Woburn,  who  was  son 
of  John^  and  grandson  of  John",  a  Lieut,  and  tanner  in  Woburn, 
the  originator  of  the  line  in  America.  Joseph  Wyman  m.  2nd 
Sarah  Allen. 

Their  children  were  : 

David  Wyman,  b.  at  Lunenburg,  April  29,  1762. 
Joseph  Wyman,  b.  at  Lunenburg,  April  3,  1764. 
Oi.ivER  Wyman,  b.  at  Lunenburg,  March  26,  1766. 
Thomas  Wyman,  b.  at  Lunenburg,  Sept.  27,  1768. 
Sarah  Wyman,  b.  at  Lunenburg,  Feb.  37,  177^ • 
John  Wyman,  b.  at  Lunenburg,  Oct.  14,  1760. 
Elizabeth  Wyman,  b.  at  Lunenburg,  Nov.  10,  i773- 

14.  Anna  Parker (^^^5^/2,+  yohn,^Hanamah,^  Thomas^), 
b.  in  Lexington,  Sept.  9,  1719,  dau.  of  Josiah  and  Anna  (Stone) 
Parker,  m.  in  Lexington,  Nov.  6,  1737,  Benjamin  Smith,  Jr., 
b.  in  Lexington,  July  20,  1714,  son  of  Benjamin  and  Martha 
(Comee)  Smith.*  Benjamin,  Jr.,  was  the  road  surveyor. 
She  d.  a  widow  in  Waltham,  June  10,  1768.  Benjamin,  Sr., 
was  for  a  long  time  very  popular  with  the  townsmen,  being 
often  elected  to  public  office.  He  was  12  years  on  the  board 
of  selectmen.  He  was  the  son  of  Thomas  and  this  Thomas 
was  the  son  of  Thomas  who  was  born  in  England  and  came 
to  this  country  in  1635  with  his  father  John.  The  original 
ancestry  is  found  to  be  the  same  as  that  of  Jonas  Smith  of 
Waltham,  who  m.  1775,  Mary  Parker  of  Lexington  and  settled 
in  Princeton. 

*The  Smith  family  was  at  the  outset  so  common  in  all  settlements  as  to 
make  it  a  difficult  task  for  the  genealogist,  but  through  continued  research 
much  has  been  effected  in  this  line.  The  best  authority,  and  to  whom  we  are 
the  most  indebted  for  the  work,  is  the  compiler  of  the  Watertotvn  Genealo- 
sries.  The  writer  is  indebted  to  Hudson's  History  of  Lexington  for  much  re- 
garding the  issues  of  the  Smith  and  Monroe  families  which  now  follow. 


Their  children  were  : 

1.  Solomon  Smith,  b.  Oct.  27,  1738;  d.  April  16,  1741. 

2.  Benjamin    Smith,  b.  March  7,   1741  ;     m.  Mary  Lee.      They 

were  admitted  to  the  Church  in   Lexington,  June   24,    1768. 
They  had  the  following  children  b.  in  Lexington  : 
I.     Anna  Smith,  b.  April  2,  1770;   m.  Abijah  Wyman  of 

II.     Benjamin  Smith,  b.  Sept.  i,  1774.     He  went  to  Town- 
send.     There  he  m.  a  Turner.     He  was  killed  by  tlie 
upsetting  of  a  cart. 
III.     David  Smith,  b.  Sept.   29,  1776.     He  went  to  Ashby 
and  m.  a  Foster. 

3.  Anna  Smith,  b.  March  31,  1743;   m.  William  Monroe,  b.  in 

Lexington,  Oct.  28,  1742,  son  of  William  and  vSarah  (Mason) 
Monroe.  She  was  a  lady  of  great  worth,  which  was  well 
reciprocated  by  her  husband.  Her  choice  was  one  of  the 
most  esteemed  and  prominent  men  of  hardy  Lexington — Col. 
William  Monroe.  Six  children  were  born  unto  them,  after 
which  she  d.  Jan.  2,  1781,  aged  38.  William  Monroe  was 
orderly  sergeant  of  Capt.  Parker's  Co.  in  1775  ;  it  was  under 
him  that  the  guard  was  posted  at  Mr.  Clarke's  house  on  the 
evening  of  the  i8th  of  April,  1775  ;  and  he  paraded  the  men  on 
the  common  the  next  morning  in  the  ver\-  face  of  British 
troops.  The  services  which  he  performed  in  the  opening  of 
the  Revolution  were  followed  up  by  other  services  in  the 
progress  of  the  war.  He  was  a  lieutenant  in  the  Northern 
army  at  the  taking  of  Burgoyne  in  1777.  He  was  a  prominent 
citizen  and  filled  important  town  offices.  He  was  selectman 
nine  years  and  represented  the  town  two  years.  He  was  a 
colonel  in  the  militia  and  marched  towards  Springfield  during 
Shays'  rebellion,  but  the  dispersement  of  the  insurgents  en- 
abled him  to  return  home  in  a  short  time.  Col.  Monroe  kept 
the  public  house  long  known  as  the  Monroe  Tavern.  This 
is  an  important  relic  of  the  many  historical  preservations  of 
Lexington.  The  house  was  built  before  1700  and  looks  well 
to-day.  Here  the  British  regaled  themselves,  and  committed 
many  outrages  on  the  19th  of  April  ;  here  they  shot  down  in 
cold  blood  John  Raymond,  who  was  about  leaving  the  house; 
here  Gen.  Washington  dined  in  1789,  when  he  visited  tlie  first 
battle-field  of  the  Revolution,  and  here  the  house  is  well  pre- 
served to-day  and  still  occupied  by  descendants  of  the  Monroe 
family,  who  cordially  show  the  old  portion  of  the  tavern  to  all 


interested  in  its  history.*  An  excellent  steel  portrait  of  Col. 
William  Monroe  is  given  in  Hudson's  Histor}'  of  Lexington. 
He  d.  Oct.  30,  1837,  aged  85.  The  Monroes  of  Lexington 
did  all  they  coidd  to  help  the  struggling  colonies  and  gained 
a  well-earned  renown.  Col.  William  was  brother  to  Capt. 
Edmund  Monroe  of  Col.  Bigelow's  regiment,  and  he  served 
all  through  the  war  until  the  battle  of  Monmouth,  where  he 
was  killed.  They  were  sons  of  William  and  Sarah  (Mason) 
Monroe.  The  latter  William  was  son  of  Ensign  William 
Monroe,  son  of  William  Monroe  from  Scotland,  the  ancestor 
of  all  the  Monroes  of  Lexington.     Their  children  were: 

1.  William  Monroe,  b.  May  28,  1768;  m.  Susan  B. 
Grinnell  of  New  Bedford.  He  was  killed  at  Rich- 
mond, Va.,  by  the  upsetting  of  a  stage  in  1814. 
II.  Anna  Monroe,  b.  May  9,  1771  ;  m.  Sept.  20,  1798, 
Rev.  William  Muzzy  of  Sullivan,  N.  H.  She  d.  in 
Lexington,  1S50,  aged  70.  He  was  graduated  at  Har- 
vard College  1793,  and  was  ordained  at  Sullivan,  N. 
H.,  Feb.  7,  1798.  He  left  in  1828  and  returned  to 
Lexington  with  his  family,  where  he  d.  April  16,  1835. 
They  had  five  children  b.  in  Sullivan,  two  of  whom  d. 
in  1814  of  the  spotted  fever.     Their  children  were: 

1.  William  Muzzy,  b.  June  30,  1804;  lived  in  Philadelphia. 

2.  Emily  Muzzy,  b.  Nov.,  1800;  d.  unm. 

3.  Abby  Ann  Muzzy,  b.  June  15,  1806;  m.  Dea.  William  Brig- 

ham    and    resided    in    Lexington.      Their   only    child    was 
Laura  Muzzy  Brigham,  b.  July  20,  1836. 

III.  Sarah    Monroe,    b.     Oct.     21,     1773;    m.    Jonathan 

Wheelock  of  Concord.     She  d.  aged  about  77. 

IV.  LuciNDA  Monroe,  b.  April  9,   1776;  d.  unm.  June  2, 

1863,  aged  S^. 
V.     Jonas  Monroe,  b.  June  11,  1778;  m.  March  17,  1814, 
Abigail  C.   Smith,  dau.   of  Joseph  and  Lucy   (Stone) 
Smith,  descendant  of  the  ancient  Smith  line  of  Lexing- 
ton.     Jonas   Monroe   was  a   lieutenant   in   the  LTnited 

*At  the  old  Monroe  Tavern  there  wei-e  exhibited  on  Nov.  5,  1889,  the  looth 
anniversary  of  Washington's  visit  to  Lexington,  many  articles  of  historic 
interest.  Among  the  articles  shown  was  the  wedding  furniture  of  William 
and  Anna  Monroe,  to  wit :  Round  mahogany  table,  two  arm  chairs,  looking 
glass,  hat  tree,  britannia  teapot,  spinning-wheel,  rush-bottomed  chair,  pewter 
candlestick,  copper  sauce  pan,  block  used  during  Revolution  for  stamping 
fabrics,  iron  fire-dogs,  warming-pan,  "loggerheads"  for  making  flip,  lemon 
squeezer  for  making  punch. 


States  Dragoons  in  1807,  resigned  his  commission,  and 
on  the  breaking  out  of  the  War  of  181 2  was  com- 
missioned as  lieutenant  of  infantry  and  was  engaged  for 
a  short  time  in  the  recruiting  service.  He  kept  the 
"Monroe  Tavern,"  and  was  extensively  and  favorably 
known  to  the  travelling  public.  He  was  drowned  at 
Somerville,  while  bathing,  July  2,  i860,  aged  82.  His 
widow  d.  April  4,  1861 ,  aged  68.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  William  Henry  Monroe,  b.  March  2,  1815.     He  is  doing  busi- 

ness in  Philadelphia. 

2.  Harriet  Monroe,  b.  Nov.  25,  i8i6. '    She  is  unm. 

3.  Abby  Smith  Monroe,  b.  Aug.  28,  1819;  d.  Dec.  21,  1822. 

4.  James  S.  Monroe,  b.  June  6,  1824;  m.  Alice  B.  Phmney.     He 

resided  in  Lexington  and  had  three  sons. 

VI.     Edmund  Monroe,  b.  Oct.   29,   1780;    m.   (i)   Harriett 

Downes,  (2)  Lydia  Downes,  (3)  Sophia  Sewall.     He 

was  a  broker  in  Boston.     He  d.  April  17,  1865. 

Martha  Smith,  b.  April  19,  1745  ;   m.  May  27,  1771,  Ebenezer 

Monroe,  b.  Nov.  15,  1744,  son  of  Robert  and  Anna   (Stone) 

Monroe.      The  father,  Robert,  was  a  soldier  in  the   French 

War  ;  was  the  standard  bearer  at  the  taking  of  Louisburg  in 

1758,  and  was  also  in  the  service  in  1762.      He  was  ensign  in 

Capt.  Parker's  Co.,  and  fell,  one  of  the  first  victims  of  British 

oppression,    April   19,   1775,  right  in  his   native    town,   after 

having    served    England    so    faithfully   and    well.       Ebenezer 

Monroe  was  enrolled  with  Parker's  patriots,  and  was  in  the 

battle  of  Lexington   in  1775,  and  was  also  in  the  campaign  of 

the  Jerseys  in  1776.     He  d.  Aug.  22,  1826,  aged  S2  ;   she  d. 

Oct.  13,  1834,  aged  86.     Their  children  were  : 

I.     Patty  Monroe,  b.  Feb.   19,  1772;   m.  Dec.  25,   1804, 

Isaac  Pierce  of  W^altham. 
II.     Ebenezer  Monroe,  b.  Feb.  2,  1777;   d.  June  6,  1798, 
aged  21. 

III.  Esther   Monroe,  b.  Oct.,   1783;    m.  Jan.    19,   1806, 

David  Tuttle,  b.  in  Winchendon,  Dec.  2,  1782,  son  of 
Jedediah,  a  Revolutionary  veteran.  She  d.  in  Lexing- 
ton, Oct.  14,  1809,  aged  26,  and  left  no  issue. 

IV.  John  Monroe,  b.  April  28,   1785;  m.  Dec.   11,   1811, 

Charlotte  Bacon  of  Woburn.  He  d.  Feb.  17,  186^, 
aged  79.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  John    Harrison    Monroe,  b.  June  3,    1S13,   who  lived  :it  F'ail 


2.  Charles  Henry  Monroe,  b.  Aug.    10,  1814;  d.  at  Buffalo.   N. 

Y.,  July  17,  1850. 


3.  Harriet  Monroe,  b.  April  29,  1816;  d.  Feb.  2,  1835. 

4.  Ebenezer  Moni-oe,  b.  Dec.  3,  1817 ;   m.  Margaret  M.  Wilson ; 

d.  Jan.  5,  1868,  aged  50,  and  had  children  :  Julia  Maria  and 

5.  Jonas  Monroe,  b.  Sept.  10,  1819;  d.  Aug.  15,  1843. 

6.  Lavina  Monroe,  b.   Oct.   16,   1821  ;    m.  April  4,   1839,  Galen 

Allen;  resided  at  Lexington;  he  was  selectman;  she  d. 
April  22,  1865,  and  their  children  were:  Harriett  A., 
Annette  A.,  John  G.,  Lavinia  M.,  Jonas  M. 

7.  Oliver  Monroe,  b.  April  10,  1825 ;  d.  May  4,  1857. 

8.  Charlotte  Monroe,  b.  March  28,  1827;  m.  George  MulHken; 

she  d.  Dec.  8,  1861  ;  she  had  five  children,  viz.  :  Charlotte 
M.,  d. ;  George  F.,  d. ;  Charles  Henry;  Clarence  M. ; 
Harriett  M.,  d. 

5.  Esther  Smith,  b.  April  i,  1751. 

6.  Esther  Smith,  b.  Dec.  26,  1753  ;  m.  Simeon  Snow  of  Holden, 

and  d.  Jan.  14,  1780. 

7.  David  Smith,  b.  Aug.  15,  1756.     He  was  a  member  of  Capt. 

Parker's  Co. 

8.  Thomas  Smith,  b.  July  34,  1760;  m.  Oct.  3,  1782,  Sarah  Tay- 

lor of  Charlestown,  b.  March   I3,  1760;  he  d.  Aug.  11,  1807. 
Their  children  were  : 

I.  Sarah  Smith,  b.  Oct.  17,  1783;  m.  John  Underwood, 
second  cousins,  as  their  great-great-grandfather  was  Lt. 
Josiah  Parker.  See  Underwood,  page  ^6.  Their 
children  were  : 

1.  Mary  Underwood,  d.  1814. 

2.  Napoleon  Underwood. 

3.  Abigail    Underwood,  m.  Nov.   22,   1836,  John    Fillebrown  of 

West  Cambridge. 

4.  Mary  Underwood,  bap.  May  21,  1815. 

'5.     Sarah  Underwood,  b.  Sept.  4,  1817 ;  d.  3'oung. 

6.  Joseph  Underwood,  bap.  Jan.  24,  1819. 

7.  Sarah  Underwood,  bap.  July  9,  1820;  m.   Feb.  9,  1843,  John 

A.  Tufts  of  Cambridge. 

8.  Nathan  Underwood,  bap.  Aug.  17,  1823. 

II.  Abigail  Smith,  b.  March  30,  1785  ;  m.  Sept.  27,  1809, 
David  Tuttle.     They  probably  removed  from  town. 

III.  Thomas  Smith,  b.  June  12,   1788;  d.  Aug.   12,   1809, 


IV.  William  Taylor  Smith,  b.  Aug.  3.  1789  ;  m.  May  27, 

181 2,    Cynthia    Child    of  Gardner;    no   issue.       They 
were  both  living  1868. 
V.     Charles  Smith,  b.  July  27,   1791  ;  m.  Hannah  Ham- 


VI.  Patty  Smith,  b.  Aug.  lo,  1793;  m.  Sept.  27,  i8ro, 
David  Tattle,  her  cousin  Esther's  widower,  as  his 
second  wife  ;  she  d.  Dec.  15,  181 6,  aged  32,  and  he  m. 
again.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  Esther  Tuttle,  b.  Aug.  3,  1812;  m.  1833,  Caleb  S.  Tuttle,  and 

settled  in  Alton,  111. 

2.  Abigail  Tuttle,  b.  Aug.   2,  1814;   m.  Dec.   29,   1S35,  Jonathan 

S.  Parker  of  Lexington. 

VII.     Jonas  Leonard  Smith,  b.  June  11,   1795;    d.  March 

16,  iSoi. 
VIII.     Larkin  Smith,  b.   Oct.    15,    1797:  m.  Lucy  S.   Smith, 

dau.  of  Jonas. 
IX.     Ebenezer    R.    Smith,   b.    Dec.    3,    1799;    m.    Almira 

Reed  ;  she  d.  i860,  aged  -iS.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  Sarah  E.  Smith,  b.  Oct.  27,  1829;  m.  April  23,  1851,  Edijiund 

Reed  of  Burlington. 

2.  Eustis  R.  Smith,  b.  March  6,  1832;  d.  Dec.  10,  1832. 

3.  Almira  J.  Smith,  b.  Oct.  i,  1833;  d.  Nov.  22,  1834. 

4.  Almira  J.  Smith,  b.  Oct.  24,  1S35. 

5.  Eustis  Reed  Smith,  b.  June  30,  1839. 
6      Octavia  Smith,  b.  July  16,  1841. 

X.  Jonas  Leonard  Smith,  b.  April  10,  1803  ;  m.  Sarah 
Cowley  of  Watertown.  They  had  a  child  who  d. 
young.     He  d.  Dec.  10,  1845. 

15.  Deliverance  Parker  (Josiah,^  John,^  Hananiah,- 
Thomas'),  b.  in  Lexington,  May  28,  1721,  dau.  of  Lt.  Josiah 
and  Anna  (Stone)  Parker;  m.  in  Lexington,  April  7,  1737, 
Marrett  Monroe,  b.  in  Lexington,  Dec.  6,  1713,  son  of  Lt. 
John  of  Lexington  and  last  in  a  family  of  ten  children-  This 
John  was  however  the  eldest  of  the  ancestor  William  Monroe's 
family  of  12  children.  John  Monroe  and  others  had  900  acres 
of  land  granted  to  them  in  1735  for  services  rendered  in  the 
Indian  fight  at  Lamprey  River,  June  6,  1690.  Marrett  Monroe 
was  selectman.  They  resided  near  the  common,  in  the  house 
now  occupied  by  the  family  of  John  Hudson.  He  and  wife 
Deliverance  became  parents  of  a  large  and  sturdy  family  of 
the  Monroe  name.  His  will,  dated  Feb.  18,  1789,  and  proved 
May  I,  1798,  mentions  wife  Deliverance,  sons  Josiah,  Nathan 
and  Thaddeus,  and  daughters  Rachel,  Mary  Underwood, 
Bethia,  Deliverance  Winship,  Elizabeth  Buckman  and  a  child 
of  dau.  Ann  Nurse,  deceased. 


Their  children  were  : 

1.  Rachel  Monroe,  b.  Nov.  29,  1737;  d.  unm.  in  Boston,  where 

she  lived. 

2.  JosiAH  Monroe,  b.  June  29,  1742;  d.  June  12,  1743. 

3.  JosiAH  Monroe,  b.  Feb.   12,   1745;  m.  Nov.   15,  1768,  Suzan 

Fitch  of  Bedford.  He  was  in  the  French  War  in  1762.  He 
also  served  three  months  in  the  Jerseys  in  1776.  He  then 
entered  the  Continental  line  and  served  two  and  a  half  years. 
After  the  close  of  the  war  he  drew  land  in  what  was  after- 
ward Ohio.  He  settled  in  Marietta  in  that  State,  where  he 
was  for  a  time  postmaster.  He  had  at  least  one  child  b.  in 
Lexington,  viz.,  Suzanna,  bap.  Nov.  10,  1771.  They  had 
another  dau.  and  a  son  b.  in  Bedford  before  he  moved  to  Ohio. 

4.  Nathan  Monroe,  b.  Aug.  9,  1747  ;  m.  Oct.  3,  1769,  Elizabeth 

Harrington,   b.    Sept.    17,    1750,    dau.    of   Henry    and    Sarah 
(Laughton)  Harrington  of  Lexington.     He  was  a  member  of 
Col.  Parker's  minute-men  and  took  part  in  the  battle  of  Lex- 
ington 1775.      He  succeeded  to  his  father's  homestead,  residing 
on  Monument  Street,  where  Mr.  John  Hudson  now  resides. 
His  house  received  several  balls,  which  were  taken  out  subse- 
quently when  the  house  was  repaired.      She  d.  Dec.  24,  181  2. 
Their  children  were  : 
I.     Dolly  Monroe,  b.  Nov.   18,  1769;   m.  Jan.   28,  1788, 
Elijah  Pierce,  b.  Jan.  i,  1765,  son  of  Ephraim  of  Wal- 
tham.   'They  lesided  in  Woburn,  where  he  d.  aged  54. 
II.     Arethusa  Monroe,  b.  March   10,  1773;   m.  June  20, 
1793,  Capt.  William  Fox  of  Woburn.     They  resided 
on  the  West  Side  in  Woburn,  neighbors  to  her  Parker 
relatives.     They  had  nine  children  : 

1.  William  Fox,  b.  Jan.  22,  1794. 

2.  Celenda  Fox,  b.  Nov.  11,  1795. 

3.  Samuel  Fox,  b.  June  11,  1799. 

4.  Elizabeth  Fox,  b.  June  14,  1801. 

5.  Warren  Fox,  b.  Jan.  16,  1804;  m.  in  Woburn,  May  17,  1827, 

Eliza  Richardson  Parker. 

6.  Dorcas  Fox,  b.  May  11,  1806. 
7      Thomas  Fox,  b.  May  14,  1808. 

8.  Martha  Fox,  b.  April  22,  1810. 

9.  John  Fox,  b.  July  29,  1812. 

III.  Betsey  Monroe,  b.  April  5,  1776;  m.  March  20,  1798, 
Munson  Johnson,  who  came  from  Woburn  to  Lexing- 
ton in  1795.  It  is  said  he  was  son  of  Francis  Johnson 
of  Woburn.  They  had  two  children  b.  in  Lexington, 
viz.,  Charlotte  Johnson  and  Adelia  Johnson. 


IV.     John  Monroe,  b.  June   15,   1778;   m.  Macy  of 

Nantucket,  where  they  settled. 

V.  Nathan  Monroe,  b.  Oct.  23,  1780;  removed  to  Con- 
cord ;  m.  Susanna  Loring,  b.  in  Lexington,  June  30, 
1784,  dau.  of  Joseph  Loring,  a  Revokitionary  veteran 
who  saw  very  hard  service.  They  lived  in  Concord, 
where  he  d.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  Elbridge  Monroe,  b.  in  Lexington,  July  28,  1804. 

2.  Nathan  Monroe,  b.  in  Concord,  July  28,  1808. 

3.  Jonas  Clarke  Monroe,  b.  in  Lincoln,  Sept.  22,  1812. 

4.  James  Monroe,  b.  in  Concord,  Feb.  27,  1817. 

VI.  Jonathan  Monroe,  b.  May  26,  1783  ;  m.  Feb.  13,  181 2, 
Rhoda  Johnson,  dau.  of  F'rederick  and  Rhoda  (Reed) 
Johnson.  She  d.  July  19,  1865,  aged  72.  He  d.  Dec. 
4,  1867,  aged  85.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  William   Monroe,   b.   Dec.    17,   1812;    m.   Dec,    1846,   Elvira 

Merriam  of  Concord,  dau.  of  Joseph  Merriam.  They  reside 
in  Southbridge. 

2.  Elizabeth    Monroe,    b.    March    21,    1814;     m.   June   7,    1839, 

Francis  Johnson  of  Woburn,  now  Winchester,  b.  April  18, 
1813,  son  of  Maj.  Francis  and  Mehetable  (Parker)  Johnson. 
They  were  fourth  cousins,  as  it  so  happened  that  the  great- 
great  grandfather  of  each  was  Lt.  Josiah  Parker  of  Lexing- 
ton.     (See  page  43.)     Their  child  was  : 

I.     Elizabeth  Johnson,  b.  in  Winchester,  Sept.  19,  1841  ; 
resides  at  Lexington. 

3.  Josiah  Monroe,  b.   Oct.  21,  1818;  m.  Oct.   10,   1847,  Adeline 

Dodge  of  Boston.     They  reside  in  Roxbury. 

4.  Faustina  Monroe,  b.  Feb.  i,  1821  ;  m.  June  12,  1859,  Frederick 


vu.  Polly  Monroe,  b.  March  11,  1785;  m.  June  13,  1811, 
Thomas  Hunnewell  of  Charlestown. 

III.  Dorcas  Monroe,  b.  March  31,  1788  ;  m.  Nov.  29,  1810, 
Leonard  Brown,  b.  Jan.  3,  1788,  son  of  James  of  Lex- 
ington. They  lived  in  Lexington.  Their  children 
were  : 

1.  Elizabeth  Brown,  b.  June  15,  181 1  ;  d.  March  2,  1820. 

2.  Mary  Brown,  b.  May  9,  1814;  d.  March  3,  1820. 

3.  Leonard  Brown,  b.  March  19,  1818;  d.  Sept.  4,  1819. 

4.  Leonard  Brown,  b.  Feb.  24,  1821  ;  m.   Sarah  Ann  Goodnow 

of  Stow,  and  resides  in  Lowell. 

5.  Elizabeth  Brown,  b.  March  8,  1823;  m.  Elias  V.  Blodgett. 

6.  Mary  Brown,  b.  July  30,  1825;  m.  George  Patch  of  Littleton. 

7.  Hiram  Brown,  b.  July  20,  1827;   m.   Cynthia  Farrar  of  Wal- 

tham  ;  resides  in  Arlington. 

8.  Nathan   Brown,  h.  Feb    8,  1830;   m.  March  7,  1852,   Hannah 

E.  Fiske. 


IX.     Thaddeus  Monroe,  b.  Sept.  14,  1790  :  settled  in  Quincy, 

X.      Harris  Moxroe,  b.  May  29,  1793  ;   d.  in  Dedham,  1829. 

5.  Mary  Monroe,  b.  March  3,  1749;   m.  March  21,  1771,  Joseph 

Underwood,  b.  in  Lexington,  April  30,  1749,  son  of  Joseph. 
He  seems  to  have  been  a  worthy  member  of  the  Underwood 
family.  He  was  among  that  brave  band  who  stood  up  with 
Capt.  Parker,  April  19,  1775;  he  also  marched  with  the  de- 
tachment to  Cambridge,  May  10,  and  also  June  17,  1775. 
They  were  admitted  to  the  Church,  March  22,  1772.  He  d. 
Feb.  27,  1829,  aged  80.  She  d.  July  10,  1802.  They  had 
nine  children  ;  many  of  them  d.  young,  and  among  the  re- 
mainder were  : 

Joseph  Underwood,  bap.  July  5,  1772;  m.  March  2, 

iSoo,    Eusebia    Harrington  ;     was    selectman,    and    d. 

without  issue,  Sept.  6,  1845. 
Polly  Underwood,  bap.  Dec.  7,  1777;    m.  March  26, 

1798,  Jonas  Smith,  son  of  Joseph,  and  one  of  a  family 

of  13.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  Mary  Monroe  Smith,  m.  John  C.  Brackett  of  Woburn. 

2.  Lucy  Stone  Smith,  m.  Larkin  Smith. 

3.  Sophronia  Smith,  m.  Orin  Knapp  of  Somerville. 

John  Under"wood,  bap.  March  26,  1780;  m.  Sarah 
Smith,  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  (Taylor)  Smith  of 
Lexington,  b.  Oct.  17,  1783  ;  they  were  admitted  to 
the  Church  July  5,  181 2  ;  he  d.  Aug.  8,  1855,  aged  76  ; 
she  d.  Jan.  25,  1848,  aged  64.  Their  dau.  Mary  d. 
voung.      (See  John  LTnderwood,  page  72.) 

6.  Bethiah  Monroe,  b.  Jan.   22,   1753  ;   lived  at  Bellows  Falls, 

Vt.  ;  d.  unm.  aged  93. 

7.  Deliverance  Monroe,  b.  July  22,   1755  ;   m.  John  Winship, 

b.  in  Lexington,  May  12,  1754,  son  of  Samuel,  and  one  of  11 
children  ;    he   d.    in  West   Cambridge,    April,    1825,   and   his 
widow  Deliverance  Monroe  Winship  administered  upon   his 
estate.      He  was  a  soldier  in  Capt.  Pai'ker's  Co.  i775  '   ^^  ^^^^ 
served  in  the  first  campaign  of  eight  and  12  months  in  New 
York.     They  had  seven  children  : 
I.     John  Winship,  b.  Dec.  28,  1779- 
II.     Stephen  Winship,  b.  July  15,  1782. 
HI.     Charles  Winship,  b.  June  30,  1784. 
IV.     Sally  Winship,  b.  July  23,  1786. 
V.     Polly  Winship,  b,  April  26,  1788. 


VI.     Hexry  Winship,  b.  June  28,  1790. 
VII.     Nagus  Winship,  b,  Aug.  4,  1793. 

8.  Anna  Monroe,  b.   June  23,    175S;  m.  Josiah  Nurse  of  Frani- 

ingham.*  I  am,  however,  unable  to  follow  them  in  the  Fram- 
ingham  records. 

9.  Thaddeus  Monroe,  b.  Oct.  26,  1760  ;  traded  in  South  Carolina, 

where  he  d.  unm. 

10.  John  Monroe,  b.  and  d.  April  3,  1763. 

11.  Elizabeth  Monroe,  b.  Oct.  4,  1765;  m.  July  i,  1787,  Jacob 

Buckman  of  Woburn,  where  they  finally  settled.  They  were 
the  parents  of  Hon.  Bowen  Buckman  of  Woburn.  Their 
children  were  : 

I.  Bowen  Buckman,  b.  in  Lexington.  April  19,  1788;  m. 
and  lived  in  Woburn,  a  prominent  and  distinguished 
man,  and  had  children  Eliza,  Maria,  and  Julia  Ann. 
II.  Dennis  Buckman,  b.  in  Lexington,  May  13,  1794;  m. 
and  lived  in  Woburn.  Children  :  Elizabeth,  Joseph, 
Lora,  Otis,  Lavinia,  and  Ruth. 

III.  Willis  Buckman,  twin  of  Dennis,  b.  in  Lexington,  May 

13,  1794  ;   m.  and  lived  in  Woburn.     Children  :  Bowen, 
Alvah,  Austin,  and  Minot  J. 

IV.  Ira  Buckman,  b.   in  Woburn,  Nov.   19,   1802  ;  m.  and 

lived  in  Woburn  and  whose  children  were:  Harrison, 
Harriett.  Zachariah  Symmes,  and  William  M. 
V.  William  Morton  Buckman,  b.  in  Woburn,  July  13, 
1806;  in.  and  lived  in  Woburn.  Children:  Catharine 
and  Catharine  B.  M.  Many  of  these  families  or  their 
descendants  still  live  in  Woburn. 

16.  Josiah  Parker,  Jr.  (Josiah,^  John,^  Hananiah,^ 
Thomas^ )n  b.  in  Lexington,  April  ii,  1725,  son  of  Lt.  Josiah 
and  Anna  (Stone)  Parker,  inherited  from  his  ancestors  a  vigor- 
ous constitution,  strong  intellect  and  good  morals,  which  he 
in  turn  transmitted  to  his  children  after  settling  for  life  in 

It  seems,  also,  that  he  inherited  his  lather's  military  spirit, 
for  in  later  years  he  became  a  lieutenant  in  Woburn.  He  was 
probably  connected  with  the  Lexington  military  com  pans- 
while  yet  a  lad,  as  was  then  the  custom,  and  as  his  father  was 
(1744)   lieutenant  in   Col.  Phipps' Mass.  Reg.     The  plan  on 

*  froin  History  oj  Lexington. 


page  43  shows  where  his  father,  one  of  the  foremost  men 
in  Lexington,  Hved  and  carried  on  his  farm,  and  where  his 
"well  beloved  son"  lived  until  the  age  of  23,  when  he  mar- 
ried in  Weston,  Oct.  27,  1748,  Mary  Monroe,  then  of  Weston. 
She  was  b.  in  Lincolii,  March  18,  1729,  being  one  of  a  family 
of  II  children,  and  sister  to  Martha  Monroe,  who  m.  Isaac 
Stone  of  Lexington.  Her  father,  Benjamin  Monroe,  whose 
wife  was  Mary  Merriam,  was  youngest  child  of  a  family  of 
14,  the  father  bemg  William  Monroe,  the  Scotch  emigrant 
ancestor  of  the  name,  who  settled  in  Lexington  near  the 
Woburn  line.  Mary  Monroe  must  have  been  a  lady  of  much 
worth,  coming  from  this  flourishing  and  sturdy  Monroe  family. 

The  year  following  his  marriage  he  purchased,  May  29, 
1749,  of  John  Burt's  heirs,  then  of  Boston,  an  estate  in  Woburn 
of  200  acres  of  rich  farming  land  for  the  sum  of  £2,000.  It 
was  in  the  west  part  of  the  town  and  but  a  few  miles  from  his 
home  in  Lexington.  It  was  in  this  part  of  Woburn  where  the 
Kendalls  resided  ;  where  Jabez  Kendall  lived  until  his  mar- 
riage to  Sarah  Parker  of  Lexington.  The  farm  was  bordered 
by  Samuel  Kendall  on  the  north  and  on  the  west  by  Samuel 
Wyman.  Later,  in  i77i,Josiah  Parker  bought  much  more 
land,  bounded,  as  the  deed  reads,  north  by  the  highway  to 
Lexington,  and  east  by  the  highwa}-  to  Charlestown.  This 
was  in  the  southwest  part  of  the  town  and  was  adjacent  to  a 
part  of  his  other  land.  It  is  said  that  his  house,  the  home- 
stead site,  stood  between  Cambridge  and  Lexington  Streets. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Parker  were  connected  with  the  Church  in 
Woburn.  It  may  be  that  he  saw  service  in  the  French  and 
Indian  wars,  or  perhaps  accompanied  his  brother,  Capt.  John 
Parker  of  Lexington,  in  the  memorable  Louisburg  expedition 
of  1745,  or  in  the  French  and  Indian  war;  but  one  thing  is 
certain,  that  he  was  honored  with  the  title  of  Lieut. 

Characteristic  of  his  family  he  was  "  joiner"  as  well  as  a 
farmer.  He  had  his  "shop,"  which  he  mentions  in  his  will, 
wherein  he  made  wagons,  furniture  and  all  farm  implements. 
In  his  will,  which  is  preserved  in  Middlesex  Probate  Records, 
he  mentions  Mar}^  my  dearly  beloved  wife,  Mary,  my  well 
beloved  dau.,  my  eldest  son  Josiah  Parker,  my  dau.  Lydia, 
son  Edmund,  dau.  Martha,  and  sons  Nathan  and  Benjamin. 


He  d.    in   Woburn,  April   i8,   1774,  ^t  the  early  age  of  49. 
All  of  his  family  were  b.  in  Woburn. 
Their  children  were  : 

40.  Mary  Parker,  b.  Dec.  25,  1749  ;  m.  (probably)  John  Gilmore. 

41.  JosiAH  Parker,  b.  Nov.   25,   1751  ;  m.   Hannah  Gardner  of 

42.  Lydia  Parker,  b.   Dec.  10,  1753;    m,  Jesse  Wright,  then  of 

43.  Benjamin  Parker,  h.  Jan.  30,  1756;  m.  Mehetable  Tidd  of 

Nathan  Parker,  b.  April  i,  1758;  d.  young. 
Anna  Parker,  b.  Feb.  12,  1760;  probably  d.  young. 

44.  Edmund  Parker,  b.  March  17,  1762;   m.  (i)  Lydia  Jolinson, 
(2)  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Reed,  both  of  Woburn. 

Martha  Parker,  b.  July  29,  1764. 

Ruth  Parker,  b.  Oct.   1,   1766.     She  probably  d.  young,  as  she 
was  not  mentioned  in  her  father's  will. 

45.  Nathan  Parker,  b.  Feb.  21,  1769;   m.  Polly  Richardson  of 

Betty  Parker,  b.  July  23,  1771. 

In  Woburn  Death  Records  is  recorded  the  death  of  a  John  Parker, 
May  30,  1790.  His  identity  is  not  plain.  Perhaps  he  belonged  to 
the  Reading  families. 

17.  Capt.  John  Parker  (Josia/i,^  Joh^i,^  Hananiah^ 
Thomas'),  son  of  Lieut.  Josiah  and  Anna  (Stone)  Parker, 
was  b.  in  Lexington,  July  13.  1729.  He  passed  his  boyhood 
upon  his  father's  farm  amid  the  hardships  and  warfare  of  the 
early  times. 

He  was  early  connected  with  the  military  company  of  the 
town,  and  was  trained  by  his  father,  Lieut.  Josiah  Parker. 
Unfortunately  the  period  of  his  services  in  the  French  and 
Indian  wars  cannot  be  ascertained,  as  all  the  rolls  of  the  Lex- 
ington men  have  not  been  preserved.  Some  of  the  Lexington 
men  were  attached  to  the  famous  corps  known  as  "Rogers's 
Rangers,"  to  which  Capt.  Edmund  Monroe  at  one  time  be- 
longed, and  quite  likely  John  Parker  as  well.  This  company 
is  thus  described  by  the  historian  of  Lexington  : 

"This  was  the  corps  in  which  vStark  served  his  military  apprentice- 
ship;— a  corps  whose  name  was  expressive  of  the  life  they  led — 
ranging  through   the  wilderness,  seeking  their  wary  savage  foe  by 


day  or  by  night  in  silent  glens  or  secret  ambush: — a  corps  whose 
winter  quarters  were  in  tedious  marchings  amid  drifted  snows, 
frozen  lakes  and  ice  clad  hills, — relying  sometimes  upon  snow  shoes 
and  sometimes  on  skates  for  locomotion,  and  carrying  their  only 
arsenal  and  commissariat  in  their  packs.  In  such  a  corps  were  some 
of  the  hardv  sons  of  Lexington  trained — they,  knowing  that  their 
lives  were  in  their  own  hands  and  that  their  escape  from  the  toma- 
hawk and  scalping  knife,  the  tortures  of  the  faggot  or  ignominious 
slavery,  depended  entirely  upon  their  own  severe  trials,  perpetual 
watchings  and  determined  courage." 

John  Parker  was  at  the  capture  of  Louisburg  in  1758,  and 
was  at  the  taking  of  Quebec  in  1759.  ^^  ^^'^^  made  a  ser- 
geant in  this  war.  The  war  of  the  Revolution  which  fol- 
lowed, and  the  great  armies  in  the  service  of  the  late  Rebellion 
have  thrown  the  French  and  Indian  War  in  a  great  measure 
into  the  shade.  Few  people  at  the  present  time  realize  the 
toils,  the  sufferings  and  the  sacrifices  made  by  the  colony  at 
that  time  to  sustain  the  cause  and  strengthen  the  arm  of  the 
mother  country,  which  was  shortly  after  raised  to  crush  the 
patriotic  colonists.  From  1755  to  1763  Massachusetts  per- 
iormed  an  amount  of  military  service  almost  unparalleled. 
Minot,  the  historian,  says  that  in  the  year  1757  one-third  of  the 
effective  men  in  the  colony  were  in  some  way  or  other  in  the 
field.  The  patriotic  devotion  of  the  colony,  and  the  zeal  with 
which  the  brave  soldiers  served  Great  Britain  should  have 
excited  her  gratitude  and  induced  her  to  respect  their  rights. 

John  Parker  m.  in  Lexington,  May  25,  1755,  Lydia  Moore, 
b.  in  Lexington,  Jan.  18,  1731,  third  dau.  of  Thomas  and 
Mary  Moore  of  Lexington,  who  lived,  if  tradition  be  correct, 
in  a  house,  man}'  years  since  in  ruins,  not  far  west  of  the 
present  poor  farm.  They  were  admitted  to  the  Church  Oct. 
31,  1756.  After  the  settlement  of  his  father's  estate  the  other 
sons  in  course  of  time  removed  from  town  and  he  bought  out 
their  shares.  Mr.  Parker  was  a  successful  farmer  and  col- 
lected a  respectable  estate.  He  was  a  skilful  "-joiner"  as  well 
as  a  good  mechanic.  He  became  assessor,  constable  and  col- 
lector of  his  town.  Royal  assessments  known  as  "the  stamp 
act,"  involving  consequences  of  great  importance,  were  levied 
often  upon  the  colonial  towns.  The  collector  received  the 
document  and  was  obliged  to  collect  its  quota  or  go  to  jail. 


As  John  Parker  was  assessor  this  duty  fell  upon  him,  and  at 
Lexington  is  preserved  one  of  the  papers,  which  best  explains 
the  condition  of  affairs  at  this  time.  The  citizens  could  not 
anticipate  their  coming,  which  was  irregular,  or  the  amount 
which  might  be  stated  in  them. 

John  Parker  was  a  stout,  large  framed  man,  of  medium 
height,  somewhat  like  his  illustrious  grandson,  Theodore 
Parker,  in  personal  appearance,  but  had  a  much  longer  face. 
He  was  fond  of  learning  and  reading,  as  from  Parson  Clark's 
diary  we  learn  he  was  one  of  those  who  often  borrowed  his 
valued  books,  treasures  at  that  time. 

The  Church  and  town  were  one,  consequently  the  minister 
was  the  most  influential  man  in  the  town.  The  ardent  patriot, 
Parson  Jonas  Clark,  plainly  exposed  the  doctrine  for  which 
Massachusetts  rose  in  arms.  He  levied  high  treason  in  the 
house  of  God,  and  upon  his  fellow-citizens,  and  finally  upon 
the  whole  country  —  his  influence  was  inestimable.  The 
Parkers  for  several  generations  used  to  love  to  go  to  Church, 
they  were  the  best  of  hearers  of  the  Word,  and  faithful  doers 
too,  but  they  had  their  own  thoughts  and  resolved  as  well  as 

Probably  the  name  of  Capt.  John  Parker  would  have  no 
place  in  history  had  not  the  events  and  circumstances  of  the 
times  brought  the  British  to  Lexington.  But  do  not  the 
results  well  show  that  no  better  man  could  have  been  chosen 
to  represent  the  colonists  in  their  first  defence?  He  was  equal 
to  the  emergency,  and  may  we  ever  honor  his  name. 

The  whole  country  was  equally  alive  and  it  needed  only  a 
spark  to  kindle  the  fire  of  liberty,  and  any  village  might  have 
been  the  scene  of  the  first  resistance.  The  Lexington  company 
of  minute-men,  formed  about  1774,  comprised  the  principal 
men  of  the  town.  John  Parker  was  at  that  time  45  years  of 
age.  He  must  have  been  a  man  of  admitted  character  and 
one  who  commanded  the  confidence  of  the  people.  When  in 
1774  and  "75  the  town  made  an  effort  to  organize  a  company 
of  minute-men,  we  have  a  record  over  his  signature  in  this 
language,  showing  his  military  leadership,  and  seems  the  first 
note  of  preparation  to  the  bloody  drama  so  soon  to  be  enacted  : 


"Lexington,  March  14,  1775. 

"Agreeable  to  the  vote  of  the  town  I  have  received  by  the  hands 

of  the  Selectmen  the  drums — there  were  two — provided  by  the  town 

for  the  use  of  Military  Company  in  this  town  until  the  further  order 

of  the  town. 

John  Parker." 

There  were  in  town  at  that  period  Lieut.  Edmund  Monroe 
and  Ens.  Robert  Monroe,  both  of  whom  had  held  commissions 
in  the  French  War,  besides  25  or  30  more  who  had  seen 
service  on  the  "tented  field,"  and  the  fact  that  Parker  was 
selected  to  command  that  company  and  that  these  officers  and 
soldiers  were  willing  to  volunteer  and  serve  under  him,  shows 
that  he  was  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary  ability  and  one  to  be 
trusted  in  any  emergency. 

Capl.  Parker  shouldered  his  gun  on  the  evening  of  the  i8th 
of  April,  left  his  home  and  seven  young  children,  proceeded 
to  the  village  and  there  awaited  the  arrival  of  messengers  from 
Boston.  He  placed  a  guard  composed  of  Sergt.  Monroe  and 
eight  men  around  Rev.  John  Clark's  house,  where  the  hunted 
patriots,  John  Hancock  and  Samuel  Adams,  were  that  night 
stopping.  Paul  Revere  arrived  in  Lexington  at  midnight. 
He  immediateh'  gave  the  alarm  at  the  parson's  house.  At 
two  in  the  morning  Capt.  Parker  caused  the  alarm  to  be 
sounded  from  the  belfrj'  on  Lexington  green  and  by  the  beat- 
ing of  drums.  The  minute-men  hastened  from  their  firesides, 
and  all  finally  assembled  upon  the  common.  The  night  being 
cool  the  company  was  soon  dismissed  with  orders  to  assemble 
again  at  the  beat  of  the  drum.  The  greater  portion  retired  to 
Buckman's  tavern  near  the  place  of  parade.  At  half-past 
four  Parker  called  the  roll  of  his  company,  forming  the  line 
near  the  meeting-house.      He  then  commanded — 

"Every  man  of  you  who  is  equipped  follow  me,  and  those  of  you 
who  are  not  go  into  the  meeting-house  and  furnish  himself  from  the 
magazine  and  immediately  join  the  company." 

Afterward  came  the  order  to  load  the  guns.  As  the  British 
approached  and  the  little  band  of  60  stood  before  600  dis- 
ciplined troops,  a  few  of  them  naturally  for  a  moment  faltered, 
Capt.  Parker  sternly  replied,  "The  first  man  who  offers  to 
run    shall   be   shot    down."      When    the    British    halted   and 




Pitcairn  cried  out  "Disperse,  ye  villians,  ye  rebels,"  etc.,  our 
Captain  showed  his  cool  and  prudent  judgment  in  evading  the 
mighty  disaster  which  aggression  on  the  part  of  his  troops 
would  have  been,  by  firmly  ordering,  "Don't  fire  unless  fired 
upon,  but  if  they  want  a  war  let  it  begin  here."      He  was 
always  gentlemanly.     As  he  stood  before  the  British  host  no 
profane   sentence  sullied  his  lips,  sorely  tempted  though   he 
may   have   been   in   the   peril   and   excitement  of  that    hour. 
What  a  contrast  did  the  language  of  the  American  commander 
present  to  that  of  Maj.   Pitcairn,  when,  with   oaths,  he   dis- 
charged his  pistol  and  ordered  his  men  to  fire.     They  over- 
shot and  no  one  was  injured,  but  at  their  second  discharge 
nearly  one-fourth  of  the  little  compan}^  were  killed  or  wounded. 
The  little  band  then  returned  the  fire  with  some  effect   and 
the  war  was  begun  !     The  British  charged  upon  them,  upon 
which  perilous  state  of  affairs  Capt.  Parker  ordered  his  men, 
"Disperse  and  take  care  of  yourselves."     With  a  cheer  the 
British   resumed   their    march,   having  first  bayoneted  Jonas 
Parker,  who  was  determined   to   face   the   British.     He  was 
Capt.    Parker's   cousin    and  the   first   man  bayoneted  in   our 
American  Revolution.      (See  page  50.)     Far  better  would  it 
have  been  for  Major  Pitcairn  and  his  command  to  have  re- 
flected from  the  brave  resistance  shown  by  Jonas  Parker  of 
the  probable  reception  awaiting  them.     Far  better  for  his  men 
if  he  had  then  and  there  wheeled  around  and  marched  back 
to  Boston.       How    heartily  the   example    offered  by  Parker, 
together  with  the  fate  of  the  other  victims,  was  told  from  mouth 
to  mouth,  and  how  the  minute-men  responded  b}^  their  pres- 
ence that  day  ! 

Capt.  Parker  had  not  only  trained  his  company  but  had 
formed  an  "Alarm  List,"  as  was  the  custom,  to  which  the 
boys  and  old  men  belonged.  He  trained  all  who  could  carry 
a  musket,  and  during  the  day  many  of  them  got  in  chance 
shots  at  the  enemy,  and  some  of  the  boys  carried  water  in 
wooden  bowls  to  the  men.  Besides  Capt.  Parker  and  his 
cousin  Jonas  Parker,  there  was  the  latter's  nephew.  Corporal 
Ebenezer  Parker,  and  the  Captain's  brother,  Thaddeus  Parker, 
who  were  in  the  fight  that  day.  It  is  shown  in  another  part 
how  Ebenezer's  father,  Thomas  Parker,  defended  his  family 


and  property  from  British  insult,  although  he  was  still  con- 
fined to  his  house.  In  the  forenoon  Capt.  Parker  gathered 
the  remainder  of  his  company  and  marched  toward  Concord 
to  intercept  the  British  at  the  best  advantage.  In  Lincoln,  as 
they  saw  the  enemy  returning,  he  led  the  men  into  an  open 
field,  and  they  fired  once  more  upon  the  enemy.  Troops 
from  Woburn,  Acton,  Reading  and  other  towns  had  arrived. 
From  Woburn  were  Captain  Parker's  nephews,  Edmund  and 
Josiah  Parker.  From  Reading  came  17  who  bore  the  name 
of  Parker,  who,  under  command  of  Capt.  Brooks,  kept  up  a 
hot  fire  upon  the  enemy's  column  during  the  remainder  of  the 

In  the  following  May  John  Parker  led  a  part  of  his  company, 
45  men,  to  Cambridge,  upon  order  of  the  Provincial  Congress, 
and  they  served  from  the  sixth  to  the  tenth.  Again  on  the 
day  of  the  battle  of  Bunker  Hill  he  was  with  69  men  at  Cam- 
bridge ready  for  action.  He  was  not  in  perfect  health  on  the 
day  of  the  battle  of  Lexington.  At  Bunker  Hill  he  was  too 
ill  to  be  allowed  to  enter  the  turmoil  of  the  battle,  so  he  dis- 
contentedly commanded  troops  who  guarded  the  "Neck"  that 
day.  He  was  never  well  afterwards  and  an  epidemic  dysen- 
tery in  September  found  him  an  eas}^  prey.  He  died  at  an 
early  age  for  his  long-lived  family,  aged  46,  Sept.  17,  1775. 
He  who  was  so  brave  and  true  at  the  beginning  of  the  struggle 
saw  not  the  end  nor  the  glory. 

His  direct  descendant,  Elizabeth  Parker  of  Lexington, 
writes  of  him  : 

"  I  think  one  can  say  of  John  Parker,  althoiiojh  perhaps  a  man 
plain  and  simple  like  his  name,  he  must  have  been  a  man  ot"  some 
mental  and  much  executive  ability,  a  man  of  strong  will,  bold,  earn- 
est and  daring — wise,  prudent  and  determined.  A  man  sure  of  his 
convictions  and  true  to  his  convictions.  Jonathan  Harrington,  the 
last  survivor  of  the  battle,  said  that  '  He  looked  as  though  he  could 
face  anything,'  and  most  bravely  did  he  face  the  responsibilities  and 
dangers  of  that  trying  time."* 

It  has  been  eloquently  said  of  him  : 

"  But  Parker  commanded  more  than  that  little  company  who 
stood  on  yonder  green  ;  he  led  the  embattled  host  that  ])artook  of  his 

♦Extract  from  an  article  entitled  Capt.  John  Parker,  written  for  and  pre- 
served by  the  Lexington  Historical  Society  in  its  publications. 


and  their  spirit  henceforth.  When  he  rallied  his  men  in  the  after- 
noon of  that  signal  day  he  prefigured  our  noble  army,  which  again 
and  again,  with  thinned  ranks  and  amid  fallen  comrades,  returned  to 
the  dread  fields  of  that  long  and  bloody  struggle."* 

At  the  Lexington  homestead  is  preserved  Capt.  Parker's 
affidavit  of  the  actions  of  the  19th  of  April,  very  valuable  to 
history  as  his  official  account  of  the  direct  cause  of  the  Revolu- 
tionary War.     It  is  here  copied  in  full. 

•'  Lexington,  April  23,  1775. 

"I,  John  Parker  of  lawful  age,  and  commander  of  the  militia  in 
Lexington,  do  testify  and  declare  that  on  the  19th  inst.  in  the  morn- 
ing about  one  of  the  Clock,  being  informed  that  there  were  a  num- 
ber of  Regular  oliicers  riding  up  &  down  the  road,  taking  and  insult- 
ing people,  and  also  was  informed  that  the  Regular  troops  were  on 
their  march  'from  Boston,  in  order  to  take  the  Province  Store  at 
Concord,  immediately  ordered  our  militia  to  meet  on  the  common  in 
Said  Lexington,  to  consult  what  to  do,  and  concluded  not  to  be  dis- 
covered nor  to  meddle  or  make  with  said  Regular  Troops,  (if  they 
should  approach)  unless  they  should  insult  or  molest  us  ;  and  upon 
their  sudden  approach  I  immediately  ordered  our  militia  to  disperse 
and  not  to  fire  ;  immediately  said  Troops  made  their  appearance  and 
Rushed  furiously  to  &  fired  upon  and  Killed  Eight  of  our  party  with- 
out Receiving  any  provocation  therefor  from  us. 

"Midd'"  ss  April  y*  23''  1775. 
"  The   Above   named  John    Parker   appeared   and    made  Solemn 
Oath  to  the  truth  of  the  within  deposition  by  him  subscribed  before 


John  Cuming  \ 

Jon"  :  Hastings        >  Justices  of  Peace." 

Duncan Ingraham  j 

In  the  Massachusetts  Senate  Chamber  there  hangs  two 
muskets,  priceless  relics,  appropriate  memorials  to  the  State 
of  Capt.  Parker,  the  gift  of  his  grandson.  Rev.  Theodore 
Parker.  On  one,  Capt.  Parker's  own  light  fowling-piece, 
which  he  carried  at  Quebec  and  Lexington,  is  inscribed: 


*A.  B.  Muzzy,  April  19,  1871,  a  descendant  of  Isaac  Muzzy,  who  was  killed 
in  the  battle  of  Lexinsrton. 

parker  genealogy.  87 

"This  Firearm  was   used  by 

Capt.  John  Parker 

In  the  Battle  of  Lexington, 

April  19, 

And  on  the  other,  which  he  took  from  a  grenadier  in  Cam- 
bridge on  the  17th  of  June  : 

"The  First  Fire  Arm 

Captured  in  the 
War  of  Independence." 

These  invaluable  mementos  were  received  by  the  State 
with  appropriate  ceremonies,  and  are  conspicuously  suspended 
for  public  view  in  the  Senate  Chamber  of  th^  State  House. 
May  they  ever  be  prized  with  reverence,  and  "Tell  to  our 
sons  how  our  fathers  have  died." 

In  the  year  1884  the  town  appropriated  the  sum  of  $1,500 
to  mark  spots  of  historic  interest  in  Lexington,  and  among 
others  the  grave  where  his  remains  were  supposed  to  rest 
received  a  substantial  and  fitting  monument  bearing  this  in- 
scription : 

"  To  THE  Memory  of  Capt.  John  Parker, 

Commander    of    the    Minute-men,    April    19TH,    i775' 

Born  July  13TH,  1729,  Died  September  17T11,  1775. 

The  Town  erects  this  Memorial. 


Their  children  were  : 

Lydia  Parker,  b.  Nov.  8,  1756. 

46.  Anna  Parker,  b.  Jan.  11,  1759  ;  m.  March  16,  178 1,  Ephraim 
Pierce  of  Waltham. 

47.  John  Parker,  b.  Dec.  7,  1761  ;  m.  Feb.   17,  1785.  Hannah 
Stearns  of  Lexington. 

48.  Isaac  Parker,  b.  May  ii,  1763  ;  m.  in  Charleston,  S.  C. 

49.  Ruth  Parker,  b.  Dec.  7,  1765;   m.  Nov.    14,   1787,  David 
Bent ;  removed  to  Nova  Scotia. 

50.  Rebecca   Parker,   b.   June   28.    176S:    m.    PettM"   Clarke   of 

51.  Robert    Parker,    b.    April    15,    1771  ;    m.    Oct.    22,    1794, 
Elizabeth  Simonds  of  Lexington. 



18.  Thaddeus  Parker  (yosmh,\  Jokn,^  Hanam'ak,^ 
Tkofuas^ ),  son  of  Josiah  and  Anna  (Stone)  Parker,  b.  in 
Lexington,  Sept.  2,  1731  :  m.  May  27,  1759,  Mary  Reed, 
b.  July  17,  1751,  dau.  of  William  and  Abigail  (Stone)  Reed. 
He  sold  in  1761  to  his  brother,  John  Parker  of  Lexington, 

The  accompanying  engraving  shows  the  appearance  of  the  homestead  as  it 
was  at  this  time.  It  is  the  house  which  stood  upon  the  place  when  the  estate 
passed  into  the  ownership  of  John  Parker  of  Reading  in  1712.  It  also  shows 
the  old  belfry  building  which,  previous  to  the  nineteenth  century,  stood  on 
the  common,  on  the  site  of  the  present  monument,  and  from  which  in  1775 
went  forth  those  peals  of  alarm  which  called  the  patriots  to  arms  on  the  morn- 
ing of  the  19th  of  April.  Although  the  old  house  has  been  replaced  by 
another  the  belfry  still  stands  at  the  Parker  homestead. 

The  Parker  Homestead. 

In  this  ancient  house  several  generations  of  large  families  were  born.  Here 
was  also  born  the  Rev.  Theodore  Parker,  who  in  early  life  drew  the  picture 
which  is  here  shown.  He  wrote  in  regard  to  it  as  follows:  "It  faced  as 
near  the  south  as  the  rude  science  of  the  owner  or  builder  could  make  it, 
and  so  was  a  perpetual  sun  dial.  It  had  but  one  chimney,  that  a  huge  one 
in  the  centre  of  the  building.  The  large  bricks,  made  half  a  mile  oft",  were 
laid  in  clay  as  far  as  the  ridge  pole,  while  the  part  of  the  chimney  above  the 
roof  was  pointed  with  mortar.  Limestone  was  not  found  within  many  miles, 
and  the  want  of  it  was  a  serious  inconvenience  in  building.  The  house,  like 
all  the  others  in  that  neighborhood,  was  two  stories  high  in  front  and  only 
one  in  the  rear.  The  rooms  were  few  but  large  and  airy,  the  windows  not 
numerous,  of  various   size,  but  all   small;  originally  all  the    latches,  except 


afterwards  captain,  a  part  of  his  share  of  his  father's,  Lieut. 
Josiah  Parker,  estate  for  £175.  He  lived  in  Lexington, 
probably  at  or  near  the  centre  of  the  town.  He  was  like  his 
brothers,  and  doubtless  his  ancestors,  a  strong,  large  boned, 
muscular  man.  His  career  in  Lexington  stands  out  brightly 
in  two  ways,  first  as  a  citizen,  and  second  as  a  patriot.  It 
is  a  lamentable  fact  that  of  his  large  family  there  is  not  a 
living  descendant  of  this  worthy  man. 

Thaddeus  Parker  was  one  of  the  selectmen  in  the  years 
preceding  the  Revolution,  a  period  when  the  most  important 
duties  of  the  town  were  devolved  upon  that  board,  and  when 
only  mei}  of  true  character  and  firm  patriotism  were  chosen. 
His  name  appears  as  assessor  of  the  town  of  Lexington  during 

that  of  the  '  fore-door,'  were  of  wood  with  wooden  thumb  pieces,  but  these  had 
nearly  all  passed  away  before  my  recollection.  The  house,  as  it  stood  in  my 
day,  had  been  built  at  different  times,  the  eastern  end  being  considerably 
younger  than  the  western,  and  not  furnished  with  the  massive  oak  beams 
which  everywhere  stuck  out  in  the  older  part.  A  New  England  farmer  of 
*  comfortable  estate '  would  hesitate  a  good  deal  before  setting  up  his  house- 
hold in  such  a  cheerless  shelter;  but  three  generations  of  stout  and  longlived 
men  were  born  and  grew  up  there,  and  if  the  fourth  be  more  puny  and  sink 
quicker  to  the  grave,  it  is  from  no  fault  of  the  old  house,  but  from  the  con- 
sumption which  such  spongy  meadows  in  New  England  seldom  fail  to  pro- 
duce in  the  course  of  time :  even  children,  Avho  have  removed  to  healthier 
situations,  carrv  with  them  the  fatal  poison  in  their  blood,  and  transmit  it  to 
their  sons  and  daughters." 

A  history  of  the  old  belfry  is  found  in  Mr.  C.  A.  Staples's  ''Sketch  of  the 
History  of  Lexington  Common,''  published  by  the  Lexington  Historical  Society, 
from  which  I  copy  the  following:  "At  a  town  meeting  held  in  June,  1761, 
Isaac  Stone,  as  the  record  says  :  '  came  into  y^  meeting  and  gave  y«  town  a 
bell  to  be  for  v^  towns  use  forever;  which  bell  was  there  and  weighed  463  lbs. 
— and  y"  moderator  in  y  name  of  y  meeting  gave  him  thanks.' 

"Accordingly  the  town  set  to  work  building  a  belfry  for  the  bell,  and  the 
building  was  finally  settled  upon  the  common.  This  was  the  famous  bell 
which  rung  the  alarm  on  the  morning  of  the  19th  of  April,  1775,  whose  tongue 
is  still  preserved  among  the  precious  relics  at  the  Gary  Library,  Lexington. 
But  when  the  new  meeting-house  was  built  in  1794  the  belfry  was  sold  to 
John  Parker,  the  father  of  Theodore  Parker,  and  carried  away  to  the  Parker 
homestead,  where  it  long  did  duty  as  a  wheelwright  shop  and  where  it  is 
still  standing.  Soon  we  trust,  under  the  auspices  of  the  Lexington  Historical 
Society,  it  will  come  creeping  back,  to  find  its  final  resting-place  near  the 
spot  of  its  birth.  It  should  be  placed  on  some  height  overlooking  the  village 
and  restored  to  its  original  form,  a  bell  procured  of  the  exact  size  of  Dea. 
Isaac  Stone's  gift,  the  old  tongue  put  in  it,  and  on  every  anniversary  of  the 
19th  of  April  it  should  be  rung  to  let  people  know  how  the  summons  sounded 
which  called  the  minute-men  to  the  common  on  that  eventful  morning." 


the  years  1770,  '71,  '73  and  '77.  At  a  time  of  deep  desponden- 
cy, the  closing  months  of  1776,  when  the  patriot  army  was  a 
mere  handful  of  ragged,  disheartened  men,  he  enlisted  from 
Lexington  for  a  campaign  in  the  Jerseys,  there  to  join  Gen. 
Washington.  This  was  during  the  retreat  through  New 
Jersey,  the  battle  of  Trenton,  when  Washington  crossed  the 
Delaware  and  turned  the  tables  of  his  country's  history,  fol- 
lowed b}^  the  battles  of  Princeton,  Brandy  wine  and  German- 
town,  and  it  is  probable  that  in  all  of  these  Mr.  Parker  assisted. 
He  was  in  the  service  at  least  eight  months.  He  d.  in  Lex- 
ington, Feb.  10,  1789.  From  the  note-book  of  his  nephew 
John  Parker  we  read  : 

"Lexington,  February  12,  1789. 
"  Was  intered  Mr.  Thaddeus  Parker,  Esq.  aged  58,  who  died  of  a 
motification  in  his  bowels,  it  being  the  6"*  person  that  died  in  one 
house  since  the  4""  day  of  September  in  the  year  1787,  whereof  Mr. 
Joseph  Parker,  brother  of  Thaddeus,  was  the  first,  who  died  of  a 
consumption,  Polly  Parker  followed  after  and  Bettey  and  Thaddeus 
Parker,  junr.  and  Sally  Parker  all  of  a  consumption,  and  all  children 
of  Thaddeus  Parker." 

Mary,  widow  of  Mr.  Parker,  survived  him  many  years. 
She  d.  in  Lexington,  Oct.  9,  181 1,  aged  73. 

Their  children  were  : 

Mary  Parker,  b.  Sept.  26,  1760;  d.  June  3,  1787,  aged  nearly  27. 

Sarah  Parker,  b.  Aug.  24,  1762  ;  d.  Feb.  2,  1789,  aged  26. 

Betty  Parker,  b.  Aug.  28,  1764;  d.  Aug.  27,  1788,  aged  24. 

Thaddeus  Parker,  b.  July  10,  1767;  d.  June  14,  1789,  aged 
nearly  22. 

JosiAH  Parker,  b.  Sept.  19,  1770.  The  estate  of  Thaddeus  Parker 
was  appraised  in  1789  at  £726.  12s.  I5d.  Josiah  was  then  the 
sole  heir  to  his  father's  property  ;  but  he  was  not  living,  however, 
1842,  when  Jonathan  S.  Parker  of  Lexington  attested  that  Josiah 
Parker  was  then  deceased,  that  he  had  never  married  and  thus  had 
left  no  issue.  Therefore  the  Thaddeus  branch  of  the  Parker  family 
became  extinct. 

19.  Joseph  Parker  (Josiah,^  Jokn,^  Hana^tiak,^ 
Thomas'),  son  of  Lieut.  Josiah  and  Anna  (Stone)  Parker,  was 
b.  in  Lexington,  Nov.  28,  1733,  the  last  child  in  the  family 
of  eight.     He  m.  July  5,  1759,  Eunice  Hobbs  of  Weston,  b. 


in  Weston,  April  22,  1741,  the  fourth  in  a  family  of  eleven 
children,  dau.  of  Ebenezer  and  Eunice  (Garfield)*  Hobbs. 
After  the  birth  of  their  first  child,  in  1760,  they  settled  in 
T^incoln,  where  the  births  of  the  remainder  of  their  children 
are  recorded.  He  must  have  owned  property,  however, 
in  Lexington,  as  by  a  deed  bearing  date  of  April  13,  1763, 
to  him  from  his  cousin  Thomas  Parker,  Esq.,  we  read, 
"Joseph  Parker  of  Lexington,  Husbandman."  He  probably 
lived  in  Weston  during  the  latter  period  of  his  life,  for  his 
family  were  finally  connected  with  that  town.  He  seems  to 
have  been  a  quiet  farmer,  and  not  particularly  prominent  in 
town  affairs.  Although  the  town  records  of  Lincoln  do  not 
show  his  name  on  the  muster-rolls  of  her  Revolutionary  sol- 
diers, yet  almost  every  male  citizen  there  was  a  participant 
and  it  is  not  at  all  probable  that  he  staid  away  from  danger 
and  duty. 

She  d.  in  Lincoln,  Jan.  3,  1784.  He  d.  in  Lexington,  as 
we  are  informed  by  his  nephew,  Sept.  4,  1787,  at  the  house 
of  his  brother,  Thaddeus  Parker,  Esq. 

Their  children  were  : 

52.  Susanna  Parker,  b.   Dec.   31,    1760;    probably   m.   

Gregory,  t 

53.  Levi  Parker,  b.  April   16,   1762;    m.  Mary  Lyon  of  Hub- 

54.  Lois  Parker,  b.  Nov.  17,  1763  ;  m.  John  Coburn  of  Weston. 
Aaron  Parker,  b.  Dec.  5,  1765  ;  killed  by  the  Indians,  1791-  + 

55.  Joseph  Parker,  Jr.,  b.  Oct.  4,  1767;  m.  Polly  Fisk  of  Weston. 
Jonathan  Parker,  b.  Oct.  17,  1769.     Inheriting  a  military  spirit, 

he  was  in  the  St.  Clair  expedition  against  the  Indians.     In  this  he 
perished  as  did  his  brother  Aaron. 

*  She,  Eunice  Garfield,  was  one  of  the  twelve  children  of  Lt.  Thomas  Gar- 
field, a  sturdy  and  prosperous  citizen  of  Watertown.  Among  the  brothers 
and  sisters  of  Eunice  were  Isaac,  Samuel,  Anna,  and  Elisha,  thus  showing  the 
origin  of  these  names  in  Levi  Parker's  children  and  grandchildren. 

t Uriah  Grigory  of  Weston  belonged  to  the  minute-men  of  that  town;  but 
we  know  not  the  given  name  of  Susanna  Parker's  husband. 

JAaron  Parker  shared  the  military  spirit  of  his  family.  His  brother  Levi, 
nearly  four  years  his  senior,  was  just  old  enough  to  participate  in  the  last  part 
of  the  Revolution.  The  time  soon  came  when  Aaron  was  able  to  lend  his 
hand  for  his  country  against  the  Indians,  who,  encouraged  by  British  officers, 
barred  all  western  emigration  and  who  were,  1790,  scalping  inhabitants  and 



Elisha  Parker,  b.  Dec.  7,  1772;  d.  in  1773. 

56.  Elisha  Parker,  b.  Sept.   10,   1775  ;  m.  Jerusha  1 
Wentworth  of  Weston.  ' 

57.  Rebecca  Parker,  b.  Sept.  10,   1775  ;   m.  Elisha  1 
Rand  of  Weston.  J 


20.  Peter  Parker  ('yio/^w, 4  'John,^  Hananiak,^  Thomas^ )^ 
son  of  John  and  Experience  (Clayes)  Parker,  b.  in  Framing- 
ham,  Oct.  3,  1738,  succeeded  upon  his  father's  homestead; 
m.  Dec,  8,  1761,  Ruth  Eaton,  b.  in  Framingham,  Feb.  16, 
1744,  dau.  of  Noah  and  Hannah  (Vinton)  Eaton.  He  was 
also  a  cordwainer ;  with  wife  was  admitted  to  the  Church  in 
1763.  He  was  a  leading  citizen  of  his  town ;  was  one  of  the 
Committee  of  Correspondence  in  the  stirring  times  of  the  Rev- 
olutionary war ;  was  one  of  the  committee  to  provide  for  the 
families  of  the  soldiers  who  enlisted  into  the  Continental  army, 
and  which  committee  was  continued  with  full  powers  from 
year  to  year  :  assisted  in  Church  affairs  ;  selectman  1777,  '79^ 
'80,  '81,  '82  ;  town  treasurer  1783.  'S6.  During  and  following 
the  war  the  prices  on  goods  were  very  fluctuating,  and  the 
town  chose  a  committee  of  ten  men,  Peter  Parker  being  one, 
to  state  the  prices  of  labor,  country  produce,  manufactures, 
innholders'  charges,  etc.  ;  was  on  a  committee  of  fifteen  to 
examine  the  new  Constitution,  May,  1780:  was  constable  and 
collector,  and  was  a  member  of  the  Framingham  company 
of  alarm  soldiers,  under  Capt.  Emmes,  in  the  French  and 
Indian  war,  1757. 

burning  the  towns  along  the  frontier.  With  his  brother  Jonathan,  Avho  it 
seems  also  inherited  a  love  for  liberty,  he  joined  the  national  troops  in  Penn- 
sylvania in  the  Indian  troubles  of  1790.  Their  success  w^as  varied.  Finally, 
under  Gen.  St.  Clair,  they  were  among  the  force  of  2,000  men  who  proceeded 
westward  and  at  last  arrived  at  the  southeastern  head-waters  of  the  Wabash, 
at  about  where  the  division  of  Ohio  and  Indiana  now  is.  They  had  encamped 
for  their  first  night  on  this  wooded  plain,  and  were  preparing  breakfast,  Nov. 
4,  1791,  when  the  Indians  rushed  furiously  upon  them.  A  stout  resistance 
did  not  prevent  a  bad  defeat  and  retreat,  the  loss  to  the  2,000  being  800  killed 
and  missing.  This  was  known  as  St.  Clair's  defeat  by  the  Indians,  and  in 
this  Aaron  and  Jonathan  Parker  are  said  to  have  perished.  This  ended  St. 
Clair's  career,  and  in  1793,  Gen.  Anthony  Wayne  having  assumed  command, 
sent  a  strong  detachment  to  the  scene  of  the  defeat  who  buried  the  bleaching 
bones  of  600  men  and  built  Fort  Recovery.  Aaron  Parker  was  aged  26  and 
Jonathan  aged  22  at  the  time  of  St.  Clair's  defeat. 


"An  incident  occurred  in  1777  which  made  a  lasting  impression 
on  the  public  mind.  While  Mr.  Wheaton  was  supplying  the  pulpit 
he  negotiated  for  the  purchase  of  a  horse,  and  arranged  with  Mr. 
John  Clayes,  who  lived  at  Salem  End,  where  is  now  the  L.  O. 
Emerson  house,  to  examine  and  try  the  animal.  June  3,  a  little 
before  noon,  some  of  the  neighbors  came  together  to  witness  the 
trial.  Besides  Mr.  Clayes  there  were  present  Abraham  Rice,  Peter 
Parker,  Simon  Pratt  and  his  son  Ephraim.  Mr.  Parker  mounted  the 
horse  and  had  ridden  to  a  considerable  distance  away,  when  a  small 
cloud  suddenly  came  up  from  the  northwest.  On  his  return,  the 
company,  who  had  been  in  the  house  during  his  absence,  came  out 
towards  the  road.  A  few  drops  of  rain  were  at  this  moment  falling. 
As  Mr.  Parker  rode  up  Mr.  Clayes  stepped  outside  the  gate,  leaving 
the  others  leaning  against  the  fence  within,  and  just  as  he  took  the 
horse  by  the  bridle  the  lightning  struck  the  party  and  prostrated  them 
all  on  the  ground.  Mr.  Clayes,  Mr.  Rice  and  the  horse  were 
instantly  killed.  Mr.  Parker  lay  as  if  dead,  but  gradually  recovered 
consciousness,  though  a  long  time  elapsed  before  he  fully  regained 
his  health.  The  boy  who  was  standing  a  short  distance  from  the 
rest  recovered  immediately.  Mr.  Pratt  came  to  slowly  and  suffered 
from  the  .stroke  for  a  long  time.  The  horse  was  struck  in  the  head 
and  marks  of  the  lightning  were  visible  down  both  forelegs.  The 
party  all  wore  woolen  clothes  and  were  all  singed  in  body  and  dress. 
There  was  but  this  single  flash  of  lightning  from  the  cloud  and  only 
a  few  drops  of  rain." — Tejnple. 

The  wife,  Ruth  (Eaton)  Parker,  d.  March  20,  1800.  Peter 
Parker  d.  Nov.  5,  1803,  aged  65. 

Their  children  were  : 

58.  John  Parker,  b.  Nov.  16,  1763  ;  m.  Deborah  Lamb  of  Fram- 

59.  Nathan  Parker,  b.  Oct.   33,   1764;  m.  Catherine  Murdock 
of  Newton. 

60.  Abigail    Parker,   b.   Dec.    15,    1766;    m.    Lovell    Howe  of 

61.  Ruth  Parker,  b.  Jan.  S,  1769;   m.  Joseph  Bigelow.  Jr.,  of 

62.  Experience    Parker,  b.    Feb.    19,    1771  ;     ni.    Dea.    Lutlier 
Haven  of  Framingham. 

63.  Patty  Parker,  b.  April    15,   1773;    m.  Eleazer   Bullard  of 

64.  Sally    Parker,  b.   May   35,    1775;    m.  William    Eames  of 



Peter  Parker,  b.  March  i6,  1777;  d.  Dec.  17,  1784. 

65.  JosiAH  Parker,  b.  April  26,  1779;  m.  Olive  Stone  of  Fram- 

66.  Artemas    Parker,   b.   Dec.    20,    1781  ;    m.   Almy    Clark   of 

Anne  Parker,  b.  April  25,  17S4;  d.  Jan.  8,  1785. 
Peter  Parker,  b.  July  10.  1787  ;  d.  May  7,  1788. 

21.  Submit  Parker  (Jo/in,^  Jokn,^  Hananmh,^ 
Thomas'),  dau.  of  John  and  Experience  (Clayes)  Parker,  b. 
in  Framingham,  Dec.  3,  1742  ;  m.  Thomas  Bent,  Jr.,  b.  July 
4,  1738.  He  was  the  fourth  generation  in  descent  from  the 
emigrant  ancestor,  John  Bent,  who  came  from  Penton,  Eng., 
in  the  ship  Conscience,  in  1638,  and  settled  in  Sudbury.  He, 
Thomas,  bought  June  14,  1764,  of  Elias  Whitney  60  acres 
(the  Joel  Coolidge  place),  which  he  sold  1786  to  Jos.  Bixby. 
He  bought  June  13,  1766,  of  James  Glover,  31  acres,  the  old 
Dr.  Timothy  Merriam  place,  which  he  sold  1785.  He  built 
the  old  Dr.  Merriam  house  ;  was  taxed  1787  ;  probably  d.  that 

The  children  recorded  in  Framingham  were  : 

Alvan  Bent.  b.  June  3,  1769  ;  m.  Olive  Rice. 
Polly  Bent,  b.  April  5,  1771. 
Betsey  Bent,  bap.  July  18,  i779- 

22.  Eunice  Parker  (yonas,^  Andrezv,^  'John,^  Hana- 
niah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Jonas  and  Lucy  (Monroe)  Parker, 
m.  June  9,  1772,  Asa  Morse  of  Newton,  b.  Dec.  30,  1748  ;  d. 
1815.  Was  a  descendant  of  the  fifth  generation  from  Samuel 
Morse,  who  came  to  America  1635,  and  settled  at  Dedham 

They  lived  at  Newton  for  many  years.  He  m.  as  2nd  wife 
Parthena  Wetherbee  and  resided  at  Sturbridge.  The  children 
may  not  all  have  been  by  Eunice  Parker. 

Their  children  were  : 

Parker  L.  Morse,  who  m.  and  had  Emeline.     She  m.  Jedediah 

Bottom  of  Southbridge. 
Lucy  Morse. 
Polly  Morse. 


WiLLARD  Morse. 

IsA  Morse,  lived  in  Southbridge.     He  is  now  deceased  and  left  no 

Moses  Morse. 

23.  Jonas  Parker  (  Jonas, ^Andrew, '^  'John.T'Hananiah,^ 
Thomas^),  son  of  Jonas  and  Lucy  (Monroe)  Parker,  was  b. 
in  Lexington,  July  10,  1753;  m.  Aug.  15,  1776,  Martha 
Hasley  of  Billerica.  He  was  a  wheelwright,  following  the 
trade  of  his  ancestors.  He  succeeded  to  his  father's  estate, 
and  with  Martha,  his  wife,  was  admitted  to  the  Church  Feb. 
28,  1779.  Just  well  started  in  life,  however,  he  d.  July  14, 
1783,  and  his  widow  administered  on  his  estate. 

Their  children  were  : 

Patty  Parker,  bap.  May  16,  1779.)  rp    . 
Betty  Parker,  bap.  May  16,  1779.) 
John  H.  Parker,  bap.  Nov.  26,  1780. 
Jonas  Parker,  b.  March  2,  1783. 

It  is  probable  that  these  children  removed  from  town  with 
the  mother  soon  after  1783,  as  no  records  are  found  of  them 
after  that  date.  May  the  descendants  of  these  children,  if  anv 
there  be,  let  it  be  known  who  they  are  and  where  they  may 
be  found. 

24.  Philemon  Parker  (Jonas,^  Andrczv.^  JoJnu^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Jonas  and  Lucy  (Monroe) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Lexington  in  1755.  After  the  decease  of 
his  father  he  removed  to  Princeton,  where  his  uncle  Thomas 
Parker,  Esq.,  and  son  Ebenezer  Parker  had  already  settled. 
He  purchased  of  Thomas  Parker  in  1787  apart  of  the  "Black 
Grove  Farm"  for  £600.  He  lived  at  the  spot  where  is  now 
a  cellar-hole,  not  far  from  the  Keyes  place  in  East  Princeton. 
He  purchased  a  grist-mill  and  mill  privilege  of  Ebenezer 
Parker  in  1800.  He  owned  a  kit  of  boot  maker's  tools  and 
was  familiar  with  the  trade.  He  lived  later  for  a  time  in 
Sturbridge,  then  in  Richmond,  N.  H.,  and  in  Peru,  Vt.,  after 
which  he  settled  in  Chester,  Vt.,  where  he  lived  a  few  \cars. 
His  wife  was  probably  Susan  Stone,  by  whom  all  the  children 
were  born.     She  d.  April  17,  1812,  aged  52.     He  then  went 


to  live  in  Richmond,  N.  H.,  where  he  built  the  large  two-story 
house  for  Elisha  Perry.*  He  was  a  good  carpenter.  They 
lived  together  in  the  house  until  1822,  the  former  working  at 
his  trade,  the  latter  cultivating  the  farm.  He  m.  2nd  in  1814, 
Rhoda  Bump  Boyce  of  Richmond,  N.  H.  She  was  the  dau. 
of  Jacob  Bump.f  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of  Richmond. 
Her  first  husband  was  Jacob  Boyce,  who  was  killed  by  the 
kick  of  a  horse.'  He  returned  to  Chester,  Vt.,  and  there  he 
d.  Feb.  7,  1829,  aged  74  years. 

The  children  were  : 

Sullivan  Parker,  b.  probably  17S3  ;  d.  April  26,  1827. 
Jonas  Parker,  b.  July  i,  1785  ;  d.  Dec.  29,  1810.  -\ 

67.  Sally  Parker,  b.  July   i,  1785;    ni.   Samuel  Burt     Twins, 
of  Newton.  j 

68.  Nancv  Parker,  b.   Sept.   28,  17S6;   m.  Timothy  Wyman  of 
Chester,  Vt.(?) 

Anna  Parker,  b.  probably  1787;  d.  "Feb.  14,  1811,  aged  19."! 
Nathan  Parker,  b.  17S8;  d.  "Dec.  19,  1810.  aged  22." 
Susannah  Parker,  b.  probably  1789;  d.  "Jan.  14,  181 1,  aged  2r." 
LuciNDA  Parker,  b.  probably   1793;  m.  John  Jacobs;  d.   "Feb. 
12,  1815,  aged  21." 

69.  Luther  Parker,  b.  April  7,  1796;  m.  Dolly  Byam  "\ 
ofTempleton.  -Twins. 

70.  Cal\in  Parker,  b.  April  7,  1796:   m.  Seba  Cutler.  J 

71.  John  Parker,  b.  in  Princeton,  June  11,  1798. 

25.  Anna  Parker  (Amos,^  Andrew,^  John,^  Hananiak,^ 
Thomas^),  dau.  of  Amos  and  Anna  C.  (Stone)  Parker,  was 
b.  in  Holden,  Oct.  6,  1746;  m.  Feb.  28,  1788,  Dea.  Jonas 
Stone  of  Shrewsbury  as  his  second  wife.  He  was  an  ardent 
friend  of  his  country  in  her  Revolutionar}^  struggle  ;  repre- 
sented the  town  in  General  Court,  when  held  at  Watertown, 

*Hon.  Amos  A.  Parker  of  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H.,  writes:  "I  knew  Elisha 
Perrv  verv  well,  his  farm  adjoined  Fitzwilliam  line,  and  he  did  his  store  busi- 
ness here.  I  have  been  to  his  house,  — a  large  two-story  house  of  some  sixteen 
rooms.  He  had  a  good  large  farm  and  was  a  good  farmer  and  a  man  of 

+  Jacob  Bump  came  to  Richmond  from  Smithfield,  R.  I.,  Sept.  29,  1760.  He 
d.  Dec.  17,  1829,  aged  92.     He  had  ten  children,  of  whom  Rhoda  was  the  sixth. 

+  The  record  of  Anna,  Nathan,  Susannah,  and  Lucinda  Parker  is  found  in 
Philemon  Parker's  family  Bible. 


Mav  19,  1775,  and  rendered  long  and  important  services  in 
town  and  parish  affairs.  He  d.  March  22,  1809,  aged  83  ; 
his  widow  then,  Jan.  18,  1810,  m.  Dea.  Ebenezer  Reed,  then 
of  Shrewsbury,  but  afterwards  of  Worcester.    She  left  no  issue. 

26.  Amos  Parker  (Amos,^  Andrew,^  yohn,^  Hananiah,^ 
Thomas'),  son  of  x\mos  and  Anna  C.  (Stone)  Parker,  was 
b.  in  Holden,  Sept.  26,  1748;  m.  in  Barre,  by  the  Rev. 
Joseph  Dana,  Dec.  25,  1771,  Lucy  R.  Robinson  of  Barre.  Her 
father,  Dennison  Robinson,  was  an  intimate  friend  of  Andrew 
Parker,  Jr.,  lived  near  him  in  Rutland  District  and  sold  him 
land  there  in  1777.  It  seems  that  his  family  was  brought  into 
notice  of  the  Shrewsbury  Parkers  through  Andrew  Parker. 
Great  farm.  No.  i,  of  Hubbardston,  lay  in  the  west  corner  of 
the  town,  and  contained  481  acres  of  new  timber  land,*  the 
Burnshirt  river  and  the  valuable  water  supply  which  now 
feeds  the  Williamsville  Mills.  Upon  the  marriage  of  his  son, 
Amos  Parker,  Sr.,  made  him  a  possessor  of  part  of  his  Hub- 
bardston estate,  and  they  removed  there  immediately  follow- 
ing. The  next  3^ear  he  bought  93  acres  more  of  his  father. 
The  remainder  of  the  land  was  sold  partly  to  "Mr.  Dennison 
Robinson  of  Rutland,"  who  took  98  acres,  and  to  his  brother, 
"Thomas  Parker,  together  with  John  Chandler,  both  of  Lex- 
ington, Gentlemen." 

Dennison  Robinson  m.  at  Rochester,  Mass.,  Oct.  12,  1752, 
Martha,  dau.  of  Elijah  Perry  of  Sandwich.  They  removed 
to  Rutland  District  (Barre)  in  1754,  ^^^  their  dau.  Lucy  R. 
was  there  b.  March  i,  1755.  Her  grandfather  was  James 
Robinson,  whose  wife  was  Patience,  dau.  of  Samuel  Ruggles 

*At  an  earlj  day  the  Willard  family  purchased  a  tract  12  miles  square  of  the 
Indians.  Thev  named  the  N.  W.,  E.,  and  N.  E.  divisions  Rutland,  the  E.  wing 
Princeton,  and  the  W.  wing  Oakham.  They  first  offered  "  Rutland"  for  com- 
mon settlement,  and  made  two  divisions,  viz.  :  the  N.  W.  district  which  was 
named  Hubbardston,  and  the  N.  E.  district  Barre.  The  land  was  then  divided 
into  great  and  small  farms.  The  name  of  the  town  which  has  bounded  Great 
P'arm  No.  i,  on  the  north  has  been  changed  five  times.  It  was  first  "  Narra- 
gansett  No.  6,"  and  which  name  we  find  mentioned  in  an  early  deed  of  the 
place;  later  it  was  called  "Gerry,"  afterwards  changed  to  Phillipston,  then 
the  Burnshirt  river  was  made  to  divide  Templeton,  a  part  of  original  Phillips- 
ton,  and  present  Phillipston  the  remainder. 



of  Roxbury.  James  was  son  of  Thomas,  and  this  Thomas 
was  son  of  Thomas  Robinson. 

Amos  Parker,  Jr.,  was  joined  soon  by  his  brother  Isaac 
Parker,  who  lived  on  the  same  Great  Farm  with  Amos  for 
four  years  and  then  removed  to  Westborough.  Their  cousin 
Levi  Parker  was  their  neighbor  as  well. 

Amos  Parker  was  thus  a  first  settler  and  one  of  the  builders 
of  the  town  of  Hubbardston.  He  was  a  very  worthy  citizen, 
esteemed  and  loved  by  all.  He  was,  it  is  needless  to  say,  a 
man  of  much  and  varied  ability,  and  a  successful  farmer. 
He  extended  his  possessions  into  "Gerry,"  besides  owning 
"a  mill  spot  in  Templeton  adjoining  with  mill  and  buildings 
thereon."  He  d.  1801,  at  the  early  age  of  53  ;  she  d.  1845, 
aged  90. 

The  dates  of  birth  of  the  children  of  Amos  and  Lucy 
(Robinson)  Parker  have  not  all  been  ascertained,  but  their 
names  and  order  of  birth  were  as  follows  : 

72.  LuciNDA  Parker,  m.  Nathaniel  Bangs. 

73.  Joseph  Parker,  b.  i772(?)  ;  m.  Relief  Earl. 

74.  Sylvester  Parker,  b.  May  31,  1774;  ni.  Alice  Davis. 

75.  Patty  Parker,  m.  •  Felton,  and  had  a  son  Horatio. 

A  child,  b.  and  d. 

76.  Dana  R.  Parker,  b.  Nov.  4,  17S1  ;   m.  Sarah  Williams. 

77.  Amory  Parker,  b.  Dec.  8,  1783  ;  m.  Lydia  Parker. 

78.  Lucy  Parker,  m.  Jan.  13,  181 3,  Sihis  Richardson. 
Amos  Parker,  b.  ;  d.  in  boyhood. 

27.  Isaac  Parker  (Amos,^  Andrezv,"^  John,^  Hana- 
niah,-  Thomas^),  son  of  Amos  and  Anna  C.  (Stone)  Parker, 
was  b.  in  Shrewsbury,  July  15,  1750;  m.  May  16,  1770, 
Marger}'  Maynard  of  Westborough,  b.  Dec.  30,  1749.  He 
was  probably  named  in  memory  of  Isaac  Stone  of  Lexington, 
who  in  1768  showed  his  good  will  by  a  deed  of  gift  of  five 
acres  of  land  in  Shrewsbury  to  Isaac  Parker,  with  the  follow- 
ing testimonial : 

"for  and  in  consideration  of  the  aftectson  which  I  have  towards 
Isaac  Parker  of  Shr.  in  Co.  of  Wore.  Minor,  and  second  son  of 
Amos  Parker  of  s"^  Shr.  and  in  Con.  of  being  called  Isaac  and  for 
divers  other  Good  Causes  &  Cons  me  herunto  moving." 


He  served  in  the  Revolutionary  war.  His  services  have 
not  been  ascertained,  but  it  is  known  that  he  was  honored 
with  the  title  of  Lieut,  as  is  recorded  upon  the  Westborough 
records.  After  marriage  he  removed  to  Hubbardston,  where  his 
brother  Amos  had  already  settled,  and  remained  three  years. 
In  1773  he  bought  a  farm  in  the  west  part  of  Princeton  ;  was 
miller  and  farmer.  Then  in  1777  he  bought  80  acres  in  West- 
borough  of  David  Maynard,  and  there  settled  for  life.  He 
dealt  with  Joseph  Baker,  later  of  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  and  bought 
largely  in  Westborough.  He  was  an  energetic  farmer  ;  had 
also  saw-mills  and  dams.  He  lived  one  mile  southwest  of  the 
village,  adjoining  the  old  Maynard  homestead. 

His  death  occurred  Jan.  16,  1798.  This  death  was  the  first 
out  of  the  seven  sons.  Judge  Nahum  Parker  of  Fitzwilliam, 
N.  H.,  informed  his  brother,  Rev.  Frederick  Parker  of  Canter- 
bury, N.  H.,  of  the  sad  event.  The  latter  replied  in  a  loving 
manner  by  letter  dated  Feb.  20,  1798,  as  follows  : 

"  Exactly  as  you  anticipated  I  received  &  opened  your  letter, 
looked  first  to  the  name  of  the  signer,  finding  that  it  came  from  my 

well  beloved  B"".  N pleased  myself  with  the  expectation  of  news, 

&c.,  in  the  usual  entertaining  way,  but  soon  I  found  it  to  contain 
news  indeed — Am  Sorry  to  hear  of  Betsey's  illness.  B^  HoUis,  for 
former  deaths  and  present  sickness  in  his  family  has  my  sympathy — 
But  how  was  I  astonished  beyond  all  measure  to  learn  of  the  calami- 
tous tidings  from  Westborough — Alas  poor  Isaac  !  who  showed  me 
his  mill  and  presented  me  with  a  neat  box  filled  with  maple  sugar 
the  first  year  he  lived  at  Princeton  when  I  was  but  a  child  &  first 
went  so  far  from  home. — Who  visited  me  at  Cambridge,  and  lent  me 
money  to  help  me  out  of  college — came  from  Westboro  to  Casco  Bay 
more  than  150  miles  to  see  me  and  was  always  good  to  me  ;  at  whose 
house  both  you  and  I  have  often  been  treated  with  good  cheer  but 
what  was  more  with  right  true  brotherly  love. 

"  Even  he  has  paid  his  debt  to  nature  and  well  may  all  of  us  be 
sorrowful  that  now  we  shall  '  see  his  face  no  more.'  Many  have 
been  his  kindnesses  to  me  and  the  recollection  of  which  is  both 
pleasing  and  painful.  It  seems  now  as  I  never  had  thanked  him 
enough  and  certain  it  is  I  never  knew  before  how  much  I  loved  him." 

Widow  Margery  Maynard  Parker  d.  April  20  or  30,  1801. 

Their  children  were  : 


79.  Joel  Parker,  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Sept.  i6,  1770;  m.  Hannah 
Bond,  native  of  Marlborough. 

80.  Gardiner  Parker,  b.  in  Hubbardston,  March  4,  1772;  m. 
Asenath  Sherman. 

81.  Otis  Parker,  b.  in  Princeton,  April   i,  1774;  m.  (i)   Polly 
Ann  Nourse  of  Westborough,  (2) Kendall. 

82.  Jabez  Maynard  Parker,  b.  in  Princeton,  Aug.  9,  1776;  m. 
Nancy  Patterson  of  Framingham. 

Lucy  Parker,  b.  in  Westborough,  Aug.  z^j,  1778  ;  d.  Oct.  5,  1795. 
Anna  Parker,  b.  in  Westborough,  May  25,  17S1  ;  d.  Nov.  7,  1795. 

83.  Sophia    Parker,    b.    in    Westborough,    Dec.   30,    17S3;    m. 
Stephen  Green. 

84.  David  Parker,  b.  in  Westborough,  May  i,  1785;  m.  Betsey 
Eager  of  Northborough. 

85.  Lewis    Parker,    b.    in    Westborough,  March    i,    1787;    m. 
Elizabeth  Seaver  of  Sterling. 

28.  Hollis  Parker  (Amos,^  A7idrew,\  yohn,^^  Hana- 
niah,-  T/iomas'),  son  of  Amos  and  Anna  C.  (Stone)  Parker, 
was  b.  in  Shrewsbury,  Oct.  2,  1752.  He  served  in  the 
Revolutionary  war.  He  m.  1775,  Louisa  Bragg  of  Royalston, 
who  was  b.  in  Northborough,  June  27,  1754.  They  settled  in 
Hubbardston,  where  in  1774  his  father,  of  Shrewsbury,  trans- 
ferred 95  acres  of  his  ''Great  Farm  No.  one"  in  Hubbardston 
to  him.  This  was  in  the  western  corner  of  the  town.  He 
lived  in  the  near  neighborhood  of  his  brother  Amos  Parker, 
Esq.,  of  Hubbardston.  He  later,  with  his  brother  Isaac 
Parker,  removed  to  the  eastern  corner  of  the  town,  where  they 
lived  as  neighbors  upon  the  same  "Great  Farm."  It  was  here 
where  their  distant  cousin,  Levi  Parker,  native  of  Lincoln, 
lived,  who  was  also  a  Revolutionary  veteran.  This  "Great 
Farm"  was  afterward  set  oft'  to  Princeton,  in  which  town 
Hollis  Parker  lived  a  few  years.  He  returned  to  Shrewsbury 
in  1 791,  when  he  succeeded  to  his  father's  homestead  and 
bought  oft'  all  his  kindred's  shares,  and  lived  thereon  until  his 
death,  the  place  passing  in  his  declining  years  into  the  posses- 
sion of  his  son.  Dr.  Amos  Parker,  and  by  this  name,  "The 
Dr.  Parker  place,"  the  old  Shrewsbury  Parker  homestead  is 
known  to  this  day.  He  kept  the  appearance  of  the  estate 
pretty  much  the  same  as  in  his  father's  time,  as  he  himself 
told  his  nephew,  A.  A.  Parker  of  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H..  who  is 


Still  living  (1892).  He  loved  his  relatives:  he  appreciated 
their  society  and  worth.  He  once  travelled  from  Shrewsbury 
to  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  over  150  miles,  to  visit  his  brother  and 
family.  At  another  time  we  find  him  in  Portland,  Me.,  with 
his  brothers  Frederick  and  Isaac,  at  about  the  year  1780.  He 
is  remembered  by  his  nephew  as  a  man  of  strong  physique, 
possessing  much  intellectual  power  and  fond  of  learning.  He 
was  a  man  of  noble  nature,  but  was  unfortunate  in  his  marriage. 

Their  children  were  : 

Mary  Jennisox  Parker,  d.  in  infancy. 
A  son,  d.  in  infancy. 

86.  Amos  Parker,  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Oct,  17.  1777  ;  m.  Elizabeth 
Whitney  of  Bolton. 

87.  Mary  Jexnison  Parker,  b.  in  Hubbardston,  July  31,  17S0; 
m.  (i)  Josiah  Harrington,  (3)  Asahel  Allen. 

Silas  Parker,  d.  young. 
Frederick  Parker,  d.  young. 

88.  SiLANCE  Parker,  b.  Oct.  17,  17S6  ;  m.  James  Hall  of  Shrews- 

Silas  Parker,  b.  Oct.  17,  1788;  d.  1836,  unm. 

Anna  Parker,  b.  Dec.  23,  1790.      Ir^y    • 

Betsey  Parker,  b.  Dec.  23,  1790.  J 

HoLLis  Parker,  b.  in  Shrewsbury,  March  23,  1793  ;    m.  Nov.  13, 

1817,  Pamelia  Ann  Pease,  dau.  of  Levi  Pease,  Jr.     They  removed 

from  town.     They  may  have  had  issue,  but  I  have  no  record  of 

Henry  Parker,  b.  in  Shrewsbury,  May  10,  1795  ;  m.  iSi^,  Sarah 

Fuller  of  Phillipston.      She  d.  in  Shrewsbury,  May  4,  1S19,  aged 

23.     Of  his  issue  or  history  little  is  known. 

29.  Maj.  Elisha  Parker  (Amos.s  Andrczv,^  Jo/iu,^ 
Ifanantah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Amos  and  Anna  C.  (Stone) 
Parker,  b.  1754;  served  in  the  Revolutionary  war;  m.  Sally, 
dau.  of  Esq.  Joseph  Baker  and  wife  Martha  Death  of  West- 
borough.  He  was  a  man  of  energy  and  enterprise,  and 
dealt  largely  in  land.  In  Templeton,  Westminster,  Winchen- 
don,  Sterling  and  Phillipston  he  bought  and  sold  much  origi- 
nal land.  He  first  settled  in  Templeton,  where,  until  about 
1788,  he  was  quite  active  in  the  early  settlement  of  the  town. 
He  then  removed  to  Gerry,  of  which  town  he  was  an  early 


and  influential  settler.  This  is  now  Phillipston.  He  lived  in 
the  house  and  upon  the  farm  now  occupied  by  J.  Damon 
Parker  of  that  town.  From  this  place  he  again  entered  the 
U.  S.  service,  enlisting  as  a  private  but  returning  as  Major. 

The  father-in-law,  Esq.  Baker,  was  one  of  the  early  pio- 
neers of  Vermont.  He  removed  through  the  settled  part  of 
the  State,  pushed  on  beyond  new  towns  into  the  virgin  for- 
ests to  the  northern  part,  where  he  founded  and  was  the  first 
settler  of  the  thriving  town  of  Bakersfield.  It  was  one  year 
before  his  wife  and  daughter  saw  the  face  of  a  woman,  then 
Stephen  Maynard,  their  son-in-law,  and  wife  came.  They 
were  followed  in  1800  by  Maj.  Elisha  Parker  and  family,  and 
later  by  his  nephews.  In  this  way  Bakersfield  was  settled  for 
the  most  part  by  Mr.  Baker's  descendants.  Maj.  Parker  settled 
in  the  south  part  of  the  town.  He  was  a  worthy  citizen  and  a 
kind  father. 

He  was  a  fine  singer,  as  quite  a  number  of  the  family  were. 
And  when  he  and  his  brother  Nahum  lived  at  Gerry,  and  they 
two  were  in  the  singers'  seats,  no  matter  who  else  sang  or  did 
not  sing,  the  audience  had  very  line  singing.  Nahum's  voice 
was  for  the  bass,  and  Elisha  sang  the  air  or  leading  part  and 
had  great  compass  of  voice,  which  was  bold,  sonorous  and 
powerful.  He  could  sound  the  highest  notes  with  perfect  ease 
and  no  one  could  wish  to  hear  a  sweeter  voice.  Had  he 
turned  his  attention  to  music  he  might  have  been  one  of  the 
celebrities  of  the  country. 

He  d.  Nov.  9,  1818.  His  widow,  Mrs.  Sally  (Baker) 
Parker,  survived  him  and  went  to  live  with  her  son,  Jonas 
Parker,  until  her  death,  which  occurred  Jan.  7,  1838. 

Elisha  Parker's  commission  is  still  preserved  : 

"  By  His  Excellency  Increase  Suainer,  Esq.,  Governor  and 
Commander  in  Chief  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts. 
"  Increase  Sumner  to  Elisha  Parker,  Esquire.  Greeting  : 
"  You  being  appointed  Major  of  the  fifth  Regiment  in  the  Second 
Brigade  Seventh  Division  of  the  Militia  of  this  Commonwealth,  By 
Virtue  of  the  Power  vested  in  me  I  do  by  these  Presents  (reposing 
special  Trust  and  Confidence  in  your  Ability,  Courage,  and  good 
Conduct)  Commission  you  accordingly  : — You  are,  therefore,  care- 
fully and   diligently   to   discharge   the   Duty   of  Major  in   Leading, 


Ordering,  and  Exercising  said  Regiment  in  Arms,  both  inferior  Offi- 
cers and  Soldiers  ;  and  to  keep  them  in  good  Order  and  Discipline  : 
and  they  are  hereby  commanded  to  obey  you  as  their  Major.  And 
you  are  yourself  to  observe  and  follow  such  orders  and  Instructions, 
as  you  shall  from  Time  to  Time  receive  from  me,  or  your  superior 

"Given  under  my  Hand,  and  the  Seal  of  the  Said  Commonwealth 
the  fourth  Day  of  September  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  1797,  and  in 
the  Twenty  Second  Year  of  the  Independence  of  the  United  States 
of  America. 

''John  Avery,  Sec'y." 

His  eldest  dau.,  Sally  E.  Parker,  thus  wrote  to  her  uncle 
Nahum  Parker,  Esq.,  of  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H.,  under  date  of 
Nov.  14,  1818  : 

"  My  Dear  Uncle  Nahum  : 

"  Gladly  would  I  save  you  the  trouble  of 
reading  a  letter  of  my  composing,  but  it  must  not  be  so — I  must 
write,  tho  it  wrings  my  heart.  Death  has  come  boldly  and  resolutely 
into  our  windows  and  taken  my  Dear  Father  and  laid  him  low,  even 
in  the  grave.  Yes,  Dear  Uncle,  your  Brother  Elisha  and  my 
Father,  lies  shrowded  in  the  tomb  !  !  He  died  on  Monday  morn, 
about  five  oclock,  aged  almost  sixty  four.  O  Hard  we  find  it  to 
part  with  our  Father — There  was  everything  done  for  him  that  could 
be  done  ;  my  Mother  waited  on  him  by  night  and  by  day,  and  now 
she  bears  up  her  trouble  with  Christian  fortitude.  We  have  always 
been  to  my  Father  for  advice,  and  now  when  we  want  his  advice  the 
most  we  can  not  have  it.  Uncle,  if  you  lived  here  what  a  benefit 
you  would  be  to  us.  We  all  join  with  Mother  in  sending  love  to 
you  and  Aunt,  and  all  your  children.  Dear  Uncle,  may  we  all  be 
prepared  to  meet  Death,  whenever  it  comes.     Adieu. 

"  Sally  E.  Parker." 

Their  children  were  : 

Sally  E.  Parker,  b.  Jan.  10,  1780  ;  d.  unm.  at  her  brother  Elijah's 
home  at  Cambria,  N.  Y.  She  was  a  school-teacher,  a  very 
accomplished  and  remarkable  lady. 

89.  Betsey  Parker,  b.  March  35,  17S2;  m.  Gardner  Paige, 
native  of  Ilardwick. 

90.  Lydia  Parker,  b.  March  8,  17S4  ;  m,  Amory  Parker  (cousin), 
native  of  Hubbardston. 


91.  Elisha  Parker,  b.  Nov.  23,  1787  ;  m.  Eunice  Dean") 

of  Barnard,  Vt.  1  . 

92.  Elijah  Parker,  b.  Nov.  23,  1787  ;  m.  Rhody  Butler  1 
of  Fairfield,  Vt.  j 

93.  Patty  Parker,  b.  May  3,  1790;  m.  Elijah  Barnes. 
Francis  D.  Parker,  b.  May  13,  1792  ;  d.  Feb.  9,  1793. 
Francis  Dana  Parker,  b.  July  18,  1794.     He  removed  from  town 

but  where  he  settled  is  not  known. 
Augusta  Parker,  b.  May  29,  1796;  d.  April  3,  1809. 

94.  James  Sullivan  Parker,  b.  Aug.  i,  1798. 

95.  Jonas  Parker,  b.  Sept.  15,  1800;  m.  Lima  Freeman,  native 
of  Barnard,  Vt. 

Frederick  Parker,  b.  Aug.  10,  1802  ;  d.  Dec.  4,  1804. 
Frederick  Parker,  b.  April  11,  1805  ;  d.  May  7,  1809. 

30.      Ephraim  Parker  ( Amos, ^  Andrew,^  yohn,^  Hana 
niah,'^  Thomas^),  the   fifth  son   of  Amos   and   Anna   (Stone) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Shrewsbury,  Oct.  4,  1757  ;  d.  Dec.  i,  1810, 
aged  53  years. 

[The  following  sketch  was  written  by  Hon.  Amos  A. 
Parker  of  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H.,  who  still  survives,  aged  100 
years,  to  tell  us  the  true  story  of  the  olden  time  :] 

Ephraim  Parker  was  a  Revolutionary  soldier,  but  the  time 
of  service  cannot  be  ascertained.  There  were  seven  brothers 
and  all  but  the  youngest  went  into  the  army.  The  latter, 
Frederick  Parker,  was  too  young  to  be  a  soldier,  but  he  was 
also  a  firm  patriot  and  wrote  encouraging  letters  to  his  brothers 
while  in  actual  service  ;  some  of  them  are  now  before  me. 

Ephraim  Parker,  after  the  Revolution,  went  to  Royalston 
and  resided  there  a  few  years,  then  removed  to  Fitzwilliam, 
N.  H.,  in  1786,  and  settled  on  two  lots  of  land  in  the  west  part 
of  the  town  and  bordering  on  Richmond  town  line.  After  he 
had  cleared  land  and  erected  a  comfortable  house  he  m. 
Abigail  Baker  of  Royalston.  She  was  a  cousin  of  Abel 
Baker,  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of  the  town  of  Fitzwilliam, 
and  her  residence  was  near  that  of  her  cousin  ;  so  they  were 
neighbors  during  life. 

Ephraim  Parker  was  a  good  and  successful  farmer.  He 
owned  some  200  acres  of  good  land,  which  he  so  well  culti- 
vated that  in  time  it  became  one  of  the  best  farms  in  town. 


He  had  two  large  barns,  sheds,  corn-barns,  etc.,  all  in  their 
season  well  filled  of  the  products  of  the  farm,  such  as  hay, 
grain  and  vegetables.  He  had  much  to  sell  besides  supplying 
his  own  family.  He  was  a  man  of  good  judgment,  honest  and 
exact  in  all  his  dealings,  and  might  have  filled  many  of  the 
offices  of  the  town,  but  he  would  not  take  any,  though  often 
urged  to  do  so.  And  the  only  office  he  was  ever  known  to 
take  was  that  of  highway  surveyor  in  his  own  district.  On 
being  asked  the  reason  of  his  declining  all  office,  he  said  he 
preferred  \\\s  farm,  oih^rs,  ^preferred  o^cq,  and  so  his  course 
of  life  was  gratifying  to  himself,  and  to  his  fellow-citizens  also, 
and  therefore  was  a  wise  course  to  take. 

He  lived  on  a  farm  bordering  on  the  Richmond  town  line 
on  the  west,  and  my  father,  Nahum  Parker,  lived  on  a  lot 
bordering  on  the  Rindge  town  line  on  the  east,  so  they  were 
as  far  apart  as  they  could  be  and  live  in  the  same  town.  Six 
miles  of  the  town  was  between  them,  but  as  the  roads  were  at 
the  time  it  was  one  mile  further,  but  notwithstanding  the  seven 
miles  the  families  frequently  visited,  generally  on  horseback. 

Both  brothers  were  constant  attendants  at  meeting  on  Sun- 
day, and  at  noon,  in  some  secluded  place,  they  met  and  had  an 
hour's  interesting  conference.  If  anything  happened  so  that 
my  father  did  not  attend  meeting  I  had  to  take  his  place  at  the 
noon  conference.  But  it  was  no  irksome  task,  for  he  was  a 
man  of  mind,  solid  good  sense,  a  great  reader  and  interesting 
in  conversation.  Although  pleasant  "in  manner,"  he  was 
always  sedate.  I  never  heard  him  laugh  or  crack  a  joke  or 
make  a  pun. 

Strangely  enough  (although  not  a  solitary  case),  as  he 
became  rich  he  felt  poo?-^  and  as  he  became  richer  and  richer 
he  felt  poorer  and  poorer,  until  he  really  imagined  he  should 
come  to  want.  He  was  on  the  alert,  looked  after  his  affairs 
with  much  zeal,  urged  economy  at  his  table  and  in  all  things, 
indoors  and  out.  My  father  tried  every  way  to  convince  him 
that  he  was  really  far  above  want,  that  it  was  not  possible  he 
should  end  life  in  a  poor-house,  that  he  had  an  abundance  of 
property,  and  no  probability  of  any  loss,  but  rt//,  allm  vain. 
No  one  could  convince  him  of  the  true  state  of  his  affairs, 
though  he  "rose  from  the  dead." 


This,  finally  increased  as  time  wore  on,  so  much  so  he  could 
not  sleep  nights  in  any  good,  quiet,  healthy  sleep,  and  some 
nights  none  at  all.  At  last,  he  became  an  excited  monomaniac, 
and  on  the  first  day  of  December,  1810,  after  a  sleepless  night, 
he  rose  at  daybreak,  went  to  his  corn-barn  and  with  the  reins 
of  a  harness  strangled  himself  I  Thus  lived  and  thus  died 
Ephraim  Parker, — an  honest  man,  good  citizen,  kind  husband 
and  true  friend,  and  in  the  full  vigor  of  health,  wealth  and  at 
the  early  age  of  53. 

My  uncle,  Hollis  Parker,  came  from  Shrewsbury  to  attend 
the  funeral.  I  went  with  them,  the  Rev.  Mr.  Sabin  officiated, 
and  it  was  an  impressive  scene,  better  imagined  than  described. 
At  the  grave-yard,  after  the  body  was  place  in  the  grave,  Mr. 
Sabin  came  forth  and  made  a  short  address — more  fervent  and 
pathetic  than  I  ever  heard  him  before  or  since.  He  began 
"In  the  midst  of  life  we  are  in  death,"  and  closed  with  "Let 
this  event  be  another  instance  of  the  frail  nature  of  man." 

He  had  but  one  child,  a  daughter,  named  Abigail,  after  her 

96.     Abigail   Parker,  b.  March  5,   1796;    m.  March  31,   1S12, 
Joshua  Worcester  of  Jaffrey,  N.  H. 

The  widow  of  Ephraim  Parker  m.  for  a  second  husband, 
March  24,  1814,  Jonas  Fay  of  Mason,  N.  H.  She  d.  Feb.  13, 
1840,  aged  82. 

31.  Hon.  Nahum  Parker  (Amos,^  Andrew,'^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas"^),  son  of  Amos  and  Anna  Curwen 
(Stone)  Parker.  This  sketch  is  a  son's  memory  of  his  honored 
father.  It  was  written  in  April,  1889,  ^J  Hon.  Amos  A. 
Parker  in  the  98th  year  of  his  age. 

Nahum  Parker,  the  sixth  son  of  Amos  Parker  of  Shrews- 
bury, was  b.  at  Shrewsbury,  March  4,  1760.  He  was  a 
Revolutionary  soldier  and  went  to  the  war  at  the  early  age  of 
16  years  ;  was  in  the  Continental  army  ;  was  at  the  surrender 
of  Burgoyne  at  Saratoga  in  1777. 

After  the  war  he  m.  and  settled  in  Gerry,  now  Phillipston, 
August  II,  1783.  He  moved  to  Shrewsbury  in  1784,  and  to 
Fitzwilliam,  N.  H,,  in  March,  1786.  The  History  of  Fitz- 
■williani  truthfully  says  : 


Hon.  Nahum  Parker. 

"The  fidelity  and  ability  of  Mr.  Parker  were  at  once  recognized 
by  the  people  of  Fitzwilliam,  and  he  was  soon  called  to  fill  offices  of 
trust.  The  proprietors  of  the  township  elected  him  their  clerk  and 
treasurer,  and  he  held  these  offices  till  the  closing  up  of  the  business 
of  the  proprietors  in  1815.  Though  not  admitted  as  a  lawyer,  he 
was  well  acquainted  with  the  forms  and  merits  of  civil  proceedings, 
and  brought  to  all  his  public  duties  a  well  trained  mind,  a  habit  of 
exactness  in  all  legal  proceedings,  and  accounting  for  all  the  funds  in 
his  possession.  To  all  these  qualifications  for  public  service  he 
added  an  almost  faultless  penmanship,  so,  from  the  date  of  his  elec- 
tion as  clerk  of  the  proprietors,  their  record  books  became  easv  of 

"In  1790  Mr.  Parker  was  chosen  one  of  the  selectmen  of  Fitz- 
william, and  held  the  office  for  four  successive  years.  Beginning 
with   1792  he  was  chosen  moderator  of  town  meetings,  and  served 

Nahum  Parker  at  the  age  of  15  years,  with  five  of  his  brothers,  was  a  soldier 
in  the  Continental  army  and  was  present  and  took  part  in  the  battles  that 
resulted  in  the  capture  of  Burgoyne's  forces  near  Saratoga,  N.  Y.,  in  1777. 
After  the  surrender  he  was  discharged  and  came  home  on  foot,  walking  with 
his  luggage  from  Saratoga,  N.  Y.,  to  Shrewsbury.  At  Fitzwilliam  the  family 
still  has  in  its  possession,  and  will  with  pleasure  show  to  those  interested  in 
such  things,  a  relic  which  Nahum  Parker  brought  oft"  from  the  field  of  battle 
after  the  surrender  of  Burgoyne's  army.  It  is  a  bottle  of  dark  glass  with  a 
very  short  neck,  holding  about  a  quart.  This  was  doubtless  lost  in  the  fight 
by  some  British  soldier  or  Hessian  trooper. 


in  that  capacity  more  than  twenty  years.  In  1792  he  was  chosen  to 
represent  the  town  in  the  Legislature  and  served  in  that  capacity 
annually  until  1804 — a  period  of  ten  years.  In  1S06  he  was  again 
chosen  Representative  and  served  the  town  in  that  capacity  for 
twelve  years.  He  was  also  Councillor,  member  of  the  State  Senate, 
of  which  he  was  chosen  President,  and  for  some  twenty  years  was  a 
Judge  of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas.  In  1S06  he  was  chosen  by 
the  Legislatui"e  a  Senator  in  the  United  States  Senate.  He  died 
November  12th,  1S39,  aged  So  years.  His  disease  was  paralysis  of 
the  brain. 

•'  He  was  a  Revolutionary  pensioner,  and  during  the  Revolution- 
aiy  war  he  kept  a  diary  and  sent  that  to  the  Secretary  of  War  with 
his  oath,  declaring  he  was  the  identical  person  who  kept  it,  and 
asked  what  further  testimony  was  needed  to  obtain  a  pension.  The 
answer  was  '  none^'  and  immediately  he  received  his  pension  certifi- 
cate.    John  C.  Calhoun  was  then  Secretary  of  War." 

Nahum  Parker  never  had  the  benefit  of  a  public  school. 
He  attended  a  private  school  a  few  weeks,  and  his  mother  did 
all  she  could  to  instruct  him,  but  she  was  not  an  educated 
woman  and  had  but  little  time  to  devote  to  any  one  of  so  large 
a  family  of  children.  But  with  little  ivsirjicttoii  he  at  last 
became  well  educated.  He  had  learned  to  read  well  before 
he  went  to  the  Revolutionary  war,  and  there  began  the  prac- 
tice of  writing  by  keeping  a  journal  of  events,  and  in  after- 
life, when  selectman  of  Fitzwilliam,  he  kept  a  journal  of  all 
his  transactions.  At  length,  he  became  a  very  perfect  pen- 
man. On  a  page  it  looked  elegant  and  faultless.  He  was  a 
deep  thinker  and  a  great  reader.  After  settling  in  Fitzwilliam 
he  took  the  Columbian  InJ^ornier,  printed  at  Keene,  and  when 
that  was  merged  in  the  JVew  Hampshire  Sentinel  took  that 
to  the  day  of  his  death.  He  also  took  a  newspaper  printed  at 
Worcester,  as  that  would  give  him  news  of  his  friends  settled 
in  and  around  his  native  town  of  Shrewsbury.  Books  of  in- 
struction he  bought  as  fast  as  he  was  able,  but  no  novels.  He 
also  accumulated  quite  a  law  library.  In  short,  he  became  a 
well  posted  citizen  and  a  good  lawyer,  so  that  in  all  the  vari- 
ous ofiices  he  held  he  was  well  able  to  discharge  all  their 
duties  with  ability  and  credit. 

He  was  given  much  employment  as  a  draftsman  by  his  fel- 
low-townsmen in  drawing  up  deeds,  agreements  and  all   con- 


tracts,  however  difficult  to  make.  When  he  was  chosen  select- 
man in  1790,  the  town's  affairs  were  in  a  confused  state  and  it 
took  him  four  years  to  bring  order  out  of  chaos. 

In  1795  he  was  chosen  moderator  of  the  annual  town  meet- 
ing, and  he  was  such  an  efficient  officer  that  he  preformed 
that  duty  for  more  than  twenty  years,  as  has  been  stated. 
Although  courteous,  he  had  a  sedate,  positive  manner  and  a 
strong,  commanding  voice,  and  when  he  called  for  order, 
order  came.  Few  men  could  accurately  dispatch  business 
like  him.  Solemn,  sedate  and  silent  was  his  walk,  yet  he 
appeared  to  be  in  deep  thought.  He  was  seldom  known  to 
crack  a  joke  or  laugh  at  one,  and  yet  his  deportment  was 
always  such  as  to  indicate  a  kind  heart  and  true  benevolence. 
His  charities  were  many,  yet  private,  for  his  motto  was  "  Not 
to  let  his  right  hand  know  what  his  left  hand  was  doing." 

One  fine  trait  in  Nahum  Parker's  life  was,  he  was  not  an 
office  seeker.  His  motto  was  that  "Offices  were  for  the 
public  and  not  for  the  individual."  In  proof  of  this  two  letters 
are  now  extant,  one  from  Gov.  Langdon  and  the  other  from 
Gov.  Plummer,  both  urging  him  to  accept  the  office  of  Judge, 
when  they  severally  sent  him  his  commissions.  What  a  con- 
trast now  I  Men  are  now  running  mad  for  office  and  will 
compass  heaven  and  earth  to  obtain  it,  and  those  the  least  fit 
for  office  are  ahead  in  the  race. 

He  was  also  a  man  of  strict  morals  and  pure  in  speech. 
No  one  ever  heard  him  use  profane,  vulgar  or  obscene  lan- 
guage. He  was  a  keen  observer  of  passing  events  and  a  deep 
thinker.  On  the  road,  nothing  worth  seeing  escaped  his 
notice,  and  when  he  had  passed  over  a  long  distance  he 
could  give  another  man  correct  directions  over  the  entire  route. 

At  work  in  the  field,  he  did  not  permit  storv-telling  or  talk, 
except  in  regard  to  the  work  in  hand.  At  home,  he  was 
never  talkative,  but  generally  absorbed  in  deep  thought  or 
reading  a  book  and  oblivious  to  all  surrounding  movements. 
And  yet,  at  times  he  would  hold  forth  on  some  important  sub- 
ject and  sift  it  to  the  bottom.  It  was  marvellous  to  hear  him 
take  hold  of  a  subject  with  such  an  irresistible  grasp,  and  so 
fully  and  clearly  explain  it.  Sometimes,  he  would  enter  into 
particulars  and  give  his  children  solid  advice,  teach  them  how 


to  behave,  how  to  act  and  how  to  learn.  He  would  observe 
that  a  person  might  learn  something  all  the  days  of  his  life 
did  he  note  passing  events.  The  besetting  sin  of  the  people 
was  lack  of  attention.  Few  people  were  good  listeners, 
interested  in  the  subject  before  them,  and  could  give  no  par- 
ticular account  of  what  they  had  heard.  Few  people  could 
tell  much  about  a  sermon,  or  discourse  immediately  after  de- 
livery, and  because  they  had  not  paid  attention  when  it  was 
delivered.  In  fine,  he  was  a  safe  example  to  follow,  in  word, 
thought  and  deed.  Sometimes  hard  to  follow,  but  I  am  glad 
I  did. 

When  in  the  full  vigor  of  life  his  business  was  great  and 
extensive,  for  he  not  only  superintended  the  cultivation  of  a 
large  farm,  keeping  one  of  the  best  stocks  of  cattle,  but  in 
settling  estates,  acting  as  referee  and  in  making  deeds,  con- 
tracts, etc.,  far  and  near.  No  townsman  was  equal  to  him  in 
la3'ing  handsome  stone  wall,  and  this  he  continued  to  do  until 
all  the  cultivated  part  of  his  farm  was  walled  in. 

In  wakeful  hours,  he  spent  no  idle  time.  He  was  never 
known  to  go  to  a  party,  take  tea  or  dine  in  his  own  neighbor- 
hood or  in  the  village.  But  he  had  his  strong  friendships  and 
pleasant  companions,  among  whom  was  Dr.  Phillip  Monroe 
of  Surry,  N.  H.,  some  20  miles  away.  The  Doctor  was  a 
man  of  mind,  well  educated,  social,  pleasant  and  good  compa- 
ny. When  they  met,  they  became  so  much  interested  that 
they  took  no  note  of  time,  and  midnight  came  before  they 
were  aware,  and  still  they  must  have  a  few  last  words. 

Among  the  stated  visitors  was  Judge  Abel  Parker  of  Jaffrey, 
N.  H.,  eight  miles  distant.  They  were  distant  relatives.  It 
was  settled  that  each  with  his  wife  should  visit  the  other,  alter- 
nately, twice  a  year.  The  men  had  been  acquainted  with  each 
other  many  years  before  their  wives  met,  and  when  they  did 
meet,  a  practical  joke  was  played  upon  them.  But  this  was 
planed  and  engineered  by  Judge  Abel,  Judge  Nahum  simply 
looked  on  and  enjoyed  it.  It  was  in  this  wise,  Judge  Abel  in 
coming  over  on  their  first  visit  to  Fitzwilliam  told  his  wife  that 
the  lady  she  was  about  to  visit  was  very  dea/ and  she  must 
halloo  quite  loud  to  make  her  hear.  So  when  they  arrived 
and  passed  into  the  house  Judge  Abel  said  in  a  loud  voice, 


"Mrs.  Parker,  shall  I  make  you  acquainted  with  my  wife?" 
His  voice  was  so  loud  she  thought  his  own  wife  was  deaf. 
The  reply  was  in  a  loud  voice,  "Pretty  well,  I  thank  you." 
The  first  speaker  said,  "You  need  not  talk  so  loud  for  I  am 
not  deaf  \i  you  are."  "But  I  ain't  deaf.''''  "Then  neither  of 
us  are.'"  They  stared  at  each  other  a  moment,  and  then 
looked  around  and  saw  their  two  husbands  in  a  broad  grin  ; 
the  joke  was  manifest,  and  all  four  had  a  jolly  time  over  it. 
The  acquaintance  of  the  wives,  so  facetiously  begun,  ripened 
into  a  strong  friendship  and  ended  only  with  life. 

In  regard  to  the  religious  belief  of  Judge  Parker  little  need 
be  said,  for  one  thing  is  clear,  he  honestly  practised  religion, 
whatever  might  have  been  his  belief:  and  it  is  well  said  that 
an  honest  man  is  the  noblest  work  of  God.  No  doubt  he  had 
clear  and  well  defined  views  of  the  Christian  religion  and  was 
not  "tossed  about  by  every  wind  of  doctrine."  He  and  his 
wife  were  members  of  the  Congregational  Church  in  Shrews- 
bury. They  transferred  their  connection  with  that  Church  to 
the  Church  in  Fitzvvilliam  when  they  came  here  in  1786. 
The  Covenant  of  the  Church  was  adopted  in  1771.  To  this 
they  agreed  and  became  regular  members  in  full  communion. 
The  First  Brigham  Covenant  answered  the  purpose  for  which 
it  was  made  for  more  than  half  a  century,  until  1825,  when 
new  light  was  said  to  be  discovered.  The  creeds  of  the 
several  Congregational  Churches  in  the  County  of  Cheshire 
were  not  all  alike,  and  some  of  them  not  up  to  the  strict 
standard  of  Calvinism.  Accordingly,  the  Monadnock  Associa- 
tion of  Ministers,  in  solemn  conclave  at  Keene,  adopted  a  new 
creed  for  all  the  Churches  in  the  county,  with  instructions  to 
discard  the  old  and  adopt  the  new. 

The  New  Lights  had  a  large  majority  and  were  determined 
to  exercise  that  power,  but  lacked  a  plausible  pretence.  After 
quite  a  number  of  Church  meetings  and  various  forms  had 
been  considered,  at  last  one  short  undefined  resolution  was 
adopted.  In  substance  this:  Resolved,  That  A.  B.,  etc.,  be 
and  hereby  are  excommunicated  from  this  Church  /i?/-  error 
in  doctrine.  Judge  Parker  and  wife,  with  nine  others,  were 
included  in  the  resolution.  He  was  present  at  the  time,  and 
in  a  quiet,  dignified,  firm  voice  said,  "I   thank  God  that  the 


new  Church  of  Fitzwilliam  don't  hold  the  keys  of  Heaven  or 
hell,"  and  departed  to  return  no  more.  From  this  time  the 
town  was  divided  and  the  contest  sharp  and  severe.  Judge 
Parker  spoke  of  it  with  unending  regret  and  it  no  doubt 
shortened  his  days. 

As  it  has  been  said,  the  Judge  was  not  a  talkative  man. 
Some  one  of  his  neighbors  would  occasionally  call  upon  him 
to  have  a  social  chat.  He  would  receive  them  pleasantly  and 
then  quietly  sit  and  hear  all  the  gossip  of  the  neighborhood  in 
silence.  The  neighbor  would  do  all  the  talking  and  he  all 
the  hearing.  When  asked  why  he  did  not  say  something 
himself,  he  would  answer  that  his  neighbor  would  not  have 
comprehended  anything  more  than  mere  gossip,  and  as  he 
liked  to  talk  and  he  had  rather  listen,  both  were  gratified. 

The  wife,  Mary  Deeth,  was  a  dau.  of  John  and  Jerusha 
Deeth  of  Hopkinton.  She  is  remembered  as  an  efficient 
woman  and  a  good  housewife.     She  d.  June  4,  1837,  aged  77. 

Their  children  were  : 

97.  Hannah  Parker,  b.  in  Shrewsbury,  Dec.  26,  1784;  ra.  Luna 
Foster  of  FitzwilHam,  N.  H. 

98.  AusTix  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H..  Jan.  24,  1787  ;  m. 
Susan  Martin  of  Gardner. 

Maria  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilham,  July  26,  1789;  m.  Dr.  Samuel 
Lane,  Jr.,  at  her  father's  house  in  Fitzwilliam,  June  i,  1814,  and 
settled  in  Swanzey,  N.  H.  Their  infant  child  was  b.  March  25 
and  d.  March  27,  1815  ;  after  great  distress  she  herself  d.  April  i, 
1S15,  aged  2^  years.  He  survived  her  but  a  few  months.  He 
was  a  skilful  physician  and  had  a  large  practice. 

99.  Amos  Andrew  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  Oct.  8,  1791  ;  m. 
(i)  Miranda  W.  Sanders  of  Medfield,  (2)  Mary  McClary  of 
Epsom,  N.  H.,  (3)  Julia  E.  Smith  of  Glastonbury,  Ct. 

100.  Ephraim  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  Aug.  18,  1793  ;  m. 
Lucv  Stone  of  Fitzwilliam. 

101.  Nahum  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  March  16,  1797;  m. 
Bean  of  Nottingham,  N.  H. 

Selina  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  July  5,  1799;  m.  John  Damon 
of  Fitzwilliam. 

102.  Elmon  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  Jan.  20,  1S02  ;  m. 
Abigail  M.  Gray  of  Belfast,  Me. 

Sidney  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  July  3,  1804;  d.  April  26,  1815, 
aged  ten  years. 


32.  Rev.  Frederick  Parker  (Amos,^  Andrczv,^  Jokn.i 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^ ),  the  youngest  son  of  Amos  and  Anna 
(Stone)   Parker  of  Shrewsbury,  was  b.  in  Shrewsbury,  May 

4,  1762  ;  graduated  at  Harvard  University  in  1784,  and 
licensed  to  preach  in  June,  1787  ;  m.  Nov.  25,  1793,  Susanna 
Foster,  dau.  of  Dea.  Asa  Foster  and  Hannah  Simonds  of 
Canterbury,  N.  H.  She  was  a  niece  of  the  Hon.  Abiel 
Foster,  a  member  of  Congress  when  the  United  States  Gov- 
ernment was  at  Philadelphia. 

He  was  ordained  in  the  pastoral  office  of  the  Congregational 
Church  in  Canterbury  by  a  unanimous  vote  of  the  Church 
and  town,  Jan.  5,  1791,  and  suddenly  died  there  April  21, 
1802,  in  the  fortieth  year  of  his  age. 

In  1795  he  came  to  visit  my  father  at  Fitzwilliam.  I  was 
but  a  small  boy  then,  but  I  remember  his  personal  appearance 
very  well.  He  came  on  horseback  and  was  dressed  in  the  usual 
style  of  the  ministers  of  that  day,  cocked  up  hat,  small-clothes, 
knee  buckles  and  fair  top  boots.  He  talked  pleasantly  to  us 
boys,  preached  on  Sunday  for  Rev.  Priest  Brigham,  and  left 
after  a  few  days'  visit.  That  was  the  only  time  I  ever  saw 
him,  but  he  corresponded  with  my  father  till  the  day  of  his 
death  in  1802.  Many  letters  of  his  to  my  father,  as  well  as  a 
diary,  are  in  my  possession  at  the  present  time. 

I  find  by  his  diary  that  he  began  preaching  in  June,  1787, 
and  for  four  years  he  preached  at  various  places  before  he 
was  ordained  at  Canterbury  in  1791-  He  made  a  list  of  the 
various  places  he  preached,  and  the  number  of  times  in  each 
place,  which  is  now  before  me.  It  appears  that  he  preached 
at  the  following  places,  to  wit :  Falmouth,  Casco  Bay,  now 
Portland,  Black  Point,  Kennebunk,  Biddeford,  Me.  ;  Charles- 
ton, Hampton  Falls,  Plaistow,  N.  H.  ;  Westminster,  Prince- 
town,  Grafton,  Andover,  Haverhill,  Amesbury,  Newbury, 
Methuen,  Hopkinton,  Shrewsbury,  Hardwick,  Braintree, 
Greenage  Lock,  East  Hampton,  Chesterfield  and  Middlefield. 

On  hearing  that  a  vacancy  had  occurred  in  Canterbury,  N. 
H.,  by  the  resignation  of  the  Rev.  Abial  Foster,  he  went  there 
to  preach  as  a  candidate.  In  due  time,  he  had  a  call  to  settle, 
cordial  and  unanimous.     He  was  thereupon  ordained  January 

5,  1 791,  and  as  he  died  April  21,  1802,  he  was  the  pastor  for 


a  few  months  more  than  ii  years.  He  was  then  not  quite  40 
years  old,  but  in  the  full  vigor  of  life  and  usefulness.  But  at 
midnight,  in  his  bed,  without  warning,  he  suddenly  started  for 
eternity,  and  left  many  relatives  and  friends  in  tears  I 

As  a  preacher,  he  was  fervent  and  interesting.  No  one 
could  sleep  within  the  sound  of  his  voice  when  he  was  in  the 
pulpit.  It  is  said  that  his  sermons  were  unequal ;  sometimes 
dry  and  uninteresting ;  yet  at  times  he  would  truly  "be  in  the 
spirit  of  the  Lord's  day,"'  his  face  would  glow  with  emotion, 
and  he  would  burst  forth  with  such  a  flow  of  eloquence  that 
would  seemingly  wake  the  dead  and  leave  the  audience 
drenched  in  tears. 

I  had  in  my  possession  perhaps  500  sermons  of  his  writing, 
and  spent  much  time  in  trying  to  read  any  one  of  them  in 
vain.  He  wrote  in  cipher,  hieroglyphics,  marks,  lines  and 
dots.  No  one  could  read  them  but  himself,  and,  therefore,  I 
have  put  them  all  into  the  fire.  But  after  preaching  awhile  he 
did  not  write  his  sermons  as  a  rule,  but  only  on  some  particu- 
lar occasion.  Some  of  his  most  powerful  sermons  were 
delivered  without  notes. 

After  he  graduated  he  spent  some  of  his  time  in  teaching 
school  and  in  that  was  very  successful.  In  one  of  his  letters 
to  my  father  he  says  : 

"I  am  tolerably  happy,  have  got  the  best  school-house  I  ever  saw. 
I  have  kept  in  it  5  weeks,  supported  good  government  and  order, 
have  not  corrected  one  scholar — and  have  the  satisfaction  to  see  the 
scholars  make  daily  progress  in  learning — and  to  have  the  approba- 
tion of  the  inhabitants  beyond  my  expectations.  The  methods  of 
discipline  are  various — some  of  them  perhaps  droll,  but  all  tended  to 
the  reformation  of  the  boys.  I  have  never  but  once  appeared  to 
have  been  angry  in  school  ;  and  tliis  is  one  valuable  method,  among 
many  others,  to  make  a  school  love  and  obey.  I  have  60  to  70 
scholars,  some  girls." 

A  model  teacher  and  a  model  neighborhood,  surely. 

He  seems  to  have  been  very  much  attached, to  his  kindred, 
father,  mother,  brothers  and  sisters.  Although  it  is  apparent 
from  his  writings  that  he  had  a  preference,  it  seems  he  sadly 
lamented  the  death  of  his  father  in  1790.  He  attended  upon 
him  in  his  last  sickness,  and  noted  what  was  done  and  said. 


I  give  an  extract  from  his  diary  under  date  of  December  20, 
1790,  in  the  evening  : 

"  Father,  we  think  you  are  dying. 

"  What  makes  you  think  so? 

"  Because  you  grow  weaker  and  don't  speak  so  plainly  as  you  did. 

"  Are  you  willing  to  die? 

"  In  some  measure. 

"  Do  you  hope  to  be  happy  hereafter? 

"  He  squeezed  my  hand. 

"  Do  you  know  me? 

"  Yes,  T  know  you  all. 

"  You  have  prayed  for  us  and  we  thank  you,  and  we  all  pray  fur 

"I  have  prayed  for  you  with  all  my  ability  and  used  my  best 

Dec.  21.     He  said  "Anna."     His  oldest  daughter. 

23.  At  ten  oclock  in  the  evening  he  died — breathing  his  last,  and 
a  mortal  paleness  came  over  his  face.     Aged  67  yrs.  4  m.  16  days. 

Dec.  24.     Friday — Uncle  Thomas  expected  here. 

25.  Isaac  here — Saturday. 

26.  Sunday,  at  night  came  Amos,  HoUis,  Ephraim,  Nahum. 

27.  Isaac  and  Elisha  ;  and  uncles  Andrew  and  Thomas. 

"  Attended  funeral  in  sleighs  reaching  this  side  causeway  to  Mr. 
Goddard's — and  committed  the  remains  of  our  de})arted  friend  to  the 
cold  prison  of  the  grave."     More  than  a  mile. 

Mrs.  Susan  (Foster)  Parker  survived  her  husband  44  years. 
About  the  first  half  of  it  was  at  the  homestead  at  Canterbury, 
but  owing  to  the  early  death  of  her  youngest  and  very  promis- 
ing son,  Cyrus  Parker,  she  removed  to  Lowell,  and  the  other 
half  was  spent  in  keeping  a  boarding-house  for  the  factory 
girls  in  that  city.  She,  with  her  only  dau.  Harriet,  managed 
it  with  great  success.  Everything  was  done  in  such  a  neat 
and  tidy  manner,  and  the  girls  were  treated  more  like  rela- 
tives and  friends  than  boarders,  that  their  house  was  eagerly 
sought  for  and  always  full.  The  daughter  was  well  educated, 
of  fine  personal  appearance,  of  great  intelligence  and  ladylike 
in  all  her  movements.  She  had  great  conversational  powers, 
and  no  one  could  chat  with  her,  even  for  a  short  time,  without 
feeling  interested,  highly  entertained,  and  pronounce  her  at 
once  very  good  company.     Although  she  lived  almost  half  a 


century,  and  would  have  made  a  first-rate  housekeeper  and  a 
model  wife,  she  never  married,  and  for  two  reasons,  first,  she 
did  not  like  to  part  with  her  widowed  mother,  and  second,  the 
fear  of  not  finding  a  suitable  companion.  Any  one  who 
visited  them  would  at  once  see  that  an  unusual  afl:ection 
existed  between  mother  and  daughter,  and  that  they  were 
intimate  companions  as  well  as  relatives. 

Aunt  Susan  Parker  came  to  visit  my  father  at  Fitzwilliam 
on  horseback  in  1807.  They  were  intellectual,  enjoyed  books 
and  had  many.  Many  an  interesting  chat  we  had,  and  in 
time  I  was  able  in  some  good  measure  to  appreciate  their  real 

After  the  death  of  Harriet  at  Lowell,  the  mother  went  back 
to  Canterbury  and  lived  with  her  father's  family  until  her 
death,  Feb.  24,  1846,  aged  70  years. 

The  children  were  all  b.  in  Canterbury,  N.  H.  : 
Harriet  Parker,  b.  Aug.  21,  1794;  d.  at  Lowell,  1842,  aged  48. 
HoLLis  Parker,  b.  Aug.  15,  1796,  and  while  a  boy  went  to  live 
with  his  aunt  Elizabeth  at  Worcester,  who  was  the  wife  of  Amos 
Whitney.  He  stayed  there  until  he  was  21,  when  he  in  April, 
1818,  bought  a  farm  of  45  acres  in  the  south  part  of  Holden.  His 
cousin,  Amos  A.,  who  knew  him  well,  says:  "He  was  a  very 
promising  young  man,  of  perfect  habits  and  much  intellectual 
power."  He  kept  a  diary  from  which  is  copied  the  following  : 
It  describes  his  attempt  to  find  a  school  to  teach  in  his  journey 
west  in  1817.  It  well  illustrates  the  effect  of  modern  inventions 
regarding  travel.  He  required  two  days  and  two  nights  for  his 
trip  to  Albany,  and  the  use  of  many  horses.  Now,  by  the  tourist's 
power  alone,  this  journey  is  easily  made  in  less  time  with  the 
"  noiseless  steed." 

''  March  27,  1817,  started  from  Worcester  in  the  stage  for  Albany 
about  3  o'clock  P.  M.  ;  Ariv'd  in  Leicester  at  |  past  5  and  at 
Spencer  at  ^  past  6  &  at  Brookfield  at  ^  past  8. 

"March  28,  started  from  Brookfield  and  Ariv'd  at  Northampton 
not  till  4  o'clock  P.  M.  ;  started  from  N.  H.  about  ^  past  11  in  the 
stage.  After  we  left  Northampton  about  10  miles  we  were  forced 
to  take  sleigliing  in  consideration  of  their  being  so  much  snow  on 
the  mountain  that  it  was  impassable  in  any  other  way.  We 
arrived  at  Pittsfield  on  the  29th  at  4  o'clock  ;  started  again  at  6, 
changed  sleigh  for  carriage  at  Lebanon,  in  which  we  arrived  at 
Albany  about  2  o'clock,  stopping  on  the  E.  side  of  the  River. 


"  *  *  *  I  have  had  the  chance  of  6  schools  but  no  more  than 
ten  dollars  per  month.  Not  until  this  afternoon  did  I  ever  realize 
the  blessings  of  a  good  home.  On  this  first  of  April  how  diflerent 
do  things  appear  to  what  they  usually  have.  I  almost  envy  the 
birds  their  happiness,  for  they  are  pouring  forth  their  notes  of 
gratitude  while  I  can  scarce  keep  from  despair. — The  weather  is 
most  delightful  but  I  would  rather  be  following  the  plow  than  in 
such  business  that  I  am  now.  Knowing  that  I  can  do  better  than 
ten  dollars  per  month  at  home,  I  presume  that  unless  'Bhos'  has 
had  better  luck  than  myself,  one  week  more  will  find  us  both  in 

"  B  is  to  start  tomorrow  on  foot  and  myself  on  Monday  next  to 
start  in  the  stage  until  I  overtake  him,  then  he  will  take  the  stage 
and  I  shall  walk  the  remainder  of  the  way  back  to  Albany,  and 
then  I  think  we  shall  not  turn  back  until  we  get  as  far  as  Worcester." 

Honest  boy  !  We  can  easily  sympathize  with  him  in  this  his 
first  experience  with  the  outside  world. 

In  Holden  he  was  a  farmer  eight  years.     For  several  years  before 
his  death  he  was  partially  blind,  so  he  could  not  see  near  objects 
but  could   discern   time   three   miles  distant  on   the   town   clock. 
He  d.  at  Holden,  Jan.  2,  1827,  aged  31  years,  and  unmarried. 
Susanna  Foster    Parker,   b.   Jan.   23,    1799;    d.   Dec.   6,    1799. 
perishing  by  her  clothes  taking  fire.     She  lived  but  a  few  hours 
after  the  accident  in  great  distress.     A  very  promising  child  and 
the  idol  of  her  parents.     Her  death  in  that  awful  manner  so  sadly 
aflflicted  them  that  they  gave  way  to  their  grief  and  refused  to  be 
Cyrus  Parker,  b.  Dec.  4,  1800;  graduated  at  Dartmouth  College 
in  1824;  then  went  to  Georgia  as  a  teacher  in  a  planter's  family, 
and  d.  there  Sept.  23,  1835,  aged  nearly  25  years. 
None  of  these  children    married    and  this    branch   of  the 
Parker  family  became  extinct. 

33.  Dea.  Ebenezer  Parker  (Thomas,^  Andrew,'^ 
John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Thomas  and  Jane 
(Parrott)  Parker,  b.  in  Lexincrton,  Aug.  13,  1750,  and  bap. 
Aug.  19,  1750.  He  m.  in  Lexington,  Dec.  3,  1772,  Dorcas, 
b.  in  Lexington,  Nov.  14,  1750,  dau.  of  William  and  Tabitha 
(Hobbs-Jones)  Monroe.  Her  mother's  original  name  was 
Hobbs,  dau.  of  Josiah  Hobbs  who  settled  in  Weston.     She  m. 

(i)  Jones,  and   (2)   William  Monroe,   as  above  stated. 

Dorcas  was  the  tenth  of  a  family  of  11  children.     Mr.  Monroe 


was  a  blacksmith,  and  son  of  Lieut.  John  Monroe  of  Lexing- 
ton, who  with  others  had  900  acres  of  land  granted  to  them  in 
1735  for  services  in  the  Indian  fight  at  Lamprey  River,  June 
6,  1690,  besides  tilling  nearly  every  public  office  of  the  town. 
The  Monroe  family  of  Lexington,  with  whom  the  Parkers 
intermarried  more  frequently  than  with  any  other,  have  always 
been  one  of  the  foremost  families  of  the  town.  They  were 
always  remarkable  for  bravery,  coolness,  strength  of  body  and 
of  mind,  and  were  always  active  and  prominent  in  military 
affairs.  Their  genealogy  is  easily  traced  to  1300,  in  connec- 
tion with  the  history  of  Scotland. 

Ebenezer  Parker  was  an  active  member  of  Capt.  John 
Parker's  company  of  minute-men,  having  the  duty  of  corporal. 
At  the  time  of  the  fight  he  showed  much  coolness  in  remain- 
ing upon  the  field  while  the  company  were  dispersing,  in  an 
attempt  to  dissuade  his  uncle  Jonas  Parker  from  his  vow,  that 
under  no  circumstances  would  he  run  from  the  British.  The 
enemy  were  approaching  and  surrounding  them,  and  as  he 
was  unable  to  change  his  uncle's  determination  he  had  to 
leave  him  to  the  enemy  and  flee  for  his  own  life.  This  must 
have  been  very  disheartening  for  young  Ebenezer,  who  would 
have  been  glad  to  have  carried  his  uncle  bodily  from  the  field. 
In  addition  to  participating  in  the  affairs  of  the  morning  he 
joined  in  the  march  to  Concord,  the  return  and  the  lively  work 
which  ensued  during  the  enemy's  retreat.  He  was  with  his 
company  when  they  marched  to  Cambridge,  May  6,  1775, 
remaining  there  some  time  to  prevent  any  further  excursions 
of  the  British  into  the  country.  Again,  at  the  time  of  the 
battle  of  Bunker  Hill  a  detachment  of  60  was  made  up,  and 
with  Capt.  John  Parker  he  proceeded  to  Cambridge,  where 
they  were  ordered  to  guard  the  "Neck,"  at  Charlestown, 
much  against  their  wishes,  as  they  preferred  to  be  in  the 
thickest  of  the  fight. 

He  removed  from  Lexington  with  his  father  to  Princeton  in 
1777.  He  and  his  wife  were  dismissed  from  the  Church  in  Lex- 
ington to  the  Church  in  Princeton,  Nov.  9,  1788.  His  father 
in  the  year  1795  transferred  his  estate  to  Ebenezer,  as  follows : 

"  I  Thomas  Parker  of  Princeton  in  Co.  of  W.  and  Com.  of  Mass. 
Gentleman,  for  and  in  consideration  of  the  love  and  affection  which 



Dea.  Ebenezer  Parker. 


I  bear  to  Ebenezer  Parker,  being  my  only  son  do  give  by  these 
presents  unto  him  the  s*^  Ebenezer  Parker  a  certain  tract  or  Messuage 
of  hind  lying  and  being  in  Princeton  afores*^  containing  about  300 

He  mentioned  also  the  "Pond  and  Saw  Mill  Darn,"  also 
"the  Grist  Mill  and  Saw  Mill  and  all  the  privileges  of  the 
stream."  Two  hundred  acres  had  already  been  set  off  from 
the  large  "Black  Grove  Farm" :  100  to  Philemon  Parker,  his 
cousin,  and  100  to  Mrs.  Jonas  Smith,  Thomas  Parker's  only- 
daughter,  and  her  family.  But  in  1794  Ebenezer  bought  out 
Mr.  Smith,  arid  soon  increased  his  estate  to  600  acres,  besides 
owning  farms  in  Stamford,  Vt.,  Rindge  and  Fitzwilliam,  N. 
H.,  and  in  Barre,  Mass. 

He  was  actively  associated  with  Church  and  town  affairs. 
He  was  a  deacon  of  the  Church,  and  was  familiarly  known  as 
Deacon  Parker.  When  he  came  to  Princeton  he  with  Jonas 
Smith  were  signers  of  the  Princeton  Declaration  of  Indepen- 
dence, probably  drawn  up  about  1775.  He  was  made  assessor 
of  the  town  in  1782,  in  which  capacity  he  served  almost  contin- 
uously for  20  years.  Beginning  with  1786  he  was  selectman 
almost  constantly  until  1805.  He  was  a  true,  generous  friend 
and  a  very  valuable  citizen.  All  matters,  whether  political, 
theological  or  intellectual,  pertaining  to  the  benefit  of  his  towns- 
men, received  his  active  and  influential  support.  During 
1796,  '97  and  1800,  he  was  elected  representative  from  the 
district  of  Princeton,  Rutland  and  Oakham.  He  was  adminis- 
trator of  estates  and  guardian.  His  tavern  business  was  con- 
siderable, as  he  kept  as  many  as  ten  ridable  horses,  which  at 
that  time  the  business  demanded.  He  was  an  energetic  and 
successful  farmer,  keeping  his  stock  at  30  cattle  and  40  sheep. 
He  was  gifted  with  a  strong  physique,  was  stout  in  stature, 
although  less  so,  it  is  said,  than  his  father  Thomas  Parker. 
He  was  a  man  of  mind ;  was  noted  for  his  firm  decision,  and 
his  strong,  though  pleasant,  expression  of  countenance. 

He  believed  in  discipline  and  practised  it  with  good  govern- 
ment in  his  family.  His  words  bespoke  a  sturdy,  thoughtful 
character,  and  when  he  had  anything  to  say  everybody  listened. 
Thus  highly  respected,  his  last  years  were,  however,  passed 
in  feeble  health.     On  this  account  he  was  unable  to  respond 


to  the  invitation  of  his  native  town  on  her  sixtieth  anniversary 
of  the  battle  of  Lexington.  This  was  celebrated  April  20, 
1835,  with  eleven  surviving  actors  present.  At  the  commence- 
ment of  the  exercises  it  was  announced  with  regret  that  Dea. 
Parker  was  absent,  and  the  cause  was  duly  stated  that  it  was 
"on  account  of  the  infirmities  of  age."  For  a  few  years  previ- 
ous to  the  Deacon's  decease  his  delight  was  to  read  the  Bible 
constantly.     He  was  able  also  to  pick  out  any  passage  in  it. 

Mrs.  Dorcas  Parker  d.  "suddenly"  (as  is  stated  in  the 
town  records),  Nov.  28,  1798.  She  was  a  most  worthy  lady 
and  her  loss  was  very  widely  lamented.  He  m.  (2)  Mrs.  Mary 
(Binney)  Rice,  widow  of  Solomon  Rice,  who  d.  in  Princeton, 
Sept.  25,  1794.  He  thus  became  stepfather  of  two  children, 
Betsey  and  John  P.  Rice.  The  latter  became  a  well  known 
merchant  in  Boston.  The  wife,  Mary,  d.  March  22,  1816. 
He  d.  Oct.  19,  1839,  ^^^s  living  to  the  ripe,  old  age  of  89. 
They  were  both  interred,  as  was  Mrs.  Dorcas  Parker,  in  the 
family  row  at  the  homestead  burying-gound.  The  first  three 
children  were  b.  and  bap.  in  Lexington.  All  were  by  first 
wife,  Dorcas,  save  the  last  born,  A.  Dwight  Parker. 

Their  children  were  : 

Abijah  Parker,  b.  in  Lexincyton,  May  28,  1773  ;  d.  Aug.  21,  1775. 

103.  QuiNCY    Parker,*  b.    in    Lexington,   April    28,   1775;    m. 
Patience  Brooks  of  Princeton. 

104.  l^ETSEY  Parker,  b.  in  Princeton,  June  8,  1777  ;  m.  Benjamin 
Gould  of  Princeton. 

105.  PoLLv  Parker,  b.  in  Princeton,  May  4,  1779;  m.  (i)  Riifus 
Dodds  of  Princeton,  (2)  Dr.  Isaac  Warren  of  Princeton. 

106.  Lucv  Parker,  b.    in   Princeton,   March    11,    1781  ;  m.    (i) 
Jonas  Beaman  of  Princeton,  (2)  Edward  Hanford  of  Camden,  Me. 

107.  Ebenezer  Parker,  Jr.,  b.  in  Princeton,  June  4,  1784;  m. 
Hannah  B.  Merriam,  then  of  Princeton. 

108.  BiTHA  Parker,  b.  in  Princeton,  July  26,  17S6;   m.  Charles 
Folger  of  Camden,  Me. 

AuRELius  Dwight  Parker,  b.  in  Princeton,  April   23,  1803.     He 
was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  Boston,  where  he  figured  prominently 

♦Ebenezer  Parker  and  John  Quincy  Adams  were  boys  together  in  Lexing- 
ton, and  were,  it  is  said,  intimately  associated.  At  the  birth  of  Mr.  Parker's 
second  child  both  he  and  Mr.  Adams  felt  honored  that  .'^uiucy  should  be  his 


as  a  lawyer  for  many  years.  He  showed  remarkable  perception 
on  points  of  law,  his  contemporaries  learning  to  regard  his  opin- 
ion as  one  of  the  very  best.  He  was  perhaps  more  of  a  con- 
sultation lawyer  than  a  declaimer.  It  was  considered  that  he  was 
one  of  the  most  learned  lawyers  in  Boston.  Ofttimes  long  prac- 
tised members  of  the  bar  referred  difficult  technical  points  of  law 
to  Mr.  Parker  for  his  decision.     He  died  unmarried. 

34.  Mary  Parker  (Tho7nas,^  Andrew,"^  'John^^  Hana- 
niah^^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Jane  (Parrott)  Parker, 
b.  in  Lexington,  Dec.  25,  1758;  bap.  in  Lexington,  July  13, 
1760;  m.  in  Waltham,  Oct.  5,  1775,  Jonas  Smith,  b.  in 
Waltham,  Dec.  21,  1748,  son  of  Jonas  and  Thankful  (Fiske) 
Smith.  This  date  of  birth  is  as  the  family  have  it,  the  Wal- 
tham record  says  Nov.  21,  1747.  He  had  brothers  Elijah  and 
Zachariah,  whose  families  resided  in  Waltham,  but  their 
descendants  are  now  scattered.  Some  are  living  in  Lexing- 
ton. Jonas  Smith,  the  father,  was  b.  June  7,  1719,  the  son  of 
Zachariah,  who  was  son  of  Jonathan.  Jonathan  was  son  of 
Thomas,  who  was  born  in  England  and  came  to  this  country 
1635,  with  his  father  John.  In  this  way  we  see  that  the 
ancestors  of  the  Smith-Parker  family  branch  which  follows, 
and  of  the  Smith-Parker  lamily  found  on  pages  68-73,  were 
in  a  good  measure  the  same. 

At  about  1777  Jonas  and  Mary  Parker  Smith  removed  to 
Princeton,  took  up  100  acres  of  her  father's  large  estate  of  600 
acres,  and  they  became  his  nearest  neighbors.  They  lived 
upon  that  spot  where  Mrs.  Stacia  Harrington  now  resides. 
Their  farm  was  transferred  to  Dea.  Ebenezer  Parker  in  1794. 

He  was  known  as  Lieutenant  Smith.  He  d.  May  9,  1814, 
"aged  66"  thus  he  was  born  in  the  latter  part  of  1747.  She 
d.  Dec.  27,  1817,  aged  59. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Sally  Smith,  b.  Dec.  13,  1775  ;  d.  July  25,  1815. 

2.  Abijah  Parker  Smith,  b.  March  6,  1777;  d.  Sept.  29,  1778. 

3.  Abijah    Parker    Smith,    b.    Jan.    22    (or    12    as    Princeton 

Records  have  it),  1779;  m.  1802,  Submit  Howe,  b.  in 
Wilton,  N.  H.,  dau.  of  Israel  and  Submit  (Keyes)  Howe, 
later  of  Princeton.     Mr,  Smith  was  a  shoemaker  in  Prince- 


ton,  where  all  his  family  were  born.     He  afterwards  removed 
to  Waltham.     Their  children  were  : 

I.  Abijah  Smith,  m.  and  lived  in  Waltham. 

II.  Jonas  Smith,  lived  in  Rutland,  d.  by  drowning,  and 

left  no  issue. 

III.  Charles  Smith,  drowned  in  Rutland.     Children  : 

1.  Henry  Smith. 

2.  Dana  Smith. 

3.  Lucy  Smith. 

4.  Thomas  Smith. 

5.  Israel  Smith. 

IV.  Elinor  Smith,    m.   Batcheldcr,   and    lived    in 


V.  George  Smith,  a  farmer  of  Warwick. 
VI.     Phebe  Smith,  m.  Garfield. 

vii.     Sarah  Smith,  m. French,  a  lawyer  of  Waltham. 

VIII.     William  Smith. 

William    Smith,  b.   May    37    (Princeton   Records  read   23), 

1781  ;  m.  Sept.  13,  1804,  Lois  Mirick,  b.  in   Princeton,  Oct. 

24,  1785,  dau.  of  John  and  Lois  (Hobbs)  Mirick  of  Princeton. 

He  lived  in   Boston  ;   kept  a  shoe  store  ;  d.  in  Sterling,  July 

18,  1855.     Their  children  were: 

1.     Harriett  Smith,  b.  Jan.    30,    1S05  ;   m.    at   Boston, 

Oct.   37,   1833,  John   G.,  b.  in   Sterling,  March    32, 

1804,  son  of  Timothy  and   Sally    (Smith)    Hosmer. 

He  was  a  chairmaker,  and  lived  in  Waltham.     She 

still   (1893)   resides  in  Waltham  in  the  88th  year  of 

her  age. 

II.  Lois  Smith,  b.  Nov.  30,  1806;  m. Wellington. 

She  lived  in  Waltham  and  d.  there  several  years  since. 
She  had  four  children. 

III.  Moses  Mirick  Smith,  b.  May  27,  1809  ;  d.  in  Bing- 

hamton,  N.  Y.     He  left  three  sons. 

IV.  William  Smith,  b.  Feb.   24,   181 1.     Baptist  minister 

in  Chelsea.     He  d.  soon  after  his  ordination. 
V.     Thomas  Parker  Smith,  b.  Oct.  13,  181 2.     Dry  goods 
merchant   in   Boston.      Removed  to  West  Medford, 
where  he  d.,  and  left  an  issue. 

VI.  Sally  Smith,  b.  June  22,  1815  ;  m.  Horace  A.  Breed 

of  Boston.      They   settled  in  West   Medford,   where 
they  have  both  deceased.     They  left  three  children. 
vn.     SopiiRONA   Mirick   Smith,  b.   May   39,    1817;    d.   in 
Sterling,  unm. 


5.  Jonas  Smith,  b.  Aug.  3,  1783  ;  d.  Sept.  27,  1783. 

6.  Jonas  Smith,  b.  Nov.  32,  1784;  d.  May  22,  17S6. 

7.  Cyrus  Smith,  b.  Aug.  3   (Princeton  Records  read  5),  1787; 

m.  June  17,  1812,  Prudence  Wilder  of  Sterling,  b.  in  Prince- 
ton ;  built  the  Estabrook  House,  kept  the  Wachusett  House 
and  was  afterwards  a  farmer.     He  d.  Oct.  3,  1861.     She  d. 
Dec.    12,   1871,    aged    78.      All  their   children    were   b.    in 
Princeton  : 
I.     Foster  Smith,  b.  Jan.  12,  1815  ;  d.  unm. 
II.     Adalaide   Bowman    Smith,  b.  March  9,    1817;    m. 
James  F.  Barnes,  a  native  of  London  ;    removed  to 
Wheeling,  W.  Va.,  where  she  d.  about  1847.     Their 
children  were : 

1.  Adalaide  Barnes,  resides  in  Wheeling,  W.  Va. 

2.  Thjrza  Barnes,  m.  Herman  Schockey,  and  resides  in  Wheel- 

ing, W.  Va. 

III.  Mary   Ann   Smith,    b.    Nov.   9,    1S18;    m.   Oct.    15, 

1840,  Eli,  son  of  Seth  and  Polly  (Hastings)  Banister 
of  Boylston,  was  a  farmer  and  miller.  He  d.  1S74. 
She  resides  at  the  homestead  in  Boylston.  Their 
children  were  : 

1.  Linden  Banister,  b.  Nov.  21,  1841  ;  m.  Elizabeth  Maynard  of 

Northborough.     No  issue. 

2.  Seth  Banister,  b.  Oct.  23,  1845;  m.  Harriett  Flagg  of  Boyl- 

ston.    He  is  a  farmer  in  Boylston  and  has  three  sons. 

IV.  Catharine  Smith,  b.  May  i,  182 1  ;  d.  in  Princeton, 

aged  about  45,  unm. 
V.     Leonard  Smith,  b.  June  23,   1822  ;   m.  Betsey,  dau. 
of  Nathan  Farnsworth  of  Templeton.     They  lived  in 
Templeton.     Both   are  now   deceased.     He  d.   1865. 
Their  children  were : 

1.  Leonard  Farnsworth,  removed  to  New  Hampshire. 

2.  Lucy  Farnsworth,  d.  Feb.,  1866. 

3.  Adalaide  Farnsworth,  school-teacher  in  Boston. 

4.  Henry  Marshall  Farnsworth,  resides  at  Templeton. 

VI.     Jane  Parker  Smith,  b.  Sept.  6,  1824;   m.  James  S. 

Pinkham  of  Worcester,  as  his  second  wife.     He  was 

well  known  as  an  extensive  carpet  merchant.      vShe 

resides  in  Worcester.     No  issue. 
VII.     Fi.aville    Wilder    Smith,   b.    June    23,    1826;    m. 

Martha   Pierce  of  Princeton.      He  d.  without  issue. 

She  resides  in  Princeton, 
viii.     Lydia  Babcock  Smith,  b.  March  9,   1832.      Resides 

with  her  niece  in  Wheeling,  W.  Va.,  unm. 


8.  Jonas  Smith,  b.  Aug.  5,  1790;  m.  (i)  Oct.  24,  1S14,  Salome, 

b.  in  Princeton,  April  8,  1796,  dau.  of  Dr.  Ephraim  and 
Clarissa  (Gale)  Wilson  of  Princeton.  They  lived  in  Barre. 
He  m.  (2)  Widow  Mead,  sister  of  his  first  wife,  and  had  by 
both  wives  12  children.  The  eldest  child  was  Bradford 
Smith,  who  lived  in  Louisville,  Ky. 

9.  Amos   Smith,  b.  Dec.  29,   1791  ;    m.  Aug.  23,   1818,  Betsey 

Gregory.  He  lived  in  Penfield,  N.  Y.  ;  d.  March  8,  1S65. 
Their  children  were : 

I.  Amos  Smith,  served  in  the  Civil  War,  and  is  deceased. 

II.  Eliza  Smith,  d.  in  girlhood. 

III.  Dana  Smith,  lived  in  Webster,  N.  Y. 

IV.  Charles  Smith,  d.  in  Chicago. 

V.     Jones  Smith,  lived  in  Toronto,  Ont. 

10.  Polly  Smith,  b.  Jan.  2,  1794  >  '"n.  Benjamin  Buss  of  Sterling. 

They  settled  in  Rutland,  removed  to  Eastford,  Conn.,  where 
she  d.  May,  1850.     Their  children  were: 

I.     Adaline  Buss. 
II.     Frederick  Buss,  lives  in  Stockport,  N.  Y. 

11.  Ebenezer  Smith,  b.  Dec.  3,  1798;  d.  June  11,  1878;  in.   at 

Princeton,  Dec.  15,  1822,  Anna  Wilder,  sister  of  Prudence 
Wilder  of  Sterling,  b.  May  27,  1790,  dau.  of  Elihu  and 
Prudence  Wilder  of  that  town.  She  d.  April  15,  1870. 
They  resided  on  his  parents'  place  in  the  easterly  part  of  the 
town,  where  he  was  a  farmer.  He  represented  the  town  in 
the  Legislature  for  one  year,  was  selectman  two  years  and 
overseer  of  the  poor  at  different  times.     Their  child  was  : 

I.  Addison  Smith,  b.  in  Princeton,  May  28,  1827  ;  m. 
(i)  in  Worcester,  Oct.  28,  1856,  Jeannette  Brimner, 
of  Yarmouth,  N.  S.,  b.  in  July,  1832;  she  d.  Aug. 
14,  1865  ;  he  m.  (2)  in  Ghent,  N.  Y.,  Sept.  3,  1867, 
Martha,  dau.  of  Jacob  and  Elizabeth  New.  He  lived 
upon  the  old  Smith  place  in  Princeton  for  many  years, 
where,  in  his  early  life,  he  and  the  Parker  youths  were 
boys  together,  and  with  whom  he  warmly  associated. 
Later  in  life  he  i^emoved  to  Southborough,  where  he 
now  resides,  a  highly  respected  citizen.     Children  : 

1.  Anna  Smith,  b.  in  Princeton,  July  25,  1872.     She  is  a  teacher 

in  Haverhill. 

2.  Irving  Smith,  b.  in  Southborough,  March  27,  187S. 

3.  Jeannette  Smith,  b.  in  Southborough,  Jan.  24,  18S1. 


35.  Rhoda  Parker  (Andrczv,i>  A)idrew,^  yohn,^  Hana- 
niah,^  Thomas'),  dau.  of  Dea.  Andrew  and  Abigail  (Jennison) 
Parker,  b.  in  Lexington,  June  19,  1760;  m.  1785,  Capt. 
Joseph  Smith,  a  veteran  soldier  of  the  Revolution  and  a  promi- 
nent citizen  of  Barre  at  the  time.  He  was  son  of  Joseph 
Smith  of  Sudbury,  now  Wayland,  16  miles  west  of  Boston, 
and  was  one  of  a  family  of  13.  Samuel,  the  oldest  of  this 
large  family,  was  also  a  Revolutionary  soldier,  and  owned  a 
farm  in  Barre,  where  he  d.  in  1815. 

Rhoda  Parker,  his  worthy  wife,  survived  him.  She  d.  in 
Barre,  May  i,  1814,  aged  54.  Her  grandson  wrote:  "They 
were  buried  two  miles  north  of  Barre  village,  where  they  lie 
side  by  side."  He  was  a  man  of  much  force  of  character  and 
kind  and  indulgent  to  his  family. 

After  the  Revolution  Lt-  Smith  held  various  town  offices 
and  was  treasurer  in  1792.  He  was  an  innholder.  His  first 
location  was  easterly  of  where  E.  W.  Hemenway  now  lives 
and  on  the  opposite  side  of  the  highway.  In  1801  he  erected 
a  tavern  of  which  he  had  charge  about  12  years.  This  house 
is  now  used  for  a  dwelling-house  and  is  opposite  the  school- 
house  in  old  district  No.  9. 

As  Capt.  Smith  was  a  prominent  citizen  of  Barre,  and  his  descendants  are 
so  numerous,  the  following  brief  biography  is  fitting  for  our  genealogy. 
Jonas  Smith,  who  m.  Rhoda  Parker,  was  b.  Nov.  12,  1739.  He  enlisted  in 
the  Revolutionary  army  in  Colonel  Prescott's  regiment,  some  time  previous 
to  the  Battle  of  Bunker  Hill.  Prescott  was  one  of  the  commanding  officers  in 
that  battle,  but  the  company  to  which  Mr.  Smith  belonged  was  that  day 
stationed  northwest  of  the  hill,  toward  Cambridgeport,  to  prevent  those  on 
the  hill  from  being  flanked.  He  afterwards  went  with  the  army  to  Long 
Island  and  White  Plains,  and  was  one  of  the  1,200  who  stormed  Fort  Stony 
Point.  He  was  with  the  army  when  it  passed  that  winter  of  hardships  at 
Valley  Forge,  where  he  had  the  small-pox  and  suffered  terrible  privations  for 
his  country.  He  afterwards  went  south  with  Washington  and  was  in  most  of 
the  principal  battles,  and  at  Yorktown  when  Cornwallis  surrendered.  He 
was  Captain  of  a  light  infantry  company  in  Col.  Rufus  Putnam's  regiment, 
and  was  one  of  the  officers  called  together  by  Washington  when  he  delivered 
his  farewell  address.  His  company  disbanded  in  1783  and  he  returned  to  his 
home  in  Barre.  He  was  43  years  of  age  at  this  time.  Two  years  later  he 
married  Rhoda  Parker  at  the  age  of  25.  He  owned  a  farm  of  173  acres,  being 
what  is  known  as  the  "  Rocking  Stone  Farm."  A  mention  of  the  famous 
stone,  from  which  the  place  takes  its  name,  is  made  in  the  Geological  History 
of  Mass.  He  was  also  a  Quartermaster  in  the  Revolution,  and  served  as 
Adjutant  under  Gen.  Lincoln  in  the  Shays'  Rebellion.  He  was  one  of  the 
school  committee  of  Barre. 


Their  children  were  : 

RuFUs  Smith,  son  of  Capt.  Joseph  and  Rhoda  (Parker)  Smith, 
b.  in  Barre,  Nov.  S,  17S7;  m.  (i)  Nov.  31,  iSii,  Miriam 
Carruth  of  Barre,  b.  Sept.  6,  1788.  He  acquired  a  good  edu- 
cation and  was  a  school-teacher.  They  lived  in  Barre  where 
George  P.  King  now  lives  until  about  1830,  when  he  with  his 
family  removed  to  Cortland  Co.,  N.  Y.  His  wife  d.  Feb.  8, 
1831,  and  he  m.  (2)  in  Cortland,  N.  Y.,  1831,  Orpha  Sweet 
of  McGrawville,  N.  Y.,  dau.  of  Stephen  Sweet,  b.  Dec.  25, 
1808.  They  lived  first  at  McGrawville,  N.  Y.,  then  Blodgett 
Mills.  Mrs.  Orpha  (Sweet)  Parker  d.  June  11,  1840,  and 
he  m.  (3)  Sept.  15,  1842,  Mrs.  Hannah  (Lason)  Gosper,  b. 
Dec.  5,  1S08,  dau.  of  James  and  Hannah  (Pembroke)  Lason, 
then  of  Dryden,  Tompkins  Co.,  N.  Y.  He  d.  in  Freetown, 
N.  Y.,  June  17,  1877,  aged  nearly  89.  She  resides  at  Free- 
town Corners,  N.  Y.  In  Barre  Rufus  Smith  taught  school  at 
the  same  district  18  terms  in  succession.  He  was  a  public 
spirited  man,  highly  respected,  and  an  active  help  in  the 
Wesleyan  Methodist  Church  in  later  years.  He  was  a  mason 
by  trade.  He  was  president  of  the  Washington ian  Society  of 
Cortland,  N.  Y.,  in  its  day.  In  politics  he  was  a  wliig  and 
abolitionist.  He  was  a  delegate  to  ihe  presidential  campaign 
of  Polk  and  Dallas.  He  was  influential  toward  temperance 
and  anti-slavery ;  scarcely  ever  missed  a  town  meeting  or 
election,  and  went  on  foot  four  miles  to  the  polls  when  over 
85  years  of  age. 

One  of  the  many  letters  from  him  to  cousin  Josiah  Smith  of 
Barre  is  herewith  preserved,  showing  the  interest  which  he 
took  in  the  political  aflairs  of  his  time  : 

"  Dear  Cousin — These  lines  leave  us  enjoying  as  comforta- 
ble a  share  of  health  as  can  be  expected  in  the  down  hill  of 
life — I  perceive  by  your  letter  that  quite  a  number  that  I  was 
well  acquainted  with  have  been  called  from  time  into  eternity. 
A  few  more  rolling  suns  and  the  same  sad  story  will  be  told 
of  us,  the  places  that  now  know  us  will  know  us  no  more  for- 
ever. *  *  *  Tell  your  wife  I  have  not  forgotten  her  and  my  best 
wishes  for  her.  I  very  often  think  of  my  scholars  and  think 
how  much  satisfaction  I  took  while  teaching  the  'young  idea 
how  to  shoot,'  and  where  scholars  took  as  much  pains  to  learn 
and  to  obey  the  orders  in  school.  You  wrote  of  my  keeping  mv 
politics  that  my  father  taught  me  while  I  was  in  my  youth  ;  tliat 
principle  that  he  taught  me  was  to  do  all  the  good  I  could  for  my 


Country.  That  I  have  endeavored  to  keep  in  view.  My  motto 
is  freedom  to  all  people  if  they  behave  themselves  well.  Last 
fall  the  Republican  party  started  and  I  liked  their  platform,  and 
we  had  quite  a  large  number  in  this  county  before  the  stated 
convention  met  at  Syracuse.  I  was  elected  a  delegate  on  the 
republican  side.  The  Whigs  met  the  next  day  in  convention. 
We  did  nothing  the  first  day  but  organize  and  be  prepared  for 
the  W^higs  for  we  expected  a  union  of  the  two  parties.  Perrin 
H.  McGraw,  my  sister  Sally's  son,  was  a  delegate  of  the 
whig  party.  The  whig  party  met  and  organized  ;  sent  a  com- 
mittee over  to  us  to  inform  us  they  were  ready  to  proceed — 
we  sent  a  committee  to  them  in  like  manner.  Before  uniting 
each  delegation  chose  a  committee  of  i6  on  resolutions  and  a 
committee  of  32  to  report  names  of  candidates  for  state  officers. 
They  then  met,  resolutions  were  read,  and  all  of  the  whig 
party  but  two  agreed  ;  those  two  were  silver  greys.  But  it  paid 
all  costs  to  be  there  and  hear  the  speeches  that  were  delivered. 
One  of  the  speakers  was  there  from  Kansas  Territory.  There 
were  a  great  many  that  were  formerly  democrats  that  united 
with  us  and  were  put  on  the  nominations,  but  we  did  not  suc- 
ceed on  the  election.  The  know-nothings  carried  the  state  by 
nearly  10,000.  I  hope  the  old  Bay  State  will  fall  into  the 
republican  ranks  and  carry  that  state  at  the  next  presidential 
election,  for  we  do  not  want  to  see  Kansas  kicked  and  cufted 
any  more.     My  respects  to  all  my  friends. 

"Yours,  etc. 

"  RuFus  Smith. 

"Blodgett  Mills,  Post  Oflice,  April  14,  1S56." 

His  children  were  : 

I.  Joseph  Aaron  Smith,  son  of  Rufus  and  Orpha  (Sweet) 
Smith,  b.  in  Lenox,  Madison  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Oct.  i, 
1833;  m.  in  Sheridan,  Chautauqua  Co.,  N.  Y.,  June 
4,  1857,  Hannah  E.  Nortrup,  son  of  Absalom  and 
Betey  Nortrup,  b.  in  Cortland,  N.  Y.,  June  3,  1833. 
He  enlisted  in  1863  for  three  years  in  the  145th  Reg. 
of  Penn.  Vols.  He  was  in  every  battle  except  Gettys- 
burg up  to  Gen.  Lee's  surrender  in  1865.  He  was 
struck  in  the  back  by  an  exploding  shell  at  Fredricks- 
burg,  and  wounded  at  Ream's  Station.  He  enlisted  as 
a  private,  and  although  acting  as  sergeant  many  times 
he  would  never  take  promotion.     He  often  said  that 



he  went  out  a  private  in  the  rear  I'anks  and  was  going 
back  the  same.  Mr.  Smith  is  a  daii"yman  of  Chautau- 
qua Co.,  N.  Y.     Their  children  were: 

1.  Orpha  E.  Smith,  b.  in  Sheridan,  N.  Y.,  March  23,  1859;   ^^ 

Julj  4,  1877,  in  Chautauqua,  N.  Y.,  Lyman  Prindle.     Their 
children  were  : 

1.  Willie  M.  Prindle,  b.  Oct.  24,  1879. 

II.  Myron  J.  Prindle,  b.  Aug.  2,  1881. 

III.  Blanch  H.  Prindle,  b.  June  14,  1883. 

IV.  Jesse  R.  Prindle,  b.  Feb.  20,  1887. 
V.  Anna  C.  Prindle,  b.  July  17,  1889. 

All  in  the  town  of  Greenfield,  Erie  Co.,  Pa. 

2.  Rufus  P.   Smith,  b.   Feb.   10,    1S67,   in  Harbour   Creek,    Erie 

Co.,  Pa. 

II.  Mary  Amelia  Smith,  dau.  of  Rufus  and  Orpha  (Sweet) 
Smith,  b.  in  Lenox,  Madison  Co.,  N.  Y.,  July  20, 
1835  ;  m.  at  Freetown,  N.  Y.,  Solomon  F.,  son  of 
Wesley  and  Sarah  (Lake)  Robertson  of  Freetown. 
He  was  b.  in  Freetown  1827.  They  reside  at  Free- 
town Corners,  where  he  is  a  cooper  and  mail  carrier. 
The  children  were  all  born  in  Freetown,  N.  Y.  : 

1.  Rufus  Randolph  Robertson,  b.  1854. 

2.  Charles  Edward  Robertson,  b.  1856;  m.  in  18S8. 

3.  AUiston  Robertson,  b.  185S;  m.  in  1882. 

4.  Ella  E.  Robertson,  b.  i860. 

5.  Chauncy  Herbert  Robertson,  b.  1865. 

III.  Rufus    Putnam    Smith,    son    of    Rufus    and    Orpha 

(Sweet)  Smith,  b.  in  Lenox,  Madison  Co.,  N.  Y., 
Aug.  20,  1837.  He  enlisted  in  the  76th  N.  Y.  Vol. 
Inf.  in  1861.  He  was  the  Colonel's  orderly,  and  d.  of 
a  fever  while  in  the  service  of  his  country,  in  camp  at 
Washington,  D.  C,  in  the  spring  of  1862. 

IV.  Aaron  Smith,  son  of  Rufus  and  Orpha  (Sweet)  Smith, 

b.  at  Homer,  N.  Y.,  May  2,  1S40;  d.  Aug.  5,  1840. 
V.  Sarah  M.  Smith,  dau.  of  Rufus  and  Hannah  (Lason) 
(Gosper)  Smith,  b.  at  McGrawville,  N.  Y.,  Sept.  19, 
1843  ;  m.  at  Freetown,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  28,  1868,  James 
D.,  son  of  Thomas  and  Betsey  (Wright)  Fish  of  Cin- 
cinnatus,  N.  Y.  He  is  a  farmer  in  Cortland,  N.  Y. 
They  had  a  son  and  dau.,  twins,  b.  June  i,  1872,  and 
d.  in  infancy. 
VI.  Ann  Maria  vSMiTii,dau.  of  Rufus  and  Hannali  (Lason) 
(Gosper)  Smith,  b.  at  McGrawville,  N.  V.,  Jan.  9, 
1846;  d.  Dec,  1S53. 


2.     Abigail    Smith,   dau.  of   Capt.   Joseph   and  Rhoda    (Parker) 

Smith,  b.  in  Barre,  Aug.  16,  1789;   m.  in  Barre,  Jan.  5,  1812, 

Joseph  Peckham  of  Petersham,  b.  June  18,  1788,  son  of  John 

Peckham.     He  was  a  carpenter,  wagon  maker  and  blacksmith. 

They  lived  for  a  few  years  in  Petersham,  then   removed  to 

Homer,  N.  Y.,  and  finally  to  Cortlandville,  N.  Y.     Naturally 

quiet  and  retired  in  her  disposition,  she  was  a  true  Christian 

mother,  and  held  a  strong  influence  for  the  good  over  her  large 

family  of  children.     She  d.  May   14,  1871.     He  d.  Aug.  22, 

1S75.      Their    daughter,    Mrs.    Louisa    R.    Seeber,    writes: 

"Were  my  parents  still  living  their  living  descendants  would 

be  seven  children,  29  grandchildren,  63  great-grandchildren, 

and    one    great-great-grandchild,   making  just    100    in    all."* 

Their  children  w^re  : 

I.     Almon  Peckham,  b.  in  Petersham,  Nov.  i,  1812;   m. 

at  Allen,  N.  Y.,  Hannah  Anstras,  b.  May  27,  1817, 

d.   Feb.   23,  1875,   dau.   of  Isaac  and  Hannah  Peavy. 

He   was   a   farmer  in  Allen   and  Friendship,  N.  Y., 

and  is  still  living  (1892).     Their  children  were: 

1.  Ira  D.  Peckham,  b.  in  Allen,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  27,  1841  ;  resides  at 

Richfield  Springs,  N.  Y. 

2.  William  Lester  Peckham,  b.   in  Allen,  N.  Y.,  Jan.   19,  1844; 

resides  at  Friendship,  N.  Y. 

II.  Edwin  Peckham,  b.  in  Petersham,  Sept.  28,  1S14;  m. 
at  Belfast,  N.  Y.,  June  21,  183S,  Sarah,  dau.  of 
Susan  and  William  Sellon.  He  was  a  farmer,  and 
lived  first  in  Belfast,  then  in  New  Hudson,  later  in 
Eagle,  and  last  in  Pike,  N.  Y.  The  children  were  b. 
in  Belfast,  N.  Y.  : 

1.  Emeroy  Peckham,  b.  April  5,  1S39;  resides  at  Pike,  N.  Y. 

2.  Alson  N.  Peckham,  b.  July  3,  1S43;  resides  at  Pike,  N.  Y. 

3.  Frank  Peckham,  b.  April  3,  1846;  resides  at  Freetown,  N.  Y. 

III.  Abigail  Peckham,  b.  in  Petersham,  May  18,  1816;  m. 
in  Allen,  N.  Y.,  Sept..  1S40,  George  B.  Hicks,  b. 
Dec.  17,  1814,  son  of  Phillipp  and  Mary  (Thurbee) 
Hicks.  They  were  farmers  in  New  Hudson,  N.  Y., 
for  more  than  40  years,  and  now  reside  in  the  town  of 
Eagle,  Wyoming  Co.,  N.  Y.     Their  children  were: 

1.  Willard  Hicks,  b.  Dec.  21,  1842. 

2.  Louisa  Hicks,  b.  Jan.  28,  1845;  m.  Roberts. 

3.  Mariette  Hicks,  b.  Feb.  22,  1847. 

4.  Ellen  Hicks,  b.  Oct.  22,  1S49. 

♦Written  at  Texas  Valley,  N.  Y.,  March  28,  1890. 


5.  Alonzo  Hicks,  b.  March  13,  1851. 

6.  Leonora  Hicks,  b.  April  4,  1S53. 

7.  Julia  Hicks,  b.  June  10,  1859. 

IV.  Sally  Smith  Peckham,  b.  in  Cortlandville,  N.  Y., 
March  26,  i8i8  ;  d.  at  age  of  4  yrs.  8  mos.  4  days, 
Nov.  30,  1822. 
V.  Harriett  Peckham,  b.  in  Cortlandville,  N.  Y.,  Feb. 
3,  1820;  m.  John  Bennett,  b.  1818,  son  of  Nicholas 
and  Martha  Bennett.  He  d.  April  3,  1871.  Their 
children  were  : 

I.     Lydia  Ann  Bennett,   b.  June  6,   1848;  m.   Milo  Tucker,  and 

reside  in  Almond,  N.  Y. 
3.     Louise    Bennett,   b.   Sept.   19,   1849;    '"•   Daniel   Coote,   and 

reside  in  Angelica,  N.  Y. 

3.  Adelbert  Bennett,  b.  April  i,  1851. 

4.  Franklin  Bennett,  b.  March  ^6,  1853;  d.  Nov.  9,  1854. 

VI.  Lauriston  Peckham,  b.  in  Cortlandville,  N.  Y.,  Feb. 
5,  1823. 

VII.  Rhoda  Louisa  Peckham,  b.  in  Cortlandville,  N.  Y., 
March  18,  1825  ;  m,  Nov.  2,  1851,  Jacob,  b.  at  Free- 
town, N.  Y.,  son  of  Safrenas  and  Elizabeth  (Shannon) 
Seeber.  He  d.  April  6,  1889  ;  was  a  farmer.  She 
resides  at  Texas  Valley,  N,  Y.  All  the  children  were 
b.  in  Freetown,  N.  Y.  : 

1.  Eluette  Seeber,  b.  Jan.  30,   1853;  m.  Nov.   17,  1875,  George 

Brooks.     They  have  one  son,  Charles  D.  Brooks. 

2.  Lucelia  Seeber,  b.  Sept.  26,  1855. 

3.  Dewitt  C.  Seeber,  b.  Sept.  10,  1857. 

4.  Elbert  M.  Seeber,  b.  April  24,  1862. 

5.  Sibbie  A.  Seeber,  b.  July  13,  1866. 

6.  George  Merton  Seeber,  b.  Dec.  5,  1869.     The  above  children 

are  all  deceased,  except  the  youngest. 

VIII.  Mariette  Peckham,  b.  in  Cortlandville,  N.  Y.,  June 
19,  1827;  m.  May  24,  1846,  at  Allen,  Allegany  Co., 
N.  Y.,  Julius  Spencer  Graves,  b.  Nov.  21,  1822,  at 
Blodgett's  Mills,  son  of  Asher  and  Achsah  (Webster) 
Graves.  He  was  a  farmer  of  Freetown  and  Texas, 
Cortland  Co.,  until  1866,  when  he  removed  to  Clarence, 
Erie  Co.,  N.  Y.,  where  he  still  resides.  The  following 
children  were  all  b.  in  Freetown,  N.  Y.  : 

1.  Ju.«;tus    PL    Graves,   b.   June    lo,    1847;    resides   at 

Chicago,  111.  rj, 

"   '  }•     Twins. 

2.  Justin    R.    Graves,  b.    June    10,    1847;    resides   at 

Evanston,  111. 

3.  Abbie  Evelyn  Graves,  b.  Feb.  i,  1850;  d.  April  29,  1887. 


4.  Marj  Elizabeth   Graves,  b.  Aug.  25,   1855:   resides  at  Evans- 

ton,  111. 

5.  Stella  Maria  Graves,  b.  May  15,  1857  ;  resides  at  East  Clarence, 

N.  Y. 

6.  Ernest   Webster    Graves,    b.    Oct.    2,   1861  ;     resides    at   East 

Clarence,  N.  Y. 

7.  Melvin  Wilbur  Graves,  b.  Dec  31,   1863;  d.  Aug.  18,  1865. 

IX.     Cephas  B.  Peckham,  b.  in  Cortlandvillc,  N.  Y,,  July 

7,  1829;  m.  in  West  Winfield,  Herkimer  Co.,  N.  Y., 

Sarah  E.  Bentley,  b.  in  West  Winfield,  Dec.  4,  183 1. 

He  is  a  farmer  of  Angelica,  N.  Y.     Their  son  was: 

I.     Frank  L.   Peckham,  b.   in  Caneadea,  N.  Y.,  Sept.   19,   i860. 

Resides  at  Angelica,  N.  Y. 

X.  Amelia  L.  Peckham,  b.  in  Cortlandville,  N.  Y.,  Feb. 
15,  1833;  m.  in  Allen,  N.  Y.,  Jan.,  1854,  Spencer 
Randall  Franklin,  son  of  John  and  Betsey  (Miller) 
Franklin.  He  was  a  farmer  and  for  a  time  constable 
in  Allen,  N.  Y.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  Inez  Gertrude  Franklin,  b.  in  Allen,  N.  Y.,  June,  1S56. 

2.  Carrie  Estell  Franklin,  b.  in  Faribault,  Minn.,  July,  185S. 

3.  Jennie  Abbie  Franklin,  b.  in  Faribault,  Minn.,  Sept.,  1862. 

3.  Aaron  Smith,  son  of  Capt.  Joseph  and  Rhoda  (Parker)  Smith, 
b.  in  Barre,  Nov.  4,  1791  ;  m.  Dec.  6,  1814,  Sarah  Allen 
Mason;  b.  Feb.  11,  1794,  the  dau.  of  Thaddeus,  Esq.,  and 
Hannah  (Allen)  Mason  of  Barre.  She  was  granddau.  of 
Dea.  John  Mason,  who  with  Dea.  Andrew  Parker  were 
young  men  together  in  Lexington,  and  who  in  Barre  were 
always  hand-in-hand  in  all  important  aflairs.  Dea.  Mason 
was  the  first  representative  to  the  General  Court  from  Barre. 
A  nephew  of  Sarah  Allen  Mason  is  still  living — Thaddeus 
Mason  Loring,  Esq.,  of  Cortland,  N.  Y.  Their  ancestors 
were  doubtless  the  originators  of  most  of  the  name  in  Mass. 

They  removed  from  Barre  to  Homer,  N.  Y.,  in  181 6.  He 
was  Captain  of  a  militia  company  there.  They  removed  to 
Allen,  N.  Y.,  in  1838.  He  there  held  the  office  of  ruling 
elder  and  deacon  of  the  Church  for  35  years,  until  his  death, 
which  occurred  Feb.  i,  1S62.  "He  no  doubt  (writes  his 
son)  inherited  some  of  his  Grandfather  Parker's  old  time  faith. 
An  instance  of  his  belief  in  direct  answer  to  prayer  is  related 
by  one  of  his  old  friends  :  '  One  extremely  dry  season  fires 
were  raging  all  around  us,  and  after  he  and  others  had  done 
without  avail  all  that  human  hands  could  do  to  stay  their 
progress  he  dropped  on  his  knees  and  j^i'^yed  there  in  the 
midst  of  the  fires  for  rain.      And,'  added  the  neighbor,   '  it 


came  almost  immediately.'"     He  was  a  good  influence  in  his 

town,  and   belonged  to  one  of  the  first   temperance   societies 

organized  in  the  country.      Botli  he  and  his  wife  were  partially 

paralyzed  shortly  before  tlieir  deaths.     She  d.  July  29,  1873. 

Their  children  were  : 

I.     Caroline  Smith,  b.  in  Barre,  Oct.  6,  1815  ;  m.  March 

18,  1835,  Abel  Webster  of  Fabius,  N.  Y.,  b.  Sept.  17, 

1809.     They  lived  in  Fabius  and  Allen,  N.  Y.     She 

d.  Dec.  12,  1S72;   he  d.  April  13,  1877.     Children: 

1.  William  S.  Webster,  b.  in  Fabius,  N.  Y.,  May  17,  1836. 

2.  Melvin  A.    Webster,   b.   in   Allen,    N.   Y.,  July  16,   1843;  m. 

Jan.  5,  1876,  Maggie  Reusch,  b.  in  Wurtemberg,  German}', 
Aug.  4,  1849,  '^^^-  °f  Frederick  and  Margaret  Reusch. 
He  is  a  farmer  in  Angelica,  N.  Y. 

3.  Sarah  E.  Webster,  b.  in   Fabius,  N.  Y.,  May  21,  1848;    m. 

Jan.  25,  1874,  Frank  Walker,  b.  in  Allen,  N.  Y.,  April  16, 
1852,  son  of  Lysander  and  Martha  Walker.  They  have 
three  children. 

4.  Byron  A.  Webster,   b.   in  Allen,  N.  Y.,July  26,   i86o;  d.  at 

Chicago,  111.,  Sept.  21,  1888. 
II.     Andrew  Parker  Smith,  b.  in  Homer,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  29, 
1818;   m.  in  Angelica,  N.  Y.,  Dec.   18,   1844,  Sarah 
Ann  Chafiee.     He  settled  in  Allen,  N.  Y.,  where  he 
was  both  a  farmer  and  a  mason,  which  trade  he  had 
already   mastered.     He  became  the  supervisor  of  the 
town  of  Allen,  N.  Y.,  which  position  he  held  for  two 
years.      In    1866   he  bought  a  farm   in   Gratiot  Co., 
Mich.,  and  moved  there  with  his  family.     As  a  most 
fitting  tribute  to  his  marked  integrity  of  character,  it 
need  but  be  said  that  during  the  two  years  which  he 
passed  at    his    new   home  he    held   for  one  term  the 
highest  office  in  the  township,  was  also  superintendent 
of   the    Sunday-school    and    filled    satisfactorily   some 
minor  offices.     He  d.  of  quick  consumption,  Dec.  30, 
1868.     Their  children  were  : 
I.     Anna  Maria  Smith,  b.   Sept.   28,  1845;   m.   in  Hubbardston, 
Mich.,  March  9,   1870,  Charles  R.  Proctor,  b.   in  Mesopo- 
tamia, O.,  Oct.  28,  1843,  son  of  Peter  and  Harriett  Proctor. 
She  has  in  preservation  a  book  bearing  the  title  "Andrew 
Parker,    1776."      This  was  one  of  the  several  diaries  and 
account  books  which  Dea.  Andrew  Parker  kept  during  his 
busy  life.     Her  father  often  spoke  of  it  with  worthy  pride, 
saying,  "That  belonged  to  my  great-grandfather,  and  from 
him  1  was  named."     She  also  has  an  old  wooiien  canteen 
snd   a   powder-horn,   which   were   carried    by  either  Dea. 
Parker  or  Capt.  Smith.     She  resides  in  Hubbardston,  Mich. 


2.  Martha  V.  Smith,  b.  April  i6,  1848;  d.  Aug.  15,  1876. 

3.  Mason  A.  Smith,  b.  Jan.  30,  1850. 

4.  Mary  E.  Smith,  b.  Sept.  3,  1851  ;  d.  March  19,  1869. 

5.  Milton  A.  Smith,  b.  Oct.  18,  1853 ;  d.  March  18,  1869. 

HI.  William  Mason  Smith,  b.  in  Homer,  N.  Y.,  April  14, 
1821.  He  went  with  his  parents  to  Allen,  N.  Y.,  in 
1838,  he  himself  walking  the  entire  distance  to  drive  the 
stock  they  took  with  them,  and  there  helped  to  make  a 
pleasant  home  of  the  new  farm,  which  he  and  his  father 
and  brother  owned  together.  The  grounds  around  the 
house  he  planted  full  of  forest  trees,  mainly  evergreens, 
and  in  other  ways  made  the  place  one  delightful  to 
remember.  He  m.  in  China  (now  Arcade),  N.  Y., 
May  8,  1S55,  Orilla  Welles.  They  removed  to  Clin- 
ton Co.,  Mich.,  in  1865,  where  he  d.  on  his  farm  near 
Hubbardston,  June  7,  1872.  He  was  very  retiring  in 
disposition  and  never  sought  or  held  many  public 
offices.  To  his  careful  pains  we  are  indebted  greatly 
for  the  fulness  and  accuracy  of  the  records  and  history 
of  his  own  family  and  near  relatives.  He  properly 
appreciated  his  ancestors,  and  in  his  family  papers  is 
written  :  "  Grandfather  Smith  and  wife.  Great  grand- 
father Allen  and  wife,  also  Great  Grandfather  Parker 
and  wife  were  buried  two  miles  north  of  Barre 
Village."     Their  children  were  : 

1.  Emma  Caroline  Smith,  b.  in  Allen,  N.  Y.,  April  8,  1856;  m. 

Oct.  15,  1S78,  Myron  C.  Goolthrite,  b.  in  New  York,  Nov. 
18,  1854. 

2.  Anna  Louisa  Smith,  b.   in  Allen,  N.  Y.,  June  23,   1859;  ^i. 

July,   1888,  George  R.  Knowles,  b.   in  N.  Y.   State,  Jan.  3, 

3.  Sarah  May  Smith,  b.  in  Allen,  N.  Y.,  May  3,  1861. 

4.  William  Welles  Smith,  b.  in  Lebanon,  Mich.,  Jan.  19,  1868. 

5.  Orilla  Laverne  Smith,  b.  in  Lebanon,  Mich.,  Jan.  15,  1870. 

IV.     Ann  Eliza  Smith,  b.  in  Cortland,  N.  Y.,  Dec.  9,  1872  ; 

m.  in  Allen,  N.  Y.,  April   13,   1845,  O.  H.  Walker, 

b.    April    II,    182 1,    son    of  Erastus    and    Betsey    B. 

(Porter)   Walker.      She  d.  Sept.  3,  1S71,  and  left  no 

issue.     He  I'esides  at  Angelica,  N.  Y. 

4.     Sally  Smith,  dau.  of  Capt.  Joseph  and  Rhoda  (Parker)  Smith, 

b.   in  Barre;  removed  to  Homer,  N.  Y.,  1816;   m.   in  Cort- 

landville,    N.    Y.,  Jan.    13,    1820,   Harry   McGraw,    son    of 

Samuel    and    Elizabeth    (Whitman)    McGraw.      vShe    was  a 

devout  Christian  woman  and  a  kind  mother.     Mr.  McGraw 


was  a  merchant  of  McGravvville.  He  was  honored  with  several 
town  offices,  such  as  supervisor  and  assessor.  He  was  also 
member  of  the  Assembly,  and  the  first  postmaster  of  McGraw- 
ville,  which  office  he  held  until  his  death,  May  16,  1849.  She 
d.  May  i,  1874.  All  the  children  were  b.  in  McGrawville  : 
I.     LucRETiA  McGraw,  b.  Jan.   11,  1821  ;   m.  Rev.  E.  B. 

Fancher.     They  reside  in  McGravvville,  N.   Y.,  and 

of  their  children  these  are  living  : 

1.  Ezra  B.  Fancher. 

2.  Edward  P.  Fancher. 

3.  Sarah  L.  Fancher  Kinney. 

4.  Mary  C.  Fancher  Jones. 

5.  Henry  R.  Fancher. 

6.  James  R.  Fancher. 

II.  Perrix  H.  McGraw,  b.  Dec.  26,  1S23  ;  m.  at  New 
Berlin,  N.  Y.,  April  26,  1848,  Leonisia,  b.  June  9, 
1824,  in  Solon,  N.  Y.,  dau.  of  Garrett  and  Philena 
Pritchard.  He  has  been  actively  connected  with  his 
town  and  is  a  highly  respected  citizen  of  McGrawville, 
N.  Y.  He  has  been  a  merchant,  produce  dealer  and 
manufacturer  of  corsets.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  Mary  Louisa  McGraw,  b.  Feb.  3,  1853;  d.  Dec.  16,  1S65. 

2.  Albert  Perrin  McGraw,  b.  June  12,  1S56;   m.  Jan.   18,   1882, 

Emiline  N.  Childs.     They  have  one  son  : 

I.     Charles  Albert  McGraw,  b.  Dec.  28,  i886. 

HI.  Pamelia  McGraw,  b.  Feb.  3,  1825  ;  m.  in  McGraw- 
ville, N.  Y.,  1855,  Henry  M.  Kingman,  son  of  Oliver 
and  Betsey  Kingman.  He  is  a  merchant  of  McGraw- 
ville. They  have  one  adopted  dau.,  Carrie  E.  King- 

IV.  Marinda  McGraw,  b.  July  14,  1827  ;  m.  Sept.  5,  i860, 
in  McGrawville,  N.  Y.,  Henry  C,  b.  in  Guilford, 
N.  Y.,  Sept.  11,  1827,  son  of  Leontes  and  Zilpha 
(Farnham)  Hendrick.  He  is  a  physician.  He  was 
a  surgeon  in  the  Rebellion,  1861-65.  He  is  president 
of  th&  Board  of  U.  S.  Examining  Surgeons,  Cortlanil, 
N.  Y.  They  reside  in  McGrawville,  N.  Y.  They 
have  one  son  : 
I.  Henry  Delos  Hendrick,  b.  Oct.  11,  1861. 
V.  Delos  McGraw,  b.  Oct.  21,  1829.  He  is  a  merchant 
and  produce  tlealer  and  resides  in  McGravvville,  N.  Y. 

VI.  Loui.sA  Maria  McGraw,  b.  Oct.  21,  1832;  d.  Feb.  i, 


36.  Abigail  Parker  ( Andrew, '^  Andrew,'^  yokn,^  Hana 
niah,^  Thomas'' ),  dan.  of  Dea.  Andrew  and  Abigail  (Jennison) 
Parker,  b.  in  Lexington,  Jan.  29,  1762,  came  with  her  parents 
to  Barre,  1763  :  m.  Feb.  21,  1788,  Nathan,  b.  in  Barre,  Nov. 
I,  1763,  son  and  eldest  child  of  Jonathan  and  Hannah  (Smith) 
Allen  of  Barre.  They  were  among  the  very  earliest  settlers 
of  "Rutland  District,"'  preceding  Andrew  Parker.  He  and 
brother  Nehemiah  Allen  came  from  Lexington,  and  they  may 
have  caused  Mr.  Parker  to  locate  with  them.  Jonathan  Allen's 
wife  was  a  native  of  Sudbury,  where  he  m.  her,  took  her  to 
Lexington,  and  then  proceeded  to  Barre  with  40  apple  trees  and 
his  young  wife  on  the  back  of  his  horse  I  They  made  their 
way  through  the  "District"  by  means  of  marked  trees,  and 
it  is  traditioned  that  until  settlers  became  numerous  they  heard 
the  howling  of  the  wolves  at  night  close  to  their  very  doors. 
Wrote  Edwin  Woods  :  "Jonathan  Allen's  memory  shall  live 
as  long  as  there  is  an  apple  tree  left  in  Barre."  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Carter,  Jonathan  Allen's  granddaughter,  shortly  before  her 
death,  remarked  that  she  had  often  ate  of  the  apples  from 
these  original  trees.  He  lived  at  the  north  of  the  centre,  on 
the  same  place  with  the  same  wife  60  years.  He  died  aged 
92,  wife  at  87,  and  had  six  children,  whose  average  age  at 
death  was  just  80  years.  His  brother  Nehemiah  Allen  had  ten 
children,  four  sons  and  six  daughters,  who  reached  at  death 
the  ages  of  respectivel3^  96,  96,  95^,  92J,  92,  84,  82,  80,  80, 
78,  making  an  average  of  87  ! 

Nathan  and  Abigail  lived  two  miles  northwest  of  the  centre 
on  the  same  place  and  in  the  same  house  lately  occupied  by 
their  dau.,  Mrs.  Carter.  Moses  and  Josiah  Allen  lived  in 
Barre  and  were  brothers  of  Nathan  Allen.  Moses's  son  was 
the  lafe  distinguished  Dr.  Nathan  Allen  of  Lowell.  Nathan 
Allen,  who  m.  Abigal  Parker,  was  a  farmer  and  was  one  of 
the  most  prominent  men  of  Barre  for  a  great  many  years. 
He  was  honored  with  all  the  offices  in  the  gift  of  the  town. 
He  d.  Aug.  16,  1831,  aged  68  :  she  d.  Oct.  14,  1838,  aged  77. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  A  child,  unnamed,  b.  and  d.  April  11,  1789. 

2.  MARy  Allen,  b.  in  Barre,  Feb.  17,  1790.     She  was  unable  to 

talk  plain.     She  lived  in  Barre  with  her  sister  until  her  death. 
She  d.  unm.  Jan.  26,  1865,  aged  75  years. 


Abigail  Allen,  b.  in  Barre,  Feb.  4,  1793;  m.  Jan.  3,  1833, 
Alexander  D.,  b.  Sept.  23,  17S5,  son  of  Charles  and  Mary 
(Slocum)  Dickinson,  of  Rhode  Island.  He  was  early  in  life 
a  sea  captain  and  later  a  farmer.     Their  children  were  : 

L  Nathan  Sumner  Dickinson,  b.  in  Barre,  Aug.  31, 
1836  ;  m.  Judith  Holmes  Prouty  of  Spencer.  She 
was  dau.  of  Pliny  Prouty  and  Malissa  Holmes.  He 
enlisted  in  Co.  C,  25th  Mass.  Reg.,  aged  27;  was 
wounded  in  the  battle  of  Cold  Harbor,  Va.,  June  3, 
1864,  and  d.  in  the  Harwood  Hospital,  Washington, 
D.  C,  Aug.  7,  1864.  Buried  in  North  Brookfield. 
Their  children  were : 

1.  George  Sumner  Dickinson,  b.  in  Spencer;   resides  at  North 


2.  Charles   Levi   Dickinson,  b.    in    Spencer;    resides  at  North 


II.     Mary  Abigail  Dickinson,  b.  in  Barre,  Nov.  20,  1834; 
resides  at  Worcester. 

Elizabeth  Allen,  b.  in  Barre,  Aug.  31,  1795;  m.  April  23, 
1834,  at  age  of  34,  Benjamin  Goodnow  Carter,  b.  in  Peters- 
ham, Sept.  12,  1806,  son  of  John  and  Ruth  Carter  of  Peters- 
ham. He  d.  in  Barre,  Feb.  13,  1867,  aged  60,  and  was 
buried  in  Petersham.  They  had  no  issue.  She  d.  Sept.  19, 
1890,  at  the  age  of  95.  Her  life  was  a  very  exceptional  one, 
more  than  a  repetition  of  that  which  our  ancestors  led  two 
centuries  ago.  The  old  Nathan  Allen  place,  which  her  father 
settled  on  in  1788,  was  located  two  miles  northwest  of  Barre, 
not  far  from  the  Dea.  Parker  place.  The  old  road  which 
divided  the  farm  was  once  populous  with  houses,  but  is  now 
remote  and  forsaken.  It  was  here  she  preferred  to  live,  and 
did  live,  for  95  years,  in  the  house  built  by  her  father,  which 
still  stands  unchanged  in  appearance.  She  also  preserved  the 
old  furniture  as  it  was  in  her  childhood. 

She  was  never  outside  of  her  native  town  except  on  two 
occasions,  once  she  went  to  Princeton  and  once  to  Gill.  She 
travelled  each  time  by  private  conveyance.  Consequently  it 
may  be  said  that  Mrs.  Carter  never  saw  a  railroad  train  or  a 
steamboat,  and  never  even  rode  on  a  stage  coach.  When 
once  questioned  if  she  would  not  like  to  have  seen  something 
of  the  world,  she  replied,  "No,  some  people  like  to  ride  on 
railroads,  but  home,  sweet  home  is  the  place  for  me.  Here 
my  father  and  mother  lived  for  60  years  of  married  life  ;  in 


this  house  I  was  born  ;  here  I  have  lived  for  95  years,  and 
here  I  am  to-day.  There  are  but  few  now  living  who  can  say 
as  much." 

Her  own  home  furnished  a  world  of  happiness  to  her  and 
she  never  longed  for  foreign  things.  Her  life  was  a  most 
heroic  example  of  contentment  and  Christian  feeling.  She 
clung  dearly  to  the  memories  of  her  childhood  days ;  spoke 
often  of  her  honored  and  long-lived  parents,  and  of  her  grand- 
father, Dea.  Andrew  Parker,  "who  made  spinning  wheels, 
and  who  wouldn't  pay  the  minister  for  that  kind  of  preaching 
in  which  he  did  not  believe." 

Until  a  few  years  before  her  decease  she  retained  her  full  mental 
ability,  and  some  years  since  she  materially  assisted,  by  means 
of  her  good  memory,  Edwin  Woods  in  his  popular  Memorial 
of  Barre.  For  the  cheerful  lesson  which  she  teaches,  for  her 
generosity  to  all  and  devotion  to  home  duty,  she  will  long  be 
remembered  in  Barre.  Doubtless  her  long  life  was  much  pro- 
longed by  the  watchful  attention  of  her  guardian  and  neigh- 
bor, Webster  Washburn  of  Barre.  The  old  home  is  a  relic  of 
antiquity  in  every  way.     She  had  no  issue. 

5.  Nathan  Allen,  b.  in  Barre,  Jan.  10,  1797  ;  d.  April  29,  1797. 

6.  Sumner  Allen,  b.  in  Barre,  Jan.  31,  1798  ;  d.  April  27,  1822, 

aged  24,  unm.  He  died  of  consumption  caused  by  exposure 
while  working  in  his  sap  orchard.  Unlike  his  sister  Mary,  he 
lacked  the  free  use  of  his  limbs,  but  possessed  good  powers  of 

7.  Louisa  Allen,  b.  in  Barre,  Dec.  4,  1801  ;  m.  Zebediah  Allen, 

son  of  Samuel  Allen.  Samuel  Allen  was  cousin  to  Nathan 
Allen.  They  lived  on  the  Nathan  Allen  place  after  marriage. 
They  had  one  son,  but  the  parents  both  died  and  the  child 
soon  followed,  having  lived  to  the  age  of  but  a  few  weeks. 

37.  Sally  Parker  (Andrew,'^  Andrew,''  John,^  Hana- 
niah,^  Thomas'),  dau.  of  Dea.  Andrew  and  Abigail  (Jennison) 
Parker,  b.  in  Barre,  March  17,  1765  ;  m.  Jonathan  Mayhew 
of  Phillipston.  They  lived  in  Phillipston  and  had  a  family  of 
children,  but  who  have  already  become  extinct.     She  m.  (2) 

Robbins,  who  is  remembered  by  the  old  residents  of 

Phillipston  as  the  one  who  played  the  big  bass-viol  in  church. 
She  d.  in  Phillipston. 

The  children,  among  whom  were  Nabby  and  Lyman  May- 
hew,  never  married.     They  settled  in  Phillipston  for  life  and 


lived  together  for  many  years.  He  was  a  most  constant  attend- 
ant of  the  Church,  a  most  strict  adherer  to  his  religion. 
Nabby  and  Lyman  Mayhew  are  both  buried  in  Phillipston. 

38.  Bettey  (or  Betsey)  Parker  (Andrew,'^  Andrew,'^ 
yohn,i  Hananiah^^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Dea.  Andrew  and 
Abigail  (Jennison)  Parker,  b.  in  Barre,  Jan.  13,  1766;  m. 
Feb.  20,  1788,  Paul  Tobey,  b.  in  Berkley,  Sept.  6,  1761, 
son  of  Rev.  Samuel  and  Bathsheba  (Crocker)  Tobey,  and 
twin  brother  of  Silas  Tobey.  He  was  one  of  a  family  of  12 
children.*  They  removed  to  Chester,  Vt.  They  lived  first 
in  a  cabin  ;  he  cleared  the  land  and  built  the  house  wherein 
they  later  lived.  Mrs.  Betsey  (Parker)  Tobey  is  remembered 
by  her  only  surviving  dau.  as  a  smart,  capable  woman.  She 
d.  Dec.  30,  1808,  and  he  m.  (2)  Feb.  4,  1813,  Phebe  Briggs. 
All  the  children,  however,  were  by  Betsey.  He  d.  in  Chester, 
Vt.,  Aug.  4,  183 1.  His  death  was  very  sudden.  Standing 
in  his  grain  field  with  a  handful  of  grain,  he  received  a  shock 
and  lived  only  a  few  hours. 

*  (The  story  of  Parson  Tobey's  courtship  has  already  been  preserved  in 
print  in  a  paper  called  The  Christian.)  After  Samuel  Tobey  was  ordained 
pastor  of  the  Church  in  Berkley,  Mass.,  Nov.  23,  1737,  being  convinced  of  the 
truth  of  the  scriptural  doctrine,  that  it  is  not  good  for  man  to  be  alone,  he 
very  naturally  looked  about  him  to  find  a  remedy  for  his  isolation,  and  in  this 
search  he  of  course  had  the  help  and  best  wishes  of  his  fair  parishioners  in 
general.  Under  the  circumstances  he  became  a  frequent  visitor  at  Mr. 
Crocker's,  whose  house  was  graced  dy  the  presence  of  fine  blooming  daughters. 
Three  of  these  daughters  were  usually  in  the  room  dressed  in  their  best  and 
ready  to  receive  the  young  parson  when  he  came,  and  to  make  his  visits  as 
agreeable  to  him  as  they  were  acceptable  to  them.  The  fourth  daughter, 
Bathsheba,  he  seldom  saw.  Whether  cumbered  with  much  serving  or  shy  of 
company,  or  what  not,  she  managed  to  keep  out  of  sight  most  of  the  time, 
though  he  would  occasionally  get  a  glimpse  of  her  dress  as  she  disappeared 
through  the  door  on  his  arrival. 

His  curiosity  was  awakened  by  her  shyness,  and  he  thought,  as  he  expressed 
it,  that  he  would  "  like  to  see  more  of  this  coy  bird,"  he  therefore  sought  an 
interview  with  her,  the  result  of  which  was  that  the  three  sisters  who  sat  in 
the  parlor  with  him  had  the  honor  of  having  the  parson  for  a  brother-in-law; 
while  the  parish  register,  still  extant,  bears  the  following  record  in  parson 
Tobey's  own  handwriting:  "Sept.  6,  1739,  I  was  married  to  Bathsheba 
Crocker."  They  lived  long  together  and  she  became  the  mother  of  12  children, 
among  whom  some  rose  to  high  honor;  and  her  grandchildren,  who  are  still 
living,  are  among  the  merchant  princes  of  Boston,  of  all  of  which  we  may  say, 
as  the  parson  said  of  his  marriage,  "I  do  not  know  as  this  would  have  taken 
place  had  she  not  been  so  shy." 


Their  children  were  : 

1.  Silas  Tobey,  b.  June  10,  17S9;  d.  May  29,  1795. 

2.  Betsey  Torey,  b.  Nov.  10,  1790;  m.  at  age  of  22,  Otis  Cook. 

They  had  ten  children,  seven  living  to  maturity.  They  resided 
in  Chester,  Vt.,  and  all  the  children  were  born  there: 

I.  James  Spencer  Cook,  b.  Dec.  3,  1S15  ;  m.  May  12, 
1844,  Philena  Martin  of  Springfield,  Vt.  They  had 
four  children.     He  d.  Aug.  31,  1887. 

II.  Harriett  Cook,  b.  Feb.  24,  1818  ;  m.  Barnard  Carlton 

of  Ludlow,  Vt.     No  issue. 

III.  Salmon  Cook,  b.  May  4,   1S20;  m.  Jan.,  1847,  Mary 

Bemis.     They  have  one  child, 

IV.  Elizabeth   Cook,  b.  Sept.  23,   1823;    m.  Feb.,   1844, 

Fernando  Baldwin  of  Andover,  Vt.     One  child. 
V.     Martha    Cook,    b.   Oct.   4,    1825;    m.    July    i,    1843, 
Leonard  Redfield  of  Springfield,  Vt.     They  have  had 
seven  children. 

VI.  Thomas  Cook,  b.  June  25,  1827  ;  d.  about  1850,  unm. 

VII.  Abigail  Tobey  Cook,  b.  April  22,  1829;  d.  Jan.,  1837. 

3.  Abigail  Tobey,  b.  Oct.  31,  1792;  m.  in  Chester,  Vt.,  Jan.  10, 

181 1,  Timothy,  b.  July  28,  1788,  d.  Dec.  15,  1865,  son  of 
Benoni  and  Sarah  (Williams)  Lockwood.  He  was  a  farmer, 
worked  a  shingle  mill  and  resided  at  Springfield,  Vt.  She  d. 
Aug.  26,  1828.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  A  SON,  b.  Nov.  24,  i8ii  ;  d.  Dec.  10,  181 1. 

II.  A  SON,  b.  Dec.  26,  1812  ;  d.  Jan.  3,  1813. 

III.  Hiram  L.  Lockwood,  b.  March  3,  1814. 

IV.  Nelson  H.  Lockwood,  b.  Aug.   25,  1816;  d.  Jan.  23, 

V.     Alvin  T.  Lockw^ood,  b.  Oct.  23,  1818. 
VI.     Timothy  P.  Lockwood,  b.  Jan.  11,  1821. 

VII.  Achsah  a.  Lockwood,  b.  Aug.  30,  1823  ;   m.  at  Spring- 

field, Vt.,  Jan.  I,  1843,  Sylvester,  b.  in  Chester,  Vt., 
Sept.  5,  1815,  son  of  William  and  Rachel  (Redfield) 
Ellison.  He  is  a  farmer  at  Springfield,  Vt.  They 
have  two  children  : 

1.  Achsah  A.  Ellison,  b.  Feb.  13,  1844. 

2.  Azro  D.  Ellison,  b.  Jan.  29,  1853. 

VIII.  Bathsheba  B.  Lockwood,  b.  Oct.  26,  1825. 
IX.     A  son,  b.  Aug.  8,  and  d.  Aug.  12,  1S27. 

X.     Silas  Lockwood,  b.  July  28,  1828. 



4.  Paul  Tobey,  b.  Nov.  21,  1794;  d.  April  33,  1815. 

5.  Bathsheha  Crocker  Tobey,  b.  March  30,  1797;  d.  May  7, 

1829,  unm. 

6.  Samuel  Tobey,  b.  May  6,  1800;  d.  May  13,  1S84,  unm. 

7.  A  daughter,  b.  March  2,  and  d.  May  12,  1S02, 

8.  Andrew  Parker  Tobey,  b.  Feb.  4,  1804;  m.  Jan.   28,  1840, 

Martha  E.  Boynton,  b.  in  Weathcrsfield,  Vt.,  July  17,  1820. 
He  d.  Jan.  17,  1877.      Their  children  were: 

I.     Mary  E.  Tobey,  b.  Jan.  2,  1842. 

II.     Myron  S.  Tobey,  b.  Nov.  20,  1843  ;  d.  July  5,  1886. 
in.     Emma  E.  Tobey,  b.  June   16,  1847;  I'esides  at  Chester, 

IV.     Paulina  L.  Tobey,  b.  July  i,  1850;  m.  July  2,  1S73, 
Hiland  Chandler  of  Chester,  Vt.,  and  who  d.  Dec.  8, 
1877.     She  resides  at  North  Springfield,  Vt. 

9.  .Sarah  Tobey,  b.  Sept.  9,  1S08  ;   m.  Jan.   2,  1837,  Lincoln,  b. 

in  Springfield,  Vt.,  Jan.  14,  1809,  son  of  Peres  Whitcomb  of 
Cohasset,  and  wife  Priscilla  Litchfield  of  Scituate.  He  was 
a  shoemaker  and  later  a  farmer.  He  resided  in  Springfield, 
Vt.,  where  he  d.  Sept.  12,  1881,  aged  72^  years.  His  widow 
(1890)  still  survives  him  in  good  health  at  82  years  of  age.  She 
was  the  last  born  and  is  the  only  surviving  child  of  Paul  and 
Betsey  (Parker)  Tobey.     Their  children  were  : 

I.     Ellen  E.  Whitcomb,  b.  in  Qiiechee,  Vt.,  Sept.  9,  1S39  ; 

m.  George  R.  Hall.     She  d.  Oct.   10,  1865,  aged  36, 

without  issue. 
II.     Julia   M.    Whitcomb,  b.  in    Qiiechee,  Vt.,  Sept.  30, 

1842  ;    m.   Henry  F,   Howe.      She  d.  Oct.    13,   1S62, 

aged  20.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  Luman  L.  Howe. 

2.  Lula  M.  Howe. 

HI.  Georgianna  Whitcomb,  b.  in  Springfield,  Vt.,  June 
20,  1845;  m.  Jan.  i,  1867,  Charles  E.  Chandler. 
Their  children  were  : 

Harry  E.  Chandler,  b.  July  12,  1869. 

Edward  A.  Chandler,  b.  Sept.  6,  1872;  d.  Oct.,  1872. 

3.  Nora  G.  Chandler,  b.  Dec.  12,  1875. 

4.  Hcllen  W.  Chandler,  b.  Aug.  26,  1S77. 
Grace  M.  Chandler,  b.  June  25,  1880. 

IV.  Andrew  L.  Whitcomb,  b.  Jan.  S,  1853  ;  d.  Jul)  ^o, 


39.  Artemas  Parker  (Andrew,^  Andrew, "^  yohn,^ 
Hananiah,^    Thomas^),     son    of   Dea.    Andrew    Parker    and 

Mary,  his  2nd  wife,  b.  in  Barre,  Aug.   5,   1786;  m.  

Spaulding.  It  is  known  that  he  lived  in  New  Hampshire  for 
a  time,  and  from  there  removed  to  Chelmsford,  Mass.  But  it 
is  said  he  removed  to  Vermont,  and  that  the  descendants  from 
his  large  family  are  still  living  in  that  State.  It  is  known  that 
the  old  Barre  contingent  were  intimate  with  Parkers  in  Ver- 
mont, their  relatives.  At  one  time,  Aunt  Carter,  as  she  was 
familiarly  called,  sent  two  family  relics  to  her  Parker  relatives. 
One  was  Dea.  Parker's  large  Continental  hat  with  red  and 
black  plumes,  and  the  other  was  an  old  cane.  It  is  hoped 
that  further  research  may  finally  reveal  the  history  of  this 
branch  of  the  Parker  family.  It  is  known  that  one  son  was 
named  Rodolphus  Parker. 

40.  Mary  Parker  (yosiah,^  yosiak,"^  yohn,^  Hananmh,^ 
ThoDuis^),  dau.  of  Josiah  and  Mary  (Monroe)  Parker,  b.  in 
Woburn,  Dec.  25,  1749;  ™-  Sept.  29,  1774,  John  Gilmore. 
She  was  the  first  Parker  of  Lexington  descent  born  in  Woburn. 
They  had  two  children  born  in  Woburn,  after  which  they 
removed  from  town. 

John  Gilmore,  b.  Feb.  4,  1775. 
Marv  Gilmore,  b.  May  27,  1779. 

41.  Josiah  Parker,  Jr.  (yosiah,^  yosiah,'^  yohn,^  Hana- 
niak,^  Thomas^),  b.  in  Woburn,  Nov.  25,  1751  ;  m.  July  21, 
1774,  Hannah  Gardner  of  Charlestown.  He  lived  on  or  near 
his  father's  large  estate  on  the  west  side  of  the  town.  He  was 
very  active  in  the  stirring  times  of  British  oppression  and  did 
his  best  to  secure  the  independence  of  the  united  colonies, 
as  in  many  hard  fought  battles  and  several  years  of  hard- 
ships and  sufferings  he  risked  both  life  and  health  in  the 
cause.  He  belonged  to  the  Woburn  company  of  Minute- 
Men  who  marched  to  Lexington  and  Concord  on  the  morn- 
ing of  the  first  outbreak  of  the  war,  and  who  intercepted  the 
enemy  at  various  points.  He  was  with  Capt.  Wyman  at  the 
battle  of  Bunker  Hill.  He  was  several  years  in  the  service, 
was  under  Lt.  Jos.  Johnson  at  Cambridge  in  1777,  and  with 


Capt.  Wyman  endured  the  hardships  and  privations  of  1778. 
He  was  a  well  beloved  man  and  possessed  a  constitution  of 
strength  and  health.  His  characteristics  are  plainly  preserved 
by  the  epitaph  upon  his  gravestone  : 

"  In  Memory  of 
Mr.  JosiAH  Parker, 
who  d.  Jan.  20,  1830,  a.  78. 
"  The  man  of  charity  extends 
To  all  his  helping  hands 

His  Kindred,  Neighbours,  Foes  and  Friends, 
His  pity  may  command." 

Mrs.  Hannah  (Gardner)  Parker  d.  in  Woburn  at  the  age 
of  84,  Jan.  14,  1838.  The  mother,  Hannah,*  was  dau.  of 
Henry,  Jr.,  and  Sarah  (Noyes)  Gardner  of  Charlestown, 
where  she  was  b.  Feb.  3,  1754.  Henry,  Jr.,  was  grandson 
of  Richard  Gardner,  the  emigrant  ancestor,  who  was  in 
Charlestown  at  1662.      Her  epitaph  is  also  worth  inserting: 

"  Look  here  my  friend  as  you  pass  by 
As  you  are  now  so  once  was  I, 
As  I  am  now  so  you  must  be 
Prepare  for  death  and  follow  me." 

Their  children  were  : 

109.  JosiAH   Parker,   b.   Nov.    6,    1774;    m.   Abigail   Carter  of 

110.  Henry  Parker,  b.  July  3,  1777  ;  m.  Abigail  Hutchinson  of 
West  Cambridge. 

111.  Hannah  Parker,  b.  March  19,  1779;  m.  Abel  Richardson 
of  Woburn. 

112.  Polly  Parker,  b.  March   10,  1781  ;   m,   Caleb  Richardson 
of  Woburn. 

Betsey  Parker,  b.  1785  ;  "  d.  of  canker  rash,  Feb.  26,  1795,  aged 

10  y."     Woburn's  Record  of  Deaths. 
Frederick  Parker,  b.  17S6;  "  d.  of  canker  rash,  Feb.   28,   1795, 

aged  9  y."     Woburn's  Record  of  Deaths. 

♦She  was  b.  in  Charlestown,  Feb.  3,  1754,  dau.  of  Henry  and  second  wife 
Lucy  (Fowle)  Gardner,  being  tenth  in  her  father's  family  of  twelve  children. 
Lucy  Fowlc  was  dau.  of  Capt.  John  Fowie  of  Woburn,  who  was  son  of  James. 
Henry  Gardner  was  son  of  Henry  and  Elizabeth  (Lane)  Gardner,  he  (Henry) 
being  son  of  Richard  and  Anna  (Blanchard)  Gardner  of  Woburn  and  Charles- 


113.  Electa  Pakkek,  b.  May  4,  1794;   m.  Samuel  C.  Buckman 
of  Woburn. 

114.  Betsey  Parker,  b.  March  i,  1796;   m.  Jonathan  Baldwin. 

115.  Frederick  Parker,  b.  July  3,  1798;   m.  Ndbby  Thompson 
of  Woburn. 

42.  Lydia  Parker  CJosiah^^  yosiah,^  yohn,iHana7iiah,^ 
Thomas'),  b.  in  Woburn,  Dec.  10,  1753  ;  m.  Aug.  24,  1772 
(supposed),  Jesse  Wright,  then  of  Woburn.  They  lived  in 
Woburn  a  few  years,  where  two  children  are  recorded.  Jesse 
Wright  was  with  Capt.  Wyman  at  the  battle  of  Bunker  Hill. 

Lydia  Wright,  b.  Jan.  6,  1774. 
Jesse  Wright,  b.  May  30,  1779. 

43.  Benj amin  Parker  (  Josiah ,s  Josiah ,4  John ,3  Hana- 
niah,-  Tho7nas'),  b.  in  Woburn,  Jan.  30,  1756;  m.  May  12, 
1779,  Mehetable  Tidd  of  Woburn,  b.  Dec.  13,  1759,  ^^^-  °^ 
Samuel  and  Phebe  Tidd.  He  lived  on  the  "West  Side"  in 
Woburn,  near  his  father's  homestead.  The  following  list 
of  children  is  transcribed  from  the  original  and  excellently 
penned  sheets  of  family  records,  now  in  possession  of  Mrs. 
Benjamin  Wyer  : 

116.  Benjamin  Parker,  Jr.,  b.  Aug.  26,  17S0;  m.  Sally  Allen. 

117.  Joseph  Parker,  b.  June  8,  1782;  m.  Betsey  Richardson  of 

118.  Samuel    Parker,   b.  Dec.    23,   1784;    m.  Lydia    Thurston 

119.  Mehetable  Parker,  b.  Oct.    23,  17S6;    m.  Maj.  Francis 
Johnson  of  Woburn. 

Patty  Parker,  b.  June  11,  1789;  d.  Nov.  14,  181 1,  aged  22. 

120.  Almira  Parker,  b    Sept.  20,  1790;  m.  Nathan  Johnson  of 

121.  Anna  Parker,  b.  Sept.  9,  1791  ;  m.  Joshua  Swan  Robbins 
of  West  Cambridge. 

Lucy  Parker,  b.  Feb.  18,  1794;  never  married. 

122.  Lydia  Parker,  b,  Aug.   15,   1796;   m.  Benjamin  Wyer  of 

123.  Charlotte  Parker,  b.  May  3,  1801  ;  m.  (i)   Royal  Cald- 
well ;   (2)  Nathaniel  Buck. 

124.  Fanny  Parker,  b.  July  22,  1803;  m.  George  Butters. 


■44.  Kdmund  Parker  (yosiah,^  yosiah,'^  yohn,^  Hana- 
7itah,^  Thomas^),  b.  in  Woburn,  March  17,  1762  ;  m.  (i)  April 
5,  1790,  Lydia  Johnson  of  Woburn;  she  d.  Feb.  3,  1801,  and 
he  m.  (2)  July  7,  1805,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Reed  of  Woburn.  She 
d.  in  Feb.,  1825,  aged  62. 

Like  his  Parker  relatives  he  possessed  a  sound  constitution 
and  strong  physique,  which  carried  him  through  many  hard- 
ships of  service  while  fighting  for  his  country.  He  served 
early  with  Capt.  Green's  R.  I.  regiment,  and  also  a  term  in 
1780.  He  lived  among  his  kindred  on  the  "West  Side," 
dying  June  28,  1840,  aged  78. 

"Like  a  shock  of  grain  ripe  and  seared, 
Removed  from  friends  long  endeared." 

Their  children  were  : 

Edmund  Parker,  Jr.,   m.    March   21,    1816,   Hannah   Wyman   of 

Woburn.     They  lived  upon  the  "West  Side"  in  the  neighborhood 

of  his  relatives.     They  d.  without  issue. 
Thaddeus  Parker,  m.  Feb.  6,  1821,  Lydia  Thompson  of  Woburn. 

He  was  b.  on  the  "West  Side"  of  Woburn  ;  was  a  very  strong  man, 

possessing  a  remarkable  constitution  and  great   physical   energy. 

He  d.  without  issue  aged  about  90  years. 
[Woburn  Records  show  that  an  infant  child  of  Edmund  Parker  d. 

Feb.  20,  1801.J 
125.     David  Johnson  Parker,  m.  Rebecca  Carter  of  Wilmington. 
Mary  Parker,   m.  in  Woburn,  Dec.    23,    1819,  Dana  Fay;    they 

lived  in  Winchester  and  had  no  children. 

45.  Nathan  Parker  (yosiah,^  yosiah,^  yohn,^  Hana- 
jiia/i,^  Thomas'),  b.  in  Woburn,  Feb.  21,  1769:  m.  Nov.  10, 
1793,  Polly  Richardson,  b.  Oct.  i,  1775,  dau.  of  Reuben  and 
Jerusha  Richardson  of  Woburn.  He  was  a  dutiful  son  and 
became  a  highly  respected  citizen  ;  but  in  his  prime  of  life  he 
was  fatally  injured  by  the  fall  of  the  Clapp  house,  which  is  best 
described  in  the  records  of  the  town,  which  read: 

"  From  this  accident,  thirty  or  forty  individuals,  the  strong  men 
of  our  town,  were  wounded  in  an  inconceivable  number  of  ways." 



This  worthy  inscription  is  upon  his  grave-stone  : 

In  Memory  of 

Mr.  Nathan  Parker, 

who  d.  July  19,  1807,  ^t.  38. 

"  By  a  wound  which  he  received  by  a  fall  of 
a  frame  of  an  House,  he  has  left  a  widow  and 
five  children  to  lament  the  loss  of  one  of  the 
best  of  Husbands  and  Fathers  ;  as  a  provider 
he  was  very  remarkable  for  his  attention  to 
his  Family,  a  very  industrious  &  ingenious 
Tradesman,  a  real  good  neighbour,  social  and 
confident  friend,  very  regular  &  Just  in  all  his 
dealings  &  to  conclude  all  his  moral  Virtues 
an  Honest  Man." 

"  O  Death,  thou  Victor  of  the  human  frame 
The  soul's  poor  fabric  trembles  at  thy  name. 
How  long  shall  man  be  urged  to  dread  thy  sway 
For  those  whom  thou  untimely  take  away?" 

His  widow  m.  Aug.  31,  1820,  Seth  Crosby  of  Billerica, 
and  removed  there. 

136.  Polly  Parker,  b.  March  23,  1794  ;  m.  Joshua  Reed,  Jr.,  of 

Child,  unnamed,  d.  1796. 

Caroline  Parker,  b.  1805  ;  d.  in  Woburn,  May  31,  1826,  aged  21. 

Clarissa  Parker,  d.  unmarried. 

137.  Maria  Parker,  m.  Simon  Adams  of  Lowell. 

128.     Susanna  Parker,  m.  Marshall  Wyman  of  Woburn. 

46.  Anna  Parker  (yohn,^  'Josiah^''  yohn,^  Hananiah^^ 
Thomas^),  dau.  of  Capt.  John  and  Lydia  (Moore)  Parker,  b. 
in  Lexington,  Jan.  11,  1859;  "^-  in  Waltham,  March  16,  1781, 
Ephraim  Pierce,  Jr.,  of  Waltham.  They  lived  in  Waltham. 
There  is  in  possession  of  her  descendants  a  family  tree 
wrought  on  canvas  by  the  youngest  daughter  of  the  family, 
the  crrowth  of  which  is  thereby  represented.  Within  the  two 
hearts  at  the  base  are  inscribed  the  names  of  the  father  and 
mother,  viz.  : 

"  Epraim  Pierce,  b.  Sept.  29,  1747 — Anna  Pierce,  b.  Jan.  11,  1749. 
Married  March  18,  1780." 



From  these  united  hearts  springs  the  trunk  of  the  tree,  from 
whose  branches  are  suspended  five  large  apples,  each  con- 
taining a  name  and  date,  as  follows  : 

"  Lydia,  born  July  29,  1780. 
Ephraim,  born  Oct.  i,  1782. 
Nancy,  born  Nov.  22,  1784. 
John,  born  Aug.  13,  1787- 
Sibbyl,  born  Jan.  11,  1790." 

1.  Lydia  Pierce,  b.  July  29,  1780;  d.  unin. 

2.  Ephraim  Pierce,  b.  Oct.  i,  1782  ;  was  drowned  when  a  boy. 

3.  Nancy    Pierce,    b.    Nov.    22,    1784;    m.    Leonard    Smith    of 

Waltham,   son   of  David.     He   was  innkeeper   in   Waltham. 
Their  children  were  : 

I.     Ann  Augusta  Smith,  d.  1829. 
II.     Jane  Isabella  Smith,  b.  Nov.  16,  iSio  ;  m.  in  Waltham, 

Dec.  25,  1834,  Frederick  Lawrence,  b.  Sept.  16,  1809  ; 

d.   Feb.    13,    1876.       He  was   a  farmer   in   Waltham. 

Their  children  were  : 

Ann  Isabella  Lawrence. 
Leonard  Frederick  Lawrence. 
Ellen  Sophia  Lawrence. 
Henderson  Greene  Lawrence. 
Nancy  Jane  Lawrence. 

III.  Leonard  Smith,  b.  Sept.  23,  1813;  d.  March  15,  1814. 

IV.  Elvira  Sophia  Smith,  b.  April  i,  1815  ;  m.  Horace 
Hammond,  b.  April  10,  1812  ;  d.  Jan.  2,  1880.  She  d. 
Feb.  10,  1872.  He  was  owner  and  manager  of  Hoise 
Car  Railroad  Works,  Waltham,  and  Captain  of  the 
Waltham  Artillery  Co.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  Child,  unnamed,  b.  and  d. 

2,  Edward  Horace  Hammond,  b.  in  Waltham,  April  19,  1842; 
m.  at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  May  18,  1887,  Ada  H.,  b.  at 
Grand  Rapids,  Oct.  3,  1865,  dau.  of  John  and  Helen  M. 
(Lewis)  Crissman.  He  is  a  practitioner  of  Christian 
Science  Mind  Healing.     Residence,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

V.  Leonard  Pierce  Smith,  b.  Aug.  6,  1818;  m.  in  Wal- 
tham, Jan.  12,  1855,  Mary  Jane  Hale,  b.  March  26, 
1827,  dau.  of  John  and  Nancy.  He  was  hotel  keeper 
at  Waltham.     He  d.  1866.     Their  children  were: 

1.  Leonard  Smith,  b.  Dec.  17,  1855;  d.  Jan.  10,  18SS. 

2.  Jennie  Mafia  Smith,  b.  June  23,  1857. 



VI.  Ei.LEN  Rebekah  Smith,  b.  Aug.  30,  1821  ;  m.  in 
Waltham,  Dec.  4,  1845,  Edward  Lawrence  Bond,  b. 
in  Wilmington,  Sept.  10,  1S17,  son  of  Joseph  and  Lucy 
(Davis)  Bond.  He  was  a  merchant  in  Boston  for 
many  years,  and  was  the  original  manufacturer  of  the 
celebrated  Bond  crackers.  He  d.  in  Waltham,  Feb.  9, 
1891,  aged  73  years.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  Edward  Smith  Bond,  b.  Oct.  13,  1846;  d.  Aug.  31,  1847. 

2.  Nancy  Smith  Bond,  b.  Jan.  24,  1848. 

3.  Ellen  Rebekah  Bond,  b.  March  15,  1849;  d-  Dec.  18,  1849. 

VII.     Lydia  Smith,  d.  in  nine  weeks. 

John  Pierce,  b.  in  Waltham,  Aug.  13,  1787  ;  m.  Sarah  Tewks- 
bury.     They  resided  in  Chelsea.     Their  children  were : 

I.     Ephraim  Pierce,  b.  June  16,  1813  ;  d.  June  2,  1833. 
II.     Sarah  Ann  Pierce,  b.  Nov.  4,  1814;  d.  Oct.  17,  1834, 

III.  John  Payson  Pierce,  b.  March  26,  1818;  m.  Dec.  5, 

1847,  Augusta  Putnam,  dau.  of  David  and  Orpha  Put- 
nam of  East  Boston  (Revere).     Their  children  were: 

1.  John  Theodore  Parker  Pierce,  b.   Oct.   17,  1848;  d.  Aug.   20, 


2.  Heman  Winthrop  Pierce,  b.  Nov.  25,  1850.     He  is  an  artist. 

IV.  Lydia  Maria  Pierce,  b.  Jan.    12,   1821  ;    m.  Jan.   i, 

1 841,  Joseph  Fenno.     He  d.  May  20,   1863.     She  d. 
in  June,  1886.     Their  children  were: 

Thomas  Lillej  Fenno,  b.  Oct.  i,  1841 ;  m.  Addie  E.  Tucker. 
Edward  Augustus   Fenno,   b.    Aug.    26,    1842 ;    m.    Sarah   J. 

Charles  Francis  Fenno,  b.  July  30,  1844;  resides  at  Revere. 
Sarah  Pierce  Fenno,  b.  Feb.  22,  1847;  m.  Fred.  E.  Proctor. 
Walter  Pierce  Fenno,  b.  May  20,  1850;  m.  Emma  E.  Tucker. 
Fred  Austin  Fenno,  b.  Feb.  5,  1S53. 
Morton  Fenno,  b  July  6,  1855;  d.  Jan.  12,  i860. 
Herbert  Fenno,  b.  Aug.  17,  1858. 
Parker  Fenno,  b.  May  10,  1862. 

Almira  Louisa  Pierce,  b.  July  11,  1823  ;  m.  Oct.  29, 
1844,  Robert  Aldersay  Vinal  of  Somerville,  son  of 
Robert  and  Lydia  (Stone)  Vinal.  The  father,  Robert, 
was  son  of  Nathaniel  Vinal  of  Scituate,  where  he  lived 
until  he  went  into  business  in  Boston.  Lydia  Stone 
was  dau.  of  John  Stone  of  Charlestown,  now  Somer- 
ville.    The  family  resides  in  Somerville.     Children  : 

I.     Almira  Louisa  Vinal,  b.  Feb.  6,  1846.  « 

3.  Robert  Aldersay  Vinal,  b.  Sept.  12,  1847. 


3.  Marie  Augusta  Vinal,  b.  Nov.  8,  1849. 

4.  Arthur  Pierce  Vinal,  b.  June  14,  1854. 

5.  Alice  Montague  Vinal,  b.  Oct.  29,  1856. 

6.  Charles  Walter  Vinal,  b.  Aug.,  1861. 

VI.     Elizabeth  Payson  Pierce,  b.  June  25,  and  d.  June  28, 

VII.  Henry  Augustus  Pierce,  b.  Nov.  29,  1828  ;  d.  Feb. 
21,  1863,  in  a  military  hospital  at  Washington,  D.  C. 
He  was  an  original  member  of  Co.  H,  First  Reg.  Mass. 
Vols.,  and  he  took  part  in  every  engagement  of  his 
company  from  Bull  Run  to  Fredericksburg. 
VIII.  Augusta  Smith  Pierce,  b.  Sept.  26,  1830;  m.  Oct. 
26,  1853,  Quincy  Adams  Vinal  (brother  of  Robert), 
son  of  Robert  and  Lydia  (Stone)  Vinal.  They  reside 
in  Somerville.     Their  children  v^^ere  : 

1.  Anna  Parker  Vinal,  b.  Aug.  12,  1854. 

2.  Mary  Lowell  Vinal,  b.  June  16,  1856. 

3.  Martha  Adams  Vinal,  b.  Jan.  6,  1858. 

4.  Quincj  Pierce  Vinal,  b.  April  2,  i860. 

5.  Josephine  Vinal,  b.  Oct.  30,  1861. 

6.  Sarah  Augusta  Vinal,  b.  Jan.  12,  1863. 

7.  Edward  Lincoln  Vinal,  b.  April  21,  1865. 

8.  Leonora  Vinal,  b.  Dec.  15,  1866. 

9.  Isabelle  Whitney  Vinal,  b.  July  26,  1868. 

10.  Bertha  Runey  Vinal,  b.  Jan.  9,  1870. 

11.  Eva  Neilson  Vinal,  b.  Nov.  20,  1871. 

12.  John  Henry  Vinal,  b.  April  28,  1873. 

13.  Leslie  Thorning  Vinal,  b.  Oct.  29,  1878. 

IX.  Ephraim  Pierce,  b.  Feb.  20,  1834;  enlisted  Sept.,  1861, 
in  the  Union  army,  was  Capt.  of  Co.  F,  Third  Reg., 
Minnesota  Veteran  Vols.  He  d.  July  i,  1865,  at  Du 
Vulls  Bluff;  Ark. 

SiBBYL   Pierce,   b.   in  Waltham,   Jan.    11,    1790;    m.   Horatio 
Bird.     She  d.  about  1826,  aged  36  years.     Children  : 

I.     Horatio  Bird,  b.  about  1812;  d.  about   1S42,  aged  30 
years.     He  left  one  dau.,  who  went  to  Washington  45 
years  ago. 
II.     SiBBYL  Bird,  b.  about  1814;  d.  1836,  aged  22. 

III.  Lydia  Bird,  d.  in  infancy. 

IV.  Oliver  Hazard  Perry   Bird,  b.  about  1821  ;    was  a 

sea-captain,  when  and  wliere  he  d.  is  unknown  to  his 
relatives.  He  left  two  daughters,  who  were  in  Chelsea 
at  the  time  of  their  mother's  death  about  40  years  ago. 


47.  John  Parker  (John,^  Josiah,'^  John,^  Hananiah,'' 
ZJ^ow/as'j,  son  of  Capt.  John  and  Lydia  (Moore)  Parker,  b. 
in  Lexington,  Feb.  14,  1761  ;  m.  in  Waltham,  Feb.  17,  1784, 
Hannah  Stearns,  the  dau.  of  Benjamin  and  Hannah  (Seger) 
Stearns.  She  was  the  seventh  of  a  family  of  eleven  children, 
and  was  b.  in  Lexington,  1766,  Hannah  Seger  was  the 
descendant  of  Thomas  Seger,  or  Seager,  who  came  to  New- 
bury before  1637. 

"  The  descendants  seem  to  have  had  a  taste  for  frontier  life. 
Nathaniel,  of  uncertain  date,  was  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of  Bethel, 
Maine  ;  the  Indians  carried  him  oft'  into  Canada,  as  they  did  many 
another  man  and  woman,  when  they  could  surprise  them  in  the  fields, 
driving  them  thence  through  the  desolate  gaps  in  the  White  Moun- 
tains, to  make  a  bloody  trail  where  now  the  summer  streams  of  fash- 
ion and  invalidism  so  easily  flow.  Nathaniel  had  a  very  hard  time 
of  it,  which  he  must  needs  write  about  afterwards.  Another  mem- 
ber of  this  family  enlisted  during  the  Revolutionary  War  ;  was  a 
sergeant  in  Capt.  Bryant's  company  of  artillery,  and  went  through 
many  an  engagement.  His  captain  lay  mortally  wounded  after  the 
battle  of  Brandywine,  within  the  enemy's  lines,  whence  he  brought 
him  away  by  night  upon  a  litter,  with  two  or  three  comrades  help- 
ing, though  he  too  had  sustained  a  severe  wound  that  day.  Stories 
of  the  wilderness  and  of  battle  were  told  into  greedy  ears  at  the 
winter  firesides  of  the  Lexington  families."  * 

John  Parker  was  14  when  his  father  drew  the  first  sword 
and  captured  the  first  weapon  taken  in  the  Revolution.  He 
was  too  young  to  fight,  but  he  helped  all  he  could  by  carrying 
fresh  water  in  wooden  bowls  to  the  thirsty  soldiers. 

John  Parker  was  a  stout  able-bodied  man,  "uncommon 
strong,"  could  endure  cold  and  heat  and  abstinence  from  food 
and  rest.  He  was  a  typical  New  England  yeoman,  a  "quiet, 
thoughtful,  silent,  reading  man,  of  strong  sense,  of  great 
moral  worth,  reliable,  honorable  ;  worked  every  day  and  all 
day ;  kept  good  discipline  in  his  family,  governed  easily ; 
taught  his  children  to  speak  the  truth  ;  always  had  a  book  in 
his  hand  in  the  evening."  f 

In  consideration  that  John  Parker  and  Hannah  Stearns 
were  the  parents  of  the  late  Rev.  Theodore  Parker,  world- 

*  Weiss'  Biography  of  Rev.  Theodore  Parker. 

fThe  testimony  of  his  grandson,  Rev.  Columbus  Greene,  Esq. 


famous  for  the  advanced  views  of  religion  which  he  preached 
in  his  time,  it  is  interesting  to  observe  their  characteristics. 
The  following  description  of  his  parents  comes  mostly  from 
Theodore,  himself,  an  affectionate,  grateful  and  revering  son, 
who  loved  to  speak  of  his  parents  ;  scarcely  ever  failed  to 
record  in  his  busy  journal  the  anniversaries  of  their  birth  or 
death,  and  never  made  such  record  without  dropping  the 
tenderest  words  on  their  memories. 

He  was  a  skilful  farmer,  and  had,  perhaps,  the  best  peach 
orchard  in  Middlesex,  and  adopted  nearly  all  the  improve- 
ments in  farming  that  had  proved  valuable.  But  he  was 
more  of  a  mechanic  than  a  farmer.  Like  his  father,  grand- 
father and  great-grandfather  before  him,  he  was  a  worker  in 
wood,  was  expert  in  making  and  repairing,  and  pursued  his 
occupation  of  millwright  and  pumpmaker  in  his  shop,  while 
the  farm  work  he  left  mainly  to  his  boys.  The  shop  was 
situated  just  above  the  house,  it  being  the  famous  belfry  tower 
from  which  rang  the  peals  that  awoke  the  Colonies  to  action 
in  their  glorious  Revolution.  He  put  brains  into  his  work, 
originated  new  methods,  "made  his  head  save  his  hands." 
Theodore  also  informs  us:  "He  was  a  man  of  much  thought 
and  reading,  with  fine  power  of  speech,  but  colloquial  and 
orattonal."  "  He  was  fond  of  mathematics,  understood  algebra 
and  geometry,  plane  and  solid,  and  was  'great  at  figures.'" 
He  was  also  fond  of  metaphysics,  psychology  and  all  depart- 
ments of  intellectual  and  moral  philosophy,  and  he  had  read 
all  the  English  books  upon  philosophy.  When  he  got  into  an 
argument,  which  was  seldom,  as  controversy  did  not  suit  him, 
he  was  very  effective.  He  was  a  great  reader,  rising  before 
day  in  the  winter  to  study,  sleeping  but  about  five  hours : 
was  nice  and  acute  in  metaphysical  analysis  ;  fond  of  Natural 
History,  and  well  acquainted  with  the  plants  of  Massachusetts. 
He  was  jovial  and  funny,  but  well  mannered ;  no  clownish- 
ness,  profanity  or  indecency  marred  his  humor.  His  towns- 
people had  a  saying,  "John  Parker  has  all  the  manners  of  the 

Strength  of  mind  is  a  characteristic  of  the  Parker  family. 
In  this  John  Parker  was  no  exception,  he  "was  an  independ- 
ent thinker;    in  religion   was  a  Unitarian,  and  in  politics  a 


Federalist,  when  there  were  but  five  in  the  whole  town.  He 
was  eminently  just  and  magnanimous,  fearless  in  the  express- 
ion of  opinion,  often  arbitrator  in  quarrels,  was  guardian  of 
widows,  etc.,  and  administered  estates,  for  there  was  no 
lawyer  in  town." 

He  took  great  pains  with  the  intellectual  and  moral  culture 
of  his  children.  "  Devoted  to  education,"  he  was  influential 
in  bringing  into  the  common  schools  a  better  class  of  teachers. 
He  did  not  like  poetry,  but  read  the  works  of  the  leading 
authors.  He  disliked  Paley  and  Edwards.  "Paley  left  us 
no  conscience,"  he  used  to  say.  He  probabl}'  disliked  Edwards 
because  he  left  us  no  will,  as  will  was  a  strong  feature  in  the 
Parkers.  He  watched  the  heavens  also,  and  made  himself 
acquainted  with  the  movements  of  the  stars.  His  diligent 
study  of  the  Bible  made  him  formidable  in  theological  debate. 

Hannah  Stearns  was  the  daughter  of  a  well-to-do  farmer. 
Her  son  describes  her  as  "  a  handsome  woman,  of  slight  form, 
flaxen  hair,  blue  eyes  and  a  singularly  fresh  and  delicate  com- 
plexion, more  nervous  than  muscular."  Her  education  was 
inferior  to  her  husband's,  her  mind  less  positive  and  independ- 
ent. Her  favorite  reading  was  the  Bible  and  Hymn  Book, 
but  her  mind  was  stored  with  passages  of  beauty  from  English 
literature.  "She  was  imaginative,  delicate  minded,  poetic, 
yet  a  very  practical  woman  ;  far  sighted  and  so  nice  in  her 
perceptions  and  judgments  that  it  used  to  startle  me  some- 
times in  the  body  and  does  now  as  I  think  of  it."  "She  took 
great  pains  with  the  religious  training  of  her  children,  but 
cared  little  for  doctrines  ;  no  bigotry,  no  cant,  no  fear.  Relig- 
ion was  love  and  good  works.  She  had  what  I  call  piety,  the 
ideal  part  of  religion,  love  of  God  as  well  as  morality." 

Her  rigid  economy  helped  her  to  be  generous  to  the  poor. 
The  father  read  aloud  to  his  family  in  the  evening.  In  this 
she  took  much  delight,  while  she  sewed  and  listened.  This 
kept  her  supplied  with  food  for  thought.  He  read  until  the 
old,  tall  clock  struck  eight,  then  with  a  wave  of  his  hand  he 
dismissed  the  children  to  bed.  When  the  children  took  their 
light  and  went  to  bed  the  day  had  still  one  grace  in  store  for 
them,  as  they  listened  till  their  mother  came  up  to  see  that 
they  were  well  tucked  in  and  to  share  the  sweetness  of  their 


homely  prayers.  She  was  fond  of  romantic  stories,  of  adven- 
ture among  the  Indians,  some  of  which  were  printed  in  books, 
while  others  floated  about  in  the  form  of  legend.  A  fine 
memory  enabled  her  to  repeat  these  wild  tales,  and  to  carry 
about  with  her  such  literary  stores  as  she  had. 

The  drinking  habits  of  the  period  were  pure  and  simple, 
and  highly  commended.  However,  one  of  the  first  recorded 
instances  of  its  disuse  at  funerals  was  at  the  house  of  Mr. 
Parker  on  the  occasion  of  his  grandmother's  death,  1760. 
From  this  slight  sketch  it  will  be  seen  that  John  Parker  was 
a  man  ahead  of  his  time  in  both  thought  and  action,  and  far 
ahead  of  his  neighbors  and  countrymen.  He  well  represented 
the  Parker  family  of  his  time  ;  intelligent,  industrious,  pro- 
gressive, honorable,  firm  minded  and  independent. 

She  d.  May  15,  1823,  aged  59,  and  he  d.  Nov.  3,  1835, 
aged  74.  From  his  note-book,  entitled  "John  Parker's  Book, 
1788,"  is  copied  the  following  precise  account  concerning  Ms 
family : 

"Monday  the  nth  day  of  April,  1785,  Polly  Parker  was  born 
about  3  o'clock  past  midday."  She  m.  June  25,  1816,  Samuel 
Greene,  who  was  a  kind  and  affectionate  mother-in-law  to  her 
sister's  children.  He  d.  Dec.  5,  1818,  and  she  d.  in  Lexington  in 

"  1786.  John  Parker  was  born  Thursday,  12th  day  of  October  at- 
8  o'clock  in  the  morning."     He  m.  Maria  Green  of  W.  Cambridge. 

"Tuesday,  2nd  day  of  April,  was  born  Lydia  Parker,  25  minutes 
after  seven  o'clock  in  the  evening;"  she  '•  departed  this  life  April 
25,  between  4  and  5  o'clock  in  the  morning  in  the  year  I'J^i,  aged 
2  years  and  21  days.     She  died  of  the  Quinsy." 

129.  "Tuesday,  15  day  of  March,  1791,  Hannah  Parker  was 
born  about  3  o'clock  in  the  afternoon."  She  m.  Samuel  Green  of 

130.  "July  I,  1793,  was  born  Lydia  Parker  on  Monday  Morn- 
ing at  five  o'clock."     She  m.  Isaac  Herrick  of  Brighton. 

"December   10,  1795,  was  born  Rebecca  Parker  between  2  and  3 

of  the  Clock  in  the  morning  on  Thursday."     She  d.  Feb.  15,  181 2, 

131..    "November  5,  1798.     Isaac  Parker  was  born  on  Monday 

between  the  hours  of  4  and  5  of  the  Clock  in  the  afternoon."     He 

m.  Martha  M.  Miller. 


"Ruth  Parker,  born   on   Wednesday,  the   12   day  of  November, 

iSoo,  in  the  morning  between  one  &  two  of  the  clock."      Died 

Dec.  27,  1812. 
133.     "July   16,    1S03,   Hiram    Stearns    Parker    was   born    on 

Saturday  between  the  hours  of  2  and  3  o'clock  past  midday."     He 

m.  Nancy  Leavitt  of  New  Hampshire. 
"Emily  Ann  Parker  born  on  Sunday,  May  the  11,  1806,  between 

the  hours  of  4  &  5  in  the  afternoon."     She  m.  Charles  Miller  of 

Somerville.  and  d.  leaving  no  issue. 
133.     "  August  the  24th.  iSio.     Was  Born  Theodore  Parker  5 

minutes  in  the  morning  before  three  of  the  clock."     He  m.  Lydia 

D.  Cabot. 

48.  Isaac  Parker  (yohn,^  JosiahJ  yohji,^  Hanamak,^ 
Thotnas'),  son  of  Capt.  John  and  Lydia  (Moore)  Parker,  b. 
in  Lexington,  May  11,  1763.  He  seems  to  have  inherited  his 
father's  military  spirit,  and  very  early  in  life  arrayed  himself 
against  the  British  foe.  He  was  fond  of  military  adventures. 
When  old  enough  to  run  with  a  musket  he  served  in  the 
Revolutionar}'  war:  he  was  in  the  battles  of  Saratoga  and 
Yorktown,  was  in  garrison  at  West  Point  in  1782  and  83, 
from  whence  an  affectionate  letter  written  his  brother  John 
Parker  is  still  among  the  family  records  at  Lexington,  as  is 
also  a  pass  bearing  date  of  Nov.  9,  1783,  permitting  "Nemiah 
Fowler,  John  Farrer,  Titus  Baker  and  Isaac  Parker  to  Cross 
the  Ferry  and  pass  out  in  the  Country  and  Return  this  Eve- 
ning." He  served  many  years  in  the  Revolution,  and  seems 
to  have  continued  steadily  in  the  service  from  his  first  enlist- 
ment to  the  close  of  the  war.  After  the  war  he  removed  to 
Groton,  Mass.,  where  he  was  a  merchant,  but  failing  in  biisi- 
ness  he  went  to  South  Carolina,  and  married  a  lady  of  means 
at  Charleston.  He  was  living  there  up  to  1820,  the  father  of 
one  son.  This  son  m.  and  had  one  dau.,  but  he  came  to 
an  untimely  end  by  the  accidental  discharge  of  a  gun  in  his 
hand  while  gunning. 

49.  Ruth  Parker  (Jo/m,^  Josiah^''  Jokji,^  Hananiah^'^ 
Thomas'" )^  dau.  of  Capt.  John  and  Lydia  (Moore)  Parker,  b. 
Dec.  7,  1765  ;  m.  Nov.  14,  1787,  David  Bent.  He  was  the 
second  or  third  son  of  Micah  Bent  who  emigrated  to  Nova 


Scotia,  probably  about  the  middle  of  the  last  century.  They 
lived  in  Belisle,  where,  upon  the  old  homestead,  still  reside 
several  of  their  great-grandchildren,  the  children  of  Rufus, 
the  third  son.  The  descendants  of  both  the  Parkers  and 
Bents  are  numerous  in  this  and  the  adjoining  counties,  and 
they  have  in  several  instances  intermingled  by  marriage. 
There  were  several  other  sons  born  unto  the  Micah  Bent 
referred  to  above.  Besides  David  there  were  William  (whose 
son  is  Dr.  W.  H.  Bent  of  Argyle,  N.  S.),  and  Stephen  (whose 
grandson  is  J.  G.  H.  Parker  of  Bridgetown,  N.  S.,  a  lineal 
descendant  of  the  ancient  Parker  line  of  Groton,  Mass.). 
David  Bent  d.  Aug.  i6,  1831,  aged  67  years.  Ruth  (Parker) 
Bent  d.  March  12,  1838,  aged  73  years. 

The  children  of  David  and  Ruth  (Parker)  Bent  were  : 

I.     Asaph    Bent,    now   dead,    m.   Widow    Vailes   and    had    three 
children  :  • 

1.     David    Bent,   m.   Suzan    Stronach.      They  reside   in 
Forest  Glen,  Annapolis  Co.,  N.  S.     Children  : 

1.  George  Bent. 

2.  David  Bent. 

3.  Susan  Bent,  m.  George  Stronach  and  had  three  children. 

4.  Ruth  Bent,  m.  Hoyt  Foster  and  had  six  children. 

II.     Isaac  Bent,  now  dead,  m.  Arminella  Young.    Children: 

1.  Abigail  Bent,  m.  James  Lettinej  and  is  now  deceased. 

2.  Louisa  Bent. 

III.  RuFUS  Bent,  now  dead,  m.  Ann  Starrit.     Children  : 

1.  Sarah  Ann  Bent,  now  deceased,  m.  James  Moore. 

2.  George  Bent,  now  deceased,  m.  Mary  Ann  Inglis,  and  their 

children  were :  Frank  Bent,  A.  Cliftbrd  Bent  and  five 
daughters.  This  family  resides  upon  the  old  Bent  horrie- 
stead  in  Belisle,  Annapolis  Co.,  N.  S. 

3.  David  Bent,  now  deceased. 

4.  Zenas  Bent,  now  deceased. 

5.  Elizabeth  Bent,  now  deceased,  m.  Simeon  Freeman  and  had 

three  children. 

6.  Mary  Bent,  who  resides  in  Belisle,  N.  S. 

7.  Edwin  Bent,  now  deceased. 

8.  Caroline  Bent,  now  deceased,  m.  Eli  Boehner,  tind  had  two 


9.  Elizabeth  Bent,  resides  in  Somerset,  Kings  Co.,  N.  S. 

IV.  Arathusa  Bent,  now  deceased,  m.  Charles  Barteaux. 


V.     Abigail  Bent,  now  deceased,  m.  Simon  Starrit.     Two 
children  : 

1,  Euphenia  Starrit,  now  deceased. 

2.  Amanda  Starrit,  m.  Edmund  Bent,  is  now  deceased. 

VI.     Rebecca    Bent,    now    deceased,    m.    Joseph    Starrit. 
Children  : 

1.  George  Starrit,  m.  Emily  Bentley,  and  has  three  children. 

2.  Benjamin  Starrit,  m.  Clara  Fowler,  and  has  two  children. 

3.  Stephen  Starrit,  now  deceased. 

4.  David  Starrit,  now  deceased,  left  two  children. 

5.  John  Starrit. 

6.  Abigail  Starrit,  now  deceased. 

7.  Ruth  Starrit,  now  deceased,  m.  Abel  Wheelock. 

8.  Miriam  Starrit,  d.  unm. 

50.  Rebecca  Parker  (John,^  Josiah,'^  John,^  Hana- 
ntah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Capt.  John  and  Lydia  (Moore) 
Parker,  b.  in  Lexington,  June  28,  1768;  m.  May  29,  1803, 
Peter  Clark  of  Watertown,  now  Belmont,  whose  first  wife, 
Sarah  Grant  of  Watertown,  having  died  Jan.  i,  1800.  He 
was  the  son  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  (Bright)  Clark  of  Water- 
town,  whose  ancestry  is  shown  in  '■'•The  Genealogy  of  the 
Descendants  of  Hugh  Clark  of  Watertown.^''  He  was  a 
farmer,  lived  in  that  part  of  the  town  which  is  now  Belmont, 
and  d.  May  2,  1859,  aged  90.  Peter  Clark  was  intelligent  and 
fond  of  reading,  but  better  than  all,  endowed  with  a  sweetness 
and  liberality  and  a  real  courtesy  which  mere  culture  can  never 
bring.  Rebecca  (Parker)  Clark  was  a  very  worthy  woman. 
She  d.  in  Belmont,  Jan.  10,  185 1,  aged  over  82  years. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Peter  Bright  Clark,  b.  May  2,   1S04;  d.  in  Monroe,  La., 

Sept.  9,  1834,  unm. 

2.  Isaac  Grant  Clark,  b.  Jan.  iS,  1806;  d.  in  Belmont,  Dec. 

8,  1861,  unm. 

3.  Harriett  Rebecca  Clark,  b.  Nov.   22,   1808  ;    d.  July  24, 

1841,  unm. 

4.  Sarah  Grant  Clark,  b.  March   10,  1810.     She  resides  upon 

the  old  homestead  in  Belmont,  unm. 

51.  Robert  Parker  (fohn,^  Joslah,'^  John,^  Hana- 
niah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Capt.  John  and  Lydia  (Moore) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Lexington,  April   15,   1771  ;   m.  Oct.   22, 


1794,  Elizabeth  Simonds,  who  was  b.  in  Lexington,  July  4, 
1772,  the  dau.  of  Joshua  and  Martha  (Bowers)  Simonds  of 
Lexington.  The  father,  Joshua  Simonds,  was  one  of  the 
minute-men  who  met  the  British  on  the  19th  of  April,  1775. 
It  was  he  who  went  into  the  meeting-house  for  powder,  and 
finding  himself  cut  off  from  his  company,  cocked  his  gun  and 
placed  the  muzzle  on  an  open  cask  of  powder,  resolved  to 
blow  up  the  church  in  case  the  British  should  enter  it.  The 
dau.  Elizabeth  was  then  but  three  years  old.  Robert  Parker 
was  a  farmer  and  lived  not  Jar  from  his  brother  John  Parker, 
Esq.  He  was  remembered  by  his  nephew.  Rev.  Theodore 
Parker,  as  a  "tall,  grave  man."  He  lived  in  the  west  part  of 
the  town  on  what  is  now  the  Neville  place,  on  the  Concord 
road.  Although  a  man  of  very  quiet  and  gentle  demeanor 
his  influence  for  good  was  widely  felt.  He  d.  Dec.  31,  1840, 
aged  70.  She  d.  April  11,  1849,  aged  77.  They  were  interred 
in  the  graveyard  at  Lexington.  Her  gravestone  epitaph  shows 
the  motherly  sentiment  so  characteristic  of  her  : 

"Father,  I  will  that  they  also  whom  thou  hast  given  me  be  with 
me  where  I  am." 

Their  children  were  : 

134.  Mary  Parker,  b.   Dec.   26,  1794;  m.   Isaac  W.  Lawrence 
of  West  Cambridge. 

JosiAH  Parker,  b.  July  6,  179S;  d.  Dec.  25,  1840,  unm. 
Thomas  Parker,  b.  March  16  and  d.  April  30,  1800. 

135.  Eliza  Eleanor   Parker,  b.  Sept.    20,   1804 ;    m.  Nathan 
Robbins  of  West  Cambridge. 

136.  Almira  Parker,  b.  Aug.  30,  1806;  m.  Joshua  Robbins  of 
West  Cambridge. 

Jonathan  Simonds  Parker,  b.  Aug.  8,  1808;  d.  Feb.  13,  1813. 

137.  Jonathan  Simonds  Parker,  b.  July  30,  1812;  m.  Abigail 
Tattle  of  Lexington. 

138.  William  Bowers  Parker,  b.  Jan.  13,  181 7;  m.  Elizabeth 

52.  Susanna  Parker  (Josrfh,^  Josiah,^  Jo/in,^  Hana- 
niah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Eunice  (Hobbs)  Parker, 
b.  in  Weston,  Dec.  31,  1760.  It  is  supposed  that  it  was  she 
who  m.  a  Gregory,  probably  a  Lincoln  man,  as  it  is  known 


that  one  of  the  daughters  of  Joseph  Parker  m.  one  of  that 
name.  Where  she  Hved  is  at  present  unknown  ;  likewise  her 
issue.  Research  among  the  Gregory  family  may  soon  reveal 
her  posterity. 

53.  Levi  Parker  CJosefh^^  yosiah,^  'yohn,^  Hananiah,^ 
Thomas'),  son  of  Joseph  and  Eunice  (Hobbs)  Parker,  was  b. 
April  16,  1762.  He  was  soon  after  living  in  Roxbury,  as  his 
venerable  son,  Isaac  Parker  of  Chicago,  informs  us.  He 
writes  : 

"  My  fiither,  Levi  Parker,  was  thirteen  years  old  when  the  Battle 
of  Bunker  Hill  was  fought,  which  he  witnessed.  When  he  was 
seventeen  he  enlisted  for  the  remainder  of  the  war,  and  was  a  soldier 
over  three  years.  He  was  given  his  discharge  by  Gen.  Knox  of 
Boston.  After  the  war  he  went  to  Hubbardston  to  live  and  married 
my  mother  there.  Her  name  was  Mary  Lyon.  They  lived  there 
until  they  had  six  children,  then  they  moved  to  Royalton,  Vermont, 
where  the  other  three  were  born." 

The  date  of  his  marriage  was  Oct.  26,  1786.  She  was  the 
dau.  of  Bazael  and  Mary  Lyon  of  Hubbardston.  He  with 
cousins  Hollis  and  Isaac  Parker,  who  later  settled  in  Shrews- 
bury and  Westborough,  respectively,  lived  in  the  same  great 
division  in  Hubbardston,  in  the  southeast  corner  of  the  town, 
which  part  was  later  set  off  to  Princeton.  His  cousin  Amos 
Parker  lived  in  the  other  extremity  of  the  town.  Levi  Parker 
was  a  mason  by  trade.  Upon  his  removal  to  Royalton,  Vt., 
he  bought  100  acres  of  timber  land,  cleared  it  up  and  made  a 
farm.  He  d.  in  Royalton,  March,  1813.  The  widow,  Mary 
(Lyon)  Parker,  went  to  live  with  her  son-in-law,  Horace 
Garfield,  in  Potsdam,  N.  Y.,  and  there  passed  the  remainder 
of  her  days.     She  d.  there  aged  88. 

Children  b.  in  Hubbardston  : 

139.  Samuel  Parker,  b.  March  4,  1787  ;   m.  Laurania  Aikins. 

140.  Martha  Parker,  b.  Nov.   19,   1788;  m.  Shubael  Crandall 
of  Connecticut. 

141.  Aaron  Parker,  b.  Feb.  20,  1791. 

Polly  Parker,  b.  March   14,   1793;   m.  Horace  Garfield.     They 

had  three  sons  ;  one  still  resides  in  Potsdam,  N.  Y. 
John  Parker,  b.  Aug.  7,  1795  ;  d.  April  7,  1825,  unm. 
Elisha  Parker,  b.  Oct.  25,  1798;  m.  Alvira  Colburn. 


Children  b.  in  Royalton,  Vt.  : 

142.  Anna  Parker,  b.  April  13,  1801  ;  m.  David  Paige. 
Miriam  Parker,  b.  May  5,  1804;  m.  Harvey  Edgarton.     No  issue. 

143.  Isaac  Parker,  b.  Dec.  i,  1806;   m.  Mary  Linsted  of  Har- 
rington, Mass. 

54.  Lois  Parker  (Josefh,^  Josiah,'^  John,^  Hananiah,^ 
Thomas^),  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Eunice  (Hobbs)  Parker,  b.  in 
Lincoln,  Nov.  17,  1763  ;  int.  of  m.  entered  on  Weston  records 
to  John  Coburn  of  Weston,  Sept.  14,  1782.  He  was  a  farmer 
and  lived  in  Weston.     He  d.  in  June,  1796,  and  she  m.  2nd, 

Holbrook.     She  lived  in  that  part  of  Lincoln  through 

which  the  British  troops  marched  on  the  famous  19th  of  April, 
and  often  related  the  story  of  the  excitement  of  the  family,  as 
she  described  how  she  and  the  other  "women  folks"  retreated 
to  the  woods  on  this  occasion.  She  was  then  but  12  years 
old,  and  it  plainly  shows  in  which  part  of  Lincoln  was  Joseph 
Parker's  home. 

All  the  children  were  b.  in  Weston  : 

1.  Sarah   Coburn,   b.   March   11,    1785;    m.    Thomas   Heard   of 

East  Sudbury,  now  Wayland,  where  he  was  b.  May  34,  1776. 

He  d.   in  Waltham,  March  7,  1S32.     She  d.   in  Watertown, 

Sept.  4,  1809,  leaving  dau.  : 
I.  Jane  E.  Heard,  b.  in  Watertown,  April  11,  1806;  m. 
at  Waltham,  by  Ralph  Waldo  Emerson,  Aug.  24,  1834, 
Daniel  Emerson  of  Walthau),  son  of  Peter  and  Molly 
(Muzz}')  Emerson.  She  d.  Nov.  16,  1870.  She  was 
his  second  wife.  He  was  b.  in  Sandown,  N.  H.,  Sept. 
16,  1788.  He  came  to  Waltham  in  1814,  and  d.  there 
in  1874,  after  a  residence  of  60  years.  He  held  no 
public  office  except  school  committee.  He  was  a 
blacksmith  and  wheelwright.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  Thomas  Heard   Emerson,  b.   in  Waltham,  March  20,  1836; 

m.  Elizabeth  Lord,  dau.  of  W.  W.  and  Lucy  E.  (Centre) 
Wellington,  b  March  3,  1S43.  They  reside  in  Cambridge- 
port  and  have  one  dau. 

2.  Warren  Frank  Emerson,  b.  July  29,   1839;   m.  June  i,   1S70, 

Lillian,  dau.  of  John  C.  and  Elizabeth  A.  Thorp.     They 
reside  in  Waltham  and  have  two  children. 
♦  3.     Sarah  Jane  Emerson,  b.  Sept.  12,  1841  ;  resides  in  Waltham. 

2.  Abijah  Coburn,  b.  Jan.   21,   1787;    m.    1812,   Lydia,  dau.  of 

Josiah  and  Mary  (Flagg)  Hastings.     She  d.  in  1S13.     He  m. 


3iul,  March  i6,  1814,  Sophia  Hastings,  sister  of  his  first  wife. 
She  d.  March  3,  1S69.      He  was  a  boot  and  shoe  manufacturer 
and   farmer.      He    was    selectman  and    representative   to   the 
General  Court.     He  d.  Feb.  4,  1861,  aged  74.     Children: 
I.     Henry  Coburn,  b.  Nov.  25,  1814;  d.  Oct.  14,  1815. 
II.     Abijah   Coburn,   b.   June   25,    1816.      Resides  on  the 
homestead  in  Weston,  unm.     He  has  been  a  boot  and 
shoe    manufacturer  and   farmer.       He  was   selectman, 
and  assessor  for  several  years. 

III.  Charles  Coburn,  b.  Nov.   24,   1817;   m.   (i)  Jan.   i, 

1843,  Sarah  P.  Floyd.  She  d.  Dec.  28,  1845,  leaving 
dau.  Sarah,  and  he  m.  (2)  June  i,  1848,  Jane  M. 
Dyer,  dau.  of  James  and  Anna  M.  Dyer  of  Boston. 
She  resides  in  Cambridge.  He  d.  April  25,  1890. 
Their  children  were : 

1.  Sarah  E.  Coburn,  b.  March  19,  1S44;  d.  Jan.  4,  1S61. 

2.  Anna  M.  Coburn,  b.  May  15,  1849;  d.  June  5,  1849. 

3.  Jeannie  M.  Coburn,  b.  Aug.  31,  1S50;  d.  Sept.  3,  1S50. 

4.  Anna  M.  Coburn,  b.  May  24,  1852  ;  d.  Jan.  23,  1859. 

5.  Jeannie  M.   Coburn,  b.  Feb.   24,  1856;  is  an  assistant  in  the 

Harvard  College  Library. 

6.  Charles  H.  Coburn,  b.  May  17,  1S65;  d.  Sept.  7,  1866. 

IV.  John  Coburn,  b.  Jan.   19,   1823  ;    m.  April  26,   1848, 

Emily  Matilda  Feirce,  dau.  of  Benjamin  and  Almira 
(Harrington)  Feirce  of  Weston.  He  resides  in  Weston. 
He  has  been  librarian  of  the  Weston  Town  Library  for 
31  years.      She  d.  March  24,  1890.     Children: 

1.  Elizabeth  Sophia  Coburn,  b.  Sept.  26,  1849;  '^  ^"  assistant  in 

the  Harvard  College  Library. 

2.  Emily  Frances  Coburn,  b.  Sept.  21,  1S51. 

3.  George  Henry  Coburn,  b.  Aug.  27  and  d.  Aug.  28,  1853. 

4.  Agnes  Peirce  Coburn,  b.  Sept.  15,  1857  ;  is  an  assistant  in  the 

Harvard  College  Library. 

5.  Mary  Emma  Coburn,  b.  July  5,  1861  ;  d.  Oct.  12,  1888. 

V.     Henry  Coburn,  b.  Aug.  10,  1826;  d.  Nov.  18,  1847. 
VL     George  Coburn,  b.  July  20,  1829;  d.  Aug.  22,  1S47. 
VII.     Charlotte   Sophia   Coburn,  b.  Nov.  5,   1S36.      She 
was  a  school  teacher  several  years. 

3.  Mary  Coburn,  b.  Oct.,  1789;  m.  Nathan  Russell  of  East  Sud- 

bury, now  Wayland.     They  left  no  issue. 

4.  William  Coburn,  b.  about  1791  ;  m.  Maria  Travis  of  Weston  ; 

d.  in  1832.     Two  daughters  and  both  m.  * 

5.  Isaac  Coburn,  b.  about  1793  ;  d.  at  age  of  19. 

6.  Lois  Coburn,  b.  about  1793  ;  m.  Charles  Weston  of  Weston. 


7.  Eliza  Holbrook,  b.  in  Weston  ;  d.  1830,  unm. 

8.  Samuel  Holbrook,  b.  in  Weston  ;  d.  in  Reading.     He  was  m. 

two  tiines.      His  children  were  : 
1.     Samuel  Holbrook  ;  d.  without  issue. 
II.     Lyman  Holbrook  ;  d.  without  issue. 

III.  Josephine  Holbrook;   ni. Nickols,  and  resides 

in  Lynn. 

IV.  Eliza  Holbrook  ;    m.  Aborn.     She  resides  in 

V,     George  Holbrook  ;  resides  in  Provincetown. 

55.  Joseph  Parker,  Jr.  (Joseph,'^  Josiak,^  John,^ 
Hananiah-r  Thomas^),  son  of  Joseph  and  Eunice  (Hobbs) 
Parker,  b.  in  Lincoln,  Oct.  4,  1767  ;  int.  of  m.  entered  on 
records  of  Weston,  Oct.  16,  1791  ;  m.  Nov.  17,  1791,  Polly* 
Fisk,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Mary  Fisk  of  Weston.  She  was  b. 
in  Weston,  March  6,  1771.  Her  father,  Samuel  Fisk,  served 
in  the  opening  of  hostilities  against  England,  1775.  They 
settled  in  Weston  on  a  small  farm,  one-half  mile  south  of 
the  meeting-house.  Here  they  passed  the  remainder  of  their 
lives,  with  the  exception  of  a  few  years  spent  in  Lincoln.  He 
was  a  blacksmith  as  well  as  a  farmer. 

Their  children  were  : 

144.  Eunice  Parker,  b.  in  Weston,  Aug.  13,  1792;  m.  Cyrus 
Pratt  of  Needham. 

Mary  Parker,  b.  in  Lincoln,  Jan.  19,  1794  ;  "  m.  in  Weston,  April 
4,  1S16,  Richard  Hammond,  son  of  Moses  Hammond  of  Charlton. 
She  d.  in  Charlton,  Nov.  18,  1816,  aged  23."  t 

William  Parker,  b.  in  Lincoln,  March  5,  1795  ;  d.  in  Weston, 
Sept.  22,  1798. 

145.  Sophia  Parker,  b.  in  Weston,  Oct.  6,  1796  ;  m.  Montgomery 
Haven  of  Shrewsbury. 

William  Parker,  b.  in  Weston,  Nov,  2,  1798;   d.  Oct.  13,  iSoi.J 

*  As  was  then  the  custom  this  name  was  a  substitute  for  Mary  and  she  was 
known  by  both. 

t  From  Joseph  Parker's  family  Bible. 

J  An  occurrence  which  "  tries  men's  souls"  was  the  sudden  deaths  of  these 
two  children.  The  son,  William,  a  promising  child  of  three  years,  died  sud- 
denly, and  was  buried  on  the  second  day  following.  The  parents  returned 
home  only  to  find  the  baliy,  Joseph,  Jr.,  dead  also,  having  caught  the  same 
disease  and  having  died  as  suddenly  as  his  brother. 


Joseph  Parker,  Jr.,  b.  in  Weston,  Aug.  17,  1800;  d.  Oct.  15, 1801. 

146.  Isaac  Parker,  b.  in  Watertown,  July  19,   1S02  ;  m.  Lucy 

147.  Cythia  Parker,  b.  in  Weston.  Jan.  15.  1810;   m.  in  Wal- 
tham,  Dec.  3,  1836,  David  M.  Bathrick. 

Adaline  Parker,  b.   in  Weston,  Marcli  7.   1814  ;  d.  in  Weston, 
March  27.  1815. 

56.  Elisha  Parker  ( Joseph, ^  Josiah,^  John,^  Hatia- 
niah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Joseph  and  Eunice  (Hobbs)  Parker, 
b.  in  Lincoln,  Sept.  10,  1775,  twin  brother  with  Rebecca 
Parker.  His  int.  of  m.  stands  upon  the  records  of  the  town 
of  Weston  bearing  date  of  Feb.  23,  1800.  He  was  m.  during 
the  same  year  to  Miss  Jerusha  Wentworth  of  Weston.  They 
lived  for  several  years  in  Maine,  then  settled  in  Stoughton, 
Mass.,  where  he  was  a  blacksmith  and  a  well  known  and 
esteemed  citizen. 

Their  children  were  ; 

148.  Cloy  Parker,  b.  March  7,  1800;  m.  Caleb  Carr  of  Easton. 

149.  Isaac  Parker,  b.  April  23,  1802  ;  m.  Flavilla  Crosbury. 

150.  Elisha  H.  Parker,  b.  April  17,  1805  ;  m.  Charlotte  Skinner. 

151.  Rebecca  R.  Parker  ;  m.  Martin  Wales  of  Stoughton. 
Samuel  Saw  Parker,  b.  June  25,  1810. 

152.  Hannah  Parker,  b.  Jan.  13,  1813  ;  m.  John  .Smith. 

153.  Hiram  Parker,  b.  March  z'^^  1816;  m.  Rhody  Freeman  of 

154.  Jonathan  Capin  Parker  ;  m.  Martha  Briggs  of  Stoughton. 

155.  David  Manley  Parker  ;  m.  Mary  Ann  Andrews  of  VVal- 

57.  Rebecca  Parker  (Joseph,^  Josiah,^  John,^  Hana- 
niah,^  Thomas'^),  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Eunice  (Hobbs)  Parker, 
b.  in  Lincoln,  Sept.  10,  1775;  twin  sister  of  Elisha  Parker; 
m.  in  Weston,  Dec.  13,  1796,  Elisha  Rand  of  Weston.  He 
may  have  been  the  son  of  Benjamin  Rand,  who  belonged  to 
the  company  of  minute-men  from  Weston,  and  served  on 
several  occasions  in  1775. 

58.  John  Parker  (Pcter,^  John,^  John,^  Hananiah,^ 
Thomas'),  son  of  Peter  and  Ruth  (Eaton)  Parker,  b.  in 
Framingham,  Nov.  16,  1762  ;  m.  1781,  Deborah  Lamb,  "who 


was  baptized  1760,  dau.  of  Samuel  Lamb  of  Framingham, 
whose  great-grandfather,  Thomas  Lamb,  came  in  the  fleet 
with  Winthrop  in  1630.  Samuel  Lamb  lived  in  the  west  part, 
north  of  the  Lamb  Hill,  where  a  cellar-hole  remains."* 

John  Parker  lived  in  the  southwest  part  of  the  town,  north- 
east of  Nathan  Bridges,  on  the  old  way  from  the  Bridges 
place,  through  the  Goulding  pasture,  to  George  Nurse's.  He 
was  one  of  the  first  members  of  the  Framingham  Artillery  Co., 
organized  1799.  He  removed,  April  i,  1800,  to  Royalston, 
where  the  last  four  children  of  his  large  family  were  born. 
They  lived  in  Royalston  until  1834,  when  in  Oct.  the  parents 
removed  to  Southborough  to  live  with  their  son  John  Parker, 
Jr.  He  d.  at  this  place  March  10,  1838,  and  his  wife  followed 
him  only  five  days  later,  March  15,  1838.  In  appearance 
John  Parker  was  a  well  built  man  of  about  5  feet  10  inches  ; 
his  hair  sandy,  inclining  to  red.  He  was  an  intelligent  look- 
ing man,  ready  and  frank  in  speech.  Although  naturally 
quiet  and  thoughtful,  he  loved  an  argument  and  was  a  stirring 
talker  with  the  gift  of  something  like  eloquence.  He  was  a 
public  spirited  citizen,  a  most  resolute  Whig  and  a  Free- 

Their  children  were  : 

156.     Naxcie  Parker,  b.  Dec.  11,  1783;  m.  Nathan  Goddard  of 

Betsey  Parker,  b.  March  17,  1785  ;  d.  July  16,  1796. 
John  Parker,  b.  April  23,  1787;  d.  June  18,  1796. 
167.     Mary  Parker,  b.  June  2,   1789;  m.  Capt.  John  Forristall 

of  Winchendon. 
Deborah  Parker,  b.  April  12,  1792  ;  m.  Jan.  8,  1839,  De^-  Samuel 

Morse  of  Hopkinton.     She  d.  April  26,  1865.     She  was  an  attract- 
ive and  worthy  lady.     She  left  no  issue. 
158.     Peter  Parker,  b.  July  16,  1794;  m.  (i)  Sarah  Sawyer  of 

Eliza  Parker,  b.  Aug.  23,  1796;  d.  Jan.  30,  1803. 
15^.     John  Parker,  b.  June  16.   179S;    m.  Mary  Ann  Fales  of 

160.     Ruth  Parker,  b.  July  31,  1800;   m.  Capt.  Nathan  Leland 

of  HoUiston. 

*  Temple. 


161.     Abigail  Parker,  b.  March   15,  1802  ;  m.  Newell  Ware  of 

16S.     JosiAH  Parker,   b.  July  31,    1S04;    m.   Caroline   Peck   of 


163.  Presson  Parker,  b.  Oct.  24,   1807;    m.  Mary  Newton  of 

59.  Nathan  Parker  ( Peter, '^  John,^  John.i  Hananiah,'' 
Thomas^),  son  of  Peter  and  Ruth  (Eaton)  Parker,  b.  in 
Framingham,  Oct.  23,  1764;  m.  in  Newton,  March  17,  1791, 
Catharine  Murdock  of  Newton,  dau.  of  Aaron  Murdock. 
Nathan  Parker  enlisted  for  the  suppression  of  Shays'  Rebellion  ; 
belonged  to  Framingham  Artillery  Co.,  and  with  wife  were 
admitted  to  the  Church  1792.  He  d.  Aug.  17,  1826;  she  d. 
Nov.  I,  1836. 

Their  children  were  : 

164.  Harriett  Parker,  b.  Oct.  10,  1793  ;  m.  Josiah  Bigelow  of 

Preston  Parker,  b.  May  10,  1796;  drowned  Oct.  10,  1798. 

165.  Maria    Parker,    b.    April    16,    1799;    m.    Abijah    Fay    of 

Preston  Parker,  b.  Nov.  2,  1802  ;  d.  Aug.  20,  1804. 

166.  Peter  Parker,  b.  June  18,  1804;  m.  Harriett  Colby  Web- 

Catherine  Parker,  b.  Aug.  21,  1806;  d.  Oct.  30,  1842. 

60.  Abigail  Parker  ( Peter, z  John,^  John,^  Hananiah,-' 
Thomas^),  b.  in  Framingham,  Dec.  15,  1766;  m.  June  8, 
1803,  Lovell  Howe  of  Marlborough.  They  removed  to  South- 
boroucrh,  where  he  was  a  farmer  and  bookbinder.  They  d. 
in  Southborough. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Eliza  Howe  ;  d.  unm. 

2.  Caroline  Howe;  d.  unm. 

3.  Peter    Parker    Howe;    m.  Julia  Newton  of  Southborough. 

He  was  a  very  conscientious  and  active  worker,  a  man  of  pro- 
nounced character,  and  always  distinguished  by  his  strong  will 
and  independent  ideas.  Whatever  he  undertook  he  did  with 
all  his  might.  He  took  a  lively  interest  in  the  education  of  the 
young.       He   was  a  school-teacher  in  Southborough  for  the 


major  part  of  his  life.  In  his  school-he  was  very  strict,  allow- 
ing no  deviation  from  study,  but  was  a  good  teacher.  All 
persuasion  seldom  changed  the  belief  of  Parker  Howe.  But 
he  was  an  intellectual,  sensible,  sober  man,  and  was  ever  ready 
for  an  argument  with  his  own  thoughtful  ideas.  He  will  not 
be  forgotten.  Associated  with  Dea.  John  Parker,  the  town 
of  Southborough  will  long  remember  his  name  and  his  work. 
He  was  the  right  man  in  the  right  place.  He  lectured  against 
intemperance,  then  a  great  evil  in  the  town,  and  slavery.  With 
Dea.  Parker  he  held  revival  meetings.  He  worked  hard  and 
lived  to  see  their  causes  triumph  and  the  town  improve  from 
its  former  standard  to  one  of  the  foremost  rank  in  the  State. 
He  was  selectman  and  representative.  His  death  occurred 
4.  Abigail  Howe  ;  m.  Charles  Fales,  b.  in  Shrewsbury,  June  2, 
1807,  brother  of  Mary  Ann  Fales,  whose  name  appears  on  the 
preceding  page.  They  were  children  of  Daniel  and  Sarah 
(Pratt)  Fales  of  Shrewsbury.  It  is  said  that  Daniel's  father, 
Capt.  Fales,  was  b.  in  Wales,  was  there  educated  as  a  physi- 
cian, and  lived  afterwards  in  Shrewsbury  to  almost  the  age  of 
100  years.  His  wife  was  the  dau.  of  Pastor  Mann  of  Wren- 
tham.     Their  child  was  : 

I.     Caroline  Elizabeth  Fales. 

61.  Ruth  Parker  ( Peter, ^  John,^  Jokn,^  Hatianiah,^ 
Thomas^),  b.  in  Framingham,  Jan.  8,  1769 ;  m.  Nov.  8,  1785, 
Joseph  Bigelow,  Jr.,  of  Holliston.     They  lived  in   Holliston. 

Their  children  v\^ere  : 

1.  JosiAH  Bigelow,  b.  Oct.  26,  1790;  was  captain  of  the  Hopkin- 

ton  militia  company;   m.  March  20,   1821,  Harriett  Parker, 
his  cousin.      (No.  164.) 

2.  John  Bigelow  ;  d.  aged  about  23. 

3.  Joseph  Bigelow;    m. Wilson,  dau.  of  Dr.  John  and 

Nancy  Wilson  of  Hopkinton.     They  lived  in  Natick.     They 
left  no  issue. 

4.  Sally  Bigelow;  m.  Gilbert  Dench  Wilson,  brother  of  Joseph 

Bigelow's  wife.  They  settled  in  Southborough.  When  a 
young  man  he  began  teaching  school  and  taught  for  16  years. 
He  was  a  well  read  and  educated  man  for  his  time.  He  was 
a  farmer  in  Southborough.  He  was  a  strong  believer  in  anti- 
slavery.  Their  children  were  : 
I.     George  Overing  Wilson,  b.  May  24,  1820;  d.  1864. 


II.     Charles    Bigelow    VVilsox,   b.   April    ii,    1823;    m. 

■  Turner  of  Framingham  ;  entered  the  business 

of  Boyd  &  Corey,  shoe  manufacturers  of  Marlborough. 
He  became  a  silent  partner  and  it  is  said  he  once  saved 
the  firm  from  a  failure.  He  was  a  tavern-keeper  and 
was  the  one  who  enlarged  the  American  House  in  Bos- 
ton.    He  d.  in  1885. 

III.  Henry  Gilbert  Wilson,   b.   Nov.    7,   1830;    m.   and 

settled  in  Southborough,  where  he  was  a  farmer.  Re- 
moved to  Northborough,  where  they  now  reside. 
Their  son  is  the  Rev.  Lewis  G.  Wilson  of  Hopedale. 

IV.  Wallace  Wallace  Wilson,  b.  Jan.  7,  1839;  d.  1S40. 

5.  Ruth   Bigelow  ;    m.   in   Hopkinton,  Jan.   20,    1818,  Amherst 

Messenger,  b.  Oct.,  1795,  d.  Feb.,  1887,  son  of  John  and 
Margaret  (Fisher)  Messenger.  He  was  a  shoemaker.  They 
lived  first  in  Wrentham,  then  in  Hopkinton,  in  the  part  which 
is  now  Ashland.  Removed  to  Sherborn,  Holliston,  Peru, 
Vt.,  and  Natick,  Mass.  He  was  justice  of  the  peace  for  a 
number  of  years  in  Peru,  Vt.  She  d.  in  Sherborn,  March, 
1828.     He  d.  in  Natick.     Their  children  were  : 

I.  Emily  Waldo  Messenger,  b.  April  19,  1820;  m.  Sept. 
29,  1842,  Joseph  Hey  wood  Simonds,  b.  in  Peru,  Vt., 
May  19,  1818.  He  was  a  farmer  in  Peru.  She  resided 
in  Southborough.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  Albert  Joseph  Simonds,  b.  in  Peru,  Vt.,  Sept.  2,  1S45 ;  served 

in  the  late  war  three  years  :  representative  in  1S90. 

2.  Ruth  Eliza  Simonds ;  d.  in  Natick. 

3.  Lewis  Messenger  Simonds ;  d.  in  Natick. 

4.  Dexter  Bigelow  Simonds;  d.  in  Peru,  Vt. 

6.  Sarah  Ann  Messenger,   b.   Nov.    11,   1822;    m.   in  Natick, 

Nov.  29,  1845,  Dexter  Washburn,  b.  in  Natick,  Oct.  30,  1820, 
son  of  Jedediah  and  Mita  (Frost)  Washburn.  He  is  a  shoe 
manufacturer.     They  reside  in  Florida.     Their  children  were  : 

I.    Janette  Washburn,  b.  June  6,  1850. 
II.     Alice  Washburn,  b.  Nov.   16,   1854;  m.  Nov.,  1875, 
Silas  Elijah  Simonds,  and  has  three  children. 

III.  Agnes    Bigelow    Washburn,  b.  March  2,   1858  ;     m. 

Nov.  2,  1 881,  Walter  Irving  Fletcher,  and  has  had 
three  children,  one  of  whom  is  living. 

IV.  Fannie  Emily  Washburn,  b.  March  6,  1866;  m.  June 

3,  1886,  Alvah  Flansburg,  and  has  three  children. 


7.  John  Bigelow  Messenger,  b.   1826;    m.  Louisa  Washburn. 

Their  children  were  : 
I.     Charles  VV.  Messenger  ;  resides  in  Natick. 
u.     Emma  Messenger  ;  m.  W.  Tilton. 

8.  Charles  Bigelow  ;  m.  Francis;  deceased. 

9.  George  Bigelow;  m.  April  17,  1831,  Amy  Learned.     He  d. 

Feb.  28,  1S67.     She  d.  Oct.,  1887.     Their  children  were: 
I.     George  Bigelow,  b.  1832  ;  d. 
II.     Mary  Bigelow,  b.  Nov.  24,  1836;  d. 

III.  Adeliza  Bigelow,  b.  Oct.  10,  1839. 

IV.  Harriett  Bigelow,  b.  Feb.  17,  [841. 
V.     Susan  Bigelow,  b.  Oct.  11,  1844. 

62.  Experience  Parker  ( Peter, ^  John,^  John,^  Hana- 
niah,^  Thomas^),  b.  in  Framingham,  Feb.  19,  177 1  ;  m.  Feb. 
3,  1797,  Dea.  Luther  Haven  of  Framingham,  b.  April  15, 
1770,  son  of  Dea.  Jesse  Haven  of  Holliston.  He  came  to 
Framingham,  Dec.  21,  1791,  to  live  with  David  Haven,  Esq. 
He  was  one  of  the  fifth  generation  in  descent  from  Richard 
Haven,  Esq.,  of  Lynn,  the  emigrant  ancestor.  They  lived  in 
various  places  in  Framingham,  he  bought  the  farm  afterwards 
known  as  the  Bigelow  paper  mill  site,  exchanged  farms  with 
Artemas  Parker  and  Enoch  Belknap.  Removed  to  Rice's 
End,  where  they  lived  the  remainder  of  their  lives.  He  was 
deacon  and  representative.  Mrs.  Exprerience  Haven  d.  Oct. 
16,  1817.  He  m.  again,  this  time  to  widow  Anna  Drury 
Rutter.     He  d.  July  11,  185 1. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Clarissa  Haven,  b.  Feb.  25,  1798;  m.  Dec.   19,  1822,  Corne- 

lius Morse,  b.  about  1797,  son  of  Benjamin  and  Sarah  (Claflin) 
Morse  of  Framingham.     They  settled  in  Framingham  on  the 
Hersey  place,  afterwards  removed  to  Newton.     He  d.  July  29, 
1872,  aged  74.     She  d.  in  1877.      Their  children  were: 
I.     Horatio  Morse,  b.  April  7,  1S25. 
II.     Henry  Morse,  b.  Jan.  21,  1827;  d.  Oct.  28,  1855. 
III.     Clara  Morse. 

2.  Ruth  Eaton  Haven,  b.  March  9,  1800;  m.  March  31,  1829, 

John  C.  Bixby,  native  of  Hopkinton.     They  settled  at  Salem 
End  on  the  Henry  Brewer  place  ;  removed  to  VVestborough 


and  West  Newton,  where  he  was  station  agent  of  B.   &  A. 
R.  R.     He  d.  in  Lowell,  1S82,  aged  82.     Children  : 

I.  John  Bixby  ;  I'esides  in  West  Newton. 

11.  Henry  L.  Bixby  ;  resides  in  West  Newton. 

3.  Luther    Haven,    b.    Aug.    14,    1806.      Teacher    in    Leicester 

Academy;  U.  S.  Collector;  d.  March  9.  1S66,  in  Chicago. 

4.  George  Haven  ;  Supt.  of  New  York  Central  R.  R.  ;  lived  at 

Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  and  Framingham  ;  represented  the  town  of 
Framingham  for  one  or  two  years  in  the  Legislature  ;  d.  in 
1883,  at  Framingham. 

63.  Patty  Parker  ( Peter, ^  John,^  John,i  Hananiah,^ 
Thomas^),  b.  in  Framingham,  April  15,  1773  ;  m.  Nov.  i, 
1793,  Eleazer  BuUard  of  Holliston. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Charles  Bullard  ;  was  in  business  in  Qiiincy  Market.  Boston. 

many  years,  and  lived  in  Somerville. 

2.  Ruth  Bullard  ;  d.  young. 

3.  Jemima  Bullard  ;  m. Cutler  of  Holliston.     Had  five  or 

six  children. 

4.  JosiAH  Bullard. 

5.  Joseph  Bullard. 

6.  Eleazer  Bullard. 

64.  Sally  Parker  (PeterJ>  'John,''  yohn,^  Hananiah,^ 
Thomas"^),  b.  in  Framingham,  March  25,  1775  :  m.  April  21, 
1800,  William  Fames  of  Holliston.  He  was  a  farmer,  but 
was  an  invalid  for  37  years.  They  lived  and  died  in  Holliston. 
She  d.  April  4,  1875,  and  he  d.  April  5,  1875. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Harriett  Eames,  b.  July  39,  1801  ;  d.  in  Framingham,  Oct. 

6,  1891 ,  unm. 

2.  MiLLiTiAH  Eames,  b.  May  5,  1803  ;  d.  in  Ashland,  unm..  Jan. 

12,  1882. 

3.  Sally  Eames,  b.  Sept.  i,  1805  ;  m.  in  Holliston,  April  i.  1826, 

Daniel  Ryder,  b.   1795,  d.  April  5.   1875.     She  d.  April  4, 
1875.     He  was  a  farmer  in  Ashland.     Their  children  were  : 
I.     Louisa  Jane  Ryder,  b.  Oct.  20,  1828  ;  d.  Jan.  20,  1833. 

II.  Charles  Ferdinand  Ryder,  b.  Oct.  9,  1S30;   d.  Jan. 

20,  1833. 



III.  Sarah  Ryder,  ]..       li^^.*.         t   ^    r\  ,.   o      o 

'  >•  twins,  b.  Oct.  7,  and  d.  Oct.  8.  1832. 

IV.  Nancy  Ryder,  J 

V.     Daniel  Bainbridge  Ryder,  b.  May  23,  1S34  ;  m.  Susan 
Gerrold  of  Boston  ;   reside  in  San  Jose,  Cal.     Children  : 

1.  Bainbridge  Lincoln  Rjder. 

2.  Frank  Rjder. 

3.  Louisa  Jane  Ryder. 

VI.  George  William  Ryder,  b.  Sept.  24,  1836;  m.  Eliza 
Jane 'Hildreth  of  Lexington  ;  reside  in  San  Jose,  Cal. 
Children  : 

1.  Georgian na  Ryder. 

2.  Jennie  Ryder. 

3.  Lona  Ryder;  deceased. 

4.  Willie  Ryder. 

5.  Irving  Ryder. 

VII.     Charles  Henry  Ryder,  b.  Aug.  7,  1839;  d.  May  23. 

viii.     Sarah  Jane  Ryder,  b.  May  28,  1844;  m.  in  Ashland, 

Dec.  10,  1867,  Charles  Eugene  Loring,  b.  in  Hopkin- 

ton,  Aug.  8,   1842,  son  of  John  J.  and   Lucretia    D. 

Loring.     He  is  a  farmer  in  Ashland.     Children  : 

1.  Mary  Lucretia  Loring,  b.  June  8,  1872. 

2.  Arthur  Eugene  Loring,  b.  Nov.  7,  1876. 

Mary  Eames,  b.  Aug.  27,  1809  ;  m.  Reuben  Dewing  of  Hollis- 
ton.  They  lived  in  Holliston  and  had  children.  She  d.  Feb. 
2,  1846.     Children  : 

I.     Elijah  Dewing;  m.  Louise  Willet  of  Holliston;  lived 
and  d.  in  Natick.     One  child  : 
I.     Mary  Louise  Dewing. 
II.     Mary  Jane  Dewing;  m.  Wm,  Henry  Howard;  lived 
in  Braintree  ;  d.  Oct.  30,  1874.     Children  : 

1.  Maria  Willet  Howard. 

2.  Lizzie  Willet  Howard. 

Annie  Eames,  b.  Dec.  11,  1814;  m.  Henry  Bacon,  b.  Jan.  31, 

1814,  son  of  Henry  Bacon  of  Qiiincy.     Their  children  were  : 

I.     William    Henry    Bacon,    b.    July    14,    1845 ;    m.    in 

Memphis,  Tenn.,  Feb.  10,  1872,  Mattie  E.  Wilkins  of 

Bangor,  Me. 

II.     Mary  Annie  Bacon,  b.  March   18,   1848.     Resides  in 

South  Framingham. 
III.     Caroline    Elizabeth    Bacon,  b.  July  28,   185 1  ;     m. 
George    H.    Patch,   b.    in    Lexington,   Dec.    8,    1844. 
Corp.  Patch,  as  he  was  called,  was  a  very  prominent 


member  of  the  G.  A.  R.  He  was  a  soldier  and  orator, 
irie  was  Corporal  in  Co.  I,  19th  Regiment.  He  de- 
livered the  oration  at  Gettysburg,  Oct.  7,  1885  ;  was 
Commander  of  the  Department  of  Mass.,  G.  A.  R., 
and  d.  in  South  Framingham,  July  26,  1887.  Their 
two  children  are  both  deceased  : 

1.  Willie  Patch. 

2.  Adaline  Patch. 

65.  Josiah  Parker  ( Peter, ^  John,^  John,^  Hananiah,^ 
Thomas^),  b.  in  Framingham,  x\pril  26,  1779;  ''lived  on  the 
homestead  with  Nathan  till  1828,  when  he  built  on  the  hill 
where  Leander  Barber  now  lives  ;  admitted  to  Church,  1838  ; 
d.  Feb.  26,  1854."*  He  bore  the  title  of  Captain.  He  m. 
April  8,  1804,  Olive  Stone,  dau.  of  Dr.  Elijah  and  Elizabeth 
(Lyndes)  Stone  of  Framingham.  She  was  b.  in  Framing- 
ham, July  22,  1799,  one  of  a  family  of  ten;  admitted  to  the 
Church,  1815  :  d.  in  Framingham,  July  4,  1826. 

Their  children  were  : 

167.  Charles  Parker,  b.  March  6,  1805  ;   m.  Mary  H.  Walling- 
ford  of  Claremont,  N.  H. 

Olive  Parker  ;  d.  young. 

168.  Eliza  Ann  Parker,  b.  July  17,   1810;   m.  Thomas  Hast- 
ings, Jr. 

169.  Emily  Parker,  b.  Nov.  17,  1813  ;  m.  Daniel  Parmenter. 

^Q.  Artemas  Parker  ( Peter, '^  John,^  John,T>  Haiia- 
niah,''  Thomas'),  son  and  last  surviving  child  of  Peter  and 
Ruth  (Eaton)  Parker,  b.  in  Framingham,  Dec.  20,  1781  ;  m. 
Jan.  21,  1806,  Almy  Clark,  "dau.  of  Rev.  Edward  and 
Elizabeth  (Weaver-Look)  Clark  of  Framingham.  The  father 
came  to  Framingham  from  R.  I.  ;  was  minister  of  the  Baptist 
Church  1781  to  1790,  and  from  1801  to  1809.  Almy  Clark 
was  b.  June  21,  1780.  Artemas  Parker  bought,  July  5, 
1806,  71  acres,  a  part  of  the  Brinley  farm,  of  John  Lovell ; 
built  the  Dea.  E.  M.  Capen  house;  in  1819  exchanged  with 
Dea.  Luther  Haven  for  the  Bigelow  place  in  Ashland."!  He 
belono-ed  to  the  Framingham  artillery  company  from  its 
organization  in  1799;    and    served  in    Capt.  John    Temple's 

*  Temple, 
f  Same. 


company  of  artillery,  in  Col.  William  Edwards'  regiment  in 
the  War  of  1812.  He  d.  in  Framingham,  Aug.  28,  1825. 
His  wife  d.  Jan.  29,  1832,  aged  52. 

Their  children  were  : 

170.  Edward  C.  Parker,  b.  Sept.  26,  1806;  m.  Mary  Leland  of 

171.  George  Parker,  b.  April   19,  iSoS  ;   m.  Mary  Ann  White. 

172.  Curtis  Parker,  b.  June  28,   iSio;  m.  Eliza  J.  Horton  of 

173.  Lorenzo  Parker,  b.  May  8,  1S13  ;  m.  Mary  E,  Herrick  of 
Portland,  Me. 

174.  Eliza  Jane  Parker,  b.  June  6,  1S17  ;  m.  David  Washburn 
of  Natick. 

Henry  E.  Parker,  b.  in  Hopkinton,  May  7,  1820;  d.  young. 

67.  Sally  Parker  (Philemon,^  Jonas,^  Andrew,'^  John^^ 
Hananiah^^  Thomas^ ),  dau.  of  Philemon  and  Suzan  (Stone) 
Parker,  b.  July  i,  1785.  The  records  of  Princeton,  Mass., 
testify  that  the  intention  of  marriage  between  Scammel  Burt 
of  Newton  and  Sally  Parker  of  Princeton  was  entered  May  3, 
1807.  He  was  b.  in  Westmoreland,  N.  H.,  May  3,  1782. 
They  removed  to  Peru,  Vt.,  where  he  was  a  farmer  and  where 
he  d.  Oct.  27,  1857,  aged  75.  She  d.  in  Peru,  Vt.,  Jan.  14, 
1877,  aged  92. 

All  the  children  were  b.  in  Peru,  Vt.  : 

1.  Joseph  P.  Burt,  b.  in  Westmoreland,  N.  H,,  Nov.  10,  1S07  ; 

d.  unm. 

2.  Adline  Burt,  b.  in  Peru,   Vt.,  Nov.   10,   1808;   d.  Nov.  6, 

1848;  m.  in  Peru,  Vt.,  Jan.  i,  1834,  Capt.  Cyrus  Bailey, 
Jr.,  b.  Sept.  23,  1804,  son  of  Cyrus  and  Chloe  (Burton) 
Bailey.     He  d.  March  3,  1885.     Children  : 

I.     Warren  C.  Bailey,  b.  in  Andover,  Vt.,  June  10,  183!; ; 

11.     Augusta  A.    Bailey,   b.    in   Andover,   Vt.,   Aug.    14, 

1836  ;  d.  July  II,  1841. 
III.     Calista  a.  Bailey,  b.  Dec.  6,  1840  ;  m.  Orien  Hutchins. 

3.  Gratia  M.Burt,  b.  Aug.  7, 1810;  m.  William  Strong.    Child: 

I.     Sylvester  Strong. 



RoDOLPHUS  Burt,  b.  July  6,  1812;  m.  Elizabeth  Hitchcock. 
He  is  deceased.     She  resides  in  East  Saginaw,  Mich.     Their 
dau.  was : 
I.     Susan   Hitchcock  Burt  ;    m.   Edward  Hayes.     They 

reside  in  Bridgeport,  Mich. 
Joshua  Burt,  b.  April  5,  1814;  m.  in  Cambridgeport,  Mass., 
Feb.  21,  1849,  Rebecca  Lakin,  b.  in  Charlotte,  Me.,  Dec.  8, 
1823.  He  was  a  farmer.  They  lived  in  Peru,  Vt.  He  d.  in 
Bridgeport,  Mich.,  Feb.  21,  1867.  His  wife  survives  him. 
All  the  children  were  b.  in  Peru,  Vt.  : 
1.     Chelcius  Otis  Burt,  b.  Dec.  30,  1850;  d.  March  21, 

II.     Maria  Clina  Burt,  b.  Sept.  9,  1851  ;  m.  Joseph  Jones, 

river  captain.      They  reside  in  West  Saginaw,  Mich. 

Their  children  are  : 

1.  Alta  Virginia  Jones,  b.  June  13,  1875. 

2.  Herbert  Willard  Jones,  b.  July  7,  1882. 

3.  Pearl  Nida  Jones,  b.  July  20,  1887. 

III.  Sarah  Adaline  Burt,  b.  Aug.  30,  1852  ;  m.  Peter  H. 

Nichols.     Child : 
I.     Roy  Leon  Nichols,  b.  in  East  Saginaw,  Mich.,  March  21,  1887. 

IV.  Marcus  Luther  Burt,  b.  July  6,  1854  '  "^-  lo'^^  Becker 

of  Bridgeport,  Mich.  They  have  six  children.  They 
are  farmers  at  Bridgeport.  They  were  all  b.  in  Bridge- 
port : 

1.  Evaline  Ellen  Burt,  b.  Dec.  20,  1876. 

2.  Marcus  Luthur  Burt,  b.  Sept.  22,  1878. 

3.  Alice  Mabel  Burt,  b.  Feb.  28,  1881. 

4.  Chelcius  Otis  Burt,  b.  March  12,  1883. 

5.  Glynn  Malcom  Burt,  b.  Nov.  23,  1885. 

6.  Ward  B.  Burt,  b.  Jan.  15,  1888. 

V.  Charles  Henry  Burt,  b.  July  6,  1856;  m.  Lizzie 
Hacket.  He  d.  in  Jackson,  Mich.,  March  6,  1883. 
Child : 
I.  Clarence  Burt,  b.  Jan.,  1883 ;  d.  May  10,  1883,  aged  4  months. 
VI.  Anna  Rebecca  Burt  ;  m.  Frank  E.  Richards,  con- 
ductor on  the  Michigan  Central  R.  R.  They  reside  in 
Grainling,  Mich.     Children  : 

1.  Edwin  Frank  Burt,  b.  in  Detroit,  Mich.,  Dec.  13,  1876. 

2.  Charles  Henry  Burt,  b.  in  Detroit,  Aug.  8,  1879. 

3.  Harrie  Madison  Burt,  b.  in  West  Bay  City,  Mich.,  Sept.  7, 

VII.     WiLLARD  Elmer  Burt,  b.  Sept.   i,  1864. 
East  Saginaw,  Mich. 



VIII.     Mary  Ellen  Burt  ;  d.  April  9,  1871. 

6.  Justin  Burt,  b.  May  7,   1816;   m.  in  Goshen,  Vt.,  Feb.  6, 

184s,  Ntincy  White,  dau.  of  Jesse  and  Nancy  White.  He  d. 
May  14,  1891,  aged  75.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  lived  upon 
the  old  Burt  homestead  in  Peru.  All  the  children  were  b.  in 
Andover,  Vt.  : 

I.     Luther  J.   Burt,  b.  Aug.   18,   1847;    ^-  "^  Andover, 

Vt.,  Sept.  12,  1854. 
II.     DoRiNDA  V.  Burt,  b.  Oct.  30,  1849.     Resides  in  Peru, 

III.  Elwin  Burt,  b.  May   17,   1851  ;    d.   in  Andover,  Vt., 

June  8,  1852. 

IV.  Susie  E.  Burt,  b.  Feb.   2,   1857  5    m.  Newton  Lakin. 

Resides  in  Peru,  Vt. 
V.     Elwin  L.  Burt,  b.  June  8,  1864 ;  m.  Nellie  Wyman. 

7.  Sarah  Burt,  b.  March  20,  181 8. 

8.  Mary  Ann  Burt,  b.  Sept.  18,  1819;  d.  March  23,  1827. 

9.  Ezra  B.  Burt,  b.  Dec.   22,  1821  ;  m.  Feb.  6,  1855,  Clarissa, 

b.  in  Salisbury,  Vt.,  Oct.  27,  1827,  dau.  of  Henry  and 
Abigail  Alexander.  He  is  a  farmer  of  Salisbury,  Vt.  He 
is  also  Overseer  of  the  Poor.     Children  : 

I.  Augustus  E.  Burt,  b.  Sept.  26,  1854. 

II.  Ellen  A.  Burt,  b.  Dec.  2,  1856. 

III.  Hatty  Burt,  b.  Aug.  6,  1865. 

IV.  Goshen  M.  Burt. 

10.     Jonathan  Burt,  b.  Nov.  22,  1823  ;  d.  Sept.  13,  1826. 

68.  Nancy  Parker  (Philemon,^  Jonas, ^Andrew,''  John,^ 
Hanamah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Philemon  and  Susan  (Stone?) 
Parker,  b.  Sept.  28,  1786;   m.  Timothy  Wyman. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Emory  Thomas  Wyman,  b.  July  28,  1803  ;  m.  Martha  Davis. 

2.  Emeline  Wyman,  b.  Sept.  30,  1807  ;  m.  Heman  Wright. 

3.  Jonas  Wyman,  b.  Aug.  6,  181 2  ;  d.  in  infancy. 

4.  SuzAN  Ann  Wyman,  b.  Nov.  4,  1814;  m.   Ebenezer  Cary  of 


5.  Carlton  Wyman,  b.  March  29,  1S17. 

6.  Joseph  Parker  Wyman,  b.  in  Swanzey,  N.  H.,  Aug.  4,  1818  ; 

m.    Eunice   L.    Keith,   b.   Oct.   8,    1817,   dau.   of  Samuel   of 
Springfield,  Vt.     She  d.   in  Springfield,  Vt.,  May  27,  1885, 


aged  d*]  years.     He   resides  in  North   Springfield,  Vt,,  is  a 
carpenter  and  farmer.     Children  : 
I.     Frederick  A.  Wyman,  b.  July  22,  1847  ;  d.  May  29, 

II.     Charles   E.   Wyman,   b.   Sept.   9,    1848.      Resides  in 
Cavendish,  Vt.     He  is  section  master  on  C.  V.  R.  R. 
He  m.  Margaret  Morgan  and  has  one  son. 

III.  Royal  E.  Wyman,  b.  June  19,  1851.     Resides  in  Per- 

kinsville,  Vt.       He  m.   Annie  Pike  of  Weathersfield, 
Vt.,  and  has  two  sons  and  three  daughters. 

IV.  George  K.  Wyman,  b.  March  22,   1856;  m.  Eliza  J. 

Rumrill  of  Springfield,  Vt.     He  is  a  farmer  and  has* 

one  dau. 
V.     Lizzie  C.  Wyman,  b.  Aug.  22,  1857;  d.  Sept.  12,  1863. 
VI.     James   L.   Wyman,    b.    Oct.    22,    1859;    "^-    Lottie   I. 

Morgan  of  Springfield,  Vt.,  and  has  one  dau. 

7.  Calvin  Wyman,  b.  Oct.  22,  1820;  m.  Millie  Reed  1 

of  Chester,  Vt.  i      t,    . 

8.  Luther  Wyman,  b.  Oct.   22,   1820;  m.  Elizabeth 

Grant  of  Hardwick,  Mass.  J 

9.  John  Densmore  Wyman,  b.  Aug.  20,  1822  ;  m.  Susan  Foster 

of  Rutland,  Vt. 

69.  Luther  Parker  (Philemon,^  Jonas, ^  Andrew,'^ 
yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Philemon  and  Susan 
(Stone)  Parker,  was  b.  (twin  with  Calvin),  April  7,  1796;* 
m.  Jan.  i,  1822,  Dolly  Byam  of  Templeton,  b.  July  6,  1804, 
d.  March  26,  1870.  They  settled  in  Chester,  Vt.,  where  he 
was  a  farmer.     He  d.  in  Chester,  Oct.  3,  1840,  aged  44  years. 

All  the  children  were  b.  in  Chester  : 

George  F.  Parker,  b.  Dec.  31,  1822  ;  d.  Sept.  2,  1823. 

Martha  A.  Parker,  b.  Dec.   10,   1S24;  m.  May  28,   1845,  Oscar 

W.  Spalding,  b.  in  Cavendish,  Vt.,  Nov.  7,  1822.     She  d.  March 

18,  1880,  leaving  no  issue. 

175.  Susan  M.  Parker,  b.  March  10,  1826  ;  m.  Horace  Thomp- 
son in  Chester. 

176.  LucixDA  A.  Parker,  b.  June  3,  1827  ;  m.  Josiah  Ayers  of 
Windham,  Vt. 

*The  records  of  Princeton  show  the  births  of  Luther  and  Calvin.  How- 
ever, family  tradition  say  that  they  were  b.  in  Billerica,  Mass.  It  may  be 
that  the  Princeton  record  was  only  a  transfer. 


Luther  Parker,  b.  March  i,  1829;  d.  June  30,  1833. 

George  Parker,  b.  Nov.  7,  1830;  m.  Oct.   19,  1854,  Augusta  A. 

Morrison,  b.  in  Chester,  Vt.,  March   11,   1835.     He  is  a  farmer 

and  resides  in  Chester.     No  issue. 

177.  Sarah  S.  Parker,  b.  June  21,  1840;  m.  Alvin  VV.  Davis. 

70.  Calvin  Parker  (Philemon,^  Jonas,^  Andrew,^ 
yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Philemon  and  Susan 
(Stone)  Parker  (twin  to  Luther;,  was  b.  April  7,  1796. 
When  ten  years  of  age  he  went  to  live  with  his  father's 
cousin,  Dea.  Ebenezer  Parker  of  Princeton,  where  he  re- 
mained as  one  of  the  family  for  many  years.  Then  he 
removed  to  Chester,  Vt.,  where  his  brothers  had  already 
settled.  He  was  known  for  his  honest,  upright  integrity  and 
frugality,  and  his  keenness  of  perception.  He  and  Luther 
looked  so  near  alike  that  many  could  not  tell  them  apart. 
They  were  very  good  looking  men.  In  Chester  the  brothers 
lived  within  two  miles  of  each  other,  all  being  good  livers,  but 
not  wealthy.  They  were  all  industrious  farmers,  but  none 
of  them  professed  Christianity.  He  m.  at  age  of  31,  May  8, 
1827,  Seba,  dau.  of  Silas  and  Olive  (Holbrook)  Cutler,  b. 
June  19,  1806,  d.  July  12,  1879.  ^^  ^-  Sept.  4,  1881,  aged 

Their  children  were  : 

178.  Marv  Ann  Parker,  b.  July  21,  1828  ;  m.  Silas  F.  Baldwin. 

179.  Olive  A.  Parker,  b.  Nov.  5,  1829;  m.  Silas  J.  Smith. 
William  A.  Parker,  b.  June  16,  1832  ;  d.  Aug.  9,  1833. 

180.  Fannie  E.  Parker,  b.  April  18,  1835  ;  m.  Calvin  W.  Bates. 

71.  John  Parker  ( Philcnwn,'^'  yonas^^  Andrew.,^  yo/iJi,i 
//auania/i,^  T/wmas'J,  son  of  Philemon  and  Susan  (Stone) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Princeton,  June  11,  1798:  m.  Ellen  John- 
son, b.  Feb.  14,  1802,  d.  Feb.  17,  1865,  dau.  of  Asa  and 
Ellen  Hall  Johnson.  The \'  settled  in  Chester,  Vt.  He  was 
a  farmer.      He  d.  in  Chester,  Feb.  6,  1874. 

Their  children  were  : 

181.  James  Parker,  b.  in  Chester,  Dec.   14,   1825  ;  m.    Sophia 

Susan  Parker,  b.  in  Chester,  June  14,  1831  ;  d.  March  14,  1872. 


72.  Lucinda  Parker  (Amos,^  Amos,^  Andrew,^  'John^^ 
Hanatiiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Amos  and  Lucy  (Robinson) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston  ;  m.  July  23,  1793,  Nathaniel 
Bangs  of  Barre.  He  was  a  neighbor  of  Artemas  Parker  of 
that  town.  They  continued  to  live  upon  their  farm  in  Barre 
until  1795,  when  they  sold  out  to  Amos  Parker  and  removed 
to  Putney,  Vt.     She  d.  Feb.  2,  1803,  leaving  these  children: 

1.  Amos  Parker  Bangs,  b.  Dec.   25,   1794;  m.  and  removed  to 

Cambridge,  Vt.  He  had  two  children,  who  are  now  Mrs. 
Elvira  Gilmore  of  Hyde  Park,  Vt.,  and  Nathaniel  Bangs  of 
Hardwick,  Vt. 

2.  Azariah  Bangs,  b.  Dec.  7,  1797  ;  m.  and  settled  in  Bakersfield, 

Vt.,  and  has  five -children  living: 

Mrs.  Louisa  Gaugd,  of  East  Evans,  N.  Y. 

Mrs.  Marietta  Cableigh,  of  East  Evans,  N.  Y. 

Mrs.  Adaline  Holbrook,  of  Elmore,  Vt. 

Wm.   Henry   H.   Bangs,  of  Elmore,   Vt.,  who   has   three 

Mrs.  Orilla  M.  Graves,  of  Springfield,  Mass. 

3.  Lysander  Bangs,  b.  Jan.  15,  and  d.  Jan.  22,  1S03. 

73.  Joseph  Parker  (Amos,^  Amos,^  Andrew,'^  yokn,i 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Amos  and  Lucy  (Robinson) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston  (1772?)  ;  m.  Feb.  21,  1791, 
Relief  Earle  of  Paxton,  b.  Sept.  12,  1778,  dau.  of  Lt.  Oliver 
and  Mary  (Earle)  Earle  of  Paxton.  This  Oliver  Earle's  line 
was  William, 5  William, +  Ralph ,3  William, ^  Ralph,'  the  emi- 
grant ancestor.  He  was  the  common  ancestor  of  a  very  large 
number  of  descendants  of  this  illustrious  name.  He  was  a 
Rhode  Island  settler;  an  intelligent  and  prominent  man. 
Oliver  Earle  lived  in  Paxton  in  the  house  still  standing  just 
north  of  the  old  William  Earle  or  Joseph  Penniman  place. 
Oliver  was  a  private  in  the  company  of  minute  men,  who 
under  the  command  of  Capt.  Phineas  Moore  "  marched  on  the 
alarm,  the  19th  of  April,  1775,  from  Paxton  to  Cambridge." 
He  was  afterwards  lieutenant. 

Joseph  and  Relief  Parker  removed  about  1804  to  Bakers- 
field,  Vt.  He  accompanied  his  brother  Amory  and  family,  to 
whence  their  uncle  Joseph  Baker,  Esq.,  awaited  them.  It  is 
related  on  page  102  how  Esquire  Baker  founded  the  town  of 


Bakersfield,  and  how  his  settlement  there  was  quickly  fol- 
lowed by  his  son-in-law  Elisha  Parker  and  Elisha's  brothers 
Joseph  and  Amory. 

The  wife.  Relief  (Earle)  Parker,  d.  in  Bakersfield,  June  2, 
1854.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  was  a  resident  of  Bakersfield 
until  his  death,  which  occurred  Jan.  i,  1861. 

Their  children  were  : 

182.  Amos  Earle  Parker,  b.  Feb.  26,  1802  ;  m.  Matilda  Con- 
verse of  Bakersfield. 

183.  Mary  Robinson   Parker,  b.   Jan.  5,   1S04;    ^^-  Matthew 
Gray  of  Bakersfield. 

184.  Joseph  Sumner  Parker,  b.  Oct.  27.  1S06  :  m.  Hall. 

Sophia  Bigelow  Parker,  b.  April  11.  1808;  m.  Dorastus  Wright. 

They  left  no  issue. 

185.  Euridicia    E.    Parker,    b.    April    25,    181 1;     m.    Michael 
French  of  Barre,  Vt. 

186.  Frederick    Appleton    Parker,    b.    June    14,    iSr3;    m. 
Caroline  Maxson  of  Squankum.  N.  J. 

187.  Betsey  Lorinda  Parker,  b.  Dec.  10,  1S18;  m.  Oliver  F. 
Stebbins  of  Bakersfield,  Vt. 

74.  Sylvester  Parker  (Amos,^  Amos,^  Andrew,*  yo/in,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Amos  and  Lucy  (Robinson) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  May  31,  1774;  removed  to 
Vermont,  and  m.  Feb.  6,  1800,  Alice  Davis,  b.  in  Athens,  Vt., 
June  7,  1778.  They  soon  settled  in  Westminster,  Vt.,  where 
they  passed  20  years  and  where  their  children  were  born. 
Removing  from  Westminster  the  family  settled  in  Lyndon, 
Vt.,  then  in  Derby,  Vt.,  and  finally  in  Westfield,  Vt.  She  d. 
in  Westfield,  Aug.  28,  1838,  aged  60  years,  2  months  and  21 
days.  He  d.  at  Troy,  Vt.,  Dec.  8,  1843,  at  the  age  of  69 
years,  6  months  and  8  days. 

Their  children  were  : 

188.  Amos  Parker,  b.  Dec.  29,  1800;  m.  Lorinda  Fairbanks. 

189.  Joel  D.   Parker,  b.  Oct.   9,   1802  ;    m.    Lucy   Wyman   of 
Barnstead,  P.  Q. 

HoLLis  Parker,  b.  March  9,  1806;  d.  Dec.  10,  1827. 

190.  Alice  Parker,  b.  June  22,  1808;  m.  Henry  Coburn. 

191.  Amory  Parker,  b.  April   15,   iSii  ;    ni.  Susan  Gilman  of 
Lyndon,  Vt. 



192.  Lucy  Parker,  b.  May  24,  1813  ;  m.  John  Alexander. 

193.  Rhoena  Parker,  b.  July  24,  1815  ;  m.  Silas  Howe. 
Rhuhamah  Parker,  b.  July  5,  1817  ;  m.  Alexander  Coburn.     They 

are  both  deceased  and  left  no  issue. 

194.  Samuel  W.   Parker,  b.  Dec.   27,  1820;  m.  Harriett  Field 
of  Bakersfield,  Vt. 

75.  Patty  Parker  (Amos,^  Amos,^  Andreiu,^  yohn,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Amos  and  Lucy  (Robinson) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston  ;  m.  Felton  and  re- 
moved to  Vermont. 

They  had  one  son  : 

I.     Horatio  Felton. 

76.  Dana  Robinson  Parker  (Amos,^  Amos,^  Andrew,'^ 
John^^  Hananiah^^  Thomas^),  son  of  Amos  and  Lucy  (Rob 
inson)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Nov.  4,  1781  :  m. 
Nov.  19,  1806,  Sarah,  dau.  of  John  and  Sarah  Davis  Williams 
of  Hubbardston.  He  succeeded  to  the  homestead,  where,  in 
the  west  part  of  the  town,  he  lived  nearly  the  whole  of  his  life. 
He  was  well  educated,  thoughtful  and  religiously  inclined  ;  a 
diligent  student  of  the  Bible,  often  indulging  in  theological 
discussions  with  zest ;  a  loyal  citizen  and  a  democrat,  though 
not  a  politician.  He  held  no  important  public  office,  but  was 
called  upon  to  settle  minor  difficulties,  and  his  opinion  was 
highly  regarded  by  all.  He  was  a  good  singer  and  extremely 
fond  of  sacred  music.  His  occupation  was  that  of  a  farmer 
and  he  paid  considerable  attention  to  the  propagation  of  fruit. 
The  well  known  "  Nonesuch"  apple  originated  upon  his  farm. 
An  apple  tree  was  discovered  by  him — wild  —  in  a  swamp 
down  in  Newton.  People  liked  the  flavor.  He  secured  grafts 
and  started  them  on  a  tree  in  Conest's  Valley,  Hubbardston, 
and  from  this  tree  was  the  beginning  of  the  cultivated  apple. 
He  thus  introduced  the  popular  "Hubbardston  Nonesuch." 
This  original  tree  looked  well  for  over  50  years.  He  lived 
until  nearly  82  years  of  age,  a  useful  and  respected  citizen. 

Their  children  were  : 

195.  Lucinda  B.  Parker,  b.  March  9,  1807  ;   m.  Eli  Grey. 

196.  Sarah  Davis  Parker,  b.  June  7.  1808;  m.  Oliver  Hale. 


John  Williams  Parker,  b.  March  5,  1810;  m.  Nancy  F.  Barr. 

197.  Elvira  Parker,  b.  Nov.  28,  iSii  ;  m.  Setli  P.  Heywood. 
Jonas  Parker,  b.  Oct.  30,  1813  ;  m.  Susan  Ann  Decker  of  Staten 

Island,  N.  Y. 

198.  Sophronia  Parker,  b.  Nov.  25,  1S15  ;  m.  Henry  Humphrey. 
Lucy  Robinson  Parker,  b.  Nov.   13,  1817;   m.  Asa  S.  Hodge  of 

Athol.     They  settled  in  Hubbardston,  where  she  has  since  deceased. 
He  survives  her. 
Dennison  Robinson   Parker,   b.   Aug.    15,    1819;    m.   Mary  A. 
Vroome  of  Staten  Island.  N.  Y. 

199.  Mary  Parker,  b.  July  11,  1821  ;   m.  George  Raymond. 

200.  Amos  Parker,  b.  Feb.  12,  1823  ;  m.  Lucy  Shepherd. 

201.  Martha  Maria  Parker,  b.  July  9,  182^;  m.  Lysander 

Amory  Parker,  b.  Aug.  2,  1828.  Went  to  California  in  1852  by 
way  of  Cape  Horn,  was  on  the  ill-fated  steamer  Independence^  of 
whose  800  passengers  240  lost  their  lives.  He  staid  several  years 
but  drifted  home  again.      He  lives  at  Hubbardston,  unm. 

George  Leroy  Parker,  b.  June  12,  1830;  d.  Aug.  i,  1831. 

202.  Susan  Elizabeth  Parker,  b.  April  9,  1833  5  '^i-  (0  David 
Heywood,  (2)  Lysander  Batchelder. 

77.  Amory  Parker  (Amos,^  A^nos,^  Andrew,^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Amos  and  Lucy  (Robinson) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Dec.  8,  1783;  m.  Lydia 
Parker,  his  cousin,  who  was  b.  March  8,  1784,  dau.  of  Major 
Elisha  Parker.  They  removed  to  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  where 
some  of  his  brothers,  sisters  and  nephews  were  already  settled. 
He  d.  April  5,  1823,  at  the  age  of  40.  He  was  well  esteemed, 
and  his  early  death,  coming  in  the  midst  of  strength  and  use- 
fulness, was  deeply  lamented.     She  d.  May  15,  1858,  aged  74. 

Their  children  were  : 

Lucy  Robinson  Parker,  b.  Oct.  iS,  180S  ;  unm.  Removed  with 
her  sisters  to  Lowell. 

203.  Amos  Andrew  Parker,  b.  Oct.  28,  1814;  m.  (i)  Cynthia 
Pratt  of  Reading,  Vt. 

Lydia  Maria  Parker,  b.  Dec.  14,  1S17;  removed  to  Lowell  and 
d.  Nov.  16,  1864,  unm. 

204.  Elisha  Sylvester  Parker,  b.  Nov.  11,  1819;  m.  (i) 

Sally  A.  Parker,  b.  June  19,  1823  ;  removed  to  Lowell ;  d.  Sept. 
17,  1841,  unm. 


78.  Lucy  Parker  (Amos,^  Amos,^  Andrew,'<  John,^ 
Hanaiiiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Amos  and  Lucy  (Robinson) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston  ;  she  m.  Jan.  12,  1812,  Silas 
Richardson,  and  lived  in  Sterling.  She  d.  July  4,  1828,  aged 
40.      He  d.  Jan.  24,  1833,  aged  51. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Silas  Richardson,  who  m. 

2.  Joshua  Richardson,  who  m.,  removed  to  N.  Y.  and  had  chil- 


3.  Reuben  Richardson,  who  m. 

4.  Mary  Richardson,  who  was  unm. 

5.  Nahum  Richardson,  who  lives  single. 

6.  Amaranca  Richardson,  who  m. 

79.  Joel  Parker  ( Isaac, ^  Amos,^  A?idrew,'^  yohn,^ 
Hananiah,^  T/wmas^ ),  son  of  Isaac  and  Margery  (Maynard) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Sept.  16,  1770;  m.  (i) 
Hannah  Bond  of  Westborough,  one  of  eleven  children,  b.  May 
3,  1776 ;  d.  Aug.  10,  1816.  He  m.  (2)  Feb.  6,  1817,  Susannah 
Fay,  b.  June  14,  1779;  d.  July  24,  1858.  They  lived  in 
Westborough.  He  was  a  very  worthy  and  widely  respected 
citizen.  He  was  a  miller,  a  deacon  of  the  Church,  and  a 
moderator  of  the  town  meetings.  He  d.  in  Westborough, 
Nov.  6,  1853,  aged  83. 

Their  children  were  : 
Anna  Osborne  Parker,  b.  Jan.  i,  1797;  d.  Jan.  29,  1828. 

205.  Betsey    Curwen    Parker,   b.  Jan.    20,   1799;    m.   Elmer 

206.  Hannah  Sophia  Parker,  b.  April  5,    1801  ;    m.   Orestes 

207.  AcHSAH  Forbes  Parker,  b.  Sept.  2,  1803  ;  m.  Solomon  T. 

208.  Elmina  Augusta  Parker,  b.  Nov.   16,  1806;  m.  Thomas 
H.  Fayerweather. 

Joel  Lloyd  Parker,  b.  March  21,  1809;  d.  Nov.  26,  1S26. 

209.  Harriet  Newell  Parker,  b.  Aug,  16,   1815  ;  m.  Mendal 
G.  Fosgate. 

80.  Gardiner  Parker  (Isaac,^  Amos,'=  AndrezaJ  John^^ 
Hananiah,-  Thomas^),  son  of  Isaac  and  Margery  (Maynard) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  March  14,  1772  ;  m.  Asenath 


Sherman.  He  lived  at  different  times  in  Westborough,  Grafton 
and  Northborough.  He  earned  a  local  reputation  as  an  in- 
ventor and  manufacturer  of  clocks.  For  Westborough  and 
Shrewsbury  he  made  the  town  clocks  which  are  still  in  use. 
He  ended  his  life  Feb.  i6,  1816.  His  widow  Asenath  sur- 
vived him. 

He  left  one  son  : 
210.     Perley  Parker  ;  m.  Betsey  Mellen  of  Westborough. 

81.  Dea,  Otis  Parker  (Isaac,^  Amos,^  Andrew,'^  'John^^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas'^),  son  of  Isaac  and  Margery  (Maynard) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  April  i,  1774;  m.  about 
1795,  Polly  Ann,  b.  Dec.  27,  1771,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Sarah 
Nourse  of  Westborough.  They  removed  in  1804  to  Hub- 
bardston, where  cousins  were  then  living,  and  settled.  She 
d.  April  30,  1850,  aged  78.  He  was  a  farmer;  d.  Feb.  27, 
1855,  thus  living  to  the  ripe  old  age  of  82.  He  lived  long 
and  well  to  enjoy  the  harvest  of  the  good  seed  which  he  had 
sown.     Piety  and  public  spirit  were  his  guides. 

Early  in  life  Mr.  Parker  connected  himself  with  the  Church. 
In  this  he  took  an  active  interest,  and  was  soon  made  deacon, 
by  which  title  of  respect  he  was  ever  afterward  known.  He 
was  strong  in  his  denunciation  of  intemperance.  It  was  for 
such  spirit  of  brotherly  love  which  always  flowed  sponta- 
neously from  him  that  his  associates  learned  to  love  him. 
His  loving  disposition  and  public  spirit  were  a  great  blessing 
to  the  community,  for  by  them  he  produced  peace  and  good 
will  with  all.  He  was  eminently  a  peacemaker ;  healed 
wounds  between  minister  and  parish,  which  not  only  testifies 
to  his  gift  of  ready  speech,  but  his  sound  sense  and  judgment. 
His  devout  religious  views  were  placed  upon  a  sensible  founda- 
tion. In  the  history  of  his  town  a  description  of  much  length 
is  given  of  the  influence  which  he  held  in  the  town  on  relig- 
ious matters. 

The  following  testimonial  appeared  at  the  time  of  his  decease 
in  a  local  paper  of  the  town  : 

"All  of  us  have  known  Dea.  Otis  Parker  and  can  think  of  him 
only  with  respect  and  aHection. 

'Great  not  like  Caesar  stained  with  blood, 
But  only  great  in  doing  good.' 


"The  friends  of  the  temperance  cause  feel  that  they  have  lost  a 
consistent  advocate.  For  many  years  his  whole  influence  has  been 
on  the  side  of  temperance,  and  notwithstanding  he  had  passed  the 
prime  of  life  and  retired  in  a  measure  from  its  active  duties,  his  pen 
has  helped  to  fill  our  paper  and  his  name  has  been  given  to  aid  and 
encourage  the  Ladies'  Temperance  Circle.  Let  us  therefore  cherish 
his  memory  and  strive  to  imitate  his  example.  May  the  mantle  of 
his  piety  rest  upon  us,  and  may  we  like  him  endeavor  to  secure  that 
'  Pearl  of  great  price,'  possessing  which  we  shall  be  enabled  to  cast 
a  good  influence  on  others,  and  be  prepared  for  a  better  world  when 
time  with  us  shall  be  no  more." 

Their  children  were  : 

Isaac  Parker,  b.  in  Westborough,  Sept.  3,  1797;  d.  in  Hubbards- 
ton.  May  8,  1829,  unm. 

211.  Daniel  Parker,  b.  in  Westborough,  March   23,  1799;  m. 
Polly  White  of  Phillipston. 

Lucy  Parker,  b.  in  Westborough,  July  15,  1801  ;  d.  in  Hubbards- 
ton,  Nov.  19,  1822,  unm. 

212.  Mary  Nourse  Parker,  b.  in  Westborough,  Aug.  11,  1803  ; 
m.  Alvin  Waite  of  Hubbardston. 

213.  Otis  Parker,  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Aug.  16,  1806  ;  m.  Eunice 

Samuel  Austin  Parker,  b.   in  Hubbardston,  Oct.   20,  1810;  m. 

Nov.  8,   1832,  Ruth  Aim  Williams  of  Hubbardston.  He  d.  in 

Hartford,  Conn.,  Aug.  5,  1852,  leaving  no  issue.     She  afterward 
m.  Willard  Cook  of  Chicago,  111.,  and  there  d. 

82.  Capt.  Jabez  M.  Parker  ( Isaac, ^  Amos, ^  Andrew,^ 
John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas'),  son  of  Isaac  and  Margery 
(Maynard)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Princeton,  Aug.  9,  1776;  m. 
in  Framingham,  April  15,  1798,  Nancy  Patterson,  b.  in 
Framingham,  Feb.  18,  1771,  dau.  of  David  and  Beulah 
(Clark)  Patterson  of  that  town.  She  was  seventh  in  a  family 
of  fifteen  children.  The  father,  David,  was  a  leading  man  in 
Framingham  during  the  Revolutionary  war.  The  family  in 
1783  removed  to  Boylston,  but  returned  in  1799.  The  Patter- 
son family  of  15  made  the  good  record  of  14  who  lived  to  be 
married,  while  the  one  died  when  an  infant.  David  Patterson 
was  great-grandson  of  the  first  of  the  Hne  in  America,  James 
Patterson,  who  was  one  of  the  adherents  of  Charles  II.  James 
was  in  the  Scotdsh  army  which  was  defeated  in  the  battle  of 


Worcester  by  Cromwell,  and  he  was  transported  to  New 
England  to  be  disposed  by  a  sale  for  a  term  of  years  to  defray 
expenses;  arrived  in  Boston,  May,  1652.  In  1658  he  settled 
in  Billerica,  where  he  died  1701. 

Jabez  Parker  and  wife  removed  to  Phillipston,  then  called 
"Gerry,"  and  where  some  of  his  posterity  still  reside.  His 
location  in  Phillipston  was  probably  caused  by  the  fact  that  his 
uncle.  Major  Elisha  Parker,  was  then  residing  there,  in  that 
part  now  known  as  "Golden  Village."  Jabez  Parker  bought 
land  three  miles  distant  in  the  north  part  of  the  town,  on  the 
ridge  of  land  running  west  from  Church  Hill.  It  was  a  large 
farm,  containing  all  kinds  of  land.  The  elevation  commanded 
a  view  north  and  south.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Church  of 
Phillipston.  In  the  military  company  he  soon  rose  to  rank. 
He  was  appointed  Ensign  in  181 1  by  Hon.  Elbridge  Gerry, 
Governor  of  Mass.  In  1813  followed  his  promotion  to  Lieu- 
tenant, and  in  1816  to  the  Captaincy  of  a  company  of  infantry, 
given  by  his  Excellency  Caleb  Strong. 

Their  children  were  : 

214.  Nancy  Patterson   Parker,  b.  May   2,   1799;    m.  James 
Wakefield  of  Marlborough,  N.  H. 

215.  Jabez  M.  Parker,  b.  Nov.  12,  1800;   m.  Azubah  P.  Powers 
of  Phillipston. 

216.  Enoch  Adams  Parker,  b.  Jan.  14,  1802  ;  m.  Rebecca  Gibbs. 

217.  Joel  Dodge  Parker,  b.  Aug.  17,  1S04;  m.  Hannah  Wood, 
native  of  Warwick. 

218.  Emily  S.  Parker,  b.  April  13,  1806;  m.  Isaiah  White. 

219.  Beulah  H.  C.  Parker,  b.  April  16,  1808  ;  m.  Walter  Clapp. 

220.  TuLLEY  Tollotson  Parker,  b.  March  28, 1810  ;  m.  Arathusa 

221.  James  Maynard  L.  Parker,  b.  Sept.  3,   1812;  m.  Polly 
♦            Kidder. 

84.  David  Parker  ( Isaac, '^  Amos,^  Andrciv,^  Johii,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Isaac  and  Margery  (Maynard) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Westborough,  May  i,  1785;  m.  Jan.  29, 
1808,  Betsey  Eager  of  Northborough,  b.  June  21,  1789,  d.  in 
Barre,  Feb.  22,  1869.  They  removed  about  1810  to  J3arre, 
where  he  d.  Aug.  10,  1832,  aged  54  years. 


Their  children  were  : 
Martha  Elizabeth  Parker,  b.  in  Northborough,  Feb.  28,  1S09; 

d.  in  Bane,  Oct.  15,  1841. 
A  son,  unnamed,  b.  and  d.  Dec.  14,  1810. 
Francis  Eager  Parker,  b.  in  Barre,  June  1 1,  and  d.  Oct.  8,  181 2, 

in  Westborough. 
Andrew  Parker,  b.  Sept.   21,  1813  ;  d.  April  4,   1881,  in  Cleve- 
land, O.,  unm. 
Mary  Louisa  Parker,  b.   in  Northborough,  Sept.   29,   1815  ;   m. 

Dec.  29,  1846,  John  H.  Knight  of  Worcester.     Their  cliildren  d. 

young.      She  d.   in  Worcester,  Jan.    15,    1853,  ^"*^  '^^  ^^-   March 

12,  1854. 
David  Parker,  Jr.,  b.  in  Barre,  June  24,  1817;    m.  in  Fitchburg, 

July  22,  1848,  Martha  A.  Deputron.     He  d.  Oct.  19,  1855  !  ^'^^  <^' 

March  15,  1855.     Their  only  child  was  Edgar  D.  Parker,  who  d. 

Dec.  20,  1852,  aged  14  months. 

222.  Harriet  Ann  Parker,  b.  May  29,  1819  ;  m.  Nov.  16,  1841, 
John  Walker  of  Holden. 

223.  Persis  Eager  Parker,  b.  May  8,  1821  ;  m.  June  13,  1843, 
Samuel  N.  Howe  of  Holden. 

224.  Lucy  Parker,  b.  Sept.  2,  1823  ;  m.  April  3,  1849,  Lysander 
Crawford  of  Oakham. 

Isaac  Davis  Parker,  b.  May  20,  1825  ;  d.  in  Barre,  April  27,  1841. 
Sarah  Fairbanks  Parker,  b.  July  31,  1827,  in  Barre;  d.  Jan.  6, 

1891,  aged  63. 
Cecilia  Augusta  Parker,  b.  June  10,  1830;  d.  in  Barre,  Jan.  9, 


85.     Major  Lewis  Parker  (Isaac,^  Amos,^  Andrczv,"^ 

John^i  HcDianiah,'^  Thomas^),  the  last  child  and  son  of  Isaac 
and  Margery  (Maynard)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Westborough, 
March  i,  1787.  His  father  d.  when  he  was  five,  and  his 
mother  when  nine.  He  first  lived  with  his  brother  Gardiner 
Parker.  After  passing  his  boyhood  upon  his  father's  farm, 
he,  still  a  youth,  bound  himself  to  learn  the  carpenter's  trade. 
This  was  in  Lancaster,  and  after  serving  his  time  he  married 
at  the  age  of  19.  On  the  Sterling  records  we  find:  "Mr. 
Lewis  Parker  of  Lancaster  and  Miss  Elizabeth  Seaver  of  Sterl- 
ing were  m.  in  Sterling,  Nov.  30,  1806."  They  settled  in  the 
centre  of  the  town.  He  was  a  successful  builder  and  overseer 
of  work  on  houses.  He  was  also  acquainted  with  the  hat 
trade,  at  which  business  he  devoted  himself  a  part  of  the  time. 


He  was  stout  in  stature  and  a  very  good-looking  man.  He 
was  sexton,  but  not  a  member  of  the  Sterling  Church.  He 
favored  the  Universalist  belief,  which  at  his  time  was  in  its 
infancy.  He  was  in  the  War  of  181 2.  Enlisting  as  a  private 
all  went  well  in  the  company  until  they  sighted  the  British 
troops,  upon  which  their  captain  fled.  The  company  there- 
upon chose  Lewis  Parker  for  their  captain  and  placed  him  at 
their  head.  He  was  soon  promoted  to  major,  the  title  by 
which  he  was  afterwards  widely  known.  It  seems  that  he, 
like  some  of  his  ancestors,  was  fearless,  and  often  said  that  he 
would  face  the  enemy  if  he  dropped  before  them.  He  was 
offered  the  rank  of  major-general,  which  responsible  position 
and  rank  of  honor  he  was  ready  to  accept,  but  his  wife  urged 
him  to  decline.  Their  family  was  already  large  and  she 
valued  his  presence  at  home  as  a  good  influence  for  the  chil- 
dren. He  spoke  of  the  honor  which  might  thus  be  conferred 
upon  him  and  family,  but  she  replied,  "What  is  honor  to 
bringing  up  properly  this  large  family  of  children?"  Other 
and  doubtless  proper  precautions  could  have  been  taken,  but 
as  they  were  all  attached  to  their  home  he  graciously  yielded. 
He  was  a  very  hospitable  man,  having  a  large  circle  of  friends, 
and  his  house  was  constantly  sheltering  or  he  and  family 
entertaining  a  part  of  them,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  (Seaver)  Parker 
was  a  remarkable  lady,  of  conscientious  belief  and  a  member 
of  the  Church.  Mr.  Parker  highly  appreciated  his  brothers 
and  sisters  and  loved  to  pay  tributes  to  their  memory.  He 
reverenced  his  sister  Mrs.  Green,  and  never  ceased  lamenting 
over  the  untimely  decease  of  his  brother  Gardiner.  He  d.  in 
Sterling,  July  i,  1833,  aged  46,  and  she  d.  in  West  Boylston, 
at  her  daughter's  farm,  Nov.  5,  1859,  aged  76  years,  6 

Their  children  were  : 

225.  Caleb  Alexander  Parker,  b.  Dec.  34,  1806. 

226.  Abigail  Sawyer  Parker,  b.  Oct.   15,   1S09;   m.  Jan.   24, 
1S30,  Joshua  Buxton  of  Lowell. 

Evelina  Maynard  Parker,  b.  Nov.  23,  181 1  ;  d.  June  8,  1833,  at 

227.  Elizabeth   Margaret    Parker,    b.    Sept.    24,    1813;    m. 
April  zi,  1836,  Gilbert  H.  Howe  of  Sterling. 


228.  Sarah  Angeline  Parker,  b.  Aug.  13,  1815  ;  m.  in  Sterl- 
ing, Nov.  10,  1836,  John  Phelps  of  West  Boylston. 

229.  Lewis  Livingstone  Parker,  b.  Jan.  7,  181 7.  When 
quite  young,  he  joined  his  brother  Caleb  A.  Parker  at  Jackson, 
Miss.,  where  he  met  with  an  accident,  from  which  he  d.  on  the 
evening  of  the  23d  of  Oct.,  1841,  "  from  the  effects  of  a  fall  which 
he  received  in  the  morning  from  the  giving  away  of  some  scaffold- 
ing, Mr.  Lewis  L.  Parker  of  Sterling,  Mass.,  aged  34  yrs.  9  mos. 
The  deceased  has  long  been  known  to  our  community,  and  his  death 
is  deeply  lamented  by  all  who  knew  him.  His  amiability  and 
urbanity  of  manners,  his  natural  warmth  of  feeling  and  correctness 
of  deportment  in  all  his  dealings  with  his  fellow-men  endeared 
him  to  a  numerous  circle  of  friends,  who  will  long  cherish  his 
memory  and  mourn  his  untimely  dissolution.  When  a  friend  is 
stricken  down  in  a  moment — in  the  full  bloom  of  health  and  young 
— while  the  heart  is  yet  beating  high  with  brilliant  anticipations  of 
the  future,  relatives  and  friends  have  cause  indeed  to  mourn."  He 
was  buried  in  Jackson,  Miss. 

230.  HoLLis  Gardner  Parker,  b.  Sept.  30,  1S18;  m.  Laura 
Goodrich  of  Hartford,  Ct. 

Mary  Anne  Capen  Parker,  b.  March  31,  1820;  d.  in  Pittsfield, 

March  5,  1834,  unm. 
Harrison  Gray  Otis  Parker,  b.  Aug.   18,  1821  ;  d.  in  Jackson, 

Miss.,  unm. 
Thomas  Sawyer  Parker,  b.  April  15,  1823. 
Lucy  Parker,  b.  March  4,  1825. 

86.  Dr.  Amos  Parker  (HolUs,^  Amos,^  Andrew, '< 
yohn,^  Hanaiiiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Hollis  and  Louisa 
(Bragg)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Oct.  17,  1777  ;  m. 
Elizabeth  Whitney,  dau.  of  the  minister  at  Bolton.  He  suc- 
ceeded to  his  father's  homestead  in  Shrewsbury,  living  thereon 
during  the  lifetime  of  his  parents,  furnishing  them  a  comforta- 
ble abode  in  their  old  age.  He  was  known  by  the  people  of 
Shrewsbury  as  somewhat  eccentric,  for  instance,  it  is  said  that 
he  buried  his  small  riches  in  bags  around  his  house  and  farm 
for  safe  keeping  and  people  are  still  in  watch  for  "Dr. 
Parker's  money  bags."  He  finally  removed  to  Bolton, 
where  in  the  centre  of  the  town  his  house  still  stands 
as  he  put  it,  and  his  old  furniture,  maps,  books  and  pictures 
are  as  they  were  in  his  day.     In  Bolton  he  became  a  popular 


physician.  Dr.  Parker  was  a  man  of  mind.  He  was  well 
read  and  acquired  a  substantial  education.  He  possessed 
a  remarkably  strong  character,  he  was  known  as  one  who 
acted  upon  his  own  best  views  and  feared  not ;  was  a  good 
speaker  and  was  one  of  the  tirst  to  join  the  temperance  move- 
ment, in  which  he  took  an  active  part.  Dr.  Parker  was  post- 
master at  Bolton  for  many  years.  At  one  time  he  was  proba- 
bly the  oldest  postmaster  in  the  commonwealth. 

Their  children  were  : 

Elizabeth  Lydia  B.  Parker,  b.  July  10,  1809;  d.  April  r,  18S2, 

Louisa  Jane  Parker,  b.  Jan.  10,  1812;  resides  in  Bolton,  unm. 
She  occupies  the  old  Dr.  Parker  home  located  in  the  town  centre. 
She  preserves  its  ancient  appearance,  together  with  the  ancient 
furniture,  pictures  and  family  treasures  as  they  appeared  in  her 
childhood,  when  her  father  was  living,  making  the  homestead 
seem,  as  the  visitor  enters,  as  if  he  had  stepped  back  into  the  iSth 

87. ■  Mary  Jennison  Parker  (Hollis,^  Amos,^  Andrezu,'^ 
yo/ui,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Hollis  and  Louisa 
(Bragg)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  July  31,  1780;  m. 
(i)  in  Shrewsbury,  Jan.  i,  1803,  Josiah  Harrington,  b.  in 
Worcester,  Jan.  6,  1780,  who  came  to  Shrewsbury  from 
Worcester  when  a  lad  and  grew  up  in  the  family  of  John 
Rice,  Sr.  They  had  Josiah  Harrington,  Jr.,  b.  in  Hubbards- 
ton, Sept.  15,  1803.  Josiah  Harrington,  the  father,  d.  in 
Hubbardston,  Oct.  7,  1803.  The  son  m.  Sylvia  Smith  of 
Lancaster,  N.  H.  ;  had  one  son,  Edward  L.  Harrington,  b. 
in  Lancaster,  Oct.  i,  1836,  and  she  d.  there  in  1838. 
Edward  L.  served  in  the  Union  army  during  the  Civil  war. 
Both  he  and  liis  father  are  now  deceased. 

Mrs.  Mary  (Parker)  Harrington  m.  (2)  in  Shrewsbury, 
April  10,  1805,  Asahel,  b.  Feb.  6,  1775,  son  of  Silas  and 
Priscilla  (Plympton)  Allen.  He  was  a  cooper  and  farmer  in 
Shrewsbury,  where  they  lived  up  to  about  1826,  when  the 
family  removed  to  Lancaster,  N.  H.,  and  where  she  d.  Feb. 
28,  1862.  He  d.  in  Berlin,  Wis.,  Oct.  13,  1866,  at  the  home 
of  his  son  Waldo. 


All  the  children  were  b.  in  Shrewsbury  : 

1.  AsAHEL  Plympton  Allen,  b.  May  4,  1806  ;  m.  Rebecca  Bacon 

Haven  of  Boston;  resided  in  Lancaster,  N.  H.,  where  he 
owned  a  farm  ;  he  d.  June  14,  1S84.  They  had  ten  children  : 
].     Frederick  M.  Allen,  b.  in  Boston,  1832  ;  d.   Sept.  5, 

n.     Edward   P.  Allex,  b.   in  Worcester,   1833  ;    resides  in 

in.     Helen  R.  Allen,  b.  in   Lancaster,  N.   H.,   1835  ;    m. 

Daniel  Sweet  of  Manchester,  N.  H. 
IV.     Sarah  E.   Allen,  b.   in  Lancaster,   N.   H.,    1837;    m. 

Joseph  Cutting. 
V.     Mary   A.  Allen,   b.   in    Lancaster,   N.    H.,    1840;    m. 

Monroe  Green  of  Shelburne,  N.  H. 
VI.     William  H.  Allen,  b.  1842;  d.  in  Washington,  D.  C, 

Feb.  8,  1863. 
VII.     George  L.  Allen,  b.  1844  ;  resides  in  Wisconsin. 
VIII.     Maria  E.  Allen,  b.  1846;  d.  March  iS,  1863. 
IX.     Abbie  a.  Allen,  b.  1850;  m.  Alonzo  Earle. 
X.     Alice  L.  Allen,  b.  1853  ;  m.  D.  W.  Scribner  of  Port- 
land, Me. 

2.  Lucy  Hemenway  Allen,  b.  Feb.  15,  1809;  d.  in  Lancaster, 

N.  H.,  April  18,  1842. 

3.  Daniel  Waldo  Allen,  b.  May  17,  i8ii  ;  he  studied  medicine, 

but  early  in  life  went  west  and  spent  most  of  his  life  upon  a 
farm.     By  wife  Marietta  he  had  the  following  children  : 
I.     Henry  Clay  Allen,  b.  March  5,  1848. 
II.     Celestia  Elizabeth  Allen,  b.  July  10.  1S50;  m.  Rev. 
D.  W^.  Day  of  Cleveland,  O.,  and  has  had  four  children. 
III.     Mary  Maria  Allen,  b.  Oct.  3,  185 1. 
He  m.    (2)   Lellice  Boyle,  by  whom  Lucy  C.  Allen  was  b. 
Sept.  7,  1856. 

4.  Elizabeth  Waldo  Allen,  b.  Aug.  17,  1813  ;  d.  in  Cleveland,  O. 

88.  Silance  Pa.rkev  (Hollis,^  Amos, ^  Afidreiv,^  Jo/in,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Hollis  and  Louisa  (Bragg) 
Parker,  was  b.  Oct.  17,  1786;  m.  Oct.  11,  1811,  James  Hall 
of  Shrewsbury.  He  was  a  builder,  and  experienced,  it  is 
said,  a  remarkable  occurrence.  About  the  year  1828  he  fell 
from  near  the  top  of  the  spire  upon  the  roof  of  a  meeting-house 
he  was  building  in  Sutton,  and  so  indented  it,  by  breaking  one 


of  the  rafters,  as  to  obtain  lodgment  there  until  relieved.  He 
was  not  sensibly  injured,  but  soon  went  about  his  work.  It  is 
said,  however,  that  he  finally  met  his  death  in  being  struck  by 
a  falling  beam.  The  family  removed  to  Northborough  about 
1850,  and  he  met  his  death  the  year  following. 
Their  children  were  : 

1.  Sarah  Z.  Hall,  b.  Oct.  3,  1813  ;  was  school-teacher  at  North- 


2.  Louisa  A.  Hall,  b.  June  28,  1815. 

3.  James  M.  Hall,  b.  July  22,  1817. 

4.  Anna  P.  Hall,  b.  Nov.  13,  1819. 

5.  Mary  J.  Hall,  b.  Dec.  8,  1821. 

6.  William  E.  Hall,  b.  April  26,  1824. 

7.  Silence  M.  Hall,  b.  April  16,  1832. 

89.  Betsey  Parker  (EUsha,^  Afnos,^  Andrew,^  yohn,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Major  Elisha  and  Sally  (Baker) 
Parker,  was  b.  March  25,  1782;  m.  April  25,  1810,  Gardner 
Paige  of  Hardwick.  They  lived  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.  She  d. 
Feb.  23,  i860.     He  d.  Nov.  7,  1861. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Gardner  Addison  Paige,  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  April  23,  i8ii  ; 

m.  May  27,  1S35,  Lydia  B.  Shattuck  (b.  also  April  23,  181 1) 
of  St.  Albans,  Vt.,  dau.  of  Moses  Shattuck  of  Townshend,  Vt., 
and  wife  Hannah  Bingham,  a  native  of  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
They  removed,  1870,  to  Milford,  Del.,  where  he  d.  in  Nov., 
1888.  His  widow  survives  him.  Their  children  were  : 
I.  Seneca  Paige,  b.  1836  ;  d. 
II.     WoRTHiNGTON  Paige,  b.  1837  ;  d. 

III.  Reed  Paige,  b.  1839. 

IV.  Hannah  Paige,  b.  1841  ;  m.  Oaks. 

V.     Louisa  Paige,  b.  1842  ;  m. Smoot. 

VI.     Marion  Paige,  b.  1844;  m.  Green. 

VII.     Gardner  Paige,  b.  1846. 
viii.     Harris  L.  Paige,  b.  1850. 

2.  Timothy  S.  Paige,  b.  Feb.  18,  1814;  d.  Oct.  16,  1817. 

3.  Betsey  M.  Paige,  b.  April  5,   1817;  m.   (i)   Dec.   29,   1S42, 

Samuel  Peckham  of  Broome,  P.  Q.  ;  he  d.  July  1844,  and  she 
m.  (2)  Feb.  15,  1S46,  C.  R.  Parker  of  Lockport,  N.  Y.  (No. 
234,  page  191).  She  d.  May  7,  1853.  She  had  dau.  Mary 
Jane  Peckham,  who  d.  Aug.  29,  1866,  aged  20  years. 


4.  Elisha  Stillman  Paige,  b.  March  18,  1819;  m.  Betsey  Soule 

of  Fairfield,  Vt.     They  had  dau.  Maria,  now  Mrs.  Hawaij^an. 

5.  Mary  Ann  Lee  Paige,  b.  Feb.   17,  1823;  m.  Sept.  26,  1849, 

Edmund  C,  son  of  Ephraim  Knight,  who  was  son  of  Amos, 
of  Shrewsbury,   Vt..   and  Philander   (Beaman)   Knight,  dau. 
of  Sheldon   Beaman  of  Milton,    Vt.       The    family   reside   in 
Stanbridge,  Canada.     Their  children  were  : 
I.     Paige  Knight,  b.  Dec.  31,  1S50. 

II.     Catharine    Knight,  b.  June    17,   1S55  ;    m.   Sept.    26, 
1S77,  Ernest  M.  Lambkin,  and  has  three  daughters. 

III.  David  Brown  Knight,  b.  Dec.   20,  1857;  m.  Dec.    17, 

1879,  ^^^^  P-  Rice,  and  has  two  daughters  and  two  sons. 

IV.  Stillman  Paige  Knight,  b.   May  3,   i860;  m.  Jan.   i, 

1880,  Julia  Baker,  and  has  two  sons. 

6.  Sarah  Jane  Paige,  b.  May  27,  1824;  m.  Nov.  3,  1868.  Henry 

Dean  of  Bakersfield,  Vt.     They  reside  in  Bakersfield. 

91.  Elisha  Parker  (Elisha,^  Amos,=  Andrew,'-  yohn,^ 
Haiianiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Maj.  Elisha  and  Sally  (Baker) 
Parker,  was  b.  Nov.  23,  1787:  m.  1811,  Eunice  Dean  of 
Barnard,  Vt.  Her  parents  were  early  settlers  of  Barnard  from 
the  town  of  Hardwick,  Mass.  He  lived  in  Barnard  four  years  ; 
the  remainder  of  his  life  was  passed  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.  He 
d.  April  15.  1847.  His  widow  Eunice  d.  Sept.  21,  1884. 
He  was  stout  in  stature,  and  was  blessed  with  a  very  hearty, 
happy  disposition.  Horseback  riding  was  his  favorite  mode 
of  conveyance  and  healthful  exercise. 

Their  children  were  : 

231.  Elisha  H.  Parker,  b.  May  10,  1S18;   m.  Alvira  P.  Ferrin. 

232.  Minerva  E.  Parker,  b.  May  13,  1S27  ;   m.  Josiah  Converse, 
a  native  of  Brookfield,  Mass. 

233.  Robert  D.  Parker,  b.  May  6,  1834;  m.  Sarah  Hawes  of 
Auburn,  Mass. 

92.  Elijah  Parker  (Elisha,^  Amos,^  Andreiv,^  yo/m,3 
Hananiah,^  T/iomas^),  son  of  Maj.  Elisha  and  Sally  (Baker) 
Parker,  was  b.  Nov.  23,  1787  ;  m.  1810,  Rhody,  younger 
dau.  of  Dea.  Isaac  Butler  of  Fairfield,  Vt.  She  was  seventh 
in  descent  from  Dea.  Richard  Butler,  whose  name  first  appears 
on  the  records  of  Cambridge,  Mass.,  in  1632  ;  was  a  freeman 


there  in  1634,  and  in  1636  was  one  of  the  company  who  went 
through  the  wilderness  with  Rev.  Samuel  Hooker  and  formed 
the  settlement  at  Hartford,  Ct.  Elijah  Parker  removed  with 
his  family  to  New  York  State  and  settled  in  Cambria,  where 
he  d.  Feb.  8,  1868.  She  survived  him,  her  date  of  death 
being  Nov.  6,  1873,  at  Lockport,  N.  Y.  He  was  most  highly 
respected  by  his  fellow-citizens. 

"Elijah  Parker  was  one  of  the  pioneers  of  this  country;  an  in- 
dustrious, careful,  prudent  man,  and  a  law-abiding  citizen.  He 
accumulated  a  competency  and  lived  long  in  the  town  of  Cambria  to 
enjoy  it — a  highly  respected  and  honored  member  of  the  community." 

All  the  children  were  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  except  the 
youngest : 

Cho  Laura  Parker,  d.  in  infancy. 

234.  Charles  Rollin  Parker,  b.  Jan.  5,  1S14;  m.  (i)  Portia 
Adelia  Harmon. 

235.  Cho  Augusta  Parker,  b.  Aug.  10,  1S15  ;  ni.  Silas  Hall,  a 
native  of  Newburyport,  Mass. 

236.  Caroline  Miranda  Parker,  b.  March  16,  iSiS  ;  m.  Stephen 
Decatur  Scovell. 

Martha  Cornelia  Parker,  b.  Sept.  7,  1823. 

Amanda  Bowdish  Parker,  b.  Oct.  10,  1S25  ;  resides  at  Beach 
Ridge,  N.  Y.  To  her  care  and  interest  is  indebted  much  of  ful- 
ness of  the  genealogy  of  her  family  as  shown  in  this  volume. 

237.  Isaac  Butler  Parker,  b.  Nov.  19,  1S29;  m.  Clarissa 
Gillet  of  Youngstown,  N.  Y. 

238.  Frederic  Deforest  Parker,  b.  in  Levviston,  N.  Y.,  Aug. 
10,  1830;  m.  Helen  Nickols  of  Michigan. 

93.  Patty  Parker  (Elisha.^  Amos,^  Andrew,^  John,T> 
Hananiah,^  Thomas'),  dau.  of  Maj.  Elisha  and  Sally  (Baker) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakerstield,  Vt.,  May  3,  1790;  m.  Elijah 
Barnes  as  his  second  wife. 

Her  only  child  was  : 

I.  Elizabeth  Martha  Barnes,  b.  April  6,  1S2S.  After  her 
father's  death  she  became  a  missionary  teacher  for  the  Ameri- 
can Missionary  Association  to  the  Freedmeu  in  the  St)uth, 
where  she  labored  17  years  until  her  health  failed  her  in  1882. 



Jan.  18,  18S3,  she  and  Dea.  H.  M.  Stevens  of  St.  Albans,  Vt., 
were  m.  Their  m.  life  was  short  but  very  happy.  She  d. 
May  7,  1885. 

94.  James  Sullivan  Parker  (Eliska,^  Anios,^  Andrew,^ 
yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Maj.  Elisha  and  Sally 
(Baker)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  Aug.  i,  1798. 
He  m.  and  had  at  least  one  dau.,  who  became  Mrs.  Sarah  E. 
Evans  and  lived  in  Washington,  D.  C. 

95.  Jonas  Parker  (Elisha,^  Amos,^  Andrczu,'^  yohn,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Maj.  Elisha  and  Sally  (Baker) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  Sept.  15,  1800;  m.  Lima 
Freeman,  b.  in  Barnard,  Vt.,  Jan.  13,  1802,  dau.  of  Joshua 
and  Joan  Freeman.  They  first  settled  in  Bakersfield  ;  removed 
to  Moretown,  Vt.  He  was  a  successful  builder  and  a  good 
farmer.  He  was  well  beloved  by  his  associates,  and  a  favorite 
with  his  brethren. 

All  the  children  were  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.  : 
S39.      Rebecca  Ann   Parker,   b.   Sept.    39,   1825  ;    m.   Langdon 
Marshall  of  Brookfield,  Vt. 

240.  Joshua  Freeman  Parker,  b.  Sept.  23,  1827  ;  m.  Caroline 
D.  Seabnry. 

241.  John  Cortland  Parker,  b.  March  15,  1831  ;  m.  Oliva  M. 
Wheeler  of  Wallingford,  Vt. 

242.  Lima  Joan  Parker,  b.  Aug.  11,  1836;  m.  April  26,  1S75, 
Henry  Fullerton  of  Waitesfield,  Vt.,  and  resides  in  Montpelier,  Vt. 

96.  Abigail  Parker  ( Ephraim,'^  Amos ,^  Andrew ,^  yo/in,^ 
Hananiah,-  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Ephraim  and  Abigail  (Baker) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H.,  March  5,  1796;  m. 
March  31,  1812,  Joshua  Worcester  of  Jafirey,  N.  H. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Ephraim  Parker  Worcester,  b.  June  20,   1813  ;  m.  Nancy 

Gage,  dau.  of  Jonathan  Gage  of  JatlVey,  N.  H.  They  reside 
in  Pittsfield. 

2.  Emeline  Parker  Worcester,  b.  July  4,   1815  ;  d.  Oct.   23, 

1886,  aged  71.  She  never  married,  but  for  many  years  was  a 
successful  teacher  of  schools  in  Boston  until  she  became  too 
infirm  to  teach  and  then  returned  to  her  native  place  and  died 
at  the  residence  of  her  sister  Abigail. 


3.  Abigail  Worcester,  b.  March  30,   1817;  m.  William  Gage, 

son  of  Jonathan  Gage  of  JatiVey,  N.  H.  He  d.  Sept.  12, 
1842,  aged  30,  and  she  now  lives  on  the  old  homestead  in  Fitz- 
vvilliam  and  successfully  carries  on  the  farm  by  the  aid  of  all 
needed  help. 

4.  Joshua  Worcester,  m.  for  a  second  wife  Lydia  Whipple  of 

Richmond,  N.  H.,  by  whom  he  had  tive  children,  to  wit: 
I.     Milton  Worcester. 
II.     Hannah  Worcester. 

III.  George  Albert  Worcester. 

IV.  A  child  who  d.  in  infancy. 
V.     Lydia  Worcester. 

97.  Hannah  Parker  (Nahwn,^  Amos,^  Andrezv,^ 
yokn,i  Hanantah,^  Tkomas"^),  dau.  of  Judge  Nahum  and 
Mary  (Deeth)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Shrewsbury,  Dec.  26,  1784; 
came  to  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H.,  with  her  parents  in  1786;  m. 
Luna  Foster,  Jr.,  of  Fitzwilliam,  Feb.  29,  1810.  They  lived 
at  Fitzwilliam  until  181^,  when  they  removed  to  Westmoreland, 
N.  H.,  and  there  resided  the  remainder  of  their  days.  She  d. 
Aug.  7,  1863,  aged  79^  years.     He  d.  April  13,  1865. 

Their  children  were  : 
I.     Benjamin  Franklin  Foster,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H,  in  181 2  ; 
m.  Sept.  30,  1832,  Electa  Beebe  of  Brattleborough,  Vt.     She 
lately  d.     They  lived  many  years  in  East  Westmoreland,  N. 
H.,  and  he  now  resides  in  Keene,  N.  H.     Children  : 
I.     Amos  Parker  Foster  ;    m.  Sarah  Gale.       They  reside 

in  Austin,  Texas,  and  have  had  two  children. 
II.     Eunice   P.  Foster  ;    m.  George  Abbot,  and  resides  in 
Joliet,  111. 

III.  Adin  Foster  ;  m.  Nancy  M.  Perry,  and  resides  in  Gardner. 

IV.  Ellen  D.  Foster  ;  m.  Alfred  D.  Perry,  and  resides  in 

Keene,  N.  H. 

V.  Addison  D.  Foster  ;  m.  Malissa  Perry.     He  went  to  tiie 

war  of  the  Rebellion  and  d.  in  the  service. 
VI.     Allison    D.    Foster  ;    m.    Kate    Wood,    and    resides    in 

Natchez,  Miss. 
VII.     Ella  H.  Foster  ;    m.  Frederick  Wilson,  and  resides  in 

Keene,  N.  H. 
VIII.     Anson  F.  Foster;  m.  Eldora  H.  Streeter,  and  resides  in 
Keene,  N.  H. 


2.  Nahum  Parker  Foster,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  Feb.  lo,  1814;  d. 

May  9,  187^,  aged  61  ;  m.  Emily  Wilber.  He  was  educated 
as  a  physician  and  took  his  degree  of  M.D.  at  Harvard  Uni- 
versity, and  afterwards  became  a  Baptist  preacher,  and  prac- 
ticed both  professions  with  marked  success  to  near  the  time  of 
his  death.  Soon  after  his  marriage  he  settled  (i)  at  Unity, 
N.  H.,  (2)  at  Cornish  Falls,  N.  H.,  (3)  at  Stoughton,  Mass., 
(4)  at  Burlington,  Vt.,  and  (5)  at  Montpelier,  Vt.  Here  he 
was  two  years  chaplain  of  the  Legislature.  On  leaving  Mont- 
pelier he  took  a  voyage  to  Europe  and  visited  various  places 
of  note,  among  which  were  Palestine,  the  Dead  Sea,  the  pyra- 
mids of  Egypt,  etc.,  and  on  his  return  settled  in  New  London, 
Ct.,  where  he  died.  He  left  an  estate  of  $30,000,  and  one 
daughter,  who  survives  him.  His  wife  died  at  New  London 
a  few  years  before  his  own  death.  He  was  a  skilful  doctor 
and  an  impressive  preacher  and  lecturer.  He  had  a  most  won- 
derful prepossessing  appearance.  He  died  suddenly  in  the  full 
vigor  of  life  from  the  eftects  of  poison  administered  to  him  by 

3.  Mary  Foster,  b.  in  Westmoreland,  N.  H.,  Sept.  4,  1817;  m. 

Edward  R.  Winchester,  and  lived  in  Westmoreland  until  his 
decease.      She  is  living  and  has  one  son. 

98.  Austin  Parker  (Nahnm^^  Amos,^  Andrew,'^  yohn,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas'')^  son  of  Judge  Nahum  and  Mary  (Deeth) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H.,  Jan.  24,  1787;  m. 
Susan  Martin  of  Gardner  and  settled  in  Westmoreland,  N.  H., 
and  d.  there  Aug.  7,  1863,  aged  76.  His  wife  survived  him 
a  few  years.  Austin  Parker  was  a  good  mechanic  (a  charac- 
teristic of  the  family  branch),  and  was  a  carpenter  as  well  as 
a  farmer.  He  was  for  a  long  time  surveyor.  He  was  select- 
man and  justice  of  the  peace. 

Their  children  were  : 
Marion  M.  Parker  ;  now  deceased. 
Demaris  C.  Parker  ;  now  deceased. 
243.     Frederick  A.  Parker,  b.   1822  ;    m.  Clara  M.   Hyland  of 

Westmoreland,  N.  H. 
Norman  Parker  ;  he  was  killed  on  the  railroad. 

99.  Amos  A.  Parker  (JVahum,^  Amos,^  Andrew,^  yohn,^ 
Hananiak.^  Thomas'),  son  of  Judge  Nahum  and  Mary  (Deeth) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,    N.   H.,  Oct.   8,   1791.      He 


AGED  liii,  Oct.  s,  1892. 


worked  on  his  father's  farm  in  the  east  part  of  the  town  until 
he  was  about  i6  years  of  age,  and  not  having  a  robust  consti- 
tution turned  his  attention  to  classical  studies  and  fitted  for  col- 
lege. He  was  about  a  year  under  the  tuition  of  the  pastor  of 
Fitzwilliam,  Rev.  John  Sabin,  and  then  went  to  the  Academy 
at  Amherst,  N.  H.,  and  finished  at  the  New  Ipswich  Acade- 
my. He  entered  the  sophomore  class  at  the  Universitv  of 
Vermont,  Feb.  3,  181 1,  and  graduated  in  1813.  On  his 
return  to  his  native  town  he  became  storekeeper,  but  soon 
went  to  Virginia,  where  he  staid  three  years  as  teacher  in 
planters'  families.  Returning  to  his  native  State  he  com- 
menced the  study  of  law  with  James  Wilson,  senior,  at 
Keene,  and  completed  his  course  with  Levi  Champlain  at 
Fitzwilliam,  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  of  the  Superior  Court 
in  182 1.  He  commenced  the  practice  of  law  at  Epping,  N. 
H.,  and  then  went  to  Concord,  N.  H.,  where  he  became  editor 
of  the  Nezu  Hampshire  Statesman.  While  there  he  was  ap 
pointed  aid  to  Governor  D.  L.  Morrill  and  enjoyed  the  title  of 
Colonel.  While  he  was  serving  in  this  capacity  he  had  the 
pleasure  of  inviting  Gen.  Lafayette,  then  at  Boston,  to  visit 
New  Hampshire. 

He  removed  to  Concord  in  1826,  and  soon  after  to  New 
Market.  In  183 1  he  located  in  Exeter  and  Kingston,  and  in 
1836  returned  to  Fitzwilliam,  after  an  absence  of  16  years. 

In  April,  1879,  he  went  to  Glastonbury,  Ct.,  and  at  that 
place  and  at  Hartford  he  resided  until  1888.  He  returned  to 
his  native  town  at  the  advanced  age  of  98  to  spend  the 
remainder  of  his  days  with  his  son. 

These  are  the  outlines  of  a  busy  life,  and  the  details  would 
fill  a  volume.  x\  brief  account  of  his  life  follows,  in  which 
I  have  made  direct  use  of  the  venerable  Mr.  Parker's  man- 
uscript, written  for  this  use  at  an  age  when  we  are  accustomed 
to  imagine  a  man  as  with  one  foot  in  the  grave,  and  never  with 
the  ability  to  wield  the  pen  with  ease,  and  relate  occurrences 
with  accurate  distinctness,  yet  these  lines  are  the  production 
of  his  vigorous  intellect  and  active  health  at  the  great  age  of 
99.      He  says  : 

"  In  the  first  place,  it  is  needful  to  state  I  had  the  good  fortune 
to  have  a  father  of  a  strong  mind,  firm  convictions,  steady  in 


purpose,  and  a  strict  disciplinarian.  Although  restraint  was 
sometimes  disagreeable  and  even  unreasonable,  yet,  surely,  I 
ought  to  be  thankful  for  all  the  restraints  and  teachings  of 
earl}'-  life,  for  to  those  I  am  indebted  for  the  solid  foundation 
of  a  long  and  busy  life. 

"My  father  would  say,  'Children  are  not  born  with  knowl- 
edge, but  only  with  the  capacity  to  achieve  it  and  the  only 
way  to  learn  is  to  think,  exercise  mind  and  note  passing 
events.  The  great  difference  found  in  men  is  mainly  owing 
to  one  man's  thinking  while  others  think  not,  and  that  there 
is  no  natural  connection  between  ideas  and  words,  and  there- 
fore words  must  be  learned  in  order  to  express  our  thoughts.' 
He  would  accordingly  call  me  with  spelling-book  in  hand  to 
his  side  and  teach  me  hovj  to  study.  Following  his  careful 
instructions  I  soon  found  the  benefit  of  it,  for  I  was  able  to  get 
my  lessons  perfect,  so  that  in  time  I  could  readily  spell  all  the 
words  in  the  spelling-book.  In  the  spelling  down  exercises  I 
was  always  a  standing  scholar  at  the  close.  I  gradually  mem- 
orized all  the  words  in  the  dictionary,  which  was  of  inestima- 
ble value  to  me  in  after  life,  as  I  had  no  need  to  look  into  a 
dictionary  for  spelling  or  definition."  Mr.  Parker  also  often 
relates  the  account  of  a  little  experience  while  still  a  small  boy 
which  much  impressed  him.  At  some  entertainment  a  man 
exhibited  his  ability  at  memorizing,  as  each  one  in  his  audience 
named  one  object  after  another  until  25  were  named,  he  would 
then  repeat  them  in  the  order  named,  forward  or  backward. 
Young  Amos  marvelled  at  this  and  so  wrote  the  names  down 
in  order  and  found  the  man  true  to  his  word.  He  told  the 
boy  how  he  did  it.  to  wit :  by  imagining  each  of  the  objects 
and  placing  them  in  a  long  row  in  order  as  the  objects  were 
named,  and  by  practice,  said  he,  you  can  so  impress  your 
mind  as  to  remember  them  in  order  a  long  time.  Young  Amos 
found  this  to  be  practical,  and  he  afterwards  memorized  in 
this  manner.  Up  to  this  day  he  retains  a  tenacious  memory, 
almost  incredible  for  one  of  his  extreme  age.  In  his  law 
practice  this  was  very  useful,  as  a  conversation  once  heard  he 
could  repeat  exactly,  with  no  omissions  or  additions,  and 
he  still  delights  in  repeating  the  conversations  of  his  distin- 
guished friends  of  the  olden  time.      His  anecdotes  seem  with-. 


out  number  and  are  all  interesting.  After  outgrowing  Mr. 
Sabin's  country  school  at  Fitzwilliam  he  entered  the  New 
Ipswich  Academy.  He  graduated  from  the  Academy  in  1809, 
83  years  ago  !  He  then  prepared  for  college  and  entered  the 
sophomore  class  of  the  University  of  Vermont  in  Burlington, 
a  year  and  a  half  ahead. 

"  I  was  deemed  an  unusually  ready  writer  and  composer  and 
would  finish  a  long  composition  in  a  short  time.  Although  I 
might  have  a  greater  flow  of  words  than  others  my  composi- 
tions cost  me  many  hours  of  intense  thought.  Be  it  known  to 
all  young  men  that  no  one  is  born  a  scholar,  but  to  be  one 
costs  much  time  and  labor. 

"War  with  England  was  declai-ed  on  the  i8th  day  of  June, 
1812,  and  in  a  short  time  the  town  was  full  of  soldiers.  When 
I  left  at  Commencement,  in  1813,  it  was  said  there  were  seven 
thousand  men.  Captain  Ezekiel  Jewett  of  Rugby,  afterwards 
Colonel,  was  then  in  command  of  a  company.  He  was  an 
early  acquaintance  of  mine  and  often  called  at  my  room  in 
college.  He  said  he  could  assist  me  at  an}'^  time  when  the 
army  was  not  drilling  or  marching  to  visit  the  camp  ground  on 
the  lake  shore.  All  I  had  to  do  was  to  call  on  the  officer  of 
the  day  and  call  for  Captain  Jewett.  He  would  come,  take 
me  over  the  lines  and  show  all  I  wished  to  see  in  the  camp. 
By  his  aid  I  witnessed  many  scenes  new  to  me,  some  of  which 
were  painful.  Not  to  go  into  all  the  particulars,  I  witnessed 
the  pardon  of  two  soldiers  sentenced  to  be  shot  for  desertion, 
two  actually  shot  and  one  hanged.  And  that  sufficed  for  a 
long  life  for  I  never  have  witnessed  another  execution. 

"The  Yankees  had  fitted  up  two  sloops  of  war  and  the  British 
had  done  the  same  thing  and  came  out  to  Burlington  and  com- 
menced firing  at  long  shot,  a  challenge  for  a  fight.  The 
Yankees  had  pluck,  hoisted  all  sail  and  bore  down  upon  them. 
The  British  ships  retreated,  the  wind  was  strong  from  the 
south  and  the  Yankee  ships  gained  upon  them  as  they  passed 
down  the  lake  out  of  sight.  Soon  after  we  heard  the  boom- 
ing of  cannon  in  one  continued  roar  for  a  few  minutes  and  then 
all  was  silent.  A  short  battle  and  complete  victory  on  one 
side  or  the  other.  It  was  some  days  before  we  heard  of  the 
result,  and  then  the  Yankee  sailors  returned  chop-fallen  and 


mad.  They  had  been  fooled  and  lost  their  ships.  The 
British  ships  had  come  out  merely  as  a  decoy,  not  intending 
any  battle  on  the  water,  but  went  down  the  lake  where  it  was 
narrow  and  the  vessels  must  pass  near  the  shore.  All  of  a 
sudden  a  masked  battery  on  the  land  opened  upon  them  ;  that 
a  surrender  or  cut  to  pieces  was  the  only  alternative.  The 
British  then  had  command  of  the  lake  and  in  a  few  days  came 
out  to  Burlington  with  quite  a  fleet,  the  Yankee  ships  among 
them.  No  ships  to  meet  them,  but  the  Yankees  had  not  been 
idle.  Forty  cannons  had  been  placed  on  the  lake  shore,  some 
of  large  size,  to  defend  the  city  of  Burlington.  I  was  in  the 
bell-deck  of  the  college,  some  four  hundred  feet  above  the 
lake,  and  had  a  tine  view  of  the  whole  scene.  The  British 
fleet  came  on  slowly  and  with  great  caution.  When  about 
near  enough  to  hit  the  city  a  flag  of  truce  was  hoisted  on  one 
of  the  ships,  and  a  boat  started  for  the  shore.  The  American 
commander  despatched  a  similar  boat  to  meet  it.  They  met, 
and  in  five  minutes  each  boat  returned  to  its  own  place. 
Immediatel}^  after  the  return  of  the  boats  the  British  gave  a 
broadside,  but  the  balls  fell  short,  came  nearer  and  fired  again, 
the  balls  reached  the  shore.  Then  it  was  the  Yankees  gave 
them  shot  and  shell  from  forty  cannons  on  the  shore.  It  is 
said  that  our  guns  were  masked,  except  two  or  three,  so  that 
the  British  were  not  aware  of  their  existence.  Although  the 
battle  was  more  than  a  mile  away  I  could  see  the  balls  in  the 
air  and  when  they  struck  the  ships  or  water.  The  first  volley 
cut  sails  of  the  ships  and  the  ships  also,  and  immediatelj'^  a 
retreat  was  ordered,  but  as  they  were  sailing  vessels  with  a 
light  wind  their  movements  were  slow,  and  as  the  guns  from 
the  shore  continued  firing  the  ships  were  more  or  less  damaged. 
Soon  they  were  at  a  safe  distance,  moved  up  into  Shelburne 
Bay,  took  two  or  three  small  vessels  there,  and  sailed  back  to 
Canada.  A  bloodless  battle  it  seemed  and  no  great  mischief 
done,  and  yet  it  was  an  attractive  scene  from  the  place  where 
I  stood.  Indeed,  I  know  of  no  more  splendid  scene  than  at 
the  balcony  of  the  college.  On  the  west  the  city,  lake,  islands 
and  mountains  beyond  ;  on  the  east  a  long  chain  of  the  Green 
Mountains  ;  and  on  the  south  and  north  an  extended  view  of 
mountains  and  plains.     But  what  is  war?     With  all  its  glitter- 


ing  show  and  splendor  it  is  but  a  savage  affair,  costing  many 
lives  and  much  property,  and  settles  nothing. 

"  On  Sundays  the  troops  were  under  arms  and  marched  miles 
away  for  exercise.  As  viewed  from  the  college  seven  thou- 
sand men  in  platoons  occupied  two  miles  in  length  on  the 

"  I  never  knew  before  what  exhilarating  music  the  drum  and 
fife  could  make.  The  instruments  seemed  all  in  tune  together 
and  all  together  poured  forth  such  a  flood  of  music  that  would 
start  a  man  into  action  if  there  was  any  life  in  him. 

"  I  shortly  entered  into  partnership  with  Maj.  Pearson,  a  suc- 
cessful merchant  of  my  native  town.  But  in  the  fall  of  1815  I 
decided  to  change  my  place  and  occupation.  I  travelled  by 
stage  to  Albany,  on  to  New  York  in  the  boat  and  to  Philadel- 
phia in  the  stage.  From  there  to  Baltimore  in  the  stage  and 
steamboat  and  without  stopping  passed  on  to  Washington  city 
in  the  stage.  The  war  was  over  but  we  passed  signs  of  the 
battle  at  Bladensburg,  for  the  British  soldiers  had  been  so 
slightly  buried  that  red  coats,  here  and  there,  stuck  out  of  the 
ground.  At  Washington  city  the  capitol  had  been  blown  up 
and  was  in  ruins.  At  Alexandria  a  man  was  employed  to  find 
a  northern  man  to  teach  a  planter's  family  living  near  Fred- 
ericksburg in  Virginia.  I  passed  on  to  Fredericksburg  and 
soon  found  my  place  of  destination,  Holly  Wood,  on  the 
northern  neck,  as  the  strip  of  land  was  called,  between  Chesa- 
peake Bay  and  the  Rappahannock  river.  The  planter  had 
some  300  slaves  and  1,500  acres  of  land.  I  had  a  neat  log 
school-house,  well  painted  and  finished  inside,  and  eight 

"In  the  beginning  of  the  school  I  practiced  the  usual  form 
of  school-keeping  in  New  England,  but  as  I  had  only  a  few 
scholars  and  a  year  or  more  to  teach,  soon  concluded  to  im- 
prove on  the  old  plan  as  much  as  I  could.  New  England 
schools  were  then,  if  not  now,  governed  by  strict  authority, 
but  I  was  determined  to  govern  by  kindness  and  succeeded 
even  beyond  my  expectations.  I  soon  gained  the  confidence 
and  affection  of  all  the  scholars,  for  they  found  I  was  their 
true  friend  and  anxious  for  their  enjoyment  of  all  rational 
pleasures.     I  aided  them  in  getting  and  understanding  their 


lessons,  told  them  stories  to  illustrate  and  explain  a  sentiment ; 
taught  them  the  use  of  words,  how  to  write  and  improve  the 
memory,  and  then  the  duty  of  leading  a  true  honest  life  and 
never  needlessly  giving  any  one  pain,  even  to  animals.  Some- 
times I  joined  them  in  walks  over  the  plantation,  looked  on  to 
see  them  play  marbles  and  told  them  pleasant  stories.  In 
short,  I  had  a  model  school,  and  the  two  years  of  my  life 
were  pleasant  and  as  happy  as  they  could  be  under  the  cir- 

"  On  the  4th  of  July,  1816,  I  delivered  an  oration  at  a  barbe- 
cue in  a  grove  at  Falmouth,  Va.  The  performance  was  highly 
spoken  of  at  the  time,  and  a  splendid  notice  appeared  in  the 

"I  had  a  desire  to  see  more  of  the  State  of  Virginia  before  I 
left  and  bought  a  horse  to  take  a  trip  and  visit  some  of  the 
beautiful  scenes  so  well  described  in  Jefferson's  '  Notes  on 
Virginia.'  I  passed  over  the  Blue  Ridge  at  Ashby  Gap  and 
had  a  splendid  view  of  the  Shenandoah  Valley  :  went  to  Har- 
per's Ferry,  where  the  Potomac  and  Shenandoah  meet  and 
rush  through  the  mountain,  and  where  the  United  States 
Armory  was  in  full  operation.  Satisfied  with  viewing  this 
romantic  spot  I  passed  on  through  Charlestown,  Winchester, 
Woodstock,  New  Market,  to  Port  Republic  and  stopped  at  the 
hotel  near  the  Wier  and  Madison  caves.  They  are  both  in 
the  same  mountain  and  I  visited  them  both.  Wier's  cave  is 
much  the  larger  and  goes  into  the  mountain  half  a  mile. 
Madison's  cave  is  well  described  by  Mr.  Jefferson,  but  Wier's 
was  unknown  in  his  day.  Monticello,  Mr.  Jefierson's  seat,  is 
on  a  fine  mountain,  five  miles  distant  from  Charlottesville, 
and  a  branch  of  the  Rappahannock  river  rushes  by  its  base. 
Mr.  Jefferson  had  a  saw-  and  grist-mill  on  the  stream,  and  I 
had  a  fine  view  of  him  there  superintending  his  workmen. 
Montpelier,  Mr.  Madison's  seat,  is  20  miles  north  and  his 
house  stands  a  mile  from  the  road." 

Returning  to  New  Hampshire  Mr.  Parker  began  the  prac- 
tice of  law  in  Epping,  N.  H.  Devoting  a  similar  interest  and 
thoroughness  to  this  work,  as  was  characteristic  of  him  as  a 
student  and  teacher,  he  achieved  immediate  success ;  won 
every  case  of  law  while  there  and  soon  enjoyed  a  large  prac- 


tice.  At  this  time  Isaac  Hill  published  the  New  Hampshire 
Patriot,  which  had  a  large  circulation  and  great  influence. 
In  an  arbitrary  manner  the  editor  had  so  much  offended  some 
of  the  leading  men  of  his  own  party  that  they  started  a  sheet 
at  Concord  called  the  New  Hampshire  Statesman  and  wished 
to  find  an  editor  of  sufficient  power  to  successfully  combat  the 
Patriot.  Mr.  Parker  was  urged  to  accept  this  charge  and  he 
proved  to  be  the  proper  man  for  the  place.  In  regard  to  his 
life  as  editor  he  says  : 

"I  left  Epping  with  regret,  for  I  had  been  very  successful 
in  law  business  and  had  many  good  friends,  and  felt  I  was 
leaving  a  certainty  for  an  uncertainty,  and  so  it  proved,  finan- 
cially, but  politically  a  success.  At  Concord  I  made  a  thorough 
investigation  of  the  condition  I  had  assumed  and  found  I  had 
a  hard  task  before  me.  Isaac  Hill  was  lord  of  all  he  surveyed, 
his  paper  had  a  large  circulation  and  was  full  of  advertise- 
ments. He  did  much  more  printing  than  his  newspaper,  was 
successful  in  business,  had  grown  rich  and  asked  no  favors. 
And  I,  single  handed,  was  expected  to  meet  and  successfully 
contend  against  such  odds. 

"Before  I  had  time  fairly  to  begin  he  made  an  onslaught  on 
the  Statesman  and  attempted  to  crush  me  at  a  blow.  But  in 
the  end  he  had  reason  to  feel  discretion  was  the  better  part  of 
valor,  for  the  Statesman  carried  the  State  three  successive  times 
against  him  on  the  Governor  and  on  the  election  of  President 
of  the  United  States.  But  I  do  not  claim  to  be  the  author  of 
all  the  vigorous  editorials  that  were  published  in  the  New 
Hampshire  Statesman.  Ezekiel  Webster,  the  brother  of 
Daniel,  freely  wielded  his  vigorous  pen,  and  one  article., 
which  caused  a  great  sensation,  was  written  by  Daniel  Web- 
ster, himself.  Even  the  great  lawyer,  Jeremiah  Mason,  then 
of  Portsmouth,  N.  H.,  lent  a  helping  hand. 

"'The  war  was  carried  into  Africa,'  and  Mr.  Hill  at  last 
treated  me  with  due  respect,  showed  me  kind  attentions  and 
when  I  left  Concord,  bade  me  a  friendly  adieu.'' 

In  1824  and  1825  Col.  Parker  was  aid-de-camp  to  Gov. 
Morrill,  during  which  time  he  rendered  conspicuous  service. 
Soon  after  Gen.  Lafayette  arrived  in  Boston  in  1824  Col. 
Parker  received    an    order  from  the    Governor  to   invite    the 


General  to  visit  the  Granite  State  and  to  escort  him  from  Bos- 
ton to  Concord,  N.  H.  Lafayette  had  won  the  affection 
of  all  patriotic  citizens,  and  was  held  by  our  people  in  the 
highest  esteem  of  any  man  of  foreign  birth.  It  is  little  won- 
der that  Col.  Parker  became  very  interested  in  his  famous 
guest.  The  General  once  told  him,  in  the  best  of  good  na- 
ture, that  he  was  the  most  inquisitive  man  he  had  found  in 
America.  When  about  to  depart  from  Concord,  Lafayette, 
placing  his  arm  around  Mr.  Parker  and  pressing  him  to  his 
side,  gave  him  a  cordial  invitation  to  visit  him  at  his  home  in 
France.  The  Colonel  thus  describes  his  experience  in  the 
performance  of  his  official  duty  : 

"On  the  2ist  of  June,  1825,  five  days  after  the  celebration  at  Bunker  Hill, 
during  which  Gen.  Lafayette  placed  the  mortar  on  which  the  corner-stone  was 
laid,  I  was  in  Boston  prepared  to  escort  the  General  to  Concord.  Besides  the 
General,  there  were  his  son,  George  Washington  Lafayette,  his  private  secre- 
tary, Emile  Lavassiur,  and  a  servant. 

"  I  had  three  carriages,  a  barouche  drawn  by  four  horses,  a  four-horse  stage 
coach,  and  a  two-horse  covered  carriage  for  baggage.  When  I  was  ready  to 
call  at  the  General's  lodgings  for  him,  an  aid  of  the  Governor  of  Massachu- 
setts informed  me  that  the  honor  of  the  State  required  that  he  should  escort 
the  guest  to  the  State  line  at  Methuen ;  so  there  was  nothing  for  me  to  do 
but  keep  out  of  their  way  till  that  place  was  reached. 

"Just  then  a  Revolutionary  veteran  from  Vermont  who  had  attended  the 
Bunker  Hill  celebration,  and  had  been  left  by  the  stage,  begged  me  for  a  ride 
as  far  as  Concord.  I  took  him  in,  unsuspicious  of  the  consequences  of  my 
act,  till  we  reached  Maiden. 

"There  we  were  welcomed  by  a  great  crowd,  the  bells  ringing  and  cannon 
firing,  bands  playing,  and  people  shouting,  'Welcome  Lafayette.'  They  took 
the  soldier  at  my  side  for  Lafayette. 

"I  drove  right  into  the  crowd  and  said:  'This  is  not  Gen.  Lafayette;  he 
will  be  here  in  an  hour.  This  is  an  old  Revolutionary  veteran — give  him 
three  cheers,  please.' 

"They  did  so  with  a  will.  The  veteran  saluted  and  we  passed  on.  On  the 
way  I  had  to  make  more  than  ten  speeches  before  we  reached  Methuen. 

"When  the  General  arrived  at  Methuen  he  entered  my  barouche,  the  old 
soldier  retiring  to  the  stage  coach.  The  General  laughed  heartily  at  my  ex- 
perience in  speech-making,  and  laughingly  proposed  that  for  the  rest  of  the 
way  we  alternate  in  making  speeches,  in  order  that  he  might  have  a  rest. 

"At  all  hotels,  stores,  villages  and  cross  roads  crowds  had  assembled  to 
greet  him.  It  was  June  and  roses  were  abundant,  and  our  carriage  frequently 
became  so  encumbered  with  them  that  we  were  forced  to  unload  them  in 
solitary  places.  In  every  crowd  men,  women  and  children  pressed  enthusi- 
astically forward,  babies  being  frequently  presented  for  the  General  to  kiss. 

"  At  one  place  a  middle-aged  woman  put  her  arm  about  his  neck  and  kissed 
him  on  the  cheek,  he  returning  the  compliment.  The  air  rang  with  applause 
and  cheers,  and  all  along  the  route  the  General  would  rise  in  the  carriage, 


wave  his  hat  and  return  thanks  tor  the  attentions,   but  he  made  no  formal 
address  till  he  reached  Concord." 

"For  the  evening  reception  the  capitol  and  surrounding 
buildings  were  illuminated  and  a  vast  throng  attended.  At  this 
levee  I  introduced  my  wife  and  tirst-born  child,  announcing 
his  name  to  be  George  Washington.  He  shook  hands  with  the 
wife,  took  the  child  in  his  arms,  impressed  a  kiss  on  its 
cheek,  looked  at  the  mother  and  then  at  the  child,  and  in  a 
subdued  voice  said  :  '  I  am  reminded  of  the  loved  and  the  lost.' 
I  knew  he  was  thinking  of  his  own  beloved  wife,  his  first  born 
child  and  his  noble  friend,  Washington — all  dead!" 

Many  years  later  Mr.  Parker  published  his  reminiscences 
of  that  eventful  trip  in  his  '"Recollections  of  General  Lafay- 
ette," a  work  of  great  interest  and  of  much  historical  value. 
His  memory  of  the  occasion  and  of  the  General  is  clear  and 
distinct  and  his  conversation  concerning  them  is  extremely 

In  1826  he  removed  to  New  Market,  N.  H.,  where  he 
practiced  law,  taking  a  very  active  part  in  the  social  alfairs  of 
the  place,  and  charged  no  fee  for  enforcing  justice  for  those  not 
possessed  of  worldly  goods.  He  was  very  determined  in  his 
work  of  reform  and  the  town  of  New  Market  owes  much  to 
his  attentive  interest  and  able  leadership.  It  soon  became 
known  that  the  new  lawyer  would  vindicate  rights,  money  or 
no  money.     Speaking  of  his  experience  there  he  says  : 

"  I  then  became  aware  how  one  man  could  chase  a  thousand 
tipplers  and  vagabonds,  for  they  scattered  and  went  elsewhere, 
as  they  found  it  was  no  place  for  them.  It  was  manifest  that 
the  village  had  improved  and  that  good  order  had  taken  the 
place  of  disorder  and  drunkenness." 

At  this  time  very  little  was  known  of  the  country  west  of 
the  Mississippi.  Col.  Parker  decided  to  devote  a  part  of  his 
life  in  exploring  some  of  this  large  territory,  stories  about 
which  were  mostly  conjecture,  and  make  his  trip  of  service  to 
the  public  on  his  return.  Even  concerning  what  is  now  Mich- 
igan, Illinois,  Missouri,  Louisiana  and  Texas  very  little  was 
definitely  known.     He  writes  as  follows  : 

"1  took  the  stage  to  Albany  and  then  the  canal-boat  to  Buffalo. 
Visited  Niagara  Falls,  Detroit,  and  went  by  stage  200  miles  to 


St.  Joseph  on  Lake  Michigan  and  by  boat  to  Chicago.  There, 
in  company  with  three  young  men,  took  a  team  and  explored 
the  upper  portion  of  the  State  of  lUinois  as  far  as  Rock 
river,  then  southerly  to  Peoria  and  then  on  steamboat  to  St. 
Louis.  I  rode  in  a  steamboat  to  Natchez  and  from  there  on 
horseback  into  Texas  beyond  the  Colorado  river.  I  returned 
to  the  sea-coast  at  Velasco  and  sailed  in  a  vessel  to  New 
Orleans.  From  there  I  came  in  a  sailing  vessel  to  Boston  and 
home  at  Exeter ;  having  been  absent  about  five  months,  and 
travelled  by  land  and  water  eight  thousand  miles. 

"  At  this  time  emigration  was  rapidly  increasing  to  the  South 
and  West.  Many  letters  of  inquiry  were  addressed  to  me  and 
I  at  once  wrote  the  book  entitled  'Trip  to  the  West  and 
Texas.'  The  first  500  copies  were  so  readily  sold  that  a  sec- 
ond edition  was  called  for.  Forty  thousand  copies  were  struck 
oft'  and  sold  in  a  short  time." 

The  book  was  very  eagerly  read  by  all.  The  following 
extract  from  his  active  pen,  shows  his  interesting  style,  and 
the  able  manner  in  which  he  treated  matters  of  deep  research 
and  thought.  The  second  edition  was  published  by  William 
White  of  Concord,  N.  H.,  and  B.  B.  Muzzey  of  Boston,  Mass., 
in  1836,  more  than  half  a  century  ago. 

"By  diligent  research,"  writes  Col.  Parker,  "I  have  found 
one  solitary  copy,  and  in  looking  it  over  I  find  it  so  completely 
out  of  date  that  the  southern  and  western  portions  of  the  United 
States  have  so  completely  changed  that  the  book  is  useless 
now,  as  it  can  give  no  certain  information  of  the  present  con- 
dition of  the  country.  One  thing,  however,  seems  to  be  the 
same  now  as  then,  the  great  Mississippi  valley,  its  rivers  and 
tributaries,  and,  therefore,  I  copy  an  extract  on  that  subject: 

"The  Mississippi  river,  which  imparts  a  name  and  character  to  the  great 
valley  of  the  West,  claims  something  more  than  passing  notice.  It  rises  in 
about  the  48th  parallel  of  latitude  in  wild  rice  lakes  and  soon  becomes  a  large 
river.  Sometimes  it  moves  silently  along  over  a  wide,  muddy  channel,  at 
others  it  glides  swiftly  over  a  sandy,  and  its  waters  as  transparent  as  air,  and 
again  it  becomes  compressed  to  a  narrow  channel  between  high  limestone 
cliffs,  and  foams  and  runs  as  it  lashes  the  projecting  rocks  and  struggles 
through.  The  Falls  of  St.  Anthony,  following  the  course  of  the  river,  is 
three  hundred  miles  from  its  source.  It  is  about  half  a  mile  wide  and  falls 
eighteen  feet.  Above  the  mouth  of  the  Missouri  its  numerous  large  tributa- 
ries are  the  Wisconsin  and  Illinois  from  the  east,  and  the  Des  Moines  from 



the  west.  A  little  below  39°  dashes  in  the  Missouri  river  from  the  west,  is  a 
longer  stream  and  carries  more  water  than  the  Mississippi.  Undoubtedly 
this  is  the  largest  tributary  stream  in  the  world,  and  from  the  facts  that  it  has 
a  longer  course  and  carries  more  water,  and  gives  its  peculiar  character  to  the 
united  stream,  it  is  claimed  it  ought  to  have  given  its  name  to  the  united 
stream  and  great  valley  of  the  West.  In  opposition  to  this  claim  it  may  be 
stated  that  the  valley  of  the  Missouri  appears  to  be  secondary  to  the  Missis- 
sippi, has  not  the  general  direction  of  that  river,  joins  it  at  right  angles,  and 
the  direction  of  the  Mississippi  is  the  same  above  and  below  the  junction. 
From  these  considerations  it  seems  the  Mississippi  rightfully  gives  its  name 
to  the  united  stream  and  to  the  gi-eat  valley  from  its  source  to  the  sea. 

"The  Missouri  rises  in  the  Rocky  Mountains,  nearly  on  the  same  parallel 
as  the  Mississippi  itself  It  is  formed  of  three  branches,  called  Jefferson, 
Madison  and  Gallatin,  and  the  head  waters  of  some  of  these  are  not  more 
than  a  mile  from  the  Columbia  river  which  empties  into  the  Pacific  Ocean. 
These  streams  unite  at  the  base  of  the  mountain  and  become  a  foaming  tor- 
rent, and  is  full  of  islands.  It  then  passes  through  what  is  called  'The  Gates 
of  the  Rocky  Mountains.'  The  river  appears  to  have  torn  for  itself  a  passage 
for  six  miles  through  the  mountains,  and  perpendicular  cliff's  of  rock  rise 
twelve  hundred  feet  above  the  stream ;  the  chasm  is  not  more  than  three 
hundred  feet  wide,  and  the  deep,  foaming  waters  rush  through  with  the  speed 
of  a  race  horse.  For  seventeen  miles  the  stream  becomes  an  almost  continued 
cataract.  The  first  fall  is  ninety-eight  feet,  the  second  nineteen,  the  third 
forty-seven,  the  fourth  twenty-six.  The  river  in  a  few  miles  assumes  its  dis- 
tinctive character,  sweeps  briskly  along  in  regular  curves  through  limestone 
bluffs,  boundless  prairies  and  dark  forests  to  its  junction  with  the  Mississippi. 
It  has  a  current  of  four  miles  an  hour,  but  is  navigable  for  steamboats  twenty- 
five  hundred  miles. 

"The  tributaries  of  the  Mi.ssouri  are  many  and  large,  the  most  important 
are  the  Yellow  Stone,  La  Platte  and  the  Ossage.  The  Yellow  Stone  rises  in 
the  same  range  of  mountains  as  the  main  river,  to  which  it  has  many  points 
of  resemblance.  It  enters  the  Missouri  from  the  south  eighteen  hundred 
miles  above  its  mouth  and  at  the  junction  appears  to  be  the  largest  river.  It 
is  sixteen  hundred  miles  in  length  and  boatable  one  thousand.  Its  shores  are 
generally  heavily  timbered,  its  bottoms  are  wide  and  of  the  richest  soil. 
Here  the  government  has  selected  as  a  suitable  place  for  a  military  post  and 
an  extensive  park. 

"The  La  Platte  also  rises  in  the  Rocky  Mountains,  enters  from  the  south, 
and  measured  by  its  meanders  is  two  thousand  miles  in  length.  It  is  a  broad, 
shallow  stream,  a  mile  wide  at  its  mouth  and  not  navigable  except  at  high 

"The  Ossage  also  enters  from  the  south  and  is  a  large  stream,  boatable  six 
hundred  miles,  and  its  headwaters  interlock  with  the  river  Arkansas. 

"The  Gasconade  enters  from  the  south  also,  boatable  for  sixty  miles  and 
has  on  its  banks  extensive  pine  forests  from  which  St.  Louis  is  supplied  with 

"The  Missouri,  measured  from  its  highest  source  to  the  Gulf  of  Mexico,  is 
longer  than  the  Mississippi,  and  brings  down  more  water,  although  it  is  not 
more  than  half  as  wide.  It  is  at  all  times  turbid  or  muddy,  and  gives  to  that 
river  its  own  complexion.  It  dashes  into  the  Mississippi  fifteen  miles  above 
St.  Louis,  and  gives  its  four-mile  current  to  that  stream  to  its  mouth. 


"  Nearly  two  hundred  miles  below  St.  Louis  comes  in  from  the  east  the 
beautiful  Ohio.  At  its  junction  it  is  as  wide  as  the  parent  stream  and  far 
exceeds  it  in  beauty,  for  it  has  clear  water  and  a  smooth  and  peaceful  cur- 
rent. It  is  formed  bv  the  junction  of  the  Alleghany  and  Monongahela  at 
Pittsburgh.  Beautiful  streams  come  in  on  both  sides  in  its  course  of  eleven 
hundred  miles  to  its  mouth.  And  between  these  two  points  are  a  hundred 
islands,  the  most  noted  and  beautiful  is  Blenerhassett  Island  of  a  hundred  and 
eighty  acres. 

"Below  the  Ohio  the  most  important  tributaries  are  the  White  river, 
Arkansas  and  Red  river,  all  entering  from  the  west.  The  White  river  rises 
in  the  Black  Mountains  and  is  twelve  hundred  miles  in  length.  The  Arkan- 
sas, next  to  the  Missouri,  is  the  next  largest  tributary  from  the  west,  and 
twent\'-five  hundred  miles  in  length.  Its  waters  are  at  all  times  turbid  and 
when  the  river  is  full  are  of  a  dark  flame  color. 

"  Eighty  miles  below  Natchez  comes  in  from  the  west  Red  river,  though 
not  as  wide  as  the  Arkansas  it  has  as  long  a  course  and  probably  carries  as 
much  water. 

"After  receiving  Red  river  the  Mississippi  carries  its  greatest  volume  of 
water.  This,  however,  continues  but  for  a  short  distance,  for  three  or  four 
miles  below  the  mouth  of  Red  river  and  on  the  same  side  is  the  first  outlet 
of  the  Mississippi,  and  that  carries  off  as  much  water  as  the  Red  river  brings 
in.  A  small  stream  below  this  outlet  on  the  east  side  comes  into  the  Missis- 
sippi, called  Bayou  Sarah  .  The  only  eastern  outlet  is  a  small  distance  below 
Baton  Rouge,  called  Ibberville,  and  passes  its  waters  into  Lake  Maurepas. 
Two  more  outlets  are  on  the  west  side  called  Bayou  Plaquemine  and  Bayou 
La  Stoube.  The  Mississippi  then  passes  on  between  unbroken  banks  by  the 
city  of  New  Orleans  and  discharges  the  remainder  of  its  waters  through  four 
mouths  into  the  Gulf  of  Mexico,  ninety  miles  below  the  city. 

"The  Mississippi  is  navigable  for  steamboats  to  the  Falls  of  St.  Anthony, 
a  distance  of  twenty-two  hundred  miles.  Below  the  falls  the  river  becomes  a 
placid,  clear  stream,  with  clean  sand  bars  and  fertile  bottoms.  Just  below  the 
entrance  of  the  river  Des  Moines  there  is  a  rapid  of  nine  miles,  which  impedes 
navigation  at  low  water.  Then  the  river  is  a  mile  wide  to  the  mouth  of  the 
Missouri.  There  it  receives  double  the  water  but  is  half  as  wide  and  wholly 
changes  its  character.  Before  its  junction  it  has  a  current  of  only  two  miles 
an  hour  but  when  the  Missouri  pours  into  it  its  four-mile  current  of  muddy 
waters  it  adds  its  own  speed  to  the  parent  stream  and  it  becomes  a  furious 
mass  of  muddy  waters  with  sliding  banks  and  jagged  shores. 

"  When  we  descend  from  the  Falls  of  St.  Anthony  and  behold  the  Missis- 
sippi swallowing  up  the  rivers  in  its  passage  to  New  Orleans,  we  then  become 
aware  of  the  great  mass  of  water  it  carries.  From  the  mouth  of  the  Ohio  to 
its  mouth  it  is  eighty  feet  deep.  The  spring  floods  are  usually  about  fifteen 
feet,  at  the  mouth  of  the  Ohio  fifty  feet,  and  at  New  Orleans  only  twelve  feet. 
In  these  floods  the  bottom  lands  are  overflowed.  The  medium  width  of  these 
bottom  lands  above  the  Missouri  is  six  miles,  there  to  the  Ohio  eight  miles, 
and  from  this  point  to  New  Orleans  it  is  from  thirty  to  fifty  miles.  These 
swamps  at  flood  time  are  covered  with  water,  and  were  it  not  for  that  circum- 
stance and  the  outlets  New  Orleans  would  be  many  feet  under  water.  The 
water  at  the  city  seldom  rises  above  twelve  feet  and  then  has  to  be  kept  out 
of  it  by  a  levee  or  dike." 


Mr.  Parker  has  been  three  times  married.  While  at  college 
in  Burlington  he  became  acquainted  with  the  accomplished 
daughter  of  the  president  of  the  college.  Courtship  in  the 
midst  of  so  many  brother  students  was,  we  are  assured,  a  very 
difficult  matter.  Yet  at  length  after  many  trials  and  interfer- 
ences they  became  engaged  and  were  finally  married  in  Med- 
field,  Mass.,  Oct.  13,  1822.  She  was  Miranda  W.,  b.  April 
16,  1796  ;  d.  March  13,  1828,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Anna  (Clark) 
Sanders  of  Medfield,  Mass.  The}^  settled  in  Epping,  N.  H., 
as  aforestated.  Five  years  and  five  months  they  had  lived 
together  when  the  wife  died. 

His  second  wife  was  Mary  McClary,  dau.  of  Gen.  Michael 
McClary  of  Epsom,  N.  H.,  famous  for  his  brave  leadership  in 
the  Revolutionary  war.  She  was  an  efficient  woman  and  a 
good  housewife.     She  d.  April  3,  1876,  aged  81  years. 

He  m.  third,  April  9,  1879,  J^^i^  E.  Smith  of  Glastonbury, 
Ct.,  b.  May  27,  1792.  She  was  famous  for  translating  the 
Bible  from  the  original  Hebrew  manuscript,  which  she  had 
printed,  and  also  for  resisting  "taxation  without  representa- 
tion," as,  like  other  women,  she  enjoyed  no  voice  in  public 
affairs.  She  had  lived  single  previously  and  both  were  aged 
86  at  the  time  of  their  marriage.  At  this  age  Col.  Parker  was 
comparatively  a  man  of  60,  and  the  event  shows  the  remarka- 
ble energy  and  exceptional  courage  of  both  parties.  Seven 
years  of  pleasant  married  life  were  passed  at  the  Smith  estate 
in  Glastonbury,  Ct.,  where  she  d.  March  6,  1886. 

And  now  after  a  long  eventful  life  he  has  returned  to  his 
native  town  to  pass  the  remainder  of  his  days.  And  Col. 
Parker's  has  been  a  life  as  full  of  activity  as  of  years.  He  has 
held  more  offices  and  remained  in  office  during  a  longer  period 
than  any  other  man  in  the  State  of  New  Hampshire.  For  79 
years  a  member  of  the  bar,  he  was,  during  all  but  20  years  of 
the  time,  a  justice  of  the  quorum,  holding  commissions  from  14 
different  governors,  with  all  of  whom  he  was  intimately  ac- 
quainted. He  attended  13  sessions  of  the  State  legislature, 
was  for  eight  years  a  trustee  of  the  New  Hampshire  Asylum 
for  Insane  ;  for  ten  years  first  selectman  of  Fitzwilliam  ;  mem- 
ber of  the  Legal  Association  of  New  York,  and  member  of 
the  New  Hampshire  Historical  Society,  besides  holding  many 
other  positions  of  responsibility  and  trust. 


In  1845  we  find  him  actively  engaged  in  forwarding  the 
projected  railroad  between  Boston  and  Burlington  by  way  of 
Rutland.  After  aiding  in  obtaining  charters  for  the  Fitchburg 
and  Cheshire  road  he  brought  the  matter  before  the  people  of 
Vermont,  addressing  large  crowds  in  Bellows  Falls,  Brandon, 
Rutland,  Vergennes  and  Burlington.  The  Rutland  and 
Burlington  railroad  was  built  and  is  to-day  the  Rutland  divis- 
ion of  the  Central  Vermont  system. 

When  the  Civil  war  broke  out  Mr.  Parker  was  unable  to 
enlist  on  account  of  his  age  but  he  furnished  a  substitute. 
Three  of  his  sons  went  also,  two  returning  in  safety,  while  the 
third  died  in  the  service. 

Besides  the  book  of  travels  and  the  historical  work  on  Lafay- 
ette already  mentioned  he  published  a  book  of  poems  in  his 
eightieth  year  and  wrote  many  stories,  magazine  articles  and 
newspaper  contributions. 

As  a  public  speaker  Mr.  Parker  has  also  made  his  mark. 
In  addition  to  Fast  Day  addresses,  railroad,  political  and  mis- 
cellaneous speeches  Mr.  Parker  has  delivered  four  Fourth  of 
July  orations,  the  first  one  being  in  l8i6  at  Falmouth  on  the 
banks  of  the  Rappahannock  in  Virginia,  one  in  Rockingham 
County,  Vermont,  and  two  at  Fitzwilliam.  Each  of  these 
orations  were  highly  commended.  One  of  the  finest  gems  of 
its  kind  is  an  address  on  "Education,"  delivered  at  Rindge  on 
October  17,  1843,  before  the  Cheshire  County  Primary  School 
Association.  It  is  the  result  of  experience,  is  full  of  common 
sense,  is  clear  cut  and  vigorous.  His  address  to  his  fellow- 
citizens  at  Fitzwilliam,  Fast  Day,  1862,  in  support  of  the  civil 
war,  was  a  very  masterly  oration  and  created  enthusiasm. 

At  the  time  Esquire  Parker  quitted  his  profession  he  had 
practiced  law  the  longest  of  any  man  in  the  State  of  New 
Hampshire.  He  is  the  oldest  living  graduate  of  any  Ameri- 
can college.  At  the  election  of  Nov.  8,  1892,  he  arose  from 
his  bed,  rode  to  the  polls  and  in  the  village  of  his  native  town, 
at  the  age  of  loi  years,  cast  his  ballot  for  President  Harrison, 
the  twentieth  president  for  whom  he  has  voted.  It  is  the  first 
known  instance  of  such  an  event.  But  at  such  an  extreme 
age  we  may  well  believe  that  the  eye  has  grown  dim  and  the 
feeble  footstep  very  unsteady  ;  yet  up  to  99  years  he  walked 



out  every  pleasant  day.  Sudden  sickness  has  not  spared  him, 
particularly  in  his  declining  years,  but  a  remarkable  will 
power  and  a  great  desire  to  live  has  ever  been  his  support  in 
these  afflictions.  The  retention  of  one's  faculties  to  this  extreme 
age  is  indeed  worthy  our  study,  as  constant  inquiries  from  the 
wondering  public,  of  which  he  is  the  recipient,  attest.  Never 
far  behind,  he  is  ever  interested  in  the  changes  and  progress 
of  the  times,  particularly  in  the  social  improvement  which 
invention  and  education  has  accomplished  in  the  remarkable 
epoch  in  which  he  has  lived.  In  his  opposition  to  intemper- 
ance and  slavery;  his  aid  in  the  introduction  of  railways,  and 
in  any  other  reforms  which  he  has  advocated  during  his  long 
public  service  it  has  been  his  fortune  to  ever  be  on  the  right 
and  winning  side. 

A  patriarch  of  experience,  observation  and  wisdom,  his 
advice  regarding  longevity  is  quickly  expressed :  Never  eaty 
work,  -play  or  sleep  to  excess;  keep  a  quiet  mind,  and  let  it 
always  have  perfect  influence  over  the  body ;  let  the  mind  be 
commander-in-chief.  What  activity  and  hope,  what  physical 
and  mental  vigor  and  manhood  are  depicted  in  this  original 
note  penned  hastily  at  the  age  of  loi  ! 

'•'•Fitztoilliam,  N.  H.,  March  30,  i8g2. 

"But  I  am  now  Five-Score  On  the  Roll  of  Fame  ! 

And  most  six  months  more  After  all,  what  is  Fame? 

And  cannot  ignore  'Tis  but  a  mere  name. 

A  plain  simple  fact  Should  the  old  man  Amos, 

That  I  cannot  act  Become  noxv  famous, 

As  in  days  of  yore  Would  it  help  him  to  die.'' 

When  I  was  //^ree-score,  If  so,  tell  me  why. 

And  deeply  deplore  •  My  solid  intent 

That  I  can't  do  more.  Is  a  life  well  spent. 

And  still  I  shall  aim  And  thus,  I  will  end, 

To  live  and  die  game,  This  letter  I  send. 

Perhaps  put  my  name  To  my  distant  Friend. 

"Amos  A.  Parker, 
"  100  years  old  October  8,  1891." 

Children  of  Amos  A.  Parker  : 

244.     George  Washington  Parker,  b.  in  Concord,  N.  H.,  Aug. 
14,  1824;  m.  Julia  A.  Deeth. 


Daniel  Clark  Sanders  Parker,  b.  in  Medfield,  Mass.,  Sept.  2, 
1826;  drowned  in  Troy,  N.  H.,  June  15,  1S45.  He  was  a  very 
promising  young  man. 

345.  Andrew  Parker,  b.  in  New  Market,  N.  H.,  March  2,  1828  ; 
m.  Laura  A.  Morse  of  Winchendon. 

246.  Miranda  Sanders  Parker,  b.  June  10,  1S29  ;  m.  June, 
1855,  Anson  Smith  of  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H. 

247.  Charles  Henry  Parker,  b.  Sept.,  1833;  m.  Jane  S. 
Ballou  of  Richmond,  N.  H. 

248.  John  McClary  Parker,  b.  Sept.  17,  1S36;  m.  (i)  Catha- 
rine H.  Adams,  (2)  Abbie  H.  Kimball. 

Mary  Elizabeth  Parker,  b.  1839  ;  d.  July  17,  1870. 

100.  Capt.  Ephraim  Parker  (JVahum,^  Amos,^ 
Andrezu,'^  yo/in,^  Hanam'ak,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Judge  Nahum 
and  Mary  (Deeth)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H., 
Aug.  18,  1793;  m.  Dec.  7,  1816,  Lucy,  b.  June  3,  1795, 
dau.  of  Capt.  David  and  Ruth  (Mellen)  Stone  of  Fitzwil- 
liam. He  was  a  millwright  by  trade  in  early  life,  was  an 
excellent  mechanic  and  made  many  inventions,  many  of  them 
were  valuable  and  are  still  in  existence,  but  like  most  inventors 
made  no  money  out  of  them.  He  was  educated  at  New  Salem 
Academy  in  Mass.,  and  about  the  time  of  his  majority  he  in- 
vented the  machine  for  making  and  setting  card  teeth,  which 
was  then  mostly  used  for  domestic  use,  and  proved  to  be  a 
very  valuable  thing.  He  built  mills  in  what  is  now  called 
New  Boston  (part  of  Winchendon),  Mass.  In  a  few  years 
he  moved  to  the  village  of  Fitzwilliam,  where  he  was  deputy- 
sheriff  for  some  years,  also  selectman,  and  there  he  worked 
at  his  trade  of  millwright  and  through  that  section  of  the 
country  building  many  mills  and  becoming  well  known  for 
his  ability  in  this  direction.  He  taught  many  apprentices 
the  millwright  trade.  In  1836  or  1838  he  bought  a  mill  in 
Ashby,  Mass.,  afterwards  sold  and  moved  to  Ashburnham, 
Mass.,  still  following  the  millwright  business  and  speculating, 
buying  and  selling  mill  property  in  different  places.  From 
Ashburnham  he  moved  to  East  Boston,  bought  a  water-front 
and  built  a  dry  dock.  From  there  he  moved  to  Richmond, 
Va.,  after  selling  his  dry  dock,  and  bought  the  Woodruff 
patent  right   and   started   a   large    establishment  for   planing 


boards  for  building  purposes.  These  were  the  first  planing 
machines  that  were  sent  south.  Later  he  moved  his  family  to 
Rockford,  111.,  but  after  a  few  months  returned  to  Massachu- 
setts and  built  large  mills  in  Orange.  He  sold  these  and 
bought  the  cotton  factory  in  Athol,  and  was  very  instrumental 
in  getting  the  Vermont  and  Mass.  R.  R.  through  from  Fitch- 
burg  to  Brattleboro,  Vt.,  holding  meetings  all  along  the  line 
and  publicly  speaking  in  favor  of  the  railroad,  representing 
the  town  of  Athol  in  the  General  Court  in  Boston.  He  was 
often  chosen  as  moderator  at  town  meetings.  He  was  a  great 
Biblical  scholar.  He  was  not  only  a  man  of  great  energy 
and  enterprise  but  an  able  debater  on  almost  any  subject, 
especially  religion  and  politics. 

In  Illinois  his  wife  died  in  1852  and  was  buried  on  the 
bluffs  of  the  Mississippi  river  at  Rock  Island.  He  removed 
to  Marlow,  N.  H.,  where  his  daughter,  Mrs.  Benjamin  Cool- 
idge,  resided.  Here  he  made  many  inventions,  among  which 
was  a  machine  for  turning  and  boring  bobbins  at  one  auto- 
matic operation.  These  machines  are  now  in  very  extensive 
use.  On  his  daughter's  death  he  came  to  visit  his  son,  Alfred 
A.  Parker,  at  Orange,  and  in  one  week  he  had  the  third 
paralytic  shock  from  which  he  died,  and  was  there  buried. 
He  died  Oct.  24,  1880,  aged  87  years  and  two  months.  He 
retained  his  faculties  in  a  marked  degree  to  the  very  last. 

Ephraim  Parker  was  captain  of  a  State  Military  Company 
at  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H.,  and  hence  was  known  as  Capt.  Ephraim 
Parker  through  life.  He  was  something  of  a  lawyer,  a  prom- 
inent Anti-Slavery  man  and  Washingtonian,  and  president  of 
the  society.  He  was  called  a  man  of  marked  ability,  always 
living  ahead  of  the  times. 

Their  children  were  : 

Julia  Selina  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H.  ;  m.  Benjamin 
Coolidge  (merchant),  Dec.  22,  1S42.  She  d.  Oct.  7,  18S0,  in 
Marlow,  N.  H.,  at  age  of  62,  leaving  no  children. 

249.  Alfred  A.  Parker,  b.  in  New  Boston  (part  of  Winchen- 
don),  Mass.,  in  1823;  m.  March  30,  1857,  Frances  A.  Whipple 
of  Orange. 

250.  Edward  Nelson  Parker,  b.  in  New  Boston,  in  1826  ;  m. 
Miss  Lackland  of  St.  Louis,  Mo.     He  d.  i8S3[?],  in  Missouri. 

251.  Charles  Adams  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H.,  in  1833. 


252.  Horace  Milton  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H.,  in  1835. 

253.  Eliza  Ann  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H.,  in  1838;  m. 
Lucas  C.  Topping. 

254.  Janette  Frances  Parker,  b.  in  Ashby,  Mass.,  in   1840; 
m.  Marshall  Thayer  of  Springfield. 

101.  Nahum  Parker,  Jr.  (Nahum,^  Amos,^  Andrerv,^ 
yo/in,^  I/ana?i/a/i,^  T/io/nas^J,  son  of  Judo-e  Nahum  and  Mary 
(Deeth)    Parker,  was  b.   in  Fitzwilliam,   N.   H.,   March   16, 

1797  ;    m.    Bean    of  Nottingham,   N.    H.       He    was    a 

healthy  child,  but  at  the  age  of  five  years  had  a  severe  attack 
of  the  whooping  cough  which  left  him  an  invalid  for  life.  He 
was  a  good  musician  and  fine  singer,  and  did  much  light  work 
during  life.  He  had  a  son  and  dau.  He  d.  at  Plaistow,  N. 
H.  The  children  lived  in  Manchester,  N.  H.,  and  probably 
moved  to  Plaistow. 

Selina  Parker  (see  page  112)  ( Nahum  ^^  Amos, ^  Andrew  A 
yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^ ),  dau.  of  Judge  Nahum  and  Mary 
(Deeth)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H.,  July  5,  1799; 
m.  John  Damon  of  Fitzwilliam,  son  of  John  Damon  of  Gard- 
ner, Mass.  She  lived  at  the  southeast  part  of  Fitzwilliam 
some  five  years  after  the  death  of  her  husband,  then  bought 
a  home  in  the  village  where  she  resided  until  her  death,  July 
2,  1888,  aged  89.     She  left  no  issue. 

102.  Blmon  Parker  (JVahum,^  Amos,^  Andretv,'^  yohn^^ 
Hanamah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Judge  Nahum  and  Mary  (Deeth) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H.,  Jan.  20,  1802;  m. 
Abigail  M.  Gray  of  Belfast,  Me.  He  lived  upon  his  father's 
homestead  in  Fitzwilliam  until  of  age,  then  became  clerk  in 
Boston.  He  removed  to  Bangor,  Me.,  in  1834,  ^^^  ^^  ^^~ 
dustrious  and  useful  man  ;  made  a  machine  to  saw  shingles 
and  clapboards.  He  live!  in  York  Springs  for  a  while,  then 
went  overland  to  California.  He  became  a  dentist,  established 
a  business  there  and  died.  He  had  four  children,  two  sons 
and  two  daughters.     The  children  did  reside  in  Philadelphia. 

103.  Quincy  Parker  (Ebenezer,^  Thomas,'^  Andrew, '\ 
yokn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Dea.  Ebenezer  and 
Dorcas    (Monroe)    Parker,  was  b.   in   Lexington,   April   28, 


1775  ;  m.  in  Princeton,  Patience,  dau.  of  John  Brooks,  one  of 
the  sturdy  pioneers  of  that  town.  He  built  a  house  adjoining 
the  homestead  to  the  east,  by  the  side  of  the  pond.  This 
house  was  standing  until  recently.  After  living  here  a  num- 
ber of  years  he  finally  exchanged  places  for  his  father's 
farm  in  Rindge,  N.  H.,  where  he  with  his  family  removed. 
After  a  large  family  had  been  born  to  them  he  suffered  the  fate 
of  being  badly  gored  by  a  bull.  This  he  survived,  but  it 
affected  his  constitution,  causing  occasional  haemorrhage.  A 
few  years  afterward  while  standing  in  the  front  doorway,  with 
no  particular  excitement,  he  was  taken  with  a  haemorrhage, 
which  was  the  immediate  cause  of  his  death,  which  occurred 
Sept.  27,  1828. 

Quincy  Parker  was  a  great  worker.  He  was  a  strong, 
robust  man  and  of  great  endurance.  He  possessed  much 
inventive  talent,  but  which  by  his  early  death  he  was  pre- 
vented from  developing.  His  widow  removed  to  Providence, 
R.  I.,  where  she  d.  May  12,  1864,  aged  85  years  and  11 

Their  children  were  : 

Thomas  Parker,  b.  in  Princeton,  Sept.  28,  1801  ;  d.  June  3,  1802. 

255.  Thomas  Maxwell  Parker,  b.  in  Princeton,  April  26,  1S03  ; 
m.  Esther  Luther  of  Swansea,  Mass. 

256.  Joseph   Brooks   Parker,  b.  in   Princeton,  July  31,   1S05  ; 
m.  Mary  Ann  Morgan. 

257.  William  Eaton  Parker,  b.  in  Princeton,  June  6,  180S  ;  in. 
probably  in  Columbus,  O. 

Priscilla  Elvira  Parker,  b.  in  Princeton,  April  26,  1S09. 

258.  Mary  Parker,  b.  in  Princeton,  April  16,  181 1  ;  m.  William 
Sweet  of  Providence,  R.  I. 

QyiNCY  Parker,  Jr.,  b.  in  Princeton,  Sept.  20,  1812;   d.  April  21, 

259.  Ira  Parker,  b.   in  Princeton,   April   16,   1814;    m.    Maria 
Haskell  of  Providence,  R.  I. 

260.  Eliza  Parker,  b.   in  Princeton,  Oct.   20,   1815  ;  m.  Jonas 
Hunt  of  Providence,  R.  I. 

261.  Sally  Parker,  b.  in  Princeton,  March  i,  1817;   m.  George 
B.  Thomas. 

262.  Artimus  Parker,  b.  in  Princeton.  Feb.  22,  1S19;  m.  Susan 
Pierce  of  W.  Boylston. 


263.  QuiNCY  Parker,  Jr.,  b.  in  Rindge,  N.  H.,  Jan.   12,  1821  ; 
m.  Almira  Kent  of  Eaton,  N.  Y. 

264.  Eunice  Parker,  b.  in  Rindge,  Aug.   i,  1822;   m.  George 

104.  Betsey  Parker  (Ehenezer,^  Thomas,^  Andrew^'' 
yokn,^  Hananiah^^  Thomas'^),  dau.  of  Dea.  Ebenezer  and 
Dorcas  (Monroe)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Princeton,  June  8,  1777 
(the  first  birth  of  the  Parker  family  in  the  town)  ;  m.  Benjamin 
Gould  of  Princeton,  native  of  Bolton.  The  deacon  gave  them 
the  farm  situated  west  of  the  present  homestead  estate,  which 
was  a  part  of  the  original  purchase.  They  resided  upon  the 
place  until  1815,  when  they  with  their  family  removed  to 
Boston,  where  their  son  was  janitor  of  the  Boston  City  Hall. 
Upon  their  decease  each  were  interred  in  the  family  burying- 
ground  at  Princeton. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Dorcas  M.  Gould,  b.  Dec.  7,  1799;  m.  Henry  R.  Goodwin. 

2.  Cyrus  P.  Gould,  b.  Nov.  11,  1802. 

3.  Erastus  R.  Gould,  b.  Feb.  20,  1S07. 

4.  Mary  E.  Gould,  b.  July  26,  1810. 

5.  Ebenezer  Parker  Gould,  b.  Oct.    14,   1812;    m.  April  21, 

1835,  Susan  Goodwin,  b.  Jan.  15,  1S16,  d.  in  Boston,  Feb. 
22,  1890.  He  was  for  about  20  years  assistant  janitor  of  Boston 
City  Hall.  He  also  served  time  on  the  "old  night  watch" 
police  of  Boston.     He  d.  in  Boston,  Dec.  3,  1870.     Children: 

I.     Susan  W.  Gould;    m.  Merriam.      Resides   in  E. 

II.     Annie  L.  Gould  ;  resides  in  Chelsea. 

III.  George  W.  Gould;  m.  April  17,  1864,  Lizzie  I.,  b.  in 
New  Bedford,  June  16,  1854,  dau.  of  William,  Jr.  and 
Susan  B.  Hammond.  He  has  been  for  many  years 
locomotive  fireman,  and  resides  at  Cambridgeport.  They 
have  had  seven  children  and  two  grandchildren.  He 
served  in  the  army  of  the  U.  S.  in  the  late  war. 

105.  Polly  Parker  (Ebenezer,^  Thomas,'^  Andrew,'^ 
Jokn,^  Hanamak,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Dea.  Ebenezer  and 
Dorcas  (Monroe)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Princeton,  May  4,  1779; 
m.  (i)  Rufus  Dodd,  b.  in  Princeton,  Feb.  22,  1773,  son  of 
William  and  Anna  (Child)   Dodd.     They  removed  to  West- 


minster,  where  he  was  a  storekeeper.  The  father,  William 
Dodd,  is  said  to  have  been  born  in  Bedford,  but  the  records  of 
that  town  show  no  light.  Rufus  Dodd's  death  occurred  in 
Westminster,  and  she  m.  (2)  Dr.  Isaac  Warren  of  Princeton, 
a  young  and  very  promising  physician.  He  died,  however, 
at  the  early  age  of  27,  Sept.  14,  1815.  The  sweet  memories 
of  Mrs.  Dodd  are  still  cherished  by  those  who  knew  her  well. 
She  was  not  only  a  kind  mother  but  a  noble  wife  and  a  digni- 
fied lady.  She  was  a  conscientious  and  christian  woman, 
always  particular  in  her  teachings  to  her  children,  that  they 
in  future  years  might  not  part  from  honor  and  righteousness. 
She  and  her  second  husband,  Dr.  Warren,  were  buried  in  the 
"homestead"  graveyard.     She  d.  Oct.  10,  1857. 

Her  children  were  : 

I.  Theodore  Sedgwick  Dodd,  b.  in  Westminster,  Oct.  28,  1S03  ; 
removed  to  Maine;  m.  in  Bucksport,  Me.,  Feb.  11,  1834, 
Caroline,  b.  April  8,  181 2,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Caroline 
(Elliott)  Little.  They  settled  in  Bangor,  where  he  became 
cashier  of  the  Kenduskeag  Bank,  which  position  he  held  until 
shortly  preceding  his  death.  During  all  the  45  years  which 
he  served  as  cashier  he  performed  the  duties  of  his  office  in  so 
faithful  and  accurate  a  manner  that  he  was  held  in  the  highest 
esteem  by  the  officers  of  the  bank  as  well  as  by  all  others  with 
whom  his  business  led  him.  He  was  so  exceedingly  accurate 
that  certain  of  those  who  worked  with  him  said  they  never 
knew  him  to  make  a  mistake.  At  the  time  of  his  resignation 
Mr.  Dodd  had  been  in  office  longer  than  any  other  cashier  in 
the  State.  She  d.  Jan.  14,  1890.  Children  : 
I.  Julia  Maria  Dodd,  b.  July  16,  1S35  ;  d.  April  16,  1838. 
II.     Mary  Elizabeth  Dodd,  b.  Dec.  18,  1837. 

III.  Horace  Sedgwick  Dodd,  b.  Dec.  13,  1839;  "^-  '"  Ban- 

gor, Me.,  Oct.  25,  1864,  Emily  Lucretia,  b.  in  Bangor, 
Feb.  18,  1840,  dau.  of  Abner  P.  and  Rebecca  H.  Guild. 
He  is  a  cotton  broker  in  Boston.     Children  : 

1.  Margaret  Elliot  Dodd,  b.  in  Cambridge,  Dec.  8,  1S66. 

2.  Walter  Sedgwick  Dodd,  b.  in  Cambridge,  Feb.  5,  i86S. 

3.  John  Wellington  Dodd,  b.  in  Boston,  March  29,  1876. 

4.  Rebecca  Dodd,  b.  in  Boston,  May  31,  1881. 

IV.  Charles  Bailey  Dodd,  b.  May  26,   1848;  d.  Oct.   zy, 

V.     Harry  Ware  Dodd,  b.  Oct.  18,  1849. 


2.  Sarah    Maria  Dodd,  b.   in  Westminster ;     m.   Caleb   Strong 

Myrick,   b.    in   Princeton,    Oct.   28,    1S02.    son  of  Caleb   and 
Lydia  (Gregory)  Myrick.     He  was  a  well-known  and  popular 
Princeton   man.     She  was  an  excellent  mother,  a  sincere  and 
faithful  woman.      He  d.  Oct.  8,  1869.     Children  : 
I.     Charles  Theodore  Myrick,  b.  in  Princeton,  Oct.  20, 
1833;   m.  Nov.  20,  1858,  Sarah  P.  Smith,  b.  in  Prince- 
ton, Feb.  5,  1832,  dau.  of  Francis  H.  and  Susan  (Fay) 
Smith,     They  reside  in  Worcester.     Child  : 
I;     Harry  Strong  Myrick,  b.  in  Worcester,  May  17,  1862. 
II.     Caroline    Dodd    Myrick,  b.    1S36;    m.    in    Princeton, 
Edward  C.  Hartwell,  son  of  Isaac  and  Susan  Hartwell 
of  Princeton.     They  have  no  issue. 

III.  John  D.  Myrick,  b.   1840;    d,   1864.     Enlisted  at  once 

upon  the  call  for  troops  in  the  25th  Mass.  Reg.  for  three 
months  and  later  for  three  years.  He  was  in  many 
battles,  was  finally  commissioned  as  an  officer  in  the 
31st  U.  S.  colored  regiment.  While  in  battle  at  Olustee, 
near  Jacksonville,  Fla.,  he  was  valiantly  leading  his 
men  with  all  speed  possible  and  was  singled  out  as  a 
target  for  a  sharpshooter.  He  was  hit  three  times.  One 
ball  struck  his  watch,  completely  destroying  it,  but  which 
did  him  no  harm,  another  lodged  in  his  shoulder,  while 
the  third  was  more  serious.  He  died  of  his  wounds 
soon  after  at  Hilton  Head,  S.  C.  His  name  is  patrioti- 
cally inscribed  on  Worcester's  beautiful  soldiers'  monu- 
ment. His  sword  and  watch  are  still  in  preservation  in 
the  Myrick  family. 

IV.  Mary  W.  Myrick;  d.  Sept.  30,  1869,  unm. 

3.  Julia  Dodd,  b.  in  Westminster  ;   m.  in  Princeton,  Horace  Ever- 

ett.    They  removed  to  Charlestown  and  had  five  children  : 

I.     Mary  Everett  ;  d.  1855. 

II.     RuFUS  Everett,  who  removed  to  Leavenworth,  Kan. 
HI.     Fannie  Everett,  who  m.  Edward  Sawyer  and  settled  in 

IV.     Stanwood  Everett,  a  doctor  in  Boston. 
V.     Julia  Everett,  who  m.  and  went  to  Nova  Scotia. 

4.  Rosaline  Warren,  b.  in  Princeton  ;   m.  Foster.     They 

reside  in  Fitchburg. 

5.  Isaac  Warren,  Jr.,  b.  in  Princeton,  Aug.  9,  1S15  ;  m.     He  d. 

in  Bernardston,  April  7,  1879. 


106.  Lucy  Parker  (Bdenezer,^  Thomas,^  Andrew,^ 
yohn,^  Hafianiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Dea.  Ebenezer  and 
Dorcas  (Monroe)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Princeton,  March  ii, 
1781  ;  bap.  in  Lexington,  July  22,  1781.  Her  intention  of 
marriage,  to  Mr.  Jonas  Beaman,  as  entered  upon  the  Prince- 
ton records,  previous  to  publishing,  bears  date  of  Jan.  25, 
1801.  He  was  then  a  resident  of  Princeton  ;  b.  in  Lancaster, 
Dec.  25,  1778,  eldest  son  of  Jonas  and  Rebecca  (Whitcomb) 
Beaman.  They  removed  to  Camden,  Me.,  where  he  pursued 
the  trade  of  leather  tanning.  He  d.  Oct.  3,  1807,  leaving  two 
children.  She  m.  (2)  in  1809,  Edward  Hanford  of  Camden, 
Me.,  as  his  first  wife.     Locke  in  his  History  of  Camden  says  : 

"Major  Edward  Hanford  was  born,  it  is  believed,  in  Norwalk, 
Conn,  (about  1775).  He  came  to  Camden  about  the  year  1806,  and 
being  a  hatter  worked  at  his  trade.     He  afterwards  went  into  trade. 

"In  time  of  the  last  war  [of  1S12]  he  was  made  a  Lieut,  and  after 
peace  was  proclaimed  he  was  promoted  to  the  rank  of  Major,  by 
which  title  everybody  knew  him.  He  was  selectman  one  year  and 
town  clerk  four  years,  and  occupied  other  town  offices. 

"Affected  with  a  disease  of  the  heart  it  is  supposed  it  induced  the 
quietude  of  manner  he  evinced  during  the  last  score  years  of  his  life. 
However,  he  was,  during  all  this  time,  in  a  store  as  proprietor,  man- 
ager or  clerk.  He  died  in  Belfast  at  the  house  of  L.  R.  Palmer, 
Esq.,  his  son-in-law.  May  3,  1851,  aged  76  years." 

Her  children  were  : 

I.  Edwin  Beaman,  b.  in  Princeton,  Aug.  27,  1801  ;  m.  Sept.  28, 
1829,  Sarah,  dau.  of  Moses  Patten  of  Bangor,  Me.  He  early 
entered  into  business  and  connected  himself  with  the  towns  of 
Freedom,  Camden,  Bucksport  and  Brooks,  where  in  1829  he 
removed  his  store  to  the  Head  of  the  Tide.  Removing  to  Bel- 
fast he,  in  company  with  Daniel  Merrill,  occupied  the  present 
store  of  A.  D.  Chase.  In  1842  he  removed  to  the  present 
store  of  Augustus  Perry,  the  two  forming  the  firm  of  Beaman 
&  Perry,  which  existed  for  12  years.  From  that  time  Mr, 
Beaman  was  in  business  alone  to  the  day  of  his  death,  which 
occurred  March  30,  1880,  a  period  of  54  years,  making  him 
the  oldest  trader  in  Belfast.  He  was  an  original  incorporator 
of  the  Belfast  Bank.  He  was  a  consistent  and  worthy  mem- 
ber of  the  Congregational  Church  of  Belfast  since  1835,  and 
for  a  large  portion  of  the  time  held  the  office  of  deacon.     Mr. 


Beaman  was  held  in  high  respect  by  his  fellow-citizens  and 
died  greatly  lamented  by  a  large  circle  of  friends  acquired  dur- 
ing his  long  and  busy  life.  He  left  no  children  save  an 
adopted  daughter.     His  widow  survives  him. 

2.  Jonas  Beaman,  Jr.,  b.  May  17,  1805;   m.  (i)   Dec.  31,  1833, 

Martha  M.  Cook  ;  she  d.  Jan.  3,  1859,  and  he  m.  (2)  Sept. 
7,  1859,  Mary  Weld  of  Sturbridge,  whose  home  was  very  near 
the  Brimfield  line,  and  was  a  member  of  the  Church  at  Brim- 
field.  He  settled  in  Hadley  where  he  owned  and  worked  a 
small  farm  ;  at  about  1S65  he  moved  to  Princeton,  taking  a 
farm  and  there  he  died.  Children  : 
I.     Lucy   Beaman,    now   the   wife   of  a   physician   in   Black 

Rock,  N.  Y.,  if  living. 
II.     Edwin (.?)  Beaman. 

III.  DwiGHT  Beaman. 

IV.  Jonas  Beaman,  Jr. 

3.  Mary  P.  D.  Hanford,  b.  in  Camden,  Me.,  April  3,  1810;  m. 

Dec.    25,    1849,    Lemuel   R.    Palmer   as   his   second    wife,    he 
having  previously  m.  her  sister  Susannah.      Their  son  was : 
I.     Joseph  H.  Palmer,  b.  Nov.  22,  1850. 

4.  Susannah  R.  Hanford,  b.  June   17,  1812;  m.  Dec.  17,  1832, 

Lemuel  R.  Palmer.     He  was  a  ship  carpenter,   learning  his 

trade  in  Camden.     She  d.  Aug.  14,  1849,  ^'^^  ^^  ^"  May  3, 

1879.     Children: 

I.     Rev.  Edwin  Beaman  Palmer,  b.  Sept.   25,   1833  ;    m. 
Thurza  M.  Field,  native  of  Brunswick,  Me.     He  is  con- 
nected with  the  Congregationalist  House  in  Boston. 
II.     Susan  Maria  Palmer,  b.  Sept.  7,  1835  ;    m.  James  M, 
Craig,  native  of  Windsor,  N.  S.     They  reside  in  Belfast. 

III,  Mary  Eliza  Palmer,  b.  Sept.  11,  1837;  m.  George  F. 

Smith,  native  of  Searsport,  Me. 

IV.  DwiGHT  Parker  Palmer,  b.  Sept.  13,  1839;  ^'  Sept.  2, 

V.     DwiGHT  Parker  Palmer,  b.  March  31,  1843  ;  m.  Mary 

E.  Patterson  of  Belfast,  Me. 
VI.     Lucy  A.  E.  Palmer,  b.  May  19,  1845. 

5.  Lucy  A.  Hanford,  b.  May  19,  1814  ;  m.  Dec.  7,  1835,  Nathan- 

iel T.  Eaton,  sea-captain.  He  followed  the  sea  until  the  last 
few  years  of  his  life,  when  he  became  a  farmer  in  Camden. 
She  d.  Dec.  24,  1852,  and  he  m.  (2)  Miss  Nancy  Heal,  dau. 
of  Peter  and  Eunice  Heal  of  Camden.  He  d.  May  25,  1870. 
His  widow  resides  in  Camden.     Children  : 









1.     Adella  Frances  Eaton,  b.  Oct.  31,  1836;  d.  May  17, 

II.     Edward  Hanford  Eaton,  b.  May  27,  1840;  m.  18S6, 

Susan  Sparling  of  Boston.     They  reside  in  Worcester. 

III.  Lucy  Hanford  Eaton,  b.  Dec.  27,  1844;  d.  Aug.   27, 


IV.  Frank  Chaplin  Eaton,  who  resides  in  Worcester. 

107.  Ebenezer  Parker,  Jr.  (Ebenezer,^  Thomas,^ 
Andrew,'^  yohn,^  Hananiak,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Dea.  Ebenezer 
and  Dorcas  (Monroe)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Princeton,  June  4, 
1784  ;  intention  of  marriage  entered  for  publication  on  Jan.  4, 
1806:  m.  at  age  of  22,  Feb.  27,  1806,  Hannah  B.,  b.  in  Con- 
cord, Mass.,  March  11,  1785,  dau.  of  Capt.  Amos  and  Deborah 
(Brooks)  Merriam  of  Concord,  who  were  m.  in  Lincoln,  it 
being  Deborah's  native  town,  on  Christmas  Day,  1783.  Han- 
nah Brooks  Merriam  was  thus  first  in  a  family  of  ten  children. 
The  father,  Capt.  Amos  Merriam,  d.  Sept.  16,  1804,  aged  44, 
and  his  widow  m.  (2)  Stephen  Mirick,  who  d.  May  20,  1827. 
Deborah  (Merriam)  Mirick,  d.  Nov.  10,  1844.  Ebenezer 
Parker  remained  upon  the  homestead  until  1818,  when  he 
took  up  the  place  now  known  as  the  Princeton  Poor  Farm. 
This  was  a  part  of  the  original  estate  and  but  a  short  distance 
northeasterly  from  his  old  home.  He  was  both  a  farmer  and 
clothier.  In  his  shop,  at  the  outlet  of  the  pond,  he  did  a  good 
business  in  coloring  and  smoothing.  His  customers  were 
numerous  and  many  came  long  distances  with  a  year's  supply 
of  home-spun  cloth  at  one  time.  After  the  destruction  of  the 
old  homestead  brick  house  by  fire  during  the  winter  of  1835 
he  assumed  charge  of  his  father's  estate.  He  then  spent  a 
few  years  in  Ware;  returning,  he  in  company  with  his  son, 
Frederick  Parker,  built  upon  the  homestead  site,  the  house 
now  standing,  it  being  the  third  built  upon  the  site  since  1777. 
What  remained  of  the  old  farm  after  Deacon  Parker's  grants 
to  his  children  and  the  many  sales,  was  again  improved  with 
fresh  vigor. 

Ebenezer  Parker  was  a  man  of  sound  intellect  and  of  a 
strong,  unimpeachable  character.  He  was  a  very  firm  minded 
man  and  a  conscientious  citizen.  He  was  chosen  selectman 
in  1829.     His  district  for  the  years  of  1741,  '42  and  '43  elected 


him  representative  to  the  State  Legislature.  In  personal  ap- 
pearance he  was  taller  than  his  father,  but  inherited  a  strong 
and  vigorous  constitution.  At  the  age  of  75  his  tall  and  manly 
figure  stood  firm  and  erect.  He  lived  to  the  age  of  85  years 
and  4  months,  dying  Oct.  25,  1869.  He  was  an  active  mem- 
ber of  the  Church  in  Princeton. 

The  wife  Hannah  will  be  long  remembered  by  the  family. 
She  was  a  loving  mother,  a  perfect  housekeeper  and  was 
blessed  with  a  very  attractive  disposition.  Her  temperament 
was  very  calm,  she  was  less  nervous  than  Mr.  Parker,  and 
looked  upon  the  difficulties  of  life  in  a  more  philosophical  way. 
She  lived  happily  and  long,  dying  Aug.  31,  1876,  at  the  age 
of  91  years,  5  months  and  20  days. 

Their  children  were  : 

265.  Louisa  Parker,  b.  Dec.  13,  1806  ;  m.  Eli  Walker  of  Holden. 

266.  Charles  Augustus  Parker,  b.  Aug.  18,  1808  ;  m.  Sylvia 
A.  Moore. 

267.  Frederick  Parker,  b.  June  19,  1810;  m.  Eunice  C.  Howe 
of  Princeton. 

268.  Ebenezer  Warren  Parker,  b.  Oct.  28,  1813  ;  m.  Chloe 
A.  Parmenter  of  Oakham. 

269.  Adaline  Parker,  b.  Oct.  24,  1815  ;  m.  Stephen  ^ 
H.  Smith  of  West  Boylston.  1 

270.  Amos  Parker,  b.  Oct.  24,  1815  ;  m.  Sarah  Mer-  f      Twins, 
rill  of  Beverly.  J 

271.  George  Parker,  b.  Feb.  i,  1818  ;   m.  Emily  R.  •^ 

Coller  of  Northfield.  [     Twins. 

Child,  unnamed,  b.  and  d.  Feb.  i,  1818.  J 

272.  Deborah  Meriam  Parker,  b.   Sept.   9,    1819;    m.  Israel 
Howe  of  Princeton. 

273.  William  Wheeler  Parker,  b.  March  2,  1824;  m.  Emily 
Walker  of  Holden. 

274.  Edward  Hanford  Parker,  b.  Dec.  28,  1825  ;  m.  Mary  C. 
Brown  of  Boylston. 

Lucy  Maria  Parker,  b.  Sept.  10,  1828  ;  d.  March  7,  1829. 

108.  Bitha  Parker  ( Ebenezer ^^  Thomas ^^  Andrew ^'^ 
yohn,^  Hananiah,'^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Dea.  Ebenezer  and 
Dorcas  (Monroe)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Princeton,  July  26,  1786; 
m.  Oct.  26,  1809,  Capt.  Charles  Folger  of  Camden,  Me.,  b. 
in  Waldoborough,  Me.,  Jan.,  1780.     They  lived  at  Camden 



Ebenezer  Parker,  Jr. 

Mrs.   Hannah  B.   (Merriam)  Parker. 


for  several  years,  Capt.  Folger  pursuing  his  marine  vocation. 
Coming  to  Princeton  they  settled  first  upon  the  homestead 
place,  then  upon  the  farm  shortly  before  occupied  by  Benjamin 
and  Betsey  (Parker)  Gould.  This  is  now  the  Brennan  place. 
They  resided  there  until  his  death,  which  occurred  in  Oct., 
1857.     She  removed  to  Marlborough,  and  d.  Nov.,  187 1. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Charles   Augustus   Folger,  b.   in  Camden,   Me.,   Jan.    16, 

181 1  ;    m.   in  Buffalo,  N.    Y.,   Feb.    16,    i860,   Louisa,   b.    in 

London,   England,   Nov.    13,    1839,   dau.  of  James   and   

(Potter)  Baker  of  England.  He  was  a  merchant  in  Lockport, 
N.  Y.  He  d.  Nov.  28,  1873.  Their  children  were  b.  in 
Lockport,  N.  Y.  : 

I.  Charles  Edward  Folger,  b.  Dec.  iS,  i860. 

II.  Emma  Louise  Folger,  b.  Feb.  33,  1S63. 

III.     Hattie  Elizabeth  Folger,  b.  Sept.  6,  1866. 

2.  John  Walter  Folger,  b.  in  Camden,  Feb.  8,  1813. 

3.  George  Francis  Folger,  b.  in  Camden,  July  15,   1815  ;  m. 

Jan.  28,  1850,  Eliza  A.,  b.  Sept.  14,  1825,  dau.  of  Isaac  and 
Susan  (Davis)  Hartwell  of  Princeton.  They  resided  in 
Princeton,  where  he  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  March  14,  1881, 
and  his  widow  survives.     She  resides  in  Worcester. 

4.  Henry  Edward  Folger,  b.  in  Princeton,  May  23,  1820;  m. 

(i)  Louisa,  dau.  of  Stillman  and  Susan  (Beaman)  Everett  of 

5.  Lucy  Jane  Folger,  b.   in  Princeton,  Aug.  23,  1825  ;  m.  May 

II,  1843,  Phineas  Ross,  b.  in  Sterling,  Sept.  20,  18 17,  son 
of  Amos  and  Hepsibeth  (Bennett)  Ross.  He  d.  in  Princeton. 
Oct.  18,  1867.     She  resides  in  Worcester.     Children: 

I.  Ellen  Jane  Ross,  b.  April  20,  1844;  m.  March  12, 
1868,  Staysia,  b.  Aug.  25,  1843,  son  of  Charles  and 
Mary  J.  (Seaver)  Harrington.  They  reside  upon  the 
old  Jonas  Smith  place  in  Princeton. 
II.  Theodore  Austin  Ross,  b.  Feb.  28,  1S49;  d.  Aug.  5, 

III.  Charles  Thurston  Ross,  b.  May  12,  1854.     Resides  in 

Worcester  ;  organ  maker. 

6.  Catharine  Long  Folger,  b.  in  Princeton,  Oct.  10,  1828  ;  m. 

Jan.  29,  185 1,  Erastus,  son  of  James  and  Ruthalia  (Carter) 
Dart  of  Moncton,  Vt.     They  resided  many  years  in  Marlbor- 



ough.  Their  dau.,  Alice  Josephine  Dart,  d.  at  the  age  of  six 
years.  Mr.  Dart  d.  in  Marlborough,  Oct.  28,  1872.  She  now 
resides  with  her  sister  in  Worcester. 

109.  Josiah  Parker,  Jr.  (Josiak,^  Josiah,^  Josiah,^ 
yohn,^  Hananiah^^  Thomas^),  son  of  Josiah,  Jr.,  and  Hannah 
(Gardner)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  Nov.  6,  1774;  m. 
Sept.  6,  1807,  Abigail  Carter,  b.  in  Woburn,  Sept.  15,  1781, 
dau.  of  Simon  and  Susanna  Carter  of  Woburn,  and  by  whom 
nine  of  his  children  were  born.  Removed  to  Wilton,  N.  H., 
where  she  d.  Sept.  8,  1836,  and  he  m.  (2)  in  Woburn,  Feb. 
15,  1883,  Mrs.  Betsey  S.  (Eames)  Converse  of  Woburn,  by 
whom  his  last  two  children  were  born.  He  d.  in  Wilton,  N. 
H.,  Nov.  29,  1852.  She  d.  in  Woburn,  Dec.  3,  1881,  aged 
81  years,  3  months. 

His  children  were  : 

275.  Abigail  Manning  Parker,  b.  in  Woburn,  Jan.  6,  1808  ;  m. 
James  Burton. 

276.  Susan  Richardson  Parker,  b.  in  Woburn,  May  26,  1809  ; 
m.  Lyman  Stone. 

277.  Hannah  Gardner  Parker,  b.  in  Woburn,  Feb.  23,  181 1  ; 
m.  Jonathan  Snow,  after  the  decease  of  her  sister  Lydia. 

278.  Lydia  Ann   Parker,   b.   in  Woburn,   Aug.   5,    1813 ;    m. 
Jonathan  Snow. 

279.  John  Flagg  Parker,  b.  in  Woburn,  Dec.   27,   1815  ;    m. 
Martha  J.  Jones. 

280.  Josiah  Parker,  b.   in  Wilton,  N.   H.,  April   10,   1S19  ;  m. 
Nancy  M.  Wyman. 

281.  Andrew  Jackson  Parker,  b.  in  Wilton,  N.  H.,  May  26, 
1821  ;  m.  Abbie  A.  Tapley. 

Maria  Louisa  Parker,  b.  in  Wilton,  N.  H.,  Oct.   24,  1823;  m. 

Samuel  R.  Dolliver,  who  was  b.  in  Marblehead.     They  reside  in 

San  Francisco,  Cal.     No  issue. 
Abram  Parker,  b.   in  Wilton,  N.  H,,  June  21,  1S26;  d.  Aug.  8, 


282.  Albert  Parker,  b.  in  Wilton,  N.  H.,  April   12,  1839;  '""• 
Eliza  H.  Sawyer. 

George  Parker,  b.  March  2,  d.  March  24,  1841. 

110.  Henry  Parker  (Josiah,^  Josiah,^  Josiah,^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas'),  son  of  Josiah,  Jr.,  and  Hannah  (Gard- 
ner)  Parker,  was  b.  in   Woburn,  July  2,   1777  ;    m.  by  the 


Rev.  Mr.  Fiske  of  W.  Cambridge,  May  28,  1807,  Abigail 
Hutchinson,  b.  Sept.  10,  1782,  dau.  of  John  Hutchinson  of 
Charlestown.  She  was  the  sixth  in  generation  in  descent 
from  George  Hutchinson,  Esq.,  who  was  an  inhabitant  of 
Charlestown  in  1630,  the  line  being  thus:  Abigail,^  Johns 
(whose  second  wife  was  Mary  Fox),  Thomas*  of  Cambridge 
(whose  wife  was  Mary  Ireland,  dau.  of  Abraham  Ireland 
and  wife  Abigail  Greenland,  both  of  Charlestown),  Samuel  3 
(whose  wife  was  Sarah  Fascitt),  Nathaniel^  (who  m.  Sarah 
Baker),  and  George,"  the  emigrant  ancestor.  She  d.  Aug.  17, 
1876,  aged  94  years  and  9  months.  He  was  a  highly  esteemed 
citizen,  representing  the  town  in  the  Legislature  in  the  year 
1839.  He  resided  on  the  "West  Side."  He  d.  in  Woburn, 
Feb.  7,  1862,  aged  84  years,  7  months. 

Their  children  were  : 

283.  Oliver  Hutchinson  Parker,  b.  June  20,  1808  ;    m.  Patty 
Parker  of  Woburn  (his  cousin). 

284.  Martha  Parker,  b.  Aug.  17,  iSii  ;   m.  Charles  Choate  of 

285.  Abigail  Parker,  b.  March  26,  1814;  m.  William  Winn  of 

286.  Louisa    Parker,  b.   Dec.    14,    1816;    m.  John    Weston   of 

287.  Maria  Parker,  b.  July  5,  1819;  m.  George  Winn  of  Bur- 

111.  Hannah  Parker  (Josiah,^  Josiah,^  Josiah,^ 
John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas'),  son  of  Josiah,  Jr.,  and  Hannah 
(Gardner)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  March  19,  1779;  m. 
April  28,  1808,  Abel  Richardson,  b.  Aug.  i,  1777.  His 
father,  Abel  Richardson,  was  a  tanner  and  shoemaker  in 
Winchester,  and  his  mother  was  Ann  Tufts.  He  was  known 
as  Abel  the  fourth.  He  passed  his  life  in  Woburn,  where  he 
d.  Jan.  5,  1854,  in  his  74th  year.  She  d.  in  Woburn,  Dec. 
22,  1855,  aged  76  years,  9  months.     They  had  no  children. 

112.  Polly  ^2ir\i&V  (Jos/ah,^  Josiah, ^  Josiah,^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas'),  son  of  Josiah.  Jr.,  and  Hannah  (Gard- 
ner) Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn;  m.  in  Woburn,  June  11, 
1807,  Caleb  Richardson. 


Their  children  were  ; 

1.  Joshua  Richardson,  b.  Feb.  25,  1808;  unm. 

2.  Mary  Parker  Richardson,  b.  May  20,  181 1  ;  d.  unm. 

3.  Caleb  Richardson,  Jr.,  b.  July  27,  1814  ;  m.  Jan.,  1S45,  Amy 

Patience  Taylor.      She  d.  April,  1847.      Child  : 
I.     Granville  Eustace  Richardson,  b.  Nov.  21,  1845  ;  m. 
Dec.  27,  1881,  Susan  M.  Dean.     Their  son  was: 
I.     Frederick  Wade  Richardson,  b.  Nov.  27,  1882. 

4.  Abigail  Richardson,  b.  May  28,  1817  ;   m.  July  8,  1847,  Josiah 

Stratton  of  Woburn,  son  of  Josiah  and  Sarah  Stratton,  b.  in 
Woburn.  She  was  b.,  named  and  lived  nearly  all  her  life  in 
the  same  house,  which  fronts  the  main  street  between  Woburn 
and  Winchester  at  a  very  enviable  location.  It  was  the  old 
Caleb  Richardson  homestead.  She  lived  in  the  old  house  70 
years,  her  entire  life,  with  the  exception  of  one  year  at  the 
time  of  her  marriage.  She  d.  July  16,  18S8,  aged  71  years. 
At  the  opening  of  the  War  of  the  Rebellion  Josiah  Stratton 
enlisted  from  Woburn  in  Co.  F  of  Hon.  Henry  Wilson's  22nd 
Mass.  Reg.  He  was  of  a  military  spirit,  had  always  belonged 
to  the  military  companies  of  the  town  and  proved  himself  to 
be  a  brave  and  true  soldier.  He  was  44  years  of  age  at  his 
enlistment,  which  was  much  higher  than  the  average,  but  he 
was  a  steady  soldier  upon  the  march  and  walked  with  a  firm 
and  manly  carriage.  He  soon  became  Sergeant  of  the  Co. 
The  historian  of  the  22nd  Reg.,  John  L.  Parker  of  Lynn, 
announces  that  he  saw  "  Si  Stratton,  as  he  was  familiarly 
called,  June  22,  1862,  upon  the  battle  field  of  Gaines'  Mills, 
Va.,  bravely  fighting."  This  was  the  second  of  the  famous 
Seven  Days'  Battles,  and  in  this  engagement,  the  Sergeant, 
who  occupied  a  conspicuous  and  dangerous  place,  was  the  first 
to  give  the  alarm  to  his  Reg.  that  the  "Rebs"  were  flanking 
them.  His  timely  warning  saved  great  loss  to  his  company 
and  perhaps  his  regiment.  _  After  this  battle  nothing  more  was 
ever  heard  of  him.  The  State  Records  read  :  ^'-Josiah  Strat- 
ton^ s  seriHce  terminated  y?cne  22^  1862;  caused  by  death 
while  in  Battle  at  Gaines"  Mills"  Children  : 
I.     George  Gardner  Stratton,  b.  Jan.  16,  1849;  '^-  Dec. 

20,  1876,  Florence  Leila  Carter  of  Winchester,  who  d. 

upon  the  birth  of  their  son,  Oct.  2,  1877.      He  resides 

in  Winchester,   where    he   maintains   his    mother's    old 

Richardson  homestead.      Child  : 
I.     Roscoe  Carter  Stratton,  b.  Oct.  2,  1877;  d.  July  12,  1878. 
II.     Josiah  Francis  Stratton,  b.  Dec.  16,  1851  ;  unm. 


113.  Electa  Parker  (Josiak,^  Josiak,^  Josiah,^  John,^ 
Hananiah^^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Josiah,  Jr.,  and  Hannah  (Gard- 
ner) Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  May  4,  1794  ;  m.  Feb.  16, 
1813,  Samuel  Carter  Buckman,  the  son  of  Samuel  and  Sarah 
(Cutter)  Buckman  of  Woburn,  and  b.  in  Woburn,  Nov.  10, 
1789.  He  was  a  farmer  and  they  lived  in  that  part  of  Woburn 
which  is  now  Winchester. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Samuel  Carter  Buckman,  Jr.,  b.  July  29,   1813.     He  is  a 

wheelwright  in  Arlington,  where  he  resides  unm. 

2.  Electa  Parker  Buckman,  b.  May  16,   i8[5;    m.  Nathaniel 

Hill  of  Arlington.  They  had  one  child  who  d.  young.  She 
d.  May  4,  1852. 

3.  James  S.  Buckman,  b.  Jan.  27,  and  d.  April  11,  1819. 

4.  Lydia  Ann  Buckman,  b.  June  4,  1828  ;  d.  Aug.  28,  1877,  unm. 

1 14.  Betsey  'PSiV\iG.V  ( yosiah,^  'Josiahy>  Josiah,'^  "John^i 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Josiah,  Jr.,  and  Hannah  (Gard- 
ner) Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  March  i,  1796;  m.  in 
Woburn,  Dec.  29,  1825,  Jonathan  Baldwin,  b.  April  7,  1798, 
son  of  Reuben  and  Sarah  Baldwin.  He  was  a  shoemaker  and 
d.  Jan.  II,  1881. 

Their  children  were : 

1.  James  Baldwin,  b.  Aug.  23,   1827;   d.  about  Nov.  i,  1851,  at 

Havana,  Cuba,  on  his  passage  to  California  to  try  his  fortune 
in  the  mines. 

2.  Marah  Louise  Baldwin,  b.  May  6,  1830;   m.  in  Burlington, 

John  Winn,  b.  July  3,  1828,  son  of  Abel  and  Lydia  Stearns 
(Lovering)  Winn.  He  represented  his  town  for  one  year  in 
the  State  Legislature.  She  d.  Oct.  11,  1852.  He  is  a  farmer  in 
Burlington.     Child  : 

I.     Marah  Winn,  b.  June  13,  1852  ;  m.  in  Woburn,  Oct.  4, 
1886,  Frank  Murray  Pushee,  b.  in  Lyme,  N.  H.,  March 
12,  1844,  ^'^'^  of  Sylvester  and  vSarah  (Emerton)  Pushee. 
He  is  a  farmer.     They  reside  in  Woburn.     Child  : 
I.     Harold  Baldwin  Pushee,  b.  Jan.  i6,  1890. 

115.  Frederick  Parker  (Josiah,^  Josiah,^  Josiah,'^' 
yohn,i  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Josiah,  Jr.,  and  Hannah 
(Gardner)    Parker,    was  b.    in   Woburn,  July   20,   1798;   m. 


April  13,  1826,  Nabby  Thompson,  sister  of  Gen.  Thompson 
of  Woburn.  She  was  b.  Jan.  20,  1803,  the  dau.  of  Major 
Abijah  and  Lydia  Thompson.  Frederick  Parker  succeeded 
to  his  father's  homestead  in  the  west  part  of  the  town,  where 
he  lived  until  shortly  before  his  death.  He  was  a  farmer,  a 
hard  working  man  ;  was  very  orderly,  he  had  a  place  for 
everything  and  everything  must  be  in  its  place.  He  was 
once  drawn  juror  and  held  at  various  times  such  town  offices 
as  school  committee  and  street  surveyor.  He  d.  in  Woburn, 
June  24,  1853,  aged  54  years,  10  months.  She  d.  March  31, 
1879,  ^ged  76  years. 
Their  children  were  : 

Lydia  Thompson  Parker,  b.  June  11,  1827;  d.  Dec.  14,  1847. 

288.  Frederick  Chandler  Parker,  b.  Jan.   16,  1829;  m.  M. 
Affie  Hanson. 

JosiAH  Parker,  b.  Aug.  18,  1S30;  d.  Feb.  25,  1832. 

289.  JosiAH  Parker,  b.   Oct.   25,  1832;   m.   Sarah  B.  ^ 

Hanson.  —,    . 

V  L  wins. 

290.  Hannah  Maria  Parker,  b.  Oct.   25,   1832  ;    m.    [ 

Walter  Wellington.  J 

291.  Betsey   Fidelia   Parker,   b.  June    7,    1836;    m.    George 
Russell  of  Somerville. 

292.  Martha  Ann  Parker,  b.  May   24,   1841  ;    m.  Joseph   B. 

116.  Benjamin  Parker,  Jr.  (Benjamin,^  Jostah,^ 
yostak,^  yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Benjamin  and 
Mehetable  (Tidd)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  Aug.  26,  1780. 
He  m.  1801,  Sally  Allen,  b.  in  Lincoln,  Feb.,  1780,  the  dau. 
of  Phineas  and  Sally  (Danforth)  Allen.  He  removed  after 
marriage  to  Fitchburg,  where  two  of  his  children  were  born 
and  removed  afterwards  to  Harvard.  Benjamin  Parker  was 
of  medium  height,  had  black  hair  and  blue  eyes  and  was 
called  very  handsome.  But  his  life  was  short,  as  he  died  sud- 
denly of  bilious  fever  in  the  summer  of  1806.  He  was  a  tan- 
ner and  currier.  She  d.  in  Harvard,  April  26,  1866,  aged  86 

Their  children  were  : 
Sally  Parker,  b.  Oct.  20,  iSoi  ;  m.  Sylvanus  Jorden  of  Roxbury. 

He  was  a  shoe  manufacturer.     She  d.  March,  183 1,  aged  29  years. 

He  m.  again. 


293.  Dorothy  Flagg  Parker,  b.  Jan.  2,   1804;   m.   Ephraim 
Barnard  of  Harvard. 

294.  Mehetable  Parker,  b.  March  17,  1806;  m.  Jan.  19,  1830, 
Thomas  Cummings  of  HoUis,  N.  H. 

117.  Dea.  Joseph  'P9lV]^&v( Benjamin,^  Josiah,^  Josiah^'^ 
John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Benjamin  and  Mehetable 
(Tidd)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  June  8,  1782  ;  m.  Dec. 
30,  1805,  Betsey  Richardson,  b.  Sept.,  1788,  the  dau.  of 
Josiah  and  Relief  Richardson.  For  some  time  before  his 
marriage  he  was  connected  with  Tewksbury  and  was  a  resi- 
dent of  that  town  in  1805.  He  lived  upon  the  West  Side,  was 
a  shoemaker,  a  business  in  which  many  of  his  Woburn  rela- 
tives became  associated.  He  was  blessed  with  a  strong  phy- 
sique and  was  a  highly  respected  citizen.  He  was  very 
attentive  to  his  family  and  a  consistent  christian.  He  was 
connected  with  the  Church  in  Woburn,  being  a  Universalist 
deacon.  In  the  second  burial-ground  is  his  grave  and  grave- 
stone epitaph  which  reads  : 

"In  Memory  of  Dea.  Joseph  Parker,  , 

who  died  Jan.  10,  1833,  J£,\.  51. 

"  Blest  is  the  man  whose  tender  care 
Relieves  the  poor  in  their  distress, 
Whose  pity  wipes  the  widow's  tear. 
Whose  hand  supports  the  fatherless. 
We  hear  thy  groans  with  deep  surprise 
And  view  thy  wounds  with  weeping  eyes. 
Each  bleeding  wound,  each  dying  groan 
With  anguish  filled  with  pains  unknown." 

His  widow  Betsey  d.  in  Woburn  "of  cholera,"*  Sept.  21, 
1855,  aged  68  years  and  10  months,  thus  she  was  b.  in  Sept., 

Their  children  were  : 

Eliza  Richardson  Parker,  b.  Aug.  27,  1808;  m.  Warren  Fox  of 

Nathan  Parker,  b.  Oct.  7,  1809;  resides  in  Woburn,  unm. 
Mary  Leathe  Parker,  b.  March   10,  181 1  ;   m,  in  Woburn,  May 

39,   1828,  Samuel  Butters  of  Woburn.       They  had  a  dau.  Mary 

♦Town  records. 


Isabell  Butters,  who  d.  of  consumption,  Dec.   20,  i860,  aged  22 
years,  7  months.     The  mother,  Mary  L.  (Parker)  Butters,  d.  Sept. 
I,  1867,  aged  56  years,  5  months. 
Patty  Parker,  b.  Oct.  12,   1812  ;  m.  March  4,   1834,  Oliver  H. 
Parker  of  Woburn.      (See  No.  283,  page  224.) 

295.  Joseph  Addison  Parker,  b.  July  7,  1815  ;  m.  (i)  Rebecca 
J.  Cutler  of  Woburn,  (2)  Emily  Huse  of  Woburn. 

296.  Ann  Parker,  b.  Oct.  23,  1816  ;  m.  Elijah  Marion  of  Burling- 

297.  Benjamin  Parker,  b.  Jan.  25,   1820;    m.  Mary  Waite  of 

Ruth  Parker;  d.  1874,  unm. 

118.  Samuel  Parker  (Benjamin,^  Josiah,^  Josiah,^ 
John,i  Hananiah,^  Thomas'),  son  of  Benjamin  and  Mehetable 
(Tidd)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  Dec.  23,  1784  :  m.  in 
Fitchburg,  1804,  Lydia  Thurston  Allen,  b.  in  Fitchburg, 
Aug.  28,  1785,  dau.  of  Phineas  and  Dorothy  (Wooley)  Allen 
of  Lincoln.  She  was  the  oldest  child  of  a  third  wife,  and 
upon  her  birth  was  given  to  her  aunt,  Mrs.  Thurston  of  Fitch- 
burg, in  whose  house  she  was  born.  She  always  lived  with 
her  aunt's  people,  who  had  no  children  of  their  own.  When 
married  to  Samuel  Parker  the  ceremony  was  conducted  in  the 
same  room  in  which  she  was  born.  Here  they  lived  for  16 
years  and  here  in  the  same  noted  room  were  the  seven  chil- 
dren born.  Finally  removing  (May  3,  1820)  to  Chenango 
Co.,  N.  Y.  They  settled  in  the  town  of  Otselic,  where  five 
more  children  were  born  to  them.  Samuel  Parker  was  a  joiner. 
In  Fitchburg  he  was  constable  and  collector.  He  belonged  to 
the  Fitchburg  military  company  during  the  time  of  the  War  of 
181 2,  but  this  company  was  not  called  out.  He  d.  in  Belvi- 
dere,  Boone  Co.,  111.,  Aug.  29,  1846.  She  d.  Aug.  26,  1865. 
Their  children  were  : 

298.  Samuel  Thurston  Parker,  b.  in  Fitchburg,  June  11,  1805  ; 
m.  Mary  Bates. 

Benjamin  Allen  Parker,  b.  in  Fitchburg,  Dec.  31,  1806.  He 
removed  west.  He  m.  and  had  children  :  Thomas  A.  Parker, 
Hosea  Parker,  and  others. 

299.  LvDiA  LucRETiA  Parker,  b.  in  Fitchburg,  Oct.  4,  1808; 
m.  William  R.  Orvis. 


John  Thomas  Parker,  b.  in  Fitchburg,  Oct.  27,  1810;  removed 
with  family  to  Otselic,  N.  Y.  ;  m.  Eunice  Lindsay,  b.  in  Milford, 
N.  Y.,  Sept.  3,  1813,  dau.  of  David  and  Jemime  (Crane)  Lind- 
say.    He  resides  in  Belvidere,  Boon  Co.,  III. 

Martha  Ann  Parker,  b.  in  Fitchburg,  Dec.  33,  1812;  d.  Dec. 
25,  1812. 

300.  Charlotte  Elmira  Parker,  b.  in  Fitchburg,  June  8,  1814  ; 
m.  William  Wilbur. 

Harriet  Emeline  Parker,  b.  in  Fitchburg,  June  18,  1816;  m. 

Miles.     Children  :    Francis  E.  Miles,  George  B.  Miles,  and 

perhaps  others. 

301.  Francis  Edwin  Parker,  b.  in  Fitchburg,  May  3,  1819;  m. 
Amanda  M.  Lindsay. 

Joseph  Henry  Parker,  b.  in  Otselic,  N.  V.,  July  19,  1821  ;  d. 
July  3,  1825. 

302.  Abigail  Elizabeth  Parker,  b.  in  Otselic,  June  11,  1823; 
m.  Dr.  G.  E.  Lawrence. 

303.  Ann  Maria  Parker,  b.  in  Otselic,  Feb.  25,  1825;  m. 
William  Stover  Wilcox  of  Smyrna,  N.  Y. 

Mary  Adaline  Parker,  b.  in  Otselic,  Oct.  5,  1827  ;  d.  at  age  of  16. 
Dorothy  Caroline  Parker,  b.  in  Otselic,  Aug.  3,  1832  ;  m.  

Wegors,  and  had  a  dau.,   now  Caroline   (Wegors)   Reed.       The 

family  reside  in  Herbert,  Boon  Co.,  111. 

119.  Mehetable  Parker  (Benjamin,^  Jostak,^  Josiak,^ 
yohn,^  Hanaiiiah,'^  T/i07nas'),  son  of  Benjamin  and  Mehetable 
(Tidd)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  Oct.  23,  1786;  m.  in 
Woburn,  Nov.  8,  1810,  Major  Francis  Johnson,  the  son  of 
Francis  and  Abigail  (Brooks)  Johnson  of  Woburn.  He  be- 
longed to  the  mditary  company  of  the  town  and  had  the  title  of 
Major,  by  which  he  was  known.  His  brother  was  Nathan 
Johnson,  who  m.  a  sister  of  Mehetable  Parker,  and  who  also 
lived  in  Winchester,  then  Woburn.  He  was  a  blacksmith 
and  d.  of  numb  palsy,  Nov.  16,  1846,  aged  75  years. 

Their  children  were  : 

I.  Francis  Johnson,  b.  April  18,  1S13  ;  m.  June  7,  1839,  Elizabeth 
Monroe  of  Lexington.  They  were  fourth  cousins.  From 
page  75  her  ancient  Monroe  and  Parker  ancestry  can  be  traced. 
They  lived  in  Woburn,  now  Winchester.  He  was  a  black- 
smith. He  d.  in  Winchester,  June  16,  1876.  She  resides  in 
Lexington.     Child : 


1.  Elizabeth  Johnson,  b.  in  Winchester,  Sept.  19,  1841  ; 
resides  in  Lexington. 

2.  Betsey  Johnson,  b.  Aug.   15,  1815  ;  m.   in  S.  Woburn  (now 

Winchester),  May  19,  1S36,  Samuel  Martin  Rice  of  Nahant, 
son  of  Jesse  and  Sally  (Colman)  Rice.  They  lived  in  Lynn 
and  Winchester.  He  was  a  merchant  and  selectman.  She  d. 
in  Winchester,  April,  1856.  He  d.  in  Worcester,  1869,  aged 
54.     Children : 

I.  Sarah  Elizabeth  Rice,  b.  in  Lynn,  March  7,  1837  ?  "^• 
Henry  C.  Whitten  of  Winchester,  and  they  have  had  six 

II.  Ellen  Louise  Rice,  b.  in  Woburn,  Dec.  3,  1839;  "^^ 
Albert  Lane  of  Winchester.  They  have  had  four  chil- 

III.  Charles  Cushing  Rice,  b.  in  Woburn,  Oct.  6,  1842  ; 

m.  He  went  to  Chicago,  111.,  in  1866,  and  1888  settled 
upon  a  ranch  in  Martinsdale,  Mont.,  where  he  now 

IV.  Frank  Inman  Rice,  b.  in  Winchester,  Sept.  6,  1851  ;  d. 

in  Chicago,  111.,  Feb.,  1875. 

3.  Mehetable  Johnson,  b.  Oct.  23,  1824;  m.  Hon.   Robert  C. 

Cristy  of  Johnson,  Vt.,  whose  occupation  is  farming,  but  has 
been  also  selectman,  assessor,  representative.  State  Senator  and 
county  commissioner.  They  reside  in  Johnson,  Vt.,  and  have 
one  son  : 

I.     Charles  Clark  Cristy. 

4.  Warren  Johnson,  b.  Aug.  27,  1827  ;  m.  (i)  Hannah  Caroline, 

b.  in  Winchester,  Feb.  15,  1830,  d.  April  21,  1882,  dau.  of 
Marshall  Wyman  and  wife  Susanna  Parker,  the  dau.  of  Nathan 
Parker  of  Woburn.  He  m.  (2)  Oct.  8,  1885,  Agnes,  b.  in 
Winchester,  Aug.  27,  1843,  dau.  of  William  and  Judith  M. 
(Barker)  Wescott  of  Winchester.  Mr.  Johnson  has  been 
selectman  seven  years  and  assessor  four  years.  He  resides  in 
Winchester.     Child : 

1.     Mary  Agnes  Johnson,  b.  Oct.  8,  1863  ;  d.  May  15,  1881. 

Patty  Parker  (see  page  144)  (Benjamin,^  Josiah^^ 
yos/'ah,^  yo/in^i  Hananiah,^  Thomas^ ),  dau.  of  Benjamin  and 
Mehetable  (Tidd)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  June  11,  1789; 
d.  Nov.  14,  181 1,  aged  22.     Gravestone  epitaph  : 


Sacred  to  the  Memory  of 

Miss  Patty  Parker  Dautr.  of 

Mr.  Benjamin  &  Mrs.  Mehetabel  Parker 

Who  died  Nov.  14,  181 1,  -^t  22. 

"Taught  in  the  Schools  of  Christ  with  Humble  Mind 
She  breathed  her  last  and  left  the  world  resigned. 
Tis  His  to  call  our  relations  away, 
Tis  ours  in  sweet  submission  to  obey." 

120.  Almira  Parker  (Benjamin,^  Josiah,^  Josiah,^ 
yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas,^),  dau.  of  Benjamin  and  Meheta- 
ble  (Tidd)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  Sept.  20,  1790;  m.  in 
Woburn,  Nov.  2,  1819,  Nathan  Brooks  Johnson,  brother  of 
Francis  and  son  of  Francis  and  Abigail  (Brooks)  Johnson  of 
Woburn.  He  was  a  blacksmith  and  lived  in  Woburn,  in  the 
part  which  is  now  Winchester.  He  was  deacon  and  select- 
man and  d.  June  28,  1871.     She  d.  Jan.  12,  1879. 

The  children  were  all  b.  in  Woburn  : 

1.  Almira  Johnson,  b.  July  26,  1821  ;  m.  in  Woburn,  Sept.  19, 

1844,  Stephen  Hall  Cutter  of  Woburn,  b.  in  S.  Woburn,  April 

4,  1821,  son  of  Stephen  and  Adeline   (Wyman)   Cutter.     He 
is  a  lumber  dealer  and  resides  in  Winchester.     She  d.  Oct. 

5,  1881.     Child: 

I.     Arthur  Henry  Cutter,  b.  Dec.  31,  1849;  ^-  ^^'*  7' 

2.  Mary  Johnson,  b.  Jan.  26,  1823  ;  resides  in  W.  Medford,  unm. 

3.  Harriett  Newall  Johnson,  b.  Oct.  4,   1829;    d.  Sept.   23, 

1858,  unm. 

4.  Edward  Payson  Johnson,  b.  Dec.  4,  1837  ;  m.  in  Winthrop, 

June   I,  1865,  Eliza  S.   Long,  b.   in  Plymouth,  Vt.,  July  29, 
1840,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Eliza  (Shewell)  Long,  both  natives 
of  Hartford  Co.,  Maryland.     He  was  a  manufacturer  of  sad- 
dlery hardware.     Resided  in  Montpelier,  Vt.     Child  : 
I.     Alfred  Edward   Cutter  Johnson,  b.  in  Montpelier, 

Sept.  29,  1882. 
The  family  were  all  together  in  a  summer  sojourn  to  the  Vine- 
yard and  reiurned  in  the  fatal  car  from  which  few  lives  escaped 
in  the  memorable  railroad  accident  at  Quincy,  Mass.,  Aug.  19, 
1890.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Johnson  were  immediately  killed  and  the 
son  only  lingered  for  a  few  hours,  dying  at  the  Quincy  hospi- 


tal.  The  family  were  well  known  and  very  highly  respected 
in  Montpelier,  and  their  untimely  and  terrible  death  in  this 
manner  was  a  shock  to  their  many  friends,  which  is  better 
imagined  than  described.  The  family  were  the  only  living 
descendants  of  Almira  Parker  and  Nathan  B.  Johnson  of 
Woburn.  Thus  this  branch  of  the  Parker- Johnson  families 
became  extinct.  F.  J.  Johnson  of  Montpelier,  a  relative  who 
accompanied  the  family  on  their  summer  trip,  was  also  killed. 
5.     Martha  Ann  Johnson,  b.  Nov.  14,  1841  ;  d.  Jan.  6,  1878,  unm. 

121.  Anna  Parker  (Benjamin ,^  yosiah,^  Josiah ,4  "John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Z%o;««5'j,  son  of  Benjamin  and  Mehetable  (Tidd) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  Sept.  9,  1791  ;  m.  in  Woburn, 
March  14,  181 1,  Joshua  Swan  Robbins  of  W.  Cambridge, 
now  Lexington.  He  was  b.  May  25,  1785,  third  child  of  a 
family  of  15  children,  the  parents  being  Philemon  and  Sarah 
Swan  Robbins  of  Lexington.  He  lived  in  Arlington  ;  was  a 
beef  and  poultry  raiser;  d.  in  Lexington,  Aug.  3,  1817,  where 
he  is  buried.  She  d.  in  Woburn  while  upon  a  visit  to  her 
father,  July  30,  1814,  aged  23  years. 

Their  children  were  : 

I.  John  Robbins,  b.  Aug.  3,  i8ri.  After  the  early  decease  of  his 
parents  he  went  to  live  in  the  family  of  Dea.  Joseph  Parker  of 
Woburn,  his  uncle,  and  there  grew  up  as  one  of  the  family, 
becoming  strongly  attached  to  them.  He  m.  Susan  Allen 
Simonds,  b.  in  Hillsborough,  N.  H.,  April  i,  1819,  dau.  of 
Daniel  and  Susan  (White)  Simonds.  They  reside  in  Woburn. 
Children  : 

I.  John  William  Robbins,  b.  Nov.  26,  1837;  shoemaker 
and  musician;  m.  Mary  S.,  dau.  of  Haskell  and  Mary 
(Dean)  Bancroft  of  Woburn.     He  has  three  children  : 

1.  Mary  Alice  Robbins;  resides  in  Woburn. 

2.  William  Byron  Robbins;  resides  in  Woburn. 

3.  Ida  Robbins;  resides  in  Woburn. 

II.  Charlotte  Ann  Robbins,  b.  June  19,  1840;  m.  Joseph 
J.  Knox  of  New  Hampshire.  He  is  a  carpenter.  They 
reside  in  Woburn  and  have  children  : 

1.  Lottie  Lillian  Knox. 

2.  Walter  Knox. 

3.  Ethel  Knox. 

III.     Frank  Harvey  Robbins,  b.  Jan.  10,  1849;  m.  Laura  P. 
Weston,   dau.   of  Asa   Weston   of  S.   Boston.      He  is 



Assistant  Bond  Clerk,  U.  S.  Custom   House,   Boston. 
They  have  children  : 

1.  Cora  May  Robbins. 

2.  Susie  White  Robbins. 

3.  Bertha  Phebe  Robbins. 

4.  Florence  Robbins. 

IV.     Fred  Swan  Robbins,  b.  Feb.  3,  1858  ;  unm.  ;  is  a  musi- 
cian at  the  Boston  Theatre. 
2,     Anna  Robbins,  b.  in  1813  ;  d.  at  age  of  5  years,  and  was  buried 
from  her  uncle's,  Joseph  Parker's,  of  Woburn,  Jan.  23,  1819. 

122.  Lydia  Parker  ( Benjamin ^^  'Josiahy>  'Josiah^'^ 
John,^  Hanantah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Benjamin  and  Meheta- 
ble  (Tidd)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  Aug.  15,  1796;  m. 
Nov.  15,  1814,  Benjamin  Wyer,  b.  in  Woburn,  May  19,  1790, 
the  son  of  Edward  and  Lucy  (Eaton)  Wyer,  who  were  m. 
March  20,  1788.  Edward  Wyer  was  probably  from  Charles- 
town,  where  his  ancestor,  Edward  Wyer,  from  whom  all  of 
the  name  in  America  are  descended,  settled  after  coming  from 
Scotland.  He  was  a  tailor;  m.  in  1648  to  Elizabeth  Johnson, 
and  d.  in  Charlestown  in  1693. 

Benjamin  Wyer  was  a  bootmaker ;  lived  in  Woburn  but 
finally  removed  to  Lexington  where  he  d.  Lydia  (Parker) 
Wyer  d.  in  Woburn,  Sept.  9,  1840,  aged  44  years. 

Their  only  child  was  : 

I.  Benjamin  Franklin  Wyer,  b.  in  Woburn,  Dec.  28,  1816;  m. 
Nov.  24,  1842,  Sarah  Brown  Page.  He  was  a  bootmaker 
and  storekeeper,  and  d.  in  Woburn,  Jan.  19,  1884,  aged  67 
years  and  22  days.  His  wife  was  the  sixth  of  a  family  often, 
was  b.  in  Nashua,  N.  H.,  Feb.  2,  1822,  the  dau.  of  John  and 
Lucy  (Fitch)  Page,  natives  of  Bedford.  Lucy  Fitch  was  dau. 
of  Dea.  Moses  Fitch  of  Bedford.  Sarah  B.  Page  Wyer  resides 
in  Woburn.  Children  : 
I.     Lydia  Annette  Wyer,  b.  in  Woburn,  Jan.  5,  1846;  d. 

Sept.  20,  1847. 
II.     Sarah  Allen  Wyer,   b.   in  Woburn,   July  31,    1849; 
resides  in  Woburn. 
Benjamin  Wyer  (son  of  Edward)  had  a  brother,  George  Wyer,  of 

Woburn,  whose  sons,  Charles   Wyer  and  Edward  Francis  Wyer, 

with  their  families  reside  in  Woburn. 


123.  Charlotte  Parker  (Benjamin,^  Josiah,^  Josiah,^ 
yokn,^  Hanaiiiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Benjamin  and  Mehetable 
(Tidd)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  May  3,  1801  ;  m.  (i) 
Oct.  2,  1823,  in  Woburn.  Royal  Caldwell,  then  of  Woburn. 
They  lived  in  Burlington  where  he  was  a  mechanic.  She  m. 
(2)  March  25,  1845,  Nathan  Buck  of  Wilmington,  now  de- 
ceased and  buried  in  Wilmington.  She  d.  in  Woburn,  Dec. 
23,  187 1,  and  was  buried  in  Woburn. 

Her  child  was : 

I.     Calvin  Caldwell,  b.  1824;  d.  Dec.  31,  1841,  at  the  age  of  17 

124.  Fanny  Parker  (Benjamin,^  yosiah,^  yosiah,^ 
yohn,i  Hanantah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Benjamin  and  Mehetable 
(Tidd)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  July  22,  1803  ;  m.  Dec. 
23,  1824,  George  Washington  Butters,  b.  in  Woburn,  June 
28,  1799,  son  of  Willard  and  Sarah  (Caldwell)  Butters  of 
Woburn.  He  was  a  bootmaker  and  after  the  birth  of  his 
family  removed  to  Methuen. 

All  the  children  were  b.  in  Woburn  : 

1.  Fannie  Maria  Butters,  b.  June  20,  1826;  deceased. 

2.  Martha  Butters,  b.  May  11,  182S  ;  d.  Aug.  12,  1873,  unm. 

3.  George  Albert  Butters,  b.  July  7,  1830. 

4.  William  Henry   Butters,  b.  Feb.   10,   1834;    m.  in  Deny, 

N.  H.,  Jan.  21,  1866,  Lucinda  Perkins  Nickols,  dau.  of  Wood- 
burn  and  EHza  K.  Nickols,  b.  in  Derry,  July  3,  1834.  They 
i-eside  in  Methuen.     He  is  a  farmer.     Child  : 

I.     George  Henry  Butters,  b.  in  Methuen,  Nov.  7,  1870. 

5.  Charles  Butters,  b.  May  3,  1836;  m.  in  Haverhill,  Oct.  i, 

1856,  Catherine  A.  Webster,  b.  in  Lynn,  June  24,  1832,  dau. 
of  William  and  Matilda  Webster.     Children  : 

I.     Carrie  Parker  Butters,   b.   in  Haverhill,   April   28, 
1857  ;  m.  Wm.  M.  Webster  of  Bradford.     Child  : 

I.     Carl  Howard  Webster,  b.  July  i,  1884. 

II.     Charles   Sumner   Butters,   b.    in   Haverhill,  Aug.   3, 
1861  ;  m.  Harriet  Chase.     Child  : 

I.     Frederick  Butters,  b.  June  20,  1885. 

6.  Lucy  Parker  Butters,  b.  April  30,  1838 ;  d.  April  30,  1841. 


125.  David  Johnson  Parker  (Edmund,^  Josiah,^ 
yosiah,^  John,^  Hananiah,'^  Thomas^),  son  of  Edmund  and 
Lydia  (Johnson)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn  ;  m.  in  Woburn, 
Jan.  5,  1815,  Rebecca  Carter  of  Wilmington.  He  d.  in  Wo- 
burn, Feb.  12,  1830. 

Their  children  were  : 
David  Parker,  b.   1815  ;  d.  in  Woburn,  Feb.   17,   1819,  aged  3^ 

Lydia  Parker,  b.  March  11,   1818  ;  d.  in  Woburn,  July  3,  1871, 

aged  53  years,  unm. 
James  Parker,  b.  Sept.   17,  1819;  m.  Oct.   18,  1846,  Mary  Ann 

Laethe.     He  d.  in  1872.     She  resides  In  San  Francisco,  Cal. 
Marv  Parker,  b.  Sept.  7,  1823  ;  m.  Charles  Swan  of  Woburn. 

b.  [probably]  April,  1824,  and  d.  same  month.* 

Elizabeth  Parker,  b.  Jan.  12,  1825  ;  m.  1844,  Thomas  Rice  of 
Chailestown,  son  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Rice,  b.  March  25,  1822. 
Their  dau.  was : 

I.     Mary  Elizabeth  Rice,  b.  1S48  ;  lived  to  the  age  of  19  years, 

1 1  months,  7  days.     She  was  a  school-teacher  ;  besides  was 

a  handsome  and  very  promising  girl.     In  four  days'  sickness, 

however,  she  d.  with  the  spinal  meningitis  upon  the  day  set 

for  her   marriage  I      The  mother's  residence,   if  living,   is 


David  Bradley  Parker,  b.  June  13,  1828  ;  m.     He  is  somewhere 

in  the  west,  if  living. 

126.  Polly  Parker  (Nathan,^  Josiak,^  Josiah,^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Nathan  and  Polly  (Richard- 
son) Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  March  23,  1794;  m.  in 
Woburn,  Aug.  4,  1812,  Joshua  Reed,  Jr.,  b.  in  Woburn,  July 
24,  1790,  the  son  of  Joshua  and  Ann  Reed  of  Woburn.  He 
was  a  shoe  manufacturer.  She  d.  Jan.  7,  1834,  aged  40  years. 
He  d.  of  consumption,  July  9,  1844,  aged  82  years. 

Their  children  were : 
I.     Mary  P.  Reed,  b.  April  21,  1813  ;  m.  May  30,  1833,  Samuel 
G.  Neville.     She  d.  Dec.  30,  1881.     Children  : 
I.     Henrietta  Neville,  b.  July  4,  1836  ;  d.  March  15,  1840. 
II.     Lewis  W.   Neville,  b.  Aug.  7,   1838;    m.  March   16, 
1862,  Harriett  F.  Stevens. 

♦This  birth  is  inserted  on  account  of  an  entry  in  the  Woburn  town  records, 
which  reads  :  " ,  a  child  of  David  Parker  died  April,  1824." 


HI.     Marietta  Neville,  b.  March  ii,   1841  ;    m.  Oct.   20, 

1879,  John  Fickett. 
IV.     Charles   H.  Neville,  b.  July  20,   1847;    m.  April  4, 

1871,  Bessie  M.  Maddison.     They  have  six  children. 

V.  Elizabeth   Neville,  b.   May   13,   185 1  ;    m.   June   30, 

1875,  Samuel  Tripp  Eldridge.     They  have  four  children. 

VI.  Annie  M.  Neville,  b.  Dec.  11,  1857. 

2.  Maria  Reed,  b.  Feb.  9,  1814  ;  d.  Jan.  18,  1815. 

3.  Joseph  Reed,  b.  April  19,  1817;  d.  in  the  west. 

4.  Maria  Reed,  b.  April  i,  1819;  m.  March  12,  1853,  Luther  E. 

Hinckley.  He  d.  Nov.  18,  1869,  aged  47  years.  She  sur- 
vives him.     Their  dau.  was  : 

I.     Josephine  Smith  Hinckley,  b.  June  9,  1858. 

5.  Sarah  Ann  Reed,  b.  June  10,  1821  ;  m.  in  Woburn,  Dec.  15, 

1844,  Aaron  Thompson,  son  of  Aaron  and  Rhoda  (Lamb) 
Thompson,  b.  in  Feacham,  Vt.,  Dec.  9,  1816.  He  was  supt. 
of  the  Woburn  Gas  Light  Co.  from  1855  to  18S7.  He  d.  June 
18,  1888.     She  resides  in  Woburn.     Children  : 

I.  Caroline  W.  Thompson,  b.  April  20,  1846. 
II.     Fannie  Thompson,  b.  Oct.  i,  1848. 

III.     Katie  Thompson,  b.  Jan.   10,   1852  ;  m.  Oct.  26,   1876, 
F.  A.  Winn.     Their  dau.  was  : 

I.     Dora  A.  Winn,  b.  July  i,  1878. 

6.  Harriet  Reed,  b.  Aug.  7,  1824;  m.  Nov.   20,   1842,  Joseph 

B.  Sawtelle  of  Woburn.  He  d.  in  Woburn,  May  14,  1890, 
aged  70  years,  8  months.      She  resides  in  Woburn.      Children  : 

I.     Harriet  Alice  Sawtelle,  b.  Dec.  20,  1843  ;  d.  April 
10,  1846. 

II.  Harriet  Alice  Sawtelle,  b.  Jan.  31,  1846;  m.  Aug. 

4,   1864,  Fred  G.  King.     They  have  two  children  and 
two  grandchildren. 

III.  Emma  L.  Sawtelle,  b.  May  2,  1848;  m.  Dec.  23,  1872, 

William  Davis. 

IV.  Joseph  E.  Sawtelle,  b.  Feb.  23,  1851  ;  m.  May  8,  1876, 

Harriett  Newell. 
V.     Nellie  E.  Sawtelle,  b.  Jan.  18,  1854  ;  d.  Sept.  24,  1855. 

VI.  Nellie  M.   Sawtelle,  b.   Feb.   21,  1857;  '"•   Nov.    14, 

1877,   Charles   Dexter  Wade.       They    have    had    three 

VII.  Frank  A.  Sawtelle,  b.  March  8,  1864  ;  d.  July  31,  1864. 


127.  Maria  Parker  (Nathan,^  Josiah,^  Josiah^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Nathan  and  Polly  (Richard- 
son) Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  July  9,  1801  ;  m.  1829, 
Simon  Adams,  b.  in  Carlisle,  Nov.  4,  1796,  son  of  Timothy 
and  Joanna  Keyes  Adams.  He  was  a  trader.  They  lived  in 
Lowell.  He  was  one  year  a  member  of  the  Mass.  House  of 
Representatives.  He  d.  in  Lowell,  Sept.  7,  1847.  She  d.  in 
Concord,  Jan.  19,  1861. 

The  children  were  b.  in  Lowell : 

1.  Clara  Maria  Adams,  b.  Aug.  3,  1S30;  resides  in  Boston. 

2.  Mary  Julia  Adams,  b.  July  9,  1S33  ;  m.  in  Concord,  Aug.  21, 

1856,  Abel  Gardner  Heywood,  b.  in  Concord,  June  12,  1835, 
son  of  Abel  B.  and  Eliza  (Lawrence)  Heywood.  He  was  an 
innholder  ;  d.  in  Concord,  Feb,  9,  1873.  She  d.  in  Worcester, 
Nov.  17,  1S85.     Child: 

I.  Annie  Maria  Heywood,  b.   in  Concord,  Oct.  3,  1861  ; 

m.  in  Boston,  Dec.  28,  1S82,  Charles  Howard  Webber, 
b.  Sept.  20,  1857,  son  of  Moses  H.  and  Susan  D.  (Bur- 
gess) Webber.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  Velina  Briard  Webber,  b.  in  Boston,  Sept.  24,  1883. 

2.  Ruth  Webber,  b.  in  Winthrop,  March  ii,  1S90. 

3.  Elizabeth  Bartlett  Adams,  b.  Aug.  12,  1836  ;  m.  in  Charles- 

town,  June  12,  1861,  George,  b.  in  Roxbury,  Dec.  9,  1836, 
son  of  Elisha  and  Henrietta  (Mayo)  Tolman.  They  reside  in 
Concord.  Mr.  Tolman  is  a  journalist.  He  is  also  an  experi- 
enced genealogist,  having  spent  a  share  of  his  life  in  this  re- 
search for  the  benefit  of  Concord  families,  of  whose  genealogy 
he  is  the  best  authority.     Their  children  were  : 

I.  Adams  Tolman,  b.  in  Boston,  April  15,  1862  ;  m.  in 
Roxbury,  June  6,  18S8,  Harriett  L.,  dau.  of  Daniel  L. 
Giles  of  Concord.     Their  son  was  : 

I.     Edward  Mayo  Tohnan,  b.  in  Concord,  June  3,  1S90. 

II.  Mary  Mayo  Tolman,  b.   in  Concord,  Oct.  8,  1863  ;  d. 

in  Northfield,  Vt.,  July  31,  1866. 

III.  William  Nickols  Tolman,  b.   in  Dorchester,  Nov.   2, 


IV.  Charles  Edward  Tolman,  b.  in  Concord,  Sept.  12,  1871- 
V.     James  Henry  Tolman.  b.  in  Concord,  Aug.  29,  1876. 


128.  Susanna  Parker  (Nathan,^  Josiah,^  Josiah,^ 
yohn,^  Hananiah^-  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Nathan  and  Polly 
(Richardson)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Woburn,  July  28,  1799;  "^' 
in  Woburn,  April  10,  1821,  Marshall  Wyman,  b.  in  Woburn, 
July  II,  1792,  deacon,  son  of  Daniel  and  Hannah  Wyman. 
They  lived  in  Woburn.  He  d.  July  10,  1869.  She  d.  Nov. 
3,  1876. 

Their  children,  all  b.  in  So.  Woburn,  now  Winchester, 
were  : 

1.  Henry  Marshall  Wyman,  b.  Oct.  3,  1S23  ;  m.  Emma  Palmer 

of  Boston.     He  is  deceased  and  she  is  living  in  California. 

Children  : 

I.     Henry  Parker  Wyman;  d.  in  Arlington,  aged  22. 

II.     Charles  Crosby  Wyman  ;  resides  in  California. 
IK.     Fred  Roswell  Wyman;  d.  in  Chicago,  111.,  aged  21. 
IV.     Herbert  Edward  Wyman  ;  resides  in  Chicago,  III. 

2.  William  Augustus  Wyman,  b.  Sept.  25,  1825  ;  m.  Lucy  Fair- 

banks of  Boston.     He  is  deceased  and  she  resides  in  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y.,  where  her  family  live  also.     Children  : 
I.     Helen  Eloise  Wyman. 
II.     Marshall  Fairbanks  Wyman. 
III.     Maud  Wyman. 

3.  Nathan  Parker  Wyman,  b.  Feb.  14,  1828  ;  d.  of  typhus  fever, 

Sept.  29,  1845,  aged  17  years. 

4.  Hannah   Caroline  Wyman,  b.   Feb.    15,   1830;    m.   Warren 

Johnson  of  So.  Woburn,  b.  Aug.  27,  1827,  son  of  Major 
Francis  and  Mehetable  (Parker)  Johnson  (No.  119.  See 
page  229  for  Warren  Johnson.)  She  had  one  dau.  : 
I.  Mary  Agnes  Johnson,  b.  Oct.  8,  1863 ;  d.  May  15, 
1881.  The  mother  d.  in  Winchester  the  year  following, 
April  21,  1882. 

5.  Abigail  Fiske  Wyman,  b.  Ma}'  4,  1833  ;  she  is  deceased. 

6.  Mary  Eliza  Wyman,  b.  Jan.  11,  1835  ;  d.  aged  24. 

7.  Susan  Ann  Wyman,  b.  Feb.  14,  1838;  d.  Sept.  i,  1S76. 

8.  Clara  Maria  Wyman,  b.  April  19,  1840;  resides  in  Arlington. 

John  Parker  (see  page  153)  (John,^  John,^  Josiah,^ 
yokn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^ ),  son  of  John  and  Hannah 
(Stearns)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Lexington,  Oct.  12,  1786;  m. 
at  the  residence  of  her  brother,  Leonard  Greene,  in  W.  Cam- 
bridge, Harriet  Maria  Greene,  b.  in  Weston. 


Their  children  were  : 

Emeline  Augusta  Parker;  m.  Gilman  ;  resides  112  Broad- 
way, Chelsea.  She  has  filled  responsible  positions.  A  treasured 
family  relic,  Capt.  John  Parker's  fannily  Bible,  is  in  her  preserva- 
tion. It  was  printed  in  1769  and  contains  records  in  Capt.  John's 
strong  and  legible  hand.     Its  cost  was  five  pounds. 

Caroline  Eliza  Parker  ;  m.  George  W.  Stearns.  She  resides  in 

John  Brooks  Parker  ;  resides  in  Everett. 

129.  Hannah  Parker  (John,^  Jolm,^  Josiah,^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  John  and  Hannah  (Stearns) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Lexington,  March  15,  1791  ;  m.  March  15, 
181 1,  Samuel  Greene,*  then  of  Brighton,  but  a  native  of 
Weston.  Samuel  Greene  went  to  Burlington,  Vt.,  in  1815, 
where  he  was  soon  joined  by  his  wife  and  two  children.  She 
d.  there,  however,  Oct.  i,  1815.  Her  oldest  sister,  Mary 
Parker,  was  previously  sent  for.  She  arrived  in  time  to  wit- 
ness the  sad  funeral,  and  assisted  the  family  as  she  could. 
The  year  following,  June  25,  1816,  she  and  Samuel  Greene 
were  married.  "A  more  kind  and  affectionate  mother-in-law 
children  never  had."  He  d.  Dec.  5,  1818,  and  she  with  the 
only  surviving  son  returned  to  Lexington,  where  she  d.  at  the 
homestead  in  1831. 

Their  children  were  : 
I.  Columbus  Greene,  b.  Feb.  13,  1812;  m.  1839,  Martha  Dow 
Webber,  who  was  b.  in  Rumney,  N.  H.,  May  6,  181 1,  dau. 
of  Benjamin,  whose  father,  Benjamin  Webber,  was  one  of  the 
three  men  who  in  1756  bought  land  on  the  south  side  of 
Baker's  river,  and  were  the  first  settlers  of  what  is  now  the 
town  of  Rumney,  N.  H.  It  has  already  been  shown  that 
when  a  child  of  three  years  he  accompanied  his  mother  to 
Vermont  in  her  removal  there  in  1S15.  Mr.  Greene  has 
several  faint  recollections  of  the  journey.  Upon  the  death  of 
his  parents  his  mother-in-law  was  anxious  to  place  him  under 
her  father's,  John  Parker's,  care,  and  they  returned  to  Lexing- 
ton in  1819.  Being  the  oldest  of  Mr.  Parker's  grandchildren 
he  became  associated  during  his  youth  with  many  of  the  brave 
patriots  who  composed  his  great-grandfather's,  Capt.  Parker's, 

*  It  is  supposed  that  the  families  by  the  name  in  America  of  Greene  who 
spell  the  name  with  the  e  final  are  descended  from  the  same  common  ancestor. 

/■  '^T>=^, 

Columbus  Greene. 


military  company,  who  fought  so  hard  for  the  blessings  of 
liberty  which  they  finally  attained,  and  to  whose  accounts  of 
adventures  he  was  very  fond  of  listening.  He  was  but  two 
years  younger  than  Theodore  Parker,  and  with  him  and  some 
of  the  other  sons  of  John  Parker  he  worked,  played  and  studied. 
They  were  boys  together  upon  the  old  Parker  homestead,  then 
as  previously  well  filled  with  youthful  activity  and  hope.  In 
speaking  of  his  grandfather,  Mr.  Greene  says  :  "  I  will  only  add 
that  he  was  all  to  me  that  my  father  could  have  been  if  he  had 
lived,  and  often  said  he  knew  no  diflerence  between  me  and 
his  own  children,  and  he  certainly  never  manifested  any,  and 
in  his  declining  years  expressed  a  desire  that  I  should  remain 
with  him,  but  I  was  too  young  to  take  the  responsibility  and 
wisely  declined.  His  influence  over  me  was  a  great  blessing, 
which  I  shall  never  forget." 

It  was  with  sad  heart  he  left  his  grandfather  in  1832  at  the 
age  of  20  to  reside  in  Lowell,  and  at  his  first  opportunity 
signed  a  temperance  pledge.  In  process  of  time  the  anti-slav- 
ery movement  began,  and  opposition  was  so  great  for  a  time 
that  it  was  only  safe  for  the  leaders  to  hold  their  meetings  for 
consideration  in  private.  However,  while  yet  young,  he  iden- 
tified himself  with  the  cause,  and  through  all  the  years  has 
been  a  true  friend  of  the  colored  race. 

As  might  be  expected  this  man  had  other  conscientious  be- 
liefs. At  this  time  he  was  a  decided  Unitarian  and  active  in 
advocating  their  views  ;  "but,"  to  quote  him  exactly,  "finally 
decided  that  I  would  say  no  more  upon  the  subject  of  religion 
pro  or  con  ;  would  lay  aside  all  opinions  for  the  time  being 
and  sincerely  read  the  New  Testament  to  learn  what  it  taught 
as  necessary  to  salvation,  and  that  I  would  pray  to  God  to 
help  me  to  learn  the  truth,  and  this  absorbed  my  attention  for 
months,  and  the  result  was  I  became  a  christian  and  united 
with  the  First  Baptist  Church  in  Lowell.  It  was  a  new  era 
in  my  life  ;  I  became  active  in  Church  work  ;  finally  consented 
to  my  pastor's  request  to  hold  meetings  in  different  places 
which  he  considered  profitable,  and  thus  years  passed." 

Columbus  Greene  was  ordained  pastor  of  the  Baptist  Church 
in  Colchester,  Vt.,  June  11,  1840.  He  enjoyed  his  work  there 
and  preached  with  success  for  about  six  years,  when  his  health 
failing  he  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  furniture.  In  1847 
he  removed  to  Montgomery,  Vt.,  and  engaged  in  a  mercantile 
business.  In  1S49  he  was  instrumental  in  forming  a  division 


of  the  New   England  Protective  Union.      He  was  soon  after- 
ward appointed  postmaster  at  the  centre  of  the  town  and  held 
the   office   for   a   period  of  25   years ;    also   filled   some   town 
offices,  and  during  the  Civil  war  drew  the  State  pay  for  the 
soldiers.     Upon  the  breaking  out  of  the  war  in  1861  he  did  his 
best,  publicly  and  privately,  by  orations,  writing  and  personal 
influence,  to  stir  up  the  fires  of  patriotism  and  defend  the  heri- 
tage our  fathers  gave  us.     He  was  a  leader  in  his  town,  a  man 
whose  ability  and  righteous  example  was  felt  by  all,  and  his 
name  will  live  as  long  in  Montgomery  as  the  town  itself.     In 
1863  and  '64  he  represented  the  town  in  the  legislature,  and 
was  also  elected  in  1S65,  but  did  not  serve.     For  more  than 
20  years  he  had  charge  of  the  Division  store  without  the  least 
disagreement    among  the  officers,  and    succeeded    beyond  all 
expectations.      He  removed  to  Cazenovia,  N.  Y.,  in  1875,  but 
after  a  few  years  removed  to  Washington,  D.  C,  where  he 
passed  the  remaining  years  of  his  life  with  his  son.     He  d.  in 
Washington,  D.  C,  Aug.  2,  1893.     His  remains  rest  in  Rock 
Creek  Cemetery  near  that  city.     The  mother  survives. 
I.     Rev.  Samuel  H.  Greene,  D.D.,  his  only  son,  wasb.  Dec. 
25,  1S25  ;  expecting  to  continue  in  business  with  his  father 
was  m.  April  23,  1866,  to  Lucia  A.  Buzzell,  but  in  Jan- 
uary, 1S68,  commenced  a  course  of  study  with  the  min- 
istry in  view  at  Madison  University,  N.  Y.     Graduat- 
ing from  the  college  and  theological   seminary  he  was 
ordained  pastor  of  the  Baptist  Church  in  Cazenovia,  N. 
Y.,  June  24,   1875.     In    1879   he   accepted  a  call  from 
the  Calvary  Baptist  Church  in  Washington,  D.  C,  and 
began  his  pastorate  in  December.     He  has  now  served 
this  Church  13  years  and  has  been  prospered  in  his  labors. 
During    his    pastorate    moi^e    than    1,350    persons    have 
united  with  this  Church.     It  is  the  largest  white  Protes- 
tant Church  in  Washington,  save  one.     Rev.  Mr.  Greene 
has  been  honored  with  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Divinity 
by  Norwich  University,  Rochester  University  and  Col- 
gate University,  and  is  a  trustee  of  the  Columbian  Uni- 
versity.     He  has  one  son  : 
I.     Samuel  Harrison  Greene,  Jr. 

2.  Harrison  Greene,  b.  Jan.  9,  1814;  d.  Feb.  23,  1818. 

3.  Samuel  Parker  Greene,  b.  Sept.  16,  1815  ;  d.  Oct.  7,  1815. 

130.      Lydia  Parker  (John,^  John,^  Josiah,^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  John  and  Hannah   (Stearns) 





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Mr.  and  Mrs.   Isaac  Parker. 


Parker,  was  b.  in  Lexington,  July  i,  1793  ;  m.  July  20,  1815, 
Isaac  Herrick  of  Brighton.  He  was  a  butcher.  He  d.  in 

T^heir  children  were  : 

1.  Lydia  Herrick,  b.  in  Cambridge,  June  9,  1817;  m.  in  Brigh- 

ton, Oct.  5,  1847,  George  Herrick  (her  cousin).     Children: 
I.     Ella   P.    Herrick,   b.   May  31.    1852;    m.    in   Everett, 
Benjamin  H.  Howe,  Jr.,  son  of  Benjamin  H.  and  Han- 
nah H.  (Cutter)  Howe,  b.  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  July  25. 
1853.     The  children,  all  b.  in  Maiden,  were: 

1.  Charles  H.  Howe,  b.  June  24,  1879 

2.  George  B.  Howe,  b.  July  27,  1SS3. 

3.  Herbert  P.  Howe,  b.  March  7,  1887. 

II.     Georgianna  Herrick,  b.  Dec.  25,  1855  ;  d.  Jan.  6,  1856. 

2.  John  Isaac  Herrick,  b.  in  Cambridge,  Sept.  21,  1819;  m.  in 

Boston,   Sept.    15,    1S44,    Rebecca   Marsh    of  Boston,    b.    in 
Boston,   Jan.    24,     1821,    dau.    of  Joseph    and    Tryphosa    C. 
(Parker)  Marsh.      He  is  a  mental  physician  ;  resides  in  Mars- 
ton,  Wis.     Their  children  were  : 
I.     John  Wilkins  Herrick,  b.  in  Detroit,  Mich.,  Aug.  16, 

II.     Sarah  Parker  Herrick.  b.  in  Detroit.  Mich.,  Feb.  19, 

1847;  ^^-  ^"  New  Lisbon,  Wis.,  Sept.  16,  1S75, 

Whittemore.     Their  child  was  : 
I.     Ethelwyn  Whittemore,  b.  in  Kansas  Citj-,  Mo.,  June  7,  1879. 

131.  Isaac  Parker  (John,^  John:=  Josia/i,^  Jokn^i 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  John  and  Hannah  (Stearns) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Lexington,  Nov.  5,  1798  ;  m.  1829,  Martha 
M.  Miller,  b.  in  Hillsborough,  N.  H.,  June  29,  1801,  dau.  of 
James  Miller  (a  native  of  Hillsborough  ;  farmer,  mason  and 
miller),  and  wife  Ann  Macolley,  who  had  ten  children  in  Hills- 
borough, nine  daughters  and  one  son.  Isaac  Parker  first  drove 
the  stage  from  Waltham  to  Boston,  which  he  continued  until 
1832,  when  he  returned  to  Lexington.  He  assisted  his  father 
in  his  declining  years  and  settled  on  the  old  homestead.  He 
was  a  farmer,  knew  also  the  trade  of  his  ancestors,  wood- 
working. He  made  many  farm  implements.  He  did  a  good 
business  at  pumpmaking. 

Isaac  Parker  was  esteemed  as  a  man  of  character  and  a 
gentleman.     He  was  assessor  of  the  town  of  Lexington  during 


the  years  1846,  '47,  '48  and  '50.     He  was  slight  but  tall  in 

stature,  and  lived  to  a  ripe  old  age. 

The  mother  (1892),  in  her  ninety-second  year,  still  resides 

at  the  old   Parker  homestead,  a  lady  of  remakable  industry 

and  ability  for  one  of  her  age.      Her  health  is  perfect,  and  her 

presence  is  a  great  blessing  to  the  many  visitors  which  the 

historical  spot  attracts.     Her  visitors'  register  contains  many 

hundred  names.     Their  first  two  children  were  born  in  Wal- 

tham  and  the  remainder  in  Lexington. 
Their  children  were  : 

Isaac  Moore  Parker,  b.  Nov.  10,  1829;  d.  about  1873. 

304.  Martha  Ann  Parker,  b.  June  16,  1831  ;  m.  William  W. 
Dingee  of  York,  Pa. 

Frances  Maria  Parker,  b.  Jan.  21,  1833  ;  was  a  teacher. 

Charles  M.  Parker,  b.  Feb.  15,  1835  ;  resides  upon  the  home- 
stead, carrying  on  the  farm  together  with  his  brother  Theodore. 
He  enlisted  from  Lexington  in  the  24th  Regiment  in  Aug.,  1862, 
for  three  years,  which  he  served  in  the  Civil  war.  It  is  he  who 
stands  in  the  foreground  in  the  picture,  "The  Lexington  Parker 

James  Theodore  Parker,  b.  Sept.  18,  1837  ;  d.  April  2,  1838. 

Emily  R.  Parker,  b.  April  7,  1839;  d.  Aug.  6,  185S. 

Theodore  James  Parker,  b.  April  21,  1841  ;  resides  upon  the 
homestead  in  Lexington. 

George  E.  Parker,  b.  Jan.  2,  1843  ;  d.  Oct.  6,  1857. 

132.  Hiram  Stearns  Parker  (John,^  Jokn,^  Josiah,^ 
yohii^i  Hanaiiiah.^  Thomas^),  son  of  John  and  Hannah 
(Stearns)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Lexington,  Jan.  16,  1803  ;  m.  in 
Lexington,  Jan.  1,  1828,  Nancy  Leavitt,  b.  in  Amherst,  N. 
H.,  April  7,  1803,  dau.  of  Andrew  and  Elizabeth  Leavitt  of 
Amherst.  They  lived  in  Lowell,  where  he  was  a  carpenter 
and  builder.      He  d.  in  Lowell,  Jan.,  1852.     She  d.  in  Lowell. 

Their  children  were  : 

305.  Abigail  Anna  Parker;  m.  Charles  William  Rea  of  Here- 
ford, P.  Q. 

Emma  Frances  Parker  ;  resides  in  Lowell. 

306.  Charles  Leavitt  Parker  ;  m.  Minnie  Barker  of  Lowell. 

307.  Susan  Weatherbee  Parker  ;  m.  Col.  George  Edgar  Went- 
worth  of  Lowell. 

Henry  Theodore  Parker. 


^,-.  Schoff   from  Dai  bv  Allen    R    Honon  . 


133.  Theodore  Parker  (John,''  Jokn,^  Josiah,^  John'!' 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^ ),  son  of  John  and  Hannah  (Stearns) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Lexington,  Aug.  24,  t8io,  the  youngest  in 
a  family  of  11  children. 

"  Let  us  do  our  duty  in  our  shop  or  our  kitchen,  the  market, 
the  street,  the  office,  the  school,  the  house,  just  as  faithfully  as 
if  we  stood  in  the  first  rank  of  some  great  battle,  and  we  knew 
that  victory  for  mankind  depended  on  our  bravery,  strength  and 
skill." — Theodore  Parker. 

Theodore  Parker,  the  distinguished  American  rationalistic 
preacher  and  social  reformer,  as  a  boy  was  richly  endowed 
both  intellectually  and  physically.  At  a  very  tender  age  he 
began  to  show  a  remarkable  moral  feeling  and  curiosity, 
which  constantly  grew  as  he  increased  in  years.  As  has  been 
shown,  his  father,  John  Parker,  was  an  enterprising  man  of 
strong  intellect  as  well  as  a  prosperous  farmer  and  mechanic  ; 
was  studious,  thoughtful  and  progressive  ;  he  was  ahead  of 
the  age  in  which  he  lived. 

Theodore's  mother,  Hannah  (Stearns)  Parker,  was  as  re- 
markable in  her  way  as  the  father  was  in  his.  She  was  an 
entertaining,  poetic,  loving,  and  very  practical  woman.  She 
took  great  interest  in  the  moral  culture  of  her  children.  Con- 
science was  her  guide,  gratitude  and  trust  were  interpreters  to 
her  of  the  ways  of  Providence. 

Theodore  began  going  to  school  when  nearly  six  years  old. 
He  was  distinguished  as  a  scholar  by  his  constant  thirst  for 
knowledge.  In  childhood  he  learned  by  heart  and  retained 
many  pages  of  poetry,  and  knew  at  ten  years  of  age  the 
names  of  all  the  trees  and  plants  familiar  to  Massachusetts. 
The  plain  district  school-house  was  a  mile  distant  by  road, 
but  was  brought  nearer  by  a  short  cut  across  the  lield  and 
over  the  brook.  Through  the  efforts  of  his  father  to  secure 
good  instructors,  William  Hoar  White  began  teaching  in 
1820.  He  took  home  evening  lessons  which  he  always 
learned  and  wanted  more.     At  the  age  of  ten  Mr.  White  led 

Note.  In  parts  of  this  sketch  I  have  been  materially  assisted  bv  both  Rev. 
O.  B.  Frothingham's  and  John  Weiss's  authentic  biographies  of  Rev.  Theodore 
Parker,  and  by  a  masterly  article  from  the  pen  of  Rufus  Leighton,  Esq.,  30 
Pemberton  Sq.,  Boston,  written  expressly  for  this  genealogy.  He  is  one  of 
those  still  living  who  knew  the  great  reformer  well.  The  Author, 


him  past  the  prescribed  line  of  study  and  started  him  in  Latin 
and  Greek.  A  desire  for  verse-making  attacked  him  when 
eight  years  old.  His  first  composition  on  "The  Starry 
Heavens"  disappointed  his  teacher  by  being  too  short.  The 
district  school  was  open  during  the  winter  months  only.  He 
was  all  the  time  a  devoted  and  constant  reader.  He  read 
miscellaneously  and  everything.  The  extent  of  his  reading 
was  astonishing.  Whatever  the  schoolmaster  could  lend, 
whatever  the  social  or  town  library  afforded,  he  devoured. 
The  father  brought  home  nothing  that  the  boy  did  not  appro- 
priate. If  the  cautious  parent  put  a  volume  away  on  a  high 
shelf,  judging  it  for  some  reason  unfit  for  ^^outhful  eyes,  the 
eyes  espied  it,  and  the  hands  reached  it  the  instant  the  work- 
shop absorbed  the  parental  form.  Before  he  was  eight  he  had 
read  the  translations  of  Homer  and  Plutarch,  Rollin's  Ancient 
History  and  all  the  other  volumes  of  history  and  poetry  that 
circumstances  afforded.  His  marvellously  retentive  memory, 
an  inheritance  from  his  mother,  and  which  he  later  in  life 
treasured  and  kept  bright  with  diligent  care,  enabled  him  to 
remember  all  he  had  read  and  all  the  impressions  which  his 
active  mind  received.  He  was  always  studying  in  school  and 
out.  In  the  summer  noons  when  others  indulged  in  peaceful 
repose  under  the  trees  he  refreshed  his  mind  with  books. 
The  winter  evenings  and  the  summer  mornings  were  long  and 
the  hours  were  faithfully  used.  At  the  academy  he  went 
through  Colburn's  Algebra  in  three  weeks.  The  tuition  for 
one  term  in  this  institute,  Huntington's  Lexington  School,  was 
four  dollars.  This  was  afforded  by  his  self-denial  in  foregoing 
the  accomplishment  of  dancing,  which  the  boys  and  girls  of 
his  age  were  cultivating,  in  view  of  social  festivities  that  were 
the  ruling  passion  about  that  time.  Between  the  culture  of 
the  two  extremities,  Theodore,  on  consideration,  chose  that  of 
the  head.  In  the  humbler  virtues  of  toil  and  economy  his 
whole  life  was  a  school.  He  left  no  time  for  idleness,  but  he 
seemed  to  find  time  for  everything.  Whether  in  the  field  or 
in  the  workshop  he  studied  Latin,  Greek  and  mental  philoso- 
phy. Nor  were  his  studies  confined  to  books.  The  stars 
interested  him  ;  the  trees,  the  shrubs,  the  flowers  of  the  neigh- 
borhood, the  plants  in  cultivated  gardens  he  visited,  the  for- 


eign  fruits  he  saw  in  the  Boston  market  when  sent  there  annu- 
ally with  the  peach  crop,  all  attracted  his  attention.  The  for- 
mation of  the  hills,  their  direction  and  slope  ;  the  minerals, 
rocks  and  stones  that  lay  about,  or  those  that  were  brought 
from  a  distance  excited  his  curiosity.  This  constant  thirst 
for  knowledge  of  natural  objects  began  in  mere  childhood. 
He  strove  to  satisfy  it  every  time  an  opportunity  offered.  He 
made  it  a  rule  to  "explore  a  subject  when  curiosity  is  awake," 
and  when  unable  to  do  so  he  noted  the  subject  in  his  "Com- 
mon Place  Book"  for  future  research. 

He  had  his  mother's  aptitude  for  committing  verses ;  could 
repeat  a  song  from  hearing  it  once,  the  Sunday  hymn  while 
the  minister  read  it.  He  could  carry  several  hundred  lines  in 
his  memory  so  as  to  recite  them  at  a  sitting.  In  mature 
years,  when  his  mind  was  burdened  with  stores,  he  could 
appropriate  as  many  as  a  hundred  and  fifty  lines  of  blank 
verse  after  a  single  reading.  The  gift  of  expression  came  to 
him  as  readily  as  the  gift  of  acquisition.  He  had  the  political 
events  of  the  country  on  his  tongue's  end  while  yet  a  school- 
boy, and  talked  so  intelligently  about  them  that  the  political 
gossips  of  the  town,  assembled  in  Dudley's  Tavern,  often 
drew  him  out  for  the  sake  of  hearing  his  opinion.  At  seven- 
teen militia  duties  began  and  in  these  he  was  as  active, 
prompt  and  efficient  as  in  all  the  rest.  There  was  always  a 
touch  of  war-like  spirit  in  him.  The  military  reputation  of 
the  ancestor  who  was  at  Lexington  Common  and  chafed  under 
inaction  at  Bunker  Hill  was  dear  to  his  heart.  He  rose  to 
rank  in  the  company,  clerk  he  certainly  was,  perhaps  lieuten- 

He  began  his  career  of  teaching  at  the  early  age  of  seven- 
teen. The  first  winter,  that  of  1827,  he  took  charge  of  the 
district  school  in  Quincy  ;  the  second  in  North  Lexington  ; 
the  third  in  Concord  ;  and  the  fourth  in  Waltham.  He  worked 
upon  the  farm  during  the  summer,  performing  all  kinds  of 
farm  work,  helping  his  broad-shouldered  father  in  his  shop 
(the  old  Lexington  belfry)  mending  wheels,  repairing  wagons, 
making  pumps,  wooden  screws  and  wooden  rakes  with  no 
less  joy  than  he  studied.  He  worked  as  if  toil  was  his  whole 
occupation ;   he   studied  as  if  study   was   his   whole   delight. 


The  day  before  his  twentieth  birthday,  in  August,  1830,  he 
went  away,  telling  no  one  whither  he  was  going.  His  father 
had  given  him  leave  of  absence  from  morning  till  night. 
Theodore  walked  to  Cambridge  (eight  miles),  was  examined, 
passed  examination,  walked  home  and  told  his  father,  who 
had  already  retired  for  the  night,  that  he  had  entered  Harvard 
College.  If  the  venerable  parent  wondered  in  the  morning 
where  his  son  was  going,  he  wondered  more  at  night  on 
learning  where  he  had  been.  "But,  Theodore,  I  can  not 
afford  it."  "Father,  it  shall  cost  you  nothing.  I  will  stay 
at  home  and  keep  up  with  my  class."  And  this  he  did  for  a 
year,  working  on  the  farm  as  usual,  and  going  over  to  Cam- 
bridge for  his  examination  only. 

Theodore  opened  a  private  school  in  Watertown  in  the 
spring  of  1832.  During  the  first  3^ear  the  scholars  numbered 
35.  Subsequently  it  increased  to  54.  The  charge  was  not 
high,  five  dollars  a  quarter,  but  rather  than  turn  a  deserving 
boy  or  girl  away  because  the  modest  fee  could  not  be  paid,  he 
would  take  the  applicant  gratis,  and  bestow  as  much  care  on 
him  or  her  as  on  all  the  rest.  Religion  was  the  first  interest 
with  him  ;  he  was  unhappy  if  he  could  not  make  his  school- 
boys feel  its  power  and  charm.  He  made  the  trees,  flowers, 
birds  and  animals  his  texts  as  he  rambled  with  the  boys  in  the 
woods.  He  encouraged  a  thirst  for  general  knowledge  among 
his  pupils,  while  he  entertained  them  with  unlimited  informa- 
tion. He  had  a  way  of  making  scholars  answer  their  own 
questions  and  remove  their  own  difficulties,  such  as  only  com- 
plete masters  of  their  art  possess.  During  this  time  he  also 
pursued  his  botanical  studies.  He  walked  to  Cambridge  and 
to  Charlestown  every  Saturday  afternoon  for  instruction  in 

In  April,  1834,  ^^  took  up  a  theological  course  at  the  Cam- 
bridge Divinity  School.  Here  there  was  a  chance  for  him  to 
exercise  his  intellectual  powers  as  much  as  he  desired.  He 
studied  14  hours  a  day.  He  met  his  expenses  partly  by 
teaching  five  private  pupils  in  addition  to  his  studies.  He  not 
only  followed  the  usual  course  of  study  at  the  college,  but 
made  acquaintance  with  a  large  number  of  languages,  includ- 
ing Hebrew,  Chaldee,  Syriac,  Arabic,  Coptic,  Ethiopic,  as 



well  as  the  classical  and  the  modern  principal  European  lan- 
guages, which  last  he  learned  to  speak  fluently.  His  power 
of  getting  at  the  secret  of  a  language  was  wonderful.  Hebrew 
he  himself  taught  to  a  class  of  collegians.  "The  Swedish 
language  is  easy,"  he  wrote,  "and  I  expect  to  get  much 
amusement  and  instruction  from  it.  The  Danish  presents 
more  difficulties  than  Swedish,  and  I  shall  not  study  it  exten- 
sively, but  soon  make  it  give  place  to  some  other."  The  Rus- 
sian he  mastered  sufficient  to  become  acquainted  with  the  dia- 
lect used  by  the  priests.  The  German  furnished  him  rich 
material  for  thought  in  theology  and  mental  philosophy.  He 
applied  serious  work  to  the  Anglo-Saxon  alphabet  and  on  the 
derivation  of  the  Celtic  and  Gothic  tongues.  He  studied  the 
rudiments  of  the  ancient,  the  Indian  and  the  heathen  religions. 
Constantly  adding  to  his  immense  store  of  knowledge,  Theo- 
dore was  looked  upon  by  his  fellow-students  as  "a  prodigious 
athlete  in  his  studies."  His  journal,  which  he  commenced  in 
1835,  and  kept  through  life,  throws  a  little  light  on  the  mar- 
vellous extent  of  his  researches  at  this  period.  During  the 
two  months  of  November  and  December  of  that  year  the 
names  of  65  volumes  are  given  as  having  been  read.  Some 
were  in  German,  others  in  Latin,  Danish,  Greek  and  includ- 
ing Dr.  Channing's  essay  on  slavery,  which  was  an  important 
seed,  perhaps,  of  the  tree  which  spread  so  widely  in  ten  years. 
"At  this  time,"  writes  his  biographer,  Rev.  O.  B.  Frothing- 
ham,  "Theodore's  power  of  speech  and  of  moral  feeling  was 
attracting  attention.  He  was  the  best  debater,  though  not  the 
best  writer,  in  the  school ;  always  speaking  vigorously  and  to 
the  point  with  an  independence  of  thought,  an  enthusiasm  of 
manner  and  a  freshness  that  gave  promise  of  greater  pulpit 
power  than  was  at  first  displayed." 

After  his  year  was  up  at  the  college  Theodore  prepared  his 
mind  for  the  great  work  which  he  from  boyhood  had  craved 
to  perform.  He  began  preaching  in  Watertown  to  his  old 
friends  and  neighbors  with  a  success  that  surprised  those  who 
had  heard  only  of  his  prodigious  feats  of  learning.  For  several 
months  he  was  a  travelling  minister,  at  first  for  a  month  in 
Barnstable,  then  in  Northfield  and  Greenfield.  Later  he  inter- 
ested congregations  in  Portland,  Lowell  and  Billerica.      In 


June,  1837,  he  accepted  an  offer  of  a  pastorate  in  West  Rox- 
bury.  While  at  Watertown  he  became  superintendent  of  the 
Sunday-School.  Among  the  teachers  of  the  school  was  Miss 
Lydia  Cabot,  the  only  daughter  of  John  Cabot  of  Newton. 
She  resided  with  an  aunt  in  Boston,  but  was  boarding  in 
Watertown  at  this  time.  An  attachment  grew  up  between 
them  and  they  were  married  three  years  later,  April  20,  1837. 
They  settled  on  Spring  Street.  He  lived  very  happily,  dili- 
gently preaching  and  pursuing  his  studies  and  researches.  In 
the  pleasant  weather  he  was  much  out  of  doors,  planting  and 
trimming  in  his  garden.  He  took  long  walks,  visiting  Boston 
and  the  neighboring  towns  on  foot,  doing  his  ten,  fifteen  and 
twenty  miles  a  day  without  fatigue.  In  summer  his  pedestrian 
exploits  would  have  tasked  the  vigor  of  any  but  a  very  strong 
man.  He  once  journeyed  from  New  York  to  Boston  on  foot, 
making  about  30  miles  a  day.  He  walked  easily  through  the 
White  Mountains,  ascending  Mount  Washington  from  the 
Notch  and  back  the  same  day,  and  starting  off  the  next  morn- 
ing for  Franconia.  His  healthy  exercise,  his  mirthfulness, 
social  temperament  and  the  variety  of  his  studies  saved  him 
from  the  oppression  of  overwork.  He  made  weekly,  even 
daily  plans  for  his  work,  both  physical  and  mental. 

Up  to  this  time  he  was  only  known  as  the  promising 
Unitarian  Minister  of  West  Roxbury,  whose  congregation 
were  delighted  with  his  interesting  sermons.  But  from  his 
early  boyhood  he  appears  to  have  settled  instinctively  in  his 
mind  some  of  the  vexing  points  of  theology,  and  decided 
against  the  worst  dogmas  of  the  Orthodox  Church.  His  future 
studies  and  researches  strengthened  this  conviction  and  opened 
to  him  a  boundless  field  of  labor,  requiring  the  highest  charac- 
ter, the  most  inflexible  determination,  the  firmest  courage  and 
endless  self-denial  on  the  part  of  who  so  might  engage  in  it. 
Millions  of  men  were  to  be  emancipated  from  a  belief  in  the 
terrible  doctrines  set  forth  by  Calvin  and  his  successors,  which 
made  their  lives  miserable  and  their  future  a  matter  of  doubt, 
and  brought  under  the  benign  influence  of  a  form  of  religion 
which  recognized  God  not  as  a  capricious,  malignant  and 
revengeful  being,  but  as  the  Father  and  Mother  of  us  all, 
infinite  in  love,  justice  and  mercy,  and  perfect  in  all  his  attri- 


butes  ;  and  which  consisted  not  in  observance  of  forms  and 
belief  in  creeds,  but  in  love  to  God  and  man.  Others,  also, 
who  had  discarded  the  Orthodox  theology  and  had  no  settled 
belief  in  any  form  of  religion,  were  to  be  shown  that  there 
was  something  better  than  the  churches  had  hitherto  offered 
for  their  spiritual  help  and  guidance. 

Gradually  he  came  to  the  conviction  that  he  must  enter  this 
field  and  this  was  to  be  his  life-work.  In  1837,  ^^^  long  alter 
his  settlement  as  minister  of  the  Church  at  West  Roxbury,  he 
wrote  two  sermons  on  "The  Historical,  Scientific  and  Moral 
Contradictions  of  the  Bible,"  and  kept  them  in  his  desk  for 
more  than  a  year  before  he  dared  to  preach  them,  and  then 
did  so  with  much  doubt  as  to  the  result. 

At  a  convention  called  in  Groton  in  1840  by  Come-outers 
and  Second  Adventists,  he  said  in  a  speech,  that  we  must 
come  back  to  what  Jesus  demanded,  not  a  belief,  but  a  life, — 
a  life  of  love  to  God  and  love  to  man,  and  set  forth  distinctly 
the  difference  between  mere  dogmas  and  rational  religion. 

In  1841  he  preached  the  famous  South  Boston  sermon  on 
the  "Transient  and  Permanent  in  Christianity,"  which  brought 
matters  to  a  crisis  between  him  and  the  Unitarian  clergy. 
With  few  exceptions  they  turned  upon  him,  refused  him  fel- 
lowship and  declined  to  exchange  pulpits  with  him.  A  torrent 
of  opposition  and  abuse  was  poured  out  upon  him  from  the 
press  and  the  pulpit.  But  the  opposition  only  served  to  make 
him  more  brave,  to  increase  his  zeal  and  determination. 
Although  debarred  from  the  aid  or  the  encouraging  helping 
hand  from  any  of  his  brother  ministers,  he  boldly  took  the 
reformer's  stand  against  the  religious  shams  and  the  social 
evils  of  the  time ;  moreover,  he  was  bound  to  overthrow  them. 

In  the  autumn  of  that  year  he  delivered  five  lectures  in 
Boston  upon  "Matters  pertaining  to  Religion,"  in  which  he 
elaborated  fully  his  ideas  of  God,  of  man,  the  relation  between 
them,  the  Bible,  the  prevaiHng  theology,  and  other  matters 
collateral  to  these.  He  set  forth  freely,  with  great  clearness 
and  vigor,  in  his  pulpit  and  the  lecture  room,  the  new  views 
which  had  caused  such  an  outcry,  and  gradually  his  hearers 
increased  and  his  influence  widened. 

Theodore  Parker  was  a  natural  reformer.     The  best  blood 


of  New  England  ran  in  his  veins.  He  inherited  those  lofty 
and  sterling  qualities  which  characterized  his  ancestors  for 
many  generations  back,  to  which  were  added  others  peculiar 
to  himself,  not  less  lofty  and  admirable.  By  birth,  by  early 
training,  by  circumstances  which  compelled  him  to  habits  of 
industry  and  hard  labor,  by  education  and  self-development  in 
various  forms,  combined  with  his  wonderful  faculty  for  assimi- 
lating knowledge  of  all  kinds,  his  keenness  of  conscience,  his 
tenderness  of  heart  and  sympathy  with  the  oppressed  and  suf- 
fering, his  moral  courage  and  unconquerable  desire  to  enlist 
in  their  behalf  and  his  marvellous  abilit}'  to  bring  to  bear  his 
vast  learning  and  scholarship  in  fighting  their  battles, — he 
was  eminently  fitted  to  engage  in  those  great  works  of  reform 
in  which  he  labored  so  zealously  and  incessantly,  and  in 
which  he  achieved  such  grand  success. 

He  was  very  open  spoken  at  all  times,  and  was  too  much 
self-sacrificed  to  his  cause  to  fear  the  rebuke  which  popular 
opinion  must  give  him.  He  was  never  backward  to  denounce 
forcibly  any  and  all  evils  of  Church  and  society ;  on  the  con- 
trary he  believed  it  effective  and  practiced  it  regardless  of 
consequences.  It  was  thus  that  he  acquired  his  most  stubborn 
enemies.  One  sentence  from  his  first  sermon  in  Melodian 
Hall  shows  us  how  he  so  easily  achieved  the  commendation 
of  the  common  people,  but  at  the  same  time  drew  upon  him- 
self the  strong  enmity  of  the  clergy  : 

"  A  Church  truly  Christian  must  lead  the  way  in  moral  enter- 
prises, in  every  work  which  aims  directly  at  the  welfare  of  man. 
But  look  at  the  Churches  of  this  city  :  do  they  lead  the  Christian 
movements  of  this  city, — the  temperance  movement,  the  peace  move- 
ment, the  movement  for  the  freedom  of  man,  for  education  ;  the 
movement  to  make  society  more  just,  more  wise  and  good  ;  the  grfeat 
religious  movement  of  these  times?     Not  at  all." 

Theodore  was  too  generous  hearted  to  allow  any  one  sect 
to  bound  his  sympathies.  His  religion  was  one  of  deeds,  not 

"My  friends,"  said  Theodore  to  an  audience  composed  largely  of 
ministers,  "  if  you  receive  the  notions  about  Christianity  which 
chance  to  be  current  in  your  sect  or  Church  solely  because  they  are 
current,  and  if  this  is  all  your  religion,  alas  for  you  !     The  ground 


will  shake  under  your  feet  if  you  attempt  to  walk  uprightly  and  like 
men.  You  will  be  afraid  of  every  new  opinion,  lest  it  shake  down 
your  Church  ;  you  will  fear,  '  lest,  if  a  fox,  go  up,  he  will  break 
down  your  stone  wall.'  If  on  the  other  hand  you  take  the  true  word 
of  God,  and  live  out  this,  nothing  shall  harm  you.  Men  may  mock  ; 
but  their  mouthsful  of  wind  will  be  blown  back  upon  their  own  face. 
.  .  .  And  alas  for  that  man  who  consents  to  think  one  thing  in  his 
closet  and  preach  another  in  his  pulpit !  Over  his  study  and  over 
his  pulpit  might  be  writ  '  EMPTINESS '  ;  on  his  canonical  robes, 
on  his  forehead  and  right  hand,  'DECEIT,  DECEIT.'" 

In  short,  he  appealed  to  what  was  noble  in  man.  All 
nature  came  in  for  a  share  in  his  worship  ;  he  showed  how  to 
practice  direct  prayerful  communion  at  all  times  ;  taught  duty 
by  a  marvellous  example  as  well  as  advice ;  taught  that  man 
could  make  the  inspiration  of  his  own  conscience  his  sure  and 
constant  guide.  He  loved  to  "apprehend  religious  truths 
directly  from  the  Almighty  without  the  mediation  of  sacra- 
ment, creed  or  Bible."  He  believed  in  the  final  redemption  of 
the  whole  human  race.     His  belief  was  that 

"So  a  man  is  a  Christian,  it  makes  little  diflerence  whether  he  is 
a  Calvinist  or  Lutheran,  Papist  or  Protestant.  We  all  know  that 
each  sect  contains  in  its  instructions  enough  of  pure  vital  Christian 
advice  to  insure  our  salvation,  so  far  as  this  depends  upon  ourselves 
or  our  fellow  mortals." 

His  conscientious  decisions  were  the  result  of  his  constant 
study,  reflection,  his  strong  mental  philosophy  and  his  great 
knowledge  of  men  and  things.  He  was  a  member  of  the 
Boston  Association  of  Unitarian  Ministers,  who  strongly  criti- 
cized his  religious  views  as  not  being  confined  to  their  sect. 
Theodore  answered  their  attacks  by  an  able  letter  of  great 
length,  therein  declaring  his  principles,  and  nobly  challenging 
any  of  their  best  speakers  or  writers  to  come  forward  and 
manfully  discuss  the  great  question  on  its  merits.  It  was  a 
Challenge  that  was  never  answered  and  quiet  was  for  some 
time  restored.  But  the  brotherhood  forbid  all  exchanges  with 
Mr.  Parker  on  penalty  of  expulsion  from  the  society.  The 
people  at  large  were  now  becoming  interested. 

His  own  words  appropriately  reveal  the  magnitude  of  his 
great  undertaking,  his  indomitable  will  and  courage. 



*'I  feel  it  is  a  great  work  that  I  have  undertaken.  I  know  that  so 
far  as  the  ministers  are  concerned,  I  am  alo?te^ — all  alone.  But  I 
have  no  ambition  to  gratify,  and  so  neither  fear  the  disgrace  nor 
covet  the  applause  they  can  give  me.  Blessed  be  these  iron  times ! 
there  is  something  for  a  man  to  do,  and.  still  more,  there  is  some- 
thing for  man  to  think. 

.  .  .  "  If  I  had  the  presence  of  two  men,  I  would  be  two  minis- 
ters, one  here,  and  the  other  in  Boston.  ...  I  pray  God  for  the 
permanence  of  my  ability  ;  I  have  greater  deeds  to  do,  greater  deeds 
to  dare.  ...  I  knew  always  the  risks  that  I  run  in  saying  what 
was  hostile  to  the  popular  theology.  But  I  care  not  what  the 
result  is  to  me,  I  ask  only  a  chance  to  do  my  duty.  1  know  men 
will  eye  me  with  suspicion  and  ministers  with  hatred;  that  is  not 
my  concern.  .  .  .  The  thought  that  I  am  doing  my  duty  is  of  rich 
reward  to  me  ;  I  know  of  none  so  great.  I  see  men  stare  at  me  in 
the  street  and  point  and  say,  '  That  is  Theodore  Parker,'  and  look  at 
me  as  if  I  were  a  murderer.  Old  friends,  even  parishioners,  will 
not  bow  to  me  in  the  street.  I  knew  all  this  would  come.  It  has 
come  from  my  religion  ;  and  I  would  not  forego  that  religion  for  all 
this  world  can  give.  .  .  .  Some  of  my  relations,  two  or  three  hun- 
dred years  ago,  lost  their  heads  for  their  religion.  I  am  called  on  to 
no  such  trial,  and  can  well  bear  my  lighter  cross.  ...  I  consider 
man's  duty  to  be  this, — to  do  the  most  good  a?id  the  least  evil  possi- 
ble. As  for  the  consequences  of  such  action,  I  fear  them  not ;  they 
lie  not  with  me." 

But  a  great  part  of  Theodore  Parker's  fame  as  a  preacher 
is  associated  with  the  Boston  Music  Hall.  The  society  re- 
moved from  the  Melodian  to  their  new  place  of  worship  Nov. 
21,  1852.  Here  Theodore  made  his  greatest  power  felt.  In 
this  spacious  temple  he  could  let  in  the  world  of  mankind ;  it 
was  the  world  he  wanted.  The  assemblies  were  on  the  whole 
the  most  remarkable  and  nearly  the  largest  that  ever  gathered 
statedly  within  four  walls  in  America.  He  at  once  attracted 
and  held  a  considerable  body  of  earnest  and  truth-seeking  men 
and  women  ;  and  besides  these,  a  large  floating  mass  was 
drawn  towards  that  centre,  persons  who  were  impelled  by  vari- 
ous motives,  and  who  did  not  regard  themselves  as  members 
of  that  Society,  though  many  of  them  subsequently  became 
so.  For  14  years  he  occupied  this  position,  preaching  to  the 
largest  audience  that  gathered  in  any  church  in  Boston,  com- 
prising all  sorts  and  conditions  of  men,  from  the  most  cultured 


to  the  least, — each  finding  something  to  satisfy  him.  His 
earnestness  and  sincerity,  his  vast  range  of  information,  em- 
bracing every  department  of  human  knowledge,  his  wealth  of 
illustration,  his  aptness  in  discriminating  between  shams  and 
realities,  his  felicity  of  language,  and  his  wonderful  faculty  in 
adapting  his  speech  to  the  comprehension  of  listeners  of  all 
grades, — made  his  sermons  a  delight  to  the  minds  and  a 
refreshment  to  the  souls  of  those  who  heard  them.  He 
preached  the  "absolute  religion,"  and  its  adaptation  to  every 
department  and  phase  of  human  life  and  conduct,  exposed  the 
falseness  and  hollowness  of  the  popular  theology,  held  up  to 
view  and  denounced  the  sins  of  the  nation  and  of  society, — 
war,  slavery,  intemperance,  the  degradation  of  women,  covet- 
ousness  and  minor  vices, — portrayed  with  masterly  hand  many 
prominent  men  of  the  nation,  as  warnings  or  examples,  set  up 
a  lofty  ideal  of  manhood  and  womanhood,  and  sought  to  bring 
all  up  to  that  high  standard  of  virtue  and  excellence.  The 
richness  of  his  intellect,  the  sensitiveness  of  his  conscience, 
the  tenderness  of  his  heart,  the  yearning  of  his  soul  for  the 
"first  good,  first  perfect  and  first  fair,"  his  love  of  truth,  his 
hatred  of  wrong  and  injustice,  his  moral  courage,  his  intense 
humanity,  and  his  fervid  piety,  were  expressed  in  his  sermons 
and  prayers,  which  lifted  his  hearers  to  a  higher  plane  and 
gave  them  new  life  and  strength  and  hope.  None  such  had 
been  heard  in  Boston  before    nor  have  been  since. 

His  biographer,  O.  B.  Frothingham,  well  known  pastor  of 
the  Third  Unitarian  Church  of  New  York,  thus  gives  us  a  few- 
interesting  facts  : 

•'Mr.  Parker's  central  position  commanded  a  broad  view.  He 
moved  but  little  as  he  spoke  ;  his  hand  only  occasionally  rose  and 
fell  on  the  manuscript  before  him  as  if  to  emphasize  a  passage  to 
himself;  but  his  person  was  motionless  and  his  arm  still.  He  was  a 
scholar  and  a  teacher,  who  addressed  the  individual  understanding 
and  the  private  conscience.  He  had  no  accessories  of  rite,  symbol, 
ceremony,  doctrinal  or  ecclesiastical  mystery.  His  prayers  weie 
expressions  of  devout  feeling,  personal  and  tender,  but  without 
humiliation,  superstition  or  the  least  recognition  of  dogma  at  begin- 
ning or  end.  The  sermons  were  seldom  less  than  an  hour  in  length, 
often  more  ;  and  were  crammed  with  thought.  To  listen  to  him 
regularly  was  indeed  a  liberal  education,  not  in  theology  or  even  in 


religion  alone,  but  in  politics,  history,  literature,  science  and  art. 
His  audiences  were  held  in  breathless  attention  by  the  spell  of  earnest 
thought  alone,  uttered  in  language  so  simple,  that  a  plain  man  hear- 
ing him  remarked  on  leaving  the  church,  'Is  that  Theodore  Parker.-* 
You  told  me  he  was  a  remarkable  man  ;  but  I  understood  every  word 
he  said.'  His  rule  was  to  have  no  sentence  that  was  above  the 
comprehension  of  the  simplest  intelligence.  The  style  was  never 
dry  ;  the  sentences  short  and  pithy  ;  the  language  was  fragrant  Avith 
the  odor  of  the  fields,  and  rich  with  the  juices  of  the  ground. 

"So  fervent  was  his  utterance,  so  natural  and  human  his  cry,  that 
the  flowers  on  the  table  before  him  colored  his  devout  speech,  and 
the  voices  of  the  animals  blent  easily  with  his  own.  One  Sunday, 
a  terrier  dog,  that  had  strayed  into  the  hall,  suddenly,  in  the  midst 
of  the  prayer,  lifted  up  a  piercing  bark.  'We  thank  thee,  O  Father 
of  all,  who  hast  made  even  the  humblest  dumb  creature  to  praise 
thee  after  his  own  way  I '  responded  the  supplicating  lips.  He  was 
preaching  a  discourse,  one  winter's  day,  on  •  Obstacles.'  Describing 
a  man  to  whom  obstacles  are  helps,  he  said,  '  Before  such  a  man  all 
obstacles  will ' — at  this  instant  a  mass  of  frozen  snow  that  had  col- 
lected on  the  roof  came  down  with  a  noise  like  thunder,  that  shook 
the  building  and  startled  the  audience  with  a  momentary  feeling  of 
dismay — 'slide  away  like  the  ice  from  the  slated  roof,'  said  the 
preacher's  reassuring  voice." 

He  loved  to  preach  ;  subjects  crowded  on  him  faster  than 
he  could  deal  with  them.  The  Sundays  were  too  few  with 
him,  rather  than  too  many. 

"Is  it  not  sometimes  a  burden  to  the  preacher  to  go  through  the 
devotional  exercises  of  the  Sunday.'"'  asked  one  of  his  friends. 
"Never  to  me,"  was  the  reply.  "The  natural  aptitude  of  my  mind 
has  always  been  prayerful.  A  snatch  of  such  feeling  passes  through 
me  as  I  walk  in  the  streets,  or  engage  in  any  work.  I  sing  prayers 
when  I  loiter  in  the  woods,  or  travel  the  quiet  road  ;  these  founts 
of  communion,  which  lie  so  deep,  seem  always  bubbling  to  the  sur- 
face ;  and  the  utterance  of  a  prayer  is  at  any  time  as  simple  to  me  as 

A  man  of  such  commanding  ability  and  genuine  sympathy 
with  mankind  could  not  be  spared  from  taking  an  active  part  in 
other  movements  for  the  amelioration  and  uplifting  of  the  unfor- 
tunate and  down-trodden.  He  was  an  earlv  advocate  of  tem- 
perance and  he  entered  into  its  encouragement  with  the  same 
thoroughness  and  activity  which  characterized  all  his  labors. 


In  1845  he  joined  the  anti-slavery  leaders  in  their  work,  and 
from  that  time  forward  was  one  of  the  most  conspicuous  and 
indefatigable  laborers  in  that  field.  He  did  an  immense  ser- 
vice in  arousing  and  educating  the  conscience  of  the  people, 
in  impelling  them  to  recognize  and  oppose  the  evils  of  slavery, 
and  in  enunciating  and  diffusing  the  principles  and  shaping  the 
policy  which  found  practical  expression  in  the  national  poli- 
tics, and  which  led  ultimately  to  the  overthrow  of  that  gigantic 
wrong.  He  gave  himself  to  this  cause  with  all  the  ardor  and 
thoroughness  which  characterized  his  efforts  in  the  theological 
field,  and  lavished  upon  it  all  the  wealth  of  his  nature  and 
acquirements.  His  writings  upon  this  subject  form  a  body  of 
anti-slavery  literature  of  great  value  for  clearness  and  accuracy 
of  statement,  historical  narrative  and  pertinent  facts  and  statis- 
tics,— showing  the  rise  and  progress  of  slavery,  and  the  devel- 
opment of  the  southern  policy,  and  painting  the  evils  of  the 
institution  in  clear,  bold  colors ;  setting  forth  also  the  great 
American  idea  which  gives  to  the  Constitution  and  the  Union 
their  value  and  glory,  and  rebuking  with  just  indignation  the 
men  in  high  places  who  betrayed  that  idea  and  imperilled  the 
safety  and  prosperity  of  the  country. 

Politically,  he  vigorously  opposed  the  Mexican  war.  He 
was  bitterly  opposed  to  the  passage  of  the  Fugitive  Slave 
Law,  which  was  accomplished  in  1850.  Every  case  of  at- 
tempted rendition  in  Boston  enlisted  his  personal  activity.  In 
June,  1854,  when  Anthony  Burns,  a  fugitive,  was  captured 
and  returned  to  his  master,  Mr.  Parker  delivered  a  stinging 
speech  against  the  action  and  against  the  fugitive  slave  law  to 
an  anti-rendition  meeting  at  Faneuil  Hall.  For  this  he  was 
indicted  on  the  charge  of  "resisting  a  U.  S.  officer  in  his 
attempt  to  execute  process":  was  arrested  and  tried.  But 
Theodore  made  use  of  these  circumstances  to  good  advantage. 
He  prepared  an  elaborate  defence,  which  he  printed  and  cir- 
culated. The  charge  was  quashed  upon  a  technicality,  hav- 
ing produced  no  disgrace  to  Mr.  Parker's  reputation,  as  his 
enemies  had  desired.  On  the  contrary,  it  was  quite  to  his 
satisfaction,  for  his  masterly  speech  and  also  his  defence,  en- 
titled the  "Trial  of  Theodore  Parker  for  the  Misdemeanor  of 
a  Speech  delivered  in  Faneuil  Hall  against  Kidnapping,"  was 


read  by  thousands  throughout  all  the  land  who  now  began  to 
take  a  lively  interest  in  the  anti-slavery  movement. 

His  exposition  of  the  wickedness  and  injustice  of  the  Fugi- 
tive Slave  Law,  and  his  denunciation  of  it,  and  appeals  to  the 
higher  law,  when  eminent  clergymen,  statesmen  and  mer- 
chants combined  to  uphold  it  and  secure  its  enforcement,  form 
a  striking  episode  in  the  history  of  that  eventful  period.  His 
speech  and  action,  when  the  kidnappers  came  to  Boston  in 
search  of  their  fugitive  slaves,  proved  his  courage  and  led  to 
his  indictment  and  the  writing  of  his  "Defence,"  a  remarka- 
ble book,  which  will  be  of  great  value  to  the  future  historian. 
It  contains  the  best  account  to  be  found  of  judicial  and  legal 
tyranny  from  the  reign  of  James  I.  to  the  time  of  his  own 

At  this  time  he  began  lecturing  and  preaching  throughout 
the  Northern  States.  His  name  was  spoken  of  with  esteem 
and  with  hate  in  every  State  ;  throughout  every  town.  His 
printed  sermons  were  sold  by  the  thousand  and  read  by  the 
ten  thousand. 

His  efforts  for  the  suppression  of  poverty,  drunkenness, 
ignorance,  prostitution  and  crime,  and  the  removal  of  their 
causes,  were  vigorous  and  unceasing  ;  and  the  victims  of  these 
vices  found  in  him  a  wise  friend  and  helper.  These  matters 
are  discussed  with  great  efficiency  and  plainness  in  his  books 
and  are  abundantly  illustrated  with  facts  and  figures.  His 
personal  efforts,  singly  or  in  combination  with  others,  for  the 
benefit  of  these  unfortunate  classes,  were  without  stint,  and 
much  of  his  time  was  consumed  in  that  way. 

The  movement  in  behalf  of  the  rights  of  woman  and  her 
equality  with  man  found  in  him  a  hearty  and  eloquent  advocate, 
and  he  was  one  of  the  foremost  in  denouncing  the  injustice  of 
those  who  deny  these  rights,  in  exposing  the  fallacies  of  their 
arguments,  and  appealing  to  the  common  sense  and  justice  of 
mankind  to  accord  to  her  her  proper  position  and  an  equal 
opportunity  with  man  for  culture,  development  and  the  exer- 
cise of  her  natural  talents  in  various  directions. 

His  biographical  discourses  were  models  of  thoroughness 
and  strength.  While  preparing  his  pulpit  oration  on  John 
Quincy   Adams   he   reviewed  the   statesman's   whole   career. 



read  every  speech,  analyzed  every  argument,  scrutinized 
every  act,  went  behind  every  piece  of  public  policy,  and  laid 
out  the  history  so  simply  that  the  least  instructed  intelligence 
could  understand  it.  Before  writing  the  greatest  discourse  of 
them  all,  on  Daniel  Webster  dead,  he  did  more  than  this  :  he 
gleaned  from  all  credible  sources  information  in  regard  to  Mr. 
Webster's  private  life  and  character ;  probed  the  secrets  of  his 
ancestry ;  read  the  principal  works  of  distinguished  authors, 
jurists  and  statesmen  in  England ;  studied  again  the  orations 
of  Demosthenes  and  Cicero  in  order  to  settle  precisely  in  his 
own  mind  the  rank  of  the  great  American  as  lawyer,  states- 
man, orator  and  man.  That  wonderful  oration  was  written 
at  a  heat.  The  preparation  for  it  covered  weeks  and  even 
years,  but  a  few  hours  of  solitary  meditation  in  the  country, 
after  the  statesman's  death,  fused  the  mass  of  material  so  com- 
pletely that  it  ran  like  molten  metal  into  the  literary  mould. 
The  effect  in  the  delivery  was  prodigious.  The  whole  audi- 
ence leaned  forward  in  rapt  attention,  listening  with  breathless 
intensity ;  and  when  he  spoke  of  his  mourning  for  Webster, 
and  cried  in  choking  voice,  "  O  Webster,  Webster  !  my  king, 
my  king!  would  I  had  died  for  thee!"  every  eye  was  wet 
with  tears. 

He  was  the  strongest  man  on  any  occasional  platform  on 
which  he  stood, — always  presenting  his  views  with  a  force  of 
intellect,  breadth  of  observation,  homelike  style  of  address  and 
superabundance  of  information  that  quite  overshadowed  those 
whose  lives  had  been  spent  in  that  special  field  of  labor.  His 
opinions  were  broader,  more  practical  and  nearer  to  common 
sense  than  the  platform  of  the  exclusive  party  with  which  he 
was  working  at  the  time.  In  every  conflict  between  barba- 
rism and  true  civilization  he  always  was  found  on  the  side  of 
the  latter. 

His  preaching  and  other  public  speaking  were  not  limited 
to  Boston.  As  he  became  more  known,  he  was  in  demand  in 
the  lecture-room  and  at  gatherings  of  various  kinds  in  New 
England  and  beyond.  During  the  last  ten  years  of  his  active 
life  he  lectured  from  eighty  to  a  hundred  times  each  year,  his 
field  comprising  every  Northern  State  east  of  the  Mississippi, 
and  once  he  spoke  in  a  slave  State,  on  slavery  itself.     Many 


invitations  he  was  compelled  to  decline.  The  people  heard 
him  gladly  and  he  made  hosts  of  friends  during  these  expedi- 
tions, comprising  man)^  of  the  best  people  in  the  various  towns 
and  overcame  much  of  the  prejudice  existing  against  him. 

He  spoke  on  the  subjects  in  which  he  was  so  deepl}^  inter- 
ested, mostly  upon  the  various  matters  of  reform  to  which  he 
had  given  his  life,  directly  and  simply,  and  won  his  hearers 
to  his  side  by  his  earnestness,  candor  and  natural  eloquence, 
and  his  happy  faculty  of  presenting  great  themes — often  dry 
and  matter-of-fact  in  detail — in  an  attractive  manner.  As  an 
illustration  of  this,  one  of  his  friends  says: 

"I  have  always  remembered  a  certain  lecture  of  his  on  the  Anglo- 
Saxons  as  the  most  wonderful  instance  that  ever  came  within  my 
knowledge  of  the  adaptation  of  solid  learning  to  the  popular  inellect. 
There  was  nearly  two  hours  of  almost  unadorned  fact, — for  there 
was  less  than  usual  of  relief  and  illustration, — yet  the  lyceum  audi- 
ence listened  as  if  an  angel  sang  to  them.  So  perfect  was  his  sense 
of  purpose  and  of  power,  so  clear  and  lucid  was  his  delivery,  with 
such  wonderful  composure  did  he  lay  out,  section  by  section,  his 
historical  chart,  that  he  grasped  his  hearers  as  absolutely  as  he 
o-rasped  his  subject.  Without  grace  or  beauty  or  melody,  his  mere 
elocution  was  sufficient  to  produce  effects  which  melody,  grace  and 
beauty  might  have  sought  for  in  vain." 

The  same  friend,  one  of  the  few  eminent  classical  scholars 
of  New  England,  says  : 

"Theodore  Parker  was  the  only  man  with  whom  I  could  sit  down 
and  seriously  discuss  a  disputed  reading,  and  find  him  familiar  with 
all  that  had  been  written  upon  it.  I  know  for  one,  and  there  are 
many  who  will  bear  the  same  testimony,  that  I  never  went  to  Mr, 
Parker  to  talk  over  a  subject  which  I  had  just  made  a  specialty  with- 
out finding  that  on  that  particular  matter  he  happened  to  know, 
without  special  investigation,  more  than  I  did.  This  extended  be- 
yond books,  as  for  instance  any  point  connected  with  the  habits  of 
animals  and  the  phenomena  of  out-door  nature.  Such  were  his 
wonderful  quickness  and  his  infallible  memory  that  glimpses  of  these 
thincrs  did  for  him  the  work  of  years.  It  was  in  popularizing  knowl- 
edo-e  that  his  great  and  wonderful  power  lay." 

Although  he  was  one  of  the  giants  of  learning  his  style  is 
remarkable  for  its  absence  from  all  taint  of  scholastic  and 
metaphysical  terms.     Speaking  of  his  mental  qualifications, 


James  Freeman  Clarke,  one  of  the  few  noble  men  and  Unita- 
rians who  believed  in  the  freedom  of  thought,  and  stood  by- 
Mr.  Parker  when  the  clergy  of  that  faith  denounced  him,  and 
remained  his  warm  friend  to  the  last,  said  of  him  : 

"  Some  men's  minds  are  filled  with  a  great  multitude  of  ill-assorted 
knowledges,  crowded  confusedly  together  like  a  mob  around  a 
muster-ground.  Others  have  a  very  small  number  of  very  well 
arranged  and  drilled  opinions,  like  a  militia  regiment  thoroughly 
organized  as  regards  its  officers,  but  very  thin  as  regards  its  rank 
and  file.  The  thoughts,  opinions,  convictions,  varieties  of  knowl- 
edge in  Theodore  Parker's  mind  are  like  a  well-appointed  and 
thoroughly  organized  army,  with  full  ranks,  beautiful  in  its  uniforms 
and  its  banners,  inspired  by  the  martial  airs  of  its  music,  complete 
in  all  arms, — infantry,  cavalry,  engineers,  artillery, — marching  to  the 
overthrow  of  a  demoralized  and  discouraged  enemy." 

His  conversational  power  was  marvellous.  He  could  talk 
upon  any  subject,  and  astonished  and  fascinated  every  listener, 
pouring  out  a  flood  of  various  and  delightful  information,  wit 
and  wisdom,  adapted  to  the  needs  and  capacity  of  the  hearer, 
and  never  failing  to  say  the  right  thing  in  the  right  place. 
Thackeray  said,  when  he  came  to  America,  that  what  he 
most  desired  was  to  hear  Theodore  Parker  talk.  In  this 
phase  of  expression  it  has  been  said  that  he  had  no  Anglo- 
Saxon  rival  except  Macaulay,  but  he  lacked  the  arrogance 
and  impatience  of  opposition  which  characterized  the  great 

He  had  a  very  extensive  correspondence  with  strangers  and 
personal  friends,  among  whom  were  eminent  scholars  and 
scientists  in  this  country  and  Europe.  The  great  leaders  of 
the  Republican  party  were  his  friends,  and  undoubtedly  his 
influence  was  exerted  through  them  on  the  momentous  quest- 
ions of  the  day.  William  H.  Seward  said  of  him;  "In  his 
grasp  of  the  political  issues  of  the  times  and  their  moral  bear- 
ings he  surpasses  us  all." 

He  was  the  most  generous  of  men.  His  sympathies  were 
world-wide  and  ever  on  the  alert  for  the  suffering  and  oppressed. 
Refugees  from  foreign  lands,  hunted  slaves,  poverty-stricken 
scholars,  sorrowing  women,  all  sorts  of  needy  and  unbefriended 
mortals  came  to  him,  and  found  in  him  a  true  friend  and  wise 


adviser.      He  helped  them  with  money   and   lavished  upon 
them  what  was  of  far  more  value. 

Spiritually  he  was  of  immense  service  to  thousands  of  earn- 
est men  and  women  who  had  fallen  into  indifference  or  unbe- 
lief in  religious  matters,  a  condition  for  which  the  false  theolo- 
gy and  low  spiritual  state  of  the  Church  were  largely  respon- 
sible. By  the  promulgation  of  his  ideas  he  created  a  power- 
ful revival  of  fundamental  religion  throughout  the  country  ; 
not  by  dealing  with  the  mere  superficial  elements  of  human 
nature  and  character,  as  did  the  Calvinistic  Churches  in  their 
so-called  revivals.  Their  barbaric  creeds,  worldly  policy  and 
social  inhumanities,  and  their  interpretation  of  the  Bible  had 
repelled  these  people.  His  presentation  of  the  natural  relig- 
ion, based  on  reason  and  the  noblest  instincts  of  humanity, 
drew  them  to  his  side,  and  they  found  a  peace  and  satisfaction 
therein  which  they  had  not  known  before. 

Mr.  Parker's  persistent  and  well-grounded  attacks  upon  the 
popular  theology,  and  exposition  of  its  absurdities,  together 
with  the  favor  with  which  his  teachings  were  received  by  a 
large  class  of  people,  were  a  constant  source  of  annoyance 
and  displeasure  to  the  Churches  which  held  to  the  old  forms 
of  belief,  and  many  were  the  denunciations  and  warnings 
uttered  from  their  pulpits  against  him  and  his  heretical  views. 
This  feeling  found  remarkable  expression  during  a  season  of 
revival  in  a  prayer  meeting  held  in  Park  Street  Church,  Bos- 
ton, on  Saturday,  March  6,  1858,  in  which  the  Lord  was  be- 
sought to  "remove  him  out  of  the  way  and  let  his  influence 
die  with  him,"  to  "send  confusion  and  distraction  into  his 
study  this  afternoon,  and  prevent  his  finishing  his  preparation 
for  his  labors  to-morrow,"  to  "confound  him  so  that  he  shall 
not  be  able  to  speak,"  to  "induce  the  people  to  leave  him  and 
to  come  and  fill  up  this  house  instead  of  that,"  to  "put  a  hook 
in  his  jaws  so  that  he  may  not  be  able  to  speak." 

These  supplications  were  admirably  answered  by  Mr.  Parker 
from  his  desk  in  the  Music  Hall,  in  two  sermons  preached  on 
the  4th  and  nth  of  April,  on  "A  False  and  True  Revival  of 
Religion,"  and  "The  Revival  of  Religion  which  we  Need." 
They  furnished  a  striking  instance  of  absolute,  unvarnished 


truth-telling,  and  are  full  of  unsparing  criticism,  pure  morali- 
ty and  tender  devoutness. 

His  last  sermon,  entitled  "What  Religion  may  do  for  a 
Man,"  was  preached  in  Boston,  January  2,  1859.  ^^  ^^^ 
morning  of  Sunday,  January  9th,  the  illness  from  which  he 
had  been  suffering  for  some  years  previous,  the  result  of  his 
multitudinous  and  incessant  labors  in  so  many  fields  of  useful- 
ness and  exposures  incident  thereto,  culminated  in  a  haemor- 
rhage of  the  lungs.  Consumption  had  been  prevalent  in  his 
mother's  family  for  a  long  time.  The  absolute  necessity  of 
stopping  his  work  and  devoting  himself  to  an  effort  to  restore 
his  broken  health  was  thus  forced  upon  him  in  such  a  manner 
that  he  could  not  disregard  the  warning. 

On  the  3rd  of  February  he  left  Boston  never  to  return.  He 
spent  some  weeks  at  Santa  Cruz  and  other  places  in  the  West 
Indies,  and  then  sailed  for  Europe,  where  he  passed  nearly  a 
year,  mainly  in  Switzerland  and  Italy,  and  died  in  Florence, 
May  10,  i860,  tranquilly  and  beautifully,  full  of  the  trust  and 
faith  in  God  which  he  had  so  nobly  preached.  By  his  request 
his  only  funeral  services  consisted  of  the  reading  of  the  Beati- 
tudes by  his  friend  Mr.  Cunningham.  He  lies  in  the  Protest- 
ant Cemetery  in  Florence,  a  plain  stone  of  gray  marble  over 
his  grave,  bearing  his  name  and  the  dates  of  his  birth  and 
death.     An  American  pine  tree  has  also  been  planted  there. 

Up  to  the  time  when  he  was  taken  with  haemorrhage,  the 
strong  constitution  inherited  from  the  long  line  of  hardy  Massa- 
chusetts ancestors  had  preserved  him  through  40  years  of 
constant  application  and  toil ;  it  had  carried  him  triumphantly 
through  hundreds  of  extraordinary  exertions.  The  crisis  was 
naturally  severe.  Experienced  physicians  declared  the  chances 
of  recovery  as  one  in  ten.  "If  that  is  all  I'll  conquer,"  he 
replied,  "I  have  fought  ninety-nine  against  one, — yes,  nine 
hundred  and  ninety-nine  against  one, — and  conquered."  Had 
he  possessed  a  restful  nature  he  might  have  recovered,  but 
travelling  was  his  element  for  continual  mental  occupation. 
He  must  know  the  name  of  every  tree,  read  every  new  book, 
take  daily  excursions  into  the  country  wherever  he  was.  He 
was  constantly  studying  the  habits,  occupations  and  religion 
of  the  inhabitants,  classifying  the  products,  the  minerals  and 


the  value  of  properties,  thus  becoming  acquainted  with  the 
whole  history  of  every  country  he  visited.  While  at  Santa 
Cruz  he  wrote  his  volume  "Experience  as  a  Minister."  In 
Switzerland  his  health  improved  for  a  time.  He  wrote  to  a 
friend : 

"I  am  still  full  of  hope  that  the  human  mortal  life  will  hold  out 
long  enough  for  me  to  hammer  over  again  some  of  the  many  irons  I 
have  laid  in  the  fire  and  got  ready  for  the  anvil.  Indeed,  I  laid  out 
my  life  to  work  publicly  and  hard  till  sixty,  and  then  have  a  quiet 
afternoon  till  eighty  for  getting  in  my  hay  ;  but  if  the  hour  strikes  at 
forty-eight,  let  not  you  nor  me  complain," 

The  last  insertion  in  his  journal  states  : 

"When  I  die  I  wish  to  be  buried  in  the  old  burying  place  at  Lex- 
ington, where  my  fathers  since  1709 — four  generations  of  them — 
have  laid  their  venerable  bones.     I  wish  to  be  put  near  ihem. 

"My  life  has  failed  of  much  I  meant  to  hit,  and  might  have 
reached,  nay,  should,  had  there  been  ten  or  twenty  years  left  for  me. 
But  it  has  not  been  a  mean  life  nor  a  selfish  one.  Above  all  things 
else  I  have  sought  to  teach  the  true  idea  of  man,  of  God,  of  religion, 
with  its  truths,  its  duties,  and  its  joys.  I  never  fought  for  myself 
nor  against  a  private  foe,  but  have  gone  into  the  battle  of  the  nine- 
teenth century  and  followed  the  flag  of  humanity.  I  would  rather 
lay  my  bones  with  my  father's  in  Lexington  and  think  I  may  ;  but 
will  not  complain  if  earth  or  sea  shall  cover  them  up  elsewhere." 

But  in  Rome  the  winter  was  cold  and  damp.     He  wrote  : 

"  Rome  is  the  dampest  city  I  was  ever  in.  I  have  lost  three  pounds 
a  week  since  I  left  Switzerland  and  have  gained  nothing  but  a  great 

He  welcomed  the  fair  city  of  Florence  with  joy,  although 
he  well  knew  it  was  to  be  his  last  earthly  home. 

Thus  passed  away  before  he  had  reached  his  fiftieth  birth- 
day this  unique  and  much-gifted  man.  No  man  was  ever 
more  cordially  hated  by  such  as  upheld  the  errors,  hypocrisies 
and  iniquities  which  he  exposed ;  none  was  ever  more  deeply 
and  tenderly  loved,  by  those  who  recognized  his  true  great- 
ness and  manliness,  or  felt  the  magnetism  of  his  influence. 
Those  of  his  personal  friends  who  survive  hold  him  ever  as  a 
sacred  memory  in  their  hearts,  and  count  it  as  the  choicest  of 
blessings  that  they  were  privileged  to  come  within  the  charmed 
circle  of  his  presence. 


It  is  impossible  to  estimate  at  this  time  what  he  has  accom- 
plished in  the  various  lines  in  which  he  worked.  In  the  pro- 
gress which  has  been  made  in  the  liberalizing  of  theology  in 
all  denominations  his  influence  is  so  marked  that  it  cannot  be 
disputed.  The  Unitarians,  who  cast  him  out,  have  acknowl- 
edged their  error,  and  now  seek  to  retrieve  their  folly  by 
honoring  his  memory.  His  portrait  hangs  in  their  hall,  and 
his  writings  are  printed  and  circulated  by  their  association, 
with  its  imprint  upon  the  title  page.  They  have  left  behind 
the  dogmas  for  attacking  which  they  so  eagerly  denounced 
him.  The  various  branches  of  the  Orthodox  Church,  though 
not  acknowledging  the  debt  they  owe  to  him,  are  moving  in 
the  same  direction,  and  the  modifications  and  humanizing  of 
their  creeds,  which  is  continually  in  process,  is  unquestion- 
ably largely  due  to  his  efforts.  Dean  Stanley,  when  he  came 
to  America,  said  that  Theodore  Parker  had  contributed  more 
to  theological  progress  than  any  other  religious  thinker  in  this 
century.  His  anti-slavery  work  was  a  powerful  factor  in  the 
abolition  of  slavery  and  in  the  triumph  of  the  Union  in  the 
war  of  the  Rebellion.  The  other  reforms  in  behalf  of  which 
he  labored  owe  much  of  their  progress  to  his  clear  statement 
and  able  advocacy. 

He  was,  said  Emerson  : 

''A  man  who  has  put  us  all  into  his  debt  by  his  brave  life  and 
incessant  labor  in  the  cause  of  truth,  freedom,  good  morals,  religion 
and  good  sense,  here  and  throughout  the  world  ;  and  whose  single 
and  unaided  performances  in  behalf  of  learning  and  humanity  might 
well  put  colleges  and  churches  to  shame.   .   .   . 

"New  England  put  into  him  her  choicest  elements,  made  him  as 
it  were  the  incarnation  of  her  characteristic  genius.  Her  granite 
hills  bequeathed  to  him  their  stern  inflexibility  ;  her  climate  gave 
him  hardihood  and  health  ;  her  summer  and  winter  left  upon  him 
their  deposits  of  verdure  and  snow. 

"Such  was  the  largeness  of  his  reception  of  facts  and  his  skill  to 
employ  them,  that  it  looked  as  if  he  were  some  president  of  council 
to  whom  a  score  of  telegraphs  were  ever  bringing  in  reports  ;  and 
his  information  would  have  been  excessive  but  for  the  noble  use  he 
made  of  it,  ever  in  the  interest  of  humanity.  He  had  a  strong  under- 
standing, a  logical  method,  a  love  for  facts,  a  rapid  eye  for  their 
historic  relations,  and  a  skill  in  stripping  them  of  traditional  lustres. 

"The  vice  charged  against  America  is  the  want  of  sincerity  in 


leading  men.  It  does  not  lie  at  his  door.  He  never  kept  back  the 
truth  for  fear  of  making  an  enemy.  It  was  his  merit,  like  Luther, 
to  speak  tart  truth  when  that  was  peremptory,  when  there  were  few 
to  sav  it.  But  his  sympathy  for  goodness  was  not  less  energetic. 
His  commanding  merit  as  a  reformer  is  this, — that  he  insisted  beyond 
all  men  in  pulpits  that  the  essence  of  Christianity  is  its  practical 
morals  ;   it  is  there  for  use,  or  it  is  nothing.   .    .   . 

"There  were  of  course  multitudes  to  censure  and  defame  this 
truth-speaker.     But  the  brave  know  the  brave.   .   .    . 

"  The  sudden  and  singular  eminence  of  Mr.  Parker,  the  importance 
of  his  name  and  influence,  are  the  verdict  of  his  country  to  his 
virtues.  We  have  few  such  men  to  lose.  Amiable  and  blameless  at 
home,  feared  abroad  as  the  standard-bearer  of  liberty,  taking  all  the 
duties  he  could  grasp,  he  has  gone  down  in  early  glory  to  his  grave, 
to  be  a  living  and  enlarging  power,  wherever  learning,  wit,  honest 
valor  and  independence  are  honored." 

Wendell  Phillips  said  of  him  : 

"No  sect,  no  special  study,  no  one  idea  bounded  his  sympathy, 
but  he  was  generous  in  judgment  where  a  common  man  would  have 
found  it  hard  to  be  so.  He  raised  the  level  of  sermons  intellectually 
and  morally.  Other  preachers  were  compelled  to  grow  in  manly 
thought  and  Christian  morals  in  very  self  defence.  No  man  ever 
needed  to  read  any  of  his  sentences  twice  to  catch  its  meaning. 
None  suspected  that  he  thought  other  than  he  said  or  more  than  he 
confessed.  He  was  far  other  than  a  bitter  critic,  though  thank  God 
for  every  drop  of  bitterness  that  came  like  a  wholesome  rebuke  on 
the  dead  saltless  sea  of  American  life  !  Thank  God  for  every  Christ- 
ian admonition  that  the  Holy  Spirit  breathed  through  those  manly 
lips.  But  if  he  deserved  any  single  word,  it  was  generous.  Born 
on  a  New  England  farm  in  those  days  when  small  incomings  made 
every  dollar  a  matter  of  importance,  he  no  sooner  had  command  of 
wealth  than  he  lived  with  open  hands.  Not  even  the  darling  ambi- 
tion of  a  great  library  ever  tempted  him  to  close  his  ear  to  need. 
Go  to  Venice  or  Vienna,  to  Frankfort  or  to  Paris,  and  ask  the  refu- 
gees who  have  gone  back — when  here  friendless  exiles  but  for  him — 
under  whose  roof  they  felt  most  at  home." 

Moncure  D.  Conway  of  New  York  recently  placed  this 
tribute  to  his  memory  : 

"  Dr.  Gannett,  the  great,  though  always  fair,  antagonist  of  Theo- 
dore Parker,  has  written  of  him  :  '  He  was  a  very  learned  man  and 
a  tender,  true-hearted  man,  honest  and  thorough.'  The  whole 
source  of  Parker's  heresies  is  in  that  sentence.     Because  Parker  was 


a  very  learned  man  he  could  not  accept  statements  which  criticism 
and  scholarship  had  to  him  proved  erroneous  ;  because  he  was  tender 
and  true-hearted  he  rejected  traditional  conceptions  which  to  him 
showed  God  heartless  ;  because  he  was  honest  he  spoke  out  what  he 
believed.  Those  who  once  resisted  his  teachings,  now  favor  his 
writings.  While  Boston  society  disowned  him,  he  was  of  all  men 
the  most  Bostonian.  If  Boston  did  not  love  Parker,  Parker  loved 
Boston.  As  an  example  of  the  transiency  alluded  to,  Parker's  con- 
cept of  deity  may  be  adduced.  Nothing  can  be  more  perfect  than 
his  ideal  of  a  deity  supremely  wise,  loving  and  at  work  in  all  the 
laws  of  the  universe,  present  in  all  events,  minute  or  vast.  Darwin, 
even  more  sweet  and  gentle  than  Parker,  walked  by  facts  rather  than 
by  faith,  and  he  proved  that  the  evils  we  had,  though  superficial  and 
transient,  were  inherent  in  the  very  organization  of  nature.  I  believe 
the  verdict  must  be  that  Parker  was  indeed  tender  to  individuals,  yet 
writing  beneath  the  musket  which  another  Captain  Parker  used  at 
Lexington  he  felt  himself  struggling  in  a  revolution  against  great 
religious  and  political  oppressions  ;  therefore  his  words  were  some- 
times as  hard  as  bullets,  though  each  tore  his  heart  as  it  went  forth  ; 
but  this  is  the  inevitable  inconsistency  of  all  men  who  kneel  to  wor- 
ship infinite  perfection  everywhere,  then  rise  up  to  fight  imperfection 
everywhere.  There  will  some  day  be  centennials  of  spiritual  inde- 
pendence and  of  the  union  of  religious  colonies,  and  in  that  day 
every  scrap  of  testimony  concerning  Theodore  Parker  will  be  searched 
for  as  is  now  every  scrap  relating  to  Washington.  His  will  be  a  far 
greater  name  then  than  now,  for  it  will  take  a  century  to  sum  up  the 
results  of  his  work.  Theodore  Parker !  Thy  work  is  achieved  ; 
thy  congregation  may  be  dismissed.     We  are  free." 

His  relative  and  playmate  in  childhood,  warm  friend  through 
life,  Columbus  Greene,  Esq.,  says: 

"While  at  the  Divinity  School  at  Cambridge  I  seldom  saw  him. 
I  had  left  the  old  homestead  and  we  were  more  widely  separated, 
but  we  corresponded  every  month  and  we  were  familiar  with  each 
other's  welfare.  I  visited  him  once  while  there,  and  when  I  asked 
him  if  he  was  taxed  hard  by  the  lessons  assigned  him,  he  replied, 
'  Oh  no,  it  takes  me  about  two  hours.'  He  then  showed  me  a  list  of 
the  books  he  had  read  and  what  volumes  he  had  written  of  the  sub- 
jects treated  and  his  opinions.  The  time  was  pleasantly  spent  at  the 
Divinity  School  in  some  respects,  while  in  others  it  was  not.  He 
entered  the  school  in  harmony  with  the  Unitarian  belief  as  generally 
held,  but  he  gradually  departed  from  it,  and  his  sermons  in  the  school 
were  said  to  be  dry  and  scholastic  and  called  forth  reproof  from  his 


professor.  He  diftered  so  much  from  the  doctrines  taught  that  on 
'Visitation  Day'  a  certain  D.D.  said,  that  he  had  no  denominational 
character ^  that  he  was  an  eclectic.  Their  frowns  were  more  numer- 
ous than  their  smiles  of  approbation,  but  it  did  not  move  him  from 
his  fixed  purpose  to  cling  to  what  he  believed  to  be  right. 

"His  history  after  he  entered  the  ministry,  with  its  joys  and  soi'- 
rows,  is  clearly  described  by  Weiss  and  Frothingham,  but  I  wish  to 
say  that  from  his  early  youth  he  was  conscientious,  tenaciously 
attached  to  what  he  believed  to  be  right,  and  the  best  scholar  and  the 
greatest  reader  I  ever  knew.  The  amount  of  his  reading  was  marvel- 
lous, his  passing  through  books  was  like  a  locomotive  on  a  down 
grade  with  full  head  of  steam  and  brakes  ofl^'. 

"His  memory  was  remarkable;  he  retained  what  he  read.  In 
his  library  in  Boston,  worth  $20,000,  he  could  tell  readily  what 
each  volume  treated  upon.  A  gentleman  seeking  for  information 
upon  a  given  subject,  once  called  upon  him  to  see  if  he  had  a  book 
in  his  library  that  treated  upon  that  subject,  and  as  my  memory 
serves  me,  he  replied,  '  No,  but  if  you  will  go  to  the  library  at  Har- 
vard University  in  the  northeast  corner  on  the  second  shelf  from  the 
floor,  and  the  third  book  from  the  corner,  I  think  you  will  find  it.' 

"His  organ  of  language  was  very  fully  developed.  He  once  said 
to  me  '  Some  people  are  troubled  for  words  to  express  themselves, 
but  as  for  me  as  much  as  five  sets  of  words  come  up  and  I  have  to 
select  from  them.'  He  was  naturally  tender-hearted,  diffident  and 
retiring,  but  when  he  thought  what  was  right  was  assailed  he  was 
brave  as  a  Spartan.  Circumstances  would  show  him  to  be  as  tender 
as  the  kindest  mother,  or  as  argumentative  as  Webster  in  his  reply 
to  Hayne,  or  as  terrible  in  denunciation  as  the  cyclone  that  sweeps 
all  before  it.  His  father  would  have  been  pleased  to  have  had  him 
studied  law,  and  for  a  time  it  was  a  question  whether  he  should  be  a 
lawyer  or  a  minister,  but  he  soon  decided  that  he  could  not  consci- 
entiously be  a  lawyer  and  he  chose  to  be  a  minister.  His  aim  from 
early  life  was  not  only  to  be  learned,  but  to  be  useful  to  mankind,  to 
do  and  defend  what  he  believed  to  be  right,  if  in  so  doing  he  stood 
alone.  Being  intimately  acquainted  with  him  I  have  no  doubt  but 
what  he  would  have  given  up  his  life  rather  than  to  have  ceased  to 
cry  out  against  what  he  believed  to  be  wrong.  I  think  he  was  the 
most  fearless  man  I  ever  knew  when  almost  overwhelmed  by  oppo- 
sition. If  any  differ  from  me  let  them  read  his  speeches  and  sermons 
when  most  public  men  were  as  quiet  as  those  in  the  sepulchre  ;  his 
sermon  after  the  death  of  Webster,  his  speech  in  Faneuil  Hall  after 
the  arrest  of  Anthony  Burns,  and  his  sermon  after  he  was  carried 
back  to  slavery,  'The  New  Crime  against  Humanity.'     I  admired 


him  for  his  vivid  conscience,  his  great  ability,  his  devotion  to  what 
he  behaved  was  right  and  his  fearlessness  in  defending  it,  however 
much  he  might  suffer  in  so  doing." 

Some  of  the  published  works  of  Rev.  Theodore  Parker  are  : 

Occasional  Sermons  and  Speeches,  2  vols.,  izmo,  1852. 
Ten  Sermons  on  Religion,  1853. 

Sermons  on  Theism,  Atheism  and  Popular  Theology,  1853. 
Additional  Speeches,  Addresses,  etc.,  2  vols.,  i2mo,  1855. 
Trial   of  Theodore   Parker  for  the   "Misdemeanor  of  a   Speech 
delivered  in  Faneuil  Hall  against  Kidnapping,"  1855. 
Two  Christmas  Celebrations,  1859. 
Experience  as  a  Minister,  1859. 

To  these  add  the  masterly  pamphlet-sermons  and  addresses 
on  "Immortal  Life,"  on  "The  Perils  of  Adversity  and  Pros- 
perity," "What  Religion  will  do  for  a  Man,"  "Lesson  for  a 
Midsummer  Day,"  "The  Function  and  Place  of  Conscience," 
the  "Sermon  of  Poverty,"  "  Of  War,"  "  Of  Merchants,"  "The 
Chief  Sins  of  the  People,"  "The  Power  of  a  False  Idea,"  of 
"The  Perishing  Classes,"  "The  Dangerous  Classes,"  "Great 
Cities,"  "The  Dangers  and  Duties  of  Woman,"  "Crime," 
"Intemperance,"  and  we  have  a  partial  list  of  his  best  sermons. 
He  left  unpublished  about  i,ooo  sermons  and  lectures,  among 
which  is  a  series  of  lectures  on  great  Americans,  some  of  which 
are  to  be  published.  Different  admirers  of  his  works  have 
privately  compiled  "Sermons  and  Lectures  by  Theodore 
Parker,"  amounting  in  all  to  about  18  different  publications. 
Besides  his  autobiography  by  O.  B.  Frothingham,  a  more 
extensive  one  by  John  Weiss,  and  a  third  by  A.  Revielle  of 
Paris,  entitled  "Theodore  Parker,  sa  vie  et  sa  CEuvres,"  1865, 
and  in  English,  London,  Dec,  1865,  i2mo.  He  left  the  chief 
part  of  all  his  very  valuable  library,  11,900  books  and  2,500 
pamphlets,  to  the  Boston  City  Library. 

Theodore  Parker  was  a  very  affable  man.  His  acquaint- 
ances included  people  of  all  classes  of  society  and  all  kinds  of 
people.  He  was  easily  approached,  as  he  was  very  pleasant 
and  genial  in  his  countenance  and  temperament.  His  friends 
were  everywhere,  he  seemed  to  know  everybody.  But  little 
above  the  average  height  he  was  very  firmly  built  and  carried 
a  rugged  appearance.  His  wife  continued  to  reside  in  Boston, 
where  she  died  several  years  since.     They  had  no  issue. 


134.  Mary  Parker  (Robert,^  John^  Josiak,^  John,'^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^ )^d.?cci.  of  Robert  and  Elizabeth  (Simonds) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Lexington,  Dec.  26,  1794;  rn.  April  11, 
1822,  Isaac  W.  Lawrence,  native  of  Lexington,  b.  Nov.  18, 
1796,  son  of  Phinehas  and  Polly  (Wellington)  Lawrence  of 
Lexington.     He  d.  Nov.  18,  1843.     She  d.  Nov.  30,  1881. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Albert  S.  Lawrence,  b.  in  Lexington,  Jan.  i,  1823  ;  d.  Aug. 

I,  1856. 

2.  Henry  L.  Lawrence,  b.   in   Lexington,  Aug.   17,   1824;    m. 

March  30,  1852,  Lucy  M.  Ham  of  Rochester,  N.  H.,  b.  in 
Rochester,  Nov.  14,  1830.  He  and  his  brother  are  merchants 
at  Faneuil  Hall  Market,  Boston.  All  the  children  were  b.  in 
Lexington : 

I.  Helen  M.  Lawrence,  b.  Dec.  27,  1852. 

II.  Mary  A.  Lawrence,  b.  Aug.  7,  1854. 

III.  Anna  Lawrence,  b.  May  9,  1857. 

IV.  Alice  S.  Lawrence,  b.  Dec.  6,  185S. 
V.     Henry  D.  Lawrence,  b.  Oct.  9,  i860. 

VI.     Gertrude  A.  Lawrence,  b.  Nov.  26,  1863. 
VII.     MiNOT  R.  Lawrence,  b.  July  20,  1867. 
VIII.     Grace  Lawrence,  b.  Oct.  6,  186S  ;  d.  Aug.  10,  1S69. 
IX.     Effie  Lawrence,  b.  May  24,  1871  ;  d.  July  21,  1872. 
X.     Dana  Lawrence,  b.  Dec.  5,  1875. 

3.  John  Parker  Lawrence,  b.  in  Lexington,  Dec.  37,  1830;  m. 

July  15,  i860,  Georgianna  Williams  of  Boston,  b.  in  Boston, 
April  3,  1823.     Their  children  were  : 
I.     Albert  P.  Lawrence,  b.  in  Boston.  July  31,  1863. 
II.     Mary  H.  Lawrence,  b.  in  Boston,  Oct.  15,  1864. 

III.  George  L.  Lawrence,  b.  in  Boston,  July  20,  1868. 

IV.  Charles  H.  Lawrence,  b.  in  Cambridge,  Oct.  16,  1869  ; 

d.  Aug.  II,  1870. 
V.     Blanche  L.  Lawrence,  b.  in  Cambridge,  July  22,  1873. 

4.  Theodore  M.  Lawrence,  b.  in  Lexington,  Jan.  5,  1837  !  '^• 

Oct.  7,  i860,  Sarah  J.  Luther  of  Boston,  b.  in  Boston,  Aug. 
10,  1838,  and  d.  Aug.  10,  1863.  He  d.  Jan.  18,  1888. 
Their  children  were  : 

I.     Henry  A.   Lawrence,  b.   in  Boston,  Nov.  9,  i860;  d. 
Oct.  3,  1S61. 

II.  Grace  Lawrence,  b.  in  Boston,  Nov.  19,  1862;  d.  Jan. 

4,  1863. 


135.  Eliza  Eleanor  Parker  (Robert,^  Jokn,^  Josiah,^ 
yohn,^  Hanamah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Robert  and  Elizabeth 
(Simonds)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Lexington,  Sept.  20,  1804 ;  m. 
April  12,  1829,  Nathan  Robbins  of  W.  Cambridge,  son  of 
Nathan  and  Rebecca  (Prentiss)  Robbins  of  W.  Cambridge, 
now  Arlington.  He  had  stalls  in  Faneuil  Hall  Market,  where 
he  dealt  in  poultry  and  wild  game.  He  was  one  of  the 
founders  of  the  Faneuil  Hall  Bank,  and  was  its  president  up 
to  the  time  of  his  death. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Edwin  Robbins,  b.  in  W.  Cambridge,  Jan.  9,  1832;  m.  1852, 

Ellen  S.  Daniels,  b.  in  W.  Cambridge,  Feb.   7,  1833,  dau.  of 
John  P.  and  Elinor  S.  (Whittemore)  Daniels.     Children  : 
I.     Frank  Robbins. 
II.     Henry  Parker  Robbins. 

III.  Nelly  Robbins. 

IV.  Nathan  Robbins. 

2.  Orrin  Robbins,  b.  in  W.  Cambridge,  Aug.,  1835  ;  d.  in  Phila- 

delphia in  1868. 

3.  Alvin  Robbins,  b.  in  W.  Cambridge,  Sept.,  1837;  ^-  Emma 

DebloisofW.  Cambridge  (now  Arlington).     Children: 
I.     Amelia  F.  Robbins. 
II.     Clinton  A.  Robbins. 
III.     Clarence  Robbins. 

136.  Almira  Parker  (Robert,^  Jokn,^  Josmk,^  Jo/m,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Robert  and  Elizabeth  (Si- 
monds) Parker,  was  b.  in  Lexington,  Aug.  30,  1806;  m. 
Oct.  I,  1837,  Joshua  Robbins  of  W.  Cambridge. 

Their  children  were  : 
I.     J.  MiNOT  Robbins,  b.  1838;  d.  1S69,  unm.     He  served  in  the 

War  of  the  Rebellion,  and  was  in  business  in  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
3.     A.  Leonard  Robbins,  who  d.  unm. 
3.     R.  Oscar  Robbins  ;  he  m.  and  had  at  least  two  children,  who 

are  now  living  in  Virginia.     The  parents  are  deceased. 

137.  Jonathan  Simonds  Parker  (Robert,^  John,^ 
yosiah,'^  yokn,^  Hanamah,^  Thomas'^),  son  of  Robert  and 
Elizabeth  (Simonds)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Lexington,  July  30, 
1812;    m.  Dec.   29,   1835,  Abigail  Tuttle,  b.  in  Lexington, 


Aug.  2,  1814,  dau.  of  David  and  Abigail  (Smith)  Tuttle. 
The  dau.  Abigail  was  the  great-great-grand-dau.  of  Lt. 
Josiah  Parker,  through  Anna  Parker,  No.  14,  Thomas  Smith 
(page  72),  and  Abigail  Smith  Tuttle  (page  72).  Se.e  Srrata. 
The  father,  David  Tuttle,  was  b.  in  Winchendon,  Dec.  2, 
1782,  son  of  Jedediah,  a  Revolutionary  veteran. 

Jonathan  S.  Parker  was  storekeeper.  His  place  of  business 
was  the  old  location  which  G.  W.  Spaulding  now  occupies. 
He  early  associated  himself  with  military  affairs  and  became 
captain  of  the  Lexington  artillery.  He  filled  the  most  im- 
portant town  offices,  was  treasurer  five  years,  from  1839  ^^ 
1844,  assessor  of  that  town  from  1850  to  1857,  and  1859,  ^"^^ 
selectman  three  years. 

Jonathan  S.  Parker  was  even  when  young  a  man  to  whom 
many  of  the  town  offices  were  entrusted,  and  must  have  proved 
worthy  as  he  was  ever  ready  to  aid  any  good  cause.  He  was 
a  gentleman  in  the  finest  sense  of  the  word,  honest  and  fear- 
less in  his  convictions.  He  was  public  spirited,  genial,  ready 
with  a  joke,  fond  of  reading  and  in  this  way  educated  himself 
after  his  early  leaving  school.  He  was  kind  and  helpful  to 
any  one  in  trouble,  and  although  he  died  comparatively  young 
his  memory  is  still  fresh  in  the  minds  of  his  many  friends. 
Jonathan  S.  Parker  was  a  man  of  mind,  of  true  honor,  of  ex- 
cellent business  abilities  and  was  a  highly  respected  citizen. 
He  d.  in  Lexington,  July  5,  1859,  and  his  widow  d.  April  4, 

Their  children  were  : 

John  Henry  Parker,  b.  Sept.  16,  1836;  d.  Sept.  12,  1S55. 

Elizabeth  Simonds  Parker,  b.  Sept.  30,  1838  ;  resides  in  Lexing- 
ton, unm.  She  is  a  teacher  in  Boston,  where  she  has  taught  in 
the  grammar  schools  for  20  years. 

Esther  Tuttle  Parker,  b.  Feb.  21,  1842;  resides  in  Lexington, 
Li  n  m . 

307.  Abby  M.  Parker,  b.  April  23,  1847;  m.  Geo.  H.  Cutter  of 

308.  Georgiana  Tuttle  Parker,  b.  Oct.  12,  1S49;  ^'^'  Charles 
W.  Converse  of  Woburn. 

Emma  Frances  Parker,  b.  April  8,  1853.  Siie  is  a  teacher  in 


Ellen  Henry  Parker,  b.  June  28,  1858  ;  teacher  for  some  years 
in  Lexington;  m.  Sept.  2,  1891,  George  B.  Grant  of  Boston;  re- 
sides in  Dorchester. 

138.  William  Bowers  Parker  (Robert,^  John,^ 
yostah,^  John^^  Ilanamah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Robert  and 
Elizabeth  (Simonds)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Lexington,  Jan.  13, 
1817  ;  m.  in  Lexington,  Nov.  30,  1843,  Elizabeth  Garfield  of 
Charlestown,  whose  parents  were  Emery  Garfield  of  New 
Hampshire  and  Betsey  Harrington  of  Lexington.  They  lived 
in  Charlestown. 

Their  children  were  : 

Mary  Eliza  Parker,  b.  Feb.  3,  1844;  m.  Sept.   20,  1864,  Albert 

W.  Lewis  of  Charlestown,  son  of  Seth  W.,  native  of  Claremont, 

N.  H.,  and  Sarah  (Stone)  Lewis,  native  of  Weare,  N.  H.     Their 

dau.  was  : 

I.     Mary  Adelaide  Lewis,  b.  June  14,  1865  ;   m.  July  17,  1884, 

J.  Eugene  Hyland  of  Augusta,  Me.,  and  resides  in  Everett. 

Almira  Robbins  Parker,  b.  Oct.   i,  1845;  m.  Thomas  Faber  of 

Everett,  now  residing  in  Weston.     She  d.  Oct.  4,  1882.     Their 

son  was  : 

I.     George  W.  Faber,  b.  July  31,  1870.     Resides  in  Everett. 
309.     JosiAH  Bowers  Parker,  b.  Aug.  31,   1848;    m.  Cristina 

Savage  of  Everett. 
Lucius  N.  Parker,  b.  April  7,  1851  ;  d.  May,  1856. 
Edith  Josephine  Parker,  b.  Dec.  26,  1854;  ^^'^-  Edward  Faber  of 

Everett.     She  d.  May  20,  1874,  and  her  child  has  since  died. 
Ellen  E.  Parker,  b.  Feb,  26,  i860;  d.  Dec,  1867. 

139.  Samuel  Parker  (Levi,^  Joseph, '=  Josiah,'^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Levi  and  Mary  (Lyon)  Parker, 
was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  March  4,  1787  ;  m.  in  Potsdam,  N. 
Y.,  Jan.  16,  1823,  Lurania  Akins,  b.  May  6,  1793,  dau.  of 
Nathaniel  and  Mary  (Tupper)  Akins.  Samuel  Parker  was  a 
farmer  and  lived  in  Potsdam.  He  was  also  overseer  of  the 
poor.  He  d.  in  Potsdam,  N.  Y.,  May  6,  1855.  She  d.  Nov. 
24,  1879.  In  a  local  journal  appeared  the  following  compli- 
mentary obituary  notice  of  Samuel  Parker  : 

"There  are  few  men  who  better  deserve  a  note  of  commendation 
when  they  pass  away  from  us  than  those  strong  and  enterprising  citi- 


zens  who  encountered  the  difficulties  incident  to  new  settlements,  and 
whose  industry  serves  to  lay  the  foundation  for  generations  to  come. 
In  this  point  of  view  our  respected  neighbor  and  friend  now  gone 
well  deserves  the  tribute  of  a  brief  notice.  Mr.  Samuel  Parker  came 
from  Royalton,  Vt.,  to  Potsdam,  N.  Y.,  in  1811,  where  the  remainder 
of  his  life  was  spent.  He  was  therefore  one  of  the  very  earliest 
settlers  of  this  point  of  St.  Lawrence  Co.,  and  the  community  has 
known  but  few  men  who  were  from  character  and  habits  better  fitted 
to  encounter  the  hardships  of  a  new  settlement  than  was  he.  Untir- 
ing industry,  indomitable  perseverance,  and  strict  moral  integrity 
may  be  said  to  have  been  his  ruling  characteristics.  He  took  up 
and  subdued  one  of  the  largest  farms  in  town  and  left  a  very  comfort- 
able estate  to  his  family  after  him.  He  was  highly  respected  and 
beloved  by  all  who  knew  him,  as  a  man  of  business  he  was  honest 
and  industrious,  as  a  husband  and  father  uniformly  kind,  as  a  neigh- 
bor always  helpful  and  obliging.  His  funeral  was  attended  by  a 
very  large  concourse  of  mourning  friends  and  neighbors,  and  by  the 
Racket  River  Lodge  of  Free  and  Accepted  Masons,  No.  213,  of 
which  the  deceased  had  been  a  highly  respected  member  from  1813 
to  the  day  of  his  death.  May  the  example  of  his  great  industry,  his 
honest  and  useful  life  be  followed  by  those  who  survive  him." 

Their  children  were  : 

310.     Albert  Parker,  b.  Oct.  19,  1S23  ;   m.  Turner. 

Anna  Eliza  Parker,  b.  May  29,  1S26;  d.  Aug.  8,  1829. 
Louis  Parker,  b.  May  29,  1831  ;  d.  Aug.  7,  1861. 

140.  Martha  Parker  (Levi,^  Joseph,^  Josiah,^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas'^),  dau.  of  Levi  and  Mary  (Lyon)  Parker, 
was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Nov.  19,  1788;  m.  1812,  Shubael 
Crandall,  b.  in  Preston,  Conn.,  Dec.  28,  1785.  He  moved 
with  his  father's  family  to  Royalton,  Vt.  They  removed  to 
Pierrepont,  St.  Lawrence  Co.,  N.  Y.,  in  181 7,  where  he  pur- 
chased land  in  the  then  almost  unbroken  wilderness  on  which 
he  resided  until  his  death.  He  early  became  a  member  of 
the  Presbyterian  Church  and  was  a  sincere  believer  in  the 
teachings  of  Jesus  Christ  until  the  close  of  his  long  life.  He 
d.  in  Pierrepont,  June  9,  1877,  in  the  92nd  year  of  his  age. 

They  had  four  children,  who  are  all  dead : 

1.  George    Crandall;    m.   and    had  a  dau.    Ellen,    now    Ellen 


2.  Elizabeth  Parker  Crandall. 


141.  Aaron  Parker  (Levi,^  Josef  h.^^  Josiah,'^  John.^ 
Hananiah,'^  Thomas"^),  son  of  Levi  and  Mary  (Lyon)  Parker, 
was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Feb.  20,  1791  ;  removed  with  family 
to  Royalton,  Vt.  ;  m.  in  Howard,  Steuben  Co.,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  : 
Samuel  Parker;  m.  and  had  son  Aaron,  who  is  supposed  to  be 

living  somewhere  in  the  west. 
Abijah  Parker  ( ?) . 
Martha  Parker  ( .?). 

142.  Anna  Parker  (Levt,^  Joseph,^  Jostah,^  Jokn,^ 
Hanamah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Levi  and  Mary  (Lyon)  Parker, 
was  b.  in  Royalton,  Vt.,  April  13,  1801  ;  m.  June  15,  1823, 
David  Paige,  b.  April  19,  1796,  son  of  Pierce  and  Anna 
(Durfee)  Paige.  They  lived  in  Royalton,  Vt,  ;  removed  to 
Downer's  Grove,  111.  He  was  a  clothier  and  farmer.  He  d. 
June  26,  1864.     She  d.  June  8,  1879. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Edwin  Paige,  b.  and  d.  April  3,  1824. 

2.  Gardner  Paige,  b.  in  Royalton,  Vt.,  July  17,   1826;    m.   at 

Downer's  Grove,  111.,  June  17,  1852,  Annis  Weed  Gilbert,  b.  in 
Castile,  Wyoming  Co.,  N.  Y.,  April  27,  1828,  dau.  of  Medad 
Parsons  and  Hannah  (Hill)  Gilbert.  He  was  a  farmer  and 
for  a  time  storekeeper.  In  Downer's  Grove,  111.,  he  was  police 
magistrate,  assessor,  collector  of  taxes  and  notary  public.  He 
d.  in  Downer's  Grove,  March  24,  1889.  Children  : 
I.  Martha  Virginia  Paige,  b.  in  Downer's  Grove,  111., 
Sept.  16,  1854;  '""•  Miller.     Children: 

1.  Paige  Miller,  b.  June  28,  1880. 

2.  Clyde  Orton  Miller,  b.  March  i,  1883. 

3.  Gertrude  Rose  Miller,  b.  July  8,  1886. 

4.  George  Samuel  Miller,  b.  Feb.  9,  1889. 

II.     Rose  A.  Paige,  b.   in   Wheaton,   111.,   Nov.    28,   1856; 
resides  at  Downer's  Grove,  111. 

III.  Hannah  G.  Paige,  b.  in  Downer's  Grove,  111.,  May  29, 

i860;  d.  Dec.  13,  1865. 

IV.  Alzina  J.  Paige,  b.   in   Downer's  Grove,  111.,  Sept.  4, 

1865  ;  d.  Nov.  19,  1865. 
v.     Gertrude  M.  Paige,  b.  in  Downer's  Grove,  111.,  May  2, 
i868;  m.  Aunable(?). 

3.  Mary  Alzina  Paige,  b.  April  25,  1829  ;  m.  in  Downer's  Grove, 


111.,  Feb.  22,  1849,  Washington  Burdett  Pratt,  son  of  David 
and  Electa  (Alexander)  Pratt.  He  was  b.  in  Homer,  N.  Y., 
Sept.  24,  1827  ;  d.  in  Durham,  Butte  Co.,  Cal.,  Dec.  25,  1879. 
He  was  a  farmer  and  miller.  She  d.  in  Downer's  Grove,  111., 
March  4,  1856.  Children  : 
I.     Ellen  Josephine  Pratt,  b.  in  Grundy  Co.,  111.,  March 

I,  1850;  m.  Charles  Clibourn.     They  reside  in  Decatur, 

II.     Eugene  Franklin  Pratt,  b.  in  Downer's  Grove,  111., 

June  23,  1851.     He  is  m.  and  resides  in  Calistoga,  Cal. 
III.     Daughter,  unnamed,  b.  and  d.  March,  1856. 

143.  Isaac  Parker  (Levi,^  Joseph,^  Jostak,^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Levi  and  Mary  (Lyon)  Parker, 
was  b.  in  Royalton,  Vt.,  Dec.  i,  1806.  He  early  removed  to 
Ohio,  where  he  lived  11  years.  He  m.  in  Cuyahoga  Falls, 
Summit  Co.,  O.,  Mary  Linsted,  then  of  Harrington,  Mass. 
She  was  b.  in  Woodbridge,  Suffolkshire,  England,  and  came 
at  four  years  of  age  with  her  parents  from  England  and  settled 
in  Barrington,  Mass.  They  removed  to  Chicago,  TIL,  where 
Isaac  Parker  still  resides  (1890)  in  the  eighty-fourth  year  of 
his  age.  He  was  the  youngest  in  the  family  of  Levi  Parker 
and  is  the  only  surviving  child. 

Their  child  was  : 
311.     Lucy  Ann  Parker,  b.  Dec.  17,  1838  ;  m.  Shubael  Crandall. 

144.  Eunice  Parker  (Joseph,^  Joseph,^  Josiah,^  John,i 
Hananiah^^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Joseph,  Jr.  and  Polly  (Fisk) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Weston,  Aug.  13,  1792;  m.  in  Weston, 
March  19,  1814,  Cyrus  Pratt,  b  in  Needham,  Feb.  26,  1790, 
the  sixth  of  the  nine  children  of  Deacon  Samuel  and  Hepzibah 
Pratt  of  Needham.  She  d.  in  Needham,  Aug.  16,  1834,  aged 
42.  The  family  lived  in  Needham,  where  he  was  a  farmer, 
but  the  town  records  fail  to  show  the  births  of  the  children, 
who  soon  removed  from  town.  He  d.  Sunday,  March  26, 
1871,  a.  81. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Samuel  Pratt,  who  d.  young. 

2.  Samuel  Pratt,  b.   1818  ;    d.  Oct.   15,   1890.      He  was  a  nail 

manufacturer  in  Wareham. 


3.  Joseph  Pratt,  b.  1822  ;  d.  from  an  accident  in  Duncannon,  Pa. 

4.  Isaac  Parker  Pratt,  b.  July  2,  1824  ;  m,  Feb.  i,  1846,  Sophia 

Bird,  b.  in  Chambly,  Lower  Canada,  Nov.  8,  1828,  dau.  of 
Esther  Bird.     She  d.  in  Brockton,  Oct.  25,  1890.     He  resides 
in  Brockton.     Children  : 
I.     RoswELL  Henry  Pratt,  b.  in  Bellingham,  March  27, 

1847  ;  m.  June  17,  1874,  Ann  J.  Henry  of  Rockport,  Me. 
II.     Herbert    Alton    Pratt,  b.   in    Bellingham,    July    26, 

1859;  d.  Dec.  29,  1864. 
III.     Frank  Parker  Pratt, b.  in  Bellingham,  Dec.  i,  1850  ;  m. 

in  Brockton,  June  3,  1874,  Mary  Ada  Cobb  of  Brockton. 

5.  Eunice  Pratt,  b.  1826  ;  m.  Roswell  Watkins.     They  lived  in 

Boston.       She   survives   and   resides  with   her    son-in-law    in 

Wollaston.     Children : 

I.     Lucinda  Watkins  ;  m.  William  Plummer  and  lived  in 

II.     Etta  Watkins  ;    m.  Fred  Libby.     They  lived  in  Cam- 
bridge.    They  are  both  deceased. 
There  were  several  children  who  d.  young. 

6.  Edwin  Pratt,  b.  in  Needham,  Aug.  5,  1828  ;  m.  July  22,  i860, 

Caroline  Patience  Williams,  b.  March  7,  1840,  dau.  of  Nathan 
A.  and  Esther  B.  (Haradon)  Williams.  He  is  a  mental  physi- 
cian in  Boston.     Child  : 

I.     Grace  L.  Pratt,  b.  Sept.   25,  1870;  m.  Feb.  10,  1891, 
Henry  Jenkins  of  Maiden. 

7.  William  Henry  Pratt,  b.  1831  ;  d.  Oct.  27,  1845,  aged  14. 

145.  Sophia  Parker  (Joseph,^  Joseph, ^  Josiak,^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Joseph,  Jr.  and  Polly  (Fisk) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Weston,  Oct.  6,  1796;  m.  at  Shrewsbury, 
Dec.  4,  1817,  Montgomery  Haven,  son  of  Samuel  Haven,  Jr., 
of  Shrewsbury.  She  m.  (2)  in  Waltham,  Oct.,  1832,  Asa 
Luce,  Jr.,  b.  in  Livermore  Falls,  Me.,  1802,  son  of  Asa  and 
Hephzebeth  (Weston)  Luce.  Asa  Luce,  senior,  was  proba- 
bly a  native  of  New  Bedford,  where  his  uncles  were  whalers, 
and  his  wife  was  a  native  of  Weymouth.  Asa  Luce,  Jr.,  with 
wife  Sophia  Parker  settled  in  Livermore  Falls,  Me. 

Their  children,  all  b.  in  Livermore  Falls,  were  : 

I.  Fannie  Valentine  Luce,  b.  Sept.  9,  1834  ;  m.  John  Kennison 
of  Jay,  Me.  They  lived  in  Maine.  She  is  deceased.  He 
resides  in  Jay,  Me.     Children  : 


I.  Laura  Kennison  ;  m.  and  resides  in  Livermore  Falls,  Me. 
II.     Eliza  Kennison  ;  m.  and  resides  in  Livermore  Falls,  Me. 

2.  Charles  Demetrias  Luce,  b.  Dec.  23,   1835  ;    m.  Dec.  24, 

1867,  Joa  Oakes  Bruce,  b.  in  Waltham,  Aug.  10,  1844,  dau. 
of  Hiram  and  Hannah  L.  Bruce  of  Waltham.  They  reside  in 
Waltham.  He  enlisted  in  Waltham  in  Co.  H,  i6th  Mass., 
June  29,  1861,  and  was  discharged  Nov.  24,  1862.  He  was 
in  Hooker's  Division,  Hentzleman's  Corps,  and  was  in  the 
battles  of  Big  Bethel,  Fair  Oaks,  White  Oak  Swamp,  Glen- 
dale,  Malvern  Hill,  Second  Bull  Run  and  Chancellorsville. 

3.  Henry  Bernard  Luce,  b.  June  10,  1837;  m.  Flavilla  Emory, 

dau.  of  Rev. Emory  of  Auburn,  Me.     He  d.  Oct.   11, 

1872,  and  she  resides  in  Auburn,  Me.  He  enlisted  with  his 
brother  Charles  D.  Luce,  and  after  his  time  expired  he  re- 
enlisted  and  served  all  through  the  war  to  its  close.  He  was 
in  all  the  battles  in  which  his  brother  took  part  and  in  all  which 
the  Army  of  the  Potomac  were  in  afterwards.  He  was  fifer  for 
Hentzleman's  Corps,  and  after  re-enlisting  was  messenger  of 
Gen.  Sickles'  stafi'.  Child  : 
I.     Lillian  Emory  Luce,  b.  June  18,  1871. 

4.  Laura  Haven  Luce,  b.  April   15,  1839;  m.  Myron  Breuuer, 

son  of  Dr.  Breuuer  of  Wilbraham.  They  have  an  adopted  son 
Luther  Breuuer. 

5.  Sullivan  Cooper  Luce,  b.  Oct.,  1841  ;  enlisted  in  1861  from 

Lewiston,  Me.,  in  Battery  C.  He  was  in  all  the  battles  of  the 
Army  of  the  Potomac  up  to  the  time  when  he  was  killed  in 
the  second  day's  fighting  of  the  Battle  of  Gettysburg. 

146.  Isaac  Parker  (Joseph,^  Joseph,^  Josiah,'^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Joseph*  and  Mary  (Fisk)  Parker, 
was  b.  in  Watertown,  July  19,  1802  ;  m.  in  Waltham,  April 
16,  1826,  Lucy  Dunsmore,  b.  in  Lunenburg,  March- 13,  1807, 
dau.  of  Isaac  and  Lucy  (Butterfield)  Dunsmore  of  Lunenburg. 
Her  father  soon  d.  and  when  aged  three  she  went  to  live  with 
her  grandfather,  Enoch  Cook  of  Westford,  a  Revolutionary 

*The  children  of  Joseph  Parker,  pages  161  and  162,  as  there  found,  are 
copied  from  Mrs.  Joseph  Parker's  family  Bible,  which  is  in  the  possession  of 
Isaac  Parker's  widow.  Heading  the  list  of  children  are  three  statements,  to 
wit : 

"Joseph  Parker  was  born  at  Lexington,  Oct.  4,  1767. 

"  Mary  Fisk,  wife  of  Joseph  Parker,  was  b.  at  Weston,  March  6,  1771. 

"  Mrs.  Joseph  Parker's  Bible." 



Isaac  Parker  of  Waltham. 


veteran.  She  came  to  Waltham  when  13  and  has  lived  in 
sight  ot'  the  bleachery  at  E.  Waltham  ever  since.  Isaac 
Parker  came  to  Waltham  when  19,  in  the  year  182 1.  He 
was  foreman  of  the  packing  and  pressing  at  the  bleachery,  but 
he  finally  chose  out-door  work  as  more  congenial  and  became 
a  farmer.  After  his  marriage  he  built  the  house  in  which 
his  widow  survives  him.  It  stands  at  the  corner  of  Willow 
and  River  Streets.  He  was  a  quiet,  industrious  man,  fond  of 
reading,  and  one  of  the  earliest  supporters  of  the  town  library. 
He  gave  a  part  of  his  farm  to  the  town  for  the  extension  of 
River  Street.  He  also  owned  the  land  situated  between  Gore 
Street  and  the  Charles  River,  a  part  of  which  he  gave  to  the 
Fitchburg  R.  R.  Co.  for  the  railroad  there.  He  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Watertown  Literary  Organization  which  joined  the 
Rumford  Institute  in  Waltham.  He  was  a  very  prominent  and 
active  member  of  that  institute  and  for  years  took  a  very  lively 
interest  in  its  work. 

Isaac  Parker  was  a  firm  and  unflinching  believer  in  Masonry. 
In  1828  he  took  his  Masonic  degrees  and  was  soon  elected 
master.  He  was  master  of  the  Monitor  Lodge  11  years,  from 
Jan.,  1847,  to  Nov.,  1858,  which  is  about  three  times  as  long 
as  the  administration  of  any  other  master  of  the  lodge,  and 
he  was  distinguished  as  the  first  master  of  Monitor  Lodge  who 
was  ever  presented  with  a  past  master's  jewel.  The  lodge 
which  bears  his  name  was  so  named  in  honor  to  him  —  The 
Isaac  Parker  Lodge  of  Waltham.  He  was  a  man  of  the  most 
unwavering  integrity  ;  his  word  was  as  good  as  his  bond.  He 
was  wholly  unostentatious,  and  he  was  a  man  of  deep  sense, 
sound  learning  and  good  judgment.  He  d.  in  Waltham,  Oct. 
I,  1875.     His  widow  survives. 

All  the  children  were  b.  in  Waltham  : 

312.  Mary  Hammond  Parker,  b.  March  4,  1827  ;  m.  Shubael 

313.  Isaac  Parker,  Jr.,  b.  March  4,  1829;    m.  Lydia  Greenleaf 

George  Parker,  b.  March  23,  1831  ;  d.  Nov.  20,  1832. 

314.  George  Endicott  Parker,  b.  Feb.  4,  1834. 
Bernard  Parker,  b.  Feb.  12,  and  d.  May  5,  1S36. 

Charles  Bernard  Parker,  b.  July  17,  1838;  d.  Dec.  31,  1839. 


315.  Lowell  Parker,  b.  April  24,  1840. 
Joseph  Parker,  b.  Feb.  3,  and  d.  March  9,  1842. 

Lucy  Caroline  Parker,  b.  Oct.  3,  1843  ;  d.  July  27,  1845. 

316.  Lucy  Caroline  Parker,  b.  June  9,   1846;    m.  Sept.   11, 
1871,  Warner  W.  Carpenter. 

147.  Cynthia*  Parker  ( Josef h,^  Josef h,^  Josiah,^ 
John,T>  'nanafiiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Joseph,  Jr.  and  Polly 
(Fisk)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Weston,  Jan.  15,  1810;  m.  in  Wal- 
tham,  Dec.  3,  1836,  David  M.  Batherrick,  son  of  Timothy 
Batherrick  of  Westborough.  They  lived  first  in  Waltham  but 
soon  removed  to  Weston.     She  d.  in  Weston,  July  5,  1850. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Adaline  Batherrick,  b.   1837;  d.  in  Weston,  July  16,  1850, 

2.  Elizabeth  Batherrick  ;  d.  in  Boston,  aged  about  20,  unm. 

148  Chloe  Parker  (Elisha,^  Joseph.^  Josiah,^  John,^ 
Hananiah^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Elisha  and  Jerusha  (Went- 
worth)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Weston,  March  7,  1801  ;  m.  m 
Weston,  April  20,  1823,  Caleb  Carr,  b.  July,  i797,  son  of 
Calebs  Carr  of  Easton,  son  of  Eseck4.  She  d.  in  No.  Easton, 
Dec  10,  1882.  She  was  an  energetic  and  capable  woman, 
and  possessed  rugged  health  until  impaired  by  age.  He  was 
employed  for  50  years  by  the  Ames  Shovel  Co.,  N.  Easton, 
Mass.,  and  he  d.  March  28,  1887. 

Their  children  were : 
I       ToHN  H.  Carr,  b.  April  9,   1824;  m.   (i)  Mary  Stoddard  of 
Stoughton;  she  d.   1849,  and  he  m.  (2)  Emily  E.  Willis  of 
Easton,  who  d.  July  17,  1889,  and  he  m.  (3)  Sept.  21,  1889, 
Harriet  N.  Dow  of  Harwich.     He  is  assistant  foreman  m  the 
Ames  Shovel  Co.,  and  resides  in  N.  Easton.     Children  : 
I.     Lewis  Carr,  b.  Nov.  28,  185 1  ;  d.  July  28,  1852. 
II.     Charles  Carr,  b.  Oct.  10,  1S53  ;  d.  March  4,  1854. 

III.  Helen  Carr,  b.  Feb.  11,  1855  ;  m.  June  26,  1878,  John 

C   Wilder  of  Brockton,  where  they  reside, 

IV.  Frank  Carr,  b.  Feb.   12,  1861  ;  m.  Nellie  Whiting  of 

*The  name  is  spelled  ^hout  the  letter  n  in  the  mother's,  Mrs.  Joseph 
Parker's,  Bible. 


Whitman.     They  and  their  dau.  Helen  May  Carr  reside 
in  Easton. 
V.     Caleb  Carr,  b.  Nov.  i,  1866;  d.  Jan.  26,  1869. 

2.  Eliza  Carr,  b.  Nov.  6,  1825  ;  m.  Dec.  7,  1848,  Hiram  Williams 

of  Easton,  son  of  Larned  Williams.     They  lived  in  N,  Easton, 

where  she  d.  Jan.  10,  1S81.     He  survives.     Children: 

I.     Henry  C.  Williams,  b.  Oct.  26,  1S49  ;  m.  Feb.  27,  1877, 

Mary  H.  Dunbar. 
II.     Edith  Williams,  b.  Dec.  30,   1854;  "^-  Nov.  9,  1880, 

Dr.  George  E.  Woodbury  of  Brockton. 

3.  Martin  Wales  Carr,  b.  March  9,  1829 ;  m.  Dec.  22,   1858, 

Lucy  E.  Brackett  of  Quincy,  b.  July  3,  1838.  He  is  a  jewelry 
manufacturer  in  Boston,  and  resides  in  Somerville.  Children  : 
I.     Lewis    Brackett    Carr,  b.  in  N.  Attleborough,  May 

31,  i860. 
II.     Eugene  Parker  Carr,  b.  in  Springfield,  Jan.  31,  1864. 

III.  Frederick  Martin  Carr,  b.  July  10,  1870. 

IV.  Emily  Howard  Carr,  b.  Oct.  19, 1876  ;  d.  March  6,  1877. 
V.     Helen  Damon  Carr,  b.  Jan.  27,  1880. 

VI.     Howard  Wentworth  Carr,  b.  Jan.  30,  1881. 

4.  Lewis  Carr,  b.  Nov.  7,  1830;  d.  Jan.  13,  1851. 

5.  Jerusha  Ann   Carr,  b,  Dec.   25,   1833;    "^-  April   13,   1851, 

George  H.  Hartwell  of  W.  Bridgewater,  and  reside  in  Cam- 
bridge.    Children  : 
I.     Amy  Hartwell.  ii.     Fannie  Hartwell. 

6.  Sarah  F.  Carr,  b.  March   25,    1836;  m.   (i)   Oct.  5,    1854, 

Hannibal  Wells  of  Easton,  who  d.  Nov.  30,  1854,  ^^*^  ^^^^  '^* 
(2)  March  15,  1863,  Albert  T.  Reed,  son  of  Rotheus  A.  and 
Ruhamah  F.  (Howard)  Reed  of  Easton.  They  reside  in 
Whitman.     Children : 

I.     Lillian  Reed,  m.  iv.     Charles  Reed,  who  d. 

II.     Fannie  Reed.  v.     A  son,  unnamed. 

III.     Alice  Reed.  vi.     Jennie  Reed. 

7.  Henry    Carr,   b.    Feb.    11,    1838;    m.    Nov.    i,    1863,    Mary 

Elizabeth    White,   dau.   of  Sanford    and  Mary   E.   White   of 
Easton.     He  is  assistant  foreman  in  the  Ames  Shovel  Works, 
N.  Easton,  where  he  resides.     Children  : 
I.     Lewis  Henry  Carr,  b.  Sept.  22,  1867. 
IT.     Edward  Martin  Carr,  b.  Jan.  25,  1874. 

8.  Lydia  Carr,  b.  Dec.  7,  1840;  m.  (i)  George  Humphrey,  (2) 

William  Monroe.     They  reside  in  Lynn.     Their  dau.  was: 
I.     Bertie  Monroe  ;  m.  and  resides  in  Brockton. 


149.  Isaac  Parker  (EHsha,^  Joseph,^  Josiah,'^  John,-i 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Elisha  and  Jerusha  (Went- 
worth)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Weston,  April  23,  1803  ;  removed 
with  his  parents  to  Lincolnville,  Me.  ;  removed  with  them  to 
Stoughton,  Mass.,  about  1815  ;  m.  Nov.  9,  1825,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Hawes  of  S.  Boston,  Flavila  R.  Crosby,  b.  in  Carlisle, 
May  6,  1810,  dau.  of  Rhoda  Crosby.  He  removed  (i)  to 
Walpole,  (2)  to  Needham,  (3)  to  Newton,  (4)  to  Cambridge- 
port,  (5)  to  Stoughton,  (6)  to  Canton,  (7)  in  1847  to  Salem, 
where  he  d.  Dec.  3,  187 1.  She  survives  him  and  lives  in 
Salem.  He  was  naturally  a  machinist.  He  learned  the  black- 
smith trade.  In  Cambridgeport  and  Stoughton  he  and  his 
brother  Samuel  made  blind-hinges.  In  Salem  he  conducted 
a  shop  devoted  to  the  manufacture  of  curriers'  knives,  and  in 
which  business  he  was  succeeded  by  his  son. 

Their  son  was  : 
317.     James  Parker,  b.  in  Stoughton,  March  22,  1827  ;  m.  Martha 
A.  Haskell  of  Deer  Isle,  Me. 

150.  Elisha  Hobbs  Parker  (Elisha,^  Josepk.^  Josiah,^ 
John^T>  Hananiah,'^  Thomas^),  son  of  Elisha  and  Jerusha 
(Wentworth)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Weston,  April  17,  1805  ;  re- 
moved with  his  family  to  Lincolnville,  Me.  ;  removed  with 
them  to  Stoughton,  Mass. ;  in  Stoughton  was  a  manufacturer 
of  blind-hinges  and  one  of  the  Stoughton  Grenadiers.*  While 
still  a  young  man  he  removed  to  Connecticut  and  m.  July  i, 
1830,  at  E.  Windsor,  Ct.,  Charlotte  Skinner  of  S.  Windsor, 
Ct.,  dau.  of  Benjamin  and  Mary  (Foster)  Skinner,  b.  May  17, 
1807.  He  settled  in  S.  Windsor,  Ct.,  where  he  was  a  boot 
manufacturer.  He  d.  in  S.  Windsor,  Aug.  25,  1845,  aged 
40.     She  d.  March  25,  1883. 

The  children  were  all  b.  in  E.  Windsor,  now  S.  Windsor: 

Mary  B.  Parker,  b.  Sept.  13,  1831  ;  m.  May,  1849  5  ^-  -^i^&"»  1S58. 
Louisa  Catharine  Parker,  b.  July  21,  1833;  m.  Jan.  21,  1851, 

♦The  Stoughton  Grenadiers  have  long  taken  a  prominent  part  in  the  mili- 
tary social  life  of  the  town  of  Stoughton.  Elisha  H.  Parker  was  one  of  the 
charter  members,  as  was  also  Isaac  Parker.  The  vacancy  made  by  Elisha  was 
filled  by  his  brother  Hiram  Parker,  who  still  belongs,  and  that  caused  by  the 
removal  of  Isaac  Parker  was  filled  by  his  brother  Jonathan  C.  Parker,  while 
Charles  Elbridge  Parker  succeeds  to  his  father's  membership. 


William  G.  Tefft,  b.  in  Windham,  Ct.,  Oct.    i,   1819.     He  is  a 
farmer  in  S.  Windsor,  Ct. 

318.  Benjamin  Skinner  Parker,  b.  Feb.  12,  1835  ;  m.  Julia 
Wolcott  of  Windsor,  Ct. 

319.  Frances  Janet  Parker,  b.  Dec.  8,  1836;  m.  Samuel  S. 

Ellen  Rebecca  Parker,  b.  Nov.  20,  1840;  m.  in  S.  Windsor, 
Ct.,  Jan.  7,  1873,  Edwin  B.  Ripley,  b.  in  Blandford,  Mass.,  son 
of  John  and  Elizabeth  Ripley.      He  is  a  farmer  in  S.  Windsor,  Ct. 

320.  Emma  Sarah  Parker,  b.  Jan.  4,  1843  ;  m.  Albert  K.  Fuller 
of  Stafford,  Ct. 

Charlotte  Maria  Parker,  b.  Feb.  i,  1845;  m.  July  14,  1892, 
Henry  Brown  of  Feeding  Hills. 

151.  Rebecca*  Parker  (EHska,^  Josej)k,z  Josiah,^ 
John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Elisha  and  Jerusha 
(Wentworth)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Lincolnville,  Me.,  Sept.  18, 
1807  ;  m.  Martin  Wales,  b.  in  Stoughton,  Feb.  22,  1802,  son 
of  Joshua  and  Betsey  Wales  of  Stoughton.  She  was  an  at- 
tractive lady,  a  very  industrious  and  able  woman.  She  was 
very  ingenious.  She  excelled  in  fancy  work,  and  her  cone 
and  shell  work  were  also  her  pride.  Martin  Wales  was  a 
well-to-do  and  influential  man  ;  was  president  of  the  Brockton 
Bank,  then  N.  Bridgewater,  and  his  likeness  adorned  their 
bank-notes.     He  d.  March  6,  1874.     She  d.  Oct.  10,  1886. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Mary  Rebecca  Wales,  b.  June  5,   1829;   m.  Sept.  6,  1849, 

Caleb  H.  Packard  of  Campello.     They  have  one  adopted  dau. 

2.  Martin  Wales,  Jr.,  b.  Nov.  30,  1831  ;  d.  March  5,  1832. 

3.  Martin  Wales,  Jr.,  b.  March    19,   1833;    m.   Jan.   2,   1853, 

Olive  E.  Wales  of  N.  Bridgewater.     He  d.  Dec.   17,   1864. 
She  resides  in  Boston.     Children  : 

I.     Edward  Lewis  Wales  ;  m.  and  resides  in  N.  Easton. 
II.     Charles   Lowry  Wales;    m.    Caroline  Wentworth  of 

Stoughton.     He  is  a  railway  conductor  and  resides  in 


4.  George  Wales,   b.  Sept.  25,   1835;    m.    (i)    Oct.    16,    1856, 

Emily  F.  Richards  of  S.  Weymouth;  she  d.  Dec.   17,  1864; 

♦Rebecca  Parker  is  recorded  in  the  list  of  her  parents'  children  with  the 
middle  initial  R.  But  from  the  family  papers  it  appears  that  she  did  not  use 
a  middle  name. 


m.  (2)  April  5,  1869,  Mary  A.  Richards  of  S.  Weymouth 
(niece  of  his  first  wife) .  He  is  a  shoe  merchant  and  resides  in 
Stoughton.      Children : 

I.  George  Albert  Wales,  b.  March  18,  1858. 
II.     Emma  Frances  Wales,  b.  May  11,  1870. 

5.  Seth   Wales,  b.   Aug.   4,    1837;    m.    Oct.    2,    1864,    Eudora 

Williamson  of  Stoughton,  where  they  reside.     Children  : 
I,     Seth  Elva  Wales,    iv.     Burton  Wales. 
II,     Arthur  Wales.  v.     Edwin  Forrest  Wales. 

III.     A  dau.,  d.  in  infancy,    vi.     Catharine  Rebecca  Wales. 

6.  Lucy  Maria  Wales,  b.  July  3,  1839;  ^^-  Fisher  Ames  Cope- 

land.     Children  : 

I.     Harry  Addison  Copeland  ;  hotel  keeper.  Sea  Isle  City, 

II.  Merton  Fisher  Copeland,  who  m.  Caroline  Packard  of 


7.  Adelaide  Frances  Wales,  b.  Nov.  5,  1845  ;  m.  Jan.  i,  1868, 

William  Neale  of  Readfield,  Me.      He  is  a  railway  conductor 
and  resides  in  Stoughton.     She  d.  Dec.  31,  1882.     Child: 
I.     Minnie  Neale  ;  d.  at  age  of  eight  years. 

Samuel  Austin  Whitney  Parker  (see  page  162), 
(Elisha,^  yosej)h,^  yosiah^^  yohn,^  Hanantah,^  Thomas^),  son 
of  Elisha  and  Jerusha  (Wentworth)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Lincoln- 
ville,  Me.,  July  25,  1810  ;  removed  about  1815  with  his  parents 
to  Stoughton,  Mass.,  where  he  m.  Priscilla  Tisdale  Drake, 
b.  in  Stoughton,  April  17,  1814,  dau.  of  John  and  Hannah 
(Morse)  Drake  of  Stoughton.  He  was  a  natural  machinist, 
sharing  the  characteristic  inventive  genius  of  his  family.  He 
invented  among  other  things  the  dinking  machine  for  boot 
manufacturing  and  the  turning  machine.  He  invented,  it  is 
said,  the  first  machine  used  on  a  boot.  He  lived  in  Stoughton. 
His  widow  survives  him. 

Samuel  Parker  was  a  large,  fine  looking  man  of  six  feet 
two  inches  in  height,  and  stood  very  erect.  From  his  several 
initials  he  was  sometimes  distinguished  by  the  nickname  of 
"Saw"  Parker. 

Their  children  were  : 
Priscilla  Drake  Parker,  b.  Feb.   19,    1836;    m.  in  Stoughton, 

1856,  William  H.  White,  Jr.,  b.  in  Stoughton,  1835,  son  of  Will- 


iam  H.  and  Annie   (Erskins)   White  of  Stoughton.     They  reside 
in  Stoughton.     Children  : 

I.     William  Whitney  White,  b.  in  Stoughton,  May  27,  1857. 
II.     Annie  Priscilla  White,  b.  in  Stoughton,  May  5,  1862. 

Samuel  Austin  Whitney  Parker,  Jr.,  b,  Dec.  18,  1834;  m. 
Hattie  Wade  of  Brockton  Heights.  They  reside  in  Stoughton. 
He  with  George  Wales  carried  on  the  boot  and  shoe  business  in 
Stoughton  in  the  Martin  Wales  building.  He  also  kept  the  Hotel 
Parker  for  a  while.  Samuel  Parker  was  a  prosperous  and  very 
active  citizen.  He  kept  a  market  in  Boston,  when  he  suffered  the 
misfortune  of  paralysis,  and  entrusted,  to  his  financial  loss,  his 
large  business  to  his  help.  Their  son  was : 
I.     Austin  Parker,  b.  April,  1859;  d.  when  a  young  man. 

EsTELLE  Inez  Parker,  b.  May  4,  1845  ;  m.  1866,  Dr.  W.  E.   C. 
Swan  of  Stoughton,  native  of  S.  Easton.     She  d.  March  26,  1891, 
aged  45  years,  10  months,  22  days.     Their  son  was : 
I.     Charles  Louis  Swan,  b.  Dec.  19,  1867  ;  resides  in  Stoughton. 

152.  Hannah  Parker  (Eliska,^  Joseph,^  Josiah,^ 
yohn,^  Hananiah^^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Elisha  and  Jerusha 
(Wentvvorth)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Lincolnville,  Me.,  Jan.  13, 
1813  ;  m.  in  Stoughton,  John  Smith  of  Stoughton,  a  native  of 
Portugal,  b.  181  r,  and  came  when  very  young  to  this  country 
with  his  brother  Joseph  C.  Smith,  who  later  settled  in  Cam- 
bridge. John  Smith  was  first  a  ship  rigger  in  Boston,  after- 
ward a  shoemaker  in  Stoughton.  He  d.  in  Raynham,  1847. 
She  remained  a  widow  14  years,  when  she  m.  (2)  Eleazer 
Pratt  of  Weymouth.     She  d.  in  We3'mouth  about  1867. 

The  children  of  John  and  Hannah  (Parker)  Smith  were  : 

I.     James  Elisha  Smith,  b.  in  Stoughton,  June  2,  1S33  ;  m.  (i) 
Sophia   Thomes,    (2)   Abbie   Pope,    (3)    Sarah    Kellogg,   and 
resides  in  Athol. 
The  children  of  James  and  Sophia  (Thomes)  Smith  were: 
I.     John  Smith,  b.  1S65. 
II.     James  Smith,  b.  1867. 

III.  Maria  Smith. 

The  children  of  James  and  Sarah  (Kellogg)  Smith  were: 

IV.  Ida  Eva  Smith,  b.  1877. 

V.     Alice  Louisa  Smith,  b.  Feb.  i,  1879. 


VI.     Edna  Mabel  Smith,  \ry.    ■ 
VII.     Flossie  Smith,  3 

2.  Betsey  Maria  Antoinette  Smith,  b.  in  Randolph,  Oct.  27, 

1837  ;   m.  Frederic  Russell  and  resides  in  N.  Easton.      Child  : 
I.     Eveline  D.  Russell  ;  m.  H,  E.  French  and  resides  in 

3.  Joseph  Creoister  Smith,  b.  in  Stoughton  ;  m.  Bridget  Maguire, 

and  has  had  : 

I.     Cora  Smith.  ii.     Flora  Smith. 

4.  Sarah  Jane  Smith,  b.  in  Stoughton  ;  m.  Janies  Luther.     They 

have  a  large  family  of  children  and  reside  in  Taunton,  where 
he  is  foreman  of  a  locomotive  factory. 

5.  Melissa  Smith;  m.  John  Dame.     They  lived  in  Hanover  and 

are  both  deceased.      Children  : 
I.     Alvin  Dame  ;  resides  in  Hanover, 
II.     Emma  Dame  ;  resides  in  Hanover. 
The  child  of  Eleazer  and  Hannah  (Parker)  (Smith)  Pratt 
was  : 

6.  Eleazer  Pratt,  Jr.     He  is  living  in  Weymouth. 

153.  Hiram  Parker  (Elisha,^  Joseph,^  Josiah,'>  John.i 
Hanamah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Elisha  and  Jerusha  (Went- 
worth)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Stoughton,  March  28,  1816 ;  m. 
Sept.  25,  1836,  Rhody  Freeman  of  Orleans,  b.  March  11, 
1818,  dau.  of  Jonathan  and  Eunice  (Snow)[?]  Freeman  of 
Orleans.  She  d.  of  consumption,  Nov.  21,  1848,  and  he  m. 
(2)  April  25,  1850,  Sarah  Irene  Morse,  b.  in  Roxbury,  April 
23,  1830,  dau.  of  Amos  and  Abigail  Barnet  (Davenport) 
Morse.  He  learned  the  trade  of  shoemaking.  He  has  been 
undertaker  in  Stoughton  and  sexton  of  the  Universalist  Church 
in  all  over  30  years.     He  is  the  mail-carrier  of  Stoughton. 

The  children  of  Hiram  and  Rhody  (Freeman)  Parker  were  : 
Hiram  Emmons  Parker,  b   Nov.  4,  1837  ;  d.  July  13,  1859. 
Mary  Augusta  Parker,  b.  Dec.  4,  1840;  d.  Jan.  13,  1841. 
Albert  Parker,  b.  June  i,  1844.     He  enlisted  in  the  Civil  War 

for  two  years;  was  taken  prisoner  and  d.  in  1865  in  Andersonville 

stockade  prison  just  before  the  close  of  the  war. 

The  children  of  Hiram  and  Sarah  I.  (Morse)  Parker  were  : 
Cariella  Parker,  b.  and  d.  Dec.  i,  185 1. 
Gertrude  Parker,  b.  June  9,  and  d.  July  24,  1856. 


Charlotte  Morse  Parker,  b.  Aug.  28,  1858  ;  d.  April  3,  i860. 
Waldo  Parker,  b.  May  12,  and  d.  June  19,  1862. 
Everett  Parker,  stillborn,  May  30,  1S66. 

154.  Jonathan  Capin  Parker  (Elisha,^  Jose^h,^ 
yosiak,'^  'John,^^  Hananiah,-  Thomas^),  son  of  Elisha  and 
Jerusha  (Wentworth)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Stoughton,  April  23, 
1820  (twin  brother  with  David  M.)  ;  m.  in  Lowell,  Oct.  18, 
1840,  Martha  Ann  Briggs,  b.  in  Stoughton,  Jan.  23,  1822, 
dau.  of  Shepherd  and  Sally  (Morris)  Briggs  of  Stoughton. 
The  father,  Shepherd  Briggs,  was  a  manufacturer  in  Stoughton 
and  Lowell. 

Jonathan  C.  Parker  was  a  natural  mechanic  with  wood  or 
iron.  Besides  that  of  a  woodworker  and  machinist  he  knew 
also  the  shoemaker's  trade.  He  lived  in  Stoughton  all  his 
days.  He  and  his  brother  Samuel  made  the  first  steam  engine 
that  Samuel  ever  used.  He  conducted  a  machine  shop  in  the 
manufacture  of  edge  tools.  He  supplied  all  the  shoemakers 
of  Stoughton  with  knives,  which  were  distinguished  for  their 
quality.  He  had  the  inventive  genius  of  his  people  :  was  an 
intelligent  looking,  large  and  robust  man  of  over  200  weight. 
He  d.  July  8,  1886.     His  widow  survives. 

Their  children  were  : 

321.  Charles  Elbridge  Parker,  b.  May  21,  1844;   m.  Harriet 
A.  Minzy  of  Brockton  Heights. 

322.  Elisha  Melville  Parker,  b.  April  iS,  1848;  m.  Caroline 
Frances  Coots  of  Stoughton. 

155.  David  Manley  Parker  (Elisha,^  Joseph,^ 
'Josiah^^  John,^  Hananiah^^  Tkojuas^),  son  of  Elisha  and 
Jerusha  (Wentworth)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Stoughton,  April  23, 
1820  (twin  brother  with  Jonathan  C.)  ;  m.  Mary  Ann  Andrews 
of  Walpole.  He  was  a  shoemaker  and  d.  in  Stoughton,  Feb. 
5,  1890,  aged  69  years,  9  months,  13  days. 

Their  dau.  was : 
Mary  Lavinia  Parker,  who  m.  Hiram  Smith  of  Stoughton.     She 
d.  aged  about  22  and  left  no  issue. 

156.  Nancie  Parker  (John.^  Peter, ^  Jokn,^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  John  and  Deborah  (Lamb) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Framingham,  Dec.  11,  1782  ;  m.  in  Royal- 


ston,  1802,  Nathan  Goddard,  b.  June  26,  1780.  They  lived 
first  in  Athol.  Their  home  was  near  the  Royalston  line,  but 
one-half  mile  from  the  Parker  homestead  in  Royalston.  Re- 
moved in  1806  to  Bethlehem,  N.  H.,  where  he  resided  the 
greater  part  of  his  time  ever  after.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d. 
in  Littleton,  N.  H.,  April  26,  1857,  at  the  home  of  his  dau., 
Mrs.  Sally  Strain.  He  was  thus  aged  76  years,  10  months. 
She  d.  in  Littleton,  N.  H.,  Nov.,  1865,  aged  83. 
Their  children  were  : 

1.  Anna  Goddard,  b.  in  Athol,  Oct.  6,  1803  ;  m.  Luke  Aldrich 

of  Littleton,  N.  H.  She  d.  Feb.,  1870.  They  had  one  dau.  : 
I.     Maria  Aldrich  ;  m.  George  Bacon. 

2.  Eliza  Goddard,  b.  in  Athol,  Aug.  15,  1805  ;  d.  Feb.  5,  1S86, 


3.  John  Goddard,  b.   in  Bethlehem,  N.  H.,  July  15,   1S07  ;  m. 

April  15,  1835,  Betsey  Banfill  of  Dalton,  N.  H.,  and  removed 
to  Bethlehem,  N.  H.     He  d.  July  28,  1S87.     Children  : 
I.     Elizabeth  Goddard. 

II.     Leonora  S.  Goddard  ;  m. Baker  of  Bethlehem,  N. 

H.,  and  resides  in  Littleton,  N.  H. 

III.  Emeline  Goddard. 

IV.  Daniel  Goddard. 

v.     Alburn  Goddard  ;  d.  in  the  war  of  the  Rebellion. 
VI.     Henry  Goddard. 

4.  Mary  Goddard,  b.  Jan.  31,  1810;   m.  Amasa  Annis  of  Little- 

ton, N.  H.,  where  they  resided.  She  d.  June,  1856,  without 
issue.      He  is  also  deceased. 

5.  Rhoda   Goddard,  b.   Oct.  3,  1S12:    m.  in  Bethlehem,  N.  H., 

Sept.  15,  1839,  John  Gordon  of  Littleton,  N.  H.,  b.  in  New 
Hampton,  N.  H.,  May  18,  1810,  son  of  Jeremiah  and  Sally 
Gordon.  He  is  a  farmer.  She  now  resides  in  Waterford  Vt. 
Their  seven  children  were  all  b.  in  Littleton,  N.  H.  : 

I.     Amasa  N.  Gordon,  b.  May  31,  1S43. 
II.     Mary  A.  Gordon,  b.  Oct.  4,  1846;  m.  Freeman  Morse, 

and  resides  in  Waterford,  Vt. 
III.     Sally  P.  Gordon,   b.   Nov.   5,    184S ;    m.   Jackson  M. 
Perry,  and  have  children,  viz.  : 

1.  Georgianna  Perry,  b.  Sept.  7,  1S65. 

2.  William  Perry,  b.  Feb.  22,  1S68. 

3.  Frank  G.  Perry,  b.  Feb.  23,  1869. 

4.  Jennie  E.  Perry,  b.  Dec.  3,  1871, 




5.  Mary  E.  Perry,  b.  Oct.  24,  1873. 

6.  Charles  M.  Perry,  b.  Nov.  6,  1874. 

7.  Hattie  E.  Perry,  b.  Nov.  8,  1875. 

8.  Carrie  M.  Perry,  b.  Feb.  28,  1877. 

9.  Allie  B.  Perry,  b.  May  11,  1878. 
ID.  Willie  B.  Perry,  b.  July  12,  1879. 

11.  Harry  G.  Perry,  b.  Aug.  22,  1881. 

12.  Elsie  L.  Perry,  b.  Nov.  18,  1882. 

13.  Katie  G.  Perry,  b.  Dec.  2,  1884. 

14.  Ida  M.  Perry,  b.  April  18,  1887. 

IV.     George  Gordon,  b.  Sept.  25,  1850. 

V.  Charles  C.  Gordon,  b.  June  28,  1852. 

VI.  Israel  Gordon,  b.  April  8,  1854. 

VII.  Ellen  I.  Gordon,  b.  Jan.  i,  1857. 

Peter  Goddard,  b.  April    17,   1814;    m.   Emeline  BanfiU   of 
Dalton,  N.  H.     He  d.  March,  1889.     They  had  one  son  : 
I.     H.  P.   Goddard,  who  resides  in  Franconia,  N.  H.     No 
Abigail  Goddard,  b.  Feb.  20,  1S16;  d.  Aug.,  1824. 
Sally  Goddard,  b.  Nov.  5,  1818  ;  m.  Aug.  29,  1S38,  Daniel 
Strain.     He  is  deceased.     She  d.  Dec.   i,   1888.     They  had 
seven  sons  and  five  daughters  all  but  one  son  of  whom  lived 
to  maturity.     They  are  now  widely  scattered  about  the  country. 
Their  names  were : 

I.     Ellen  Strain  ;  m. Brown  and  live  in  Vermont ;  no 

II.     Cornelius  Hartwell  Strain  ;  resides  in  Littleton,  N. 
H.,  and  has  sons  : 
I.     Allie  Strain.  2.     Arthur  Strain. 

III.  John  Parker  Strain  ;  d.  unm. 

IV.  Jane  Strain  ;    m.  Weston  Lyons  of  Bath,  Me.     Their 

son  is : 
I .     Harry  Weston  Lyons. 
V.     Catharine  Eliza  Strain  ;  m.  Court  Spooner  of  Bethle- 
hem.    They  live  in  Lisbon,  N.  H.,  and  have  children. 

VI.  Daniel  J.  Strain;  m.  Dora  L.  Adams,  dau.  of  Jacob 

A.  and  Adelia  B.  Adams  of  Wilbraham.     He  is  an  artist 
in  Boston  ;  no  living  issue. 

VII.  Sarah  C.  Strain  ;  m.  James  Long. 

VIII.  Charles  Strain;  resides  in  Littleton,  N.  H.,  and  has  a 

IX.     Lyman  Edward  Strain  ;  lived  a  few  months. 
X.     Frank  W.  Strain  ;  unm. 



XI.     Harry  Strain  ;  resides  in  Littleton,  N.   H.,  and  has  a 

XII.     Eva  C.  Strain. 
9.     EvALiNE    GoDDARD,   b.   Feb.    20,    1822;    m.    March    i,    184=^, 
Albert  Oilman  of  Bethlehem,  N.  H.     She  d.  March  21,  1890. 
Their  children  were  : 

I.     George  Gilman  ;  m. Phillips,  and  resides  in  Bethle- 
hem, N.  H. 
II.     Frank  Gilman. 
HI.     Mary  Gilman. 

157.  Mary  Parker  (John,^  Peter, ^  John,^  yohn,^ 
J-fanantah,^  Tho?nas^),  dau.  of  John  and  Deborah  (Lamb) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Framingham,  June  2,  1789;  m.  in  Royal- 
ston,  Oct.,  1815,  Capt.  John  Forristall  of  Winchendon,  b. 
Feb.  23,  1787.  He  was  a  farmer  in  Winchendon,  a  captain 
of  the  militia  and  selectman  for  a  number  of  years.  He  d. 
Oct.  16,  1862.     She  d.  July  30,  1872. 

The  children  were  b.  in  Winchendon  : 

1.  Joseph  Parker  Forristall,  b.  Oct.   24,   1816;   m.  in  Win- 

chendon, Aug.   30,   1842,  Mary  A.  Flint,  b.  in  Winchendon, 
Nov.  I,  181S.      He  is  a  farmer  and  lumberman  and  resides  in 
Alstead,  N.  H.     Their  children  were  : 
I.     George  Parker  Forristall,  b.  Oct.  9,  185 1  ;  d.  June 

I,  1858. 
II.     Frank  M.  Forristall,  b.  April  22,  1857  '■>   "''•  Juiie  19, 

1878,  and  has  three  children  : 

1.  Leslie  Parker  Forristall,  b.  May  4,  1879. 

2.  Florence  M.  Forristall,  b.  July  26,  1881. 

3.  Ralph  W.  Forristall,  b.  Oct.  6,  1888. 

2.  John   M.  Forristai.l,  b.  July  12,   1821  ;    m.  May   18,   1848, 

Mary  J.  Wright,  b.  in  Vernon,  Vt.,  April  9,  1823,  dau.  of 
Osmond  and  Sylvia  Wright.  He  is  foreman  of  construction 
on  the  Fitchburg  Railroad,  and  resides  in  Ashburnham,  Mass. 
Their  children  were  : 

I.     Fred  Wright  Forristall,  b.  Aug.  7,  1850;  m.  June 

3,  1874,  Hattie  A.  Converse. 
II.     George    Burrows    Forristall,   b.    Feb.    4,    1S61  ;    d. 

June  18,  1873. 
in.     Abbie  Jane  Forbistall,  b.  Sept.  17,  1862  ;  m.  John  L. 
Clarke.     They  reside  in  Ashburnham.     Child  : 
1.     Ernest  M.  Clarke,  b.  Oct.  28,  1883. 


3.  Charles  E.  Forristall,  b.  Dec.  17,  1823  ;   m.  June  27,  1850, 

Ann  Augusta  Whitney  of  Royalston.     They  lived  in  Winchen- 
don.     He  d.  Feb.  7,  1872.     She  d.  Nov.  to,  18S7.     Children: 
I.     Clarence  W.  Forristall,  b.  1854;  d.  1S55. 
II.     Charles  Walter  Forristall,  b.  March  12,  i860;  re- 
sides in  Royalston,  unm. 

4.  RoswELL  M.  Forristall,  b.  Feb.   18,  1829;  m.  in  Winchen- 

don,  Jan.  i,  1856,  Mary  Ann  Lake,  b.  in  Rindge,  N.  H., 
Jan.  5,  1833,  dau.  of  John  and  Mary  Ann  Lake.  She  d.  Feb. 
I,  1890.  He  is  a  carpenter  and  resides  in  Winchendon  ;  no 

Deborah  Parker  (see  page  163),  (John,^  Peter, ^  John,^ 
yohn,^  Hananiahy^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  John  and  Deborah 
(Lamb)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Framingham,  April  12,  1792  ;  was 
a  most  worthy  lady  of  high  ability.  She  during  her  early  life 
took  good  care  of  her  parents  during  their  decline  in  life  and 
devoted  attentive  service  to  her  mother,  an  invalid  from  paraly- 
sis. She  was  seemingly  well  rewarded  by  the  comfort  which 
she  bestowed,  and  always  happiest  when  generously  assisting 
or  doing  for  others.  Nearl}'-  a  year  after  her  mother's  death 
she  m.  Jan.  8,  1839,  Dea.  Samuel  Morse  of  Hopkinton. 
There  were  five  sons  and  two  daughters  in  his  family,  and, 
notwithstanding  the  necessary  duties  thus  involved,  the  suc- 
cess of  happiness,  love  and  prosperity  which  crowned  this 
marriage  itself  well  attests  her  most  excellent  character  and 
ability.  She  was  a  most  conscientious  and  loving  woman; 
was  ver}'  popular  with  all  her  associates,  who  were  ever  pleased 
to  speak  a  loving  word  in  her  memory.  She  d.  April  26,  1865, 
aged  73.     She  left  no  issue. 

158.  Peter  Parker  (John,^  Peter, ^  John,^  John,^ 
Uananiak,^  Thomas^),  son  of  John  and  Deborah  (Lamb) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Framingham,  July  16,  1794;  went  when 
aged  six  with  his  father  to  Royalston,  where  he  passed  his 
early  life  and  m.  (i)  1824,  Sarah  Sawyer  of  Boylston.  He 
succeeded  to  his  father's  homestead,  farm  and  shingle-mill. 
He  was  a  typical  old-time  shingle-maker.  They  were  made 
in  view  of  strength  and  durability,  and  were  often  carted  long 
distances.  On  one  occasion  he  transported  a  load  from  his 
farm  to  Hopkinton  where  he  shingled  the  "coffee  house"  and 


these  shingles  remained  upon  the  roof  perfectly  sound  /or  30 
years.  About  1836  he  removed  to  Southborough,  where  he 
was  a  farmer,  and  soon  after  removed  to  Hopkinton.  Mrs. 
Sarah  (Sawyer)  Parker  d.  1830.  He  m.  (2)  in  Hopkinton, 
Nov.  25,  1830,  Emily  Chamberlain  of  Hopkinton,  dau.  of 
Ebenezer  Chamberlain.     She  d.  about  1852. 

Peter  Parker  was  a  stoutly  built,  good  looking  man  of 
medium  height,  with  black  hair  and  sandy  beard.  He  was  a 
good  mechanic  by  nature,  and  was  more  fond  of  work  and 
business  than  learning.  He  loved  to  excel  in  his  work.  When 
engaged  in  the  field  it  was  his  pride  to  let  no  one  mow  or  hoe 
faster  than  he  did.  In  politics  he  was  a  Whig  and  took  a 
lively  interest  in  the  "Tippecanoe"  campaign  of  1840.  He  d. 
in  Hopkinton,  Oct.  30,  1862. 

The  children  of  Peter  and  Sarah  (Sawyer)  Parker  were  : 

Owen  Boardman  Parker,  b.  in  Royalston,  Jan.  5,  1826.  He 
began  to  work  at  shoemaking  at  the  age  of  ii,  and  has  ever  since 
followed  this  occupation.     He  resides  in  Worcester. 

Sarah  Moore  Parker,  b.  in  Royalston,  March,  1828  ;  resides  in 
Hopkinton,  unm. 

The  children   of  Peter  and  Emily  (Chamberlain)   Parker  . 
were  : 

323.  Hiram  Chamberlain  Parker,  b.  in  Hopkinton  ;  m.  Laurania 
Newton  of  Woodville. 

324.  Milton  Bridges  Parker,  b.  in  Hopkinton,  Feb.  17,  1834; 
m.  Harriet  Jane  Ward  of  Hopkinton. 

Amelia  Parker,  b.  in  Hopkinton  ;  d.  in  Ashland  at  about  the  age 

of  12. 
James  Parker,  b.  in  Hopkinton  ;  killed  when  a  child  by  a  falling 


159.  Dea.  John  Parker  (John,^  Peter, ^  John,''  John,^ 
Hanam'ah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  John  and  Deborah  (Lamb) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Framingham,  June  16,  1798;  m.  Sept.  3, 
1823,  Mary  Ann  Fales,  b.  in  Shrewsbury,  Dec.  21,  1800, 
dau.  of  Daniel  and  Sarah  (Pratt)  Fales  of  Shrewsbury,  and 
granddau.  of  Capt.  Fales,  native  of  Wales.  Daniel  Fales  lived 
to  the  age  of  99,  and  in  Shrewsbury  the  old  Fales  homestead 
is  still  standing. 



John  Parker  settled  first  in  Holliston  ;  second  removed  to 
Southborough,  where  he  lived  20  years,  and  was  a  farmer ; 
third  removed  to  Holyoke,  where  he  was  instrumental  in 
establishing  the  Second  Baptist  Church,  of  which  he  was 
senior  deacon  ;  fourth  removed  to  Westfield ;  fifth  to  Hollis- 
ton ;  sixth  to  Berlin,  and  he  now  resides  in  Maiden  at  the 
advanced  age  of  94.  It  is  well  to  chronicle  with  his  name  the 
characteristics  and  the  rich  harvests  of  this  long  and  active 
life.  He  was  always  distinguished  as  a  good  talker  and  a 
man  of  very  decided  opinions.  But  his  good  nature  was 
always  overflowing.  He  took  the  lead  on  political  and  social 
questions.  He  will  be  remembered  as  not  only  a  kind  friend 
to  all  but  an  active  missionary  worker  and  a  true  christian  man. 
He  not  only  opposed  the  evils  of  his  town,  but  he  was  deter- 
mined to  "weed  out"  what  he  could.  With  his  cousin  Peter 
Parker  Howe  he  worked  hard  and  well  to  improve  the  social 
standing  of  the  town,  and  they  were  very  successful.  When 
he  settled  in  Southborough  it  was  an  intemperate,  noisy  place. 
He  approached  men  who  were  in  the  low  depths  of  degrada- 
tion, and  as  a  friend  and  brother  encouraged  them  to  do  better. 
His  manner  and  argument  were  so  effective  that  he  seldom 
failed  to  produce  an  effect.  He  was  an  attractive  speaker. 
He  held  meetings  and  led  the  singing,  denounced  intemper- 
ance and  lectured  on  the  blessings  of  the  gospel.  He  was  the 
means  of  establishing  the  Church  in  Southborough,  of  which 
he  was  made  deacon.  He  made  many  speeches  against  slav- 
ery and  intemperance.  During  his  first  stay  in  Holliston  his 
example  of  teetotalism  was  the  first  known  discard  of  liquor  in 
that  section.  In  politics  he  was  a  Whig,  in  religion  a  Baptist. 
When  the  Republican  party  was  founded  he  helped  form  the 
first  Republican  party  meeting  ever  held  in  Worcester.  He 
was  selectman.  In  1840  his  opposition  to  the  Advent  move- 
ment in  his  town  at  that  time  was  strongly  felt.  •  After  settHng 
in  Metcalf  Village,  Holliston,  he  was  both  farmer  and  shoe- 
maker. During  his  stay  he  was  a  leading  factor  in  the 
establishment  of  the  Baptist  Church  there.  His  wife  d.  July 
16,  1888.  In  his  old  age  his  retentive  memory  and  character- 
istic vigor  of  life  abide  with  him,  and  his  interest  in  the  im- 

Dea.  John  Parker. 


provement  and  welfare  of  mankind,  which  has  distinguished 
him  through  life,  is  still  an  unfailing  source  of  satisfaction. 

Original  poems  by  Rev.  Dr.  George  C.  Lorimer  and  Corp. 
George  H.  Patch  were  read  upon  the  occasion  of  John  Parker's 
golden  wedding,  Sept.  3,  1873.  The  following  is  an  extract 
from  Mr.  Patch's  donation  : 

"Know  all  bj  these  presents,  that  friend  Parker,  Esquire, 
Our  dearly  loved  friend,  who  these  lines  did  inspire, 
Has  faithfully  lived  in  the  marital  bond, 
For  full  fifty  years,  and  been  faithful  and  fond ; 
Upbearing  the  burdens  and  cares  that  assailed. 
With  a  kind  loving  heart,  that  never  has  failed. 
And  his  heart  has  always  been  cheerful  and  bright. 
In  the  pure  steadfast  beams  of  domestic  delight : 
And  tho'  met  by  misfortune,  has  not  felt  its  harm. 
While  the  loved  ones  at  home  were  left  to  his  arms. 
Who  while  mingling  freely  with  the  world  and  its  strife, 
Has  allowed  no  defilement  to  disfigure  his  life, 
And  so  we  can  trust  him  without  any  fears 
That  he'll  do  just  the  same  for  the  next  fifty  years. 

"You  see  his  hair  parts  much  wider  to-day 
Than  when  he  was  basking  in  youth's  noontide  ray. 
And  you  see  his  kind  eyes  in  integrity  fail. 
As  father  Time's  hand  his  vigor  assails. 
But  his  heart  is  as  young  as  when  long  ago 
He  felt  it  throb  quick  with  youth's  springtime  glow. 
And  freshly  and  brightly  its  influence  cheers, 
Despite  the  oncoming  of  gathering  years. 

"Three  cheers  for  a  Parker;  may  his  coronet  shine 
With  the  wreath  that  our  kindly  affection  entwines ; 
May  the  sweet  flowers  that  spring  'mid  the  air  of  his  home. 
Be  wet  with  the  dewdrops  from  God's  heavenly  dome." 

Their  children  were  : 

Eliza  Ann  Parker,  b.  June  7,  1824;  m.  Barley  Collins  of  South- 
borough.     He  d.   Nov.  7,   1853.     She  d.   Sept.    19,    1856.     The 
whole  family  were  buried  in  Westborough.     They  had  one  son  : 
I.     Dewitt  Collins;  d.  Sept.  19,  1853. 

325.  Charles  Fales  Parker,  b.  Aug.  i,  1826;  m.  Julia  A. 
Brigham  of  Milwaukee,  Wis. 

Joanna  Whiting  Parker,  b.  June  16,  1833  ;  m.  June  19,  1857, 
Milton  Day  of  Westfield.  They  settled  in  Westfield  ;  removed  to 
Berlin,  where  he  was  a  shoemaker  and  farmer  and  where  he  d. 
July  I,  1889.  She  now  resides  with  her  aged  father  in  Maiden 
at  the  home  of  her  brother  John  H.  Parker. 


326.  John  Henry   Parker,   b.    Sept.    14,    1835  ;    m.    Annie   E. 
Gilniore  of  Boston. 

Ellen  D.  Parker,  b.  June  22,  1837  ;  d.  Dec.  23,  1838. 

327.  Sarah  Letitia  Parker,  b.  Dec.  17,  1839;    ^-  Homer  E. 
Sawyer  of  Bradford,  Vt. 

160.  Ruth  Parker  (John,^  Peter J>  John,^  yohn,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  John  and  Deborah  (Lamb) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Royalston,  July  31,  1800;  m.  in  Holliston, 
Sept.  12,  1821,  Capt.  Nathan  Leland  of  Holliston.  She  was 
an  interesting  conversationalist,  an  attractive  and  most  worthy 
lady.  She,  like  her  sister  Deborah,  m.  a  widower,  and  like 
her  sister's  famil}^  it  was  often  jokingly  remarked  by  the  step- 
children that  they  never  knew  such  a  good  mother-in-law. 
He  was  a  farmer  of  Holliston,  representative  to  the  Mass. 
Legislature,  selectman  and  captain  of  the  militia.  He  d.  in 
Holliston,  1842,  aged  74.  She  d.  in  Erie,  Pa.,  April  27, 
1856.  Charles,  Simeon  and  Warren  Leland,  the  three  well 
known  and  popular  landlords  of  the  Metropolitan,  New  York 
city,  were  nephews  of  Capt.  Nathan  Leland. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  John  Parker  Leland,  b.  April  22,  1822;  m.  Lydia  Morgan 

of  Holliston,  dau.  of  Jonathan  Morgan.  They  lived  in  Hollis 
ton  for  a  few  years,  after  which  they  removed  to  Gangese, 
Mich.     They  are  both  deceased.     Children  : 

I.  EvERARD  Leland  ;  resides  in  Toledo,  O. 

II.  Nathan  Leland. 

in.  Emma  Leland  ;  m.  and  resides  in  Michigan. 

IV.  George  Leland.     And  probably  others. 

2.  George  Ames  Leland,  b.  May  9,  1824  ;  d.  at  age  of  13  months. 

3.  Leander  Pales  Leland,  b.  May  21,  1826;   m.  in  Springfield, 

Sarah  Price,  dau.  of  Nathan  Price  of  New  York  city.  She  d. 
in  Marlborough,  Feb.,  1890.  He  enlisted  in  1861  in  Co.  K, 
27th  Mass.  Reg.  and  served  three  years,  mostly  under  Gen. 
Foster's  command.  He  was  given  much  picket  duty  and  was 
o-enerally  sent  to  the  remotest  outposts,  positions  of  much 
trust  and  danger.  During  his  service  he  was  offered  a  cap- 
taincy, but  he  preferred  to  remain  a  private.  The  most  trying 
time  was  the  forced  march  from  Newberne  to  Goldsboro,  N. 


C,  during  which  occurred  the  battle  of  Whitehall,  and  about 
16  days  constant  marching  witli  but  few  hours'  sleep  at  any 
time.  They  were  also  besieged  at  Little  Washington,  N.  C, 
for  17  days.     He  resides  in  Whitman.     Children  : 

I.     Stark  Leland  ;  m.  Josephine  Kimball  of  Holliston,  dau. 
of  Ebenezer  Kimball.     He  is  superintendent  of  a  shoe 
factory  in  Calais,  Me.,  and  has  two  children  : 
I.     Frank  Leland.  2.     L,evoy  Leland. 

II.  George  Leland  ;  who  lived  three  years. 
III.  and  IV.  Two  children,  who  d.  in  infancy. 
V.     Bertha  Leland  ;  resides  in  Calais,  Me.,  unm. 

4.  Erastus  Darwin  Leland,  b.  Sept.  13,  1828;   m.  Serena  Mor- 

gan (sister  of  Lydia  Morgan).     She  d.  and  he  m.  (3)  Harriet 

;  she  d.  and  he  m.  again.     He  resides  in  Lanark,  111., 

and  has  three  children,  one  of  whom  is  named  EfFendi  Leland. 

5.  Polly  Leland,  b.  June  27,  1831  ;  m.  in  Springfield,  Nov.  i, 

1852,  Henry  Foulds,  b.  in  Arnold,  Eng.,  Jan.  28,  1826. 
They  removed  to  Lanark,  111.,  where  he  was  postmaster  the 
16  years  preceding  his  death.  She  resides  in  Burlington,  la. 
Their  children  were  : 

I,     Alice  Carey  Foulds,  b.  in  Springfield,  Mass.,  March 

30,  1854. 
II.     Lizzie  Morse  Foulds,  b.  in  Wooster,  O.,  June  14,  1858. 

III.  Thomas  Foulds,  b.  in  Martin,  O.,  Dec.  9,  i860. 

IV.  Mary  Foulds,  b.  in  Milford,  Mass.,  April  17,  1865. 

V.     Henry  Morse  Foulds,  b.  in  Lanark,  111.,  March  31,  1869. 
VI.     Eunice  Foulds,  b.  in  Lanark,  111.,  July  26,  1873. 

161.  Abigail  Parker  (John,''  Peter, ^  Jo/w,^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Tho7nas^),  dau.  of  John  and  Deborah  (Lamb) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Royalston,  March  15,  1802;  m.  Jan.  i, 
1829,  Newell  Ware  of  Walpole,  b.  1806,  son  of  Capt.  Nathan 
and  Eunice  (Smith)  Ware  of  Walpole.  She  was  a  very 
capable  woman.  He  was  a  farmer  and  a  very  retired  man. 
They  lived  in  Walpole  but  later  removed  to  Ashland.  She  d. 
in  Walpole,  Aug.  29,  1864.  He  d.  in  Ashland,  May  10, 

Their  dau.  was  : 

I.     Elizabeth  Deborah  Ware,  b.  Nov.  21,  1829;  m.  in  Boston, 
March  18,  1857,  Elisha  Morse  of  Hopkinton,  b.  Feb.  20,  1830, 


sonofDea.  Samuel  and  Catharine  (Sloan)  Morse.  He  was 
a  bookbinder.  Lived  in  Hopkinton  ;  removed  to  Ashland, 
1865  ;  removed  to  Worcester,  1886,  where  he  d.  May  29,  1888. 
She  resides  in  Worcester.  He  was  a  soldier  in  Co.  K,  44th 
Mass.  Reg.,  in  which  he  served  nine  months.  Their  children 
were  : 
I.     Martha  Elizabeth  Morse,  b.  in  Westborough,  March 

29,  i860;  d.  Aug.  31,  1861. 
II.     George  Newell  Morse,  b.  in  Walpole,  Jan.  31,  1863. 

He  is  a  music  teacher  in  Woi"cester,  Mass. 

162.  Josiah  Parker  (John,^  Peter, ^  Jokn,^  John,^ 
Hanamah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  John  and  Deborah  (Lamb) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Roy alston,  July  31,  1804;  m.  in  Royalston, 
March  4,  1835,  Caroline  Peck,  b.  in  Royalston,  dau.  of  Bonona 
Peck,  Esq.  She  was  a  school  teacher.  He  m.  (2)  1857, 
Harriet  May  of  Winchendon.  He  was  a  most  industrious 
man,  worked  every  day  and  all  day  at  his  trade  of  crimping 
and  treeing  boots  at  which  he  was  a  very  capable  workman. 
The  family  lived  in  Ashland.  Mrs.  Harriet  (May)  Parker 
d.  in  Southville,  Feb.,  1884.  He  d.  in  Southville,  March  21, 

His  children  were  : 

328.  Mary  Jane  Parker,  b.  Jan.  14,  1836  ;  m.  Edgar  W.  Lane. 

329.  Sylvanus  A.   Parker,   b.   May    11,   1838;    m.   Mary  Etta 
Gates  of  .Stowe. 

Ellen  Frances  Parker,  b.  in  Hopkinton,  Aug.  4,  1840;  d.  June 

16,  1842. 
Arthur   Leroy   Parker,   b.  Jan.  5,   1842  ;    m.   Caroline  Gay  of 

Hopkinton;    d.   Aug.    20,    1871.       He  served  three  years  in  the 

Union  army.     Their  son  was  : 

I.     Walter  A.  Parker,  b.  Feb.  2,  and  d.  July  2,  1866. 

330.  RosETTA  Francena  Parker,  b.  June  16,  1845  ;  m.  Morris 
Flint  of  Marlborough. 

331.  John   Francis    Parker,  b.  Aug.   20,   1849;    m.  Mary  C. 

332.  Ella  Annette  Parker,  b.  Dec.  16,  1850;  m.  Edward  E. 

163.     Presson  Parker  (John,^  Peter, '^  John,^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^    Thomas' ),   son   of  John   and    Deborah    (Lamb) 


Parker,  was  b.  in  Royalston,  Oct.  24,  1807  ;  m.  Mary  Newton, 
b.  in  Southborough,  Jan.  22,  1816,  dau.  of  Abel  and  Laurania 
(Rice)  Newton  of  Southborough.  She  was  one  of  a  family 
of  12  children.  They  removed  to  Ashland.  Removing  west 
he  d.  in  Bloomington,  111.,  Oct.  8,  1858.  Presson  Parker  was 
a  large,  handsome,  well  formed  man,  six  feet  in  height,  and 
wore  a  heavy,  black  beard.  The  family  had  the  severe  mis- 
fortune of  losing  all  their  children  but  one  before  reaching  the 
age  of  25  years.  She  still  resides  in  Marlborough  with  her  son. 
Their  children  were  : 

Infant,  b.  and  d, 

George  Presson  Parker,  b.  May  6,  and  d.  July  31,  1838. 

333.     Lysander  Presson  Parker,  b.  in  Worcester,  Oct.  2,  1839; 

m.  Eleanor  Wilkins  of  Marlborough. 
Minerva  Ann  Parker,  b.   in  Southborough,  Oct.    18,    1841  ;    m. 

Dec.  25,  1864,  William  B.  Wetherby  of  Marlborough  ;  d.  April 

6,  1866.     No  issue. 
Georgiette  Marion  Parker,  b.  in  Sutton,  Jan.  10,  1844  ;  m.  May 

28,    1865,  Daniel   B.   Bigelow ;    d.  Jan.    17,    1867.     No  surviving 

Roland  Everett  Parker,  b.  in  Southborough,  Aug.  4,  1847  ;  d. 

Jan.  30,  1854. 

164.  Harriet  Parker  (Nathan,^  Peter, ^  John,^  John,^ 
Hananiah,^  Thomas"^),  dau.  of  Nathan  and  Catharine  (Mur- 
dock)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Framingham,  Oct.  10,  1793  ;  ni. 
March  20,  1821,  Josiah  Bigelow,  b.  Oct.  26,  1790.  He  was 
a  carpenter  and  they  lived  in  Framingham.  He  was  the  son 
of  Joseph  and  Ruth  (Parker)  Bigelow  of  Holliston,  thus 
making  him  cousin  to  Harriet  Parker.  She  d.  Nov.  2,  1861. 
He  d.  July  22,  1863. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  John  Preston  Bigelow,  b.  Feb.  14,  1822. 

2.  Henry  W.  Bigelow,  b.  Oct.  21,  1824;    m.  (i)  Mary  Langell. 

3.  Catharine  A.  Bigelow,  b.  Sept.  8,  1827;   m.  Aug.  31,  1853, 

Job  T.  Perry,  native  of  Belfast,  Me.     He  owned  the  mills  in 
Framingham,  near  F.  A.  Billings's.     The  family  removed  to 
Somerville.     He  d.  April,  1884.     Their  children  were  : 
I.     Everett  T.  Perry,  b.  Nov.  27,  1854. 
II.     Hattie  Maria  Perry,  b.  Oct.  13,  1858. 
III.     Catharine  E.  Perry,  b.  Dec.  22,  i860. 


4.  JosiAH  Q.  BiGELOW,  b.  June  18,  1828  ;  d.  young. 

5.  E.  Bigelow,  b.  June  2,  1S30;  m.  Marcia  E.  Terrell. 

He  d.  Dec.  15,  1885. 

6.  JosiAH  Q.  Bigelow,  b.  Feb.  6,  1836. 

165.  Maria  Parker  (Nathan,^  Peter, ^^  John,^  John,^ 
Hananiah,''  Thomas'),  dau.  of  Nathan  and  Catharine  (Mur- 
dock)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Framingham,  April  16,  1799;  "^' 
Dec.  9,  1819,  Abijah  Fay  of  Southborough.  He  was  a  farmer 
in  Framingham.     They  adopted  one  dau.,  but  left  no  children. 

166.  Dr.  Peter  Parker  (Nathan,^  Peter, ^  John,^  John,^ 
Hanantah,^  Thomas'),  son  of  Nathan  and  Catharine  (Mur- 
dock)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Framingham,  June  18,  1804.  In  his 
youth  he  exhibited  a  remarkable  thirst  for  knowledge  and 
power  of  attaining  it,  together  with  an  untiring  industry  and 
worth}^  ambition.  He  was  an  enthusiastic  student  from  boy- 
hood and  early  showed  a  preferment  for  missionary  labors. 
He  graduated  from  Yale  College  in  183 1,  after  which  he  took 
up  a  course  in  the  medical  department  from  which  he  gradu- 
ated in  1834  with  the  title  of  M.D.  He  was  licensed  to  preach 
Aug.,  1833. 

Peter  Parker  was  a  renowned  missionary,  theologian,  doctor 
and  surgeon,  and  conspicuous  in  the  early  diplomatic  relations 
between  his  country  and  China.  His  ability  was  not  bounded 
by  one  profession.  Wherever  he  went  or  whatever  his  duties 
his  associates  felt  the  blessing  of  his  presence  or  beheld  the 
improvement  of  his  touch. 

Having  studied  theology,  in  which  profession  he  took  a  deep 
interest,  he  was  immediately  appointed  by  the  American  Board 
of  Commissioners  of  Foreign  Missions  as  missionary  physician 
to  China.  He  was  ordained  by  the  Second  Presb3^tery  of  Phila- 
delphia, May  16,  1834.  He  embarked  for  China  June  3,  and 
reached  Canton  Oct.  29.  At  Canton  he  established  a  hospital. 
It  was  originally  intended  to  treat  only  those  affected  with  the 
diseases  of  the  eye,  in  which  Dr.  Parker  was  an  expert,  but 
soon  applicants  suffering  from  other  ailments  were  admitted, 
and  the  tirst  year  he  had  taken  in  2,000.  The  medical  ability 
of  Dr.  Parker  was  a  marvel.  The  natives  appreciated  his 
wonderful   cures   and  showed   him   the   greatest  respect   and 


gratitude.  He  also  preached  to  the  inmates  of  the  hospital. 
He  was  the  first  known  white  man  who  ever  saw  the  face  of 
the  Emperor  of  China.  This  was  occasioned  by  the  Emperor's 
illness,  which  necessitated  Dr.  Parker's  educated  skill. 

A  worthy  account  of  Dr.  Peter  Parker  is  by  J.  H.  Temple, 
Esq.,  historian  of  Framingham,  in  which  he  thus  writes  know- 
ingly of  his  deceased  neighbor  and  friend  : 

"Soon  after  reaching  Canton  he  went  to  Singapore  to  study  the 
Fuhkeen  Dialect ;  returned  to  China,  Aug.,  1835,  and  Nov.  4  opened 
the  Ophthalmic  Hospital  in  Canton,  originally  intended  for  diseases 
of  the  eye  but  soon  became,  by  force  of  circumstances,  more  general 
in  its  character.  In  1837,  Dr.  P.  visited  Lew  Chew  and  Japan,  in 
the  ship  Morrisor/.,  to  return  to  their  homes  some  shipwrecked 
Japanese  sailors.  He  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Medical  Mis- 
sionary Society  of  China,  and,  for  many  years,  president  of  the  same. 

"On  the  breaking  out  of  the  Opium  War  between  England  and 
China — at  which  date  upwards  of  12,000  cases  had  been  treated  at 
the  Canton  Hospital — Dr.  Parker  returned  to  America,  visiting,  also, 
England  and  Scotland.  As  a  direct  result  of  his  efforts,  a  wide- 
spread interest  was  awakened  in  his  work  ;  auxiliary  societies  were 
formed,  and  the  sum  of  $6,000  was  secured  for  the  purposes  of  the 
Medical  Missionary  Society. 

"In  Washington,  D.  C,  March  29,  1841,  Dr.  Parker  married 
Miss  Harriet  Colby  Webster,  dau.  of  John  Ordway  and  Rebecca 
Guild  (Sewall)  Webster  of  Augusta,  Me.,  and  returned  to  China  in 
1842, — Mrs.  P.  being  the  first  foreign  lady  to  reside  in  Canton.  In 
1844,  with  the  consent  of  the  Pru.  Com.  of  the  Am.  Board,  he  ac- 
cepted the  appointment,  by  Hon.  Caleb  Cushing,  U.  S.  Minister  to 
China,  of  Chinese  Secretary  and  Interpreter  to  the  Legation.  An 
historical  fact  of  interest  may  here  be  recorded  :  A  projet  of  a  treaty 
had  been  prepared  by  Mr.  Cushing,  and  translated  into  Chinese, 
prior  to  the  arrival  at  Canton  of  the  Imperial  Commissioner,  Ke 
Ying.  This  projet  was  referred  to  deputies  named  by  each  of  the 
two  Commissioners,  to  be  examined  in  detail.  One  of  the  Chinese 
deputies  was  Pwan  Tze  Shing,  son  of  Pwan  Ting-kwa,  a  Hong 
merchant,  from  whom  Dr.  Parker  (one  of  the  American  deputies) 
had  successfully  removed  a  large  polypus  in  each  nostril,  and  whose 
mother  had  also  been  his  patient.  When,  in  the  progress  of  their 
examination,  the  deputies  came  to  the  17th  Article,  which  granted 
to  Americans  the  right  to  rent  sites  and  construct  houses  and  places 
of  business,  also  hospitals  and  cemeteries,  Pwan  Tze  Shing — evi- 
dently as  a  graceful  tribute  of  acknowledgment  to  the  benefactor  of 



his  parents,  as  well  as  a  public  recognition  of  the  claims  of  the 
Christian  religion — proposed  to  add,  '  and  temples  of  worship.'  The 
added  clause  was  adopted,  and  was  accepted  by  the  Commissioners, 
and  became  a  provision  of  the  treaty.  Whether  the  prompting  of 
personal  gratitude,  or  of  a  broader  motive,  this  suggestion  prepared 
the  way  for  the  Imperial  Rescript  of  Dec.  28,  1844,  granting  tolera- 
tion to  Christianity  throughout  the  Chinese  Empire. 

"In  1845  Dr.  Parker  was  appointed  by  our  government  Secretary 
of  Legation  and  Chinese  interpreter,  at  which  date  his  connection 
with  the  Am.  Board  of  Missions  ceased,  though  he  continued  his 
labors  at  the  Hospital  till  1S55,  when  53,000  names  of  patients  had 
been  entered  on  its  roll.  He  then  returned  to  America  ;  but  was 
soon  appointed  U.  S.  Commissioner,  with  plenipotentiary  powers, 
to  revise  the  treaty  of  1844.  He  reached  China  in  December,  and 
after  two  years'  service  returned  to  the  U.  S.  in  1857.  ^^  afterward 
resided  in  Washington,  though  a  love  for  his  native  town  induced 
him  to  purchase  the  paternal  homestead  in  Framingham,  where  his 
summers  were  passed. 

"  Dr.  Parker  was  made  a  corporate  member  of  the  A.  B.  C.  F.  M. 
in  1871  ;  was  elected  Regent  of  the  Smithsonian  Institution  in  1868  ; 
and  was  appointed  in  1S71  by  the  Evangelical  Alliance,  one  of  the 
American  delegates  to  Russia,  to  memorialize  the  Emperor  in  behalf 
of  religious  liberty  in  the  Baltic  provinces." 

Biographical  notices  of  Dr.  Peter  Parker  are  also  found  in 
all  standard  encyclopaedias  and  in  the  History  of  Middlesex 
Co.,  Mass.      He  d.  in  Washington,  D.  C,  Jan.  10,  1888. 

Their  only  child  was  : 
334.     Peter  Parker,  b.  in  Washington,  D.  C,  June  13,  1859. 

167.  Charles  Parker  (Josiak,^  Peter, ^  John,^  Jokn,^ 
Hananiah,^  T/iotnas'),  son  of  Josiah  and  Olive  (Stone)  Parker, 
was  b.  in  Framingham,  March  6,  1805  ;  m.  May  16,  1830, 
Mary  H.WallingfordotClaremont,  N.  H.,b.  in  Dublin,  N.  H., 
1806,  dau.  of  Ebenezer  Blodgett  and  Mary  (Hildreth)  Walling- 
ford.  He  succeeded  to  his  father's  new  homestead  in  Fram- 
ingham ;  removed  to  Illinois  ;  removed  to  Bridgewater  ;  bought 
an  estate  in  Framingham  Centre  ;  removed  to  Roxbury,  where 
he  d.  Jan.  16,  1885.  He  felt  an  interest  in  his  genealogy,  and 
to  him  much  of  the  credit  is  due  for  the  fulness  of  the  Parker 
records  in  the  History  of  Framingham.  He  properly  appre- 
ciated the  worth  of  his  ancestors'  noble  lives  and  observed  the 


many  abilities  which  they  had  transmitted  to  their  descendants. 
He  was  an  enterprising  and  public-spirited  citizen.  Mrs.  Mary 
H.  Parker  d.  March  i,  1870,  aged  64. 

Their  children  were  : 

335.  Charles  W.   Parker,  b.  June   27,    1831  ;    m.  Mary  Jane 
Schoft'  of  Newburyport. 

JosiAH  S.  Parker,  b.  Jan.  13,  1S34;  d.  Dec.  22,  1838. 
Elizabeth  Leman  Parker,  b.  July  4,  1835  '  ^^-  Nathan  D.  Robin- 
son of  Bridgewater. 

336.  Edgar  Parker,  b.  June  7,  1840;  m.  Frances  Ames  Hyde 
of  Brid^ewater. 

168.  Eliza  Ann  Parker  (Josiah,^  Peter,^  Jo/m,^ 
yohn^i  Hananiah,^  Thomas'^),  dau.  of  Capt.  Josiah  and  Olive 
(Stone)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Framingham,  July  17,  1810;  m. 
in  Framingham,  Nov.  4,  1835,  Thomas  Hastings,  Jr.,  b.  in 
Framingham,  April  18,  1809,  son  of  Thomas  and  Nancy 
(Abbott)  Hastings  of  Framingham.  He  d.  June  6,  1886. 
She  resides  in  Cambridgeport. 

Their  children,  all  b.  in  Framingham,  were  : 

1.  CouRTLAND    EvARTs    HASTINGS,  b.   March    21,    1843;    ™-    i" 

Chelsea,  Florence  Hubbard  of  Chelsea,  dau.  of  Charles  Hub- 
bard. He  resides  in  New  York  city,  where  he  is  in  the  whole- 
sale jewelry  business.     Children  : 

I.     Lillian  Hastings,  b.  Jan.  16,  1873. 
II.     Alice  Hastings,  b.  April,  1874. 

2.  Frederic  Ashburton  Hastings,  b.  Sept.,  1841^ ;  m.  Jan.  15, 

1872,  Elizabeth  Dow  Ladd,  b.  in  Newton,  Feb.  4,  1846,  dau. 
of  William  H.  and  Hannah  B.  (Goodridge)  Ladd.  He  was 
of  Portsmouth,  N.  H.,  and  she  was  of  Haverhill.     Children: 

I.  Ella  May  Hastings,  b.  in  Jamaica  Plain,  June  iS,  1S73. 
II.     Clarence  Frederick  Hastings;  b.  July  2,   1877;    ^' 

Nov.  21,  1877. 
III.     Fred  Parker  Hastings,  b.  in  Brighton,  Aug.  9,  1878. 

3.  Ella  Webster  Hastings,  b.  Oct.  ii,  1849  '■>  ^-  Nov.  2^,  187:^, 

John  Langdon  Chapman,  son  of  Eben  and  Eliza  Chapman, 
b.  in  York,  Me.,  Nov.  24,  1844.  They  reside  in  Cambridge- 



169.  Emily  Parker  (Josiah,^  Peter, ^  John,^  John,^ 
Hauaiiiah,-  T/ioiiias'),  dau.  of  Josiah  and  Olive  (Stone) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Framingham,  Nov.  17,  1813  ;  m.  Daniel 
Parmenter.  She  possessed  good  musical  talent.  They  lived 
in  Framingham,  where  they  have  both  deceased. 

They  had  one  son  : 

I.  Daniel  Parmenter,  who  served  in  the  Union  army.  It  is 
said  that  he  was  shot  in  a  Rebel  prison  while  attempting  to 
send  a  letter  home.  He  was  a  graduate  of  Norwich  (Vt.) 

170.  Edward  C.  Parker  (Artemas,^  Peter, ^  Johti,^ 
'John,^  Hananiah,-  Thomas^),  son  of  Artemas  and  Almy 
(Clark)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Framingham,  Sept.  26,  1806;  m. 
May  17,  1832,  Mary  Leland,  b.  in  Holliston,  April  6,  1808, 
dau.  of  James  and  Betsey  Leland  of  Holliston.  He  settled  in 
Holliston  in  the  east  part  of  the  town,  where  he  built  the  house 
in  which  he  still  lives,  adjacent  to  E.  Holliston  station.  He 
was  a  farmer  and  station  agent,  which  latter  position  he  held 
for  a  great  many  years  and  which  has  now  passed  to  his  son. 
His  wife  d.  Aug.  31,  1879.  He  was  the  last  survivor  of  his 
family  and  d.  in  E.  Holliston,  Feb.  3,  1893,  aged  86  years. 

Their  children  were  : 

337.  James  Edward  Parker,  b.  Feb.  19,  1834  ;  m.  Susan  Mason 
of  Southbridge. 

Joseph  Stoddard  Parker,  b.  March  28.  1839;  m.  just  previous 
to  his  enlistment,  Clara  Thompson.  Enlisted  in  1862  for  nine 
months  in  the  44th  Mass.  Reg.  He  served  a  part  of  the  time  at 
Port  Royal,  S.  C.      He  is  conductor  on  Pullman  excursion  cars. 

171.  George  Smith  Parker  (Artemas,^  Peter, '=  John,^ 
yohn,^  Hananiah,-  Thomas^ ),  son  of  Artemas  and  Almy 
(Clark)  Parker,  was  b.  in  S.  Framingham,  April  19,  1808; 
m.  in  New  Scotland,  N.  Y.,  Oct.  14,  1829,  Mary  Ann  White 
of  Albany,  N.  Y.,  b.  in  New  Scotland,  N.  Y.,  Sept.  2,  1816, 
dau.  of  Cobert  and  Sarah  White.  After  three  children  were 
b.  to  them  in  Albany,  N.  Y.,  they  removed  May  7,  1837,  to 
Holliston,  where  he  was  a  shoemaker  and  where  he  d.  Aug. 
I,  1875.      She  d.  in  Medway,  Nov.  23,  1887. 


Their  children  were  : 
George  Smith  Parker,  Jr.,  b.  Oct.  2,  1832  ;  m.  Mary  Skahal. 

338.  Melvina  Parker,  b.  Dec.  9,  1834;  "^-  (0  Alvin  B.  Batch- 
elder,  (2)  William  Batchelder. 

339.  Eliza  Jane  Parker,  b.  Feb.  2,  1837  5  ^-  Luther  H.  Turner. 
Mary  Emeline  Parker,  b.  Sept.  15,  1839;  d.  in  Holliston,  Aug. 

5,  1841. 
James  William  Parker,  b.  March  27,  1842  ;  m.  in  St.  John,  N. 
B.,  Catharine  C.  Godsoe.     They  had  three  children. 

340.  Charles  Augustus  Parker,  b.  Aug.  15,  1844  ;  m.  Eliza  A. 
Pettis  of  Holliston. 

341.  Henry  Emerson  Parker,  b.  Oct.   13,  1849;  m.  Ellen  E. 
M.  Jones  of  Medway. 

Edward  Lorenzo  Parker,  b.  July  2,   1852;  d.  in  Chicago,  111., 
Nov.  20,  1872. 

172.  Curtis  Parker  (Artemas,^  Peier,^  Jo/in,^  John,'^ 
Hananiah,^  T/iomas'),  son  of  Artemas  and  Almy  (Clark) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Framingham,  June  28,  1810;  m.  April  5, 
1832,  Eliza  Jane  Horton,  b.  April  14,  1810,  dau.  of  William 
and  Hannah  (Rice)  Horton  of  Natick.  He  settled  in  Natick, 
where  he  d.  Dec.  25,  1873.     She  d.  in  Natick,  May  28,  1888. 

Their  children  were  : 
Sumner  Wheelock  Parker,  b.  Dec.  10,  1835  ;  d.  Dec.  8,  1S41. 

342.  Althea  Wheelock  Parker,  b.  Nov.   21,  1843;  m.  John 
Lovett  Sanger  of  Natick. 

343.  Sumner  Horton  Parker,  b.  Jan.  7,  1848;  m.  Emma  Jane 
Fay  of  Natick. 

1 73.  Lorenzo  Parker  (Artemas,^  Peter, ^  John,^  yohn,i 
Hananiah^  Thomas'),  son  of  Artemas  and  Almy  (Clark) 
Parker,  was  b.  in  Framingham,  May  8,  1812.  He  learned 
bookbinding  of  O.  Boynton  of  Framingham,  after  which  he 
settled  in  Holliston  and  m.  April  10,  1837,  Mary  E.  Herrick, 
b.  in  Portland,  Me.,  Dec.  29,  1812,  dau.  of  Moses  and  Mary 
(Cogswell)  Herrick.  Moses  Herrick  was  in  the  War  of  1812 
and  d.  soon  after  its  close.  Mary  Cogswell  was  dau.  of  Will- 
iam Cogswell  of  Lunenburg.  Lorenzo  Parker  was  a  printer 
and  bookbinder.  He  kept  a  bookstore  in  Holliston  for  many 
years,  but  in  his  later  years  he  was  a  farmer.  He  lived  on  the 
place  where  his  widow  still  resides.     He  d.  July  11,  1887. 



174.  Eliza  Jane  Parker  (Artemas,^  Peter, ^  Jokn,^ 
yokn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Artemas  and  Almy 
(Clark)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Framingham,  June  6,  1817  ;  m.  in 
Natick,  Dec.  17,  1834,  David  Washburn,  b.  March  7,  1815, 
son  of  Jedediah  and  Mitta  Frost  Washburn  of  Natick.  He 
was  engaged  in  the  shoe  business  most  of  his  Hfe.  They  lived 
in  Natick.     She  d.  March  12,  1884.     He  d.  Aug.  17,  1887. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Almy  Clark  Washburn,  b.  Sept.   27,  1835;  m.   (i)  Jan.   i, 

1S56,  Charles  M.  Felch  of  Natick,  where  they  resided.  He 
d.  and  she  m.  (2)  Dec.  12,  1866,  George  W.  Lewin.  They 
removed  to  Fall  River,  where  she  d.  Oct.  9,  1888,  and  where 
he  still  resides.     Children  : 

I.  Charles  Sumner  Felch,  b.  Jan.  2,  185S  ;   m.  Nov.  26, 

1884,  Stella  Daniels  ;  resides  in  Felchville,  Natick,  and 
has  one  dau.  : 
I.     Mabel  Louise  Felch,  b.  Sept.  10,  1886. 

n.     Jennie    Almy    Felch,    b.   Dec.    26,    1857 !    ^^-    Ceorge 
Winslow.     They  reside  in  Steep  Brook,  Fall  River,  and 
have  : 
I.     Charles  Winslow.  2.     Beula  Winslow. 

III.     Fannie  Lewin  ;  resides  in  Fall  River,  unm. 

2.  RoMANZO  Neridin  Washburn,  b.  July  4,  1839;   m.  Aug.   22, 

1865,  Annie  Church  of  Augusta,  Me.  They  lived  in  Natick, 
where  he  d.  March  22,  1887.    She  resides  in  Salem.    Children  : 

I.     Lorenzo  Parker  Washburn  ;  resides  in  Salem. 

II.  Walter  Reynolds  Washburn  ;  lived  two  or  three  years. 

3.  Mary  Eliza  Washburn,  b.  April  4,  1845  ;  m.  Sept.  6,  1865, 

Sylvanus  Stewart  of  Haverhill,  where  they  reside  and  have 
one  son  : 

I.     Ernest  L.  Stewart,  b.  Feb,  27,  1867;  m.  Bertha  East- 
man ;   resides  in  Haverhill.      Child  : 
I.     EfRe  Stewart. 

4.  Oscar  Jedediah  Washburn,  b.  Jan.  28,  1850  ;  m.  in  Sherborn, 

Jan.    8,    1876,    Emma    Jane    Leland,    dau.    of   Amariah   and 
Martha   (Anderson)    Leland,  b.   in  Eden,  Me.,  Nov.  i,  1852. 
He  is  a  dentist  and  resides  in  Natick.     Their  child  was  : 
I.     David  Leland  Washburn,  b.  in  Natick,  Nov.  16,  1879. 


175.  Susan  M.  Parker  ( Luther, t  Philemon,^  yo7ias,i 
Andrew,''  John,^  Hanamah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Luther  and 
Dolly  (Byam)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Chester,  Vt.,  March  lo,  1826  ; 
m.  in  Cavendish,  Vt.,  Dec.  24,  1849,  Horace  Thompson  of 
Chester,  b.  in  Chester,  May  16,  1825.  They  reside  in  Caven- 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  William  P.  Thompson,  b.  in  Cavendish,  Vt.,  Aug.  20,  1855; 

m.  Nov.  28,  1878.      He  is  overseer  in  a  woolen  factory. 

2.  Hattie  M.  Thompson,  b.  July   10,  i860;  m.  April  22,   1883, 

Alva  T.  Pierce  of  Cavendish. 

176.  Lucinda  A.  Parker  ( Luther, ^  Philemon,^  Jonas, ^ 
Andrew,''  John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas'-),  dau.  of  Luther  and 
Dolly  (Byam;  Parker,  was  b.  in  Chester,  Vt.,  June  3,  1827  ; 
m.  Sept.  12,  1850,  Josiah  Ayers,  b.  in  Windham,  Vt.,  April 
29,  1819,  son  of  James  Ayers  of  Windham.  He  was  a  farmer 
in  West  Pawlet,  Vt.,  where  he  d.  Feb.  5,  1890. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Horace  J.  Ayers,  b.  Aug.   13,   1851  ;  m.  Jan.  7,   1873,  Ella 

Hicks,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Arathusa  (Johnson)  Hicks.     Chil- 
dren : 

I.     Addie  L.  Ayers,  b.  Jan.  28,  1876;  d.  Aug.  16,  1S88. 
II.     Mardie  R.  Ayers,  b.  Aug.  24,  1882. 

2.  George  J.  Ayers,  b.  Oct.  26,  1855  ;  m.  Feb.  17,  1878,  Ida  M. 

Woodard,  dau.  of  Marcelar  and  Mary  A.  (Miller)  Woodard. 
Their  daughters  were  : 
I.     IsMA  C.  Ayers,  b.  Aug.  15,  1879. 
II.     Grace  P.  Ayers,  b.  July  3,  1882. 

III.  May  B.  Ayers,  b.  July  5,  1884. 

IV.  Leslie  J.  D.  Ayers,  b.  July  19,  1886. 

3.  Addie  L.  Ayers,  b.  Aug.  20,  1867  ;  d.  March  5,  1870. 

177.  Sarah  S.  Parker  (Luther,''  Philemon,^  Jonas,^ 
Andrew,^  John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas'),  dau.  of  Luther  and 
Dolly  (Byam)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Chester,  Vt.,  June  21,  1840; 
m.  April  5,  1868,  Alvin  W.  Davis. 

178.  Mary  Ann  Parker  (Calvin,'^  Philemon.^'  Jonas,^ 
Andrew,-^  John,^  Hananiah,'  Tho7nas'),  dau.  of  Calvin  and 
Seba  (Cutler)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Chester,  Vt.,  July  21,  1828  ; 


m.  May  i,  1849,  Silas  F.  Baldwin,  b.  Oct.  4,  1822,  son  of 
Nahum  and  Philinda  (Harvey)  Baldwin.  He  is  a  farmer  in 
Chester,  Vt. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Elsie  M.  Baldwin,  b.  Feb.   23,   1853;  m.  Feb.   15,  1884,  S. 

Lincoln  Hutchinson  of  New  York  City. 

2.  Oscar  S.  Baldwin,  b.  March  26,  1856;  d.  March  30,  1879. 

3.  William  P.  Baldwin,  b.  May  6,  1870. 

179.  Olive  A.  Parker  (Calvin^''  Philemon,^  yonas,^ 
Andrew,"^  yohn,^  Hanantah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Calvin  and 
Seba  (Cutler)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Chester,  Vt.,  Nov.  5,  1829; 
m.  March  12,  1856,  Silas  J.  Smith,  b.  Jan.  7,  1825,  son  of 
William  and  Ruth  (Blodget)  Smith.  He  is  a  farmer  in 
Chester  Depot,  Vt. 

They  have  one  dau.  : 

I.     Grace  O.  Smith. 

180.  Fannie  E.  Parker  ( Calvin,"^  Philemon^^  yonas,^ 
Andrew,'^  yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Calvin  and 
Seba  (Cutler)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Chester,  Vt.,  April  18,  1835  '■> 
m.  March  21,  1855,  Calvin  W.  Bates,  b.  March  25,  1832, 
son  of  James  and  Mary  (Grimes)  Bates.  She  d.  Feb.  22, 

Their  children  were  : 

I.     Forest  C.  Bates.  2.     Cora  F.  Bates. 

181.  James  'Pa.vV.O.viyokn,''  Philemon, ^yonas,^ Andrew,'^ 
yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas'^),  son  of  John  and  Ellen  (John- 
son) Parker,  was  b.  in  Chester,  Vt.,  Dec.  14,  1825;  m.  (i) 
Sept.  2,  1850,  Sophia  Hopkins,  b.  in  Springfield,  Vt.,  Sept. 
26,  1835,  dau.  of  Jotham  and  Esther  (Perry)  Hopkins.  She 
d.  June  30,  1863,  and  he  m.  (2)  March  23,  1864,  Susan 
Balch.     He  is  a  farmer  and  resides  in  Chester,  Vt. 

The  children  of  James  and  Sophia  (Hopkins)  Parker  were  : 

344.     Emma  S.  Parker,  b.  in  Chester,  Vt.,  Aug.    17,   185 1  ;  m. 
Henry  Philips. 


George  E.  Parker,  b.  in  Springfield,  Vt.,  March  26,  1855. 
Abbie  M.  Parker,  b.  in  Springfield,  Vt.,  Sept.  ti,  1857. 

345.  Nellie  L.  Parker,  b.  in  Springfield,  Vt.,  March  "i 

31,  i860;  m.  Tyler  Putnam.  vTwins. 

Nettie  L.  Parker,  b.  in  Springfield,  Vt.,  March  31,  i860.  ) 

The  children  of  James  and  Susan  (Balch)  Parker  were  : 
Frederic  C.  Parker,  b.  Dec.  14,  1864. 

346.  Lizzie  A.  Parker,  b.  April  23,  1866  ;  m.  Gilford  Ellison. 
Julia  A.  Parker,  b.  Aug.  29,  1871. 

182.  Amos  Earle  Parker  (Joseph,^  Amos,^  Amos,^ 
Andrew,"^  'John,^  Hanaiiiah,'^  Thomas^),  son  of  Joseph  and 
Relief  (Earle)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Feb.  26,  1802  ; 
m.  Feb.  25,  1829,  Matilda  Converse  of  Bakersfield,  by  whom 
the  first  two  children  were  born.  She  d.  July  26,  1832,  and 
he  m.  (2)  June,  1833,  Eunice  W.  Reid,  by  whom  he  had  four 
children.  Her  father  was  a  native  of  Townshend,  Vt.  She 
d.  at  the  birth  of  her  last  child,  July  24,  1842.  He  m.  (3) 
Jan.  I,  1844,  Roxanna  McAllister  of  Enosburg,  Vt.,  no  issue. 
She  is  still  living,  but  he  d.  Sept.  25,  1881. 

When  at  the  age  of  two  years  he  removed  with  his  parents 
to  Bakersfield,  Vt.  At  24  he  with  about  20  other  young  men 
gathered  at  St.  Albans,  where  they  on  Jan.  i,  1826,  started 
for  New  York  with  22  yoke  of  oxen  and  19  carts.  They 
were  on  the  road  22  days  in  this  journey ;  they  then  filled  in 
low  land  for  building  purposes,  which  land  is  now  in  the  busi- 
ness part  of  the  city.  He  then  engaged  in  the  carpenter's 
trade,  and  during  his  three  years'  stay  assisted  as  far  as  possi- 
ble in  the  growth  of  this  great  city.  Returning  to  Bakersfield 
he  was  during  the  23  years  there  a  farmer,  except  the  three 
years  when  he  kept  the  hotel  in  Bakersfield.  He  then  bought 
a  farm  in  Fletcher,  Vt.  While  in  Fletcher  he  was  honored 
with  all  the  offices  in  the  gift  of  the  town.  He  was  selectman 
for  four  or  five  years.  In  1863  he  was  a  recruiting  officer  and 
he  gladly  gave  to  the  new  soldier  his  commission  of  $15  for 
each  recruit.  He  represented  his  town  in  the  Legislature  in 
1862  and  '63,  also  at  the  extra  session  to  ratify  the  Emancipa- 
tion Proclamation.  He  returned  to  Bakersfield  in  1867,  where 
he  held  various  offices  of  trust  until  his  death,  which  occurred 
Sept.  25,  1881.     He  was  a  large,  finely  proportioned  man,  five 


feet  eleven  in  height,  and  his  usual  weight  being  about  200. 
In  habits  he  was  temperate  in  all  things,  as  he  neither  used 
liquors  of  any  kind,  tea,  coffee  or  tobacco.  He  was  a  keen 
critic  and  a  despiser  of  shams,  but  large  in  charity  and  full  of 
original  wit  that  made  him  a  welcome  guest  in  any  society  or 

The  children  were  b.  in  Bakersfield  : 

HoLLis  Parker,  b.  May,  1830;  d.  May  19,  1832. 

347.  Fanny  M.  Parker,  b.  May   n,   1832;  m.  Ralph  Madison 

348.  HoLLis  Reid  Parker,  b.  Aug.  i,  1S35  ;  m.  Mary  M.  Mor- 
row of  Pennsylvania. 

349.  Jane  A.  Parker,  b.  June  20,  1838;   m.  Reuben  H.  Black- 

Sumner  Earl  Parker,  b.  Oct.  28,  1839;  killed  at  the  storming  of 
Fredericksburg  Heights,  May  3,  1863.      He  was  unm. 

350.  Worcester  R.  Parker,  b.  July  24,    1842;   m.   (i)   Emma 
F.  Chase  of  Fletcher,  Vt.,  (2)  Hattie  Pearson  of  Bakersfield,  Vt. 

183.  Mary  Robinson  Parker  (Joseph;'  Amos,^  Amos,^ 
Andrezv,"^  'John,^  Hanaiiiah,^  Thofuas' ),  dau.  of  Joseph  and 
Relief  (Earle)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Jan.  5,  1804; 
m.  Matthew  Gray  of  Bakersfield,  Vt.  She  lived  and  d.  in 

They  had  five  children,  of  whom  two  survive  : 

1.  Seneca  Gray. 

2.  Mary  Ann  Gray;  m.  Cheeseman,  and  resides  in  Cam- 

bridge, Vt. 

1 84.  Joseph  Sumner  Parker  (Joseph,"^  Amos,^  Amos,^ 
Audrezu,'^  yoh)i,^  Hananiah,^  Thotnas^),  son  of  Joseph  and 
Relief  (Earle)   Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  Oct.  27, 

1806;  m.  Hall  and  removed  to  New  York  city,  where 

they  resided  and  where  she  d.  April,  1885.  He  was  twice  m. 
He  is  deceased.     He  was  a  dealer  in  milk. 

Their  only  child  was  : 
Cornelia  Susan  Parker,  b.  in  New  York  city,  Dec.   22,   1832; 
removed  after  the  death  of  her  parents  to  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  and  m. 
in   1857,   Henry    Warner  French   of  Barre,  Vt.,  where   she  after- 
wards resided.     She  d.  April  4,  1885  ;   he  d.  Sept.,  1874.     Child  : 


I.     Adell  May  French,  b.   in  Barre,  Vt.,   July   3,    1S59;  m. 

Sept.   29,  188 1,  Ball  of  Barre,  Vt.,  where  she  resides 

and  has  one  son  : 
I.     Frank  Warner  Ball,  b.  Aug.  18,  1882. 

Sophia  Bigelow  Parker  (see  page  177),  (Josepi,^ 
Amos,^  Anios,^  Andrew,^  John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau. 
of  Joseph  and  Relief  (Earle)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield, 
Vt.,  April  II,  1808;  m.  Dorastus  Wright.  They  are  both 
deceased,  but  left  one  dau.  : 

1.  Amanda  Wright. 

185.  Euridicy  E.  Parker  (Joseph,''  Amos,^  Amos,^ 
Andrew,^  John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Joseph  and 
Relief  (Earle)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  April  25, 
1811  ;  m.  July  4,  1845,  Micha  French,  b.  in  Barre,  Vt.,  Jan. 

2,  1803.     They  lived  in  Barre,  Vt.,  where  she  d.   April  27, 
1865,  and  he  d.  May  9,  1888. 

Their  children  were  : 
[.     CoLMAN  Sumner  French,  b.  Nov.   27,  1847;  m.  in  Chicago, 
111.,  March   12,   1872,  Abbie  L.  Southgate,  dau.  of  Richard 
and   Martha    (Alden)     Southgate.       He    is    station    agent    at 
Hampton,  la.     Their  son  was  : 
\.     Fred  Porter  French,  b.  July  27,  1877. 

2.  Alfred  B.  French,  b.  April  29,  and  d.  Aug.,  1830. 

3.  Fred  O.  French,  b.  Oct.  10,  1855  ;  m.  at  Clinton,  Mo.,  May 

16,  1887,  Bertha  Custer,  b.  in  London,  O.,  Dec.  25,  i860, 
dau.  of  Berthier  J.  and  Nellie  (Tyler)  Custer.  He  is  book- 
keeper for  the  Iowa  Central  Railroad  Co.  at  Marshalltown,  la. 

186.  Frederick  Appleton  Parker  (Joseph,'  Amos,^ 
Amos,5  Andrew,^  John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas'),  son  of  Joseph 
and  Relief  (Earle)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield,  June  14, 
1813;  removed  to  New  York  city;  m.  Caroline  Maxson  of 
Squankum,  N.  J.  He  was  a  hackman  in  New  York.  He  is 
deceased.     She  resides  at  Lakewood,  N.  J. 

Their  children  were  : 

351.  Joseph  Albert  Parker,  b.  Aug.   i,   1842;  m.  Samantha 
Wing  Price. 

352.  Christianna  Parker,  b.  Jan.   17,   1844;  m.  Emil  Neesen 

of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 


353.  Sarah  Parker  ;  m.  Henry  Calenberg  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

354.  George  Parker;  m.  Louisa  Ross. 

187.  Betsey  Lorinda  Parker  (  Joseph, ^ Amos, ^ Amos, ^ 
Andrew,^  yohii,^  Uananiah,^  Thomas^ ),  dau.  of  Joseph  and 
Relief  (Earle)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  Dec.  lo, 
i8i8  ;  m.  July  7,  1845,  Oliver  F.  Stebbins,  son  of  Jotham 
Stebbins  of  Bakersfield.  They  lived  first  in  Worcester,  Mass., 
where  their  three  children  were  born,  and  second  in  Athol. 
He  is  deceased.     She  resides  in  W.  Medford  with  her  son. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Adelbert  O.  Stebbins,  b.  May  3,  1846;  d.  April  29,  1861. 

2.  Merrit  E.  Stebbins,  b.  Feb.  22,  1848  ;  d.  July  30,  1850. 

3.  Herbert  Warner  Stebbins,  b.  March   15,    1857.      -^^  ^^^ 

graduated  from  Dartmouth  College  in  the  class  of  '78  ;  then 
entered  the  Theological  Seminary  at  Andover,  from  which  he 
was  graduated  in  1882.  He  is  a  Congregational  minister. 
He  m.  Sept.  23,  1S86,  Anna  L.  Spear. 

188.  Amos  Y*2iV\i^X  ( Sylvester ,^ Amos ,^ Amos ,'^  And^-ew ,'' 
John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Sylvester  and  Alice 
(Davis)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Westminster,  Vt.,  Dec.  29,  1800; 
m.  at  Newark,  Vt.,  June  8,  1825,  Lorinda  Fairbanks,  b. 
April  17,  1802.  They  lived  in  Lyndonville,  Vt.  She  d. 
Aug.  26,  1859.     He  d.  Dec.  8,  1873. 

Their  children  were : 
Sarah  Ann  Parker,  b.  Aug.  22,  1826;  d.  Aug.  16,  1846. 

355.  Horace  F.  Parker,  b.  in  Kirby,  Vt.,  Oct.  6,  1829;  m. 
Mary  Mianda  Cole  of  Charleston,  Vt. 

Harriet  W.  Parker,  b.  Feb.  9,  1833  ;  d.  Sept.  18,  1835. 

Abner  R.  Parker,  b.  May  7,  1835.  Enlisted  Nov.  19,  1863,  in 
Co.  B,  nth  Reg.,  Vt.  Vol.  Heavy  Artillery,  was  wounded  in  the 
battle  at  Cedar  Creek,  Va.,  Oct.  19,  1864.  He  returned  to  the 
hospital  at  Brattleboro,  Vt.,  but  getting  worse  was  sent  home  the 
5th  of  May,  and  d.  July  31,  1865,  aged  30  years. 

356.  Sophia  W.  Parker,  b.  Nov.  5,  1837  '  "^'  Joseph  H.  Smith. 

357.  Ann  Elizabeth  Parker,  b.  Nov.  i,  1840;  m.  Josiah  D. 

189.  Joel  D,  Parker  (Sylvester,^  Amos,^  Amos,^ 
Andrew,'^  'John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Sylvester  and 
Alice   (Davis)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Westminster,  Vt.,  Oct.  9, 



Amos  Parker. 


1802;  m.  Dec.  13,  1827,  Lucy  Wyman  of  Barnstead,  P.  Q^ 
The}'^  settled  in  Hatley,  Can.  He  d.  in  Hatley,  Nov.  29, 
1881,  aged  79,  and  his  widow,  Lucy  Wyman  Parker,  survives 
him  at  Hatley,  and  enjoys  vigorous  health  at  the  advanced 
age  of  87. 

Their  children  were  : 

358.  Adaline  L.  Parker,  b.  March  i,  1829;  m.  Asahel  P.  Parker. 

359.  Levi  E.  Parker,  b.  Aug.  5,  1830;   m.  Maria  Howe. 

360.  Amanda  M.  Parker,  b.  June  23,  1836  ;  m.  Alfred  Ives. 

361.  EdwinjW.  Parker,  b.  March  13,  1842  ;  m.  Adella  Gordon. 

362.  Alba  W.  Parker,  b.  June  18,  1S45  ;  m.  Ethel  Emery. 

363.  Orville  H.  Parker,  b.  June  i,  1848;  m.  Betsey  Bowen. 

Alice  F.  Parker,  b.  May  29,  1854;  m.  Sept.  3,  1880,  H.  F.  Bar- 
low of  Lennoxville,  P.  Q.,  b.  Nov.  14,  1849,  ^°"  °^  Horace  (who 
d.  in  St.  Johnsbury,  Vt.,  1883)  and  Rachel  (Glidden)  (of  Water- 
ville,  P.  Q:)  Barlow.  He  is  a  general  store-keeper  in  Magog, 
P.  Q_.,  where  they  reside. 

190.  Alice  Parker  ( Sylvester ^'1  Amos ^^  Amos y>  Andrew,'^ 
yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Sylvester  and  Alice 
(Davis)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Westminster,  Vt.,  June  22,  1808  ; 
m.  April  27,  1828,  Henry  Coburn,  b.  Aug.  3,  1799;  d.  Feb. 
18,  1870.     She  d.  Sept.  6,  1887. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  HoLLis  P.  Coburn,  b.  Nov.  24,  1828  ;  m.  March  25,  i860,  Flora 

A.  Stiles,  dau.  of  Wm.  R.  Stiles  of  Albany,  Vt.     They  have  : 

I.  Clarence  E.  Coburn,  b.  Sept.  22,  i86i  ;  m.  Lucy  E. 

Gallup.     They  reside  in  N.  Troy,  Vt.,  and  have  a  son  : 
I.     Harry  A.  Coburn. 
II.     Sidney  R.  Coburn,  b.  Oct.  13,  1869;  m.  July  25,  1888, 
Jennie  Smith.     They  reside  in  Barton,  Vt. 

III.  Avis  F.  Coburn,  b.  Oct.  23,  1872  ;  d.  Feb.  25,  1879. 

IV.  Roy  W.  H.  Coburn,  b.  Jan.  20,  1881. 

2.  Alice  P.  Coburn,  b.  March  25,  1S33  ;  d.  Feb.  27,  1835. 

3.  Lucy  Rosaline  Coburx,  b.  in  Lyndon,  Vt.,  Dec.  6,  1835  ;  m. 

Dec.   22,   1863,  in  Albany,   Vt.,  Hiram  M.  Hunter,  b.  Aug. 

II,  1838,  son  of  Ira  and  Nancy  Hunter  of  Albany,  Vt.     He  is 
a  farmer  in  East  Albany,  near  Irasburgh,  Vt.     Their  dau.  : 

I.     Alice  L.  Hunter,  b.  in  Albany,  Vt.,  April  4,  1867  ;  m. 
Sept.  12,  1889,  George  A.  Sawyer. 


191.  Amory  'Pa.vliLeT  ( Sylvesier,^ Amos ,^ Amos ,s Andrew ,'^ 
'John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas"^),  son  of  Sylvester  and  Alice 
(Davis)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Westminster,  Vt.,  April  15,  1811  ; 
m.  Nov.  10,  1841,  Susan  Oilman  of  Lyndon,  Vt.  They  settled 
at  Island  Pond,  Vt.,  where  they  still  reside. 

They  have  two  children  : 
Albert  Parker,   b.    1843 ;    unm.     Resides  at  Island   Pond,   Vt., 

where  he  is  in  the  employ  of  the  Grand  Trunk  R.  R. 
Nellie  Parker  ;  m.  George  W.  Warner,  and  resides  at  Washburn, 

Byfield  Co.,  Wis. 

192.  Lucy  'POiXV.^V  ( Sylvester ^T  Amos ,^  Amos ^'i  Andrew ^'^ 
yohn,^  Hananiah,'^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Sylvester  aud  Alice 
(Davis)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Westminster,  Vt.,  May  24,  1813  ; 
m.  Nov.  I,  1836,  John  Alexander,  b.  Aug.  14,  1812,  d.  Aug. 
10,  1881,  son  of  Abram  Alexander,  who  was  a  private  in  the 
war  of  1776,  and  who  d.  May  23,  1851,  aged  92,  and  whose 
wife  lived  to  the  age  of  86.  She  d.  June  20,  1865,  and  he  m. 
(2)  Feb.  8,  1866,  Mrs.  Laura  Dalgson. 

The  children  of  Lucy  Parker  were  : 

1.  William  W.  Alexander,  b.  May  21,  1839  ;  d.  March  29,  1S42. 

2.  Abram   Alexander,   b.  April   30,   1841  ;    m.  July    20,   1874, 

Sarah  M.  Scranton.     They  reside  in  Cambridgeport,  and  have 

I.     Lucy  Alexander,  b.  Feb.  2,  1877  ;  d.  aged  five  weeks. 
II.     Georgia  Alexander,  b.  April  15,  1879. 

3.  Betsey  A.  Alexander,  b.  May  9,  1843  '  "^-  F^b.  11,  1864,  J. 

H.  M.  Cochran.     He  d.  Aug.,  1885,  without  issue.     She  re- 
sides in  Santa  Ana,  Cal. 

4.  Lucy  Jane  Alexander,  b.  Sept.  14,  1845  ;  d.  April  29,  1865. 

5.  Charles  Henry  Alexander,  b.  Feb.  3,  1853  ;  d.  May  12,  1874. 

193.  Rhoena  Parker  ( Sylvester,"^  Amos,^  Amos,^ 
Andrew,'^  'John,^  Hananiah^^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Sylvester  and 
Alice  (Davis)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Westminster,  Vt.,  July  24, 
1815  ;  m.  Jan.  i,  1840,  Silas  N.  Howe,  then  of  Westfield,  Vt., 
b.  in  Ludlow,  Vt.,  Oct.  23,  181 1,  son  of  Silas  and  Phebe 
(Newell)  Howe,  native  of  Holden,  Mass.  He  was  the  fifth  in 
a  family  of  eleven  children  (b.  between  1802  and  1822),  some 
of  whom  removed  to  the  State  of  Vermont.     He  was  a  farmer. 


They  lived  in  Troy,  Vt.,  from  whence  they  removed  to  Iras- 
burg,  Vt.,  March  8,  1854,  where  she  d.  July  6,  1881,  and  he 
d.  Oct.  30,  1887. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Edward  Sylvester  Howe,  b.  in  Troy,  Vt.,  March  7,  1846; 

m.  Sept.  17,  1868,  Lavina  Hammond  of  Coventry,  Vt.,  b. 
in  Coventry,  Sept.  17,  1849.  They  reside  at  Barton  Landing, 

2.  George  Newell  Howe,  b.  in  Irasburg,  Vt.,  Sept.  10,  1871. 

194.  Samuel  ^.'PSiV^^V  (Sylvester, t  Amos, ^  A?nos,^ 
Andrew,'^  yohn,^  Hananiah,'^  Thomas^),  son  of  Sylvester  and 
Alice  (Davis)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Westminster,  Vt.,  Dec.  27, 
1820.  He  with  his  brother  Amory  are  the  only  surviving 
members  of  the  family  of  nine  children  of  Sylvester  and  Alice 
(Davis)  Parker.  He  was  the  youngest,  and  although  in  his 
infancy  seemed  the  most  delicate  of  all,  yet  since  has  developed 
a  very  strong  and  rugged  physique.  He  was  six  months  old 
when  his  parents  removed  to  Lyndon,  Vt.,  where  he  lived  14 
years.  His  early  education  was  the  plain,  scanty  instruction 
which  the  place  and  the  limited  means  of  the  family  afforded. 
He  was,  to  quote  his  own  words,  "  a  better  trout  catcher  than 
scholar."  From  early  childhood  he  showed,  as  was  necessary 
for  one  in  his  circumstances,  an  energetic  and  worthy  applica- 
tion for  work  and  industry.  Removing  from  Lyndon  to 
Derby,  Vt.,  he  worked  on  his  father's  farm  living  with  and 
supporting  his  parents  in  their  old  age,  also  working  at  car- 
pentering summers  and  chopping  cord  wood  winters  at  25 
cents  a  cord,  finally  leaving  for  pastures  new  he  took  passage 
at  Burlington  for  Whitehall,  N.  Y.,  on  the  first  steamboat  he 
ever  saw  ;  thence  proceeded  to  Albany  and  from  there  by 
canal  packet  to  Buffalo,  a  distance  of  300  miles  in  seven  days  ; 
thence  by  steamboats  through  lakes  Erie,  St.  Clair,  Huron 
and  Michigan  to  Southport,  which  is  now  Kenuska,  Wis. 
There  he  was  first  a  carpenter,  and  later  a  maker  of  pipe 
organs.  Being  ingenious  with  tools  and  having  a  fine  ear 
for  music  he  continued  in  the  latter  business  until  1847,  when 
he  returned  to  Bakersfield,  Vt.  He  then,  in  1848,  m.  Harriet 
Field,    dau.   of  Ebenezer  W.    and    Adah    (Davis)    Field   of 



Samuel  W.  Parker. 


Bakersfield  and  settled  in  Coventry,  Vt.  He  was  a  success- 
ful mechanic,  made  pianos,  wagons  and  sleighs,  also  made  and 
repaired  furniture.  He  made  four  trips  annually  through  the 
settled  portions  of  the  State  in  tuning  pianos  and  organs. 

He  removed  with  his  family  to  Newport,  Vt.,  in  1869, 
where  he  opened  the  music  store  which  is  still  conducted  by 
his  successors.  Ever  an  enterprising  and  public-spirited  citi- 
zen, he  has  taken  a  personal  part  in  the  development  of  the 
West  and  South.  He  is  thus  very  widely  known  and  is  as 
highly  esteemed  by  all.  In  temperament  his  genial  nature, 
hospitality  and  good  will  are  ever  bubbling  to  the  surface. 
He  has  by  his  great  industry  and  good  judgment  accumulated 
a  very  goodly  estate  from  the  smallest  of  beginnings.  Owing 
to  his  interest  and  pains  is  partly  due  the  fulness  of  the  records 
of  his  own  and  allied  families  in  this  genealogy. 

Their  children  were  : 
George  O.  Parker,  b.  Nov.  6,  1848  ;  was  drowned  in  Dec,  1859. 
Homer  E.  Parker,  b.  May  4,  1858  ;  d.  June  15,  1862. 
364.     Eliza   E.   Parker,   b.   Aug.  5,    1853;    m.   Nov.    6,    1874, 

Edward  H.  Boden. 
Florence  E.  Parker,  b.  Dec.  29,  i860;  m.  May  11,  1882,  George 

H.  Newland.     They  have  no  issue. 

195.  Lucinda  Bangs  Parker  (Bana,^  Amos,^  Amos,^ 
Andrezv,^  yo/i)i,^  Hanamah,^  T/winas^),  dau.  of  Dana  R.  and 
Sarah  Davis  (Williams)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston, 
March  9,  1807  ;  m.  in  Hubbardston,  Aug.  28,  1832,  Eli  Gray, 
son  of  Simeon  and  Sarah  (Treadwell)  Gray  of  Templeton. 
They  lived  in  Templeton,  where  she  d.  Dec.  30,  1856.  He  m. 
(2)  Mrs.  Maria  E.  Hutchinson,  who  survives.  He  d.  at  the 
age  of  83  years,  Jan.  17,  1889. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Infant  dau.,  b.  and  d.  June  8,  1833. 

2.  Marshall  E.  Gray,  b.  Aug.  27,  and  d.  Oct.  11,  1S34. 

3.  Lucinda  Sophia  Gray,  b.  Sept.   21,  1835;  m.  May  12,  1855, 

Leonard  Hunting,  b.  in  Hubbardston,  March  19,  1826,  son  of 
Lemuel  and  Polly  (Baker)  Hunting  of  Hubbardston.      They 
reside  in  Worcester.     Their  children  were  : 
I.     Lewis  Pratt  Hunting,  b.  in  Templeton,  Aug.  13,  1S56  ; 
m.   Nov.    13,    1878,  Josephine  Williams  of  Templeton, 


dau.  of  James  Williams.     He  resides  near  Baldwinsville. 
Their  children  were  : 
I.  James  Hunting.       2.  George  Hunting.       3.   Herbert  Hunting. 
II.     LuciNDA  Maria  Hunting,  b.  in  Phillipston,  July  1 ,  1857  5 
d.  Jan.  30,  1858. 

III.  Ada  Louisa  Hunting,  b.  in  Templeton,  April  5,  i860; 

d.  Nov.  13,  r86i. 

IV.  Frederick   M.   Hunting,   b.   in   Templeton,   Aug.    13, 

1863  ;  resides  in  Worcester. 
V.     Eli  Adelbert  Hunting,  b.  in  Templeton,  Oct.  25,  1864  ; 
m.  Minnie  Merritt  of  Templeton,  dau.  of  John  Merritt. 
They  reside  in  E.  Templeton.     No  surviving  issue. 
VI.     Leonard    Leslie    Hunting,  b.   in  Templeton,    Jan.  5, 

1867  ;  resides  in  Worcester. 
VII.     Charles  Everard  Hunting,  b.  in  Templeton,  Aug.  12, 

VIII.     Alice  Effie  Hunting,  b.  in  Templeton,  June  18,  1875  ; 
d.  Aug.  16,  1876. 

Eli  Elbia  Gray,  b.  Sept.   17,   1836;   m.    (i)   in  Fitzwilliam, 
May  29,  1862,  Rebecca  Elizabeth  Newton,  b.  March  5,  1845, 
d.  May  10,  1873,  dau.  of  Asa  and  Rebecca  Prescott  (Dolbear) 
Newton.     They  had  three  children.     He  m.  (2)  Emma  Briggs, 
b.   May   20,    1844,    dau.   of  Franklin   and    Lydia    (Johnson) 
Briggs.      He  was  a  teamster  in  Templeton.     Children  : 
I.     Hattie  Lucinda  Gray,  b.  in  Templeton,  June  20,  1863  ; 
m.  in  Baldwinsville,  March  2,  1881,  Fredric  S.  Coy,  b. 
in  East  Cambridge,  July  10,  1858,  son  of  Horace  S.  and 
Lucy  E.  (Babb)  Coy.     He  is  a  hotel-keeper. 
II.     William  Newton  Gray,  b.  in  Templeton,  May  13,  1S66  ; 
m-  Houghton  of  Athol.     They  reside  in  Baldwins- 
ville and  have  a  son  and  dau. 
III.     Mabel  Evelina  Gray,  b.  in  Templeton,  July  19,  1868; 
m.  Frank  Smith  of  Templeton. 

Simeon  Dennison  Parker  Gray,  b.  Dec.  6,   1S41  ;    m.   (i) 
March  27,  1864,  Almanza  S.  Clayton,  and  had: 
I.     Alice  Clayton  Gray,  b.  Feb.  15,  1869. 
II.     Herbert  Gray,  b.  Jan.  29,  and  d.  July  28,  1871. 
m.  (2)  Feb.  20,  1873,  Susan  E.  Knowlton,  and  had: 

III.  Edith  Goddard  Gray,  b.  Jan.  9,  1874. 

IV.  Anna  Louisa  Gray,  b.  July  14,  and  d.  Aug.  23,  1876. 

V.  Eva  Maria  Gray,  b.  Jan.  16,  1880. 


6.  Amos  Wilberforce  Gray,  b.  April  6,  1843.     He  enlisted  as  a 

recruit  in  Co.  C,  27th  Reg.,  Mass.  Vols.,  in  March,  1862.  In 
April  he  joined  his  regiment  near  Newberne,  N.  C.  Through 
the  summer  they  were  kept  in  that  vicinity  on  guard  duty.  He 
was  eight  months  in  the  service  when  he  was  taken  sick  and 
d.  in  the  hospital  at  Washington,  N.  C,  Dec.  5,  1862,  at  the 
age  of  19  years. 

7.  Infant  son,  b.  and  d.  March  15,  1846. 

8.  John  Marshall  Gray,  b.  April  6,  1847  5  ^-  Joanna  Wood. 

He  d.  Sept.  24,  1880,  and  left  no  issue. 

196.  Sarah  Davis  Parker  (Dana;>  Amos,^  Amos,^ 
Andrew,^  yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Dana  R.  and 
Sarah  Davis  (Williams)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  June 
7,  1808  ;  m.  March  18,  1830,  Oliver  Hale  of  Hubbardston,  son 
of  Luther  Hale,  who  came  from  Leominster  to  Hubbardston 
about  1788,  m.  three  times  and  had  a  family  of  15  children, 
Oliver  being  the  ninth,  b.  Sept.  28,  1804.  In  the  midst  of 
life,  while  en  route  for  San  Francisco,  he  w^as  drowned  off  the 
southern  coast  of  California  by  wreck  and  burning  of  steamer 
Independence  in  1853,  and  was  buried  on  Magdelena  Island 
with  240  others  who  perished  out  of  800  passengers.  He  d. 
Feb.  16,  1853.  His  brother-in-law,  Amory  Parker,  who  now 
lives  in  Hubbardston,  was  on  the  same  ship.  She  still  resides 
in  Hubbardston  with  her  children. 

The  three  brothers,  John  Williams,  Jonas  and  Dennison  Robinson  Parker, 
sons  of  Dana  R.  Parker,  removed  to  New  York  city  early  in  life.  The  issue 
of  John  W.  as  far  as  is  known  appears  above.  Jonas  Parker  m.  Susan  Ann 
Decker,  and  Dennison  R.  Parker  m.  Mary  A.  Vroome,  both  of  Staten  Island, 
N.  Y.  Thev  each  left  families  in  or  near  New  York  city,  but  whose  present 
whereabouts  I  am  unable  to  state.  Jonas  Parker  went  to  S.  Carolina  about 
1874;  he  was  in  Aiken,  S.  C,  in  1SS6,  and  his  dau.  m.  there.  He  is  probably 
deceased.  He  had  a  son  whose  name  was  probably  Amos  Parker,  who  is  sup- 
posed to  be  living  in  the  vicinity  of  New  York  city. 

Dennison  Robinson  Parker  is  deceased.  He  had  two  daughters,  who  are 
supposed  to  be  married,  and  it  is  supposed  that  one  lives  in  the  vicinity  of 

"Of  Dana  R.  Parker's  descendants,"  writes  one  of  them,  "  I  can  only  say 
that  they  are  in  about  as  widely  scattered  pursuits  at  present  as  any  I  ever 
knew :  bankers,  railway  managers,  civil  engineers,  doctors,  lawyers,  steam- 
boat men  and  manufacturers.  Had  I  the  time  I  could  write  quite  a  history  of 
their  pursuits.  I  should  say,  however,  that  I  never  knew  a  politician  among 
them.  They  are  travelled,  having  been  from  Maine  to  California,  where  some 
are  now.     Some  are  silver  mining  in  Mexico." 


Their  children  were : 

1.  John  Otis  Hale,  b.  April  2,   1831  ;  m.  Nov.  7,   i860,  Lucy 

Browning  of  Hubbardston.     He  d.  Dec.  8,  1873,  and  she  d. 
Jan.  28,  1878.     They  left  five  children  : 
I.     Abby  Calista  Hale,  b.  July  21,  1862. 
II.     Oliver  Hale,  b.  Dec.  12,  1863. 

III.  Joshua  Browning  Hale,  b.  June  14,  1864. 

IV.  John  Otis  Hale,  b.  Dec.  i,  1866. 

V.     Lucy  Dorrit  Hale,  b.  Aug.  18,  1868. 

2.  Sarah  Maria  Hale,  b.  Aug.  3,  1833  ;  m.  Aug.  31,  1S62,  Luke 

Davis  of  Boston.      He   d.  Aug.   29,   1883,  leaving  no  issue. 
She  resides  in  Newton. 

3.  Minerva  F.  Hale,  b.  June  27,  1837  ;  resides  in  Hubbardston. 

4.  Catherine  Swan  Hale,  b.  June  8,  1841  ;  unm.  |  ™    . 

5.  Clara  Swan  Hale,  b.  June  8,  184 1  ;  unm.  I 

6.  Seth  p.    Hale,  b.   Feb.    12,    1846;    m.   Dec.    2,    1867,   Abby 

Bennett  of  Hubbardston.     She  d.  March  8,  1888.     Child: 
I.     William  Bennett  Hale,  b.  May  14,  1871. 

John  Williams  Parker  (see  page  i*] ()),  (D ana, ^  Amos, ^ 
Amosy>  Andrew,'^  yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Dana 
R.  and  Sarah  Davis  (Williams)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbard- 
ston, March  5,  1810;  removed  to  New  York  city  or  vicinity; 
m.  Jan.  i,  1837,  Nancy  F.  Barr  of  New  York  city,  b.  in  New 
York  city,  1817.     She  d.  July  30,  1847.     He  d.  about  1874. 

Their  children  were  : 

George  W.  L.  Parker,  b.  Jan.  20,  1840;  was  twice  m. ;  was  a 
steamboat  man  and  lived  in  East  New  York,  L.  I. 

Mary  L.  Parker,  b.  Dec.  26,  1S41  ;  m.  William  A.  Heywood  (see 
page  322). 

197.  Priscilla  Elvira  Parker  ( Dana,'}  Amos, ^  Amos, ^ 
Andrew,^  'John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Dana  R.  and 
Sarah  Davis  (Williams)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Nov. 
28,  1811  ;  m.  Aug.  31,  1835,  Seth  P.  Heywood  of  Barre,  son 
of  the  Heywood  family  of  Shrewsbury  and  connected  with  the 
Worcester,  Gardner  and  Fitchburg  families  of  this  name. 
His  mother,  Alice  (Pratt)  Heywood,  was  also  a  native  of 
Shrewsbury.  Seth  P.  Heywood  and  wife  settled  in  Barre 
and  had  two  sons.     She  d.  Dec,  1876,  aged  65  years,  and  he 


m.  her  sister,  Martha  Maria  Parker  (see  No.  201),  and  resides 
in  Barre  Plains. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  William  Austin  Heyw^ood,  b.  Jan.   13,   1841  ;    m.  Mary  L. 

Parker,  b.  Dec.  26,  1841,  dau.  of  John  Wilh'ams  and  Nancy  F. 
(Barr)  Parker  (see  page  321).     She  d.  April  20,  1862,  and  he 
m.  (2)  Amanda  Sanderson  of  Barre.     They  reside  in  Spring- 
field and  have  one  son  : 
I.     Frank  A.  Heywood,  in  the  employ  of  the  B.  &  A.  R.  R. 

2.  Phineas  Heywood,  b.  July  9,  1845  ;  m.  Nov.  8,  1864,  Hattie 

Louisa  King,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Harriet  D.  King,  both  of 
Rutland.     He  is  station  agent  at  Barre  Plains.     Children  : 

I.  Hattie  Elvira  Heywood,  b.  Oct.  11,  1868;  d.  March 

17,  1889. 
II.     Ernest  Pratt  Heywood,  b.  Jan.  24,  1876. 

198.  SophroniaPsLvliier ( Da na,T Amos, ^ Amos, 5 Andrew,^ 
yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Dana  R.  and  Sarah 
Davis  (Williams)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Nov.  26, 
1815  ;  m.  June  21,  1836,  Henry  Humphrey  of  Athol  Centre, 
b.  Nov.  7,  1795,  d.  Jan.  9,  1882.  He  was  son  of  Dr.  Royal 
and  Eusebia  Humphrey.  He  was  the  second  physician  of 
Athol.  Dr.  Royal  Humphrey  was  son  of  Rev.  James  Hum- 
phrey, who  was  the  first  minister  of  Athol,  where  he  was 
settled  in  1750.     She  resides  in  Athol  Centre. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Henry  M.  Humphrey,  b.  March  21,  1837  '  ^'  ^"  infancy. 

2.  Henry  M.  Humphrey,  b.  Aug.   10,  1840;  m.  Oct.   18,   1866, 

Abbie  F.  Holton.  He  represented  his  district  in  the  Legisla- 
ture of  1882,  and  was  chairman  of  Athol's  School  Committee 
for  four  years.     Their  children  were  : 

I.     John  H.  Humphrey,  b.  Aug.  6,  1867  ;  m.  Nov.  12,  1890, 
Clara  H.  Ward  of  S.  Carolina. 

II.  Helen  M.  Humphrey,  b.  Sept.  7,  1870. 

3.  Helen  A.  Humphrey,  b.  Jan.  3,  1844;  d.  in  infancy. 

199.  Mary  Parker  (Dana,^  Ajuos,^  Amos, ^  Andrew,^ 
John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Dana  R.  and  Sarah 
Davis  (Williams)   Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Jul}^  11, 


1821  ;    m.  May  5,   1842,  George  Raymond  of  Westminster. 
They  are  both  deceased. 

Their  son  was : 

I.  Joseph  L.  Raymond,  b.  June  14,  1857;  ^-  Nov.  19,  1878, 
Clara  L.  Miller,  b.  Jan.  26,  1861,  dau.  of  George  W.  and 
Susan  P.  (Brooks)  Miller.  They  reside  in  Westminster. 
Their  children  were  : 

I.     Louis  Raymond,  b.  May  11,  and  d.  June  i,  1880. 
II.     Arthur  N.  Raymond,  b.  Feb.  10,  1887. 
III.     Alice  F.  Raymond,  b.  Dec.  17,  1888. 

200.  Amos  Parker  (Dana,^  Amos,^  Amos,^  Andrew,^ 
yohn,^  Hanamah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Dana  R.  and  Sarah 
Davis  (Williams)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Feb.  12, 
1823  ;  m.  April  2,  1844,  Lucy  M.  Shepard  of  Oakham,  b. 
April  29,  1825  or  6,  dau.  of  Samuel  Shepard.  Amos  Parker 
d.  in  Worcester,  Mass.,  Oct.  29,  1849. 

Their  only  son  was  : 

Amos  E.  Parker,  b.  in  Barre  Plains,  Nov.  i,  1S48  ;  m.  Oct.  15, 
1874,  Ruth  Eleanore  Dorsey,  b.  in  Roxbury  Mills,  Howard  Co., 
Md.,  dau.  of  John  Alrastus  Dorsey,  Esq.,  Judge  of  Orphan's 
Court,  Howard  Co.,  Md.  He  is  a  physician.  They  reside  in 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

201.  Martha  Maria  Parker  ( Dana, t  Amos, ^  A7nos,^ 
Andrew,^  'John,T>  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Dana  R. 
and  Sarah  Davis  (Williams)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston, 
July  9,  1825  ;  m.  July  2,  1844,  Lysander  Batchelder  of  Athol. 
He  d.  March  20,  1872,  aged  49  years,  7  months,  14  days. 
She  m.  (2)  Aug  ,  1877,  Seth  P.  Heywood,  widower  of  her 
sister  Priscilla  Elvira  Parker  (No.  197).  They  reside  in 

The  children  of  Lysander  and  Martha  Maria  (Parker) 
Batchelder  were  : 

1.  HuLDAH  M.  Batchelder,  b.  Feb.   12,  1846;  m.  George  W. 

Richey.     She  is  deceased. 

2.  Angela  Batchelder,  b.  May  6,  1852  ;  m.  John  C.  Dalton,  Jr. 

They  reside  in  Salem.     No  issue. 



202.  Susan  Elizabeth  Parker  (Dana,^  Amos,^Amos,5 
Andrew,'^  yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Dana  R. 
and  Sarah  Davis  (Williams)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston, 
April  9,  1823  ;  m.  Oct.  6,  1848,  Henry  Burr  Howells  of  New 
York  city,  native  of  Hartford,  Ct.,  son  of  William  A.  and 
Alice  M.  Howells.  He  d.  May  12,  1889.  She  is  a  noted 
songstress  ;  resides  in  San  Francisco. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Charlotte    Elizabeth    Howells,   b.    April    17,    1852;    m. 

Henry  Kunz  of  San  Francisco.     Their  son  : 
I.     Charles  H.  B.  Kunz. 

2.  Vera  Amoretta  Howells,  b.  Nov.  7,  1854;  ""••  Robert  E. 

Astell,  a  resident  of  Canada.     They  have  a  dau  : 
I.     Lottie  E.  Astell,  b.  Feb.  27,  1877. 

3.  Theodore    H.    Northrup   Howells,  b.   Feb,    7,    1865 ;    m. 

Beppie  B.  Lee  of  Weaverville,  Cal. 

4.  Edward  E.  Northrup  Howells,  b.  May  30,  1866. 

5.  Grace  Aguilla  Howells,  b.  May  30,  1871. 

6.  Ralph  Burr  Howells,  b.  May  22,  1873. 

203.  Amos  Andrew  Parker  (Amory,^  Amos,^  Amos,^ 
Andrew,^  John,^  Hananiah,^  Thotnas^ ),  son  of  Amory  and 
Lydia  (Parker)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  Oct.  28, 
1814.  He  removed  from  the  northern  part  of  the  State  to 
Cavendish  in  April,  1835.  He  m.  in  Cavendish,  May  4,  1837, 
Cynthia  Pratt,  b.  in  Reading,  Vt.,  April  28,  181 1,  dau.  and 
sixth  child  in  the  family  of  nine  children,  of  Luther  and 
Susanna  (Childs)  Pratt.  Luther  Pratt  was  a  native  of  Fitch- 
burg  and  his  wife  was  the  third  dau.  of  David  and  Lydia 
(Stearns)  Childs,  who  both  settled  in  Westminster  about  1775. 
Luther  Pratt  was  brother  to  Levi  Pratt  and  son  of  David  Pratt, 
both  of  Fitchburg.  Her  sister,  Nancy  (Childs)  Ward,  the 
youngest  of  this  family  of  nine  children,  was  b.  July  20,  1790, 
and  is  still  living.  She  is  a  very  remarkable  lady  and  retains 
her  memory  well.  She  resides  in  Amsden,  Vt.,  with  her 
grandson  Charles  Ward. 

Cynthia  Parker  d.  Nov.  14,  1857.  Mr.  Parker  afterwards 
m.  in  Reading,  Vt.,  Feb.  24,  1859,  Almira  Foster,  b.  in 
Reading,  July  11,  1813,  dau.  of  George  Foster,  a  native  of 


Dudley,  Mass.  Traditions  in  her  family  show  that  seven 
brothers  of  the  name  of  Foster  came  from  England  at  an  early 
day  and  that  her  family  were  among  the  descendants  of  one  of 
them.  Her  mother,  Willaba  (Chamberlain)  Foster,  was  dau. 
of  Abiel  Chamberlain,  was  b.  in  Woodstock,  Ct.,  Aug.  29, 
1772,  and  a  descendant  also  of  the  Peak  and  Ainsworth  fami- 
lies. The  children  of  Mr.  Parker  were  all  b.  before  the  de- 
cease of  his  first  wife,  Cynthia.  He  has  great-grandchildren. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Parker  settled  in  Cavendish  where  they  re- 
sided for  over  20  years.  He  remained  on  the  same  farm  till 
he  m.  the  second  time,  then,  in  i860,  he  settled  in  Reading, 
Vt.,  her  native  place,  where  they  still  reside.  He  is  a  farmer 
in  S.  Reading,  Vt. 

The  children  of  Amos  Andrew  and  Cynthia  (Pratt)  Parker, 
all  b.  in  Cavendish,  Vt.,  were  : 

Earl  Parker,  b.  Oct.  30,  1S38  ;  d.  May  4,  1840. 

Lydia  Ann  Parker,  b.  June  15,  1840;  m.  April  9,  1861,  Joseph 
H.  Adams,  son  of  Samuel  H.  and  Salome  F.  (Seaver)  Adams  of 
Cavendish,  Vt.     They  reside  at  Cavendish.     No  issue. 

365.  Sarah  Emily  Parker,  b.  Aug.  9,  1841  ;  m.  Lewis  Russell. 
Amory  Earl  Parker,  b.  Oct.  22,  1842  ;  d.  July  iS,  1S43. 

Dane  Parker,  b.  Dec.  11,  1843  ;  d.  Nov.  3,  1846.  ~) 

Dennison  Parker,  b.  Dec.  11,  1843  ;  served  in  the  war   | 

of  1861,  enlisting  when    quite    young.       He  d.   in  the    Y   Twins. 
Brigade  Hospital  at  Union  Mills,  Va.,  June  21,  1863,    I 
of  typhoid  pneumonia.  J 

LucRETiA  Jane  Parker,  b.  Dec.  2,  1845  ;  d.  Nov^  30,  1846. 

Helen  Maria  Parker,  b.  July  7,  1847  ;  d.  Aug.  31,  1865. 

366.  Mary  Frances  Parker,  b.  May  9,  1849;  m.  Lyman  L. 

Martha  Augusta  Parker,  b.  May  4,  1851  ;  d.  Sept.  13,  1870. 

367.  George  W.  Parker,  b.  Nov.  25,  1854;  m.  Mary  E.  Rist. 

204.  Elisha Sylvester  'Psirker (A^nory,^ Amos, ^ Amos, s 
Andrezv,^  'John,^  Hananiah,'^  Thomas^),  son  of  Amory  and 
Lydia  (Parker)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersheld,  Vt.,  Nov.  11, 
1819 ;  m.  a  Miss  Barnes  for  his  first  wife.  They  removed  to 
New  York  city,  afterwards  lived  in  Mamaroneck,  N.  Y.  He 
was  a  butcher  in  early  life,  later  a  farmer.  He  d.  about  1885, 
and  his  second  wife  d.  July,  1889. 


His  children  were  : 

George  A.  Parker  ;  he  served  in  the  war  for  the  Union,  and  has 
been  a  showman  in  New  Haven.  Ct. 

Harry  M.  Parker  ;  he  is  the  originator  and  conductor  of  the  well- 
known  Parker's  Circus  d'Canine  ;  he  has  educated  a  troupe  of 
remarkably  well-trained  dogs  and  has  for  years  exhibited  them 
with  ability  and  success. 

205.  Betsey  Curwen  Parker  (Joel,^  Isaac,^  Amos,^ 
Andrezu,^  yokn,^  Hanainah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Joel  and 
Hannah  (Bond)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Westborough,  Jan.  20, 
1799  :  m.  May  14,  1823,  Dea.  Elmer  Brigham  of  Westborough, 
b.  Sept.  8,  1798;  d.  March  3,  1871.  They  lived  in  West- 
borough, where  she  d.  Nov.  29,  1875.     He  was  a  farmer. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Ellen  Elizabeth  Brigham,  b.  March  3,  1824;  m.  May  12, 

1847,  David  W.  Hill  of  Westminster.  She  d.  Sept.  13,  1848, 
leaving  no  issue.     He  resides  in  Westminster. 

2.  Jannette  Hannah  Brigham,  b.  Jan.  9,   1827;    m.  April  6, 

1848,  Archelaus  M.  Howe  of  Westborough,  b.  April  21,  1823, 
son  of  Luther  and  Lucy  (Brigham)  Howe,  a  native  of  Vernon, 
Vt.     Their  children  were  : 

I.     Arthur  L.  Howe,  b.  Nov.  27,  184S  ;    d.  Oct.  13,  1849. 
11.     Elmer  Parker  Howe,  b.  Nov.   i,   1851.     He  is  a  law- 
yer in  Boston. 

3.  Merrick  Putnam  Brigham,  b.  March  9,   1829;  m.  May  21, 

185 1,  Sarah  E.  Wellington.     He  d.  Dec.  10,  1875.     She  re- 
sides in  Attleborough.     Their  children  were  : 
I.     Edward    Brigham  ;    m.    Elizabeth    Brightman    of    Fall 
River.       They   reside    in  Attleborough    and    have    four 
II.     Sabra    Brigham  ;    m.    George    Cole.       They   reside    in 
Attleborough  and  have  children  : 
I.     Ralph  Cole.  2.     Edith  Cole. 

III.  Walter  Brigham  ;    m.  Julia  Briggs.      He  is  deceased. 

Their  son  was : 
I.     Charles  Brigham. 

IV.  Alfred  Brigham  ;    resides  in  Attleborough  ;    is  m.  and 

has  two  children. 

4.  Anna  Parker  Brigham,  b.  Sept.  18,  1832  ;  m.  Feb.  3,  1853, 

Cliarles  A.  Harrington.  He  resides  in  Westborough.  She  d. 
Feb.  26,  1870.     No  issue. 


5.  Sophia  Augusta  Brigham,  b.  July  10,  1837  '  ^-  April  17,  1842. 

6.  Susan  Parker  Brigham,  b.  Jan.  4,  1840;  d.  Oct.  14,  1863. 

7.  Charles  Elmer  Brigham,  b.  March  14,  1842  ;  m.  March  2, 

1866,  Ellen  Davis.     He  d,  July  28,  1877.     N°  issue. 

8.  Calvin  Lloyd  Brigham,  b.  July  30,  1844;  m.   (i)   Oct.   11, 

1866,  Mary  Millerson  Brown.  She  d.  April  6,  1875,  and  he 
m.  (2)  June,  1875,  Ethie  Burpee  of  Sterling.  He  has  one  dau.  : 
I.     Alice  A.  Brigham,  b.  May  10,  i868. 

206.  Hannah  Sophia  Parker  (Joel,''  Isaac, ^  Amos,^ 
Andrew,'^  yohn,^  Hanamah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Joel  and 
Hannah  (Bond)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Westborough,  April  5, 
1801  ;  m.  Nov.  3,  1826,  Orestes  Forbush  of  Westborough,  b. 
1797  ;  d.  June  21,  1846.     She  d.  July  26,  1833. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Lorenzo  P.  Forbush,  b.  Oct.  11,  1827;  d.  young. 

2.  Andrew  P.  Forbush,  b.  Nov.  11,  1829;  m.  (i)  Ward  of 

Princeton  ;  nm.  (2)  Davis.     He  resides  in  Princeton. 

207.  Achsah  Forbes  Parker  ( Joel, t  Isaac, ^  Ajuos,^ 

Andrew,'^  John,^  Hananiah,'^  Thomas^),  was  b.  in  Westbor- 
ough, Sept.  2,  1803  ;  m.  April  10,  1826,  Solomon  T.  Fay,  b. 
Aug.  21,  1803,  son  of  Benjamin  Fay.  He  d.  Nov.  11,  1872. 
She  d.  in  Westborough,  Aug.  9,  1891,  at  the  age  of  nearly 
88.  She  had  28  grandchildren,  23  of  whom  are  living. 
Their  children  were  : 

1.  Henry  Clinton  Fay,  b.  March  4,  1827;  m.  Carrie  E.  Tall- 

man.     He  is  the  pastor  of  the  Congregational  Church  of  N. 
Reading  and  resides  in  Somerville.     They  have  children. 

2.  George  Ellis  Fay,  b.  in   Shrewsbury,  Jan.   13,    1829;    m. 

April  10,  1851,  Eliza  Ward,  b.  in  Framingham,  April  5, 
1829,  dau.  of  Putnam  and  Betsey  Ward,  who  were  both 
natives  of  Southborough.  They  reside  in  Westborough. 
Their  children  were  all  b.  in  Westborough  : 
I.  Charles  Ellis  Fay,  b.  Dec.  9,  1852  ;  m.  Ella  Dale  of 
E.  Exeter,  Me.,  and  have  : 

1.  Avis  Arvilla  Fay,  b.  in  E.  Exeter,  Me.,  Nov.  24,  1881. 

2.  Mildred  Fay,  b.  in  E.  Exeter,  Me.,  June  23,  1884. 

II.     Austin  Hamilton  Fay,  b.  Oct.   21,  1857;  m.  Capitolia 
Aseneth  Thompson.     They  have  one  dau.  : 
I.     Ethel  Aseneth  Fay,  b.  in  Boston,  Sept.  9,  1880. 


III.     Evangeline  Louana  Fay,  b.  Feb.  6,  1874;  m.  Oct.  12, 
1891,  Everett  L.  Metcalf  of  Butte  City,  Mont. 

3.  Abbie  Ann  Fay,  b.  Nov.   28,   1830;  m.  April  7,   1855,  B"^' 

Newman,  b.  in  S.  Egremont,  Mass.,  Sept.  29,  1827,  son  of 
Samuel  and  Permelia  (Curtis)  Newman.     Children  : 

I.  Henry  Dexter  Newman,  b.   in  Shakopee,  Scott  Co., 

Minn.,  Feb.  5,  1856;  d.  Aug.  11,  1884. 

II.  Annie  Sherrard  Newman,  b.  in  Alton,  111.,  Dec.  9, 1857. 

III.  Samuel  Curtis  Newman,  b.  in  Delavan,  111.,  Nov.  13, 

1862;  m.  in  Kenosha,  Wis.,  Sept.  3,   1891,  Alice  Fel- 
lows.    Their  dau.  was  : 
I.     Amy  Fay  Newman,  b.  Sept.  4,  1892. 

IV.  Emma  Newman,  b.  in  Delavan,  111.,  June  7?   1867;  m. 

Aug.  4,  1892,  Elmer  E.  Giles. 
V.     Fred  Newman,  b.  in  Delavan,  111.,  Jan.  17,  1870. 

4.  S.  Dexter  Fay,  b.  Jan.  15,  1833  ;  m.  Aug.,  i860,  Mrs.  Mary 

Atwood  (Robbins)  Merriam,b.  in  Plymouth,  April  11,  1833, 
dau.  of  Chandler  and  Elenor  (Holmes)  Robbins  of  Plymouth. 
They  reside  in  Westborough  and  their  children  were : 
I.     Louise  Frances  Fay,  b.  June  10,  i860;  d.  July  2,  1885. 
II.     Fred  Dexter  Fay,  b.  May  8,  1870;  d.  Sept.  18,  1876. 

5.  Susan  Augusta  Fay,  b.  June  23,  1835  ;  d.  Aug.  12,  1837. 

6.  Joel  Parker   Fay,  b.   March  30,    1838;    m.   Oct.   9,    1867, 

Susan  E.  Capen.  Resides  in  Westborough.  They  have  two 
children.     One  dau,,  Gracie. 

7.  Francis  Taylor  Fay,  b.  Nov.  6,  1840;  m.  (i)  Julia  Hamlin, 

and  had  four  children  ;  m.  (2)  Jennie  Holmes,  and  has  three 
children.     Resides  in  Stamford,  Ct. 

8.  Susan  Augusta  Fay,  b.  July  19,  1843  ;  d.  Oct.  6,  1863. 

9.  Charles  Gilbert  Fay,  b.  March  27,  1846  ;  d.  Sept.  23,  1862. 

10.  Sarah  Maria  Fay,  b.  March  5,  1848  ;  m.  in  Westborough, 

Nov.  25,  1870,  Edward  F.  Mellen,  b.  in  Ashland,  Sept.  9, 
1849,  ^^'^  °^  Isaac  and  Sarah  Mellen.  He  is  a  locomotive 
engineer.     Their  children  were  : 

I.     Eddie  N.  Mellen,  b.  in  Ashland,  April  20,   1874;   d. 
June  6,  1878. 

II.  Ralph  W.  Mellen,  b.  in  Ashland,  Aug.  5,  1879. 

III.  Edith  L.  Mellen,  b.  in  Boston,  April  8,  1883  ;  d.  June 

28,  1884. 

11.  Martha  Stowe  Fay,  b.  May  9,  1850;  m.  Wilmot  B.   Rice. 

They  reside  in  Stamford,  Ct.,  and  have  four  children. 


208.  Elmina  Augusta  Parker  (JoeUi  Isaac, ^  Amos, '!> 
Andrew,''  yoJin,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Joel  and 
Hannah  (Bond)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Westborough,  Nov.  i6, 
1806;  m.  April  10,  1827,  Thomas  Hubbard  Fayerweather  of 
Westborough  (grandson  of  Thomas),  b.  May  i6,  1806;  d. 
Feb.  23,  1879.  She  d.  Oct.  21,  1861.  The  Fayerweather 
family  has  long  been  prominently  connected  with  the  growth 
of  the  town. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  John  Lloyd  Fayerweather,  b.  Sept.  27,   1827;  d.  Oct.  30, 

1892,  unm. 

2.  Charles  Hubbard  Fayerweather,  b.  April  22,   1830;    m. 

Harriet  Fay.     They  have  had  two  daughters : 

I.  Elizabeth  Augusta  Fayerweather,  b.  April  25,  1854  ; 

d.  Feb.  23,  1889. 

II.  Nellie  Hubbard  Fayerweather,  b.  Oct.  i,  1859;  "^• 

Charles  Piper  and  resides  in  Boston. 

3.  George  Thomas  Fayerweather,  b.  Aug.  27,  1840;  m.  Nellie 

Brown  of  Westborough.     He  d.  March  8,  1893.     Children: 
I.     Frank  R.  Fayerweather  ;  in  the  Custom  House,  Boston. 
II.     John  Harrison  Fayerweather  ;  res.  Westborough. 

4.  Henry  Edward  Fayerweather,  b.  April  26,  1843  ;  m.  Mary 

Bennett  of  Worcester.  He  was  connected  with  the  Worcester 
police  force  for  several  years,  and  since  has  been  truant  officer 
of  the  Public  Schools  of  Worcester. 

209.  Harriet  Newell  Parker  (JoeUT  Isaac, ^  Amos, '^ 
Andrew,^  yohn,^  Hana^iiak,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Joel  and 
Hannah  (Bond)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Westborough,  Aug.  16, 
1815  ;  m.  in  Westborough,  April  19,  1834,  Mendal  Gilbert 
Fosgate  of  Berlin,  b.  in  Vermont,  May  16,  1809,  son  of  Men- 
dall  and  Sally  (Spofford)  Fosgate.  He  d.  in  Washington, 
D.  C,  Feb.  2,  1885.     She  d.  July,  1869. 

Their  children  were  : 
I.     Harriet  Parker  Fosgate,  b.  in  Amherst,  Aug.  27,  1835  ;  m. 
(i)   in  Berlin,  Nov.   2i,   1852,  William   L.  Eager  of  North- 
borough,  son  of  Nahum  and  Sally  Eager.     Children  : 
I.     Walter  Ward  Eager,  b.  in  Fitchburg,  March  6,  1855. 

II.  Harry  Lewins  Eager,  b.  in  Fitchburg,  Aug.  14,  1857. 

III.  Fannie  Louise  Eager,  b.  in  Fitchburg,  Aug.  6,  1862. 


IV.  Herbert  Lawrence  Eager,  b.  in  Fitchburg,  Dec.  9, 1864. 
V.  Arthur  William  Eager,  b.  in  Fitchburg,  Dec.  39,  1871. 
Mrs.  Harriet  Parker  (Fosgate)  Eager  m.  (2)  in  Westborough, 
July  2,  187S,  Curtis  Harrington,  b.  in  Westborough,  Jan.  6, 
1835,  ^^^  ^^  Samuel  A.  and  Catharine  Harrington.  They 
reside  in  Westborough,  where  he  is  a  farmer.     Child  : 

VI.     Robert  Curtis  Harrington,  b.  June  14,  1881. 

2.  Martha  Augusta  Fosgate,  b.  in  Keene,  N.  H.,  April  17, 

1837  '  ^'  Robert  H.  Reed.     She  d.  Sept.  19,  1883.     He  re- 
sides in  Boston.     Children  : 
I.     Charles  Reed.  ii.     Frank  Reed. 

3.  Louise  Gilbert  Fosgate,  b.  in  Northborough,  Jan.  12,  1845  ; 

m.  (i)  Putnam  ;   m.  (2)  Charles  A.  Harrington  of  West- 
borough (brother  of  Curtis  Harrington) .     Shed.  1889.     Their 
children  were  : 
I.     Walter  Harrington.  ii.     Hattie  Harrington. 

210.  Perley  Parker ( Gardiner, ^ Isaac, ^ Amos,^ Andrew,'^ 
Jokn,^  Hananiah,'^  Thomas'^),  son  of  Gardiner  and  Asenath 
(Sherman)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Grafton  ;  m.  Betsey  Mellen  of 
Westborough,  and  settled  in  Hopkinton. 

Their  children  were  : 

368.  Emily  Parker,  b.  Sept.  11,  1818;  m.  John  Crooks  of  Hop- 

369.  Gardner  Parker,  b.  May  13,  1821  ;  m.  Mary  L.  Sawyer 
of  Gloucester. 

370.  J.  Mellen  Parker,  b.  March  30,  1829;  m.  Sarah  Curtis  of 

Joshua  Parker. 

211.  Daniel  Parker  (Otts,^  Isaac, ^  Amos, ^  Andrew,'^ 
'yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thojuas"^),  son  of  Dea.  Otis  and  Polly  Ann 
(Nourse)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Westborough,  March  23,  1799; 
m.  Jan.  13,  1829,  Polly  White,  b.  Aug.  16,  1804,  d.  Feb.  13, 
1866,  dau.  of  Abel  and  Sarah  (Wood)  White  of  Phillipston. 
They  later  in  life  removed  to  Greenwich  Village,  but  all  the 
children  were  b.  in  Hubbardston.  He  was  a  man  of  strong 
body  and  mind.  He  was  a  miller ;  a  man  of  sterling  integ- 
rity, more  of  deeds  than  words,  and  a  humble  follower  of 
Jesus,  his  Saviour,  whom  he  trusted  to  the  last.  He  d.  in 
Greenwich,  Aug.  13,  1885,  at  the  age  of  86. 


Their  children  were  : 

Susan  Parker,  b.  Feb.  18,  1S31  ;  d.  Sept.  5,  1863. 

Mary  Parker,  b.  Jan.  27,  1833  ;  m.  (i)  March  5,  1863,  Henry  T. 
Sears  of  Greenwich,  who  d.  in  Amboy,  111.,  Oct.  3,  1866;  m.  (2) 
Aug.  12,  1868,  Samuel  B.  Estey  of  Greenwich,  who  d.  Oct.  31, 
1888.  She  resides  in  Phillipston.  The  dau.  of  Henry  T.  and 
Mary  (Parker)  Sears  was  : 
1.     Nellie  May  Sears,  b.  April  28,  1865. 

Melissa  Parker,  b.  Aug.  7,  1834;  d.  Dec.  9,  1855. 

371.  Sarah  Parker,  b.  Oct.  15,  1835  ;  m.  Henry  C.  Work  of 
Hartford,  Ct. 

Daniel  Webster  Parker,  b.  Sept.  26,  1837  '  ^*  J"^y  24^  1840. 
Isaac  Parker,  b.  Sept.  12,  1839;  d.  July  29,  1840. 

372.  Daniel  Webster  Parker,  b.  June  13,  1841  ;  m.  Fannie  E. 

Lucy  Augusta  Parker,  b.  Oct.  30,  1843  ;  resides  in  Greenwich 

Harriet  Elizabeth  Parker,  b.  May  9,  1845  ;  resides  in  Green- 
wich Village. 

373.  Abel  Otis  Parker,  b.  Dec.  20,  1847  '■>  ^'"-  Mrs.  Fannie  E. 
M.  Parker. 

212.  Mary  Nourse  Parker  (Ot^s,^  Isaac, ^  Amos, 5 
Andrew,^  'John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Dea.  Otis 
and  Polly  Ann  (Nourse)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Westborough, 
Aug.  II,  1803;  m.  Dec.  29,  1825,  Alvin  Waite  of  Hubbards- 
ton.     She  d.  Oct.  16,  1833. 

Their  children  were  : 

I  and  2.     Their  two  oldest  children  d.  in  infancy. 

3.  Augusta  Waite,  b.  in  Hubbardston  ;  d.  in  Worcester,  at  about 

the  age  of  i8. 

4.  Clarendon  Waite,  b.   Dec.   16,   1830;  a  graduate  of  Brown 

University  in  1852,  and  of  Andover  Theological  Seminary  in 
1856,  studied  six  months  in  the  University  of  Halle,  Prussia  ; 
he  was  ordained  and  installed  in  Rutland,  Feb.  25,  1858.  Dur- 
ing the  winter  of  1864-65  he  did  good  service  in  the  Freedmen's 
Bureau,  N.  C.  The  winter  of  \Z66-6'i  was  spent  in  Cuba  in 
search  of  health.  He  had  accepted  a  professorship  in  Beloit 
College  and  was  on  his  way  thither  when  he  was  seized  with  an 
attack  from  which  he  died  Dec.  16,  1867.  During  his  ministry 
of  eight  years  in  Rutland  84  persons  joined  the  Church  there, 


and  this  statement  is  not  even  an  indication  of  his  success, 
though  in  some  measure  a  tribute  to  his  faithfulness.  In  Salem 
he  won  quickly  the  strong  love  of  his  people,  which  was  shown 
in  their  thoughtful  and  generous  deeds  towards  him  and  his. 
It  were  hard  to  tell  whether  by  thoughtfully  studied  and  care- 
fully written  sermons  or  by  warm  hearted  pastoi'al  work  he 
accomplished  most  for  the  Lord  he  loved.  He  m.  June  i6, 
1858,  Harriet  G.  Baker,  dau.  of  James  and  Lydia  (Goulding) 
Baker  of  Phillipston.  She  resides  in  Worcester.  Their  chil- 
dren were  : 

1.     Anna  Mary  Waite,  b.  in  Rutland,  Aug.  18,  1862. 
II.     Florence  Sherman  Waite,  b.  in  Rutland,  Aug.  19, 1865  ; 
m.  June  5,  1890,  George  Arthur  Smith  of  Worcester. 

213.  Otis  Parker,  Jr.  (Otis,"*  Isaac. f"  Amos,^  Andrew,^ 
John,^  Hananiah^^  Thojnas^),  son  of  Dea.  Otis  and  Polly  Ann 
(Nourse)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Aug.  16,  1806 ;  m. 
Nov.  4,  1829,  Eunice  Allen,  b.  April,  1813,  d.  Oct.  13,  1855. 
He  d.  Sept.  i,  1876. 

Their  children  were  : 

374.  Lucy  Parker,  b.  Nov.   25,    [830;  m.    (i)  James  Baker  of 
Worcester;  m.  (2)  Charles  Lester  of  Wisconsin. 

A  son,  b.  and  d.  May  11,  1832. 

375.  AvALiNA  Parker,  b.  June  21,   1833;    m.  Joseph  Willard 
Rice  of  Hubbardston. 

376.  Elmer  Parker,  b.  Aug.  30,  1836;  m.  Sarah  J.  Hallock  of 

Elizabeth  L.  Parker,  b.  July  23,  1842  ;  m.  Oct.  8,   1862,  John 

G.  Allen  of  Pittsfield,  Vt. " 
MiNAR  R.  Parker,  b.  Oct.  4,  and  d.  Oct.  13,  1848. 

214.  Nancy  Patterson  Parker  (Jahez.i  Isaac,^ 
Amos,^  Andrew,'^  'John^^  Hanantah,^  Tkomas"^),  dau.  of  Capt. 
Jabez  M.  and  Nancy  (Patterson)  Parker,  was  b.  May  2, 
1799;  m.  June(?),  1830,  James  Wakefield  of  Marlborough, 
N.  H.  (as  his  second  wife),  b.  in  Reading,  1782,  son  of 
Thomas  and  EHzabeth  (Hardy)  Wakefield.  He  d.  in  Marl- 
borough, May  21,  1864.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  lived  first  in 
Roxbury,  N.  H.,  where  by  his  first  wife,  Hannah  Hemen- 
way,  he  had  several  children,  among  whom  was  the  distin- 
guished Cyrus  Wakefield,  b.  181 1,  benefactor  and  namer  of 


the  town  of  Wakefield,  Mass.,  that  part  of  old  Reading  from 
which  the  Parker  family  sprung.  James  Wakefield  lived  later 
in  Marlborough,  N.  H.  He  was  a  justice  of  the  peace,  select- 
man and  representative.  Mrs.  Nancy  (Parker)  Wakefield  d. 

Her  dau.  was : 

I.  Julia  Wakefield;  m.  in  Marlborough,  N.  H.,  Oct.  i,  1851, 
Obed  Gilman  Dort,  b.  in  Surry,  N.  H.,  Jan.  25,  1828,  son  of 
Lois  Bemis  and  Elizabeth  Dort  of  Surry,  N.  H.  She  met  her 
death  in  the  steamboat  Wes^  Point  collision  and  disaster  on 
the  Potomac,  Aug.  13,  1862,  in  which  other  New  Hamp- 
shire ladies  together  with  80  soldiers  lost  their  lives.  She  was 
returning  from  a  visit  to  her  husband,  Major  Dort,  at  New- 
port News,  Va.,  where  he  was  in  the  service  of  the  6th  N.  H. 
Reg.  stationed  there  with  Burnside's  army.  The  son  Arthur, 
of  six  years,  who  was  with  her,  was  also  drowned.  The  sor- 
rowful event  cast  an  added  gloom  over  the  people  of  this  por- 
tion of  the  State  to  their  already  many  misfortunes  of  war. 

Major  O.  G.  Dort  came  to  Keene  in  1840  and  learned  the 
carriage  painter's  trade,  and  in  1S52  commenced  the  druggist 
business,  following  it  practically  until  1875,  and  from  that  date 
has  been  engaged  in  the  banking  business.  In  1861  he  raised 
company  E  of  volunteers  and  joined  the  6th  Reg.  N.  H.  Vols, 
as  Captain,  afterwards  promoted  to  Major  ;  served  with  the 
Burnside  expedition  in  N.  Carolina,  Virginia  and  Maryland. 
After  the  loss  of  his  wife  and  oldest  child  he  resigned  and 
returned  home  to  care  for  the  remaining  child  and  his  druggist 
business.  He  is  president  of  the  Citizens'  National  Bank  of 
Keene,  N.  H.  Their  children,  all  b.  in  Keene,  were  : 
I.     Arthur  Wakefield  Dort,  b.  Feb.  25,  1856;  d.  Aug. 

13,  1862. 
II.     Frank  Oilman  Dort,  b.  Dec.   17,   1857;    '^*  J^"-    ^^1 

1885,  Kate  Bardvvell  Cobb  of  Putney,  Vt.     They  reside 

in  Keene.     Their  son  : 
I.     Robert  Gilman  Dort,  b.  Aug.  10,  1893. 
III.     Mary  Ellen  Dort,  b.  Feb.  13,  1861  ;  d.  Nov.  27,  1861. 

215.  Jabez  M.  Parker,  Jr.  (Jabez,^  Isaac,^  Amos,^ 
Andrew,^  'John^^  Hananiah^^  Thomas^),  son  of  Capt.  Jabez 
M.  and  Nancy  (Patterson)  Parker,  was  b.  Nov.  12,  1800;  m. 
Azubah  P.  Powers,  b.  181 1,  dau.  of  Oliver  Powers  of  Phillips- 


ton.  They  resided  in  various  places,  but  mostly  on  his  father's 
place,  to  which  he  succeeded  and  owned  when  he  died,  in  the 
north  part  of  the  town.  They  both  d.  in  1865.  The  place  is 
now  owned  by  Mr.  Lovewell.  He  was  a  farmer  and  stone- 

Their  children  were  : 

Isaac  Myron  Parker,  b.  in  Phillipston,  Nov.   17,  1S29  ;  d.  Dec. 
26,  1847. 

377.  Addison  Leslie  Parker,  b.  in  Phillipston,  June  28,  1831  ; 
m.  Dec.  15,  1854,  Mary  Melvina  Buxton. 

378.  Isabella  Brown  Parker,  b.  in  Roxbury,  N.  H.,  Feb.  17, 
1834;  m.  1855,  Asa  B.  Turner. 

James  Henry  Parker,  b.  in  Phillipston,  Feb.  12,  1841  ;   d.  April 
15,  1859. 

216.  Enoch  Adams  Parker  (Jahez,''  Isaac,^  Amos,^ 
Andrew,'^  yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Tho)nas^),  son  of  Capt.  Jabez 
M.  and  Nancy  (Patterson)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Phillipston,  Jan. 
14,  1802  ;  removed  to  Sullivan,  N.  H.,  where  he  taught  school, 
and  was  m.  to  Rebecca  M.  Gibbs,  b.  in  Sullivan,  March  27, 
1803,  dau.  of  Dalphon  and  Asenath  (Fay)  Gibbs.  The 
parents  were  natives  of  Sturbridge,  Mass.,  where  the  father 
was  b.  Aug.  12,  1777  ;  m.  about  1800  and  removed  to  New 
Hampshire,  finally  settling  in  Marlow,  N.  H.,  where  he  d. 
1859,  aged  82.  Dolphon,  one  of  the  nine  children,  resides  in 
Worcester,  Mass.  He  traces  the  genealogy  of  the  Gibbs 
family  back  to  Matthew  Gibbs,  who  emigrated  from  Fenton 
or  Venton,  Darlington  Parish,  England,  and  settled  in  Charles- 
town,  Mass.  He  was  a  planter.  He  later  removed  to  Sud- 
bury, being  one  of  the  original  proprietors  of  the  town.  The 
genealogical  descent  became  Matthew,' John, ^  Thomas, 3  John+ 
of  Sudbury,  Jonathans  of  Sturbridge,  Dalphon^  of  Marlow,  N. 
H.,  and  Dalphon?  of  Worcester,  Mass.  Enoch  Parker  had  a 
farm  of  100  acres  in  Roxbury,  N.  H.,  was  selectman,  and  d. 
July,  1839.     She  d.  Feb.  26,  1854. 

Their  children  were  : 

379.  Pherona  E.   Parker,  b.  July  7,  1834;  m.  John  S.  Leach 
of  Rockingham,  Vt. 

Phedras  E.  Parker,  b.  Feb.  20,  1837  ;  drowned  May  23,  1852. 


380.  Perry  Ander  Parker,  b.  Nov.  30,  1838;  m.  Mary  Russel 
ofGilsum,  N.  H. 

217.  Joel  Dodge  Parker  (Jabez,^  Isaac,^  AmosJ 
Andrew, "^  yokn,^  Hananiah,^  Tko?nas^),  son  of  Capt.  Jabez 
M.  and  Nancy  (Patterson)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Phillipston, 
Aug.  17,  1804.  His  boyhood  was  passed  upon  his  father's 
farm  in  the  north  part  of  the  town.  He  was  a  skilful  mechanic 
and  builder,  so  following  his  inclinations  he  built  a  shop  for 
manufacturing  purposes,  locating  where  is  now  "Golden  Vil- 
lage," a  short  distance  south  of  the  centre  of  the  town,  thus  put- 
ting to  use  the  valuable  water  power  of  this  section.  He  made 
improvements  and  additions  and  later  built  the  brick  factory 
which  has  assisted  in  the  growth  of  this  village.  He  took  up 
the  old  Major  Parker  homestead  (then  in  possession  of  Nathan- 
iel Powers),  one  of  the  oldest  settled  localities  of  the  town. 
Here  his  son  J.  Damon  Parker  resides. 

Their  children  were  : 

381.  Joel  Damon  Parker,  b.  May  7,  1836;   m.  Dec.   36,  1S64, 
Catharine  M.  Whitney. 

Jason  Goulding  Parker,  b.  March  27,   1S40 ;  cL.Oct.   26,   1864, 

while  in  the  service  of  the  Union  army.* 
Hannah  Maria  Parker,  b,  June  24,  1843  ;  d.  Oct.  22,  1864. 

218.  Emily  Sophia  Parker  (Jabez,^  Isaac, ^  Amos, ^ 
Andrew,^  John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Capt.  Jabez 
M.  and  Nancy  (Patterson)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Phillipston, 
April  13,  1806;  m.  March  3,  1834,  Isaiah  White,  son  of 
William  and  Esther  (Maynard)  White,  b.  in  Marlborough, 
N.  H.,  July  13,  1809.  He  was  a  direct  descendant  of  Pere- 
grine White  of  Pilgrim  fame.  He  d.  Sept.  25,  1837.  She  d. 
May  28,  1867.     He  was  a  painter. 

*  He  enlisted  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  in  Dec,  1861,  joining  Co.  C,  ist  Mo.  State 
Militia.  He  was  with  his  regiment  a  short  time  doing  Provost  Guard  duty  in 
St.  Louis,  then  was  detailed  as  Orderly  for  Gen.  Schofield.  By  order  of 
the  Brig.-Gen.  he  was  detailed  June  11,  1862,  as  clerk  in  the  Asst.  Adjt.- 
General's  Office,  Head  Qj-s.  Dist.  of  Mo.  He  remained  there  (being  re- 
detailed  when  Maj.-Gen.  Curtis  took  command,  when  they  became  the  Head 
Qrs.  of  the  Department  of  the  Missouri),  until  his  death,  which  occurred  Oct. 
26,  1864.  His  detail  was  the  oldest  one  in  St.  Louis  at  that  time.  After  his 
regiment  took  the  field  he  applied  several  times  for  leave  to  join  his  regiment, 
but  was  held  at  Head  Qj-s,  during  all  his  service,  much  to  his  disapproval. 


Their  children  were  : 

1.  RoDOLPHus  Harvey  White,  b.  Feb.  15,  and  d.  April  4,  1835. 

2.  Emily  Elmira  White,  b.  July  9,   1836;    m.   April   7,    1857, 

George  Hills  Smith,  b.  in  Alstead,  N.  H.,  Aug.  7,  1835,  son 
of  Ralph  E.  and  Bia   (Hale)   Smith.     He  is  a  machinist  and 
they  reside  in  Harrisville,  N.  H.     Children  : 
I.     Willie  Hale  Smith,  b.  Feb.  13,  and  d.  Feb.  25,  1858. 
II.     Anna  Louise   Smith,  b.  March   12,   1859;    m.  Jan.  5, 
1881,  William  D.  Morrison  of  Marlow,  N.  H.     Child: 
I.     Helen  Morrison,  b.  Nov.  23,  1887. 

III.  Ethel  Bia  Smith,  b.  Sept.   24,  1865  ;   m.  Feb.  3,  1883, 

Herbert  A.  Davis  of  Keene,  N.  H.     Children  : 

1.  Bertram  Stuart  Davis,  b.  Sept.  3,  1883. 

2.  Alice  Harriet  Davis,  b.  Aug.  2,  1888. 

IV.  Sarah  Belle  Smith,  b.   Sept.   32,   1867 ;    m.  Dec.   25, 

1886,  Alvin  W.  Davis  of  Keene,  N.  H.     She  d.  Nov. 
7,  1888. 
V.     Harriett  Buss  Smith,  b.  Jan.   27,   1870;  m.  March  9, 
1889,  George  M.  Towns  of  Keene,  N.  H.     Their  son  : 
I.     Charles  Henry  Towns,  b.  Jan.  9,  1893. 
VI.     Bertha  Inez  Smith,  b.  Feb.  3,  1873. 
VII.     Leon  Henry  Smith,  b.  July  16,  1875. 
VIII.     Margaret  Lillian  Smith,  b.  Dec.  31,  1877. 

219.  Beulah  H.  C.  Parker  (Jabcz,^  Isaac, ^  Amos, ^ 
Andrew,^  'John,T>  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Capt.  Jabez 
M.  and  Nancy  (Patterson)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Phillipston, 
April  21,  1809;  m.  Nov.  25,  1836,  Walter  Gunn  Clapp  of 
Holden,  b.  Dec.  27,  1812,  now  living  (1889)  at  Cambridge- 
port,  a  descendant  of  Thomas  Clapp,  who  came  from  England 
in  1633.  (See  Clapp  Family  in  America,  published  by  David 
Clapp  &  Son,  Boston,  Mass.).     She  d.  Jan.  9,  1864. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Alphonso  LaRoy  Clapp,  b.  in  Phillipston,  Oct.  26,  1837;  m. 

Dec.  22,  1862,  Harriet  Augusta  Rose.     He  d.  May  30,  1874. 

Two  children  : 

I.     Charles   Irving  Clapp,   b.   in  Troy,  N.  Y.,  Dec.    13, 

1866;  d.  Oct.  28,  1S67. 
II.     Fred.   Whitney  Clapp,  b.  in  Worcester,  July  25,  1869. 

2.  Addie   I.   Clapp,  b.   in   Worcester,  Oct.   28,   1839;    m.    1872, 

Hiram  Parker.     One  child  : 


I.     Warren  Belding  Parker,  b.  in  Rochester,  Aug.  3, 1873. 

3.  Elam    Smalley   Ph^don    Clapp,    b.    in    Worcester,   Jan.   5, 

1842.  Entered  the  Sophomore  class  of  Troy  University  when 
17  years  of  age;  graduated  second  in  his  class  in  July,  1862; 
enlisted  same  day  he  graduated  in  Co.  H,  125th  New  York 
Infantry,  as  a  private  ;  promoted  to  Corporal  before  leaving 
the  city,  afterwards  promoted  to  Lieutenant  for  bravery  at  the 
battle  of  Gettysburg  ;  was  wounded  at  Chancellorsville  at  the 
battle  of  the  Wilderness,  May  12,  1864;  died  from  the  effects 
of  his  wounds,  June  5,  1864.  He  was  a  very  intelligent  young 
man,  finely  educated  and  was  a  gentleman.  In  all  of  the 
engagements  in  which  his  regiment  participated  he  distin- 
guished himself  for  bravery. 

4.  Lillian  Edna  Clapp,  b.  in  Phillipston,  July  18,  1844;  m.  Jan. 

I,  1869,  Sylvester  Nelson  Gardner  of  Troy  (a  descendant  o£ 
the  martyr  John  Rodgers).     Their  children  were : 

I.     Warren  Sylvester  Gardner,  b.  Sept.  22,  1869. 

II.  Elam  LaRoy  Gardner,  b.  May  11,  1872. 

III.  Beulah  Edna  Gardner,  b.  Feb.  16,  1875  ;  d.  Dec.  13, 


IV.  Howard  Nelson  Gardner,  b.  May  23,  1877  ;  d.  Dec. 

12,  1882. 
V.     Ernest  Howard  Gardner,  b.  Feb.   12,  1885  ;  d.  July 
16,  1886. 

221.  James  M.  L.  Parker  (fadez,"^  Isaac,^  Amos,s 
Andrew,^  yohn,^  Hananiak,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Capt.  Jabez 
M.  and  Nancy  (Patterson)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Phillipston, 
Sept.  3,  1812;  m.  in  Roxbury,  N.  H.,  April  i,  1835,  Polly 
Kidder,  b.  in  Roxbury,  N.  H.,  Aug.  19,  1816,  dau.  of  Aaron 
and  Persis  B.  Kidder.  She  d.  in  Forestville,  Wis.,  Jan.  7, 
1868.  He  was  a  carpenter  and  joiner  by  trade,  also  machinist. 
He  resided  in  Phillipston,  Mass.  ;  Roxbury,  Peterborough, 
Hillsborough  and  Marlborough,  N.  H.  ;  and  Racine,  Ahnapee 
and  Forestville,  Wis.  He  held  the  offices  of  superintendent 
of  schools,  town  clerk,  supervisor  and  justice  of  the  peace. 
He  d.  in  Forestville,  Door  County,  Wis.,  Sept.  25,  1877. 

Their  children  were  : 

James  Ansel  Parker,  b.  in  Roxbury,  N.  H.,  June  25,  1836.     He 
was  one  of  the  crew  of  the  whaling  schooner  Virginia^  which  was 
lost  at  sea  in  Aug.,  1854,  with  all  on  board.     He  was  unm. 


382.  Amine  Cecelia  Parker,  b.  in  Hillsborough,  N.  H.,  July 
12,  1839;  m.  George  Fowles  of  Ahnapee,  Wis. 

Nancy  Patterson  Parker,  b.  in  Phillipston,  Dec.  26,  1842  ;  d. 

June  4,  1857,  in  Ahnapee,  Wis. 
Rosell  Reone  Parker,  b.  in  Phillipston,  June  28,  1845  ;  d.  July 

4,  1857,  "^  Ahnapee,  Wis. 

383.  Maynard  Tillotson  Parker,  b,  in  Roxbury,  N.  H.,  Oct. 
30,  1850;  m.  Mary  Overbeck  of  Ahnapee,  Wis. 

222.  Harriet  Ann  Parker  ( David, ^  Isaac, ^  Amos, 5 
Andrew,''  'John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  David  and 
Betsey  (Eager)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Barre,  May  29,  1819  ;  m. 
Nov.  16,  1841,  John  Walker,  native  of  Holden,  b.  March  3, 
1815,  son  of  John  and  Eunice  (Metcalf)  Walker  of  Holden. 
She  d.  March  16,  1878.  He  resides  in  Barre,  where  he  is  a 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  John  Alfred  Walker,  b.   Oct.  31,  1842;  m.  Jan.   19,  1867, 

Bessie  Whitcomb  of  Boxborough.     They  reside  in  Boxborough. 
Their  children  were  : 

1.     Martha  Jane  Walker  ;  m.  Burpee  Steele  and  reside  in 
Leominster.     They  have  children  : 
I.     Clifton  Steele.  2.     Russell  Steele, 

n.     Marion  Walker.     She  resides  in  Leominster, 
in.     Bertha  Walker  ;  m.  John  Perzanzon.     They  reside  in 

IV.     Bessie  Isora  Walker. 
V,     Henry  W.  Walker. 
vj.     David  Parker  Walker. 

2.  Harriet  Elizabeth  Walker,  b.  Nov.  21,  1843  '•>  '^-  Nov.  11, 

1865,  Harlow  Foskett  of  Westminster.     He  d.  June,   1870. 

She  resides  in  W.  Rutland.     Their  children  were  : 

I.     Wallace  H.  Foskett,  b.  Sept.  25,  1866;  m.  Nov.  18, 

1889,  Etta  Himes,  b.  Jan.  11,  1870,  dau.  of  Edwin  and 

Mary  (Leonard)   Himes  of  Hubbardston.     They  reside 

in  Worcester  and  have  : 

1.  Harold  Eugene  Foskett,  b.  Jan.  20,  1891. 

2.  Delia  May  Foskett,  b.  June  30,  1892. 

II.     Fred  E.  Foskett,  b.  1S68  ;  d.  in  Florida,  aged  19,  1877. 

3.  Lucy  Maria  Walker  (twin  of  Harriet  Elizabeth  Walker),  b. 

Nov.  21,  1S43  ;  m.  May  7,  1865,  Charles  Dennison  Robinson 



"     Twins. 

of  Barre,   b.   Nov.  25,    1836,  son  of  Marshall  P.   and  Mary 
Elizabeth  (Perry)  Robinson  of  Barre.     They  reside  in  Worces- 
ter.    Their  children  were  : 
I.     Arthur  C.  Robinson,  b.  March  28,  1866;  m.  Dec.  17, 

1890,  Elmina  M.  Cole  of  Worcester,  b.  March  24,  1866. 

They  reside  in  Cambridgeport. 
II.     Albert  D.  Robinson,  b.  April  27,  1867  ;  m.  March  26, 

1892,  Louise  E.  Hamberger  of  Willimantic,  Ct.     They 

reside  in  Worcester. 

III.  Mary  L.  Robinson,  b.  Sept.  7,  1870;  d.  Oct.  27,  1870. 

IV.  George  P.  Robinson,  b.  Oct.  27,  1871. 
V.     Hattie  L.  Robinson,  b.  Dec.  5,  1875. 

4.  George  Chamberlain  Walker,  b.  Sept.  4,  and  d.  Oct.  20,  1845. 

5.  Andrew  McFarland  Walker,  b.  Aug.  14,  1846;  resides  in 

W.  Rutland,  unm. 

6.  George  Frederick  Walker,  b.  June  30,  and  d. 

Aug.  20,  1852. 

7.  Georgietta  Florence  Walker,  b.  June  30,  and 

d.  Sept.  20,  1852. 

8.  David  Parker  Walker,  b.  July  4,  1855  ;  d.  Jan.  5,  1876. 

9.  Martha  Davis  Walker,  b.  March  11,  1861  ;  m.  March,  1882, 

Lewis  Freeman,  and  reside  in  Spencer.     No  children. 

223.  Persis  Eager  Parker  (David^'i  Isaac, ^  Amos, 5 
Andrew,'^  John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  David  and 
Betsey  (Eager)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Barre,  May  8,  1821  ;  m. 
June  13,  1843,  Samuel  N.  Howe  of  Holden. 

They  had  one  child  : 

I .     Cecilia  Howe,  who  d.  at  the  age  of  i  year,  8  months. 

224.  Lucy  Parker  (Davtd,^  Isaac,^  Amos, 5  Andrezv,'^ 
'John,T>  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  David  and  Betsey 
(Eager)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Barre,  Sept.  2,  1823  ;  m.  April  3, 
1849,  Lysander  Crawford  of  Oakham,  b.  Feb.  2,  1824.  They 
lived  in  Barre,  where  he  was  a  farmer  and  where  he  d.  April 
16,  1884.     She  resides  in  Barre. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Samuel  P.  Crawford,  b.  March  13,  1850;  d.  Dec.  14,  1852. 

2.  Clare  E.  Crawford,  b.  June  17,  1853  ;  d.  April  4,  1854. 

3.  Emma  A.  Crawford,  b.  July  15,  i860  ;  resides  in  Barre. 



225.  Caleb  Alexander  Parker  ( Lewis, i  Isaac, ^ 
Amosy'  Andrezv,'-  'John,T>  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Major 
Lewis  and  Elizabeth  (Seaver)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Sterling, 
Dec.  24,  1806. 

While  still  a  young  man  he  went  to  New  Orleans,  La.,  in 
the  early  thirties.  After  a  few  years'  residence  in  that  city  he 
removed  to  Jackson,  Miss.,  where  for  some  years  he  success- 
fully prosecuted  his  business  of  builder  and  contractor,  erect- 
ing the  Mississippi  State  Capitol,  the  State  Insane  Asylum, 
Hinds  County  Court  House  and  other  public  buildings.  He 
also  built  a  part  of  the  New  Orleans,  Jackson  and  Great 
Northern  Railroad,  now  the  Illinois  Central.  He  went  to 
New  Orleans  again  in  1859  ^*^  live,  and  many  of  the  finest 
edifices  in  that  city  were  erected  by  him,  among  them  the  St. 
Louis  Hotel. 

He  d.  in  New  Orleans,  Nov.  29,  1891,  aged  85  years.  He 
was  a  resident  of  Mississippi  and  Louisiana  for  more  than  50 
years.  The  funeral  took  place  from  the  residence  of  his  son. 
Colonel  C.  Harrison  Parker. 

"The  cause  of  his  death  was  old  age,  a  wearing  out  of  the  body 
which  had  spent  a  long  and  busy  life.  He  had  been  failing  for 
weeks,  but  with  the  indomitable  energy  which  ever  characterized  the 
man  he  would  not  yield  even  to  the  grim  destroyer  himself  and  lived 
for  days  after  he  was  thought  to  be  in  the  throes  of  actual  dissolution. 
Once  before  he  displayed  the  same  characteristic.  More  than  50 
years  ago,  while  foreman  of  one  of  the  volunteer  fire  companies, 
exposure  at  a  fire  brought  on  an  attack  of  pneumonia,  from  which 
his  physician  said  he  could  not  recover ;  but  the  iron  constitution  had 
not  then  been  sapped  by  age  and  the  will  of  the  man  conquered  death 
itself  and  he  recovered. 

"  He  was  much  respected  by  those  who  knew  him  for  his  courage, 
his  openness  of  character,  his  attachment  to  his  friends  and  his  many 
other  Stirling  qualities.  He  leaves  children  and  grandchildren  who 
are  scattered  throughout  the  Union.  He  was  an  old  and  valued 
member  of  the  Masonic  fraternity,  which  paid  to  his  memory  the  last 
sad  tribute  of  respect  by  i^eturning  his  body  to  the  earth  beneath  the 
shadow  of  the  acacia." 

He  had  a  family  of  several  children,  who  are  in  active  life 
throughout  the  South  and  West. 



226.  Abigail  Sawyer  Parker  ( Lewis, ^  Isaac, ^  Amos,^ 
Andrew,'^  John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Major  Lewis 
and  Elizabeth  (Seaver)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Sterling,  Oct.  15, 
1809;  m.  Jan.  24,  1830,  Joshua  Buxton  of  Lowell,  b.  Dec.  28, 
1799,  ^^  youngest  son  of  Ebenezer  and  Susanna  Buxton  of 
N.  Reading.  They  settled  in  Woburn,  where  he  was  a  cabi- 
netmaker. They  finally  removed  to  Stetson,  Me.,  where  he 
was  a  farmer  until  his  decease,  which  occurred  Feb.  13,  1877. 
Mrs.  Abigail  S.  Buxton  still  survives  him,  residing  in  Stetson, 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Susan  Jane  Buxton,  b.  in  Sterling,  Dec.  4,  1830;  is  a  dress- 

maker and  resides  in  Woburn. 

2.  George  Parker  Buxton,  b.  in  Woburn,  Oct.   15,   1832  ;   d. 

June  12,  1862. 

3.  Joshua  Thomas  Buxton,  b.  in  Woburn,  Oct.  25,  1834;  m.  in 

Hampden,  Me.,  Dec.   23,  1865,  Mariah  Emery,  b.  Feb.   23, 
1838,  dau.  of  John  and  Sarah   (Fernald)   Emery.      He  is  a 
farmer  and  they  reside  in  Woburn.     Their  children  were  : 
I.     George  Buxton,  b.  April  8,  i866;  d.  Jan.  25,  \ 

1875.  [-Twins. 

II.     Frank  Buxton,  b.  April  8,  1866.  ) 

III.  Harry  Buxton,  b.  Dec.  15,  1868  ;  d.  Jan.  31,  1875. 

IV.  William  Buxton,  b.  April  2,  1870. 

V.     Lewis  Buxton,  b.  June  17,  1873  ;  d.  Feb.  5,  1875. 
VI.     Edward  Buxton,  b.  Jan.  23,  1876. 

4.  Ann  Elizabeth  Buxton,  b.  in  Woburn,  Sept.  18,  1837  ;  m. 

Charles  Starkey  of  Stetson,  Me.     He  is  a  merchant.     They 

reside  in  Natural  Bridge,  N.  Y.     Their  children  were  : 

I.     Edgar  Foe   Starkey.     He  is  connected  with   railroad 

II.     Charles  Starkey.     He  is  a  storekeeper  with  his  father. 
III.     Mary  Starkey. 

Evelina  Maynard  Parker  (see  page  185)  ( Lewis, ^ 
Isaac,^  Amos,^  Andrew,^  yokn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau. 
of  Major  Lewis  and  Elizabeth  (Seaver)  Parker,  was  b.  in 
Sterling,  Nov.  23,  181 1.  She  was  a  very  promising  and 
beautiful  young  lady  ;  was  a  dressmaker.  In  May,  1833,  she 
wet  her  feet  in  going  to  a  neighbor's  house  and,  it  being  a 


warm  day,  she  remained  in  a  room  where  there  was  no  fire 
until  her  feet  were  dry.  From  effects  of  this  she  died  in  a 
fortnight,  June  8,  1833.  Hers  was  the  first  death  of  a  young 
lady  which  had  occurred  in  the  town  for  a  long  time.  Her 
handsome  face  was  enclosed  with  black  hair  and  curls,  and 
she  was  already  engaged  to  Reuben  Sawyer,  who  always  felt 
downcast  after  her  death.  Her  loss  was  widely  felt  through- 
out the  township  and  a  very  large  gathering  attended  her 

227.  Elizabeth  Margaret  Parker  ( Lewis, ^  Isaac,^ 
Amos, ^  Andrew,^  yokn,^  Hananiak,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Major 
Lewis  and  Elizabeth  (Seaver)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Sterling, 
Sept.  24,  1813  ;  m.  April  21,  1836,  Gilbert  Hamilton  Howe  of 
Sterling,  b.  March  6,  1810.  They  lived  in  the  centre  for 
several  years;  removed  then  to  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  where 
she  d.  Jan.  18,  1882,  and  where  he  still  resides  with  his  son, 
William  Parker  Howe. 

All  of  the  children  were  b.  in  Sterling : 

1.  Mary  Augusta  Howe,  b.  Jan.  8,  1838;  m.  Nov.  4,  1S60,  in 
Sterling,  James  Henry  Little,  b.  in  Shirley,  Mass.,  June  39, 
1838.     She  d.  July  4,  1877  ;  he  d.  Sept.  18,  1879.     Children  : 

I.     Jane  Elizabeth  Little,  b.  Nov.  13,  1861  ;  d.  Sept.  8, 

II.     Carina  Hammond  Little,  b.  Feb.  16,  1866  ;  m.  Jan.  18, 
1887,  in  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  William  Shutte  Marshall. 
They  reside  in  Omaha,  Neb. 

III.  Arthur  Wilson  Little,  b.  Aug.  8,  1867  ;    resides  in 

Superior,  Wis. 

IV.  Ora  Howe  Little,  b.  June  35,  1869;  m.  Nov.  5,  1887, 

Seymour  A.  Miller,  who  d.  May  7,  1888.     She  resides 
in  Minneapolis,  Minn, 
v.     Mary  Helen  Little,  b.  June  34,  1875. 

3.  Henry  Gilbert  Howe,  b.  April  33,  1839;  '^-  (0  ^^7  2, 
1865,  Josephine  L.  Bartlett,  dau.  of  Perley  Bartlett.  She  d. 
Jan.  16,  1866,  in  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  and  he  m.  (3)  Dec.  3, 
1868,  in  Putnam,  Ct.,  Louise  Ann  Willett,  b.  in  Hartford, 
Ct.,  Feb.  33,  1839.  He  is  now  (1890)  in  Tombstone,  Ariz., 
an  engineering  and  mining  expert,  U.  S.  Deputy  Mineral 
Surveyor  and  mine  owner.     Their  children  were  : 


I.     Gertrude   Dean   Howe,  b.   in  Minneapolis,   Oct.    15, 
1869;  m.  Sept.  26,  1889,  in  Tombstone,  Ariz.,  Edward 
Warren  Perkins. 
II.     Charles  Willett  Howe,  b.  in  Chicago,  111.,  Nov.  29, 

1872  ;  d.  July  8,  1873. 
in.     Alvan  Willett  Howe,  b.  in  Chicago,  Nov.  25,  1873. 
IV.     Louise  Rogers  Howe,  b,  in  Chicago,  Sept.  3,  1876. 

3.  Charles  Lewis  Howe,  b.  Nov.  13,  1841  ;  d.  May  i,  1861. 

4.  William  Parker  Howe,  b.  Sept.  7,  1846.     He  is  editor  and 

proprietor  of  the  important  commercial  periodical.  The  Trade 
Reporter.     He  resides  in  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

5.  Peter  Osgood  Howe,  b.  Oct.  8,  1848;  d.  Jan.  22,  1861. 

6.  Silas  Walter  Howe,  b.  Aug.  15,  1850;  d.  Jan.  29,  1861. 

7.  Herbert  Kendall  Howe,  b.  Feb.  18,  1853  ;  d.  April  23,  1861. 

8.  Thomas  Prentice  Allen  Howe,  b.  Jan.  23,  1855  ;  resides  in 

Minneapolis,  Minn.  He  is  Assistant  Consulting  Engineer  of 
the  Great  Northern  Railway  Co.,  St.  Paul,  Minn. 

9.  Annie  Elizabeth  Howe,  b.  Aug.  13,  1857;  d.  Aug.  22,  1858. 

228.  Sarah  Angeline  Parker  ( Lewis, 1 1saac, ^  Amos,^ 
Andrew,'^  John,^  Hanamah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Major  Lewis 
and  Elizabeth  (Seaver)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Sterling,  Aug.  13, 
1815  ;  m.  in  Sterling,  Nov.  10,  1836,  John  Phelps  of  W. 
Boylston,  b.  June  23,  1810,  son  of  Abijah  and  Maria  Phelps 
of  W.  Boylston.  They  settled  on  Maiden  Hill  in  W.  Boyls- 
ton, where  he  carried  on  a  farm  of  120  acres  in  a  very  suc- 
cessful manner.  He  was  a  thorough  temperance  man  from 
boyhood,  and  a  member  of  the  Congregational  Church  of  the 
town  from  the  age  of  19  until  his  decease,  which  occurred 
May  30,  1859,  fi'oni  consumption.  His  widow,  Mrs.  Sarah 
Phelps,  conducted  the  place  for  ten  years  following,  devoting 
herself  to  the  good  of  her  family  and  the  farm.  She  has  long 
been  a  constant  member  of  the  Church  in  W.  Boylston,  in 
which  place  she  still  resides. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Angelina  Parker  Phelps,  b.  Oct.  29,   1837;  ^-  March  20, 


2.  Henry  Lewis  Phelps,  b.  Nov.   13,   1839;    m.  May  6,   1869, 

Mary  Ella  Brown  of  W.  Boylston,  b.  in  Oakdale,  June  19, 
1852,  dau.  of  Dexter  (of  Sterling)  and  Rhoda  Russell  (Law- 
rence) Brown  of  Weld,  Me.  He  conducts  the  Phelps  farm  on 
Maiden  Hill,  W.  Boylston,  where  they  reside.     Children  : 



I.     Henry  Edward  Phelps,  b.  May  24,  1870. 
II.     Mary  Augusta  Phelps,  b.  Jan.   12,  1872;  d.  Dec.  30, 

III.  Minnie  Addie  Phelps,  b.  July  21 ,  1876  ;  d.  Oct.  28,  1883. 

IV.  Charles  Walter  Phelps,  b.  Dec.  9,  1879  ;  d.  Nov.  5, 

V.     Ella  May  Phelps,  b.  April  10,  1883  !  d*  Sept.  18,  1883. 
VI.     Annie  Maude  Phelps,  b.  Dec.  15, 1888  ;  d.  April  2,  1890. 

3.  Emily  Caroline  Phelps,  b.  Aug.  2,  1842  ;  m.  in  W.  Boylston, 

Nov.,  1866,  William  Franklin  Davis,  b.  in  Ashby,  June  30, 
1846,  son  of  Jonathan  P.  and  Emily  M.  (Mansfield)  Davis. 
They  reside  in  Worcester,  where  he  is  a  watchman.  Children  : 
I.  Nellie  Loretta  Davis,  b.  in  Leominster,  Oct.  19,  1867. 
II.  Nettie  Angeline  Davis,  b.  in  Leominster,  July  23, 1869. 
III.     Ruby  Lura  Davis,  b.  July  2,  1884. 

4.  Ellen  Louise  Phelps,  b.  April  4,  1846  ;  d.  Nov.  13,  1863. 

5.  Sarah  Elizabeth  Phelps,  b.  Sept.  14,  1849;  m.  in  W.  Boyls- 

ton, May  27,  1868,  Josiah  Samuel  Davis,  b.  in  Ashby,  Jan.  8, 
1844,  brother  of  William  Franklin  Davis.     He  lived  in  Fitch- 
burg,  where   he  conducted  a  bakery  and  restaurant.      He  d. 
July  27,  1886.     She  resides  in  Fitchburg.     Children  : 
I.     Sarah  Annie  Davis,  b.  June  5,  1869  ;  m.  Fred  A.  Lewis 

of  Worcester,  where  they  reside. 
II.     Frank  Henry  Davis,  b.  May  3,  1883. 
III.     Raymond  Walter  Davis,  b.  March  4,  1885. 

6.  John  William  Phelps,  b.  Jan.   23,   1852  ;  m.  May  16,   1878, 

Addie  M.  Colby  Adams,  b.  in  Nashua,  N.  H.,  Jan.  27,  1858, 
dau.  of  John  C^.  and  Amanda  (Farmer)  Adams  of  Nashua. 
Her  parents,  who  were  b.  Nov.  22,  1830,  and  Jan.  8,  1837, 
respectively,  d.  before  she  was  five  years  and  she  grew  up  in 
her  aunt  Colby's  family,  which  caused  a  change  in  the  name. 
They  reside  in  Fitchburg.  Their  children  were  : 
I.  Mira  Addie  Phelps,  b.  March  14,  1879. 
II.     Minnie  Alice  Phelps,  b.  Nov.  11,  1885. 

230.  HoUis  Gardner  Parker  (Lewis,''  Isaac, ^  Amos, ^ 
Andrew,^  yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Major  Lewis 
and  Elizabeth  (Seaver)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Sterling,  Sept.  30, 
1818  ;  m.  in  Hartford,  Ct.,  May  4,  1847,  Laura  A.  Goodrich, 
dau.  of  Jared  and  Abigail  Goodrich.  He  is  a  merchant  in 
Manchester,  Ct.     She  d.  March  4,  1879. 


Their  children  were  : 
George  Hollis  Parker,  b.  in  Hartford,  Ct.,  Feb.  21,  1851  ;  d.  1855. 
Laura  Ann  Parker,  b.  in  Philadelpliia,  Pa.,  March   16,  1856;  d. 

Sept.  5.  1857. 
Ella  Goodrich  Parker,  b.  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Jan.  28,  1859. 
384.     Charles  Duffield  Parker,  b.  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  June 

19,  1861  ;   m.  Julia  Skipper. 
William  Lewis  Parker,  b.  in  Buckland,  Ct.,  Jan.  18,  1868. 
Grace  Adams  Parker,  b.  in  Buckland,  Ct.,  July  10,  1873. 

Mary  Anne  Capen  Parker  (see  page  i86)  (Lewis,'} 
Isaac,^  Amos,^  Andrew,^  John,^  Hajianiah,'-  Thomas^),  dau. 
of  Major  Lewis  and  Elizabeth  (Seaver)  Parker,  was  b.  in 
Sterling,  March  31,  1820.  She  went  to  Uve  with  Dr.  Willard 
Parker  of  Woodstock,  Vt.,  when  quite  young,  removing  with 
the  Doctor's  family  to  Pittsfield,  Mass.,  where  she  lived  several 
years,  then  to  Cincinnati,  O.,  where  she  d.  March  5,  1834. 
This  was  the  well  known  Dr.  Willard  Parker  who  later  settled 
in  New  York  city.  He  was  descended  from  the  emigrant 
ancestor,  Abraham  Parker  of  Chelmsford. 

Lucy  Adams  Parker  (see  page  186)  (Lewis,''  Lsaac,^ 
Amos,^  Andreza,'^  'John,^  Hananiah,'^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Major 
Lewis  and  Elizabeth  (Seaver)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Sterling, 
March  4,  1825  ;  m.  in  Hartford,  Ct.,  Mr.  Gourly  of  Worces- 
ter. They  removed  to  Pittsfield,  Mass.,  where  she  later  died. 
She  d.  in  Troy,  N.  Y.  Her  middle  name  arose  from  the  coinci- 
dence of  her  date  of  birth  with  the  inauguration  of  President 
John  Quincy  Adams.  She  had  two  children,  who  both  died 
young  and  are  buried  in  Worcester. 

231.  Elisha  H.  Parker  (Eliska,''  Elisha,^  Afnos,^ 
Andrew,''  'John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Elisha  and 
Eunice  (Dean)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Barnard,  Vt.,  May  10, 
1818  ;  m.  Sept.  27,  1847,  Alvira  P.  Ferrin,  b.  in  Morristown, 
Vt.,  June  24,  1826.  They  resided  in  Morristown  until  1879, 
when  he  removed  to  Middlefield,  Ct.,  where  he  resides. 

Their  children  were  : 
Julia  A.  Parker,  b.  Sept.  8,  1848  ;  deceased. 
John  F.  Parker,  b.  Sept.  20,  1850 ;  resides  in  Middlefield,  Ct. 
Lizzie  A.  Parker,  b.  July  22,  1854;  resides  in  Middlefield. 


232.  Minerva  E.  Parker  (Eltsha,^  Elisha,^  Amos,^ 
Andrezu,'t  yohn,^  Hananiah^^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Elisha  and 
Eunice  (Dean)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  May  13, 
1827  ;  m.  March  3,  1850,  Josiah  Converse,  b.  in  Brookfield, 
Oct.  15,  1797,  and  came  with  his  father  to  Bakersfield,  in 
1804.     She  resides  in  Bakersfield. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Charles  Converse,  b.  July  6,  185 1. 

2.  Elisha  H.  Converse,  b.  July  8,  1853  ;  d.  June  8,  1854. 

3.  Maria  E.  Converse,  b.  Sept.   i,  1856;  d.  Aug.  7,  1889,  leav- 

ing two  sons. 

4.  Cheney  A.  Converse,  b.  March  30,  1858. 

5.  Burton  H.  Converse,  b.  June  19,  i860;  d.  Feb.  19,  1864. 

233.  Robert  D.  Parker  (Elisha,'^  Elisha,^'  Amos,^ 
Andrew^^  yohn,^  ffanantah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Elisha  and 
Eunice  (Dean)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  May  6, 
1834.  H^  removed  to  Worcester,  Mass.,  and  m.  Sarah  Hawes 
of  Auburn.  They  lived  in  Worcester.  Robert  D.  Parker  was 
a  strong,  hearty  man,  a  characteristic  of  his  Parker  relatives. 
His  brother  Elisha  was  also  gifted  with  a  remarkable  physique 
in  his  younger  days.  The  former  was  known  to  carry  upon 
his  back  and  up  three  flights  of  stairs  a  sugar  barrel  filled  with 
coal.  Robert  D.  Parker  died  from  an  accident  at  Lincoln 
Square  in  Worcester.  He  jumped  from  the  team  which  he  was 
driving  and  seizing  a  runaway  horse  b^'^  the  bridle  he  succeeded 
in  stopping  him,  but  while  thus  engaged  was  dashed  against  a 
passing  train  and  killed.      His  widow  resides  in  Worcester. 

Their  children  were  : 

Elizabeth  Parker  ;  m.  Frank  M.  Muzzy,  and  resides  in  Chicopee. 
Ralph   H.   Parker,  b.  Jan.    36,    1866.      He   is  a  letter-carrier   in 

Clare  Parker. 

Lee  Raymond  Parker.     He  is  a  farmer  in  Barre. 
Birney  Parker. 

234.  Charles  Rollin  Parker  (Elijah,^  Elisha,^  Amos,'= 
Andrew,'^  'yohn,^  Uatianiak,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Elijah  and 
Rhody  (Butler)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  Jan.  5, 
1814;  m.    (i)  July  4,   1834,  Porti'^i  Adelia  Harmon,  b.  Jan. 



21,  1815.  He  shared  to  a  considerable  extent  in  the  arduous 
and  manifold  privations,  often  severe,  of  those  who  changed 
the  dense  forests  of  our  country  into  an  orchard,  blossoming 
like  the  garden  of  the  Lord.  In  this  school  he  learned  those 
habits  of  industry,  economy  and  prudence  which  enabled  him  to 
overcome  the  great  difficulties  which  stood  in  the  way  of  his 
life's  success.  After  his  marriage  he  engaged  in  the  lumber 
business  in  Niagara  County,  N.  Y.  His  company  ultimately 
failed  and  Charles  R.  Parker  lost  all  his  property.  Penniless 
and  burdened  with  a  family  he  commenced  the  study  of  law. 
For  a  time  he  was  clerk  in  the  office  of  Ransom  &  Holmes. 
After  his  admission  to  the  bar  he  became  a  successful  prac- 
titioner of  his  profession  and  practiced  in  what  is  now  the 
city  of  Lockport,  N.  Y.,  for  nearly  50  years,  without  a  stain 
upon  his  moral  or  professional  character.  By  his  industry,  his 
close  attention  to  business  and  his  economy  he  accumulated 
not  only  a  competence  but  a  very  considerable  estate.  He 
was  prompt  in  the  discharge  of  his  duties,  a  safe  counsellor 
and  a  trustworthy  employee.  Whatever  he  undertook  was 
carefully  attended  to  and  well  done.  He  was  not  gifted  with 
eloquence,  on  the  contrary  he  had  an  impediment  in  his  speech 
which  forbid  his  entering  into  that  portion  of  legal  practice  in 
which  lawyers  are  most  conspicuous  to  the  public,  the  trial  of 
litigated  causes.  He  was  content  to  shun  the  paths  in  which 
he  could  not  shine.  He  had  a  discriminating  legal  mind, 
good  common  sense  and  sound  judgment,  and  above  all  he 
was  an  honest  man,  "The  noblest  work  of  God." 

Mrs.  Portia  A.  H.  Parker  d.  Dec.  21,  1842,  and  he  m.  (2) 
Feb.  14,  1843,  her  sister,  Marcia  Ann  Harmon,  b.  Nov.  22, 
1824,  d.  Oct.  10,  1845.  He  m.  (3)  Mrs.  Betsey  Maria 
(Paige)  Peckham,  his  cousin,  of  Bakersfield,  Vt.  She  d. 
May  7,  1853,  and  he  m.  (4)  Nov.  10,  1853,  Harriet  Newhall, 
b.  in  Conway,  Mass.,  Dec,  1818,  dau.  of  Daniel  Newhall. 
He  d.  May  6,  1887. 

His  children  were  : 

385.  Charles  Fessenden  Parker,  b.  June  6,  1836;  m.  (i) 
Mary  Dickerman  of  New  Haven,  Ct.  ;  (3)  Kate  Isadore  Shipman 
of  Girard,  Pa.  ;   (3)  Mary  F.  Ball  of  CoJumbus,  O. 

Clinton  Ranson  Parker,  b.  Oct.  15,  1839;  ^^-  May  8,  1843. 


Albert  Butler  Parker,  b.  Feb.  18,  1842  ;  m.  Mary  Kellogg  of 

Leslie,  Mich.     Their  only  child  was  : 

I.     Charles  Rollin  Parker  ;  d.  in  South  Haven,  Mich.,  March 
12,  1888,  aged  8  years  and  6  months. 
Adelia  Parker  (twin  of  Albert),  b.  Feb.  18,  1842;  d.  1843. 
Ann  Adelia  Parker,  b.  May  8,  1845  ;  d.  Aug.  26,  1854. 
Mary  Jane  Parker,  b.  Nov.  29,  1846  ;  d.  Aug.  25,  1866. 

235.  Cho  Augusta  Parker  (Elijah,^  EHska,^  Amos,^ 
Andrew,^  yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^ ),  dau.  of  Elijah  and 
Rhody  (Butler)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  Aug.  10, 
1815  ;  m.  Feb.  5,  1834,  Silas  Hall,  b.  Oct.  8,  1805,  son  of 
Ralph  and  Mary  Hall  of  Newburyport,  Mass.  He  d.  June 
I,  1883. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Herman  D.  Hall,  b.  in  Cambria,  Dec,  1834.     He  is  in  busi- 

ness in  Gunnison,  Col. 

2.  John  N.  Hall,  b.  in  Pendleton,  Dec,  r836.     He  is  in  business 

in  Gunnison,  Col. 

3.  Addison  Parker  Hall,  b.  in  Pendleton,  Oct.,  1839;  m.  1863, 

Celia  Warren  of  Tonawanda,  N.  Y.  She  d.  1880.  Their 
surviving  children  are  : 

I.  Mary  Jane  Hall,  b.  July,  1866. 

n.     Addie  Augusta  Hall,  b.  Oct.,  1872. 

4.  Caroline  Augusta  Hall,  b.  Dec,  1841  ;  m.  Nov.  25,  1863, 

Rev.  Edward  Payson  Marvin,  a  descendant  of  Reynold  Marvin 
of  Lyme,  Ct.  They  reside  in  Lockport,  N.  Y.,  and  have  four 
children  : 

I.     Cornelia  Frances  Marvin,  b.   1864;    m.  Dec,   1885, 
Albert  McDonnell,  and  have  a  dau.  : 
I.     Cho  Augusta  McDonnell,  b.  Feb.  2,  1888. 
II.     Edward  Payson  Marvin,  Jr.,  b.  1868. 

III.  Walter  Clark  Marvin. 

IV.  William  Roy  Marvin. 

5.  Caroline  A.  Hall,  b.  Nov.,  1845  ;  d.  May  28,  1864. 

6.  Charles  W.   Hall,   b.   Dec,    1848;    m.  May,    1876,   Rachel 

Cowles,  and  have  had  the  following  children : 
I.     Willis  Harold  Hall,  b.  May,  1877. 

II.  Charles  Ralph  Hall,  b.  1879;  d.  1883. 
III.     Lee  Butler  Hall,  b.  Dec,  1883. 


7.  Henry  C.  Hall,  b.  May,  1852;  m.  Sept.,  1876,  Addie  Den- 

ning.    Their  children  are  : 

I.  Emerson  D.  Hall,  b.  Jan.,  1878. 
II.     Raymond  Hall,  b.  May,  1882. 

8.  Alice  M.  Hall,  b.  July,  1854;  in.  Nov.,  1879,  Dr.  John  W. 

Gorman.     Their  children  were  : 
I.     John  Wesly  Gorman,  Jr.,  b.  and  d.  1882. 
II.     Bruce  Gorman,  b.  June,  1883. 
III.     Percy  Gorman,  b.  Sept.,  1884. 
.IV.     Alice  Gorman,  b.  March,  1888. 

236.  Caroline  Miranda  Parker  (Elijah,''  EHsha,^ 
A^nosy>  Andrew,^  yokn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Elijah 
and  Rhody  (Butler)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt., 
March  16,  1818  ;  m.  June  17,  1840,  Stephen  Decatur  Scovell, 
whose  mother  was  Annah  Saxe,  descended  from  the  House  of 
Saxe-Coburg,  Germany.  He  was  first  cousin  to  John  G. 
Saxe,  the  poet.  They  settled  in  Vermontville,  Mich.,  where 
he  d.  Jan.,  1850.  She  m.  (2)  June  18,  185 1,  Argalus  Sprague 
of  Vermontville,  where  they  reside. 

Her  children  were  : 

1.  JosiAH  T.  Scovell,  b.  July  29,  1841  ;  tn.  Dec.  25,  1877,  Joanna 

Jameson  of  Lafayette,  Ind.  He  was  20  years  a  professor  in 
the  State  Normal  School  at  Terra  Haute,  Ind.  He  is  a  doctor 
by  profession  and  is  now  practicing  in  Terra  Haute.  Ghildren  : 
I.     Gada  M.  Scovell,  b.  Jan.  4,  1879. 

II.  Ralph  R.  Scovell,  b.  June  24,  1884. 
III.     Robert  Scovell,  b.  Aug.  11,  1887. 

2.  Augusta  A.  Scovell,  b.  July  18,  1843  ;  d.  Jan.  iS,  1869. 

William  P.  Scovell,  b.  June  i,  1846;  d.  Feb.  16,  1848. 
Alice  L.  Scovell,  b.  April  29,  184S  ;  d.  Feb.  28,  1852. 
Amanda  G.  Sprague,  b.  Oct.  26,  1853. 

Ernest  E.  Sprague,  b.  Aug.  7,  1855  ;  m.  Ezra  Potter  of  Ver- 
montville, Mich.     They  have  two  sons  : 
I.     George  Glare  Sprague,  b.  June  21,  1884. 
II.     Milton  W.  Sprague,  b.  Aug.  11,  1886. 
Frederic  P.   Sprague,  b.  Nov.   7,   185S  ;   m.  Garrie  Sackett. 
Their  children  are  : 

I.     Augusta  Scovell  Sprague,  b.  Sept.  24,  1879. 
II.     Lelia  Sprague,  b.  May  18,  18S1. 
III.     Rollin  Argalus  Sprague,  b.  Dec.  18,  1882. 


237.  Isaac  Butler  Parker  (Elijah;'  Elisha,^  Amos,^ 
Andrew ^^  "John;  Hananiah;  Thomas^),  son  of  Elijah  and 
Rhody  (Butler)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  Nov.  19, 
1827;  m.  Oct.,  185 1,  Clarissa  Gillett  of  Youngstown,  N.  Y. 
He  was  a  lawyer  and  had  just  settled  at  Marshalltown,  la., 
when  he  d.  Dec.  26,  1862. 

Their  children  were  : 

Edward  Gillett  Parker,  b.  in  Warsaw,  111.,  Dec.  11,  1S52  ;  m. 
(i)  Oct.  18,  1S82,  Tryphenia  Pierson,  b.  i860.  She  d.  Feb.  12, 
18S5,  and  he  m.  (2)  March  8,  1888,  Elizabeth  Kane  of  Canan- 
daigua,  N.  Y.,  b.  Sept.  3,  1854.  He  is  continuing  the  law  office 
of  his  uncle,  C.  R.  Parker,  Esq. 

Willis  Frederick  Parker,  b.  in  Mitchell,  la.,  April  2,  1859.  He 
is  a  lawyer  in  Helena,  Col. 

Clara  Amanda  Parker,  b.  in  Mitchell,  la.,  June  22,  1861.  She 
is  a  teacher  in  Oneida,  N.  Y. 

238.  Frederic  Deforest  Parker  (Elijah;  EHsha,^ 
Amos;  Andrew;  John;  Hananiah;  Thotnas^),  son  of  Elijah 
and  Rhody  (Butler)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Lewiston,  N.  Y.,  Aug. 
10,  1830;  m.  in  Battle  Creek,  Mich.,  Dec,  1854,  Helen 
Nickols.     He  d.  Nov.,  1856. 

Their  son  was  : 

Frederick  B.  Parker,  b.  Dec,  1855  ;  m.  Jan.  5,  1881,  in  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y.,  Jennie  Sarle.     He  d.  in  Maker,  Col.,  Dec.  11,  18S8, 
and  she  d.  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  Dec.  12,  1888.     Their  son  was  : 
I.     Howard  Sarle  Parker,  b.  Jan.,  1882. 

239.  Rebecca  Ann  Parker  (Jonas;  Elisha;  Amos; 
Andrew;  John;  Hananiah;  Thomas^).,  dau.  of  Jonas  and 
Lima  (Freeman)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  Sept. 
29,  1825  ;  m.  Sept.  i,  1848,  Langdon  A.  Marshall,  and  lived 
in  E.  Brookfield,  Vt.,  until  her  death,  which  occurred  April  5, 
1888.     He  d.  April  8,  1890. 

Their  children  were  : 

I.     Eugene   Langdon  Marshall,  b.  Aug.  6,  1850;  m.  Aug.   19, 
1873,  Alma  Reed.     He  d.  Aug.  2,  1880.     Children: 
I.     Anna  Emily  Marshall,  b.  July  12,  1877. 
II.     Eugene  Langdon  Marshall,  b.  March  ro.  1879. 


2.  Lima  Matilda  Marshall,  b.   Nov.    2,    1858 ;    m.  April  14, 

1S79,  Eugene  V.  Price,  and  have  one  dau.  : 
I.     Lima  Marcia  Price,  b.  Sept.  7,  1883. 

3.  Minnie  Sprague  Marshall,  b.  Sept.  21,  1879. 

240.  Joshua  Freeman  Parker  (Jonas,^  EHsha,^ 
Amo's,5  Andrew,^  John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Jonas 
and  Lima  (Freeman)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt., 
Sept.  23,  1827;  m.  April  7,  1853,  Caroline  D.  Seabury. 
They  reside  in  Moretown,  Vt. 

Their  child  was  : 
George  L.  Parker,  b.  in  Moretown,  Vt.,  March  11,  1866. 

241.  John  Cortland  Parker  (  Jonas, t  Eliska,^  Amos, ^ 
Andrew,^  yohn,^  Hananiah,'^  Thomas^),  son  of  Jonas  and 
Lima  (Freeman)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  March 
15,  1831  ;  m.  (i)  May  3,  1857,  Oliva  M.  Wheeler  of  Walling- 
ford,  Vt.  She  d.  and  he  m.  (2)  July  8,  1863,  Abigail  P. 
Wheeler  of  Wallingford. 

His  children  were  : 
Franklin  J.  Parker,  b.  Nov.  30,   1858;  m.   (i)   Oct.  29,   1870, 

Mary  Hathaway  of  East  Montpelier,  Vt.     She  d.  and  he  m.  (2) 

March  17,  1875,  Elia  Bennett  of  Calais,  Vt. 
Carrie  O.  Parker,  b.  Oct.  7,  1864. 

243.  Frederick  A.  Parker  (Austin,^  Nahum,^  Amos,s 
Andrew,^  John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Austin  and 
Susan  (Martin)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Westmoreland,  N.  H., 
1822  ;  m.  Clara  M.  Hyland,  b.  in  Westmoreland.  He  resides 
in  Gardner,  where  he  is  a  mechanic. 

Their  children  were  : 

Frank  F.  Parker.     He  resides  in  Gardner,  unm. 
Marion  M.  Parker. 
Child,  unnamed,  b.  and  d. 

244.  George  Washington  Parker  (Amos  A., 7 
Nahum,^  Amos,^  Andrew,''  John,T>  Hananiah,^  Thomas'), 
son  of  Col.  Amos  A.  and  Miranda  (Sanders)  Parker,  was  b. 
in  Concord,  N.  H.,  Aug.  14,  1824;  m.  Oct.  26,  1848,  Julia  A. 
Deeth,  b.  Nov.  2,  1828,  dau.  of  Lyman  and  Julia   (Chapin) 


Deeth.     He  was  for  a  long  time  station  agent  at  Fitzwilliam, 
N.  H.     They  reside  in  Halifax,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  : 

Ellen  Miranda  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  July  17,  1849;  '^• 
in  Fitzwilliam,  Jime  20,  1871,  Herbert  C.  Keith,  b.  in  E.  Bridge- 
water,  Oct.  18,  184S,  son  of  Freedom  and  Minerva  (Holmes) 
Keith.     They  reside  in  E.  Bridgewater. 

386.  Daniel  Deeth  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  June  29,  1851  ; 
m.  Abby  S.  Holmes  of  Halifax,  Mass. 

387.  George  Amos  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  April  28,  1853; 
m.  Jennie  W.  Richardson  of  Halifax,  Mass. 

388.  Caroline  Sanders  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  May  30, 
1855  ;   m.  Benjamin  F.  Thrasher  of  Halifax,  Mass. 

Julia  Frances  Parker,  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  April  28,  1861  ;  m. 
Feb.  22,  1890,  Edward  Heywood  Sawin  of  Gardner,  Mass.,  b. 
Feb.  25,  1829,  son  of  Levi  Heywood  and  Lucy  (Putnam)  Sawin 
of  Gardner.  She  graduated  from  Smith  College,  Northampton, 
Mass.,  in  the  class  of '83. 

245.  Andrew  Parker  (Amos  A.,^  Nahum,^  Amos,^ 
Andrezv,^  yo/in,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Col.  Amos  A. 
and  Miranda  (Sanders)  Parker,  was  b.  in  New  Market,  N. 
H.,  March  2,  1828;  m.  Feb.  12,  1851,  Laura  S.  Morse,  b. 
May  2,  1829,  dau.  of  Isaac  and  Frances  (Stevens)  Morse  of 
Winchendon.  They  reside  in  Brookl}^,  N.  Y.  They  have 
no  children. 

246.  Miranda  Sanders  Parker  (Amos  A.,''  Nahum,^ 
Amosy>  Andrew,^  yoh)i,^  Hanajiiah,^  Tho)nas^),  dau.  of  Col. 
Amos  A.  and  Mary  (McClary)  Parker,  was  b.  June  10,  1829  ; 
m.  June,  1855,  Anson  Burt  Smith  of  Fitzwilliam,  b.  July  25, 
1825.  He  was  a  prominent  merchant  in  Winchendon  for 
many  years,  where  he  d.  Oct.  18,  1888.  She  resides  in  Win- 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Frederick  Parker  Smith,  b.  Aug.  4.  1859;  m.  June  4,  1884, 

H.  Isabel  Snelling  of  Boston.      She  d.  May  19,  1888,  and  he 
now  resides  in  Boston. 

2.  Charles  H.  Smith,  b.  July  26,  and  d.  Aug.  6,  1S60. 

3.  Herbert  Anson  Smith,  b.  Oct.  25,  1861  ;  d.  Feb.  28,  1875. 


247.  Charles  Henry  Parker  (Amos  A.,^  Nahum,^ 
Amos,^  Andrezv,^  yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^ ),  son  of  Amos 
A.  and  Mary  (McClary)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Amesbury,  Mass., 
Sept.,  1833;  m.  Nov.  23,  1859,  Jane  S-  Ballon,  b.  June  17, 
1836,  d.  Jan.  6,  1862,  dau.  of  James  and  Polly  (Handy) 
Ballon  of  Richmond,  N.  H.  He  enlisted  in  the  loth  N.  H. 
regiment  in  1861.  After  a  service  of  nine  months  he  d.  at 
Beute  La  Rosse,  La.,  and  was  there  buried. 

Their  dau.  was  : 
Ada  Parker,  b.  Nov.  5,  i860.     She  resides  in  Keene,  N.  H. 

248.  John  McClary  Parker  (Amos  A.,^  Nahnm,^ 
Amosy>  Andrew,^  yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Amos 
A.  and  Mary  (McClary)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Kingston,  N.  H., 
Sept.  17,  1836;  m.  (i)  Oct.  17,  1865,  Catharine  A.  Adams, 
b.  June  25,  1840,  d.  March  19,  1869,  dau.  of  Capt.  Jonathan 
S.  and  Abigail  (Tower)  Adams;  m.  (2)  Sept.  21,  1870, 
Abbie  H.  Kimball,  b.  Jan.  10,  1838,  dau.  of  John  and  Jane 
S.  (Richardson)  Kimball. 

He  enlisted  in  the  3rd  N.  H.  Reg.  in  July,  1861,  and  served 
constantly  three  years  and  three  months,  until  toward  the  close 
of  the  war.  The  losses  of  this  regiment  ranked  among  those 
of  the  State  next  to  the  5th.  He  was  in  the  sieging  of  Fort 
Wagner,  was  before  Petersburgh,  Drewrey's  Bluff,  Secession- 
ville,  S.  C,  and  in  man}'  other  important  engagements.  He 
was  promoted  from  private  to  orderly  sergeant,  second  lieuten- 
ant, first  lieutenant,  adjutant  and  sometimes  led  the  company 
as  captain.  Mr.  Parker  has  been  several  years  moderator  of 
the  town  meetings  of  Fitzwilliam,  like  his  father  and  grand- 
father before  him,  the  three  generations  making  a  total  of  over 
30  years.  He  has  been  for  many  years  a  merchant  in  Fitz- 
william, where  they  reside. 

His  children  were  : 
Helen  Adams  Parker,  b.  Aug.  6,  1866. 
Francis  Richardson  Parker,  b.  July  19,  1873. 

249.  Alfred  A.  Parker  (Ephraim,^  Nahum,^  Amos,^ 
Andreza,^  John^^  Hananiah,^  Thomas'^),  son  of  Capt.  Ephraim 
and  Lucy  (Stone)  Parker,  was  b.  in   New  Boston   (part  of 




Winchendon),  Mass.,  1823;  m.  in  Orange,  March  30,  1857, 
Frances  A.  Whipple  of  Orange,  b.  Sept.  19,  1834,  ^'  Nov. 
6,  1891,  dau.  of  John  Rice  and  Martha  (Holbrook)  Whipple. 
While  still  young  he  removed  in  1838  to  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  where 
he  became  engaged  in  mercantile  pursuits.  He  removed  in 
1864  from  St.  Louis  to  Orange,  Mass.,  where  he  now  resides, 
and  where  he  has  been  engaged  in  mercantile  business  up  to 
the  present  time. 

Their  children  were  : 
Alfred  Whipple  Parker,  b.  in  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  Jan.  22,  1859;  d. 

in  Orange,  Dec.  17?  1887. 
John  Rice  Parker,  b.  in  Orange,  Sept.  9,  1861  ;  m.  Jan.  i,  1887; 

d.  Dec.  19,  1889,  without  issue. 
Mary  Powers  Parker,  b.  in  Orange,  March  14,  1865. 
Martha  Frances  Parker,  b.  in  Orange,  Dec.  6,  1867. 

250.  Edward  Nelson  Parker  (Epiraim.'i  Nahum,^ 
Amos,5  Andrew,'^  'Joh^i,^  Hanamah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Capt. 
Ephraim  and  Lucy  (Stone)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Marlow,  N.  H., 
April  7,  1822;  m.  in  St.  Louis,  Feb.  7,  1848,  Louisa  Moore 
Lackland,  b.  in  Frederickton,  Md.,  Feb.  6,  1826,  dau.  of 
Dennis  and  Eliza  Lackland.     She  d.  Nov.  12,  1869. 

Edward  N.  Parker  came  to  St.  Louis  about  1843  and 
engaged  in  the  business  of  merchant  tailoring  and  gentlemen's 
furnishing  goods.  After  the  death  of  his  wife  he  went  to 
Washington,  Mo.,  and  was  editor  of  the  Franklin  County 
Observer  until  shortly  before  his  death,  which  occurred  April 
28,  1881,  of  pneumonia,  and  he  was  buried  in  Washington. 

Their  children,  all  b.  in  St.  Louis,  were  : 
Eva  Louisa  Parker,  b.  Dec.  28,  1849  >  ^-  Sept.  10,  1850. 

389.  Dennis  Lackland  Parker,  b.  April  28,  1S51. 
Margaret  Ann  Parker,  b.  Oct.  22,  1852  ;  d.  Nov.  4,  1854. 

390.  Margaret  Ann  Parker,  b.  Aug.  31,  1854. 

391.  Lulu  Louisa  Parker,  b.  Oct.  25,  1856. 

Edward  Nelson  Parker,  b.  Dec.  10,  1859;  ^-  J"'^^  6'  i860. 
Mary  Susannah  Parker,  b.  April  21,  i860.     She  resides  in  Balti- 
more, Md.,  unm. 

251.  Charles  Adams  Parker  (Efhraim;<  Nahum,^ 
Amos,^  Andrew,'^  'John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Capt. 
Ephraim  and  Lucy  (Stone)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  N. 


H.,  1833.  Lived  in  St.  Louis  and  Rock  Island,  where  he 
was  in  the  mercantile  business.  From  Rock  Island  he  went  to 
California.  He  later  became  editor  and  publisher  of  a  daily 
paper  in  Virginia  City,  Nevada.  He  was  president  and  treas- 
urer of  various  mining  companies.  In  1882,  when  last  heard 
from,  he  was  at  White  Pine  Mines  in  Nevada,  unmarried.  It 
is  supposed  that  he  is  not  living. 

252.  Horace  Milton  Parker  (Efhraim.i  Nahum^^ 
Amos,^  Andrew,'^  yohn,^  Hanamah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Capt. 
Ephraim  and  Lucy  (Stone)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  N. 
H.,  1835.  He  went  to  St.  Louis  and  also  engaged  in  the 
mercantile  business  in  Illinois  and  Sulphur  Springs,  Mo.  He 
was  twice  married.  Both  wives  are  deceased,  leaving  no  chil- 

253.  Eliza  Ann  Parker  (Efhraim.i  JVahum,^  Amos,5 
Andrew,'^  John^^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Capt.  Ephraim 
and  Lucy  (Stone)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Fitzwilliam,  N.  H.,  1838  : 
m.  in  St.  Louis,  Jan.  6,  1852,  Lucas  C.  Topping,  b.  in  Chat- 
ham, Mass.,  1823,  son  of  John  and  Patience  Topping.  He 
has  been  a  merchant  in  St.  Louis.  They  now  reside  in 
Wichita,  Kan.,  where  he  is  a  wholesale  lumber  dealer. 

Their  son  is  : 
I.     Charles  Parker  Topping,  b.  in  St.  Louis,  Oct.  5,  1863. 

254.  Janette  Frances  Parker  (Efhraim.'J  JVakum,^ 
Amos,^  Andrew,''  'John,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Capt. 
Ephraim  and  Lucy  (Stone)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Ashby,  Mass., 
1840;  m.  Marshall  Thayer  of  Springfield,  Mass. 

Their  dau.  was  : 
I.     Grace  Thayer,  who  is  m.  and  is  living  in  Boston. 

255.  Thomas  Maxwell  Parker  (^imcy,^  Ebenezer,^ 
Thomas,^  Audrezv,^  yo/m,^  Hananiah,'^  Thomas^),  son  of 
Quincy  and  Patience  (Brooks)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Princeton, 
April  26,  1803  ;  m.  Aug.  9,  1829,  in  Providence,  R.  I.,  Esther 
Cole  Luther,  b.  Aug.  4,  1802,  d.  Nov.  27,  1845,  dau.  of 
Mary  and  Theophilus  Luther  of  Swansea,  Mass.  They  re- 
sided in  Providence,  where  he  d.  Dec.  9,  1884. 


Their  children  were  : 

Frances  Maria  Parker,  b.  April  27,  1830  ;  m.  Feb.,  1861,  Edward 
S.  McCashland.     She  d.  June  12,  1862,  at  Newtown,  111. 

Helena  Augusta  Parker,  b.  Oct.  18,  1832  ;  m.  Jan.  18,  1853, 
William  Eddy  of  Providence,  R.  I.,  b.  Jan.  17,  1823.  They 
reside  in  Providence. 

392.  Benjamin  Thomas  Parker,  b.  March  22,  1836;  m.  Char- 
lotte A.  Saunders  of  Augusta,  Me. 

Esther  Louisa  Parker,  b.  Feb.  18,  1838 ;  d.  July  10,  1839. 

256.  Joseph  Brooks  Parker  ( jitney, ^  Ehenezer,^ 
Thomas,^  Andrew,"^  yohn,^  Hananiak,^  Thomas^),  son  of 
Quincy  and  Patience  (Brooks)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Princeton, 
July  31,  1805;  m.  Oct.  16,  1833,  Mary  Ann  Morgan,  b.  in 
Brimfield,  Dec.  28,  1809,  dau.  of  Calvin  and  Polly  (Forbush) 
Morgan.  He  settled  in  the  house  which  he  built  for  himself 
in  W.  Boylston,  which  stands  near  the  grist-mill  at  the  junct- 
ion of  the  roads.  He  was  a  true  and  active  student  in  the 
teachings  of  Christ  and  a  devoted  follower  of  Him,  his  Master. 
In  July,  1835,  h^  w^s  chosen  deacon  of  the  Orthodox  Con- 
gregational Church  in  W.  Boylston.  He  later  removed  to 
Clinton,  residing  near  the  depot  in  the  house  which  his  family 
still  occupy  and  where  he  d.     His  widow  survives. 

Aside  from  his  home  training,  his  early  education  was 
limited  to  the  common  district  school  of  his  town.  At  the 
age  of  15  he  was  apprenticed  to  Joel  Howe,  a  blacksmith  of 
Princeton,  with  whom  he  remained  six  years.  Completing 
his  apprenticeship  he  entered  the  machine  shop  of  Samuel 
Flagg  of  Oakdale.  In  this  position  he  developed  at  once  an 
uncommon  tact  for  his  new  employment,  for  within  a  year 
he  was  appointed  foreman  of  the  shop,  on  account  of  which 
some  of  the  senior  workmen  refusing  to  work  under  so  young 
a  man  resigned ;  but  his  apparent  ability  as  a  mechanic  held 
for  him  his  position  and  his  manly  demeanor  won  back  his 
disaffected  shopmates  and  made  them  ever  after  his  true  and 
faithful  friends.  His  engagement  with  Mr.  Flagg  terminat- 
ing he  commenced  the  machine  business  on  his  own  account, 
occupying  the  shop  formerly  occupied  by  Mr.  Flagg.  Mean- 
while, E.  B.  Bigelow,  then  of  W.  Boylston,  and  since  so  dis- 
tinguished as  an  inventor,  had  conceived  the  idea  of  building 


a  loom  for  weaving  counterpanes.  In  his  struggle  to  bring 
forth  the  invention  he  sought  the  aid  of  Deacon  Parker.  The 
coming  together  of  these  two  men  resulted  in  the  formation 
of  a  company  to  complete  the  undertaking  and  put  the  loom 
in  operation.  The  company  consisted  of  E.  B.  Bigelow, 
Dea.  Parker  and  Eli  Holbrook,  all  young  men  of  about  the 
same  age.  This  loom,  however,  was  not  a  success.  The 
company  wanting  means  to  carry  on  the  work  further  the 
enterprise  was  for  a  time  abandoned,  though  they  full}^  be- 
lieved in  the  final  success  of  the  work.  From  this  the  inven- 
tive genius  of  E.  B.  Bigelow  was  turned  to  his  coach  lace 
loom,  which  at  once  came  to  better  results.  This  loom  was 
built  by  Dea.  Parker  and  put  in  operation  at  Shirley  Village, 
and  later  was  removed  to  Clinton.  In  1840  Dea.  Parker 
removed  his  business  to  Providence,  R.  I.  The  success  of 
the  Messrs.  Bigelow  being  assured,  they,  with  others,  formed 
a  company,  purchased  the  water  power  in  Clinton,  built  a 
machine  shop  and  made  extensive  preparations  for  operating 
their  new  inventions.  After  the  trial  of  other  machinists  to 
build  their  machinery  the  Bigelows  again  sought  the  aid  of 
Dea.  Parker.  He  came  from  Providence  to  Clinton  and 
was  put  in  charge  of  the  new  machine  shop  built  by  the 
Clinton  Company.  This  new  position  brought  more  fully  his 
mechanical  ability  to  the  test.  Following  the  coach  lace  loom 
came  the  reconstruction  of  the  counterpane  looms  then  run- 
ning, but  which  had  not  done  satisfactory  work.  These  were 
all  rebuilt,  resulting  in  the  manufacture  of  a  much  improved 
fabric.  Following  these  were  the  gingham  and  Brussels 
carpet  looms,  each  of  which  was  the_^rs^  loom  of  its  kind  ever 
in  operation.  All  these  were  made  under  Dea.  Parker's 
supervision.  All  were  new,  there  being  no  models  to  work 
from  or  workmen  experienced  in  that  line  of  machinery  build- 
ing. Everything  was  wrought  out  step  by  step  without  the 
suggestion  or  the  aid  of  others.  In  the  coach  lace  loom  was 
found  the  germ  of  the  Brussels  carpet  loom  which  was  brought 
to  its  present  state  of  perfection  only  by  the  protracted  study 
of  years.  To  invent  or  make  such  a  masterpiece  of  machinery 
is  honor  enough  for  any  man  and  justly  entitles  him  to  lasting 
fame.     The  idea  of  a  machine  being  given  him  he  could  make 


it,  which  oftener  than  otherwise  is  the  most  difficuh  part  to 
perform.  In  185 1  Dea.  Parker  went  to  England  to  superin- 
tend the  setting  up  of  Brussels  carpet  looms.  He  returned 
after  eight  months.  Soon  after  he  built  a  manufactory  in  Clin- 
ton. His  business  at  once  increased ;  the  machine  shop  was 
doubly  enlarged  and  under  his  management  it  became  an 
important  business  interest  of  Clinton,  and  it  is  still  conducted 
under  the  name  of  The  J.  B.  Parker  Machine  Co.  His  strong 
points  as  a  man  of  business  were  his  strength  and  clearness  of 
mind.  These  were  seen  in  everything.  United  with  his  intense 
application  this  quality  was  invaluable  to  him  as  a  machinist. 
He  was  a  man  of  superior  judgment.  This  also  appeared  in 
all  matters  of  every-day  life.  He  was  every  man's  counsellor 
though  he  never  wore  a  title.  In  his  business  few  men  were 
his  equal  as  a  judge  of  machinery.  Young  men  esteemed  it 
a  privilege  to  be  taught  the  trade  of  a  machinist  by  him.  His 
ideal  of  a  machine  was  perfection.  Great  care  was  taken  to 
make  every  machine  perfect.  Nothing  was  allowed  to  leave 
his  shop  that  was  not  so.  This  had  much  to  do  with  his  suc- 
cess in  after  life.  His  attention  to  all  the  details  of  his  busi- 
ness was  unremitting.  He  trusted  nothing  to  others.  And  as 
it  was  continuously  on  the  increase  it  was  almost  a  matter  of 
necessity  that  he  be  more  and  more  industriously  occupied 
with  its  cares  and  management.  In  the  summer  of  1859  ^^ 
and  his  family  spent  a  day  at  the  seashore  in  York,  Me., 
which  up  to  that  time  was  the  only  holiday  of  the  kind  he  had 
enjoyed.  Few  men  are  identified  with  the  almost  model  town 
of  Clinton  more  than  Dea.  Parker.  In  the  variety  and  extent 
of  his  manufactures,  in  its  rapid  growth  and  continued  pros- 
perity he  took  a  constant  and  bore  a  conspicuous  part.  And 
could  the  town  be  photographed  in  its  moral  as  well  as  in  its 
material  aspects  it  would  appear  that  he  was  even  more  an 
important  factor  in  it.  A  man  of  clear  head,  sound  judgment 
and  Christian  character  that  always  commanded  respect  and 
confidence.  He  with  others  did  the  most  valuable  pioneer 
service  in  laying  the  foundations  of  the  moral  and  religious 
institutions  of  the  town.  He  exerted  a  strong  influence  over 
young  men  and  by  his  counsel  and  example  was  most  useful 
in  aiding  them  to  make  a  good  start  in  life.     Though  suffi- 


ciently  conservative  he  was  a  man  of  reform,  always  headed 
in  the  right  direction,  always  standing  for  the  best  things,  no 
man  ever  doubting  how  he  would  talk  or  what  he  would  do 
when  the  common  good  was  at  stake. 

Their  children  were  : 
Mary  Isadore  Parker,  b.  in  W.  Boylston,  Oct.  7,  1836;   d.  in 

Lancaster,  July  14,  1845. 
Henrietta  Eveline  Parker,  b.  in  Lancaster,  Sept.  5,  1841  ;  d, 

in  Lancaster,  July  i,  1843. 
Mary  Isadore  Parker,  b.  in  Lancaster,  June  6,  1844  ;  resides  with 

her  mother  in  Clinton. 
393.     Henrietta  Eveline    Parker,   b.   in  Lancaster,  July   29, 

1847  ;  m.  Charles  Murdock  of  W.  Boylston. 

257.  William  Eaton  Parker  (^uncy,^  Ebeneze?-,^ 
Thomas,^  Andrew,'^  yohn,^  Uanamak,^  Thomas^),  son  of 
Quincy  and  Patience  (Brooks)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Princeton, 
June  6,  1808.  He  was  very  fond  of  travel  and  adventure. 
He  went  West,  locating  finally  in  Columbus,  O.,  where  he  m. 

Unfortunately  little  is  known  of  this  family.  His  life  was 
doubtless  an  active  and  interesting  one,  worthy  of  longer  inser- 
tion here,  if  the  facts  could  only  be  ascertained.  He  had 
several  children,  of  whom  a  daughter  is  supposed  to  be  living. 
Two  of  his  children  died  of  scarlet  fever,  and  William  Parker, 
his  son,  was  killed  in  the  war  of  the  Rebellion.  He,  the  son, 
joined  McClellan's  army  and  was  killed  at  the  battle  of  the 
Wilderness,  where  he  was  fighting  in  the  foremost  ranks. 

Priscilla  Elvira  Parker  (see  page  213),  (^lincy.i 
Ebenezer,^  Thomas y-  Andrew ^'^  yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^), 
dau.  of  Quincy  and  Patience  (Brooks)  Parker,  was  b.  in 
Princeton,  April  26,  1809.  She  was  teacher  in  the  High 
School,  Providence,  R.  1.  She  was  a  very  kind  hearted  and 
worthy  lady.  For  many  years  before  her  death  she  kindly 
assumed  the  care  of  the  children  of  her  then  deceased  sister, 
Mrs.  Eunice  Herrick.  She  d.  Nov.  6,  1872,  aged  6-^,  and 
was  buried  in  the  family  grave-yard  at  Princeton. 

259.  Ira  Parker  (^cmcy,^  Ebenezer,^  Thomas y^  Andrew,^ 
yohn,^  Hanamah,^  Thotnas^),  son  of  Quincy  and  Patience 
(Brooks)   Parker,  was  b.  in  Princeton,  April   16,   1814;  m. 


Maria  Haskell,  dau.  of  Moses  and  Kezia  (Warner)  Haskell 
of  Providence,  R.  I.,  the  latter  being  of  the  Warner  family  of 
Seekonk,  Mass.  He  was  a  very  industrious,  hard-working 
man  ;  like  his  family  was  a  good  mechanic  and  enjoyed  agri- 
culture as  a  recreation.      He  d.  in  Ashburnham. 

Their  children  were  : 

Hannibal  Parker  ;  d.  young. 

394.  Charles  Hannibal  Parker,  b.  March  22,  1839;  m.  Abby 
J.  Rockwood  of  Ashburnham. 

Gilbert  J.  Parker  ;  d.  young. 

395.  Alfred  Wright  Parker,  b.  June  5,  1844  ;  m.  Clara  Hallet 
of  Yarmouthport. 

396.  Julia  Maria  Parker  ;  m.  Edward  Saftbrd. 
Josephine  R.  Parker  ;  deceased. 

397.  Frank  Herbert  Parker,  b.  in  E.  Boston,  July  24,  1852  ; 
m.  Marietta  Story  of  Newburyport. 

260.  Eliza  Parker  (^uncy,^  Ebenezer,^  Thomas,^ 
Andrew,"^  John,^  Hanamah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Quincy  and 
Patience  (Brooks)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Princeton,  Oct.  20, 
1815  ;  m.  in  Providence,  R.  I.,  Dec.  16,  1840,  Jonas  Hunt, 
b.  in  Boylston,  April  29,  1810,  son  of  David  and  Nancy  (Cut- 
ting) Hunt  of  Boylston.  They  removed  to  Clinton,  where 
he  was  a  machinist,  and  where  he  d.  Aug.  20,  1892.  She 
d.  April  20,  1892,  the  last  survivor  of  her  family  of  13  children. 
David  Hunt  of  Boylston  was  b.  in  Sudbury,  Feb.  12,  1784. 
Nancy  Cutting  was  b.  in  Boylston,  July  30,  1784.  William 
Hunt  was  the  first  of  the  name  in  New  England.  He  was  b. 
in  1605  :  came  from  Yorkshire,  Eng.,  and  settled  early  in 
Concord,  Mass.  From  him  was  descended  Isaac  of  Sudbury, 
Isaac,  Isaac,  Isaac,  then  Uriah  of  Boylston,  who  was  the 
father  of  David  above  mentioned. 

Their  children  were  : 

I.  Elizabeth  Laroche  Hunt,  b.  in  Providence,  R.  I.,  Oct.  14, 
1842  ;  m.  in  Clinton,  Oct.  2,  1873,  Salem  Wilder  of  Sterling, 
b.  in  Templeton,  Aug.  30,  1842,  son  of  Thomas  W.  and 
Martha  B.  Wilder.  They  reside  in  Clinton,  where  he  is  a 
belt  maker.  Their  dau.  is  : 
I.     Ethel  Louise  Wilder,  b.  in  Clinton,  Jan.  i,  1879. 


2.  Hanford  Lavier  Hunt,  b.  in  Clinton,  May  12,  1846;  m.  in 

Southbridge,  Aug.  26,  1874,  Flora  Booth,  b.  in  Baldwins- 
ville,  N.  Y.,  March  27,  1849,  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth 
Booth.  He  is  a  clothing  merchant  in  Willimantic,  Ct.,  where 
they  reside.     Their  children  were  : 

I.     Harry  L.  Hunt,  b.  in  Willimantic,  Nov.  12,  1877. 
II.     Willie  B.  Hunt,  b.  March  13,  1880;  d.  Aug.  10,  1886. 

3.  Alice  Louise  Hunt,  b.  in  Clinton,  Oct.  16,  1848.     She  is  a 

teacher  of  art  in  Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 

4.  Mary  Emma  Hunt,  b.  in  Clinton,  Dec.  29,  1854;  m.  June  22, 

1882,  Eben  H.  Bailey,  son  of  Oliver  and  Judith  (Howe) 
Bailey  of  Rowley,  Mass.     They  reside  in  Boston. 

261.  Sally  Parker  (^imcy,^  Ebenezer,^  Thomas^^ 
Andrew,''  JohnJ>  Hanamah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Quincy  and 
Patience  (Brooks)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Princeton,  March  i, 
1817  ;  m.  Sept.  28,  1847,  George  Brown  Thomas  of  Provi- 
dence, R.  I.  They  settled  on  the  west  side  of  that  city.  He 
was  a  member  of  the  old  firm  of  "Thomas  and  Co.,"  tailors, 
and  d.  Feb.  18,  1875.  Owing  to  her  excellent  memory  and 
regard  for  her  family  many  interesting  items  and  important 
dates  have  been  added  to  this  genealogy.  She  resides  on 
Warren  Street,  Providence,  with  her  dau.  and  son-in-law, 
John  Davis. 

Their  children  were : 

1.  Anna  Louise  Thomas,  b.  Sept.  28,   1848;  m.  June  8,   1870, 

John  Edward  Davis  of  Providence.     Their  children  were  : 
I.     Jane  Louise  Davis,  b.  Jan.  13,  1872. 
II.     Bessie  Alice  Davis,  b.  Nov.  12,  1873. 
III.     Blanche  Nathalie  Davis,  b.  Nov.  20,  1877. 

2.  Frederick  Parker  Thomas,  b.  Jan.  9,  1853  ;  d.  May  20,  1854. 

3.  Clarence  Frederick  Thomas,  b.  Nov.  20,   1857  ;   resides  in 

Providence,  unm. 

262.  Artimus  Parker  ( jitney ^"^  Ehenezer^^  Thomas ^^ 
Andrew,"^  yokn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Quincy  and 
Patience  (Brooks)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Princeton,  Feb.  22,  1819 » 
m.  Susan  Pierce  of  W.  Boylston.  They  soon  removed  to 
Boston,  and  later  to  Kansas  with  the  early  settlers  of  that 
State.     When  the  Kansas  War  broke  out  he  was  journeying 


from  Columbus,  O.,  and  a  curious  experience  he  had.  While 
proceeding  through  Kansas  on  horseback  his  attention  was 
attracted  by  a  mob,  and  curious  to  know  its  meaning  hastened 
into  its  midst.  He  was  immediately  supposed  to  be  one  of  the 
leaders  of  the  mob,  was  arrested  by  the  authorities  and  impris- 
oned for  three  months.  Later  he  gathered  his  family  together 
at  Columbus  and  there  settled.  He  d.  Oct.  8,  1864.  She 
was  b.  in  Sutton,  Mass.,  the  dau.  of  John  and  Lucy  (Carroll) 
Pierce,  who  owned  a  large  farm  there,  and  had  a  family  of  six 
sons  and  six  daughters,  of  whom  the  only  surviving  one  is 
William  N.  Pierce,  Esq.,  of  W.  Boylston.  Another  of  the 
brothers  was  Rev.  John  W.  Pierce,  a  Congregational  minister 
of  Highgate,  Vt. 

Their  children  were : 

Susan  Emily  Parker,  b.  Oct.  10,  1848  ;  m.  Sept.  21, 1872,  William 
H.  Ward,  and  removed  to  Skovvhegan,  Me.     They  have  : 

1.  Walter  Newell  Ward,  b.  July  17,  1875. 

2.  Ethel  Carroll  Ward,  b.  July  20,  1880. 

3.  EsTELLA  Parker  Ward,  b.  March  14,  1883. 

4.  Wilder  Wheeler  Ward,  b.  March  9,  1885. 

263.  Quincy  Parker,  Jr.  ( .^incy ^^ Ebenezer ,^  Thomas ^^ 
Andrew,'-  yohn,^  Uananiah,^  Thomas^),  son  of  Quincy  and 
Patience  (Brooks)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Rindge,  N.  H.,  Jan.  12, 
182 1.  Most  of  his  childhood  days  were  spent  in  Rindge,  but 
he  was  for  a  while  in  Princeton  and  Boylston.  At  14  he 
started  out  to  earn  his  own  living,  and  at  16  he  determined  to 
learn  the  moulder's  trade,  entering  the  High  Street  Foundry, 
Providence,  R.  L,  in  which  city  his  mother  was  living.  The 
trade  he  mastered  in  two  years.  Wishing  to  see  something  of 
the  world  he  left  home  and  let  himself  as  a  sailor  on  the  whale- 
ship  JVew  England  of  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y.,  bound  for  S. 
America.  He  felt  perfectly  at  home  on  board  ship  and  easily 
distinguished  himself  among  his  fellow-sailors.  Prizes  were 
offered  by  the  captain  for  the  one  who  first  saw  the  whale. 
He  was  the  first  to  win  the  prize.  He  loved  to  race  his  com- 
panions about  the  rigging,  being  exceptionally  quick  and 
strong.  For  six  years  he  cruised  at  sea  and  visited  Talque- 
hama,   Callao,   Lima  and  all  places  of  any  note  along  the 



QyiNCY  Parker,  Jr. 


coast  of  S.  America.  Like  many  sailors  much  might  be  said 
about  his  travels,  his  narrow  and  miraculous  escapes  from 
drowning,  sunstrokes,  etc.  In  the  employ  of  the  Peruvian 
government  he  explored  the  Andes  Mts.  and  the  wild  parts  of 
Peru.  After  satisfying  his  love  for  romantic  adventure  and 
witnessing  many  wonderful  things  he  shipped  for  home.  The 
captain  of  the  vessel  was  a  tyrant  and  was  soon  universally 
hated  by  the  crew.  While  at  sea  he  safely  escaped  from  the 
ship  and  came  the  remainder  of  the  way  upon  other  vessels. 

Returning  home  to  Providence  he  gave  his  mother  and 
friends  a  great  surprise,  as  they  had  received  no  word  from 
him  and  all  supposed  him  dead.  In  Providence  he  again 
worked  at  the  moulder's  trade,  at  which  he  was  a  very  effi- 
cient workman,  and  continued  at  the  Franklin  Foundry  for  24 
years.  In  1848  he  was  m.  to  Almira  Kent  of  Eaton,  N.  Y. 
They  settled  upon  Smith  Hill  in  Providence,  where  he  still 
resides.  Since  the  death  of  Milton  Parker,  his  youngest  son, 
he  has  engaged  in  the  florist  business  at  his  home,  besides 
being  the  maker  oi  Parker's  Premium  Tomato  Catsup.  Mrs. 
Almira  (Kent)  Parker,  after  a  severe  illness,  d.  Jan.  30,  1888. 
He  m.  (2)  Nov.  20,  1889,  Emerancy  Kent,  sister  to  his  late 

His  children  were : 

398.  Eugene  Costello  Parker  ;  m.  Adelia  O.  Barker. 
Almira  Eunice  Parker  ;  resides  with  her  father  in  Providence. 

399.  Clara  Emu  Parker  ;  ni.  Lorenzo  Dupony. 
Milton  Parker  ;  d.  at  age  18. 

Eugene  B.  Parker,  b.  March  28,  1849;  d.  Feb.,  1850. 
QuiNcy  K.  Parker,  b.  Jan.  i,  1853  ;  d.  Aug.,  1855. 
A  child,  b.  and  d.  April  8,  1861. 

264.  Eunice  Parker  (^tncy,^  Ebenezer,^  Thomas,^ 
Andrew,'^  yohn,^  Hananiah,^  Thomas^),  dau.  of  Quincy  and 
Patience  (Brooks)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Rindge,  N.  H.,  Aug.  i, 
1822  ;  m.  George  Herrick.  He  won  for  himself  the  title  of 
Colonel.  He  was  a  volunteer  in  the  R.  I.  State  militia  ;  was 
active  in  many  engagements  and  was  wounded  at  the  battle 
of  Gettysburg.     She  d.  1849. 

Their  children  were  : 


1.  Edwin  Thomas  Herrick,  b.  in  Providence,  R.  I.,  March  28, 

1846;  m.  Jennie  Knight,  an  adopted  dau.  of  Edwin  Knight. 
Their  children  are  : 
I.     Fannie  Herrick;  aged  15. 
II.     George  Herrick;  aged  11. 

2.  Mary  Emma  Herrick,  b.  in  Providence,  March  20,  1848  ;  m, 

(i)  in  Providence,  May  21,  1874,  James  H.  McClenthan,  son 
of  James  H.  and  Caroline  V.  McClenthan.  She  m.  (2)  in 
Minneapolis,  Minn.,  April  14,  1887,  Watson  S.  Taylor,  son 
of  Hector  J.  and  Maria  Taylor,  b.  in  Jefferson,  N.  Y.,  May 
5,  1850.  He  is  superintendent  of  the  Red  River  Lumber  Co. 
and  they  reside  in  Crookston,  Minn.  Her  children,  all  b.  in 
Minneapolis,  were  : 

I.     Mabel  McClenthan,  b.  Oct.  15,  1876. 
u.     Frederick  H.  McClenthan,  b.  Aug.  18,  1880 ;  d.  July 

3,  1881. 
III.     Herrick  McClenthan,  b.  Feb.  18,  1882. 

265.  Louisa  Parker  (Ebenezer^'^  Ebenezer ,^  Thomas ^^ 
Andrew^''  yohn,^  Uanantah,^  Thomas^)^  dau.  of  Ebenezer, 
Jr.,  and  Hannah  B.  (Merriam)  Parker,  was  b.  in  Princeton, 
Dec.  13,  1806;  m.  April  lo,  1828,  Eli  Walker,  b.  March  2, 
1802,  son  of  Hezekiah  and  Lucy  (Raymond)  Walker  of 
Holden.  They  lived  first  near  the  homestead  in  the  house 
adjoining  that  of  Israel  Howe  ;  second,  in  W.  Boylston,  being 
principally  upon  that  place  which  is  still  occupied  by  their 
family.  She  d.  Feb.  24,  1884,  her  death  resulting  from  a  fall. 
He  belonged  to  a  sturdy  and  long  lived  family.  In  his  eighty- 
fourth  year,  then  still  smart  and  active,  but  very  deaf,  he  was 
struck  by  a  railway  train,  causing  his  death,  June  9,  1886. 
All  who  knew  him  felt  the  loss  of  a  kind  neighbor  and  a  valu- 
able citizen. 

Their  children  were  : 

1.  Melville  Walker,  b.  Dec.  14,  1828;  d.  March  21,  1829. 

2.  Julia  Maria  Walker,   b.  Feb.  3,   1830;    m.   May  4,   1852, 

Lovell  A.  Lesure,  son  of  Simeon  of  Uxbridge  and  Hopy 
(Lovell)  Lesure  of  W.  Boylston.  He  is  well  known  as  a 
carriage  maker  and  resides  in  Oakdale,  where  she  lived  until 
her  decease,  which  occurred  Aug.  5,  1889.  Uniting  in  early 
life  with  the  Baptist  Church  she  filled  with  great  Christian 
activity  and  zeal  many  important  offices  in  the  Church   and 


mission  circles  while  faithfully  fulfilling  with  love  and  devotion 
all  her  home  duties  as  wife,  mother  and  friend.  She  was  a 
very  active  member  and  treasurer  of  the  Woman's  Christian 
Temperance  Union,  and  her  words  of  encouragement  did 
much  to  cheer  the  heai'ts  of  her  co-laborers.  Dea.  Lovell 
Lesure  m.  (2)  Sept.,  1890,  Mrs.  Sarah  Martin  of  West 
Boylston.     The  children  of  Julia  Maria  (Walker)  Lesure  were  : 

I.  Carrie  Maria  Lesure,  b.  Jan.  23,  i860;  m.  Sept.  10, 

1885,  Alfred  H.  Evans,  son  of  Rev.  William  H.  and  M. 
(Barber)  Evans.     Their  children  were  : 

1.  Helen  Barber  Evans,  b.  Sept.  12,  1886. 

2.  Ada  Lesure  Evans,  b.  July  23,  1887. 

3.  Ralph  Curtis  Evans,  b.  Jan.  9,  1892. 

II.     Waldo  Haskell  Lesure,  b.  Oct.   14,   1866;  m.  Sept. 

26,   1889,  Annie  G,  Hastings,  dau.  of  George  M.  W. 

and   Olive   (Lord)    Hastings.      They  have  one  son,  b. 

Sept.  16,  1890. 

III.     Ada  Chilson  Lesure,  b.  Aug.  2,  1872  ;  d.  Sept.  27,  1876. 

Their  adopted  son  was  : 

Herbert  Stearns  Lesure,  b.  Oct.  22,  1850;  adopted 
May  =5,  1857;  son  of  Abijah  and  Clarissa  M.  (Water- 
man) White.     He  is  m.  and  resides  in  Worcester. 

3.  Harriet  Sophia  Walker,  b.  Jan.  27,  1832  ;  d.  Jan.  18,  1850. 

4.  Mary  Louisa  Walker,  b.  Feb.  24,  1834;  m.  April  12,  1854, 

Milton  K.  Howe,  son  of  William  and  Eunice  (Robbins) 
Howe  of  Princeton.     Their  children  were: 

I.     Edgar  R.   Howe,  b.  June  19,  1855.     He  is  an  optician 

in  Worcester. 
II.     Walter  Arvine  Howe,  b.  Aug.  25,  1S58  ;  d.  April  6, 

5.  Melville   Edward  Walker,  b.   Feb.  23,    1836;    m.   in   W. 

Boylston,  Nov.  19,  1865,  Louise  Hutchinson  of  W.  Sutton,  b. 
in  Oxford,  Nov.  15,  1845,  dau.  of  Stephen  and  Evelyn  (Jenks) 
Hutchinson.  They  reside  in  Los  Angeles,  Cal.,  where  he  is  a 
florist.     Children : 

I.     Clarence  M.  Walker,  b.   in   W.   Boylston,  Aug.   27, 
1866;  d.  Aug.  10,  1867. 

II.  May  Walker,  b.  in  W.  Boylston,  May  13,  and  d.  May 

15,  1868. 

III.     LoLiTA  Gertrude  Walker,  b.  in  W.  Boylston,  March 

16,  1871  ;  d.  June  27,  1871. 


IV.     LoLiTA  Walker,  b.  in  W.  Boylston,  Dec.  4,  1872;  m. 
April  23,  1891,  Bernard  Berg.     Child: 
I.     CliflFord  W.  Berg,  b.  Feb.  i,  1892. 
V.     Walter   Walker,  b.  in  Pawtucket,  R.  I.,  March   16, 
1880;  d.  June  16,  1881. 

6.  Emily  Adline  Walker,  b.  Sept.  3,  1840;  m.  April  17,  1861, 

Rutillius  Dana,  son  of  George  and  Ora  (Newton)  Dana  of  W. 
Boylston.     They  reside  in  W.  Boylston  and  have  one  dau.  : 
I.     LiLA  Gertrude  Dana. 

7.  William  Raymond  Walker,  b.  May  22,  1843  ;  m.  July  15, 

1868,   Mary  Bailey,   b.    in   England,    Oct.    10,    1843,    dau.  of 
Robert  and  Elizabeth   (Butcher)   Bailey  of  England.      They 
reside  in  W.  Boylston  and  have  children  : 
I.     Franklin  Eli  Walker,  b.  Aug.  24,  1873. 
II.     Alice  Elizabeth  Walker,  b.  July  3,  1875. 

III.  Frederick  Bailey  Walker,  b.  Jan.  15,  1878. 

IV.  How^ARD  William  Walker,  b.  May  29,  1883. 

8.  Anna  Eudora  Walker,  b.  Sept.  9,  1849;  m.  in  S.  Dedham, 

Mass.,  Nov.  22,  1871,  Edward  Ross,  b.  in  Preston,  England, 
Feb.  21,  1847,  ^^^^  °^  Alexander  and  Hannah   (Tuson)   Ross 
of  England.       They  reside   in  W.  Boylston,   where   he   is  a 
mechanic.     They  have  had  three  children  : 
I.     Dillon   Walker    Ross,  b.  in   W.  Boylston,  Sept.  23, 

1872  ;  d.  July  17,  1880. 
II.     Alida  Louisa  Ross,  b.  in  W.  Boylston,  Feb.  4,  1876. 
III.     Walter  Wyman  Ross,  b.  in  W.  Boylston,  Jan.  i,  1884; 

d.  March  2,  1886. 

266.  Charles  Augustus  Parker  (Ebenczer.i  Ehene- 
zer,^  Thomas,^  Andrezv,^  'yohn,^  Hanantah,^  Thomas^),  son 
of  Ebenezer,  Jr.,  and  Hannah  B.  (Merriam)  Parker,  was  b. 
in  Princeton,  Aug.  i8,  1808  ;  m.  Dec.  18,  1834,  Sylvia  A. 
Moore,*  dau.  of  John  and  Sirena  Moore  of  Princeton.  They 
settled  upon  a  part  of  the  homestead  estate.  The  house  which 
he  built  by  the  north  side  of  the  pond  is  still  standing  and  here 

*  She  was  sister  to  Dr.  George  W.  Moore,  who  d.  in  Amherst,  N.  H.,  Sept. 
8,  1866,  whose  eminence  as  a  physician  was  well  known.  Another  brother 
was  Humphrey  Moore,  Esq.,  who  d.  in  Baltimore,  Dec,  1886,  who  gave  a 
considerable  portion  of  his  property  to  found  the  "  Humphrey  Moore  Insti- 
tute" for  the  benefit  of  young  men,  which  gives  promise  of  doing  good  work 
for  Baltimore. 


Mrs.  Sylvia  Parker  still  resides.  The  location  shares  the 
natural  beauties  of  the  old  homestead.  While  yet  a  young 
man  he  was  school  teacher  at  the  district  school  near  the 
homestead  for  several  terms.  From  his  manhood  to  the  time 
of  his  early  death  he  was  a  subject  of  asthma.  He  was,  not- 
withstanding, very  industrious  and  ambitious,  and  possessed 
much  mec